Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1914, p. 5

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November 20 1914 THE F L E S H E K T ON ADVA N C E : : > . . ' ' . . .' B THE ESTABLISHED OF 6AMAEA y^> D OP '"IC^ TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bilk by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a iaigo deposit to begin with. and Ends > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^gr CEO. MITCHELL, BCD Branches alia at Durham and Harruton. Mrnager. C. P. R. Time Table. Mr. H.H.Stevens.M.P., of Vancouver blames Germans for aendin tbe cargo of Going North 11.41 a.m. 9.12p. m. osed at Flesherton Hindu:- t" Vancouver in July last, A patriotic concert will be held at Maxwell on the 30th iut. for which a first class program has been prepared. VICINITY CHIPS Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South 7.43 a. ui. 4.17 p.m. The mails are ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and See bills for complete information. 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south as , Mr , Bunt/ and M . lbt(H . Olll0rne Tril . 3.40 o cloclc. For morninsf tram soutri mail close at 9 p.m. the previous ev'g- <*? of Toronto, who have been visiting ____^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^___ frienda in this part, returned to their __ homes on Tuesday. I At a meeting of the W. I. held on 1 Nov. 4th it was decided to send forward > the money Co the Red Cros*, $71 beinu j raUed by concert, and balance tr t- made Mr. Haro'.d Kr&tedt of Shelburne j by collections, making the total f 108.25. flpent Sunday at his parental home here, j Mr. McVicar gave an excellent address MLss Add* Wright, teacher at Beaver- 1 ljn Current Events. dale.spent Sunday with her parents here. I Mr. \V. G. Duncan, a brother of Mr. Mrs- C. E. Mills of Dundalk and little (Joseph; Duncan, of Flesherton was kabe spent the p:ist week with her parents i recently elected representative to the in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Colgan. j Washington state Legislature by a good, ... T .... . e \- j i substantial majority. Mr. Duncan has Misn Lillian Buchanan of \ andeleur is : ... ...... , D been ;i resident ot \\alung'on for the visiting h-tends at B'>bctygeon and Res- i * past thirty years and his election mdic- I ates hi.s popularity in his home state. Mr. \Yuxk of Dundalk 1 1| . B-|I mein ber for Lincoln county is occupy the Methodist pulpit on SmuUy j aQ <Jd friendof the Advunce and we morning and even.ng next. ^^ h[m our vefy he . 4rtjest C( , llgr;ltu .. Reeves McTavish of the village and j a ti O n. McKenzie of the township are attending county council in Owen Sound thU week. F. T. Hill Jt Co. of Mar. dale have re. turned to our columns as Christinas season advertisers. Look over their ARTICLES FOR SALE Jersey cow and heifer calf for snle W. A. Armstrong. A car load of cement just arrived. Songster Hemphill, Ceylon. Butt' Orpington cockerels for .sale, from prize winning stock. J. Turner, Price- ville P. (). fir phone. Fur Snle 6 pure bred Oxford Down ewe lambs, three ram lamrs; also 1 Shearling ram. C. H.. Holly, R. R. No. '.', Flesheitun. For Sale Cheap youua driving mare aboui ')50 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesh- erton. Jan. 22 boro. Rev. nnouncemuat. Mr. Curl Walker, who has been in the wett for some lime, returned home on Regular monthly meeting of the W. I. will be held in the high .school on Wed- nesday December 2, at 2.:50 p. ra. Papers nill be giv^n on Making Christ- mas Cake and Pudding, l>y Mrs- C. Bel- lamy. How to help our members have a Merry Xmas, by Mrs. K. Moore. Mrs. R. Beit will give a report of the convention held in Toronto- The Red Cross ladies of the town Mondny, and will visit hi.s mother at Eugenia for a time. The Presbyterian .Sut.dy School lave shipped on Saturday last a box contain- comiuenced their piactice for their annual ing the following supplies for the army: entertainment to take place on Christmas j 1 do/.en scarf*, li dozen pair* socks, 4 night. They have decided to go back to cholera belts, 1' dozen wash cloths, 8 their i'l.l style and tea will be served bandages, (i hospital shirts, ." pairs wrist again this year., lets, .'! bath robes und 1 pair pillows. Miss Hazel Shunk, who hi spent tba j They hope '<> ship another box in about past couple of months in Woodbtidge.ie-j ""ee weeks and would request anyone turned to her horns here last week. ! having supplies to donate to hand the Hazel luis secured a position as teacher " to Miss Maud Richardson. at Irish Like school nd eommeuced her duties on Monday last. Mr. Will Wilcock, student of engineer- ing, has retained homo after i summei up in the KuiiiiniK'iijua. Mr. Wilcc ck has applied for a position with the Sec- ond Canadian Knginers and if accepted will go to war. Dr.Murrsy undertook to brin* an auto up frm OraiiReville on Friday list, for Mr. T. Btntham "f Chatsworth. The snow ntiido going very difficult and Duu- dalk was only made about 5 p m., when the brake Rave out and the car was Itfi The public library board met on Fri- day evening last ud appointed Rev. Mr. McVicar as delegate to the Library I Association meeting held in Owen Sound | Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. 1 Mr. McVicar was not sure that he could .ittcnd but was empowered to get a sub- stitu'e if he couM not go himself. The board also decided to purchase .'mother lot of recently published books before the new year. New subscribers can get a membership up to Feb. I, tho end of the current yew, for 25e. The Christmas season is now upon us, overnight. Saturday it was brought up aild wht re we g ,in<{ t,, do about it! here by sleigh. j W ill we sit down in sack cloth and ashes Rock Mills Baptist chutch held a very [ HU j mou rn for the days " befo' de w,V "'>. successful concert on U'ednesdny evening j rj r v \\\ we j o oul . best to forget our of last week, the proceeds airounting to j troubles and make an honest effort to $M. The most interesting feature of the .'bring conditions up to the standard of program was the burning of the niort- i former years? ''Business as usual" is a For S;ile A few egg vats iu prime or- der, suitable for soft water tanks, or watering cuttle. Also a good, second hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Flesherton, Ont. For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame and metal clad dwelling, good cellar and water, frame stable :md shed. Also u vacant hit for sale. Possession given at ce. Silas Shunk, Flesherton. jage. Tho church it now free from debt and imcsueruus. Inspector B.-ckett of Owen Sound seized a case of ale at the -t ition here on Fridiiy ' last which was addressed to Charles Maxwell. No such person is known here. The injector waa doing some investigation work out at Kii^-m i. as A nmse<|mMicj of which a C'i*e is likely to be- tried here on Saturday. yood motto that ought to be at the head ol every live merchants advertisement all the time, but more parliculi'rly ;il this season of the year, when busine?* is in- clined to be stagnant. Push, pull, "holler" and let folks see that we are in our trenches. tot all dead We understand that tin llylands have complete'! their contract at d;im No. 2 Eugenia, but have extra finishing work Mr. Jos. Duncan has sold his house ' that will take some time to complete, and lot on Toronto street to Mr. Hood , The stream of workmen siill keeps ttow- Hemphill of the 4tli Hue. Mr. Heinphill ing also ebbim?. When the cold weatlr recently sold his farm to Mr. R. Plantt, \ er came there was a regular exodus of and with his sisters will take up residence cold-feeted foreigners, but others came to in town about Jan. 1. Mr. Duncan has take their place. Twenty-fire swarthy not yet decided what he will do. ; workman from Toronto arrived on Satur- A live, henlty farmers' weekly news paper i? the Weekly Sun of Toronto. It is not owned by any "special interest' but 'lakes fear'ess and independent staud day, and others are coming i n nearly every day. while probably a? nuny Weary Willies depart. W. W. Pope, secictaiy of the hydro on all public matters, regardless of uolit- , electric commission, and Mr. Hogg, chief 'c>. It stands for the farming interests^ ; engineer, met the Artomesia council in and is in the thick of the fight. It has special session on Monday with a view to the prestige of an established personality. I securing the passing of the bylaw closing You should lead it --every issue. The following is a statement of oils and [lotatoed contributed by citizens of ArU'ii'csia Township to the Patriotic Fund, with amounts delivered at the various station*, estimated: '-Markdalp, 150 Imshei cats and 57 bushel potatoes- Flesheiton, .">10 bushel oats anil .'>W certain roads near Eugenh. A number of piotests had lieen made against such closing. The bylaw has not yet received its third reading but was left over until releases are secured by the commission. The council made a settlement with Mr. McDonald, contractor fur the horseshoe hill cement bridge, which matter has been in dispute. The settlement cmbriced a For sale or rent A brick house with fran. c kitchen, good well and stable. Apple, cherry, plum trees and all kinds of small fruit on place. Will sell cheap on easy terms. GEO. A. BELLAMY. Flesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale, R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for snle cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- est to give him a call. HILL BROS., = MARKDALE Bring Your Grain to Markdale The Best Market in the Country Oats selling, according to quality, 50 to .">_> cents per bushel. Peas selling at .1.50 to $1.80 per bushel. Dry pluck your Poultry. Scalded Fowl not wanted this year ;t any price. Take heads ott'. This Week We Are Offering Many Special Lines All Lines Men's Heavy Rubbers at less than you pay elsewhere. Special Sale of Clothing in Men's Overcoats and Suits. Also Boys Suits damaged by water on sale on Thursday morning at less than half price. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, con. 11, Odprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn -.mi new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. For Sale Cheup and on easy ttrms comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- ton ; good well on premises ; also Park lot of 4 TTI'S in good state of cultivation with barn thereon. R. I .Sproule. Flesherton, Ont. Sept. 17 14 MISCELLANEOUS Jtrsey Cow Strayed Dark, white spot on forehead. Inform \V. A. Armstrong, Flesherton. 'Wanted large second hand Lox heat- ing stove, must be cheap and in reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Jan. 22 All old accounts to J. &, \V. Bojd must be paid at once to save costs. J. Jk W. Boyd, Maikdale. The Durham Furniture Co. has 100 cords of wood fi-r snle at 11. r'; Mills- Price 50c. per cord. Can b bought in larpe or email <iuaniities. J. ' ' Dargav- el in charge. 1 Jan. 15. MUSIC STUDIO M.irl. Everette Wright, organist and choir master of the Methodiat church. Fleshertiui, to tcher of piano, organ and voice. Mr. Wright hold.> credentials from conservatoi ies of music where he has unjit , also from eminent doctors and teachers in New England conserva- tory, Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Steinw^y Hall, New York city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are open for conceit engagements. Selling Mantle t'loth* At half price. 30 pieces, differ- ent kinds, nearly all colors and just the thing for Children's Coats, at half price. Flannelette Remnants, 4 to 10 yards each, regular lii.l and 15c. qualities, ou'sale lOc. per yard. Ladies' Overshoes of fine quality, 7 buttons, for $1.28 per pair, all sixes, the kind you pay $1.75 and $:>00 per pair for. - - SHOP EARLY - - HILL BROS., MARKDALE ^giyjr^'ffi our clubbing List ||[ |||||[[I| School Children's Eyes. Tha following prices re for strictly piU m advance subscriptions only. We hve no accounts with other papers Flesherton Advance t Yo-Jths Companion Toronto World, daily . . . Toronto Daily News Weekly Globe Mail-Empire .... Family Herald & Star. . Toronto Star - "0 Farmor Sun . . 00 1 Farmers Advocata 1 50 , Weekly Witness W j Saturday Niht .'! (X) Home JouriuU ''" Poultry Review 40 Ii nl and Gun magazine 90 1 I 00 Oars :; oo ; _' 00 90 75 iW DOMINION BUSINESS COLLEGE Cor. College^ Brunswick. Toron J. V Mitchull. 3. A . Pnnciral Carefully Corrected Each Week SI o> U. i 10 40 to 4.") $1 10 to 1 15 Barloy 55 to 35 Buckwheat * ~; 53 to 55 Flour W 00 lo |7 00 Hay J15 OO to 1500 Butter -'::.::: Eggs, fresh -5 '> 25 Potatoes per bag 4" to 40 Geese I:! ;o l:t Ducks 1 3 to 15 Fu*l HtuU Chickens I", to lit Tniiceys is u, -.'0 v Individual Insttuction permits you to enter any day at the .1 HEREFORD BILL FOR SERVICE The undei'siuned have a pure bred Hereford bull for service on lot 171. Drd W.T.S.U.. Arteine&in. Terms 8H for paie breds, $1..">0 fur Krade<>. All cow.s served must be naid rur. -T. & J. WATSON. I mar 1 4 Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. bushel potatoes; I'rioeville, 110 bushel | payment of 525 to cover the clniin. outs :md 117 bushel poiatoes; Proton j which amounted to ?750. The cotitract- Statiop, :',71 I ushel oats and -47 bushel j or WHS willing co ncoopt the former pot:toe. Total contributions 1 141 amount rather than tu proceed with the bvthel oats and 811 bushel potatoes. | threateued Uw suit. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Fu Line of Farm Impements Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleigha, and Gasoline Kirvn., ... Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping ii. il Pipe Fittings always on band. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt ,-ind Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wararoom Wellingon Stree. Ftwrsbant, Ontario, We Want Now A GOOD SALESMAN For eveiy town aid disttict where we a not represented. Fruits are bringing high prices and st- ry stock is in demand. MAKE BIG MONEY NOW by ing an agency . BEST TIME for vassiiig is during the Summer months. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY Free equipment Exclusive territory il iL'iii'-'i OoatmiasioHS [n<l Write fur full particulars. Stone & Wellington Fonlhill Nurseries TORONTO - ONTARIO OWEX SOl'ND, OXT., is recognised as tin- most thor-?5 >ugh, ptacticnl UuMt.. in Canada. Jtflii!! own three story College Build-Jj ^? J wPEvery Graduate guaranteed i po-J nv . . sS glf ^ition. *g Get our success book ^ * C. A. FLEMING, F. C. A., ^5T M Principal. ^ U. FLEMING Secretary.* OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO Pure Bred Holstein Bull Changeling Prince Joe Brt'i by Changeling Butter Buy on of Tidy Abbekerk Princess Joicuhioa The greatest butter making .'train kim Term of service -tl.'iO for s^nidvs, pun 1 bred. C.KO. MOORK A sx. I'r,,,,.... I - STEVENS Repeating Shotguns The Stevens Hammeriess costs no more than some hammer guns. II has ttl celebrated STEVENS RECOIL UNLOCK providing safety against "hang-fires." HAMMERLESS SOLID BREECH Easy Take-Down 1 2 or 20 Gauge EVERY GUARANTEED J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co. P. 0. 3oi 5008 Ch.copoo FaHa, Mau. Flesheirton ^- Tonsorial ^~ Parlors ; We Aim t" Give Entire Satisfaction. I LArXDKY Basket cl->.o, i ni^h;. delivery Friday eveiii-iy What About J -THAT- J Baby Carriage 2 . \ CLEANING and DYEING W% >.- ^ I agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes | cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER, - - PROPRIETOR < 60 YEARS' ^ EXPERIENCE Regular Price $5.00 to $14.00 Greatly Reduced NOW J Verandah Chairs ! N.>W is I lie t'me to pitrchiwe your Vi-nimlali Cluiir-.. "ti sale fia 1 $6.50 a Pair J Nolhiii" HUo them f>r Comfort. ^1 I W. H. BUNT < FURNITUR E DELER J, PHONE 23 R2 * 1 1 Flesherton - Ontario. ^ KRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPVRIOH T S 4c. Anmnonendlng anketrhand dpscrlntlnn ran? jiilcklr nm uriiiin our opinliin free whoihor > Invent ton iprobftt>lf pHlenlahlo, < 'tninuinlra- tloiiBKiriotljroonndoiillnl. HANDBOOK on Plcnt em froe. Olitnst nuoncr for itoiuirtiiK patent;!. Pnteiits takon throueh Munn A Co. recolre , wlthuutobi>me, Iu tbo Bull for Service Thoroughbred American bred Uert ford bull lor service on lot 151, 2i'. W. T. and 8. R.. Artenwsia Terms SI. 51 JOHN ADAMS, Prop. Scientific Htnerican. A batnlsomelT iUuatntttHl weekly. Lamest nu- culHtuni of 'iii/ acieutitlc jmirnAl. Termx for OaoMlml&Tb n i "-' M..- . i . sold bj *"""""" New York i-8, tKj K St.. Wa*biUK(uo. D C. Farm For Sale inn nrivs. 1 i miles from Fleslu-rton. ( Good buildii)K, easy terms. .IOI1X WRK.IUT, Klcshorton.

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