: October 22 1914 THE F L E S H E R T OX ADVANCE B THE ESTABliSHED l75 OF CANADA KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" nd paying all bills by cheque ha* many advantage*. It showt the balance on haad, the amount expended, provides receipts (or every payment and does not require a Urge deposk to begin with. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, EBB Brpchlio t Durham na Hairirtaa. MMef. C. P. R. Time Table. Markdale and Fleiherton High School : Baseball teams will play a game on the Trains leave Flesherton Station as i Agricultural grounds, Flesherton, to-day ollows Going South Going North 7.43 a. in. 11.41 a.m. 4.17 p.m. 9.12p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton ao ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and (Wed.) at 4 o'clock, Admisaion 10 and lac. Everybody come and cheer the boys to victory. Edgar, the 10-year-old son of Thos. Lawrence of Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Jersey cow and heifer calf for sale W. A. Armstrong. A car load of cement just arrived. Sangstcr Heinphill, Ceylon. Twelve young pigs for sale Jas. Hop IKS. Flesherton. Shropshire rams, ewes. Umba or shear- lings for sale. Prize winning stock. ,1. Findlay, Markdale P. 0. For Sale, Cheap 1 organ, 1 separator, good as new, 1 Klondike stove. H. Woods, Fleiherton. For Sale Cheap youn< driving mare about 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 110*) pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesn- erton. Jan. 22 For S-de A few egg vata in prime or- der, suitable for aoft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also a good, second hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton, Ont. 'Individual Instruction permits you to enter any day at the M* OWEN SOUSZ>, OXT., : is recognized as the moat thor ough, practical Business School i in Canada. Expert Instructors. Our own three story College lint*. Graduate guaranteed a po -5* jRmfciou. J^ Get our snceesw buck M C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., j Principal, D. FLEMISG Secretary OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO VICINITY CHIPS , __ Vickert. was accidentally 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as, shot fe Jos Hamlet a youna English- 3.40 o clock. For morning tram south i * ailcloset9p.in. the previous ev'g- ! M - As there was gross carelessnes. therewith some penalty will no doubt be i attached. i Mrs. James Patton has purchased the , ' handsome little bungalo* oppoiite the Pirk House from \V. A. Armstrong and i will come to town to reside. It will be Mr. W. Btukin and family spent Sun- reraembered tha t Mr. Patton wa killed day in Owen Sound. by s horae ne;lr Quelph last tptioR. We Mr. Harry Goodman of Toronto has ! tender a hearty welcome to Mrs. Pttton. taken a position on the Advance Stiff. Ladies '. remember to attend tha W. Mr. Joe Alexander left for Dundalk M- S. Convention in the Methodist on Monday, the winter. Kev. Andrew Wilson of Dexter, Mich, is visiting his ouly siter, Mrs. J. W Armstrong, here this week. "' Mt.Tncr'MrsrC. H. Munshaw. and here he has a situation for i * baKh on Frid y next ' Se ' sloni t**'" ! at 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 7.00 p. m. Mrs. ' (Dr ) Wilmott.Torcnto, is the principal speaker. Dinner and tea will be provid- ed in tha church for all who come from a distance. Saturday, October 31 it to be "Tag Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley, visited , Qay ,, JQ Fleshertou iu ald of the neglect- friends in Colhngwood on vSunday. j e d children in Grey county, wbeo all Mr. and Mrs. A. Harpell of Toronto i places of business will be visited and all ire visiting the latter's parents. Mr. nd ' pedestrians will be solicited to aid in the Mrs. John Bellamy. I safing of the coming aeneration. Only Rev. H. E. Kemp of Heathcote occu- | a '3 wil1 * ^' u ftom mat) >' pied the pulpit of the Methodist church solicitations. Sunday morning and evening. , The Advance tenders congratulations Mr. J. FinUy. Markdale. look first l Mr - " d MlJ ' w - T Hodgs m, whose for o-year-old carriage colt at Feversham ; weddi "S announcement appear* el.e- driver The w ' iere - A *' lss kthel Trimble the bride i was known as one of Flesherton's n>ot charming and popular young ladies. The fair, and second for lady list as primed was iu error. Mr. Frank LeXiard of (llenside Sask arrived here on Friday night to visit his. uncle, Mr. H. C. LeGard and other ceremony took pUce on Saturday and the btidal couple motored to Orangeville where they tcok train. They will be at home in Owen Sound after Nov. I. The glib-tongued agents of the C.l'.R. who sold property in this district a cuupla of years asjo. are now charged by some parties in this vicinity wiih having mis For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dwelling, good cellar and water, frame stable and shed. Also a vacant lot for sale. Possession given at once. -'I,.- Shunk, Flesherton. For sale or rent A brick house with frame kitchen, good well and stable. Apple, cherry, plum trees and all kinds of small fruit on place. Will sell cheap for caah. GEO. A. BELLAMY, Fleaherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R . J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap aad on easy terms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 cres. Thin is a drat clasa farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn &nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. MAIL CONTRACT TEMDKKS addressed to the Post master General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the Oth Nov. L >1 *. for the conveyance of HU Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six times per week each way Fletheiton No. 1 and Rural Route, from the Pustmaatbr General's Pleasure next. Princed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Unices of Fleaherto.i, Feversham, Maxwell, Rock Mills and at the Office of the Post Office Ins t >ector at Toronto. Post Ortica Inspector's Ottice, Toronto, September 23rd, 1914. A. SUTHERLAND Post < )lK"e Inspector. For Sale Cheap and on e;isy firms comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- tou : good well on premises ; also I' uk lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation wiih bru thereon. R. J. Sproule. | Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 School Children's Eyes. friends here for a couple of months. Mrs. J. D. Clark and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of Ottawa, also Dr. and Mrs. Ern Armstrong of Cobalt, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickliog. Mr. and Mrs. Crane of Owen Sound r epre , SI , te d facts, and an effort is'beiog visited the latter part of last week at made lo have saleK canoe ii e d and money Mr. W. W. Tumble's, and attended the reflm(led with interest. We arc- inform- Hcdgson-Trimble nuptials. ! ^ th(lt the com , )8Dy h; .s ottered to re- Mr. Maxlield Boswell of Prince F.d- fund the money without interest In some ward Island, and Miss Speck of Niagara cases, but this is not satisfactory and the Fal's were the guests of Mrs. Dan Me- matter is likely to go to court. Tavish, recently. The p res byterinn Young People's In- The Flesherlon Women's Institute ' stitute will meet in Eugenia, Thursday, will hold a fowl supper at the home of , October 22. This is not a meeting for Mrs. R. Best, on Wednesday, Oct. 28th, children but for young men and women for members and husbai.ds only. Tea w iih the hope of interesting many more served at 7 o'clock. in civil and religious works. All adults Dr. Burt, spcialist in diseases of the j are invited whether members of Young eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at [ People's Societiei or uot irrespective of the Munshaw House, Flesherton, for ; denomination. Afternoon and evening consultation. Wed., Oct. 28. Eyes tes- , sessions will be held and Dr. McGillu- ted and glasses supplied. Mr. Archie McLean has purchased H. Woods' lot and residence in town and will move thereto at once. We extend a hearty welcome lo Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Lean. Mr. Woods goes to Stratford, where he has interests. On the evening prior to her marriage, a number of the friends of Miis Ethel Trimble met at Miss Ella Karatedt's and gave Miss Trimble a miscellaneous show- er. A jolly evening was spent l>y tht young ladies. The Hyland people expect t > have J<o. 2 dam at Eugenia completed about Nov. 16- They are now rushing work on the power house in the valley and have about 5O men employed there. They have the cement foundation nearly completed and will soon be at the brick work. It now transpires that the Ambursen Co. do not purpose putting the big dam up to its full he-ght this fall, but sufficient to hold back enough water for present require- ments, and will add the balance next summer. ray Convener of S. S. and Y. P. S. fur the Presbyterian church in Canada will be present and address both sessions. As Eugenia is busy.oh, so busy ! the Ex- ecutive decided un picuic style so all bring loaded baskets and oblige. Mr. T. Biakeley ha taken a partner in the planing mill and chopping busi- ess in the person of Mv. W. Henry, a, recent comer to the village. The tirm name is now Biakeley and Henry. This will mean greater expansion in business and mere promptitude iu turning out 1 work. Since coming to Flesherton last spring Mr. Henry has proved himself a i good citizen and success for the new firm is Imped for by all. A new doubla chopper with 13-inch plate was recently installed in tbe mill, and this adds very materially to the speed with which work is done. On Saturday last 1(JO bags were run through, and on Monday 160 bags. Mr. Biakeley says the new and much larger chopper does not require as much power as the older and smaller machine. At an enthusiastic nd largely-attended meeting of the members of East and South Grey Liberal-Conservative Associ- ation, held in Duadalk, officers were elected and organization carried out of Married Trimble At Flesherton, on Saturday, October 17tb, by Rev. .laires Dudgeon, j Miss Ethel B. Trimble, to Mr. W. T. the new riding of South East Grey for j Hodgson of Owen Sound. Ihe Dominion House, necessitated by the McFayden Fadden In Artemesia, Redistribution Bill, which gives Grey ! on Thursday, Oct. 15, by Rev. A. McVicar, County only two members instead of , Miss Berths Fadden, to Colin Alexander three, as heretofore. The meeting was ! McFayden presided ovex' by Mr. Jas. S. Wilson of i Hanover, and the following officers were elected: President, Wm. Breese, Chats- worth;vice-pres.,Dr.L.(!.Cinpbell.Maik- Died diile ; see., J. W. Tucker, Markda'.e ; t roast.. Dan McTavish, Flesherton , aud- itors, W. J. Bellamy, Iiwm Morrison. The next annual meet ing will be held in Durham in June. Chislett At Ceylon, ou Sunday. Oct. 18, Catharini- Cliis-leU, beloved wife of John T. Chislett, aged 5!> years. Leppurd At Eus*eni;i. on Monday, (>ct. 1!), Thomas, son of James Leppiud, ' aged 20 years. LOST AND FOUND Gun Lost Between r'leaherti>n and Euyeria, in case. Finder please leave at Advance ottice. Strayed To my preraiies ua October 10th, one Yorkshire sow and one Hamp- shire sow. Albert tlill, Kimberley. Colts Striyed Two brown colts, 1 yearling, 1 twu year old. Information thunkfully received. Alei. Cameron, Eugenia. Telephone. Lost On Tuesday. Sept. L'2, at Cey- lon. Flesherton or between, two live dolltg: bill*. Finder will Le rewarded by leaving ar this ottice. Hound Strayeil From Flesherton. last March, bla'.-k and white hound. Five dollars reward will be paid. Goo. Stuart, Ceylon P. t >. Sow Strayed-- From my premises about the illih f September, white sow, weijjIiitiK between 'J'M) and .'(0(1 uounds. Finder please communicate with Chas. Be>t, Flesheiton. MISCELLANEOUS To Rent-- A brick house and double I lot, opposite the high school. Apply to J. T. t'aiker, Flesherton. Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestnin in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. ONIONS Both large and small ones for pick ling. Two cents per pound for leu Ibs Wanted large second hand boi heat- iuu stove, must be cheap and in reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jsu.-2 A few carrots foi one cent a pound Telephone -J. S. BITHAXAN The Durham Furniture Co. has 1000 , cords of wood fr.r .sale at Rock Mills. I Price 76c. per cord. Can be bought in large or snmll i|uantities. J. ' >. Dnrgav- ! el in charge. 1 Jan. 15. I I: ANADIAN PACIFIC Mark Kverette Wrijht, organist and choir master of the Methodist church, Flesherton, te.icher of piano, organ and voice. Mr. Wright holds credentials i from conservatoiies of music where he has taught, also from eminent doctors and teachers in New England conserva- tory, Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Steinw^y H:ill, New York city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are open for concert engagements. In the library Thursday evening the Board held an iaiportaDt aiul interesting meeting. The treasurer reported the financial standing as do<|U.-iti % to meet all payments due at tbe end of the lib- vary year. Helpful donations Ivvd been made by the villasje council and Women's Institute, nil of which are hereby grate- fully acknowledged. As the township of Artemesi* is likewise a benefactor it is hoped the council may see its way clear to help in this deserving t'lucational work before the close of the year. Fleaherton has won prestige, and rightly 30, in intellectual work, and we trust both tbe village and township will join hands in maintaining the hivh status. The board agreed to the following : (a) to send a representative to the Library Institute at Owen Sound; the F.ducn- tional Department pays expenses and gives a donation of h've dollars In all lib- raries thus represented in the Associa- tion ; (b) place tbe fee for new subsctib- e to the library at 'Jo? until Feb. 1, 1915, and $1 until Feb. 1, UU6. Sub- scribe now ni;d get the benefit of the extended time ; (c) remove, all books discovered to le unworthy of tli ' library shelves. Twu w ere discovered ind re- moved. Winter Tours TO THK LAND OK SUNSHINE AND SIMMER DAYS (.'AUFORXIA FLORIDA, LOUISIANA. KTC Limited trains leave Tunintu daily. m.ikiiu .lireet ciinnt'ction at Uetrnit anil l>nlf.ili> fin the Smithrrn States, and at ('liicagu fi>r Call forniti, etc. Tlnw c<>iitriiil>latiiig a trip nf any n.itiin slnm!d ci nsiilt Canadln i Pac-iti-' Ticket Ai{ ents, who will l>r pleased to nuot" rarcs. ar !'' re>*t'rvatioiiH. anil 'Attend to all detail: in iiinnectinn with yuir trip, or \uit<- M. t; Murphy. District Passentrer A|?eut. curnei King aiul VaOfla Streets, Toronto. S. RANDS, Agent, Ceylon. XVI Accuracy ^ and k Penetration High Power" Repeating* Rifle No. 425 List Price $20.00 .25 I'.-C Itfniiiii.l 1 "' Al Cartri'lyi-s, ; Big Game Rifle that Makes Good. ^^ -.* ^f A 'ire No Balks XoJams . Onll,,.,.i ! .>..rDoj!or. i X ^-' Send fnr IhindNinicly llliisliJlcJ fa^ KineC-alalnK.No.lt, ' J. Stevens Arms & fool Co., S -. Y li v >'. Chicopee Falls. Mass. THIS World - Wide War has created demand for newspapers unprecedented in history. The fact that Canada is in a state of war aloug with the mother country and their Allies against the combined forces of Germany and Austria and the further fact that Canadian troops are now on the firing line, will have the effect of increasing our interest in the struggle. The ADVANCE clubbed with The Toronto Morning World will be mailed to subscribers from now to the 1st of January, 1916, for $3.50. Think of it! A morning daily paper and a weekly paper 15 months for only $3.50. Take advantage of this special offer at once as we are ob- liged to reserve the right to withdraw it without notice as the ramifications of the war may cause a very rapid increase in the cost qj white paper, which will mean a much higher price for your newspaper. SUBSCRIBE NOW R. J. COLQUETTE Fevers ham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshntt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements. Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engine*. Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable tittmgs. Cockshutt and Frost Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Welliogon Stree. Feoersbam, Ontario. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For every town aud district wliere we a not represented. FVuits are bringing high prices and scry stock is in de'u.imi. MAKE Bl'l MONEY N 'W ty ak ing an agency. BEST TIME f. r vassina; is during the Summer months. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment Exclusive territory Highest Commissions paid Write for fu'.! particulars. StonR & Wellington Foothill Nurseries TORONTO - ONTARIO What About -THAT- Baby Carriage Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! Now ia the tima to purchase yur Verandah Chairs, on. sle fcr $6.50 a Pair Nthini; like them fur Comfort. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DELER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton Ontario. Farm to Rent Lots 41 and 4L>, :'.nl ran-o E. T. S. K.. Ai-iemesia. I'll acres. ~~> cleared. , orchard, brick houe. ijnil i-utlmildit!!}*. well watered. Would rent fur term vi yours. Apply to " not 14 't. SINCLAIR. Fleshert.'ii. Potatoes Wanted Two Car Loads of Good Potatoes Wanted Current Market Prices Paid. I - M. SCULLY & CO., Flesherton. Fleshier-ton Tonsorial Parlors 1 We Aim to Give Eutire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket cl.,.-> ui^ht, delivery Friday eveaiag CLEANING and DYEING \*> are ns>Mits for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feiuhors rejuvenated. T" FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR BILL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred ihorthuru bul Field Mar-lill :<>>'.n will be fo crv ice en lot 17ti. T. .s. R. Artemeaia Terms $1 . A..- JAS. STINSON, Prop. HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure lived Hereford bull for service ;i lut 171. l!rd \\'.T.S U.. ArtL'iiu'.-i'i. Terms S:! for puro breds. fl..">0 for AH cows sorved -.uust he t'lid -T. A j. WATSON. 1 i:m: 14 Fast Pure Bred Holstein Buil Montreal. Toronto, Detroit, Changeling Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Butter Boy ou Chicago Train Service. ' of Titiy Abbekerk Princess Josephine Thex-' *nli'! If !n\f train.", carrvi::^ library -coraprtin<int-ob8ervatioi>ears,electrie, litchtvil "tantlnrt ileir. togetht'r with ."t;\n- ilard dining rar service rwt-*en Montieal, 'rmviitn. LH'tri'ie. CliiiMK". via Canadian Pa- citir and Mu-liigiui Central railrondu, .ire known aa "The Canadian." anil oporateil daily thrciiRh tin- Michigan Centra! twin tubi-s be- tween \Viinlsiir ami Uetr'>ic. Westbiuuid : Lea' intf Montrwl -S. t."> a. in.. arriving Ti>r>'iiti> "i.4n |>. in. : leaving Toronto li.li> p. in., leaving London '' -'W|'- m., arriving Windsor, 12.10 a. m., uriiving Detroit 11.35 p. m . central time: leaving Uecioit tl..V<p. in., nniving Cliicag" 7.4."> a in. I Ka^tbuiind : Leaving Chicago !>. 10 p. m.- L-entral time : arriving Detroit : M. (.'. R. De- 1 put 12.3S a.in. : leaving Detroit, M.C.R. de- pot, l-.W a. m.: leaving Detroit. Fort Street, 11.40 p. in., leaving Windsor. C.P.R.l.S' .i.m. eastern time, leaving Windsor. M. C. K. LX>- pot. '.'.M a. m.. leaving London 5.1"> ^v m.; arriving 1' >ronto S.30 a. in.: leaving Toronto '.i.OO a. 'in.: arriving Monfeat li.l" p. in. Full particulars from Canadian I'aciHe ticket agents, or write M. <i. Murphy. I M* tiict I'a.-.-'iMiger A;,'ent. greatest butter uiakins{ strain kn > Term of service $l.oO for grades, puro brcii. GEO. M.ORE &SON. Props.. Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Uert ford bolt lor service on lot 151, ^nd. W. T. and S. R., Artemisia Terms SI. 50 cash. -JOHN ADAMS, Prop. Farm For Sale liX) acres, Ij miles from Fleshertou. Good buildings, easy teims. -JOHN \VRIO UT. Flesherton. A couplo of Durham boys, also two from tileneU *' w be "ore Majjlsti-ale TilforJ l't>t v,o'< ou a charge of ii8 * orderly conduct at the township hall t tbe last F:ir HUTS' Club. They were fined Chickens $2 and costs each. Chronicle, i Turiceys IHE mm Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat .81 15lol 1 Oats 40 to 45 p.m $1 12 to 1 M Barley 55 to 32 Hy Butttr K'n,'st fresh per bag . . . $15 CO to lo ():> 23 to 2(> -'-> -.0 2:( 40 to 4;, 12 to 10 15 to l;j 11 to 1:, 13to I;;