Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1914, p. 1

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"TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." ' PRIXCiPLEb NOT MEN.' VJL 34 No. 1" Fleshertoii, Ont., Thursday, Xovember 2< > IO14 W. H TECRSTON Wo de house Doings Snow Snow Snow. Re*. M. Marshall occupied the pulpit at New Eimlind Suml y afternoon. Mr. Alwyn Fanrcelt and bride of Detroit arrived on -Satur lay and will visit the former'^ parents. Mi. und Mrs. 1. I. Fawcett, and friends for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Joe <'heny and daughter, Kdna, visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ward, Kimberley, on Sunday. Mr. Norman < >i ms'>y and lady fiiend, Miss Irvine, were the guemt of Mr. and Mrs. Will Ward recently. Mr. Aaron Birch sold his tine team of h-ire to Koch Marien on Tuesday last. Miss Nettie McArthur is visiting friends at Meaford. Mrs. EJiiar Donnely and son, Iv*n, have returned home after Bpendiny wjnie time with her brolher-iii-law, Mr. Alec 1 ' iiuell, Maxwell Anniversary services will IK: held in Ihe Methodist church, December 0, at 11 a. in. and T p.m. A fowl supper will be held on Monday, December 7'h, in the Methodist bill. See bill* for par- ticulars. ."" Mr. Will !uy of Kenora is visiliin: at l.is parental home. Mr and Mrs. CJeor^e Einley have moved to Coibettou and Mr. and Mrs. Leech of Shelburne have moved into the j.Uce vacated by them. We are sorry to lose Mr. und Mrs. Linley from our midst but wish M) . Leech and family every success. Mr. William Cliliton and family have :iiovd into our burg. Mi<s Ida Osborne of Owen Sound, iccou) i tamed by her friend, visited at her b"ine recently. Mr. and Mrs. (.eorye Morrison of Markham visited friends here. Mrs. Charlie Kerton has been very il luit is now recoveiing. Miss MauileOuy visited with her aunt in Mclntyre. We extend our deepest sympathy lo Mrs. Win. \\'iij}ht mid family in the loss of her husband who died ni November frth. Deceased haJ been ill f -r .vnne time. Ml-* Alice Kenwiek w visiting with friends in Dundalk. The Mwthoiist Sinulay School purpose hiding Christmas Tree on Christmas Kve. Particulars later. ; hells aro rinaini; in our bur. Kimberley Budget Last Week's Iteuia Talk about a real old Western blizzard, we sure had n U< e of one on Monday last. The deer hunters from Boakview, Parry Souud district, hive all returned home safe and sound, and well pleased with their trip. They succeeded in securing their allotted number of the rteet-footed intlered beau-ies. Mr. .las. Brooks of Thornhury was a caller iu our burg on Saturday last. Mr. Edwanl Fiwcett of Heathcote vis- iled Kimberley friends on Monday. i )ur two public school leacher.*, Mr. l! irdoii Leslie and Miss Mae Hutchinson visited friends in Flesherton mi Saturday. Mr. Jas. HoJuson of Collinjjwo .id is renewing old aci|uaintaiices in this part at present . The pastor, Ucv. Marshall, iccupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday aiorniuM last. Mr. John Taylor of Fail mount was H callei in our burg one day last week. Mr. Leith Lawrence visited frieuda in Flesherton on S..turi'ay. Mr.S. Fawcett vis.ted Duncan friends recently. East Mountain Eugenia Paragraphs Tire sleigh atil wedding bells "e riugiug. Mr. Frazer aud Mr. Clark built tlie young people a toboggan and the sports, bnh married and single, aie enjoying themselves on the Williams hill. Mr. Boswell of Prince Edward Island, who spent [.he summer with the ArnbiirsenCo. here, left on Tues- day to take up duties iu Montreal. Mr. Stanley Wallace of the Ambur- 9eu Company met with a severe acci- dent in getting his foot badly smash- ed, but we hope to hear of bin speedy recovery. Miss Allie Williams entertained a number of the young folks of this town ou Friday evening aud all report an enjoyable time. Born on November '22, to Mr. auJ Mrs. Fred Wickens, a son. Mr. Large has purchased one of the Ambursen dwellings aud intends mov- ing his family up the first of the week. Bom On November 15, to Mr.and Mrs. Wilme'- Turner, a son. There are about seventy nieu em- ployed ou bush work now. Vandeleur Happenings Mr. \\ ill Buchanan of Chatsworlh visited hia uncle, Mr. Geo. Warling, re- cently. Mr. T. C. Hutchiusou of I'xbridge, wlin attended the funeral of hu brother tin; late Geo. Kulclnim m. of Knpliras!:t, spent a few days visiting hit brother. William, and other friends here before returning home. Mis* I.illiiui Bud an in visited friend* in Toronto and Bobcaygeon recently. Mrs. \\illardCjilbeitof Moose Jaw 8,>ent a few <uys w.th her sister-in-law. Mrs. Will Huchinson, recently. Mr. <ieo. >li,,niiuii has puichiisel .-i uuw six horse-power gasoline engine and has removed the power mill from his barn. DR. Specialist in difcti of Ihe An Explanation Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-130 10th at. Wett, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2ml Thursday each nionrh from 8 to a 12a.m Duiul-ilk,l.-t Wednesday of each tnoutb.. Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now pre|tred t> do chopping 5 every day in the week except Sundaya | and every week in the year. Briny along : your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at your disposal for any thiiig you \vtin in our line planing, matching, efc. Floor ing, -iiwh and uoors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly :<nd nl iea- unable rates. <et estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A. Armstong, Jeweler Fobl.l ly FLESHERTON, ONT west He bile up Intended for Last Wek Mr. Uiram Smith of the great has g-t buck to this part once more reports bavin-.; ^reat su-:ces there thia year. Mr. R. McMullen h*.s got ho.i.e from the happy huntini! (-rounds. He reports a successful hunt. Mr. Cuuiiort Thoinpou ha boen lni.-y plouuhiiiK f..r Mr. McMullen during the past two weeks. Miss Olive Leod of Duncan paid a friendly vi.it here last Saturday and Sunday, the -.juot of Mrs. Ueo. Allen and family . I We are overtaken by a youn winter but hope for hre j-round yet for while. Mr. John Martin has parted wit h one of his working hoists. We are sorry to report Mr. Smart still on the sie* list. Heathcote Intended for last week Apples! app'o everywhere sincoMf. JiSn Pratl ic-opened his evuporatnr. Mr.and Mrs. J. L...W bite and littlo 8on, Jerold, are viaitini; friends in Tor. onto and St. Catharines t'lis week. Mr.-. James MeCluna visirtd with IHT Mrs. Cunii-iii)-', at Meafi-rd last Mr. ioor>> McArlbur, win. hits been employed in the Keoliio saw mill for the muiim-r letiuncd t his home in DUIICHII. Mr. Roy Kelly, who h.is been employ- ed in HeiitluMle fur the pail few inoiitli", h i< returned lo his home in Kocklyn. \Vi> are sorry to lose Hoy from our midst . We are pUsned '. report Mr. <ieore Turner, who has l>et<u ill, is improving. Mr. J. H ''.aidner t.mk a business trip to Kocklyn last week. Mr. G.Mir^e UekK>, who has complet- ed his barrel-making for the seiw>n. h:us retur.i-'d to his lumltcr business. We arc ple.ised to hear tlu bu/./. cf the saw s;ain. Mr. U. J. Uri' of Forest Oity paid our luty a Hying visit ou Saturday last. Mr. .Iidm Maxwell visie.l i'h friends hero (he pwi w ok. Mr. Cltreauc Crui-Jklnnk, while out hunting one Jiiy lust week, had the Rood fortune of ci|tturin;j a sly royuard. Mr. (luiir^e Booth has moved to 'thorn- bury to spend the winter. The Au'.'liciin Sunday S.-hool will be held duiins the fall aild winter one hour beforo the church service on account of the j?o,'lo living a distance from iho '1 he O .inininn (\ >verniiient plans to ir ovo >si- the number of troops in training l,, tiftv thowa-r- 1 . ht onoe, a id when th,- M-,- -iul continuant sai'-, to cnl ^t 17,0"0 more immediate')'. This vVeeW's Items Kxcellen' slMghiox at present. A number from Uur.ctn spent :i pleas- ant even'mi! al Mr. Hobt. McMullen s last week. Horn In Ai-iemcsia, on Thursday, Nov. I'.l, to Mr. and Mi>. W. J. Martin, a son Charles Milburne. We are sorry to report Miss Auiiie Allen on the sick list. Hope to hear soon of h'-r recovery. Mr.Jno. Welsh of wi-n Sound is visit- int; at his parental tnnne here. S\ e I'tl'er conn'auilations to Miss K'liri Camaek of KnnburlfV, who has taken as life partner Ml. Kin. Proctor i.f that place. KiggCaiwtek ia-asirtw "f Mrs. W. J. Maitin of ibis plwee. Mist. Mary Huinberst..i)e,Kp|)ina,speUl tho week end at her parental home here Mi.-s Muriel Carruthi-rs, Mountain View Faun," visaed a fe* d>s with her o.iHin, Miss Mildred McMullen. Mv. Thos. Lever, Klesheilon, was e-iller in this vicinity on Sidurday. Portlaw 1'lie ladies of this district met lately at the home of Mr. -lames Cornfield and oritanixod Port Law Branch of ihe Cana- dian lied Cross Society ami elected the following otliivrs: Preisiiltni 1 , Mrs. T. U. McKon/Je: Seer, tary, Miss Vina WaUuu; Treasurer, Miss Vay Corntield: Purchas- ing Cummittec, Mrs. .1. A. Thompson and Mrs. J. W. Lyons; Canvassing Committee, .ill the mcmbeis .f the branc'i. All ladies are invited to attend the. meetinXH or contribute iimteriul or wnrk. It was decided to liu'd a patriotic concert in f e school h^use on Friday evening, December lUh, and a live committee i* ''Uy on tho program. Mr. Archie Fisher is around a.;nin after a severe sioc of i|iiiiwy foll.iwinsj an I attack of appoudicit's. Mrs- John Wilkin.-.iii h;ls been \ory \ ill with an Httaek !' pli'iinsy. T. U. McKo.nx.e is in Owen S-miid | ibis week attending County Council. Duncan Sir Winter is with us again. Mr. Frank Micbl of 1'iriy tjound has r 'turned to ibis vicinity, where he will spend the winter. We welcome hi n to o-ir n.idst just because "He is a jolly good fellow." Mr '..utiel'l Sheen of ( >ren Sound renewed ivc'|uaintances in this burg re- cently. Mr. Harold Bowler of Cheeseville speut .1 few day* hunting in our bui-j. Miss Elva Lever, teacher spent the week end al her parental home. Klesher- ton. Dont folget the Fowl Supper next Kiiday night under the auspices of the Methodist Church. Mi-. Jno. McK-own is home from the West. Mr. Areh. Mclntyre of S-ayner is viiiting iu our village. Defective Culley lus ^one to work at H'-rtthcole. The teacher and pupils of "Sunbeam Academy" are busy preparing for a Oh rit-t mas concert We wish them suc- CM4. Mr.J.I. McKeowu has the iMiryiin; of i he nmil from Duncan to East Mountain. Mi"s. Ktse'l McC.illuin of Thornbury \isited a few d*ys nt home. Mr. (ierald Wallace of Kimb-rly was a culler on friends here last week. Toronto Line North \Vintei! W e welcome ymi if you do not be too severe. < In healing tliat ilia stork has |iresenl- e.l Mr. mid Alls. Thos. Slid with a little baby ''>}, we oiler congrntnl iti us. Mr. Einest tlyles of Markdale is en- gaged woikiiii.' with Mr. Kobt. Sivanton. Mr. ana Mis. Thomas Lever attended the I'uneial of the latter'.-* sister, Mrs. .1. Watters'ili, at Barrif. We extei.d our deepest sympathy in tlu-ir sad bereave- meiit. Miss E. Lever spent a couple of dajs with her parents lle'v. Miss Knincis Alexander of Fe\ei-sham \isitcd with her friend. Mi*.> Am.-inda Stewart. Do You Know Of Hon. Waller 0. Mit> -hell was elected iino-^po-i.-d to sueooe-1 the kte II. >n. T- S. *i MgKo:..'. e as 'l'tciMln?r of t v >iieSte fro* inse. At yo ie vis-iting in or out i f town.' Anyone moving in or from your uei;h- borhoot' ! A birth or a ,! ii i. An accident? Property improvcnieuli Something peculiar.' ADJOIIB hiu'l' A wediling, or wedding innivi-rsary ? .-Vnyihiim in pai(:cu''tr you wuuld 1-ke to .see limited.' A party or social Joints of any kind ,' (Don't fail to tell m when Uic little; folks have a paity ) If you do, will you kindly o.ill at Tho I flesherion Advance OlH:e an I tell us. I We would p|> eeia e ii v:iy inn h if ,V'>u | woul'i. It docs not oi.ike any dirterenco hetli- r y Hi ire a sitlw^riber or TI t We w.-uit to -,-U tli.- nes. Hanover, Out., Nov. !'., 114 Editor Advance, Dear Sir:- In a leeeut issue if many of the loial ne*spa|>eis, I notice an aitieli written by Mr. H. H. Miller. Liberal Ex-M. P. for South Oiey, pur- porting lo give a list of contribuiioiis to rhe Patriotic Fund. ete.. by lUiu.ver manufacturers. AlllMUgh the name of The Ball Fin iiituic Co., Ltd.. of Tin- over, ws second on the 1:M . 'in- s-i.ii riim having subscribed *liK).iJ<', llieir name and c-iiitributi..n dues not appear. \\hy Mr. M;l er knows best. Iu a Uier issue- Mr. Miller attempted to make a correction, but in many t the news papers his article did not correct, partly beoiu.ie it consisted of only a few lines, the tne*iiU>K of which w*8 not clear and 1 am satisfied il did not arrest the atten- tion of in-isl readers of the paper, and partly because it was so indefinite that the reader could not discern whether the contribution wa> an open- heal ted, volmi- Ury contribution, or nhvtlirr it had to be aliNtnetoil fio::i the doi.ora by press- ure. The Hall Furniture L'<>.. Ltd., has a business connect iun over the Dominion of Canada, reaching from ocean to , cean, and until the publication of this mticle. their |irtti lot i.>i:i, I a'li sure, was never ipieslioued. But when thi list ,f cjn- tul, lit "in was published and llieir 11:1 i e did in. I appear as a cuiitiibutur, a grave d mbt was raised in the minds of those W!K. ki.cw tin-in, as t-<> their loyalty, i lur men, who re[ rt-.-e it u-- and whose busi- ness it is to"sel! our good 1 *, have teen nuwtiooed by almont every dealer, whom they solicited I'o. old rs. as to viliy "he name of their tirui did not .appear in the list. Not haviu? been home in the mean- time they w-re m>t in a posi'ion to put us ri^ht in Iho mind of 'he dealer. A> thase are days it hen "Mmle in Cinidt is the slonau and 'Iu motive in puM s b- ii.i; iliu Hani'ver h>t. wis undoubtedly to M'l lUnover ri'.'ht in the eyes of t,!ie ImsiiiesD c"iiniiuiiity. an -I fucluer, as every member of the Hall Furtniiire C . is of duo. -t Brrish -li-eeii'. and Brilih ill the liiuhe.st sensj of the word, we felt that, in justice lo ourselves and in justice to our I nsnies*. we shuu d iMt bo iniv-iepresented either in t e business "i pol tieal wor!.l. We, In nil- parade our loyalty before the public unnecessarily but al t'le same time, we do no: wish to have a wrong impression created in the minds of our Canidi.m fellow ein/. -11^ . Noi 'is it ri-^lit. llul our business and political rrputntion .xlmiiM be injuu-o 1 , whicli it has neon, the largest stoek holder and maiiHger of the tirm be.iii the Domini. 'ii Member for South tirey. Mr. Miller, who was chairman of the Patriotic meeting, hel I in the town of Hanover, m.t secretary n.r yet i.reasurei . w:< only .>no ,-f a publicity committee and was not particulaily appointed re- porter, but I |noMiiiie took upon himself this di'.ty and iheteforc should have re- ported correctly or not at all. And if the lepoit is not cornet, he, and he lrne is icspoiiMblc. Any attempt it correction eannot now place us wliure we ought to be, as little attention is p.iiii t.' aftei explanaMi'Hs and even this letter may fail to reach many of your readers. I', seems rather strani(e that the Bal! r'ui n. lure C.i's. name was the only olio mill' ted. Ti listing y-'ii will give thi< ex;iUn.i:i.in a place in your valud ptocr simply be- cnuso maiiv 'f ynuv ix'sders mtiy have read the original mid kiiully re.iues'ii'u any 1 >e il [ Jip^rs which copied 1,'ie for- inei article, lo copy tins 'UiJ obli;e.T aai. WAKE UP and :;et your supplies of Cranberries, Honey and Syrup 1 i errint! an. FISH Trout, FLOUR an<l Food oi all kinN Hriii" in your Wheat. Outs. r,arl.-y. Buckwheat, 1 Yas. I'.iiftei- an.l K--IS and jjet tho highest market. AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. B U S K I N RUBBERS! RUBBERS! in iifi'd of Larr l.t';ttluT Tops or Low i \\ iili Lart- Tups or uut Top or it you have ol<! Li-atln-r '"(i]is lirinii them in aiil -c; new l)otroni< on tli<'in. WHKUK; WHY AT Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON i.Mstr, II. .1. rlM.T., M r 1 . S,.ut!i i!rp\. Kurui-urc (.' ' ******* **43 j. "* x 'MS I Christmas | Ip Suitings I ^v ^L V.^,' % TJ "*" .lust received a hunch of nobby new suit. ^ T in^s and overcoatings, un immense choice O. of newest patterns and at very reasonable -fj $p prices. Leave your order for a. Christmas ^" * suit now and have tirst choice. We aim * to please everyone and we hit ihe hulls "^ O ye every time- (.'all ami look over our T stock. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. I i

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