Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Oct 1914, p. 1

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*> 'TBUTB BEFORE FAVOB." PBISCIPLEb NOT ME.NV ?Jl 34 No. 18 Flesherton, Ont., Tliuraday, October 20 1Q14 W. H THUHSTON E r B W.M.S. Convention A Great Success The Annual Convention of the W. M. 8. of the Owen Sound District wa* held n the Methodist church <a Friday ot last week. Mrs (Rev.) Stewart of )eu S*jund conducted the opening exercises, after which Mrs. W. H. Thuist.m welcomed the delegates and Mrs. Stewart in the | abience of Mrs. Danard r.-plied. Mrs. C-.H,k give a most ini>irin; and helpful addreM and closed by ni% .im us the com- bined watch word "Not l>y might, nor by power but by My Spirit'', and "'this is the victory that overcometh the world even your faith". Cheering report* were Driven l>y Uweu Sound First and Westside, Chatswcrth, Markdale, Rockiyn, Ki.nberley, Dundalk and Fleshertou Auxiliaries; * wen ><!::!. Markdale and Dundalk Circles; r'leaher- lon, M*rkille, Chfcisworth. Kunberley and Harkaway and. Mr. Jones, pastor o the Eugenia Cir- cuit, song two solos, which were much enjoyed. AFTERNOON SESSION The Devotional Exercise* weie c->n- du|p/l by the Dundalk Auxiliary. Min- utes of inomiog session were read and loll was called when thirty responded. Mrs. J. H. Rutherford of Owen Sound gave on excellent paper on Service. She said that our volunteers bad lid good- bye to loved one* and hurried away to serve their king, many to die in his ser- vice; and is not our King more woithy of our best service < As Mrs. H. E. W. Kemp of Ueathcote, Cor.-Sec. of Mission Band* in Toronto Conference, was n able to be present he Rent a letter which was read by Mrs. W. A. Armstrong. Mrs. \Vm. Breete, Chatsworth. read a paper on ' 'Our Ind-aus ind their train- ing for Citizenship." She taid that the Missionary Society w is organized in 1S24 with the prcitic object uf sending the Bread of Life to the Indians and yet there are 18,000 Pag-in Indians in Can- uti.t. .They have imbibed the white man's vices and been .-uined by the while man's tire water. She deplored the giviog of tieaty money as it doe* not lend Co self support. The Indian cannot change his habits and so the children must be train- ed and taught. Day schools have been opeued where it was possible to secure a teacher, but the loviug habits of the people minimize the value of these- schools. Boarding schools and indust- rial schools are more valuable >< they teach the boys and girls to l>e self tupporting and it develop*.-* chaiacter, and too much praise cannot )>e given to those who ire engaged in thU work . Mrs. Wilmott. President i-t Toron'.J Conference, W. M. S. , answered the (Question Drawer which WAS helpful. Mrs. Mark E. Wright rendered a solo and Mrs. K. H. Wright and Mi<s Swit /or a duet which delighted trieir audience. Mrs. Alex Henry uf Maikdile asked iiuestious about the Iiidin work which were answered by the delegates from slips of papers. Mrs. Thomas (Vok was nomiiiikted District Organizer and Dundalk invited he Convention to meet there next year, which was accepted . Mrs. W. FalUaud Mis. \V. Art ley of Rockiyn led the Consecration Service which closed the afternoon session. Dinner and supper were provided for delegates ;ind all who cuue fiotu a dist- ance. During the te hour Mrs. Me Vicar brought greetings from the I'res- 'o Christianize tlie Chinese is through the mothers, au I in order to reach them we must send lady missionaries, school and kindergarten '.eachtrs and doctors, open dispensaries, boarding schools, in- dustrial school*, etc. Though we have 119 missionaries ouny m-jre are needed. She made a strong plei that, instead if lessening our givinga owing t<> the war and stringency of money, we should rather incre.ue cur lioeiah'ty for we have sent our Missionaries and we must not allow them or the work tc suffer. Miss Rowe of Dundalk delighted her audience with a solo and Mr. Dudgeon gave a rousing and earnest address. Having been in Northern Ontario for a term he knows the need of missionaries in that part of Ontario, and speaks with no uncertainty on this subject. The Benediction was pronounced md the Convention *** closed. Feversham Items Tbe first taste of winter ou Monday last. Tbe Osprey Farmers' mill is doing a rushing business, botli m Hoar sales and grinding grain. The Anniversary Servicse at tbe Buckingham appointment on Sunday last were well attended. Tbe Rev. Hnuter of Honeywood gave an inter- esting discourse both morning and evening. Rev. Kendall of Dandalk preached a very interesting sermon in tbe Pres- byterian chinch here ou Sunday last. Mils Ada Kaittmg spent the week end with friends in Flesbertou. Misses Maggie and Mary Speers are visiting witb friends near Portlaw at present. Mrs. W. Loug of Maxwell visited with her sou, Mr. Jas. Liu., of tLis place last week. A patriotic meeting was held iu the Orange Hall on Thursday evening last. Messrs. lireese and Meuzies of Owen Sound addressed the meeting and gave instructive discourses on tbe patriotic movements of tbe Grey County farmers. Fevtrsbaui I.i'^raiy Society held a meeting in tbe scuool bouse ou Wed- nesday evening last and organized a Lit. fur tbe coming winter. A bard times social will be held in tbe Orange Hall here ou Friday even- ing next. Admission !-"c. Pou't miss it. Eugenia Paragraphs The heavy snow storm on Monday makes tbe times look cool. Messrs. Wm., Amley and Leslie Hashell of Port Elgin motored over to visit friends here on Sunday. Wm. Draniff and Gordon i/agee spent the week end in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs . Jake Williams. Mrs. J. E. Williams, Messrs. Prazer and Graham, motored over to Owen Sound for tbe week end. Sorry to report Mrs. W. Armstrong on tbe sick list. O.uite a number of tbe employees of the construction work took a chill when tbe snow storm came and struck for a warmer climate. One of tbe Italians who was serious- ly injured ou tbe works has been taken to Colliugwood hospital . Mr. Tom Leopard died of typhoid fever. He was employed in Parry Sound and took sick and came home. He got over the fever very well but took a relapse and died. He was buried at Salem ou Mocday, Hitober !'.. The sympathy of this communi- ty is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lepp- ard m thefr time of trouble . Mrs. Olmstead entertained a few of her friends to a social ou Wednes- day evening la.-t. Misses Lena Duncan and M. Me TavisL, of Flesberton visited friends here recently. Tbe Young People s Institute, held bere on Thursday, October ind. was largely attended. Some good address- es weie given by Rev. Rose. Presby- tery Chairman, of Orangeville : Rev. Maiheson, former Presbytery Cbair- mau: Rev. McGilvary, of Toronto, and Revs. Jones and McVicar. of Flesherton. Kimberley Budget Durham Matthew James Allen died ewrly on Saturday uiormug at the home f hLs parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allen, where he has been an invalid for the past ten year*. While driving home from Varney dir- ection on Wednesday night of list week. George Harbottle met an auto on a narrow piece of road near Hurt's hill, and fearing a collision with the fast moving machine, he turned off to one side. Mud in doing so. upset the buggy and li.-id his ankle broken or badly- sprain ed. The autoists never halted to render ny assistance, and the injured younv; man had considerable JirtK-ulty in freeing himself from the awkward position m which he was placed. Jue Hamlet, whom we mentioned lost week as the youn^ Kiu'.ijlmiin who shot Kdgar Lawrence, was taken iu chaige ou Tuesday Vy CunstaWe Coot of Caylou, and bis case in connection with the shoot- ing will be further investigated here this foreiuviu before the Crown Attorney, who couies from t >weu Sound to : ike We experienced oar tir=t iasic i: winter ou Monday last, witL (j tile a fall of snow in this part. Editor TLuraton of The Advance was a caller in our burg one day . -i - . week. Mr. Samuel McKnigLt, one of Eppings most progressive farmers. made a business (rip to oar bars on Moudiy and bocght quite a utimber of cattle from Stuart Bros., our -.n- terprising butcLera. Mr. Harold Ellis of Rockiyn visited friends in oar barg recjently. Mr. Wm Leslie of Port Elgin, who is on the Hydro Electnc Survey Staff. visited one day last week with 1m brother, Gordon, our popular public school principal. Mr. Jas. R. Faweett visited a few days the past week with Thornbory friends. Mr. Wes. Sheridan and J. Wilson of Duncan were callers in our burg on Monday . Mr. Stanley Wallace and Miss A. Williams. Eugenia, visited at the former's parental home one day last week. The following are the local uimrods who will go on the excursion tr> the Parry Sound district on the hunt fo the deet footed antlered beauties Robert and Jasper btuait, Ashley Fawcett and 'Win. Hammond. Mr. Fred Eagle gave a hop to the young people of the neighborhood on Friday last and all report an excellent time. DR. .*t?ecilijc in Ju j j of the ye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office- 130 10(h it. West, Owen Sound At the Revere h.nise, Markdale, 2nd lunda? each monrh from 8 to a 12a.ni )uniiilk,Lst Wednesday of each month.. Fleshcrton Planing ' And Chopping Mills I am now prepared :o do chopping very day in tbe week except Sundays and every week in the year. Brin-j along our grists. >ur sash and dour factory is always tt vour disposal for anything you want in our line planing, matching, ef-c. Floor _:. sah and door?*, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- .nabie rates, tiei estimate*. Blakely and Henry Proprietors. Feblo 1:5 ly r Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. /\. ' Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Portlaw We .uc i;Uil t.. repjrt that Mr. Archie Fisher is improving anil ;ible to be arund again after t rveri- attack of it|>[iendicitiii. Mr. H. H-liiian. h. *'M lii* farm recently, hail a successful sale on the 15th itist. auJ has given up possession t.. Mi. Phillips. After visiting ith frieixiM f.-r some time, Mr. ;inii M: . Holiuitn and diiugUter will remove to Toronto, where they have purchased ^ h-'iiie. Their sou. Charles H., will re- main on the 4th hue for the present. The family will W missed very much, as they were among our very best citizen.-. ami they leave with the best wi<he> > the c"iuuniniiy. Auiong th*e wiiv e\[iect i.> ^" next Fridiiy i" llie n-Ttheni hunting groiuuU are Messrs S. I'etlhi. J. W. McKee and W. A. M.-H"U. evidence. The general feeling is that tbe byterian W. M. Society and Miss Joseph- s ho.>tii.g was accidental, and the youug fellow, who is about IS years of as{e. i^ iiie UicharUson from the Baptist Church. For these Mrs. J.H. Rutherford of Owen Sound replied. EVENING SKSSION * The t>.vuiag sesiion opeuwl t T o'clock rtS Rev. James Diulgeou in the chair. 'The Devotional Exercise* were conducted by Mrs. Honuell of Owen Sound, choir rendered -election Mid Willmott jjavo the addiesw of ^the even- ing. She reviewed the work beginning with that, which is dou among (Jie for- eigners in Toronto, North Ray, Wiuui- pez and AlU-rta. This is a very impor- tant work, .HS it is for the men *iul children, for, *id Mrs. Wiliniutr, if we do not make m >od v'andian cilixcns of these people tluy will in ike sad tivublv well spoken of by some who know him. We had a short interview with Hamlet on Tuesday morning, and .is he claimed lie did not know the unfortunate young ltd, there could be no charge vf malice. U was a foolish act at best tnd the The { prisoner himself realizes now HS well s Mrs, ! a iy of us perhaps, that he .should huve been more careful. Chronicle. Victoria Corners Miss Muu Heard visitci the week end with her friend, Mis Nier-jarl. at Hu- over . Threshing *n-l siK, rilling are about l.t-t a pjvny of youns; people '?!> 'lining t" Inis- ti;;e o'li^reyatiou met at the home "f Mr. mid Mis. Lewis Siieardown ami pce- sentetl the newly nuirrietl couple with SL kitchen -.h.-wer undthe f<>lU>wiii^ aiUlress: Mr. ami Ml^. Sheiii'd"n. We. ihe yt'Uiiu |>eple of luitioge h;ivi ^.-itheieU here to-uiyht t>' eiteiul lv>t wishes, tn welo'iiie ->]i^. Sheardvwn t" >>ur iniilst. ami in eiij".v au t-xening in y.-ur home. We are -"iry tlmt you will not rinil it convenient to continue coming to our churvli. in which you Iwve VH.VII a faith- ful worker. H"Wcvet. we .-ire j "lease. 1 that !! >t - many unlo ilivule us lu th;it we may tv al>le ! have y.-n with us i>n many sicil "ccaM'His. and e lio[>e that you will vi-it or League ami -*rvicei* fre-iuently. V\'e IHX of jou to accept this ^ift ts in evidence f >ur rejjuril for Imth of you. u<l a.- a reuieuibrance of the iii.iny enj-'yable lu'iu^ we ha\e ^^viit ti-v'etlie>. N> e all join in wishing you a Ion, 1 , fa- >|>eU'ii anil 1'. |>|'V elle<i life. Sinutnl on lie half < f y>ur Inistu-ste fvieiul> >nl I'criiett. Will Duiivan. fcl. Steven-. Ox-ar l\ttersoli.' >livei I'oriu-tt. One of Uu-moias oldest pioneci> aw.tj <i Sturdii> e\eniiii{ !a<t at the home "f ln> daughter. Mr-<. Krancis Shier, in the pvr">n "f Mt. .lohii Pun- can, t the ripe M n^v of i*>"> yesi-s. Dv- censed was y n.ttie of Co. Fermanagh. Ireland, and cmno to Caii.vU when aj His wife pretlevtMM^ him | Maxwell Alice tVnwic.lt aud Mis.s Arnlenob vis- ited wirh Lelui MotCtt l*t week. Bora (hi Oct. lit, to Mr. ami Mrs. John Morrison, a son. Mrs. Marshall Kerton ipent a few day* ac her parental home last week. Miss Minnie Jamiesun iuu Mr. Bert ' tslwrue (jt Mcln'yre, spent SuntUy at Mr \V. H. Guy s. \Ve welcome Rev. Mr. And Mrs. Scobia and little daughter to our midst. Rev. Sculia has chaxxe "t the Maiweil. Me lotyre and Feversham ser> ices. Mr. W. H. Guy who h*s t>*en .-n :he sick list is recovering. We extend a we!cou>e to Mr. Md-iee k.-iu family who bavf l.tcely moved into the hou owned by Mr. Wm. Wright. Aoni* Guy s[>ent few Jays lasi week with Lilly Betty. Mrs. Isaac of Corbettoo s^)ent -'c* days with her daughter. Mrs. lie". Lin- ley- Dundalk Ac i nieeling hld in the towu h.ill >n Wednesday evening of Use week, which was presided over by Heeve Sinclair. steps were t;ki>n to ->ntnize a Ineal uiili- ti-i com^tny in cv>nuect ion with the pro- posed new Dufferin Regnuent. The hutue of Mr. auJ Mrs. \\Uu-ui J. ReiJ. etst ixick line. ArceiL?*io>. was :he >cne of .i .u'iet but pretty wedding ..n Wednesday, ttcte-ber Hlh. k? 6.o o'clock when their second daughter, Sanh KlizaWth, became the bride Mr. Gilbert Litlle. uf Arteme^i*. Mr. John U irdmer. of this place, hi.* ; r.upberry piitch in his garden >(' dioieiiMn. whicli i at presetil l>eariiii: ^nod efp -c ii[>e anil well developed fruit. The moderate weather f this season lias induced lli> second crop U> mature. A couple of weeks .1^0 J\thn Siuclj'r jr., who h*d l-een in the West for tin years returned here w.th the hope of regaiuiu^ his he<il<!i xvhich had been iin- piireil f'-r si-ine time from diabetes. Death i-jme unexpectedly u Sunday .-i:ii % rii'>u while he w:is staying at the home <> f his brother-iu-law. Wm. Press- ick. jr.. Mel-iuetli !>. The deceased, Uj> to the lime of hi- moving to Heinlcigh* Albert :i, resuled At Ventiy. He is sur- vived by his wife .uid two children. He was forty ye r* uf :isje. H-.-rtlcl. II the War Continues, Flour Will go up. I have a large supply of Five Ko=e Hour. Mc-Gow- an> Eclipse Hour. McGowjins Pa<try Hoar at reasonable prices, also lots of Bnui, Shorts ami Feel Hour. Lots of sugar an<l fresh jrr At the Flesherton Grocery, W. BUSKIN HOT WEATHER SHOES As I have some lines of summer shoes to clear out at reduced prices. \Vouieu s Patent puui(. with ?>uck!e <>u. \V. imeii's r>>ngola i.ixf.iri Patent and 'iun metil nd ^ eyelets, -iuesS, 4 it 4i. A lot of children'- shoes n<i putnp.scleiiriua it ' cr. a p*ir. If in need uf a zood trunk : sail .-<?.^-: ' ive * tn-.-e v-s. r.inent ii.ind . Thos Clayton. You'll Want to Look Right young man. , about 27 year* wo. Hewn- a meinWr i the foundntwrn -f * bii{ sheep of tho MetlioiliM cuurcli. and when iu 1 He hs puuliasi'd a Urge tract of active life as eluded in cluuvh work. | and is >ecurm; oue bundred for us, and the only way to do this is to give thra the Gospel. U seems a* if we ' has set in. At least we had our wot* so slow in Ukui',' the G.wpel to the ' *>">*' <tonu lhi Monday morning. Chinese, that God sent the Chinaman to ! Miss Walker of Durham visited it .Mr. the Gospel. She Bussed on to the M:s- I Geo. l.udl->w's and willed on other a.x.'iupiished on this Hue, nd so wiut ' j,is tUu^hter eutcn.'tl hi.- win, she ^''s* th.-vt her father luul Jux-atlied his U-t. Thf fnneial look place t" FVsherlOU ou Monday. An impressive service is c*ilwlttct^d at th bion in China mid -l*p;*n. The only wiy Us>t Friday Mr. Willis Kent, Dyers Bay, is I:t)inj rmch. l:uid- Iewei tin* fill jut as an expenmwor, and will buy ; ii..iue -HUB- ^. s ..^.. .~. --...v heavily later if sucsful. Wi-h g^vjd luck, and t the present price*, theie J should l>e bix 'n-iney in this iuvesruu-nt. I The pcniuaulti-s most suitably adipcl . for sheep and cattle ranches and we will , not be surprised if others iollow his ex- ample. Ex-Reeve 'ullies, Toburniory, \ i^ :i[>puivntly in hi- usu.tl health when he retire*!, IHI? ai-hort time -iftcr. when honi.- l>y Hev. Mr. is Uon the nuf.e; .-iref'il SOME ot these evening you'll want to look " just liiilu." and ymi know as well a< we do. that there's nothing lik^ a well tailored hlne or black serge suit. They're right at night. The proper caper always ! Let us take your measure tor a Hol-berliu-made. <ill wool serge. The kiiul that wont fade, or get rusty. To-day ithe rtay to onler. $20.00. S.J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring.

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