Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Nov 1914, p. 8

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T H E F L E S IT E R T X A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Of/ 11. WK1GHT, TI'LVOKD A: Mi-Ill >N AL1> Haniitir, Solicitor*, Ac. Olllcen, lirey H llruot Blook, OIKD Sound. Standard Hank Block, Klel)Brtoii.iStiirdav). W.H. \Vni!ln. W. P. I'elfor.l J... i.e. MiMlumilJ.i.. I.. 1:. SOCIETIES Honor Rolls _|_^ nl>nt ..f Reiher toa 1'u'i ho Schfol. KlMiM 1 4 -Frank Bunt, Hobs Trimble, K. N. Cornfield, ('Fisher, II Cargo, 11 Wriislit, .M Field \V Arnutruiig, XI Kiclwrdson. 3-K McVicur, K Boyd, E Davis U As a n-sult of the outbreak of labiux in ; I'ed, Mr. .hunes (jirling engineer -i~ I Mi-nsrs. Pollock iV Henry's sawmill, 1ms ' Notice to Trespassers Henry's natrium, mis; N ,,, ioe . , wre ,, y gjven , h(lt ^ cremated in the lur^e fire-box of the en- ( or persons found hunting ci trespassim; gme, 14 doits and 4 cats, which were des- j on lots :tr> and 'M, con. 10 at;! 11 will be troyeil in Diayton durina the past two pr*ecuted ii,-ooidin to Uw. weeks. There is scarct'ly a dx '" lnB TH( IS. (JKNOK, Kugeuia. AO U W uieeti ou tho lot Monday ID acb mouth. In ihelr lodge room Ctaytou'i ball PlMharioo, at H p.m. M. w., Mitchell,.! Kei<l,S MoTavish.i; Dudgeon, \V. J. IU-HHIUV ; Kec., C. H. Muusliaw| , .. Kiu.,ll. J. Sin-onli... Vultinc bietUMDluviteii A Hendcrsini, I Slmiik, K l\ells, .Inn Wil- 1-M Level . PKINCK AHTHfK LODGE. No. S33.A.K.A A U. m<wti in tlit Uanonicliall. Arm M.; rr,a*..Munrhaw.s,.<.r-:Hiv. I Mrs. Louis liumstein wns finod 92 und costs in the Police (;ourt yesterdHy morning for i'l.-.--il selling of liquor. Mis. Burnstein did nut appear when her nnnie ' wat called bat thucasu went on without \ v jr. . r, rieias, p ivcmtru-son, i( Le her. She was found guilty and nc3ived lind, V I.ever, H McLeod, <! Lever, R t'leusaul *'JOO and costs 01 three month i POURXFLKSHERTOX, 995. 1. 0. F. iDtetiiu '" v el * OkytOD'* Hlook tbe l*it \Vedncndav eveninu o *> each month Viiiliod Kortitern liuartlly IcouisV. K., (i. Hcllamy ; K. 8., 11. ('-mint; Sufford, M Plnw i>ay 'HUM to Vio. Bee. before the flrt .Wright, K Ottewull, R True.n:in,\V Lev VoltLe uioutb. _ r ^| liuskin, H Goldhiwk, J MuTavish, t! Blakeley, J Jr '2 (.' McTavish, J K arslcdt.ll Bol iu jail. < ). S. San. ' A young man who g-ive bis name ivs Mi- chael Cjx appearel before Magistrate Creasor on Saturday morniug charged with stealing a ride on the C. P. R. train ."HOSES FHIKNOB-Flesherton Council from loronti', oil Friday evening. He Choiwn FweucJ met in Claytoirihallflrtt Uniy, \ Uilsuii, U Boyd, I. KuMUIMB, . . no cd I tlm.l \V*.l-.clay of ea.cn month h p. in i ,. ,, L' M .1 i , W; " iin ' t;st<;<1 ''? <""> of llie C - 1 ll - <""'- i" IB Kwiurder ou or before | O M^thawsun, f MatheWKnI), .1 t iirring- i .. . , . ,' la"i .uSl ,U lionih . nltal COUDCHIO. . | 8tHbles as ' lo sl l'P^ 'f Ue train on the r. Klikolev; Recorder W. H. Hunt. , oppoRito side from the station. He had Iv RUDD UATHK'.VB, Mjrkdle, Ucenwx) tuc'.ioneer for tbe county ol (irey. Gow* ua4e at Tb Adraucc. u 09 :jM ' told the Magistrate he haf beaten his have bei-ii iibsvnt for way from Toronto to Orangevill^, then from Oraii!{eville !> Owen Sunn. I. On Z to behave in future he was al- *" one 01 more exams. Sr. i N Shunk. E Ferris, M Xuhn, A MEDICAL DK CART KB M C I' A RODt.PbyilcUn, BurKecn etc Otfcf tuil racldenc* P4r it., Flmlmi tou . ft OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon iraduate o( Outailo VeUrlnary OOIMff rtfideiicn tMood door aoatli fc.rv tr*t. Tbil atraet rani Vrtyteriau Chnrcb. outl Son-is, II Wyville, L Cargo, 1 Lever, D Colgan, O Fisher, A Fields, M Dud- W (,'arrington**, E Trueman*. Jr. J A Teeler, L lilakeley, K Dud ijeon, B Stewart, I) Fisher, < Hold hawk**. lowed to go. O. S. Sun. Canon, young son of Mr. John Camp- bell, of Mount Forest, while out shooting on Saturday at East Creek, wa walking with rirle' pointed downward, stub- DEXTISTRY Dr. E. C MURRAY L. D. K . dital turgeon liono. Kraduate o( Toronto UuiTeriity and Ko>al Collage of Dtotal HurKooniol Ontario, Ga> adaiiiiniitvrril tor tetn extraction Cffict at reaiJence, Toronto Street. Klei^erton LEGAL LUCAS, 11ASEY A hKSUV-IUrrlater*. So!icitora.eK.-l. B. Luca. K. C. : W. E. F.L*y. K. '. :W. I). Henry. B. A. OfflOM, Toronto, M)C- Tinier* Hank Hlili!.. phoBf njain 141.': Maikclale Lucas lllocV. Fbone 2 A. feraucl. offica at Uundalk oi>en every Katurday. CARDS i CULlX)U<iH 4 YOUS< ' Hanker* Markitale oeral bankiuc bu*iue. Money loaned reasonable raivv Call ou us. bed his toe on soinethint; and llie --'in I wax iiii'-!i u-.-'- I. the liall striking his ank- | le ind lodging In tb bone of the heel. Report of S.S. No. i:i, f,.r October. U^ 8U ff elvr WA , taken to (iuelphon Sr 4 VV Armstrong, K Hawkins, W ' Monday, and with the help of X-rays McMaster, W Walker. j tho bullet was located and extracled. .Jr 4 Id Haney, K Purvis, N Williams, ' Confederate. M I'.nk. -M Haney, H Wilson, J [<arj; Students in the Wingham School Sr. :: -M Haney, <i W.lson, <! Lre. .,.,.,. ,, iven liuiteil surt whelj a partl . idl , c .)i :; M Wiu-iivr. iii riivht dashed a^iiinst one of the win- 2 F McU aster, L Weber, M McKi-c, dows, breiking llie glass and falling with 1 Hai?y,P 1. ,-. .- M Duckott.K Lro. : it inside the room. 'Fhe impact upon the Srl-K LiiiUn.A PedUr.M Fenwick, window was so great as to kill th bird instantly as ii w.is dea-l when picked up. Principal Rii-kcr had the de-id bird hand- ed over to a taxidermist t<> ,l>c mounted and it will be Liter placed in the school museum. Notice To Creditors ADMIX ISTKATOU'S XOTICE In the (nutter of the estate of RogT Mctiill, late of the Village of Ceylon in the County of (iiey, in the Province of Ontuio, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is huruby given that ill persons having any claims against the slid Roger McGill, who died on IT about the 20th d;iy of Jun-, A.D. ]!>14. are required to tend by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, Soliri'or heiein for Archibald Mc(i:ll, the Ad- minittrator of tho estate of the Raid Roger Mctiill, their name*, addresses and ! n'.l pirticulars in writing of their claims before the 1st day of December, 1!M4, aftfr which datn 'lid sni'l Archi- bald Mc(iill will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the persons entitled thereto, having re- gard only to i In- claims of which he sh-tll then have had no icd, an J t4i.it he will not lie liabld for the said a*setH or any part thereof to any person of whose claim In shall not then have received notice. JAS. DOl'ULAS, Esq.. 1275< x tueen St. W., Toronto, Ont. Solicitor for Archibald McGill. liri'i at Toronto this -'>; h day of nri Accuracy and Penetration DllcI'HAIL. !.i . IIM- I Auctioneer lor the Couuty of Grsy. Terms moderate and III action uuiikutevd. Tim srrauKeuinti > C 1 litrs of !<- ciu b mile a*, THE ADTANCI I office. H*idence tud P.O. , Csylon, Teleplioos E Williams. I'linier Jr A H Williainc. L liordon, V i i.. ih. mi, C lirahtt'ii. Jr B H (Jlu*s, B lUwkins.C Kenwick, K McC'artner, M Weber. JrC D Warner, . I Warner, K. Web- ster, E Stoncr, L McijuilUn. K Large, (i Webb, Kitraliani, C WilliuiN, 1 Mc- Kee. M.J. M.-MII.I.KN, Tearlu'r. . Dec. C.07. WH. KAITTINO. Licensed Auctioneer lot tbe counties ol (ire) and hiiucoe. Farm and stork tales a specialty. Terms 3ioderat. a&tiilaction KuaranUed. ArraufEC- u^sotifbr ilalas mav be made at tlm Advance jflice, or < 'enlral Uilerbouu otlice Feversliaui or Lyaddrensing me at Keversliaui, Out. Bull For Service I'lin- bred shorthorn bull, Kuiperor, 81.-K17, ' .r Norvicf on l,,t KiT. W.T. S.H., Sample. Artcinenia. Temw 81 .'.0 fnr grades, ! 2 K Wright, A VVoldriok, L OUewell. for thorousjbbrcds. M. M 1 I'UI.\M', retcner. All cows MTTOM muKt be paid for. OMar. H. List Thursdiiy evg. Robt. Harper of 12th ton Kldersley wis driving into Tarn about ten in the evg. to see hU f.ithcr n :i . has been ill. When entering the corporation limitB In- passed a driver in a inj i. i. i-.'-- j who was going at ;i swift gait. He got, safely past the first man In: met und then turned on the ccnlie of the road a^iun when be ran into the sec- ond rig driven by Arthur Riish'on, also 8r.4-K Arnott, V Spencer, K ^'" of lu . th C ,, M . EM. who W119 , iec() mpinied by his ---.-I-. Myrtle and Xettti. The | Jr 4 N Sprncer, I! lliiwton, A 'lin- shsft of Rushton's buggy stripped tho I ton. harness orl Harper'* horse and narrowly Sr. ."> ) Clinton, W WoodhouKC. missed entering Harper's body. The net- .Ir. :! K MolJirr. M .luli.-ui, R lirack- "P"" 1 " " f botl ' buggies wen. thrown out , enbury, L MOOI-M. \V Tyler, A Arnot', P b )' the imiuict and Miss Xetti Uushto:i injured about the Report of Keversliam Public School i for October. wick. High Power" Repeating Rifle No. 425 List Trite $20.00 KM -.::_> and. 3S nBbcri Ctotnto A Big Game Rifle that Makes Good. SureKirc Noliulks No Jams titnil fur II in,]-. i, n, I. lilu luud IJ.fl. I .II..I...- .\... II ' J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.. Y O I. . ... Chicopee Fads, Mass: r Hull yi, Proprietor. For Service IS S. No.lii.Collingwood and Osprey. w;is We ra pleu<ed t-> ri-ji'irl tint s'ie i recover! nil. It is uluiost a miracle! fouio , of the four were not inst.-ui'ly killed. It appears the two coining home from Tin | ipeodillg the'r horses whii-h is a , F'T service. lUi'in llnlly N"i '"4-'2. Aberdeen AngiM. on :<>l .',4. !)ih Si. :s v Trollope, <' Campbell, ' Nu'lin, L McKean, .1 Campbell. Jr. :}-->! McUuilif, K Lanktrcc, M I'.n, Artrui.-sii. Terms. !f\.(X) rx-fore Iv Jan. 11H.V- \V. J. M F diOKBroUl business lifter daik. Antti dri\ers are in I the only ones who imper- hves of o'lii-rs by fast driving lit if pa!:! McAithur, II T U j,|i,,., Bull for Service I'm i biod Hhorthorii Imll, Kjvn- .s.ix. il fur ^>:i vice on lot -'', S.S. (1 | ^ |{.. AltClll.'ulH. Ttrmi 81. .'0 fr ^ Sr. '.'-I' Tnplii K. S t'arnpli.ll. .ir -' U Voiina, I MoArthm. 1 K HooUey, It Hewi'll, 1. Ho.-kU-y. I'riuiAry 1! M McDnHic, A Tnplinu, I! t'ampbell, J Swaine, D Xwiine. Abei-.lren Primary A I, Neal, <J Lanktri-e.H I'.ew- MoDutlie. F CampU'll, I) Kich- p, I'uro bred I'nrr lm:-l THIlHWOrth In K for sei-vicn >ti Tim ;n ' ..'..- lot . Teuii- If 1 ..V) i'H ill HiiimaU. Served UiU^t be |, iil f'.r. finiar W. .1. MCM N l nun d. K Sea 1 . M Richmond I! SrKMT.it, T ai'hrr. Bull For Service Tin, i- n hbrwl Sh.irilinni Hull. " Hill- Ciest tJ.,vein..i,' No. rOtli.S, for MM \ ire R.-pon ,.i lt,-.:k M.1U .- ' o-tc her. S 4 I, AtUn s in. I, I', Smith, F Belts, S White. Jr. 4 P PorlmiiiN. Sr :', .1 M t lne, I. Talk, I, I>. l lot- : In i I' 1,1 '-'7. con 14. >:; ihoroughbnd*,' TIIKIis. Blwk, J BInok. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE In.u--, U Smith, T c';l nni..F I'orteom, IRAQI MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS Ac. .-i ndtnf t iketPh and <ttrln)l.in mar , i-naln nur o|nnl'>ii fr whrtlier a': IIITI-I,' t> !! ! [.r.ititlilT |. iirni Htilr. ('..iiiiintiilra- Hutu nnd If oonfldtutuj. HANDBOOK <"' l'tenu 1 M W.H., -I I'o l'tl -. C llt-tls. H (i TIlOlllpSOII, l While. A 1, Miloe, I! II ,,>,,,,. I) I'orteoilfl, F ll:.r'.'|-.ue, S Itlrtek, F Itlack. T. I'll ilti>, 'IVacher. An exchange my : Gu in tu she woods t this season n f the year on .Saturday afternoon nnd you will encounter miny yoiiijsters of tender years out buntinu, and in soni'i cases these boys are so .small ih. l when ibey come I" tin* "stand lit ease" pose, the b.iriel?. of thejjUM> they cair,' are sometimes higher than their own h'.'(ls. There have been no acci- dents in t'lis vicinity recently, Imt who can say, under the present condition how toon it will In; that some family will bo t'liown iiit-iii suddpii sorro v i.y ncei- 'dentil and l:i'ul lliouting of olio of it ' yiii'hfiil members. There is, we und r Htum', a liy-law prohibiting yuuiii;si"is i.-inyinn '^1111^, lull liki) ui'iny others, it it li >lly din'i'itir.le.l. In many in-tan- ces the patent* are to bl ime fur -illowin.,' lioyn who are careless and ineoinpetent in have the iisi> of in. .mi , and the niimieip il anih.iri'it'H are to i lenient in pi-rniiiling their I.y law- 'o be so com- pletely ignored. Never, u seem*, till an neciilellt occurs, do we hear uf eom- FORCE OF VIBRATION. A Musical Chord That Shattered a Huge Glass Bowl. Discussing tbe proposition that a wineglass can be brokcu or shattered to pieces by a musical cliord, Edgnr l.iK-ii-n 1. ;ir!.in In the New York Amer- fcan says: "I bad a huge glass bowl one foot in diameter resting on its glass stand. Tbe flint glass wns from one-quarter to three-qmtrters of an inch thick. I ros- ined n violin bow, drew it across the edge, nnd the entire hemisphere of solid gliiss disintegrated into hundreds of small pieces. The sound of break- I Ing Into fragments was entirely un- known to me, a cnickliug or grinding, and the bits of glass flew far apart. "I had used tills same bowl before classes for severnl years with violin bows. But on this particular day tbe students us well ns I were surprised at (lie breaking :md unearthly noise. "The fact is I happened to vibrato tho bowl with its key note that Is, set harmonic rate, which means the pre- cise rate with which il|.wns able to vi- brate to send forth that note, for notes are rates of vibration, and they all obey rigid and beautiful harmonic mathematical laws, and these agree with other set and fixed laws." RINGS Or AIR. I iiiiifhl.in. K Our Clubbing List How to Blow Out Lighted Candla Twelve Feet Away. The distance from which mi nvenige 1 iiuin can blow out ;i ciiiulle rnrcly ex- 1 eeeds three feet. If lie is 1111 iiilept at blowing smoke rliwrs, liowever. 11 cun- 1 die may bo extinsiiishi'd at twelve f(?et. ! Of course the stnoUe isn't Hcei'ssary. I An ordinary nlr ring will do and has ! the added advantage of noing Invisible. Simply pucker the month as yon would 1 to blow a smoke ring and expel air in quick, sharp inniincr. it lakes a cutfrre. <>l<1fl avoin- I'aloiil* l*kn tliniUKl l notice, vtn li.,iii cbaruo, Iu tb . for securlnf lialenra, li Muiiu A to. Tin. following prices -ire for strictly soo( , l i cl ',, ot ,, rat ., lcc to do it. Scientific Hmerican. A banlxjinclr Uluitnl<l wiwilf. I^rxMt rlr- al.tii.n of wr n-leniinr Journal, 'irui> fur inafla. t .'.' a r"i puMaiia prepaid. 1.1 M ). - R'.'i.oii of S. S. No. ' the moil! 1 ! of l (rtnliur. Wti-mi's'ii, fn Sr. 4 M Spieer, M Itut'er.W Hineks. .Ir. I -.1 Whittnker, '! MaeAtlhur. Sr. :: d Hineks, M Wluuker. Jr. :' M H.i-/ud. h - 1 Ilincks, || llay.ird.C ll-/.aul, II ird. Jr. l! \ C. Whi-tiker. J Haxird. I'liinor IS liNfm, A Hin -ks. I'liuiDr A f HiiMkK, U Hn/ud pai>l in ud viincu stiliscriptioiiN only. We hne no ai-couiils with Olhur pnpcrn, Kk-Kherloii Advance f I 0(1 Yo'atliH Coinpiiiiion 2 (X) Toronto World, diiily II 00 Toronto Dwily News ^ IK) \VeukJy Globe !MJ Miiil-Kmpire .... 75 Family Hvrnld & Swr !H) Toronto Stnr _' ill) Furnier Sun !IO iMinoors Advoont J 1 50 Weekly Wit.iew !MI Sitin-dnv Niht .'! 00 Home .i,.iiii-ii !M| I'onltry Ituview 4H Uod nnd Cnn iiiHuii/.ino HO I'n"nol I'vrry ''uy \V ll Whin ikcr. It I'win. M Whit lli-uk f , li \VhiltiiUr. (J Hi, H -ks. A. An easier way to show the effect If one is il, mi. i mi Is to place a sheet of cloth or cnnviis over tbe open side of a box otherwise closed, making a small, round holo In ti not her side. Then tup In a sharp manner on the canviig nnd invisible air rings will bo produced. If the hole Is pointed at a pei -M'li's face and the riiiKs arc made he will feel thorn as they strike his face. Only a few trials arc necessary to extinguish a candle at twelve feet. To render the rings visible a smndge mny be burnetl In the box, or n small dish of nminonhi mny be placed side by side with a small dish of hydro- chloric ncld. the combined fumes of tlioBo liquids making a dense smoke. Tbe explanation why oue cau put out the candle at twelve feet Is that the energy of expulsion Is conserved and .1 1 dimly i f Owy," Provino* "f Onim-o i practically all retained in the smoke T| Property for Sale In the township .-' Ai-lonieum, in -I. c mp iRcl <i lot* HK itntl U!>, eon. / S. W. T ,t- S. K , and p-irt of lot l.'i i ' win. 2. S. W. T. A S. R , cunt lining ;,i\ moiv or li-k-)-. f'. ring, while a simple blowing has to set In motion a whole stream of air nnd Is therefor* wasteful. Chicago fiocord-IIernld. . . * > \ Ceylon's Busy Store For the next two weeks we will ofl'er bi;> redactiooa in men's and women's underwear, also in hosiery. Men's Halbngam underwear, reg. 50s. for Hoc. Ladies' vests, regular l~>c. for lie. Ladies' hose, regular 15c. for lie. Men's fancy sox tor only lOc. Dig reduction in men's hats. We have our fall and winter supply ol men's caps in. Something new and nifty. We also have a good supply of winter underwear, nc udiug Stanlleld's famous brands, red, bine and black. Table in boots and shoes. We are prepared for the wet weather knee hoots, and from that down, in as near waterproof as you can get. Just ariived.a large assortment of men's fnlcloth tweed and worsted pants. HHighest Prices paid] for butter and eggs," ZZCash or trade.~ JAMES|PATT1SON &CO. ^ .* VftmWttm^ Farm Implements ASK US When you want information regarding any article of farm machinery that von are thinking of adding to / / your equipment. Remember we are agent for the Massey- Harris and Cockshutt lines, and they, as you know, include nearly everything the farmer needs. WE'RE MERE TO SERVE YOU- PLEASE GIVE us THE CHANCE D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT L L f t i : Bjua.4. Tl^rT.TT, lHARDWARE! An All Canadian Product For beauty, strength nnd simplicity we challenge compari- son. "Experts pro- nounce the 'Canada B" the best Through- out Steel Range on me in a. ^**~a& mJTJk^Jt^. the Continent. Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. Coal or Wood Heaters FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant \ \ Phone 30 r 2 FLKSHKI^TON, OMT II II I Flesherton Tin Shop ^^- 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic use. ('all on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. 1'ipetittin^, including pump work. Furnaces installed. -Agent for (Mare Furnaces. *? IM m r ^ \f Si M II II H 1 FLESHERTON 55' Bi-os. D. McKlLLOP CHRI5TOE BLOCK II II Ijjl ills i i ii ill ii i i I ONTARIO.

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