Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1914, p. 4

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November U 1014 THE !' L E S II E II I O N ADVANCE TM K / lcol)crlon T An Independent newspaper, published every ,'jursday at th* office, Collmgwood Street, I rsherton. Subscription price 1 |r annum hen paidiudvMict ;H.50 wlim not < paid ' IvtrtUinjt rates on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly W H. Xliurston- Editor Fl Baptist Church K. C. Kerr, Pa.tor. Phone M K. -' Sunday School ID a . m. Service at 11 a m. Bible study on Thursday at the home Mr. White, Ceylo CoinmencinK Sunday Oct. 2t. aei\ice *ill be held at lloek MUN at 7 instead of 7.:W p. m. Flesherton Methodist Church Rev. Jamen Dudgeon. p*U.r. Sunday, November 'J-nd, l!14. 11 a.m. and 1 p. m.--Th pastor Sunday, 10 a. m. Fellowship Service. Monday evening Epworlh League at 8 p. m. M.irk Everetie Wright choir leader and Orgtniat. Owen Sound Board of Trade ll was moved by Meni>. W. H. Smith and E. Lemon that, the Executive C..m- mittee of the Grey County Donation to the British Empire wish to extend to the farmers ahd others who so loyally con- tributed oats und potatoes I . the above their sincere and hetity thank* fr the tf.'i cars of the same. Committee, Warden Win. Uret-M-. Cluinnan; Win. Taylor. I'u-s.O. S I.oard of lYade, Jas. A. Lemon, Reeve Tp St. Vincent J. G. Campbell, Keeve Tp. Sydenhitni; John. Thomson, Reeve Tp. Osprey; Oeo. Mui/.ies, Secretary. -Curried It waa moved l.y Messrs. J. U. Wain- wright and JumesGarvie that the thanks of this Board be tendered to the Press of "Owen Sound and tin- County for their very able and kind assistance i\en o UK- work of oreani/.ina andcollec inn sub,- eciiptions o the donai ion. -Carried. Grey County Contributions Statement ol the amount of oats und potatoes shipped from the different Utions in the County, by the faimeis of the County of <!rey, lo the us,? of the British ' Himent. VIA C P. 15. Owen Sound, W.KX) 11 oats and 7-':*"* Ibs polnti.es. Chatsworth, 5KHK) Ibs nais and iVViOO Ibs potatoes. Hol'iind Center, ll'WO Ibs oats and 82400 IDS potatoes. Berkeley, i:U2 Ibs o.its and 1801KI I'M |>ot:itoe.s. Markd-ile, I'.MMJO lb.-- oats and 4IHUO Us ' potatoes. Flesherton, 40<HX> IK- outs and i>:i7:> Ibs J,otHt'.l'S. Dundiilk, 471)00 II. - "ats and 2'.':;0 Ihs ' potatoes. Proton, 2'-'880 Ids oats and '20r.l Ibs p itatoes. Priceville, IlKdHlis oats and 22600 Iba potatoes. Durhutn. 2WJUO ll.s oats und '.'"MMI Ibs potatoes. Weight of each estimated. VIA (;. T. K. lltix-n Sound, i'.PHM) Ibs oats and (50000 Ibs potatoes. \Viarton, L'lit'.tO Ibs only and 1 i'MO Ibs potatoes. t layering. 77<>0 Hn oats ;uid 1 ! I DO Ibs potatoes. Shallow Lake, tilHJ Ib^ oat.s and '-'IKHHII Ibs potatoes. Tr, 2:<I20 Ibs i. its und t.'-j:!:!0 ll.s nolMloes. "**^ " " > ,,,it, '111,1 l.SIKHI |l.s Ibs Waikerton Dick Addley wai arreittd on Saturday by Chief Ferguson on a charge of non- -i|>p..r: which wh prcfcred against him by his young wife from whom lie sepa 'at- ed some time ago. The case however d d nut receive > hearing us Addlcy agreed i taka back liis . ife and provide for her, and as the latter was willing to return to him the t-iise wasdrop|)id. Jack Ifurkc who volunteered for service *iih thu In. :il division of the iilind. Keg'. L) the svcund i .n i '.MM contingent und sent b.ick luniie by the miliury author- ities HI L.indv'ii, fur bein it d'-unk, left \Vnlkcrtiiii on Saturday last for Toronto With ill* ol'jct in view of seeming a place in onu of (lie i- .-.m. i. .- being for- med H.I that centre. If Jack can over- come Kin" Alcohol, he will irake go. e soldier. On Tliuisday last l.'hief Kergusoi arrested Many Xmman mid Ben Israe peddler*, b >lh of Toronto on a charge n 1 silling nieichantlistf in \Valuerton. whicli is contrary to the town by-laws. Thes two wen were making a systematic dun: to- dour canvas of the town n<_'llm j dreu- goods, drygoods, etc. when they were nabbed by the Chief. They were taken before Magistrate Tolton h> iu.pised a fine of -:' I'- tnd costs on /ininaii while Israel was allowed to go, it trail spiring that he WAX m?rcly Xiiinnui'. assistant and did not share in theprofi'.s Joe Callilleiscn who came t woik as a plumber for H. A. Aitvill about two weeks ago wis arrested on Thursday last by Uuief Ferguson on suspicion that he was a fr.mous criminal of Winnipeg for whom (here was offered reward of SltKJ.UO. The Chief limited his prisoner to the goiil and wired the Toronto author- itii -a who sent n detective here on Mon- <ly i. investigate when it was found that he was not the man wanted ai.d ns consequently set free. Thus tl.e i l.i i - one hundred dollars took wings and flew away. - Tclescipe. Amelia Tiede, the .'i-year-uM daughter of Mr. (Jus. Tiede ( f Formosa, was badly burned about the !!} add aims by her (mas Seals Again This Year Campaign for Muskxka Free Hospital or consumptives buing or/anized. The little Xnms Seal will be with us "gain this year. A new design has just been approved by the Postmaster-Oenei- al, who iigrees to thcii use, but on the back only of all mail matter. The de- >!_' ii is appropriate to prevniling condit- ions, i-howing a little Angel of Peace over the earth and bespeaking goodwill for the Consumptives in need. The Brut order for three million seal 1 is already being turned out. It is ex pec'.ed that further large supplies will be required before Chiistmas i over. The Public and Separate Boards o: Kducation of (he City of Toronto have approved of the seal being sold by the children of the City Schools, as in for mer years. The National Sanitoriun Association who organized the Campaign look upon the rising generation as one o the greatest factors in the ultimate sue cess of the Crusade against comsuniptioi and believe that the education gaii.ed by the co-operation ot the children, in sell ing the seals, and by their absorbing the litera-ure sent out in connection with the Campaign, is one of the greatest benefits which could lie conferred. upon the child- ren. Orders to the value of many hundrecs of dollars have already been received for the seals. More patients than ever before Kline two hundred are to-dy being i-ared for at the Muskoka Fiee Hospital for con- sump'ivt's. The need of money for the Xmiis Seal Campaign is reported to be more urgent than at any other time in in the history of this Institution. Orders for seals should be sent to the National Sanitoriuni Association,.'!-* Ross Street, Toronto. K J^T.TJTv^/^35^^^ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. \ I clothes carchin fire while playing with in it rln-. at ht-r honii) Ut week . The young sutt'eivr, tliouuh still in a painful condition. i> ivcovering under the doctor's care Wilfrid Kckeiiswiler, the (i-yenr-old son of Mi. Louis Krkenswiler, iat o* Walkerton upset a large dish-panful of lx>. : lmg water onto himself on Friday in 1 , bully .seal ling two of his leas, big left limli, which Wis ncillfi! nl'i.odt potatoen. Hanover, C0!0 Ibs <.,ts and and 4*4l>0 lb Durham, .' |>. .t it es. Holstcin, 40(M> Its oat$ and i'KjOO Ib.s potatoes. Mount Forest, 2H400 Ibs oa's and 24201 lb jKitatoes. Meuford, 400*Wlbi, oV and li(M)IK) Its potatoes. Thombuvy, H5MK) His oa*s and 4')IHA Ib0 potatoes. Collingwood, TilDO oats and 1 1000 ll.s potatoes. Total, <!102:t4 Ibs oats and 7'JH1->0 Ibs HOtfttOM, KijUals, 1H127 b'jsbol oats and CKIll bushel po'atoes. Sent forward in a total of H5 car-. George Men/ies, Secretary of Com mittee. The second act of the trfcdy in wlncl InHpectoi lirckolt played Ihe role ol villian last ijalurday'at. the I .1. . . > Hi. us" wax t.i'.!.-d \ , .1 1 1,1 ,\ loomi .jv-hiui Mrn. Ma Mai run, proprietnroH, WIN called to answer In a chai(;e i.f luviich of the Lii|iior f,ic. MM- Act Shi- was mil present, but Ihroi^'h her solicitor, Mr. W. H. Wiiiiht, Him |ili-vl'il guilty. '||| ( . fino wa- 8- (( <) MX! nt.-. AiUcitin i. from the il.._-l. to theankli*. being in nn especially bad shape. A youi g ni,in from (iieenock as arrusted in Waikerton on Wednesday of list week for uttempting, it is said, to get nto a lady's home here. As boozd is hought in have been at the bottom of he trouble, a churpe of disorderly col.- duct wns Uid against tin- accused, and ic win lined S'J.'id and costs or a iota' ssnii'iit of 87 <K) by Magistrate Tolton i the | :ui he pluyi>d in the .-. il.i i. Wf.s. Russell, win. was committed on Si'i.t. '.'4lh, l'.l:>, to three yems in King- ton Penitentiury forgetting tire on Aug. II th lo I hi- Kartlry House barn ind stable l.i'ie, ln-n the hugu utruciure waa iJeslioyed, retuined on Mnilay night to town. ImviuK toi'ii li-t out on |iarolc iilti-i -serving a little over H year of his time. Duiingl.is iniMrcerntioii in the big prison Itussell was put to work at the i ill mil ' 1 1 v.i.'. and as a result hi' hits probably bi-i'i.me- .|iiite pmticient w 111 tin 1 in-rillf mid -1.,- n \\ . iindcratand hi' lias ,n.-i:.!.il ii jiib at i'i... . ii. ill hire. i ' ;i n McLiughlin, the ,. i .. M.T from nuar ChepStOW, wlm ocap.'d from the Walkerlon jail, and after being re-captnr- I'd, later nude a successful get way from tlu- Cenlial ptiton, Toronte, has bee re- takrn with tin- thri'O |>ul* who tli'd with him fion: llu' Toronto jail last month. The four fugitims were an'outcd in Brace bridge thh week on a charge of n.bl.rry commitU'd at (iull Lakr. Tho men wore 1.I....I M!.'. I by I'n.viiu i.il llul It John Kyan as the (|iniitetlu who broke jail it r..roiiti.. After lioiiig tried on the rolib ery rliti^i'v, they will be tranf erred ti the Central prison, where they will bi dealt wiih for j^il-brpakinu. \Vitli thu wind blowing thr'iugh a lux- uriant growth of black . .- - i -. -i li-.ln. was witfted into Waikerton on Friday nijbl sitting astride the bumpers on tho coal tender of the passenger train. He was hound fur Southampton and probably would liavu got there had a cold in the lu-ad not caused him to snet'/u at the crucial moment when a hrakcMimn was PHHSIIIK. Tin- gamti was up anil thu hobo made lii.s exit with tin; toes of a hostile bunt reaching painfully near In- cont tail". The disappoint ed look on the hobo's faco as the train steamed oil' without him, shows that the tramp has troubles of his own thi'si! days.- Iluuci' Herald and Tinii's. S. C. Hmitb, pn ptietor of the Norfolk lli.u.-.e, Simc.'e, received a dozen wounds- in the head from thu discharge if 11 shut gun in the liimis of Bruce Mt< ( iu'en, a hunting companion, while hunting pmt iidi;-s ni-ti l>elhi. lie will iee,.\ir. Sent up for trial Harry Knolls, the man who is charged with hiving been thu cause of the duath of Joseph Ferry at Griersville on Hallo- we'en night, came up to his preliminary hearing before Ma>istratc Johnston on Thin silay afternoon and was rent to Owen Sound to stand mil on a murder chart-e. The evidence taken at the hearing was much the "same as was taken at the in ijuest although some of the witnesses vr ltd their stoties tomewhat when cross eximined by Knolls' council, Mr. W. H. of Uweu Sound. Ytllini: was A Special Offering in Ladies' Fall Coats Values from $11.50 to $16.75, selling for $10.50 This week we are ottering a group of 12 only Ladies' Fall Coats at a special reduced price. These garments are all up-to-date styles good colors blacks, browns, greys and tweed mixtures, well made, well tailored, and well finished. The sixes range from 34 to 40 bust and a few young ladies' sixes are included. The regular values were $11.50, $13.75, $15.CO and $16.75. They go on sale now at $10.50. Agency for Butterick's Publications Butterick Patterns IJutterick Fashions, 25c. per copy on sale The Delineator, 15c. per copy on sale. f HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS -"- fl (A $ (4 & admitted und nearly all the evidence went to show that Jas. Gilchrist was the ingleader in the attack against the ac- cused. In committing Knolls for trial, the nagiNliMta cxpiuascd the opinion th.it larents should be responsible for the conduct of their children on Hallowe'en. Crown Attorney Dyre acted for the rown. Mraford Kxpress. Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 488 ftth St. Kt Owen Sound, Ont. Hours 9 to 12 a.m., 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. A Business SchooM That successful school whose graduates occupy prominent po- si'ions from the Atlant.c to the I'-icitic, re-opens for the FALL TERM September 1st, l'.14 Send for free catalog it <>nce to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins, - Principal Collmgwood, Ontario. FOR A 30 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Of the 1900 Apply to Tamworths for Sale Hotl. sex nearly ready for breeding. I'rlces li)()it for quick lle. OKO. W. IIOSS Maxwoll 1' O Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, Agent As the war rages on and we rind our- selves pinched by it, we i-nn and do thank !od for neighbors. The most wonderful hing in Norib America's life is the fact 'or 4 ,000 or i>, 00(1 miles our frontier is Jantda's fiontier and not only is there : fort upon it, liu' there is uo place where anyone in either nntion wants a 'l. They Hie people ons is glad to lave next door, the Canadians. Some- times a Tuft or 'i Clack says something that link"- IM blush for him, but the nice l.in ' aln;iit these pu..p!o is, they unilei- stand what a loose tongue is and pay very little attention to it. A good deal used to be said about annexing Canada, and jiice in a while a mn comes back Irom there so full of admiration tint ho wants to annex the I'niled Slates to Canada in stiinter; but ino.it of UN feel and we sin- cerely lii.pn Canada can share the feeliini- that just being neighbors is the best thing for both of us. \Vu have the same ( roblems in the main, and we are glad to h ive Cimid.i show how ahe thinks they should be worked out. We have a good deal of common properly in the lake* and rivers which lie between our shores anil hern. "It is a really beautiful thing to think of m the war-torn autuiui of I'M I that we hiive never hail a serious ililleri'iicu about this common property This is a gooi time to vow that we nevei will. I hit "Lady of the Snows" is not so cold as her title might lend one ti think. She is distinctly our son anil we hope she won't mind tour saying si Tim froiitii'i- is an imaginary line only. Thoughts, arc the tine bond of friendship. Let us draw rloser itnd closer to Caiinil t in thought. Let us seek nationally ;u individually, t.> foster the relations which niaku us thank (lod for i m ..| . as a neighbor. After all, most of our his- tory is the same as hers. Colliers. Some days- tir niehte ago Tl.nB. Lonswiiy was intfrcopted by Inspector lieckett MhilegettiiH! ott'lho (J.T.K ti.iiu with a grip containing eighteen bo ties of whiskey. 1'ehlerdny morning he >j. pour- ed in I'.ilice C. urt to explain matters and give leisoiis why tho tirewster should not be confiscated. His e\| ! n .1 I..M . were not antisfac'ory to the P. M., who ordeieii the liquor lo bo ilispi.M il .,f by the Giivornmcnt. - Advertiser. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE f'-'lUU twenty-four handled dollars will buy the wi-st half of lot No. '.' and l>nrt of the North west quarter of No. 1, a'l on the 4rh cori. of Kuphrasia, contain- inij; about 125 acres. There is supposed lo be ninety acres cleared, the balance uood hardwood hush nmple, beech snd I'lin. '1 here in on the property a frame h-iUMC and kitchen, a frame l>arn, trw hojse with stone foundation under it, als.- wood shed, driving shad, pig pen and hen house. There are lso two or- r'nrds on the farm KMiring diffrcnt kindn of fruit apples, pears, plums, clivrrivH and grapes. This farm is well fi-nctd with wire and patent frnciiiK- Is f row from frost. It is also well watered i with water in nearly evory field. There i n never-failing spring within 411 yards f the house. This farm is within onu n.ile of I ho thriving villago nf Kiinlierley. fnrt lu-r piuticnlurs apply to .1 AMKS , Kimlierley 1'. It. ISept For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps, pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul- tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO .4 line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of charge, if required. lep We have been fortunate in securing another .shipment of fresh goods at re- duced rates and will give our customers the benefit of tho reduction. All kinds of feed and several kinds of flour to choi i.sa from. Also some bargains in groceries. We Iwve purchased the stock of Inter- national Stock Food from Mr Fisher, Vou are making money whan you are feeding thulnternationalSti-ck Remedies. We want your but'.er and eggs and will pay a little more thun niiirket price-. S. R. Henderson f LOUR and FEED The Right Suit .... for the Right Season Your next suit will be a fall or winter suit, and if you want anything in A Tailored or Semi-Ready Suit, it will be to your advantage to leave your onler with. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Standard Bank Block, Fksberton Estray Strnyed from my premises, lot 28, con. 1 l,Artemeiin,!\boiit U.e mi Idle of August, Steer Estray ed one ewo and lamb, ewe has tar cross on|"* *t*r. The right shoulder. Tnformati .11 thankfully! prove propel tj. rcc 'iv.d. Gorge Goutley, Kugeoift I'.O, .he Cama to Uic premiiss of t,b uudursign- one 2-yeai- liifsiod to and takr the middle of Jun owner pay (xponsea .ameaway. D. HRKKTS, Farm For Sale Lot IT - Irt, Srst rane N. D. R., O prey 100 acres, 90 cleared, balnuce h wood bush . GOCK! buildiuji.brick hou small orchard, \Vill terms. A bttmia, "!'' W. Hillock, I ti. K. No. 4. be "old i n easy Who will pick it Kp , Proton station, 1 Julytf

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