F L E S H K ]{ J N ADVANCE TH K 2l&tMnCC ^dresses aj^ Presentations KilTlberley Budget An independent nwn|ia|>vr, piiUixlied every ' 'r.flay at th 1 " iiftict-, Collingwiuid Street, I -' "i-i.iu. Subcriptin price $1 i-r annum i |>:iii| in advance ;*1 . .Yi . in n nut, s<> paid Ktrtininfr rt<- on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly W H i i . -11 ~i. .1. ' Kdltur Fl esher ton-vv\/7> Baptist Church .Mr. v\ . II. Hi-ni|'liill and sisters, wlr .ve about removing to Fle.tlu-i-ton from j Wwlhtt II lUbdentfag kftar tie ex- their lute home on the 4th line, were trome cold ,ptll. waited upon on Monday, Dec. 21. by the Mr C , IHS S(UHrt ((f |he KmUo b ,; c member, of Mt. /i, -u church und pro scl|ool htaffig , iu , l|le X|IIM ho|j . seated with the following Jd,vss, at- i d ,, yg , lt ^ lenu , ,,.. compinu-d by I he articles mentioned' tl^^j,, - " "cnry \\allacc and son.", Glenn and Arnold of Zemlia, Sask., ate vitiit- II C. Keir. I'attor. I'lintu' ' Sunday School 10 a . u.. ^ervtc* at 11 ;> in. Uac mbei 27ili Mr. |{. .1 Woodi of C'.nbrttun will preach Methodist Church Itcv. .James Dudgeon, [i.istnr. Siin.l.iv. .Imiii.ii y :'.ul, I'M : 11 H. in. and "i \>. in. The pas! or Sunday, 10 . ii>. Fellowship Service. Monday oveiiin" Eji.vi.rlli League at 8 p. m. Murk Kverelic Wright choir leader and Orgtniat. Deur Friends, \\ Y, the member-, and The . Xnus tree and conceit held liy adheivnts of Mt. X on .ihurch, It- ruing f 'he Methodist Sunday School on Tues- of jour intention to n move (nun our 1 day orcnin.', Dec. 2iJ, was a hu<;e success audit t. have cuii.e unhidden to vour i- . . n i in" ,. -,,. hu.incially and otherwise. 1 he progmni li..me to-nifcht. jailly with me liiBth n.iitive of eujiiying another socml even- conslste(l "' speeches vocil and n:stru- ini! in your cuuipaoy bc-fore yen depart i ment il music, also choruses and recitations to maue your hme in Hiiotlu-r commun- 1 by the children. Among those from a ily. ni.il .U.. to exp.es. t .. you the un- distance who took part in the profe.Hin feigned warmth of our repaid f.-r you and t ho pi x> you occupy in our esteem. wele Kwtw Harr y Ulelr >' *nd sivei- We recall to memory your iniiiimeiable j S'die nf V\odehouse. Mr. (Jeo. Hutch- acli and winks of kindness lo jisMst. aa | inson, the efh'c ent supei intcndenl acted w'ule eiisim'd with us ud in all our iu'er- neighbor* in times of need, and your unitorin C'liut"- in church work, course together. \ e know that it re- quires nothing i in.-il'V from us lo re- mind you of old scent's and friendships aini your fellowship with in during your ' I. -n re-iidencd in our midst s nail token of the estrcm in but 'liich we j ept this tal 1 and these chai's, tnis'iny that as chiirma'i. Kim>>erley can ;i-t. of li'ivui" one ;>f the best Sunday Schools of the County. Mr. J. K. ILimiiKih'J, couuue'cial SpecialJNt nf the Aluaford High School ix speeding the holidayt at his home bete. Mr. Waller Burritt who has been on each nf you we ask you lo accept ! . i i m the Hydro Electric survey at Port A FARCE? "The i < | .' are snuumlly siun tbtough tlic local ajitimi farce," said tUc Clurkebtiij' I5c j vi:w last wcrl:. That is strange! Most people ilo not rcgaid it as a fatce If one is lo believe tlie lie-view, truly Thorubury must be u terrible town. Twenty blind pigs Honri>li tliero, says that journal. Also tl.e towuis -ms(l "witlia hip and fide -pocket brigade," and the "good people of Tliombury are sick of seeing boys in their teens being mined by the wuisl;<-y bottle." Of conrse nobody bolieV'S that con tin ions in Tlionibtuy aie worst uiuli-i local MI linn than they were under license: ui.d the piob ilnluv i thoy ,ix very runcl 1 better. In otl r towns they arc-. Possibly local jealousy or t>cr8onul Iwlin;? prompts the fievii-w to point its neighbor so blueli. As for local cip'.ion beini; a faico, thinking people no louger believe tlmt. Liquor and teraper;nct> IIK-D ;ilil;p tcnowtliat it dioifi . - (irinkii]>>: :ind that IK why brewer- an I cli^tillcis arc so hot against it. Without a doubt die lioviewis foi fomc season sorely the cunifoiti and pleasure they are tmdtd to (jive, you may for niiny yeais In come, anil ilia! a kind providence may richly Llt-a.< yon all in yur new home, and i-i\e you many op- poilaiiitiea in i-njiittie in His service, and till your hearts with ylailm.-* as you lirin^ gladness to the dear's of others. Sini'H on In-half i-f tin- donors. Thos. T-iylor, .(. A. Thom|json. < in Monday evening, l)ec. 14, a nuin- I er of f i iflid* and nei^hnor.s rrathercd at Mr. Mi M,;iluir-- hoHfiitalile home with oli- l.-ct .-.s expressed audioes : in the following fur some months it!turnt"i lionie i n Thursday last. Born At Dundalk, on SuiuUy, Dee. 20. to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Corhett, a daughter. I^ynes.s l-'iiwci-tt of ^milh h'alls is visit- ing with hi.s puren's, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Kawci-tt. Mist M ii' Htltohinann und l.'ii l.r.M ence visited Toronto fi it-mis a fetv dys the past week. Mr. (lordon Leslie is ipending tlie holidays at his parent il home in Ouelph- M \\ U and 1 1, e Misses Fanny and K hlh llempi.ill : Mr - '""pl> Bradbury <.f Kugci.i.i visit- Ue.-ii- Kiiends. We, your lik-nds and ! l ' d " l '"'"' Cilln lcU "--f-ntly. tli Tenant and Owner All illtciCtt Hi; i i-,- Mi-iKcnt!y li.ed \Vnlki-rtim i.ertaii.iu: I" t!ie iflaiiotis n tenant and . Tl.e ll-r.ild Hl.d Ti'iten relJOiU t 111* case ns follows- After a Irinl listiii. -i < : .\ mil a half, the jury hi'iiijlit in a M i'i.i r "I l'.t7 a-_'iii M J*s (iiay, formerly i f (Jiielph, win. \as chained !> .lanu-.C n ,. .\. ,.[ Smyeen. trith daii.'ixe lo hi- l> i! n while a tenant. iiey aijroed tn have the .-a-m- uii.i.iint of j done Hi the eiid "f ihe teiiu as ^t the lie!iniiiiij. and :tUo I" do certain woik on ihu or:hard . Mi> failure I" perfiirin these dtHio. i; w.is alli-^eil de precialed the salnr <.f (he f-inn anil i In- lilidlord .sued for ?:!."<! il 011:11;. '. The iwiid <>f fc.1','7 in tin- , in.ti'! tlfins tliMt a lenanl may be riniiei>-il liulile fur I he c'n dilioli in which In- leaves furm. Another case iep>.|ti-d will a!s ( , lie ,,;' in 'list: A |n'culi.i tase w:i< tiij-d on Frnl'iy, that of I >|itlii.iscr \*. C.niailu \ rie Coriipany I !<! lieiscr. un hute 1 - Mp-r of Teeiwtter, whh is a bi ul opt'oii town, hotiahr friiin iht- wine coin- puny a case of wine n Inch, hi- c'aiins. w,n to IIL- of st.enytli tli it t "ill I he wlil in A local option distrirt In MIL- summer a detective purchased M.me of the ivine ,-tnd hud it analyzed und it w is found mei -.iri-i u'lli. rind < MJIu-iser w in.. .1 jlt'ii andcnsm. Ho now chtimH this amount from the wine ci>iii|mny. The verdict nf the xiurt WHS that tin- company should i>) buck 10 dldi.i ;>ei the Hiixitint of line and citn and d.ima^ , of $40, no in .ill lo nt/out $1 IK. nei-!il or- of the 4lh hue md vicinity, Im.- nut here ttii-. evening I" .show in a >hjht measure our apprec at i n of your fil'-i ilslnp and our sincere lepret at your dfpai iuii - fioiii oil- neigh hui'hood. You have shin (1 oui joys and KMIOWS in a line nj.il it of i hristimiity for several year*, and we ha- e leaiued to trust your hinccre friendship to nn small device. As u sin ill token of our etieem and eood w ish< s i.. i your fulii'e hap|.im-s.s please accept ill's con. -li. which, allli. uyh not I y is lulu -, my leiniml yon . cere friends you haie left Sifted on I ehalf of your fiieiidi and >u-it{hhors, Henry Smith, .Iclin \V. Mi Kee. ( >u Friday ni^ht last there was a lar",e t;:itl.eiiny of friends an I neiyhbois at the home of Mr. and Mis. .1. Parliament, 8th IIIIH Artemisia, tin- i cc.-ision hein^; tho departure of tln-ir sun, Kail, who hits en- j listed with the !iod contingent to (jo toj ihe 'rout, and iheie l^ht beneath the' "Id ll:r,'. and help defend the Uritisli Km p i.-, of which we as loyd ('.inadiin*, are Mr. Kllw od HI ick of ilarkawiy \ isi' ed ul (!ei-. Hutchmson .1 i-rie day las week . Sydenham Farmer Robbed Tine" men, Tl.onn.s Lungway, John Hili/ anJ William Camplu'il :u- t > under f tlie sill j 'U'ruM , cha'ged with lubbii-g Sydeiihiini M> piimd to form a p irt. After the meet riy WHS called toiider Mr. Kdwin Smith lead the address whi'e Mr. Charles Han ey inndu the presentation. T" Mr. Karl I'ailunient, Pear Kail We your fried li of llio Sth Farmer, Will am MeGiv^-.r. of 'li-smn of W!\. Tliey were rcnmnded to jil until Monday r.e.xt, when the ce will he tried before Magisir.ite CreaM'r. It appears i hat after McGregor drew about r..V - from the Irink on Monil ly ni^ht be me* with I he ihree men nnd was with them for some lime. He d d no' notice anytliinu amiss until Tuesday morning, when he I mind he had heen robbed of his pocket book containiug $.'l?l in cash, lie immedintcly notified the police with the u .ilt that Camphell was ui. -i.il on Tuesday aftetnoun. Hilt/, and 1 , i . iy skipped In Winrton hut (he police got on I their irail and Constahle*CiirMin|Hijd Me- (.'Itrey went to Wiiirlon on Wednesday 1 and arrested tlu in. They had driven :ts Pear r.atl \\ e youi Ineii It lit llio nth line, A.te,,,,M ,. lake .ihitutai-e of tins ; fl " HH l " ll; HeitJ Mld tlu '" 1 "" 1< th ll ' al " opportiinil y In conn- !";(. iln-r i (UK tvcn ; to N\ iarlou. < >nly ulioiit forty dollars of inn, lo wish you ''"d spei d aid ijood I lu- i.inn.-y was ri covered. Sun. luck on ihei\e! VMIII ill |, ;u I me from our inid-t. Vniir in-iny tiii-mls will miss MIU, bill jonhaM- IM. listed in u noble cause, to .40 nnd help di-fi lid !be cause of lil'irly, nn'!. and |ii-,t cc. You have taken a I rave nml noble ' n.i 1 , one thai my \ ' ..in:; iiinn - lioiiM be i>ioud of, l n,.bl M-ncaih .I.e. II II,,... .1,,. l,,sl, r ,,ve,l I N " tK '- ''"y 'en tl,., H ll.oM-aud yeu,. bitile , , , u . , a ; p ose, by . he Coiinc, of ' he \ ,1 :,- , ' , , .<i| Fltshellon "ii the twenly-hr.-t "day of I l. "/I- V\c,e-k v u lo pi'usi' acceiit ,, - , J , .f ,, , Deceinuer, 1914. to provide for the uvue pulse iis .1 small token of oui reyard , ,. . .1 c--m of Di-benlurrH to the amount ul VOoUM.UU *' -.- . ., - F. H. W. HIGGLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. . TO OUR CUSTOMERS: We desire to extend our cordial thanks for the generous and increased business entrusted to us during the past year. It has been a source of pleasure to us and trust it has also been so to you. We look forward to a continuance of your patronage and take this opportun- ity of wishing you A Happy and Prosperous New Year F. H. W. HICRLING Or, J. Ralph Smith FOR A 30 DAYS' OSTEOPATH TRIAL Oflice and Residence- 4<> !Hh St. East 1 Owen Sound, Out. Hours to 12 a.m., l.aO.to 4.:?0 p.m. to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Public Notice hylaw A Business School! Of *e 1900 That Biicceshful pchnol whose uviduates occupy prmmner.t po- si'ioiis from the Atlant.c to the l j -cilic, re-opens for tin- FALL TKRM September 1st, 1!U4 Send for free catalog nt mice to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Collingwood, ( inturio. Apply to Gravity Washer S. Hemphill, .11 u i.i d nislien t'.waid you, nnd may ,. i , Im i be i mo., i of nrovldina -i Dot fci lo.il |iiesei\e V'i throuh all danger mid ilitlicii ti^s You may n-.st atsuiL-d thai t hearty !,.,.. will await you on your rt-liilll tout a({aiii. Sigurd i behalf of your iiitny sincere fii.inls, diaries Han- ley, K. nist Hopper. Although taken eniin-ly by surprise F.ml iiiHde a veiy tuilnhlc leply, afU-r which rvfrcshineiit.s wele nerved. The leinaioder of (he evening w^s spent ill ' lication of this no'.ic music, "lime.-, dancing, etc., until llio tuide thereafter. ee small h"iii-, when 111" '.'alherini; broke up and all dispersed to their vmiiui.s liome>. sftt r sim-iiiL', "It'sn Loni{ \\ ay in Tippet.'iry. for lli the distribution of i-'iviric power to he supplied by the II. " Klectric 'minis- MOII of (Inlario, nnd licit such bylaw was ri'iiistereil in 'he Ite-^isliy Otlicc of Ihe Keiiistra'idi) Division of Soulli (i ey, on the I -I h day of December, I'.Hl. Any mm ion to nunsh or set aside the Maine or any part thereof must be intde three months iiftn- the tilst pub- and cannot be Dated thin 'J4th dy of December, Milt. \V. H. riUUSTON, Clerk. BEAUTIFUL CHRISTflAS GIFTS FOR ALL WK om:n vor THK MOST DKSIKMSI.K LINK TO CHOOSK vorn I-HKSKNTS FKOM Our carefully si.|i-,.-ted diiipUy of h"liday altractioiM will impre4 you with its worth, beauty mill reasonable price-i. UK4IRAKI.K AND I .SKKl'L PKKSKXTS NOVK1. AM) HKAlTIFt'L IMSKSKNTS A special feature of our .stock in the opportutiily for Nelt-ctiim. In all tirades we are showing the newest and be.'-t of the .seasnn. oru ATTH ACTIONS INSUnK THE OHEATEUT PLEASURE IN BUYING, THK MOST JOY IS UKCKIVINti For Kifti that in- decidedly pupnUi' nr.il |il<- > >"... neu our line uf TOYS, BOOKS AND NOVELTIES FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS ETC. nryr.n \< TIIK IIAI-I-V TOXIIIN ITIHN OK * ;i I-KUIUH STOCK, A LUC-IK \.HSOHTMKST INK THK KAIHKHT fun KN Iv . i > article ihuwn is the I . t of its . i .-. eveiy claR repreNcnted IN vniied and complete CHEAP HARM FOR SALE 92400 twenty-foul hundred dollars will buy the went half of lnt No. - and pint of the North west i|unttur of No. 1, ah on the 4th con. of Kuphrasia, con'ain- ili-,' .iliout li.'i acres. Tliri is supposed to ' ninety acres cleared, the balance U""d lianlwo '<! luish maple, tieech and elm. There U ou the property ;i frame h'nise and kitchen, ft frame liitni, straw home with done foumhition under it, ill.-, wood shed, drivinjj shod, pin pt'ii ami hen house. There nro also two or- chiuU on the fnttn growing diti'orert kinds of fruit -apples, pears, plums cheriii'M ami uritpi-H. This farm is well feiutd wi'h wire and patent f< neiiiK- Is fn ' from frost. It is Blau well watered with wiiter in nearly every tinld. There is i uuver-Uiliiii! uprinu within -IK yards of tlm h USB This fiirm i.s within one mi'n of the thriviiiK village nf Kimlieiley. h'ot further paitii-uUrs apply U> I AMKS STCAU1. Kimherley P. t>. ISept H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. ALSO- A in- of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of chari(e, if required. Isep Agent For :- Washing machines,folding bath tubs,windmills,pumps,pipings water tanks, Beatty water bowls, steel stalks and stanchons, litter Car- riers, hay carriers, slings, forks and tracking, McCormick Binders, mow ers, rake loaders, tedders, drills, cul tivators, harrows, Chatham wagons, Mount Forest buggies, and Frost wire. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Take Your Hats Off a? To- These Clothes | YOI' WILL AITIMVK OK Ol'K VKKY HKAHONAHLK 1'KIOES Come', i-u-n if it is neecfUHry lo c"tin- without knowing why. You will find ^ond reasons when you see tho mm \ spletidid oppoi liimlU'H we olfer. W. E. RICHARDSON & SON CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO We Imv.' heen fortunnte in securing another shipment of freiih goods at re-' .i'!. .1 intis and will give our cii<.tomorg the benefit nf (he reduction. All kinds of feed and neveral kiln's of flour tn cluiosi' from. Also somu bargains in grootrln. We hnvu purclm.scd I he Muck of Inter- uali -mil Stock Knnd from Mr Fishur, Vou nre ni.'ilini! un ney when you ate feeding theliiti'matioiialSfck Hoinedies. SVi trnnt vour but '.or ali'l eyn*- mi 1 "'111 piy n little ni'iie than iiritlu'l pr ce. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED r- You'll rake your hats ott to these clothes of refinement und quality. I have the nicest and best suitings on the market and the prices are no higher than the rest. Get a made-to-measure -suit or overcoat for Christmas. I can supply you with them for prices ranging from $14.00 to $:&.00. Come in ami look them over. T. C. BLAKELEY Sole Agent for the Semi-Ready Clothing Co., Montreal K Standard Bank Block. 9 ^^ ' * I t I I s . * \>- r f-V.