Decem!>er :;i 1914 THE F L E S H E R T OiV ADVANCE >. ' . t I - - ? B THE ESTABLISHED 1678 F AN ABA KEEPING a bank account for "household expenses" and paying all bilk by cheque has many advantages. It shows the balance on hand, the amount expended, provides receipts for every payment and does not require a large deposit to begin with. TORONTO FLESHERTON BRANCH BOB Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE-Brr-cze turkey hens. Prize wiuner-i. W. Piti.n, Price*. ille. GEO. MITCHELL, Branchet *l>o at Dnrium mnd Harriitaa. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station as White Wyandotte, white Rook and Silver Cam pine ct-ckerels for sale, thor- oughbred stock ; also Bronze turkeys ind Embc'en geese. Win. Reid, Price- viile P. O., lot 21-22. N. D. R. For Sale Cheap young driving mare about. 950 pounds, or would exchange for good driving horse about 1100 pounds. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesn- erton. Jan. 22 For Sile A few egg vats in prime or- _ _ k de r . suitable for soft water tanks, or ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and schoo , near Wa , ters f ' Ms " (nd w ^f take watering cattle. Also a good, second 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south is 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south mail close at 9 p.m. the Premier Hearst was '.anqueltect at Trains leave Flesherton Station as | T * ra ' *" hoa - K". " Friday last. follows : Wiarton had a disastrous fire last wer k Going South Coins North when Flett - s h . rf WMB gto|3 and a 1)lack . 7.43 a.m. 11.41 a.ui. .... , 4.17p.m. 9.12 P .mJ mithisho P The mails aro osed at Flesherton Miss Dell Thur.ton his secured tilers Falls up her duties next week. A spring -*olts. lon. df straw for sale ; also two Apply B. McKenzie, Cey- Hearse for Sale Rubber tired, poles or shaft, latest model, nearly new.- M. Sidney, Lady Bank. Four or live heifers, coming two, in calf, to trade for steers A. Harrison, Fleaheiton. previous evg- VICINITY CHIPS A full rehearsal of the choru.-. will be hnid on Tuesday evenioe, Jan. ">, in the Methodist church. Every mem' er (>le:se I ha present. The regular monthly meeting of the j Woman's Fnst itute will be he'.d in the Mr and Mis W. Allen. Toronto, were [ h h schoo! on Wedowday. January 6th. Christmas visitors with relative! here. j at " 3 P- m ' % lsltors *> home for 1 MiLiuch'an A Son, Owen Sound. . h tve uiade a donation of the hundred tins cf sod* biscuits to the 'Be'i'iaii relief d i R. Bel'amy, Toronto, was. tl 1 holiday Miss Halt ic Cole of Toronto \ isiu over the holiday with her parents here. Misslla Howard of Markd*le, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Muriel Me- fj^ were driving home from the Port Taviab. Law ccncert, in which we said it was Mrs. Mills and little daughter of supposed the rig which caused the trouble Brooklyn. N. Y., are guest* of her ; a from Fleshcrion. It has since been hand set of double harness. M.Scully Co., Fleslierton, Ont. For Quick Sale A nine roomed frame i , i and nu-tal clad dwelling, good cellar and i water, frame stable and shed. Also a vacant lot for sale. Possession given at once. Silas Shunk, Flesherton. Legal Blanks For Sale R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blinks. Any requiring such will rind it to their inter- est i./ jive him a call. There is a movement on foot this year f-,r something substantial for Christina.", now that the German flimsy ware is debarred (as it should have I een years a^o). Just by way of suggestion we would propose that you call in and ex- amine our stock of furnituru suit- for (.resents, which is uu- full this year. For in- we have rockers for niocher. chairs for father, beautiful res and frames for sister, sleighs for little brother, little rockers, dolls beds and wick- er chairs and other things for little I ' sis 1 er something for everybody. ( ' Come in and see the latest tiling I > iii dolls beds and rockers. ( ' Then we have the usual stock of I all kinds of parlor, bedroom and t dining room furniture desks, ( ' chairs, odd pieces, secretaries Ob ! I ' there is too much to enumerate. I I Come in and go over our stock ( I yourself. Always happy to show { I goods and to demonstrate that our 1 1 prices are as low as the lowest. ( ' We are prspared to furnish flowers I ' and doral designs for funerals, 1 1 weddings, or social gatherings, ( I bavins! arranged with the Dale es- 1 I tate of Brimpioii to handle their P business here. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER i 'PHONE 23 R2 1 1 Flesherton Ontario. Christmas Gifts - Christinas is coining. What shall I send my friends as a token of friend- ship. Get a dozen or two photos. Just the thing your friends will appreciate most of all and at the same time will prove inexpensive. Ilawken will be glad to tarnish the goods. Call earlv and avoid the usual Christmas rush. W. A. HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST FLESHERTON - ONTARIO For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is , a first clasg farm and in a good state of A few weeks ago we had an item deal- cultivation. Good lank barn and new j n , with an acc i d( . nl t i 1!lt cccarred while mother, Mrs. J. Sullivan. learned that this was not the A. S. Thtu.ton of the Toronto Weekly j khus the vi!la * e has ne s - '* Sun, sptnt ChiistiiHs at his parental P-nce for. case, and ss* to do home. Mr. Emerson Adams aod wife of Tor- onto are visiting his parental home here. Dr. R. Henderson, wife and little son, Ivan, spent CnrU'.mw ho'idayi with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Mr. And Mrs. R. Shaw -ind children, Congratulations are being T*howereJ upon Dr. Jamison, M. P. P. for Suuth Grtty, who has been made Speaker of tl.e Legist itive Assembly. This gives the County of Grey a monopoly of Speakers, as it weie, tho H.>use of Commons i h Dr. Sproule in the chair and Dr. Jamie* gown in Tcront". frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Fiesherton. For Sale Cheap nd on easy Urms comfortable frame dwelling in Flesher- tou ; good well on premises ; also Park lot of 4 acres in good state of cultivation wi'h barn thereon. R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Out. Sept. 17 14 son wearing the Lions Head, visited durina the past week Hurrah for Us! with Ye Editor's t uniiy. _, The Ambursen peopln are hiving some Mr. Lou of Toronto and Mr. dimculty in Illovin3 their heHVJ . ranchine Ed Pedlar of Sioghampton called ou The ry flom t ,, e work$ at Ku!{eni . t lo thu Advance on Saturday. station, owing to the amount of snow on Mr. nd Mrs. A. Markle of Hornings th e rOl( n. There have been several up- Mills, visited with the laner's brother, se | 8 . L,,, t wce |< tne y undertook to bring J. J. Thompson. ' j out the big two-inch steel cable, which ws woutul OD :i bi;; drum. It wa 1 upset near Hy's corner -ind had to he unwound and drawn along the road like a huge sntke with eight or ten teams attached to it at various points. The cable was Mr. and Mr--. J . T. Miller of Toronto spent the holiday with the l.-itter's [>r. e'lts. Mr. and Mrs. T. illakeley. The famous duet, " Ah ' I hive siithed to rest me," from the Prison scene of Verdi's opera II Trova'ore. will be one of the new numbers at the concert Jin.ti. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Genre of Tor- onto were guests of tlie foiniei'* parents, Mr. Rtul Mrs. Jaiii..-s Cienoe, over the H. H Miller uf Htnover has fur sale tha"Tho(iiis Butler" f*rm. Lot 5, con. 3, and lo's 4 and 3, e n. ~, Artemes'a; in all 220 acres more or less, with about 200 acres cleared, with fr.i-ne house with tone cellar ar.d two gor>d bank barns. The poperty u offered at a '.treat bargain. MISCELLANEOUS XuTICE Taxes due the village of Flesher'on must l>e paid before the '.'".rd of December. John Wright, Collector. WINTER TERM OPENS January 4th. 1915. at the High Power" Repeating Rifle No. 425 List I'M. $20.00 OWES SOCSD. Jjf( >ur catalogue tslU y u why %*Toronto "Globe" said "It is mi-fct Business School in the Dominion. " Write for it. C. A. FLEMINT., F. C. A.. Principal. D. FLEMING OWEN SOUND - iili djibm \ >L.udin.- A Big Game Rifle that ??T^ Makes Good. \ Sure Fin* No Balks No Jams &*V* **rf,n*r.. " Send fur llundtioiiu'l) lllu-lrjtol (L ,' KilU- Cjfjk't; No. 11 * J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., Chicopee FaHs. Mass: Black-Ru$cll The home of Mr. James Rus-seil j Mil!.-, was the scene of a ijuiet but pretty : wedding on Wedaesdny. December -.'3, at clock, when his second daughter, Lillian, was united in marriage to Thomas | H. Black, also of R oc k Mills. The j wedding march was played by Mrs. Will i Russell while the bridal party entered ,the parlor where the ceremony ww per- ! formed by Rev. R. C. Kerr, beneath i pretty arch of evergreens and Christma.- I bell". The bride, who was unattended. | wore a beautiful white silk blouse, trira- I med with shadow lace and pearls and iblue serge skirt. After a dainty wtdd- l ing fuast the bride and sroom took the afternoon train for a short trip, the bride travelling in a blue suit with blue plusli ,hat to match, and the groom's gift, i handsome set of furs. The bride ws 'the recipient of miny beiutiful preseuts. .imopn them a bank-note fn.rn her f:ither. Mr and Mr*. Black will reside on their urm near Port Law, and their School Children's Eyes. ..'friends wish tbem happiness and [[<. somewhere in the neighborhood of lulf a mile in length and created considerable -i interest as it was "snaked" through town. More clrin;;es n the ' >ntui Cabinet holidays. ( Mr. and Mrs. Cieorge Thompson of Feverslvmi and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomp- son of Rock Mills, spent Christmas at the home of J. J. Thompson. A foreigner at Eugemt took dote of corrosive sublimate on Saturday in mis- take for something else. Di . Little wai called and the man's life was saved. Be sure to licar the Hunting Song one of the ni-w numbers, from opera Robin Hood, sung by the male chorus at the coccert Jan. t>. H ss Maniu MtcT-ivish given party Oi Saturday in honor of her cousin, M ss Bertha Smith of Markd.ile. Eiuht of Bsrtha's oU playmves were pitent ai d enjoyed the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C B. Wilson if W ston, and Mr. mill Mrs. A. O. Findliy of Owen Sound, with their respective families, spent their Christmas holidays under the . f parental roof, at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. W. C Hunley. 8th line. Artemesia. -.litvebeenaiinounced. Th, 1 C.ibinet is LOW constituted as follows : Pren:i % r and President of the Council. Hoti . W. H. Logs Wanted at Proton Station The highest prices paid for all kinds of h-ird U.MM.I logs, telegraph pole*, ties and posts R. Xeiison. Mr Ueorge Watson, Piiceville, wishes us to announce that lie lias i.ow ^or his chopping mill in crder and is doing chopping every working day. Wanted large second hand box heat- ing stove, must be cheap ami in reason- ably good condition. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleiherton. Jsu.22 The Durham Furniture ( '.<. h* 1000 corda of wood fi.r snip at Roe'c Mills. Price 50c. per cord. I' AH be bough', in larce or small quantities. J. <> D&rgov- el in ch:ir^e. 1 Jan. L5. WANTED perity. Many lives have been mined through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. A RELIABLE MAN 1WH HAUDY CANADIAN GUOWN STUCK in Flefherton and Grey Co inly. ; Start now at the bcs: Scllir^ T.iu Genoa-Burroughs On \Vedne.- J:iy evening, Dec. Semi for list of SPRING OFFERINGS, ind terms (. A^eiit- Libvral Commission.- HiMoSiun/ free outfit. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Xuiseries I Established t-*:C TORONTO ONTARIO |J. Huiina ; Provincial Treasurer, Hon. T. W. McGariy : Altorney-(.!enerl. Hon 'I. B. Luc**" ; Minister of Landf. Forests j Mark Everette Wright, organist and Mines. Hon. G. H. Ferguson ; Min- cllljil ' n "- st * r of the Methodist ister uf Education, H"n. R. A. Pyne ; ! Minister of Agriculture. H'm. J. S.Dtiff; Minister of Public Works, Hon. F. ti. ' Macdiarmid : wi'hout portfolio. Hon. J. ! ,F. Foy nnd Hun. Dr. U. F. Preston. ! Dr D Jainiesoii, South Grey, is sKted for Speaker, euoceedina; Hon. W. H. Huyle. The Presbyter an Sabbith Soliool en- liuiiient on Christmas evening uiirk- ' ed another successful event for the church. The evening was all that couid tie desired in the way of weather and the attendance was in accord with the weath- The program was a good oue and altogether the event mny be considered o-iite :..- successful as any of its prede- MUMC STUDIO nd church, Flesliertoii. te icher of piano, organ and voic^. Mr. Wriifbt holds credentials | from cDiiservatoiies of music where he | has taught, also frcui eminent doctors i and teachers in New England e >nssrva- t >ry, Boston tnpolit<Ml Conservatory of MuMcand Steinway Hall, New York city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are open for concert engagements. The Nominations W. A. Armstrong:. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Tonsorial ^^^^^ rj * This fain .us make of implement is F clllOl S i well klli'*ll all over thn country ill 1 i their own good-work is the best recom iiiendatii-n they can rtceiv^. If you require anything in the line of Hi- ders. Mowers, Seed Drill*. Cultivator-. 1'ulp- ers, Pl-iws, Sleigh". W.iauoii*, C'ream Sepnraturs. 11 ir rows. Roller Boxes. EnsiUi;,' Cutter**, (j 1 . gnu's, Sawing outfits, etc.. ch.-mi'e lo <|Uote prices. A large number of neighbors ard cewors. Proceeds amounted to ovr frienc's dropped in at the houie -f Mr. * The secretary's report showed the and 'w.Lundy Johnston. Vandeleur.ou .*-> i t-be-in a hralthy with Wednesday evening hst. ajuL pWieiTte'd" a vera 9 ^tendance of 59 pupils and prf wiFh'* .uwceUaoco-J * Mle rt>11 ' f""""- ce8 alst> ""* Busketi werj brought by the satisfactory: Balance ou hand at begitin- and plea-yiut ivening mi total $106.17. vert *104.44. collections Expenses for the year Doc Fairey (|f Winnipeg has returned shower, vis, tors, spent by all in speeches ami games. Mr. Earl Biattie, son of Mr. Audiew Beattie of Or.mae Valley, passed quietly way on Friday last after an extended hmne "'f 01 . a v * git with hi ' 8 " nlothtl ., Mrs. illness of tuberculosis, at t ho early , Jlis- cimton. Doc. hj had chntge o( a Of 28 years. The young man was re- g|uis of me|) on COD8 , riK . tioI1 wor k on the Cently married io a To.onto lady. The Wiunipex vaterworks, and is BOW a fore- funer.1, which too's pla-e to Flesherton ^ wjth ^ Northelu Construction cemetery on Sunday afternoon, was large- Con)pany This fir(n is one of tho , an<e ly attended. Much sympathy is express- coDtracU , rs on the Rreater Winnipt , g etl for the sorrowing w.fe and family .1 Waterwa , 8 Sy , tem . which wi ,l pip8 The Flesherton hockey 'enthusiasts drinking water to greater Winnipeg, a wet in the Tipperary Club Rooms on matter of 100 miles from Lake, Monday night last and elected the follow- LiKe of the Woods. A standard asuge i,i officers for fio | resent yeir: Pres.. railway . has already been constructed R G Hull-Hid; Sec. Treas., Jos. LeG.ird: over the i-ntiii* distance to be covered by Manager, Chus. Richardson: Captain, tlie pipo line, by the Northern Obnstruc- H. McCauley; Managing Ctmmittee. K. ti" people, who will also build sixty MeCauley, H. Sullivan niul G. Me- miles of the pipe !i.u, which will bo of TaYish. Thee'.ubis in good liiuucial s'e.-l, enclosed in concrete. A number htaiiding ai.d they have decided to pur- of rivers will have to be tunnelled umler cl'ase now uniforms. Hockey practises enroutc. The scheme will cost at leust will be httld ou Muuday uuht-. ' ?U,000,WO. Artemeaia will not have an election this year. Tbe nomination on Monday was well atteiuUH, but ambition ap- peared to be t 1" ebb this time.theie | only being oue candidate outside tl>e old Council nominated in the person of Mr. Jonathan Latimer, who>, however, re- signed later and left the old Council in possession. Fleshorton will have a " scrap " this year, which is a healthy sign The meet- ing Monday evening was well att .'tided by the citizens, thus showing an increas- ing interest in village affairs. The uora- iutti'ins were i|iiite numerous. Nit all w.ll stand, but the following slate WHS nominated. For Reeve--- D. and L. FUher. For Councillors T. Blal e'ey, John Ntihn, Mark \Vils >n. W. Buskin, W. W. Trimble, Chas. Stewart. J. t). Pattou, C. H. Mulish i w and i.' N. Richardson. School Trustees Win. Davis, Win. Stewart nnd S Shuiik, all re-elected. We Aim ti> iti\e Kiitire Satisfaction LAr>'DKY-B.i.,ket cl.*e- nii;ht, delivery Friday eveiii-iij CLEANING and DYEINC. \W are ; agents for Parker's Dye Works Clothes cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. T FISHER. - - PROPRIETOR il> o clock * i|uiet wedding was solemnized it .s*^ Albany avenue, T.-rontn, when L.-n.ire, eldest dau^h'erof ex-Police In : sp*ct.>r anl Mrs. S. Burroughs, formerly >f Grecian Villa. Dj Burgh Hill. Dover. Enulmid. w;w umtej m marriagt- i.> Prt ' Kllwjod Genoa, y<.ungpst >on of Mr. Mi-'s ilenoa of Fltsherton. F J>'ini McNeil if \ViilmerRondBttplist" churth. otticiated. The bride, who was given .v,v;iy t>y her mother, wore a trav- eling ?inr of French tailored serge and black velvet Mir, Christene R iui- n<y of Folkestone, England, scho. 1 tiiend . t -he bride. ,-i.ssi*.:d as brides- ir in i. a!so the Misses Mill.e and Lottie Burl u! -. - >iers of the biide, were in a-t.-nd.ince. Mr. Hubert Morse of To- ronto .u-'ed is best man. Mr. and Mis. | Genoa left later for Flcshertrn, wheie they intended to spend , shoit honey- m.i m. and on their return will reside sf. 1 'S Dipi'iit S:., Toronto. Cuttiiig ino en- The Scheme Failed Deering Implements AND Gasoline Engines All kinds of Deeiing Implements. P.-irts always on hand. Agent for Bank- anci Mt. Forest CutllS,Barbe( Uu^gies, Lon- don Litter Cii-rieis, Hiy Tracks, IVdlar shingles and siding. These Implements require no lecomineiHlation as they are standard goods and rec x"' zi -d us" the best on the market. A Chep-'ow farmer put u;i ,t a Walk- ertou hutfl He alo put up a job on the proprietor that did u- t pan out very 'e! 'i he farmer rUiuied that a rolw whicb. aeeordiiikj to his story, says the Tel. -icopc.he had purchased the day prev- '.'"i- in Teeswater, h.-*d been stolen from his Butter He went to the pi-oprietor ami being threatened with a suit for Us r.>.v.ery. >Ir Ward, t,, save trouble. Pi'l VsladllOand the latter departed. The following prices ire for strictly ' Tl ' e ''"telkeepi-r. however was ,, >t satis- paid in advance subscriptions only. We tie 1 with Vulad's story and on phoning have no accounts with other papers. to Tees water found that he had not i John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Our Clubbing List Toronto World, daily ....... Toronto Daily News ...... Weekly Globe ........ S OOl* h * U l)t;e " the vit:tin - ** fraud. 2 00 u 'rd through his socicitor, wrote a, W er to Vala>iving him u.til ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Toronto Star ............ '-> "H) Farmer Sun ......... 90 Farmers Advoosta ---- ..... 1 50 Ospivy will have an election for Councillors an seven candidates were nominated for the three seats. Mr. John Thomson was re-vlectei for Reeve and Mr. Irwin Morrison for Deputy Reeve by acclamation. The following are in the lii Ul -is Councillors: W. H. Guy. Joseph Hc-iuli-rsun. John Muirhead, Geo. Koss, Albert Arnolt, John Lockhart, T. II. : - '"' oll ' d tlm " lond y *s repaid, .i. a warrint had been s,,rn out for V^Ud's i ire 8t and was in tlie hands of th Chief *^*^**^ < - a,; Home JouruJ ........... 90 unpleasant predienment :vnd prevented Poultry Heview ........... 40. tlio serious ehaisje of fraud *ing laid Uod and Gun magazine ...... W , ajninst him. When asked Ae reason _________________ f.T hi.s conduit, V.,ld had n> excuse, to uffei- other than IK- was uiw>r the influ- e-u'e of liipior. FARM N)R SALK Lot '-', con. il, (.hjprey. 1X> :leu'> S(i cleared : good biiililings. i i-o failing we. 1, small orchard, sji.od f.rm Apply *! \N M. L.-\S\ I.i H. BuMoia P.' *. Farm For Sale IOO acres, 1[ mill"* from Flesherton Goo.l buildings, easy term?. -JOHN WRK.5BT, Flesherton. Married l'.ia.Iy \\right-tt Hanover, ou W dnosd r v, De*en!*r 83rd, by Rev. II .I rsnii. rcttor t ?f. James church, M Ti-.i-s. Uffrfi. of Lit us Head to Miss W,',.-* Wright. :ught.*r c f Mr, John W , i s h