"TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." - PRLSCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?OL 31 No. -> Fleshe^l&n, Ont., Thursday, December IO 1914 W. H TEDRSTON Kimberley Budget Held Over Last \Veek. .Mr. Ed. Ple*es of Claiksburu, accom- panied by Miss Elsia Pleweu of Culliiii/- <rood, visited at the latter's pareutnl home recently. Jasper Smart shut a tine -pei-iiiien of the Reynard tribe une ''.ay 1 i-t week on the R. McHullen farm, i-i mountain. W. Walters and s>:i*. Aithur and Benjamin, ariivsd linine fioui the \\\-t, and report times dull in tin- prairie pro- vinces. Mr. and Mra. 11. i:ii:..M Ferguson of Tburnbury visited at U.J. Stuart's a few days last week. Miss Flossie Neely of Beaveidile vis- ited with her c >usin, Maggie Reid. S. Favrcett and Leith Lawrence vix- ited with Harry Thompson of the east in mnt.-iin one day last week. ','uice a number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Fred Wick- ens of Kuoeoia on Sunday. The fanners of this vicinity are talking >f funning a cu-open;iive society. \\'e think this would If a highly commend- able enterprise. .1. R. Fawcctt iu..k the topic in the League Sunday evening and han tied it in a very nble manner. James Mimcile of Owen Sound is visiting at 1m parental hoir.e. Dell s.-iys of all the nationalities he p.-tfiTK "he Welsh. This Week * Item* Mr. Stanley Keid 'rapped a few tii.e ijjecinn nt of the mink tribe recently- Mr. .las. R. Fawcetl i attending the Ontario Winter Fair at ttuelph this week. Mrs. Thus. CUuiack and daughter, Myrtle, vitited with Mrs. Win. Martin, Kist Mountain, Usi week. f Mr. KlwiHki Bl.ick of H uka iy visit- ed with Mr. (Jeorne Hiitcliins<,n one day last week. Mr. .Its. Fiwjott.son of Irwin Kuwc^tl. K.ist Mountain, who has bi>n -n the Western States for some 17 or IS yearn, is visiting at his pan-iiul home at j i - eiit. Mr. Hiutlry I^wience, while cutting | .. wood with the I HI/./, siw at lliis,sell 51 2 MiiMi-n 5. Ku^eiiia, met with a veiy pain- Ml accident, he having one of his lingers cut off above the second joint. The members of I ho Hotter Yulley Hun f Club had a rabbit hunt on Friday afternoon last and iu 'ho evening I.eld a towl supper -it th home of R. MeMulleii. Tbe members are loud in lluir pr.nes > the outspoken hospitality of the ttenial Hob.; Mr. Adam !>radt>ury of Tliumbuiy visiteJ friend- in our Imri; recently. Thu followins! are the r'ieors of Kim- t.erley L. O. L. No. i:.4i, for l!)l..V W. M , W. JJ. SU.ui; l> M , K. Fawcelt; Chiip., II. l.iwreiuv; R. S. , W. V. Wai . erg; F. S., J. T. Abercrombie: Tiei-- , H. A. Smith: 1). C., J. W. Cornfield: IVm.. (i. I'oi undid, K. A. \\ iltei, !'.. :1 Mcl'oimoll. \\ . .1 . K.itteott, Ja<. l.m rt>iiiv. Ceylon \ Mrs. I'.i'lis.Hi and children "i Owm Sound wore visitors at Ja<. 1'rtis. u s tlie patt week and returned homo Kit- day. David Appleburg .nrl -Steve lVvn:ck of Toro ito me visittui; miller their pat- en'al toof. Mrs. Dennett and little uaughter spent v.-er Sunday with Marktlalc trtends. Mr. >nd Mrs. Sargent attended the fui.( i-iiVui the former's inothor .it Holl- a id Centre a^week ao. She was one of the oldest nnd most lesyi ctc<l resi- of that part, beinsj H yers old. East Mountain The Stuurt Bros, of Kimberley wore calleis i j i his patt Just week. K. McMullen hid a woo-1 bew and got it Urge tpiairi v of pole* cut into ...!. Tiio Mlltllokt linoter.s of (In- p.iit H|)d Kiiuberley are ha,rin<< a t .>nl supper .1 R. McMullui.'n. A fr'en lly gallic; iut; to ik pl.ice .r the ni.uio > Mr. Harry Thompson and *!l present rtpori a nood time. 8.'ei>' Iron th :ti-J line intended C>pr Bros'- thtsshint; Us: week. Priceville Jottings Last Week's Items The hiuher temperature last week ciustd the snow to disappear and wo noticed three teams in one Held plowing mi Thursday of l.i-t week. Some ritlda of turnips -ire bein<< har- vested since the snow went off. The W:i> sun chopping mill has lieen in operation for several days and we notice ih it farmers from quite a distance are coming here tr ge: their chopping doue. A [.! -,..i i , 11, m old Highland Udy.the mothi-r of Hr. John Brown, Town Line, I i-*-,l away recently, and as near as hf r fiii-i ,is mid ;iL-i|ii iint.iiici-s can estimate, she would be I'M years of ajje. -She used the liael.c languaio only. N. K. Mi- K. mi -n and Beit A-.s- -m have e*ubli.s!:>--l a poultry market in town. They buy live and dressed poult- ty and have a building tilted up for the fattening of live birds that are not up to the standard. They have been making large shipments tu the big cities of both live and Jres-ed poultiy. Walkerton William Kxbaui, who plea-led guilty to ail-aim.! $1-0 Irum his employer, Maurice Crawford, farmer near Tan, n the 14th of July list, came before Judge Klein on Monday last, after spend- ing ten days in the Walkerton jail, aid as there was a lately signed petition ask- ing leniency for the prisoner, the Judge discharged him with a warning. Kxliain is 1!) ye. us nf :igi*, and his conduc- pre- viou.s to the theft, appears t<> have been i'li i'. The priituiier h t-l already refund- ed $SO of the stolen money, >n I hi* pres- ent employer promised to ee that the ! .lance was repaid . Uailir) K/.ra Urigx s has la:d a complaint before Magistrate James Toltoii at Walkerton, charging; Const iblo Mnrdock H. McKen/.ie of Hepworth with collect- ing $oO.OO from certain ptrMea for the i '.in. ul Weather Insurance Co., and failing to iL-tiini the -i.nouiits, and un- lawtully confeittnx the funds to lii. nan use. A win ant Ins been .sworn ou' for the arrest of McKviizie. The constable and six proniinent citiz- ens of Chenley. who were sent up by Ma^isi rate James Tolton at Walkerton recently on I lie charge uf forcibly enter- ing a furniture factory at t'hesley. by prying open ihe lock on the front d->or, appeared before Judge Klein in Walker- ton mi M"ixi iy Uct, ,n-l wire hnnnldy ac.jiii 1 ted, the Jud^e timhi.4 that thfto wasn't surtkieiit iMiU-n.-e to warrin! a conviction. While coaling a train at C. I'.K.r, -uiul hi-iise heiu on Thursday ni^lii, Albert Kennel slipped and fell backwards from In- top of a c ir. ,-tnd in lijilma on the i ul iy track beneath, badly trui'ed his lett tlumlder, b.-stile-i injuiin-^ his spine in a man- <. that .-ins,,.] a uiitial paraly- sis of hn It-;", lie was leumvetl to bis home inacul'ei and a il utor siiiiiiin>ne<i. and although still in a pi'iitul c -cidiMoii, H advancing tii.Tinls riv.iV'iv |)oni!il McLui-hlin f IK-.M Chep.s >, vh'i escaped f'om the \\ alkeituii ml and \vh" af'ei li-in^ ieca;;tui.-d HIH! comin tt- ed to tho (.'entril I'mmi, T n-mro, 14 nn liinke jail with tlirej o'hi 1 .- c nivicts, i- comnr.tied last w.-ek a* l<racebcid^f t i three \ivirs ill ihe Kin^stuii peni'i-nliai-y for housetieakii,^ and theft. l> accois that after escape.; tr. m the Central pi is- 011, i.'i. ....... McLr.isjhlin travelled under t'u- .i.-Mimed name uf J. K Iwaids, while hi-t thro.- ['tis, Mulhall, S c heivei- and ^penoe also >vent under iiitt"ivnt aliases. One night last month they entered tbe store of MoJonnctt, Limited, in linvon- liurst, and whiltf thvrc were surprised by Consi,-ble Stewatt. They wuv. 1 placed in I hi) local loi-k n|i, but thoy esca|>ed. 1. iter they broke into a house in Dull Lake. Hue they wore agiin t-iken into custody. Tb-y were .<enti nciil lolbtee years in penitentiary for the (imvt'iiliiirst nnd liull L:tke burglaries, but on being 1 reconni/.ed as ihe escipt-d convicts fioui Toron'o, they were ordeiel tu linish thru terms in the Cei.ti.il prison, before s-anitiu U swrve t-'uie V- Kingston. Mc- l.au^nlin hrnt got into the tuiU for robh- ing Mann's geiK-ral sline in Teeswatcr.- Victoria Corners .ISiuco Herald and Time-. Last Week'n Iwms Mr. Meiheral of Duudalk [.reached a- Inistioge on Sunday. There will be special services this week and next every evening except. Saturday at Inistioje. Miss Miua Ilcju-d visite] the week end at Priceville. Mr <ien. Lud!o\v cf New OnUiio is home and looks ai though that couniry agreed with him. The burial took place on Suudiy afcer- uoon at Inistioge cemetery of Dorheen Achesun, only child of Mr. an,l 51r*. Jas. Acheson, jr., of Bethel. This Week's Items Mr. H. JJ. GalUnher wa* in Toronto last we>.'k to visit his brother who wis ill but who has since passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Alec UcConnel and little Ida arrived from Swift Current for the winter. Mr. Jas Lxckh.trdt li:ul a wood sawing one day last week. Dundalk Mr. Percy Xeithercut h.i> s)ld his livery Kmi and dwelling in Dundalk to hm brother, Mr. J. A. Nvithercut. Another of the pioneers of Osprey. in the person of Matthew Uobi'is .-n, of the Centre Line, nrai- Warelum, |):ued to the silent majoiity on Friday at trie ripe a*.'e of nini'ty-one yearn. A week prior t his di-in se he was stricken with par- llysi^ and it wa-s realized by the family ih ir the end was not far distant. The f ict that he carried un th occu|iation cf shoemaker up to two years ago was an indic-ilii'ii ot a ru.'gcd constitution. He was of a kindly disposition and highly thought of by all who knew him. I.ait week Thoman Walrnu, ( Yenti v. reported the h>ss of sixteen turkeys stolen. He felt a little sore over the matter of losing ovrr 40 in a night. He adu-rttsed in The Herald immediate- ly and without much delay found his tl ek wtndcring in a neighboring l-ush. The"hnd" brought hack Christmas cheer and the ia-d on Turkey was not nearly as fteiious a at til-st -npp.se>!. Word ILLS c-iine to Mr. ami Mis. Th . Prietl, of tins place, that their son J..> . i uitfiuli-r uf the King's Own Kox . in England, w.s taken pnsoner by ihe i iernian.- on AuguM -lith. He had been iu the tii>h:inu lino for two weeks and in his letter to bis fat her frein the German deUiilii'ii c.-iinp at Sennelager near Padi'll'inu. he stale- that be eime throuiih wiibout a wound and i.teii|oy- 1114 i;.iol hu-iUh. The prisoners in that c imp arc lie fed very i:oil when they d as tl.ey ;ue toll. Herald. The Law of the Roads Ac thi l.is-t Oiren S.iuiiil As-i/.e> Char It's l>|i c i f t ho town "t i iwen Sound s-icd Philip Moyor, a farmer of Kepi.>>-l. f ur SJDIIII f,, r breaking 1 is leu. I5h.-l' s;nd :hat he w.is I.eing driven by a boy from Ili'i'worth to Park head on (he County Line when ho met Mnyer's two toy- dri 'ing a l.cavy lo-\ 1 of wood to HetiWorth, the Jay was cold auil ilie boy- h-id two hoards sticking out bchiiiti the ng and they were running beh lid the rig aiid had the re:ns tail to a fnmt s'a'iM 1 . Tile riKid w.is almost level asid Bloteh stated that It-.- drew oil' to one side and tb it the boys could not 01 dul Pol stop their hoisi's but tlu- b -ys stated that their horses weu a biJdibl _ te tin an 1 iln-y bad the team s:aiubng still while Blotch s single burse refusing to back i'rt ilio road .-truck the ui>;li horse, skinn.'d bis front lej, ciuuht the cutter in front if the UK-k aud whin the hoise, stniuglii'g to get bick on the mid cru- li- ed the cu'ler siduwys and backwards the l'i.tint:ti was ihioAiiand aust'iuieil Ins iiijmi'o. The I'luinMlf cufeuded t list a loidcd le.initt.ij H ,'in.l to stop .It ui -i ill until the 1 gilt tigcould i;et past, but the Judge who heard all the evi Ifiice. which t iok the greater put of ti\ ) days has evident Iy believed the bi y- and as a result Ju'lgui-.nl has been .41,. n 1:1 luvorof the DcfviiJiin', Moyur iii-.i.i :o , 1 1..- r'laintilt's action with r.v,st* to '> I'H'l wi bin lifteen i >['-i. Heathcote The A. \. P. A. held a social evening on Wednesday l<st at the home ,,f Afr. J. <i. \ickers. All report a most enjoy- ible time. Mrs. Uorke. widow of the late T.' J. Rorke. w:w found dead in her lied nt che honr.e of her daughter, Mrs. J. L White, on Wednesday morning. The deceased lady m-AK in good health when retiring on Tuesday night. P'ewed o hear tint Mr. G. H. i rtiick- ahank is improving. Mr. John McDonald, who his sptnt the past year with his siitei , Mr*. iDr.) McK.-e, returned to his home in Luck- now. Sorry to report Miss M. Dales is ill. We wish for her speedy recovery.* The pupils of the English Church Sun- day School wrote on the examina'ion 1:11 Monday evening. Mr John Pratt IMI close 1 hi- evsporu- toi- fr this se-i-sun. The Devil and Kaiser Bill I With :>poloiej t.. the Dovi!) It was mooted one inoriiinij in Hades That his ilr\ ilship Knser Bill Was doing the best iri'h his army To briim the place undrr his will. W hen the Devil ^,jt wind of the riot. And learued -vhat it all ra.sabou f , He said "If there's justice iu limbo The resf. of us all shu! J er out. < 'ur sin.s Ix-side his are but tnrks So small we should surely escape. He is ;;ui'ty (if unchantud thousandK Of r"l>l'i-i;i-<, iniirjert and rape. In short there is no use donyii'L! That aim >st frmn the day of his liirth He's l>een tebwaillfMld plotting and lying To biim; about Hell upon earth. ' Said Judas and Hcrud inU Nero, "We ort'er no serious complaints By jino, the moment he ^ets here The rest uf us all will l>o saints.' Anania*. Muochausen and others In unison all shouted "Well He sure'y is justly entitled To the buttett duniDOii cornet in Hell. J. M. Kilbourn (Owen Sound Sun) John L. Sullivan's Last Drink Ki.-hteeii ye-its ;iui> a!ni, st t,' a Jay. John L.Sullivmt.unshaved and unkempt. emerged from the b-r of the (iraml Mute! on Liroailw.iy aid Thiul Streer. New Vofk City, Stood for I moment looking buck V tin- d.'or, and then walked un- certainly uptown. It was ci^'ht o'clock in the eveniiii'. and c'le expu^iiist brush cd shoulders with w-cll-^roomeii people ': -.living t-i theatres He w-n the dere- lict in the si ream, 'hi his face there was half a s.mK', b ;t in wasn't a plcasiint .me. At the coriu-r of Thirteentii Stn.-t lie inut "Moory" ( >heu and a newspaper min. nith both ,>t wh.'in he w is I.-M i un tcil. He growled something inc lieu n' in r.-s; .Mise tu their ^reetin.'. in 1 wa- a|i; arelitly a'. nut (- p i>s I'li.luif he pm-- id, lurneJ diiAiiin the bu ro.rn t ' >r i (Hink. iml sii.i, 'I .v.vi ted one drink in .re ai.t' ciiJn'thive the price. ' ')'>- diiln '; ^i\<- it t.i lie. They put m "i.l. They dill not sv'ii I the proprietor or man- n^i-i t.- ]:! m 'out. They stir :iie por in- I've spent s.\ Ol'ii CH-T that lu-. \nd they put me out I ecanu I wanted v drink an>l coulJn i p.iy fi it. There's only one 'hin^ you can tijjuie ou f I i [n,.[ .isition like that. 1,'uit drinking. To-night 1 i|uit. Th-it's the true story if Jnhn I. Soil: van's last drink. K uli'een ye,iis have passed, aixt though John I. %>ullita-i was then tot'i'iinii on Ihe edge uf the cutter, he looks eight years younger t'lin l-.e di>l that- iii-xht. Ami he b ;s a hundred thou- -.itid dol'ars. --Cincinnati Times -Nt,ir. NVin. Dy, Ust *et>L, pjrtliwd A. VV. Tippinjj's furjj, west lull" ll>, eon. 4, Noiu?s{, fi. r ^7,0'. cusli. Mr. | Dj's 1 uliiiugs ai^ uo 4W acres ou Uie 1 lour etiruere. That U wli.tt comes of a J inn -t.tyinv; at Inline >tml t|eivlir .; s:tiet- ly to bis u\vn bnsi:ie'r. Afle .11 illiios i-v;i i iiii.- n\\( lulliO ' months, Mr. Thonns Kramer JieU l i N(iitwa on Thursday. t th ndvunceJ ;_ ' IU ye.tit, Tbe .\.- >- ] IIH! bveit .1 ies;ileiil uf the i:lli_v i-'t in.iuy years. Tim : mri .,' \ i-' . t- n x .-.-.' .y U> the Mi t'i ill t (.'1'infto-y. L'conse lnspe."or Kobiu>on went tor a little drive nut the Feigus road Saturday night. .niJ when between Fergus and MnravilU? met Mrs. K. Anthony drixiiu- homeward. With a ijent Ionian '* gillitul l-y he asked a >|iiestion or two, and then his iii<[uisilito nature xsserted itself. He found a v.il-so containing a liot'le or l*o i/f leal good wbiskey, which was fur per* uittl use only, and a little further invest i^a ion uncovered a i u- containing .iHout till' c gallon'. The Insruvor issued an invitation '.<> Mr Autliooy to inet t biiu in (iianJ Valley mi \\ i .'....- day, when the nutter w? settled by S. Tulo and Win. McKinley, J.P's. Sim p'oaJed utility to a claii'-io ol i...nv_ I , i M in her pi.s.se-11- n inleiHled for i-ih 1 and .s tinetl (I'M), the iiiiniiiumi penal'y for :bi* ottViic*. -- >strir and Vtdult". DR. -specialist in diseases ot Ihe Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office-UO 10th st. West, Owen Sound At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12* rn Dund-ilk,l.st Wednesday of each month.. Fleshcrton Planing And Chopping Mills I am now prepared to do chopping ! every day in the week except Sundays and every week in die year. Brin along your grists. Our sash and door factory is always at our disposal for anything you want in ourline planing, malchini;, e'c. Floor m/. saah and doors, af ,a : ,ll huiise fur- nishings supplied promptly and at ieas- unable rates, (,'et estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors FeblTi l:J Iy Jewelry A Spendid Stock from which you may readiy make A Satisfactory Se- ection. We car- ry Photo Supples. A. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT FOR YOUR .... Christmas Cake and Pudding ^ " have the Flour, llaisins. t'urr.ints. Teds. Spjoes. loinjr iSiiirar and < >rn<i mental Trimmins. \Vc have (.niiiiii"- the rinest <li>plnv of Vniit, Xuts and t'andies on tno marker. AT THE FLESHERTON GROCERY W. B U S K I N RUBBERS ! RUBBERS ! TIlOsH' in IH'C'i of Ulllirlfers, '-ilil'M' Higli l.acr Leather Tops or Low Lace TMJIS nr KulilVr-. \\itli - out Top- or it' ymi havo ol<! l.r;it II-T '"ops linn'gtluMii in ami now Vittoin< ''n them. \V1ILKL: WHY AT Thos. Ciayton^s FLESHERTON Christmas Suitings | Just mx'ived ,-i liuuch of nubliy new stiit- inps and overcoatings, an iinint-iiso choice uf newest patterns and at very reasnnahle prifos. Leavf your order For a L'hi'istmus suit now and have tirst olioic^. We aim to please everyone and we hit the bulls- eye every time- Call and look over oar stook. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. . 4 i \i i wn:ir:itOr. *. UANDS. Agent,