i'<> 1014 THE It L E S II I- KICK AD V A N C E /leohcrton C An iii.|'.|-iiib-nt iu---|..i|..-, . |)iil>lil>eii every C< Mm,; .-. ,,.,,1 S&,.,-c. At tlr' ottice, C< Mm,; . 3u Uteri ptinn M ,- -ft \>?r annum .tell |*id I u -ul i IIHV ;>li when nut in paid ' Ivtrtiisinfr rate* <m application. Circulation 1. 100 weekly W 11. i inii -I..II- Editor Flesherton-wv/7) Baptist Church it C. Kerr, l'aior. I'li'-m- .":' K. 2 Sunday School 10 . . in. >--i .1- at 11 a ni. BilJe i>tudy on Thursday .1 tin- home t.f Mt. lli-,n|.h 1". fujlon. CxuiiKMic us: Sunday Oct. 28, sr vice wi!! l>e In-Ill .ii KM.-!. .Mill- r ~ instead ol - :n p. in. Flcshcrton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudgeon, pastor. Sunday, Novemlier Jnd, l'.H4. 11 a. in. mid ~, p. in. -Tlie \ astoi Sunday. 10 . in. Ke .lowship Service. Monday evening K|iw..rtli Le-ijiue u' 8 p. in. Mverei e VA'n^ht cl oil leader and GERMANY AT HER LESSONS The German empire was bom by has been nurtured bv war, and J. rived at its complete stature by war. Its public men are disciples ot the wr god and preach wai as a necessity to any virile nation. Not only that, but they believe that anything tu acijuire n end is fair in war, which accounts fur the attitude takeu by ISethinanii Holweiyg when lie rupudiatrd the "scrap of paper," and determined to vrufli Belgium. The German people actually have two moral standards- one for the individual and the other for the military power. What they would not dream of doing as individ- uals they hold is proper, ai.d right when exeicised for military exigencies; murder, arson, i .,i i -. outrage, van- dalism, all have iLiir place in the German moral code as aids to military Success . Tiiey are bound by noiules of modern warfare and take their cue from the tluns and Vaudals. They ai e far beyond the pale of modern warfaro as proven in their dealings with tin- I M I.;;,,, peisaniry and on the high seae by sailing under Hugs of neutral nations. In passing we might fay that the praise paid to Captain Mueller of the Eruden is not :-h:iinl by us. Hi? actions in disguising his vessel were despicable aad unworthy of an honorable oppon- ent. Germany in the pa?t has learned some valuable lessons, the most im- portant of which is the truth of the fable legardiug the bundle of sticks which could be brol;<-n singly but not collectively. She learned this lesson in the Franco- Prussian war of 1870- 71 , al'U-i which all lu-r 2(1 states united and an emperor u i appointed in the person of William 1. {Since then the Get man empire has exemplified the bundle of sticks. Hut their is an- other fable that she did not leant, but i- likely to have driven home to her by the present war. That in the dually well known story of the Dog aud the bone, l-'oi forty years past Oi i in.ii \ has been preparing for more con<|iiest8, gi hiding IH.T people with taxation and conscription, preaching the necessity and holiness of war, un- til the peasantry have become docile a& I:iinl, and us lamb- one and a (juurter millions of her bent manhood have been lead to the slaughter. She dreams of woild conquest as her necessities for expansion arise, and considered the time opportune to real- ing on her dreams. She chose her own time to act, and the shadow she saw was an extension of her kingdom to the straits of Dover and M editeriau eair tihc was a prosperous country as she stood, commercially, intellect tially and physically. These are the substanecs which she will drop by the prejeut war, in pursuit of the shadow which has passed before her eyes and which she cau never grasp. BrownSng-Fenwick A very pretty wedding wm xil at ft. .1 .lm - I'resbytemn church, Tm- i..,i>,, tvlit'ii Mis.s Gertrude el' daiiih- ter of Mi. and Mi*. \V. H. Funwu-k, w-i> united in marriage to Ml. Kiln u A'. Bmwabiq, TtwohardtmudocontMl with inuiu.s and ptlms and Kcv.J. Me- I'hfiM'ii Scctt |ier!o:ui.i| the ceremony. The bride t-nteied the clmrcli on the nun n| ln-i taller, looking c'nnnin^ in kha,|ow Kuc tttcr white .-itin, dimmed wi:h iosn lin.l nd i',- ni. Her tulle veil mi crow- iiril-Aith uraliuie lilosiouii .slie cur. li.-d white ruses ;ir.d lilliev Miss Kdn:i Ken uk, .-i-strr pf ilu bride, acted us bridawiuid ind *> ill Line silk and .slud'/w lace with nose <y of pink rosi-.-. am) Miss S*die Fenwick, as (tower girl, lookfd lovely in sh-ulo* Uce over (auk siik, carrying a banket of t-.u i Jitimis Mr. FivJ Mivwn of St. Caihaiioe* was lie~t null and Mr. (ii)ldoti Furs) til :tnd ML Lewis Grtnt acted . us-liiT.s. The receituui *;t held nt the liride.s' parents, where Mrs. Fenwick looked rliiuimng in inauff antin, trimmed witli beads :iud wore a lovely Muck Ii n tniumeci nh I ii nines. Tlie bride and groom left i i their hoceymooil trip to ' >i illi i mo points ni'iih to visit her grandmother, Mr.". A. Tl-oilnirn, the bride iMvellinj; in l>lue i-erae Miit with a picture Irtt. After then- return Mr. ;in\l Mr>. Bruiruillg W Jl reaide at their new home it 2*t! \Vitlirow Avi'., Toion'". The out of (0*11 yu^sts wen-. Mrs. ,luhn Thorburn, Misses Nellie ml MHJ- Thoihurn, Mrs. SV. .1. MeKee mill Miss (irac<* (^uiim, nil of Onllit Miss Liz/is Williams, Kuaenu Fnl!n, Mr. Frank l.e(i:ird, .Saskatchewun, Mrs. John Fenwick. Cheuley and ni.iny others, I he liins's mm,! 1 <-ui'^ ovei one luiiul ed. The liride's father i* :tn old Ku^eiii* lioy, been rai->eil tdi-re. Ventilation of Farm Bldgs. V'enlilution of Fiirni ItuiUings IK the title of A recent liulletiu prepsred by J. H. (ii-Udule, B. Ayr., Director of Domin- ion Kxperiiiicu'al Farms, tmil Mr. E. >S. Aiclii 1 *ld, IS. A., I!. S. A., Dominion Animnl lUiRlmiKlniHii, nd issue.) Bulle'in Nnnilier "K of the reyulnr seriet of the F.xpenii ' ni Farm llulletins. This is mi illuKtniteJ [)iililicitioii of thirty-two p.i;,'i-s iud tie'its exhaustively on the suliji-cl of tentilittion. During < ho pust ten years or more mil -li .-\|n-i mini ,i! work lii. liceii currieii 011 at the BsprrimenU] Farm in Fiirni Ituilding Ventilii'ion, and tlie results of these experiments aic clearly outlined, and from them, ricomineiHlutioiis nn 1 forth, mid there only after HK*I ibornugh iuve.siiL-.iti-in tmd repeted trial under every likely condition "i li.nulici|i. The liulletin is divided into th ee pruts: Part 1 H entitled Veiitiliiih:;,' tlie Cow liain; 1'art -', VentilitiniL' tlie Horse IUrn, and Part K, Vontilt;ii the Piugery. The Kutherfoid i-y.-teni of veiitilmion, which is fully described '" ", illustrnteil in this Imlleiin. is m-vv in operation in the Iriii.s anil stnblcsuii nil Kxpri inii'litnl Farms itnd iSlations from I'linee Kdwuid Is'.'iiul to Itiitish Columbia, Copies of this hull, -'in ni iv be obritined on applica- tion to tlie I'tiliheaiinnf Branch, I)e|i,iil- ment (if Agriculture, <>i(-.i ^ y -^- v ."-"J^"-"-"-". v .^T- v -T^-^?^-^-T^f-t^jZL^^^^ Beekeepers Convention The sessioi s i f the Ar.iiiuil Convention of the. Ontario Heek -eiders' As'ocintion were held ns adrertUed io tne Yoik County Council Ch:mil>er. Adelaide St. E., Tuionto. I'rcsidi-rt, J. L. IJyer, M.i:Ului.i. occupied ihe chiir ull sess- ions ex"?e|:t Wediie*ii.-iy nfienioon when ihe Ai>Kici I'inii * honored liy liivioi; ihe Dejuiiy Minii'tr of Akriculturt*, Mr. \'v 1>. I'. 1-1 .: .-. in the ch-tir. Mr. RmdhoUM etprrHed his pleasuie :>t meet- ing w,th thi* lieekeepi-rs to learn of their itims n, ,1 nnbitioM. All the wt-re ,-:: ittended. In f;cl. llit- IwekeepiTji. in spite of wu times ,-ini the f.ilure of ihe I'.U-I honey ciop, ure op' inistic a:, i I, n , do[jted the 10* alini'st universal slt;in "MiHiness . - iifuil . The report ''" -tpi-iry inipectioii given l-y the t'rovi. citl A|ii.iri!it show.s tlrit while Kun.[ Foul Broi d i-* rapidly .spreuliim otr llie ewstern part o' the Province iind the ziMlous co-opcrntion of becleepers tliem&eUei is neceisury l<< Uee|> it in ch ' k. [n"^i ,>. ii litfinif in t !> A gitsoline s'ove on which glue wits lieiug melteil in the Itiadfotd i;iist mill, explode.) anil :t serioiLs lire imminent. A tim extinguisher w:is troueht into re<|iii"itio!i mid the flames subdued. The engineer, who wan winking with the^lue, Irid his clothe"? ctcli tire, ant 1 he lu-l to jump into a titnk of hot witter u> smoiher it. William I'eidue, one of i he oldest re- si 'ent of Ciuderich tonslii|i. was instan- tly killed S:iim,l,i\ eveninsi, when thrown from I uguy nenr Wise's (/orners, itbout four mile* from Clinton. Mr. Peidue was drvini; home from town ith his wife when the horse took fright at two bo/S ptMing ou I.. -\, i. Heapptirently lost of (lie .11-1-1, il and Ihe ri struck a li-lephoop pole iiml wan over- tiirneil in the diieh. MI>. IVnlne w severly ^h .'.,-n up, and pii-ked u;> uiicon- scioiit, (nit i>t n-|i iru-il on the ro'id i-- recovery. On WeilnesUy nif-niin^ the inlubi- tant* of 'riimi.1 M iini vicinity were Ii. -'>. i to l.-ii M that Mr. Silas Ander- son and hei little son, of Cro^'and. had hiirtered a M'Veie accident. The foinier while deMcendini; Irmu her bedroom s'ip- pcd and lo>t ci'iitrol of the lamp which hectrried. It fell and there followed mi explo.s'on which caused serious injury to her, while her liitle !> was fi.Ully in- jured and ilied a few diyi afterwards. At the lime of writing Mi. Anderson is in a precarious condition. Wednesday of lust week, Mr. A. \Viht, Kon of Mr. itnd Mrs Jos. \Vosi, F. H. W. HICKL1NG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. A Special Offering in Ladies' Fail Coats Values from $1 1.50 to $16.75, selling for $10.50 Tliis wool; wo an- ottering a group of li only Ladies' Fall ('oats at a special reduced price. These garments are all up-to date styles good colors Macks, browns, greys and tweed mixtures, well made, well tailored, anil well finished. The sixes lange from 34 to -40 bust and a few young ladies' siy.cs are included. The regular values were $1 1.50, $l?>.7~>, $!;").( and $l<i.7.~>. They go on sale now at $10.50. Agency for Butterick's Publications Butterick Patterns liutterick Fashions, 23c. per copy on sale The Delineator, 15c. per copy on sale. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS v " f ^v:rcT::^!^I^y^':^:5^^ --- " " - A^__< Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Office and Residence- 4I>8 ftth St. Knt Owen Sound, Out. Hours ft to 12a.m., l.0 to 4.^0 p.m. to 8p.m. Other hours by appointment. FOR A 3 DAYS' FREE TRIAL A Business School That iiiccxabful chool whone raduiitwi occupy prominent po- si' ions from the AiUnt.c to the 1'teitic, re-op*-ii for the FALL TKRM >. |.l. Illli.T lit, 11*14 Sei d fur free :tilo;{ *l once to CULLINGWOOU BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Collingwood, Ontario. Of the 1900 Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, in ntftraping c ut the American Foul B.-i od I Ky,,,,,,.,, Ciewnt, hud occasion to climb which his Wen so peri->ttfiit in some of 111- southwestern counlie-. Mr. S hlinld. ot TI rotito, in an a Id res* on "I'liitum I [i a Money Kxhildt", shown! :lie -u'u .1 i i^e from an Hdvnti*- iti'4 standpoint of dinoluyitu honrv not only at tl e Canulmi Nitionul K\hil>- ition, Im- a* all of the fait fail'. He nrijed p\ery beekeeper to t <, nn inter- est in l,.i .' ih. |il:. M of 'liM imturr. "Sweet Clover, Its Culture mi I'se.-' , WMS ditcuiud l>y Wm. Lii>t ->n of Aurora. Mr. Linti n tol.l how In- hid mid.- 820QH in one spisoi liy selling the seel fr<uii a thirteen acru lie'ilof this plant. F.irnn-rs ii, hi* e immunity are u-.i'iii it to restore fcrili'y to the tciok tie'ds which iniMlly do m- get their shin- of l-nrnyurd min- ute. Mr. Lintoii stteilth:it IIP lm- a* goiMl le.-iiilis fu in i I, ujl in- under n Kieen on'[i nf sweet clover a fiom putt- ini' on n c I'ltl'i/ "f nmnuie. lie also nieniioiied fi-sulls which had been oli- tained liy ttie Chemical Deportment of tin- iini.iriii Acrieultuial College, wliich go to nhow tlii'. fur storing nitrogen in the Miil sweet clmer is of far greater value than any other rlo -er itiowu. Married Paid Hymen -At the home of Ihu liridu'ii p.trento, II,. : ,Si;k., on Wednesday, Novumher 4th, Mr. liunrgH W. I' ml. i united in n. . i i , ,- to M. . Oarr e Ityrncg, hy Itcv. Wnlkpr, of the Baptut Church. They will he n! home tiijthcir friendH at Aneroid, Sask . Parker -.Inlinsoii At tb* residence of the hride'fi |irrnls. Toronto Line, on Wudnesilay, Nov. IS, In Hev. ,1 lines Uiulxenn, Mr. John i'aiker t" Mi - Jennie, duulil-r , f Mr. mil MM fleol.;.- .li.llll-, HI. * Run Over and Killed Meaford, N iv. l!n.- Margaret Moore, 14 years of ag.--, a cripple sine- her third year, ,. in ; to infantile | ii il> i.<, , u her w,ty to school at rt.:'.'l W.K run over by n (iianil Trunk train. Her 1 1 !,! lee was cut off l,,.i -A the knee and her left lei; badly mangled. She died two hours later. Her little brother was drawing her to school en A hand sled. As they : pproiched the crossing near the railway tationan engine and some empty cms were being shunteU, and an employee of the company told tleui to cross , . they hadloUo' time. When the sleujli got to llie miild'e of tho tracks Iho runners Kripped tlie track and >top,iecl the sled, with the result that the engine, hit it. Mr. lli-ulford. the engineer, did all in his power to stop tin) engine, but was too late. The injured girl \vg carricil by Air. Joseph (irittulisto Dr. Jieiinett'.s othVi', wince her woun Is wore dressed, she was nfteiw.iriJs ritiiiovvd to her home on Hridge Stri-et, where .>.|ie expireil. Tin- child was a Mrp-Jau^hicr i.f Mr. H> In. An in ,'!.> i:l in- h !ij Sal ni- il -ty luoi nil jj. to the top of a telephone p.'le to remove a wire on ihe Aliinic Telephune Cn' ny- i, in down III river, he and others I f-n enuigel in nukini; repairs at the lime. A^ moil us lie teparateil the wire fron. the po'e the litter fell to 'he ground, cany ing the young man with it. For- tunately he wns on tlie otli.T side of the pole when it li-ll, he would doubtless have been kllUil illstillllv As it wiir Ins ankle wn.s biu'.ly s|irained uiul he tuslnined other minor injiuies. He was brought home on Thuisday and is doing us well as CUM be expected. It seems lint this particular telephone pole WIIK merely propped up by st >i,es and not .securely fastened in the uround, so that Ihe muiuen'. the wire was teleased it fell. Kviilenlly there was some slip- shod work done when tint section nf the Ahmie Telephone line was OonltrUOtfd and an investigalion of the cne wi uld he i|iiite io order. Arrow. Ml. lieubi'ii \\'est, Dep ity licpve o Am u nilli, h:i llus siiiiiinei i-i'iii|ileleil what is, pioUably, the l:ni;e.-l and most complete sytem of t.le drainage yet un- ili'U.-il. t'li in DnllViin County. This prob- lem consisted in the lii.inin. if about one hundred litres of land and in the scheme pi.-iciicnlly .'1(1,000 tile of vanous .sixes were used. The land drained by this system ii choice l-unl. but i wing to its Mtuiitiou has always been to wet tint crops li.-ivo never been raised sutisfaclor- ily. The work i<f digging the drains, was done \vith th s lluckeyj Traction Ditcher, owned by Joh i A. K lis, of Ornngevillo, and the whole achrim 1 r. put in uuilei the direction of Messrs. Dorrancu nnd Cummitig, of the local Department of Agiiculture. This is a deinonstriiion that should be watched elosely by farm- tu having siniiliu Inml, since re-nl's that are bi-ina obta'ih'd on this lui'l alruai y H;\e promise of the exci'lL-nt iii.d pmtit- able lesults sure to follow fiom under- dr.iinii.'e. Kinner. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE t-_>40<l twenty.foiii hundred dollars will buy the west half of lot No. '.' and part of the North west ijuutter of No. 1. all on the 4'h con. of Kuphrasia, contain- ing about 125 acres. There is supposed io be ninety acres cleared, the Imlance U'iod liardwond bush maple, beech nnd ilm. There is on the property a frame h nise and kitchen, a frame barn, straw ho ise with stone foundation under it, :ils,> wood shed, driving shed, pi pen ,i,,l li.-u l,i u- . Then- are also two or- I rlrirds on the farm trowing dirl'erert li.ids of fruit -apples, peats, plum", i -lurries and trapes. Thi* farm is well feiioid with wire nnd patent ft ncing. Is fri-H from fiost. It is nlso well watered with water in in>:tfly every field. There i. H never-failing sprini; within 4<l yards i, f the In use This farm is within one ii'ile of the thriving village -if Kimbciley. For fiirthur paiticulirsnpply to- JAMKS Sl'l Alii, Kimberley P. O. ISept Agent For :- Washing machmes, folding bath tubs, \vindmills,pumps, piping water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow- ers, rake loade/s, tedders, drills, cul tivators,harrows,Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Died \ v lson At the family re i.U-nee, Mnin street west, Hid ;e i. w ', ll:l Sum- day, Novemliei L'Nt, l!i|.|, \M< Ann Sjirilley, beloved wife of \\c\ . Thomas \\ais,iii, in her n^ml ye u. T, e fimer.-il to"K phi'i- ii, Greenwood ivmoloiv. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR i ^ Feversham - Ont.jx Fashionable Tailoring | %, Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of chniue, if required. We have leen fottumite in another shipment of frei-h jjoods t le- ilnced i .ties and will give our customtusj tbe bunt-tit of 'lie reduction. All kimlsj of fred and several kinds of flour to! choos.t fiom. Also some bnrgiiins in! groceries. \Ve have puvchnsed Ihe stock of Inter- j nuti irtl Stock Food from Mr Fisher, You are inakinK mmiey when you are feeding tin-Internal ioimlSu-ck Remedies. \Ve want your but'eraud eggs and will pay a little mure thun market price. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED Strayed Take Your Hats Off To These Clothes You'll rake your hats oft to these clothes of refinement anil (juality. 1 have the nicest aud best suitings on the market am! the prices are no higher than the rest. Get a nuule-to-measure suit or overcoat for Christmas. 1 can supply you with them for prices ranging from $14.00 to $->:>.00. Come in and look them over. T. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Co., Montreal Standard Bank Block, Flcsbtrton Stiay-'d from lot .'I.'!, con. 1-. Aitun- esia 1 two yer n'd steer, red with some small white sfits. dehorned anil a fen- white hairs in for head, piv ring in lop of 1 1 /Ii' ear. has been .iway since hist Strayed week inOctol ei, Any information icndin>; ; t nw .,.. to rocoveiy will be suitably ron-aried by C*me Io the premises of the 'iiu'et- .signed on or 1> 'Ut Nov. 10, one two- year-old steer. Thw owner is rri|iieUi'<l to prove property, pay expenses and tke notify inn C. KNUTT, Thoinl.nrv I A'.,KX. MiMl l/LKN j Lot 13!>, 4th con., Flejheil'in P. O. Machinery for Sale ti H. I'. Ousolire Engine, 1<U7/ Planer. li inch Hand Saw. Kip Saw, 1 (Uhe, Line good iunning . Shaft and Halt*, sill in J J. . - . order Apply CHKS1K!; X. LONG, Maxwell