Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Nov 1914, p. 5

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November 19 1914 THE F L E S II E R T OX A D V A N C E . B THE ECTABLUHB) 1578 OF CANADA Ix^EEPING a b*nk account (or .IV. "Kouikll eipenies" and paying all ki]b br cheque hai many advantage*. It showt tht balance on hand, tk* amouDt expended, proTide* receipt! for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. TORONTO FLESHERTON BR'ANCH ji CEO. MITCHELL, BOB Branches aba t Darbua and Huratoo. Mnf er. C. P. R. Time Table. _ There ia a man in * midland town Trains leaye Flesherton Station as whose nan.e ia Burit. It is a misfortune follows : that would not have attracted much Going Sooth Going North attention if he had not called his two aSyi 11 t) 4 i2 P a 'm:. childrenAtna Ma * and Eraa8t wm - The mails are osed at Flesherton aj i 1 spite of the war we are selling more ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and nursery stock than ever before. We 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as have room for' another agent in this .1 All n ! iii'Lr h<iv ii i , ,f ii 1 11 .F f f.iii _ , 1 1 1 r S ^ 3.40 o'clock. For morning train mail close at 9 p.m. the previous VICINITY CHIPS ev 'g. COUDt y however and applications should be sent in at once. A good man hou?d earn frcm f 15. to ?:'-0 p. ; i week right through the ninter. No delivei'.ng or collecting. Outfit free. Thos. W. I; AM i-. A Siu Co., Ltd., Kiiigeville, ;Oot. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Howden of Toronto vu- ited friend* here over the week end. Rev . A. F. McKenzie of the Fred Vic- tor M'8M'>n, Toronto, occupied the pulpit Mrs . Graham irturned from Derrick, of tn Methodist Church on Sunday, last week, and will spend the win- 1 November 8th and told what the Meth- odist Cliurch is doing for the poor in that city; he also addressed the Sabbath School in the afternoon and the talts of suffering so touched the hearts of some of the little girl*, that they canvssed ter with her daughter, Mrs. R. Moore. Miss Belle Clinton returned last week from a two months' trip to the West and a month spent in Toronto. All old accounts to J. &, \V. Boyd m -r be paid at once lo lave coots. J. & W. Boyd, Markdale. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Turner, Monday. November 9th, . the village for contributions to help the | Mission relieve distress caused by men , being out of work. On Monday evening Mr. McKenzie gave Unteru slide views which were much enjoyed. Eugenia, on 1914, a sou. Mr. Byron Welton moved last week to the house vacated by Mr. S. Shank, and Mrs. J. Patton has Uken i^os.se>ion uf the bungalow. Mr. Thnmift Bentham uf Chats worth i spending a tew days with h*U brother Uich ir I after returning from Sask., where he wav for some months. The W. U.S. of the Methodist Church are quilting five quilts today (Wednesday) which will be sent to needy place in Northern Ontario. The S. S. No 5 Osprey will hold a box social and concert on Fiiday, November 20th, in the school house. L.idie* please bring boxes. Admission - Collingwood Fair Directorate started 1914 with a deficit of $824. 13, which they have reduced by *47" since this -year's Fair, which was one of the best on record. Mr. Joseph Corntield and family re- movad to Toronto on Monday of this week: while we regret Mr. CcrnBeld's w Procter, both of Kimberley. removal we trust that the change will be to his advantage. Mr. Will Southgite and bride of Sea- forth viiited hi* uncle Mr.George Mitchell "One of the most influential agricul- tural ptpers ia the Dominion", is the way others refer to the Weekly Sun of Toronto. It is pa par which appeals to the wide-awake farmers. Independent and fearless, it h.is always guarded the best interest if Canadian agricultural. Aside from that, its accurate and care- fully complied market reports ui J sum- mitries give the reader a practical grasp of market conditions. "You have sared me dollars ", U the repeated recommen- dation of hundreds of it reiden. The Sun is on the ground, and it is not in- fluenced by any packing houses or com- mission merchants. It stands for farm- era alone, every day in the year. It is the farmers' reader. friend, y u ought to be a Married Proitor Camack In Toronto, on Monday, November Itith, 1914, quietly. Mist) Edna M. Camack to Mr. Krnest Ellis Carpenter In Brautford, on November 7, 1914, by Rev. T. E. Holl- ing, Miss Vesta C Carpenter.only daught- er of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Carpenter, Six list week. Mrs. Mitchell gave an after- noon tea in honor of Mrs. Soutlu;ate on Thursday afternoon. The next meeting of the High School Literary Society will take place in the High School on Friday, Nov. 20, at 3.30 p. m. The programme will be the lust of ,1 series. A study of the nations at Mr. John Fisher passed away at the war. Russia will be the country stud- home of his brother Thomas, here on ied. Everybody welcome. , Monday morning, November !)th, aged Mr. Walter Marr, who has opened up 55 years. The deceased had been ill a blacksmith shop in I'roton, moved his I for some time with heart trouble and the Nations, to Victor Kllis, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis. Kiinberley, Ont. John Fisher Dead family and household week. Mr. and Mis. effects there this Marr* were very highly respected citizens here and we wish them success in their new borne. Mra. S. Colqutftt accompanied thorn and will reimin there for the winter. The concert held under the I'l-pic > of the Methodist Ladies Aid on Friday even- ing last w-.is largely attended and artistic- ally rendered. Solos by Miss Wilson, jiurvive, to whom we extend our sympa- Mr. II. Sullivan, Mr. Leslie and Little ' thy in their double loss, as it is only four Miss Laura Boyd and the duet by Miss weeks since they buried their brother Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE leney cow and heifer c!f fur sale W. A. Armstrong. A car load of cement juac arrived. SangBtrr Hemphill, Ceylnn. Shroushire ranu, ewea, Uiuba or shear- lings for sale. Prize winning stock. J. Findlay, Markdale P. U. All kinds of vegetables fur sale, in- cluding beets and carrots. A. Shackel- ford. For Sale, Cheap 1 org<tn,l separator, good as new, 1 Klondike st.ive. H. Woods, Fleaherton. For Sale 6 pur* bred Oxford Down ewe lambs, three rsm lambs; also 1 Shearlins ram. C. H. Holly. R. R. No. 2, Fleshertou. For Sale Cheap youua driving mare about 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh- erton. Jan. 22 For S.ile A few egg vats in prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cattle. Also a uood, second hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton, Ont. World THIS Wide War X OWEN SOUND, ONT., W l is recognized as the most J* ough, practical Business School 4 in Canada. 2?Expert Instructors. SjfUur own three story College Build- V WjEvery Graduate guaranteed a l"> jjfsition. jV> Get our success book y, C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., ^jr Principal. ||G- D. FLKMING Secretary. OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO ^jf ^ X A ft ft has created demand for newspapers unprecedented in history. The fact that Canada is in a state of war along the School Children's Eyes. For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dwelling, good cellar and water, frame sUble and shed. Also i vacant lot for ijajo. !< ,s,.s~:..i> given at once, fvlo ljunk, Fleshertou. For sale or rent A brick house with frame kitchen, good well and stable. Apple, cherry, plum trees and all kinds of small fruit on place. Will sell cheap on easy terms. -GEO. A. BELLAMY, Fleaherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to <cive him a call. with the mother country and their Allies against th<T combined forces of Germany and Austria and the further fact that Canadian troops are now on the firing line, will have the effect of increasing our interest in the struggle. The ADVANCE clubbed with The Toronto Morning World will be mailed to subscribers from now to the 1st of January, 1916, for $3.50. Think of it! A morning daily paper and a weekly paper 1.3 months for only $:J..3U. Take advantage of this special offer at once as we are olr- liged to reserve the right to withdraw it without notice as the ramifications of the war may cause a very rapid increase in the cost qj white paper, which will mean a much highe price for your newspaper. SUBSCRIBE NOW Sow Strnyed From my premises about the 20 h of September, white sow. weighing between 2t)0 and :WO pounds. Finder please communi^te with Cnas. Best, Flesheiton. end was not unexpected. Hu was born and raised near this village and lived for a number of years in Collinswocd, but for the past three years has made his home hete. On Tuesday moining ser- vice ^ conducted iu the Baptist church by Revs. Ken- and Dudgeon, after which the remains were taken to Colling wood for interment beside those of his wife, who died four years ago. Four brothers Trimble and Mr. Jones were enthusias- tically received. The beautiful trio ft r female voices sun.; by Misses Richardson and Ttiinble and Mrs. Blackburn was full of sweet and expressive harmonies. Misses Rita Buskin and Maud Boyd de- lighted the audience with two beautifully rendered piano duets. The duet by R. William. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn and new { Frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For Sale Cheap and on e'asy Uruis comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- ton ; good well on premises ; also Park lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation with barn thereon. R. J. Sproule. Fiesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 Many lives have been ruined tuFough neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. ANADIAN PACIFIC Winter Tours TO THE LAND UF SINSHINE AND SUMMER DAYS CALIFORNIA FLORIDA. LOUISIANA. KTC LOST AND FOLND Key Found In Flesherton on Friday 23 mst., a key with leaf. This "Peterboru" office. Gun Lost Between Flesherton and Eugeria, in case. Finder please leave at Advance office. Strayed To my premises on October 16th. one Yorkshire sow and one Hamp- shire sow. Albert rfill. Kimherlev. Limited trains !. Toronto daily, direct connection at Detroit and Buffalo for the Southern States, anJ at Chicago for Cali- fornia, ate. Those cimtemj>!atiiig a trip of any nature should ccnsult < '.m.uli.i i Paciri-i Ticket Ag- ents, who will be pleased to (luotn rates, ar- range reservation*, anil attend to all detail* in connection with ycur trip, or write M. (). Murphy. District Vassenftr Agent, corner King and Voo^e Streets, Toronto. S. RATS OS, Agent, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS To Rent A brick house and double lot, uppoiitd the high school. Apply to J. T. I'aiker, Flesherton. Wanted large second hand box heat- iug stove, must be cheap and in reason- ably giuid condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jsn.22 The Durham Furniture Co. lus 1000 cords of wood EM- s;ilo at Roc'.; Mills. Price 5'Jc. per cord. Can be bought in larfce or small 'iu:inUtie. J. < >. Darjjav- el in charge. 1 Jau. 15. MUMC STUDIO Mark Everette Wriuht, organist and choir master of the Methodist church, Flesherton, teacher of piano, oryan and voice. Mr. Wriubt holds credentials from couservatoiies of music where he has tau jlit, also from eminent doctors and teachers i New England conserva- tory, Boston Metropolitan. Conservatory of Music and Stoinw,y H:UI, New York city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are open for concert engagements. Notice To Creditors ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE In &, matter of the estate of Roger UcGill. late of the Village uf Ceylon i the County of Grey, in the Province of Ontario, Gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given that ill persons having any claims against the siid Roger McGill, who died on or about the 2tith day of June, A.D. 1'JU. are required to send by post prepaid or deliver to the undersigned, Solk-iior hetein for Archibald McGill, the Ad- ministrator of the estate of the said Roger McGill, their names, addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims before the 1st day of December, 1914, after which dsto the sai'l Archi- bald McGill will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among I the persons entitled thereto, lnvin-4 re- ' gard only to (he claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that he will not be liable for the said assets nr any part thereof to any person of ivse claim he shall not then have received notice. JAS. DOl'GLAS. Esii.. I'.'To gueen St. \V.. Toronto, Ont. Solicitor for Archil-aid McGill. Dated at Tir-nto this 2f*th day of Brampton is baviun a burglary .scare these days, no fewer than three residen- ces having been entered this week. About midnight last night the home of Chas. Booth, Main street aouth, was en- tered. Mr. Booth is at home only during N. Cornfield and Bobs Trimble and the j the weekends, the only occupants of the chorus l>y six boys were also well ren- 'house beiusjJVlM.Booth.her thirtcen-year- dered. Mr. Bert Fetch, elocutionist of old daughter Jessie, sod Mrs. Booth's Toronto, and a former Flesherton boy, was present and rendered several choice readings which were heartily encored. Mr. Fetch is a talented and clever pupil of Mr. Ellwood Genoe, another Flesher- ton boy, and his performance here surely speaks well far his teacher. Flesherton peoplo look forward with pleasure to hearing Mr. Fetch again in the future and wo can assure him he will be listened to with lieirly apprecntifn. Mrs. H. S. White and Mrs. W. W. Trimble were the accompanist* for the evening. Rev. James Dudgeon made a very efficient chairman and gave a shit address. The ven : jg closed witb God Sve the King. father, Mr. Henry SehooJey. Mrs. Booth w i-t awakened by a man standing by her bedside. When she asked what he wtnt ed a kerchief was stuffed in her mouth. Jessie, who was iu another bed, promptly grppled with the burglar, and culled for her grandfather. Managing to free one arm, thu marauder struck the littlu girl in the face and broke away. When Mr. iSchoc ley went to telephone the police he- found tho wires cut. The burglar is described :is medium -sized, wealing peaked haf, with a hankerchief about the lower part of his face. He left be hind a '22-calibre revolver. No trace has yet been found of him. Theodore /itnmer, the young Austrian who was arrested in Listowell for the Stratford police over two months ago, after h-j had endeavored to pull off some ''shady" real estate deals in town, was sentenced on Monday by Magistrate O' Loane of Stratford to eighteen months iu the Ontario Reformatory at Gait. XimJ mer successfully carried out several leal estate transactions in Stratford and vicinity in which his clients were. de frauded of various sums ranging fum $23 to$100, says The Beacon. "Some of the property which he soil as Montrc al lots were found to be miles away fn IU the city itself "His remand of two months, during which time he eudeavor- ed to raise money to square himself with those whom he defrauded, was taken into consideration V>y the magistrate when he imposed sentence." Sealed Tenders Sealed tenders, Marked, "Tenders for School," will be received by the undor- signed up .o novcmber 'JHth, 1914, for thu purchisc of old school building in S. 8. So. 0, Osprey. Terms and pnrticul.us may N> obtained at undersigned's place, 8tli con., Ospiey. Any lender nut necessarily accepted. By Or.ler. WM. LA \\LER, Eugenia F. O. Sec.-Tceas. S. S. No. 5, Osprey. Machinery for Sale Ii H. P. Gasoline Engine, Buzz Planer, 12 inch Band Saw. Rip Saw, Lathe, Line Shaft and Belts, all) iu good miming order. Apply CHESTER N. LONG, Maxwell The Barrels and Lugs of STEVENS , Double and Single Barrel SHOTGUNS .^. il'ly tt'lKtcJ Steel re drnp-forxl m one :iiiv. W.i. n- of -SIMHCUT hor- WtRlsr. Compare at any wrwre nar th$ QUMJTT Our Shotjv " CftUilo ' 1 v ni c.incjj obuin St'tA ENS frytn your it t ' ' " V,- ; ,> .. ;i'> | ue %vil| ship dirL CX- -. i-T nv. in* of J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY P. 0. Bo*SOO5. CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversharn, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Impement*. Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Meluttc Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always ol) hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wareroom Welltngon Stree. Fcvcrsham. Ontario. We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For every town and district where we* nut represented. Fruits are bringing hiijli prices and sery stock ia in demand. MAKE BIG MONEY SOW by iugan asjency. BEST TIME for vassin" i* durin the Summer months. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY, What About -THAT Baby Carriage Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW Verandah Chairs ! Now is tlie time to purchase your Verandah Chairs. ..u sal.- for $6.50 a Pair , Nothing like them for ('..iiifort. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DELER PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. Fiee Exclusive territory Highest Commissions paid Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington Kuuthill Nurseries TORONTO ONTARIO Potatoes Wanted Two Car Loads of Good Potatoes Wanted Current Market Prices Paid, Fleslierton. TonsoriaH Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Salisfac' ioj LAUNDRY Basket closes night, delivery Friday eveni-jg CLEANING and DYEING- \\>- agents for Parker's Dye Works ClotUe^ cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenate T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOl BULL FOR SERVICE The thoroughbred shorthorn bull Field Mai-hall 90tWl will be to ' service on lot 170, T. S. R. Artemei:> Terras 1 . Au JAS. STIXSOJi, Prop. HEREFORD BILL M. SCULLY & CO., Flesherton. a pura bred u lot 171, 3rd. FOR SERVICE The undersigned have Hereford bull for service W.T.S. U., Arteniesia. Terms $:5 for pure breds, $1.50 : * urade. All cows served must be wud I tor. -T. \- J. WATSON. 1 mar 14 Fast Montreal, Toronto, Detroit, ' Chicago Train Service. Pure Brei l Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe The* y ch H litoary.compartinent-otwervationc.xs. slectnc, f Tj(Jy \ bbekerk liKhu-d rtndtt sleeper*, together w 'tli -tan- 1 The ,, reatMt butter making strain kno 1 .lanldininn >-ar M-rxicv Mwn Montreal, Term of service *1.5O for grades/ Toronto. Detroit, Chieago, via Canadian I'u- ' c-ifli- ami Michigan Central railroads, are known as "The Canadian.' aii'l ujwratwl daily , for grade pun- bn>d. Or KO. MOORE & SH 'X. Props., through thf Michigan Conlral twin trVn-* be- dir ainl l>etT"it. ^ Montreal *. >'< .1. 111.. in. : IIUTI inn I'orontu \VMtbound : UM in arriving Ti-roiito '<. V> | (i.lil i<. m.. Imvinir London '.< :Wp. in..arrivin(t cash. Windsor. 1-. lOa. in., arriving Detroit \\.Xf l>. in., central tilui 1 : leaving DeCioit in., arth ing C'hivg T. ."> :i in. Bull for Service Thoi'ou((hbretl American bred Uei* fnrd bull lor service on lot 151, 2nJ. T. andS. R., Aitem.wia Torros ?1.50 -JOHN ADAMS, Kastbound : Leaving Chicago H.tO (>. ID.- central time: arrhinK l>etroit: M. C. H. De- pot 12.3iia.tn. : leaving Detroit, M.t'.K. >le- pot, 12.43 .rn.; leaving] l>irfit, Fort Street, U.40 [.. m.. leaving Windsor. C.P.K.1.20 a.m. , eastern time, leaving Wimlsor. M. C. R. De- 1 l>ot, 2. 10 a, in., leaving London r>.l.~> a. m,;| iving 1 ironto S.;Ui a. in.: leaving Toronto 'J.iXt a.'iu. : arriiii({ Montret li.UI p. in. Full particulars from Canndiiui IViKc ticket agents. r write M. I!. Murphy. l>is trict I'an^cnKer A s 'cnt. Toronto. Farm For Sale Fie UK) acres, 1^ miles from Good buildings, easy terms. -.JOHX WRIGHT, Strayed from lot :':', con. 1-. Arlein- i Hny etit 1 two yem old steer, red with :-mue Uuttt-r small white si.-ots, .lehouied aivl :i few Kgs, frosh . . wliilc h.iirs in forehend. [<\n ring in top! Potatoes per biig. of right ear. h;is hoen away since list Geese week in Octol er, Any information leading Pucks to recovery will be suitably rewarded by K.'.l notifying Chickens C. KNOTT, Thornbury. t Tumeys Ill IIIIE1I Carefully Corrected Each M Wheat 91 i)5 lo Oats 4,"i tq Peas $1 15 to Barley ootoi Buckwheat .V) to] Sti 00 to $7 Hi 10 40 1-J to IS is to i:. u to is l:i to 13

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