Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Oct 1914, p. 8

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I. Odolicr -2-2 1014 T H E F L E S H E K T () N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Farmer , and the War WH. WK111I1T. TKI.KOUH ,V: McUONALU Barrister, Bolloltom, .Vo. (iflli-e. liny * II,,,.. i: I lltoek. KletluTton, iSaturdavoi. W. H. 'rllorilJ'-.,l. C. McDonaH, b. i.. H. \V. H. Wright, Written for The Advance Ho! i.irnn'is nf this County, Thu call .Hies for h t, day I : ..it:-, nnd for p .' .it... s, Which we must M nil .way. U ID SOCIKTIKS W uieeti ou he last Monday lo help In feed our army ,-!, mouth, tn their lociiio _room ^ (f w | |jcll W(> |ii(1(jt ( . ik(J care| Claytoit'* >7al'l KiesriaVtoiiT at'ti p.uT M. W.. W. J. lUIU'nv ; H'.'.. O. 11. Munslia I - j. neiiamy ; no., v/. n. wuu>ii>w: And then there < Fiaiue u id .. K. J, Kproule. VuUloK brothrso luvited \\ lio uco need a (hue. PllISCE ARTHL'H I.ODOE, No A M. m*eu iu tht Masonic liall. Arm - or before the M.; .leilit-rton. every lull uiocn T. lllakflcy Law, -c . i r'ni v pOURTyLRHHKUTON, 993, I. 0. F. OUirton'i Block the lait Wednesday each mouth. Vlaltlon Forter heartily f leaw i.ay'.luM to U 'Kln. Sec. before the first month. HOBKN FKlEN08-Fle.herton Council C T. BIlieltY: Rtcorder W. H. Hunt. itmce at reaacnable raten. Date .-a ie at The Advance, o W MEDICAL D K C ' M C t * 8 Ont. Pbyilcltn, Sur^rcn etc Offc* od iid*nc-PUr it.. Pletberton JP OTTEWELL Vttnnry I.. \ i-.v Ob fiiiiner*, here secure an I safe, How little do y.m know ^' How loud the cry goes up toiUy Of misery and woe. 'ii'nil -^"^ ' lu * lue "Despots" cruel sway Would keep his subject* down And spread hii mle to other lands, All f .i his own renown. Itut h.- il lind out he'll ore 1 to change And mend his little way, And ere he gets his own sweet will For I'.ritain stands for right ap.d tiuth And justice all the time; \ml what she's [iromiied she'll fullil In every land and clime. And Iliitain guards, and Britain keeps And IMI mi rules thu w-ives And Britain's sons will light and die I', it never will be slaves. And Britain's nous resumidcd i|uick W hen e'er the call wunt forth S. G. Teacher*' Convention , '""""y-" Ui"ryis the story of the ___ luiiiiaii race ; it enables UH to prevent The annual convention of the t etcher* evil and to brin about reforms; it of South 'Jiey was held on Thursday and \ " lde(( *" ; inriiice ix the cause ..-f Friday, Oet. Haul!', in Klohertoii high ovil ' leh*r can therefore help to de- hchool. There was a larger numbji' of "ix-.e it ; they can teach patriotism and teachers present than ever before at such ' in d "'"K lllilf '"' ""biased judgment ..f a meeting. Mr. 11. G. Holland, the il><> policies of nations should be preh* it - i'd to show that our country was not always in the right ; glorify our freedom; stick to truth ; dwell on great men "^ our land and of others. In the afternoon an aildreiH on " The teacher .- a eitiy.eo' ". was very ably and forcibly delivered by llev. Mr. McVccar. Teachers must be henlthy ami active ; they must do more than teach; they should do what is right regardless of piiblic opinion, and be nrntis of intelli- gence which would transform the world. The intellectually trained should have charge of the government. The teaching profession is clusely related to the min- istry and has a glorious place to till in this world. The last put of the progiam consisted if a paper on English Literature by Mr. win in the chuir. After the opening exorcises liy Kev. '!. 0. Kerr, Mr. T. Chard of Rock Mills avo an d- drcs on Current KvuntK. " The ad- dii-.-s was in three divisioni 1 Yaluu of current evonls in teaching other suli- ji'cts ; 'i the educational valuu of tlii .study I i the chilli ; I! ntrlhod nf .study. Current events lu>lp in th<: study of his- ] tory. They intere><t the child in imiioni , anil ho* they come t lie stlcll. History j in lieiiiK made Very <|iiiukly to day and it jis important that every child should know what is ^uinv on. Then, too, the 'study of civics is asisted when a uew ! to\viishi|i cuuncil, legislative assembly, 1 priMiiier, governor general, etc., i put in otlije. Then is the Lime to li",v thu pupils how we are governed. Thus the cau be course is made interest in. (ieography [ J,,l|y of Walters Kails. He said he kry ttrttt. Thli FribytcrUo Cbarcb. itreet roni They hastened from the Eist and West, ^ g geography outb And fnun the South and North. should also be taught by current events. Now is the lime to teach Uelgium and Mexico. Wheil there is a Hua disaster coinmcreial routes may be i.miilit, and when ui u HI)II|II.I|M- i..- -in - it should lie noticed. The hydro-electric .schemes of the province c-in be n; i!i.-.-.i in leaching And so it comes Cinadian boys Are in the firing line, , And we may well be proud nf them DENTISTRY Dr E C MURRAY I.. O. S , dentil turgton ] ., bono, K/adu.t* ol Toronto Univ.-r.ity .u,l I 1 or tney indeed are line. Kc>: College ol ll*uUI 8urRcon ol Ontario, UM tatawwtcnd for teetb Xtraotlon OXcc t rwidecce, Toronto Street. FIei;erton LECAL l!ul those of in who' re Irfi behiixl \Ye hv a du'y t<', Sn si i/e the blessed privilfga^ That no* is ien Y()C. i tin.- province. Itul 1 apart fnun M.i< value, the study of cur- rent events should be curried on for the value it is to the child. Tim man is . best educated who can intelligently dis- cuss those events that tike plice about him. Tins, then, is an important fctudy, mid if properly carried out is sure to arouse an inteiest in the daily paper .i i . . i than at present manifested. The CfAB. liANEY * hKNllY-Harrljter..! There's honour far the m in who s'and.s i Le8t W *V to ukc u l' current events is lo ^^iicuor.,00.^1.^1. Luc... h. a.i oaiti . | Btfh . nd the Bim , Uow have a little essay written on the l>ard ^"3:^?Jal^rnVa"*hl k ock. ld fconf 1 fl ) 5I i But just a8 much we need the man i c ch *y d w'8' U P tu liv ""' liN I' er btancl. Jtticf at Duuilalk open every (Saturday. W j )() wa ||, s behind t( le plough, day or n '* ve a "thool newspaper. t [)UD<Ulk o|>en every Ktturdty. BUSINESS CARDS i*CVL!X)UCiH * YOUNG I l K-rf Markiltlr ccrtl b*ukiuK boeioeee. llooey loaned rti i.* 1 -' Call oo ui. Who n-.ilic- behind the plough. The army needs to be well fed, And tended well with ctre, So open up your grannies And MM y. 'in little shirt*. Yet "pe:i up y MU yr-inarit- And open up youi heart And nhnw, ' ' in nli.iii yorman ton < ' in iiuMy do their |MII. day or Irtve a school newspaper. In the afternoon a very excellent lee. lure was jjiven on the Teaching of Kui{- lish Composition by Dr. Morgan, princi- pal oi tl < Hamilton Normal School. Composition is lha art of tellint; what we want to my. In every composition there is subject mitter, then there is the per- sonality of the speaker or writer, and merely K" 1 "^ '" warn the tvachen of some things to be sure nd teach for the Kntrauce examination. Mr. Hull'said that no teacher should try to ' specially prepare " a child fo r the Kntranue examination. Build a solid foundation and there is ii'i danger. The convention, after deciding to meet next year in Thornbuiy, dismissed by hinging the National Anthem. Mr. Fetch of Thornhury announced that Kometime about the .'tOth of this month Dr. Falconer, president of the university uf Toronto, will speak in Caiksburg. Tim lecture should attract a large crowd, as Dr. Falconer it one of the greatest thinkers of this province. The proceeds of the concert, amount inx to $27.7", was voted by the teachers to the Ked Cross Society. Mr. E. \V. Ward of Mf.if. . 1. 1 was elected president for next yenr. DMcPHAIL. I.H-.I>.| Anetioneer for the Coan'.y of Grey. Terms moderate aud til 'action i .!*.-. t< 1. Tbe arrangements. 1 late* ol nil > can he uiade Tm ADVANCE attce Hceldeocc and KO.. Ceylon. MefMM The Latest News lec. t (.7. VI'M. KAlTTlNli. Licensed Auctioneer foi " the eouDtlei of (iiey and Bimeoe. Faru and Stock ulei a ipecialtjr. Termi O.o4*-rat* tatihfactiou guarantied. Arrange- ment* Icr dalve niav be made at 111* Advance office, or Central telephone oflice Keverihain or ly adilriMintf me at KuTersbam, Out. MI'S W I'IVH\NVN '* 8t 'y tnere ' s language. Since lion ii an art, it must be letrned gradu- ally, ll-iiuli'e |II".'IIIIMM js inuFt be ac~ eepted. There are two ulementi in com- { pMitiiui, the praulicul the grusping and The (jivateHt War in History is now on ! expressing of the thought, which a le and never since piintin^ was invented have there been -.1 !i iiniveraal need and have i.l fur the newspajier. We mill' .u i.iii'.-. :,!.., ,' by which '.. can Kiii>ply all ih-; news of ilie wide world, all Bull For Service ; tm ' nt '* s " f tlie "'" :i " (1 , ,. ( news within the limili of our Pure bred ihorthorn bull, hinperor, ' WM7, I ir s.-rvioc c.n lot HIT, W.T. 8.K., | """ l * l" lce llllil - fr '"" Artemesia. Terms 81.. ">0 for grades, frij st'iiulii"int. leaM-s not him; tn for thoroughbred*. All cows Kerveal must be paid. for. Mar. II. Vi'.,'i I'roprietor. ( all the local >wn eifcul- i bargain, desired. Ii Bull lor Service ; .. Aberdeen Auifiif. on lot (W.'Otli ion. Artemi'sn. Term*. fl.W bcf.,re 1st .Jiii. HH}.- \V. J. M May l.-i '\ . will supply our own pjpur and the. Weekly Mail and Kmpire--the two to- gether trim now till January 1st, l!U-*>, fur 25c., or the two together from now till January 1st, I'.llli, fur $I.".V This iden'ica), because ire (hink in words and the artistic or mode of expiessing the thought. At lirst do not stress the artistic element, because th.it dues not make thu expression free. Do not tiy to make children be original. I stills rxpir '.i"H. Composition at first should In- i ln.'tly oral with .nucli conversation between teacher and pupil if time per- mits. Ktoriea and picture* idiould be the ilu in. -v for diwtlHiim. The written Work should consist of single sentences Tiir: C'oM'KRT The concert held under the auspices of the Kast Urey Teachers' Institute was largely attended and artistically rendered. Those who were present will agree that there is much promising musical talent Flesherton. The selections by Mis; Wilson, Vrs. Wright, .Mis*, \Vhittakei-, Mr. Sullivan and Hev, Jones were en- I)I'.IM:IST i.-.illy ie -i iv. il. The 8ong,"men of the north," by the High School Glee t 'lull, wan excellent in its patriotic senti- ment. The beautiful trio for female voices MUM.; by Misses Trimblo and Kich- aulson and Mrs. Blackburn was full of sweet and expressive harmonies. Miss llulse, a former toacher in our High School, was piesent and rendered too violin solus with encore*. Her great populaiity was shown by the applause when her name was announced. She played with such rluencc of lechnic and - and defc-ription. The work should be ] l'f"ty o' tone that the large audience BOAR FOR SERVICE Alwi i.-L'if-tered Yorkshire I war, AN 14>1. Teiin.fl. BBNRY HOLMAN l...t 40, r.in. 4, ArtPiiiHiin, 1'ortla* i'.O tfliumr Bull for Service such as |i(.eiU in thu child, liberal ofler is good until we withdraw il, es '")' s (>f one l'<M'-*ph *I> . greati'i vain *, ii'iu leijuest that orders be sent to th otlice i-f this p.- per. Our Clubbing List Narrative be writ- are not ,,ii neccsary at first, liecnuse obe paragraph ' exhibits the same characteristics as n large t composi'.ion. Ii.cidenti for these essnys may be obtained from stories, pictures and uatui'i! study. Tn Korin 1. written work of mine than one paragraph Th following prices iro for strictly I may be brgun. pai.l in adv.ince subscriptions only. We | have no ai'i'ounlH with olhor papers. I'm. this n \ery oompreheniivi '.' (Xt! report WHS given by Mr. IMih, delegate Torunto World, daily :!00't,, the O. K. A. confireice held at Kli-sliertoii Adv.inee 9 I 0(1; V.riths Companion 1 shorthorn bull, Aberdeen itj f,,, ten i ! "ii lit -".', S.s. H.. AitemeM'i. Terms fl.."iO for ^raduii, 1'urj bred] COWH s: 1 . 00. 1'iire bred Tauuwor'h Imu for service, on the uliove lol . Turin* $l."i ( ) foi .ill animals. S.-rved nul be piid for. Farm for Sale L,t 1:10 in 1 ::_', KI--I Hack Line, Art-l fiiii'-iu 'n' i ii i " I '. acres: inMirly all cleired, .'. : . imleH fiom Flfeherton, livo, fiom MarkiUle. (i..inl orchard, hnilse. I. ink birn ;nnl i.'lin binldiiiKx; stock farm well watered, yood well, windmill, etc. | Apply i ii IIIUIIIIKCI ti> .l3oh A. llolley ( iJuno r.'ii Bull For Service 'I h i 'iti'_'iii'H'<l Shorthorn Itull, Hill crest Coveinoi, No. rt.'ilus, [or service i.ii lot '..'7. i 14, Ai-teir.i'Nia. Terms s| ."iO lor L'lwlew, S*.'! for thorou^hliredi. -ALKX. CAUKI THKIls 60 VARB> EXPERIENCE '-' IM) Toronto, 75 'HI - ll(l Toronto Dailv News Weekly L!b b- \l .n Iv i' .... I', i, ill-, Herald A .- .1 Toronto Star Farmer Sun KannerM AdvocnU' 1 Weekly \Vit.,iesi> "O I Qeoflnpby." Saturday Niht :i]H( 1 1. .in.- Joimil "' 40 "'" lone joonisi I'oiillry Iteriew Uml and (iun LEFT HIM IN IGNORANCE. Kiiilny morning the opening exercises were conducted by U.-v. Dudgeon, foi- lowiin; which a pupcr was read by Misi eiititlrd " Hints on teaching (lei.grapby dcesawiy with ion. It. shows the reation be- tween c:iuit* and ellei'l. To tei.ch it '' (l ii'i|iiiii s piepiratuin on the | art of iho " j leaelu'l' ; it shoulil b( made interesting: it .should be made to exercise (he imagi- nation ; when a lioy .M -es a lake, have him iiniigiiiu the ocean : for teacbmi; ilelinilions a oanil board is very u-i-hil; teresting. piessnrr. etc., van simple experiments. The phenomenon i'f dew, uir bo explained l-y No Wonder the Shade of Sir Itaao Newton Was Disguatad. Augustine Blrrell. iiuthor nnd stutes-.; current events must be used ; ores, vog- man, nt n newspaper men's dinner told utables, nut", wouds, surface maps mid u unique ghost story. ' newpuper rlippin^s make the work in- "I have been luiuiitetl ever since I was almost :i boy," he said, "by the constant repetition of one and the sanio (Iron in. It comes to me iignin Mm) iiKiiln. It to this: 1 clrenin 1 inn walking ubotit somewhere In some plnln or desert, nnd I suddenly encoun- ter the ngitiited ghost of Sir Isaac- Newton. He approaches me, bis eyes s i,ip. I'liconscioin teaching in school is nlinost Htai'lhiK out of Ills bend;. ho tflls ' ( Mlt | it .i ont . mo who he Is mid how Ignorant he Is After '. li address <m nddri'ss " (,'ivics ' on (ieonra was yiveii by Dr. The niltiject deals with riti/.en- CopvniQH rs Ac. AntftflC uriidtnt anlcelrh ind dMtrlnllon m Qnlrkir a<Nirtnin our opinion trvo ^''JkJ|C r '' i"ni"iiiViotlf 'iiBiitiniiM. HANDBdOR "" I'aii-iiii IIMII froe, OlilMt ni.ii. fori-curliiglitenl. I'menta taken ilirfiuli Ilium A Co. recelrt KwcM notlf , wttboai barve. In UK A haodaoinelr Ulnnratcd weekly. I*n (nfallna of any nrlenllflc Journal. Termi fix Canada. |. .:.. a year puttaKu |TB|M|.I. Huld In New York r M. Waablwlvo. IX U. of all that bus happened In thu world of science since ho loft. " 'Now,' he says. '1 want yon to tell me In n few words, for 1 have only n i|ii:iiii'i of an hour left, nil that has happened to the nice the progress. Mow Is It? I know what It was when 1 loft U. What Is It now?' My boart n ml. covered with cqu.f"in, I f** f *f ^^'r^" '^'^^^4RfF*ff* ^* T"* 1 lie, I stutter, I stammer, I be- come more and more Involved, my Ig- norance becomes moru anil more up- parent, iinil at last the unhappy ghott, throwliig up his hands, leaves me with dismay. "That drenm constantly comes to me. The only difference Is tbat the moment the uiftinppy Sir Isaac Newton sees me now he soys, 'Oh. Hint old Ijrnonunus!' ana dopnrts." Pull Mall Uucvtte. sunn' eiinsciiilis wnrk Is necessary. In sciine places piirents have no idea ol their ri'*|ionMbilitii)f, tlietefme the school inut lake up the work. Ap preiiHtii'ii of the privilege* we enjoy must be instilled ; write the liw in iheir lieartN and it will be i-liperfully obeyed; but it ii not enough to merely oU-y the luw, the ignorant can iK> that ; thry nui-i* sen illlit it. in ft piivil-)go. TaXeS ftlfl genetally iilihorri'il >lii>w tlint it is a |ii uili'!'. to pay them. Ill taking up ilir was bold -p.-'.l bound only to break out with wild .ipplause when she hud finished. !!"' soliia iii'.-jijded the beautiful para- ph ise of "I I Trovatort," "Irish Melo- dies," mid "Annie Laurie. Tribute must be paid to Miss Brown, the talrnt- ed elocutionist of Toronto who gave lev- eral recitaii ms. Her earnestness and c'.carnesi of enunciation was very pleas- ing and her power of impersonation ex- cellent. Her patriotic pieces were very opportune and forcibly rendered, while the story of "the at" wai \ery laughable. Flesherlon people look forward to when I hey hear her again. The accompiiiiists uf the evening wore Mrs. White and 1'rofessor \Vrutht. Dr.Jmnieson.M T.P. made :i very etlicient chairmiin. He gave a shoit adilri'ss toiichiug en the dllliis of those who -iro not going to light in the present war. \Vo must be literal ami do whatever we can to assist in every wty thine who are uctutlly pngngcd. The teachers were delighted with the concert mid I he way they word treated by the Klesherloii people. ____ Bad Barn Burning Struck by lightning during a severe electrical sloi m which pusaod over this district lust Thursday afternoon, the barn of Win. Lainont, lot 10, con. 10, K" irui.Mii, was l-iii 111 d to III.- ground and much of its cuntelits inotudlog the season a I'lup was OOfnpletelj destroyed. As tliresliing opeiatmns were going on at thu time, it appfius almost a miracle that life was not also taUtn since the dozen or more inon renminod in the building. \Ve>l,.y Sni'll s thivsliing machine ws in the i HI rn and in also a total loss. Im- mediat.ily nfter being struck in one wing ul the budding, tlami'S enveloped that portion and desperate but futile attempts were made by the men to snuff the Humes out with then 1 coats. Failing in that, the stock in the building wele released Mid takeu to sifety, thu only thing in tills line sull'otmg doing ft numWr of hen". While p issing through tlaming dom-:iy into the stable Dave Rohh bad the hat Ceylon's Busy Store For the next two weeka we will offer big reductions in men's and women's underwear, also in hosiery. Men's Balbrigam underwear, re^. 50c. for 35c. Ladies' vests, regular 15c. for lie. I. i-ii. - hose, regular !'. for lie. iilen's fancy BOX lor only 19c. Dig reduction in men's bats. We have our fall and winter supply of men's caps in. Something new and nifty. We also have a good supply of winter underwear, nc tiding Stanlleld's famous brands, red, blue and black. Table in boots and shoes. We are prepared for the wet weather knee hoots, and from that down, in as near waterproof ai yon can get. Just arrived.a large assortment of men's falcloth tweed and worsted pants . ; Girl Wanted for general house work, away. This week if possible. Right JAMES PATT1SON&CO. s- Farm Implements ASK US When you want information regarding any article of ta nn machinery that you are thinking of adding to your equipment. Renii'inber we are agent for the Massey-Harris and Cockshutt lines, and they, as you know, include nearly everything the farmer needs. * WE'RE HERE TO SERVE YOU- PLEASE GIVE us THE CHANCE D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT JWWWWWCH il II HARDWARE! Which Costs the most? The Stove or the fuel! \Vhen Imyin^a range, buy the one that wil save the fuel, that will last the longest, anil that will plea.se the cook, and that is the Mott'at. the satisfactory stove. Sold and guarantecn by Frank W. Duncan Hardware Merchant '. FT.KSHKI^TON, Phone 30 r 2 C ONT subject deal tirst with tho township Ik-kod from his held and burned, WiHi- t'ouneil or school board wilh respect to in 15 miiuitos after being (.truck, tho its clntiiiH and mo.le of appointnu'iii ; stiueturc wan rharci-al. It is Hiid that iniiko it doneretA by having HII election ; m r |..,| M uni had sump incurance on the n then to county council, etc. , |, nl - n but nnt-vilhalanding his loss will bo After this a paper ws read by Miss , jju-nt. The adjoining implement shed on the " Suecsful tciohinv: of ' win si\ed. Review. IMI jjji Flesherton Tin Sho i^? M I!:!! i: ! ! use. ii i i II II I I I f I Imvo jnst placed on the shelves a full line of !! are, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic " Call on me and >jet your snp{>lies. Eavetnmghing, Stovepipes and 8tove Furnish- I Ivepairing ot'all kinds promptly attended to. ripelltting, ineliidin^; pump work. Furnaecs installed. Agent for Clare l.ro?. Furnaces. X D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. /

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