Maul I 4. 10i:> niE FLESH i; ii r o n a d v a n c e / Kljtherion. SHtisoriiitimi price fl i>eraununi «rh«n iiw<l in adwice ;91.!>>> whtii not «o i>ai(l A'lrertisinir tbIm on np|ilioation. f.'irciilatUm 1,100 Wf^kly A' 11. IMnueiloi.- Killtor *^lesherton^^v^/^ Baptist Church C V. Kerr, l'«»lor. Pli'.m :'.:t II. •.' Miiiday Scluiol !•) n . m. Sorvica at 11 :» iii. ItiUU- Stuily fit ('i\ylon mi Tluiisdiiv vftiiii;; !it ihehoiu£,<>f Mih. Ui.-iiiiett. â- ' "" ' ' â- < ' â€" "-* Methodist Church Rev. James DuJ<{i'i>ii, jiantin. 11 it. 111. uiiJ 7 i>. 111. • Tlie pHs'ia- Sun Ny. 10 ». 111. Follow.shi|i Service. MimdHy evi>iiiii>i E|>wi>rt]i Leigiie :tt H p. III. Mark Kverctu- A't ijfht choir leadvi' anU < )r(;Hnist. /lCB!)ert0.n. !a&UaitClJ''**"°**'*'" *"1 Production Ao in.Wj>eiulent ne«si..-vi„r, jml>lii,lie.i every I'ltlri. I'mii w tluiit, luuiluclioii is all Thiirw-Uy at th" offlci-, t'"lliiit(W(K)d Street, ' (iiiply soiiiul. If ever there »».•< ii time whi-n liy your ilueds you are required to Ije known, it in now. Now. when the eni|iiio l.s ;it war ; now, whi-n many of tliengului ciiannuU aio closed; now, when men in niillions liave Wen (um- moned fi<»m the paths i-f industry to the iiiterno of des'ruction ; imw, when Brit lin i.s iijjlitiiig for Heluiuiii's liiji't <â- " liv.' : now wlii'ii Oeiiinny seeks to pros- trate Hr.t.iiii e^en iis she has [aostrated lieluiuiii ; iiiiw, when (Ji-riiiHny threat- ens th» forty niiilloii |icoplo of Kn^land, Sciiilaiid, Ireluiul and Wales with otarva- tioii ; now, when the enemy i-i borabard« ing peackful towns and villiijjes, slaugh- terini{ innocent .nid women and children : now, when tortile fields and fruitful gurdiiis i.f other lands iire lying in and swollen with d'Hlh : now is the lime when (.'anadii us called upon to put forth her might irsl effcrl to help stem the tide (f desiruciion, to aid the SDipiru iiiid to profit heiself. In entering upon the cumpiii'.'n in which it is now engaged the DeiNiitment of Agriculture of the Uomiuion hits en, tered ui>on n task that .should do untold good. It is not that ( nr fanner* need altogether to be prunnpted to benefit tlieiiiseUe.s, but that pcrlmpH some of thi m do not entirely recognize the set' iuuaiioss of the present and more than probable critical conditiouKof the fu'ure, Priceville Jottings Fine wetther!ately for outdoor notk, iu fact the » niter up to date hiH been u very favorable season. Died -fe'eb. 'J'i, »l his residem-u in TorontK, Mr. Mulcolin Caii.eion, ii^ed j'xjul 7'i Deceased f^riiieily Ii\ed in I'ricevilli- and v:c;nity, but durin'.' the Ust twelve yeais liaN le^ided in the city, and had been ni fiilinf; health for some ye:ii>~. Ilia couipanion in life has been in ;he liospitrfl for wuie time. The fam- t ly <x>iiHist» of six ions, !iv« of win. in at- t-.'ii led the funeral, which came up on the train Tuesday, 2:t >, i.nd after a oer- vice ill the Presbyteriiu church inter- ment took idnco in Everjjieen o-metery, ..South hiiic Arteiuetiia. M'f. D. Mc- Doiiiild, Old Uurliiui It >ad, i* a »ister ' f decea>>ed, --'^ Assessor Bellamy puid-4bis vioiuity iin oHicial viriit on Mondxy luyt. Ml. tie 1, Wats .11 i« xe'lin^ up his iiiwiuill in order it lominencc iiitliu;; Juii.lmr at an eaily diie. .A!e\. >lcl ear, <)pp< site the Methodist «h iicli, has been fury ill wiih lieait trouble, but iheic leeins t'l l^e »ume iiu- pruveiuent during ll.« I'st f^w days. Bis Kiat<-r, Mis. .X|.Kd»aid', and sm. of Cliica-'s came i^iei ai.d speiil hist week with their sick relative. Heathcote C'utd, fros'.y weather. A number of the Heathcote ynuni! j).'opl« met nt the houie of Mr. James Camplin on Mouday evening lust, ere Uis departure for his new home on the third line, and spent i veiy enjoyable lime. Mr. and Mrs. S luon Proctor have sold their faim to Mr. Thomas Shaw, at Kimberley, and have moved to Mr. 11 Lougheud's houue near Heathcote. On account of the (haw the Heathcote Woiiiens Iiistiiuie hid to jinsiiMme their monthly nieeting on Wednesday lust till Wednesdny next at the home i f Mias (J. Kawcott. Miss IreuB Oiirdner vi-.i'ed at the home of her friend, Miss Florence Cniickahank, over i^unday. Wo are .sorry to re|iCiit that Mr.Georae .'<\vaniiell is ill. Mias Susnn While of I he lOlh line i.- viaiting at the home of Mis. (Itoige Reekie. Tli.i A. Y. r. A. h.ld their monthly meetin'.' at the home of J. A. Myles on Thurtdiy evenioK last, but on account of the siorniy weather only a few were able to be prt.sent. We are sorry to hear that Mr<. Win. Herlhinsoii is not so well. Mrs. J. A. Myles left for the West last week to attend the wedding of lur It the war were to end to-morrow there ' eldest son, Miss Lanrinc Peny, would K' ill bo need ('f every i Ihat in formerly of Uocklyii. productiveii*»s, for many yonrs must Bornâ€" on Sunday. Feb 28, 1IJ13, to elapse lef.'r': the devas'ation that has i ^r. and Mrs. (Jrorge Vaniplew, a tieeii caused can be remedied or repaired. ! jHU-'blpr. Unhappily, the probabilities are that the ' • giant contt ct will contiunf for many : Another Waf TaX months yet, in which esse the mind of man cannot ftthom or foresee the d»ir.- i T^ixntim of alt the aKse^s^blo laml in age that will be dune to every loiiii of , t>ntuiio at the rate of one mill on th3 industry. To agrieiilturL- in paiticular. ' was the meat-urc proposed by Hon. by the waste of lifo, by ihe wrecking of j W. T. McOarry, I'rovincial Tieasuier. n properly ind by the tpreading of desola- j hi- liiiJget in the l.egislu-ure last week, tioii. It is III re|>airing the damage by means of which it is calculated to Otheri cause that the farmers are called ' rsiae i^^Sili^lHiO. The pro|i<i.sal is only ' upon to aid. It is their mother country ^ iii«de as a temponiry t'lx, not to Vie con- lliat cries li them. | tinu d after the war. After announcing the now tax, Mr. A'cGaiiy said : '' \\c will collect the money in this way : We R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. NEW SILKS We have opened lip a largo Hliipment of New Silk.s, which were bought m time to avoid the advanced pricrs now in effect. They include Paillettes,, Faille.s, Ilabiitai.s and Shantung.s and are in all the popular colors. 1 here is also a swell range of Fancy Trimming Silks to suit all the new shades of dress materials Silk Specials â€"30 inche.'^ wide Faille 8ilUs (weave resembling I'oplin) in the new shades, Helgian Blue. Saiui, Putty, liiissian Green and IJattlesliip Grey, special $1.35 per yard. Black Paillette â€" HO inches wide, rich i^oft finish, deep lustrous black, every yard .stamped with our name and qual- ity "IJritannia.' Special import price $1.00 per yard Black Duchesseâ€" :W inches wide, extia soft glossy finish, beautiful rich black, neavy weight, fully guaranteed, every yard stamped with our name and quality "Duche.^se Connaught." Special import price per yard $1.25. NEW WALL PAPERSâ€" Our 1915 selections are ready for inspection and you will find a larger choice and better value than ever. We specialize on medium pried patterns. Prices per double roll range from 10c. to 50c. GROCERY SPECIALâ€" Large sized Marmalade Oranges per dozen 25c. Agency for liiiiterick's Publications and Patterns. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS ^ ' ^ ' i^^ ^ ^m^^^^^^^^ '^^-^^'^^ ^^::^r^^^i!!^^^i:i^^^}?^s^i Dr. J. Ralph Smithi^^ OSTEOPATH H Ihe Uld Adage The Agricultural De[>artinuiit is not alone ho'ding conferences at many points in the country, but it is engij-td, as will be teuu by tli« aniiounc -meut elsewhere, in distributing Inruc (|uaiilities of liter- nture telliiiK |iow the farmer can best ser»e the inteies's of ihe empire, d s play his grateful sense of pi'rioliKiii and bring proti; to himself. In brief kiuI eX- will levy again'il toirna and oilie*, which are sepxrated firm count ten for miinicipa purposes, directly. They will collect the Ihx for uri. In C'lunties other than lluse pinlicular (iislrii'ta I h.ivi- referred to, the tax will be nitdc by the county upon ihebiisiKof the ei|U'tli%ed assesiment. The tax will be collected as putt of tli» Dflice and Uesidence- 4(>8 SWi St. EaJ'tj Owen Soui.d, C)>it. Hours -0 to 12 a.m , I.:i0 to 4.30 p.m. 1 to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. E. .Siirncnl S: Co. of Ceylon «re losdii!,- • â- «rH withsuwlo'js I. ere fur tliu l>uih'iiii Furniture Co. Some people .s<y iIihI il is difticult ii> get n house to rent in the tillige. Ne'i- ly every ih occupied. Waikerton There Is still over *'.iUOO of tax.;sre m lining -jnpsid in Waikerton Wliilu skating on the river lielow the •-'â- end bridge on Weditesday of ln't week, Walter 8ni ill, a young laii of the town, ventured too near the mid'lie i f the Hlreain vihero the ice was thin, with the result that he went thiougb ai.d would have been swept probably to his deMtb,bul for tho pimnpt nctioii ot Ittiice Uo^ers, who rualiLiI t) I lie rcNcue, and tUli'High he weiir in himself, Brum event ually landed his prize on terra liniia iig«in. List Fall, William Pollock, a fiiinel <f Uuron Township, came to the <.^ueeii'.< Hotel here with two women, ai.d alter the trio had paitaliin if a mea', they de- parted laithout the ugiiculturali-t l.oill^ through the fuimall'y of settling up for himself and u'iests. After waiting p it luntly for the farmer to come across witti the ci>h, the hotel-keeper hiid a clmrge of fraud against him la-l Week and Provincial Ounstjble •). H. Aiin- ntioDg was deHp<ilchod lu serve the de- liiojuonl farmer wi<h a summons to the trial, which lonk plio.- at Wilkeil' ii imi Thumd.'iy, After hearing the eviileiice tlio niagistiat'j lot the accused oft' on HUnpenJed sentenc<t on paying the bill Itnd ftll cuats amounting to about 914. Mr. Percy Mead of the Immi.'rillon Departnicnt, Ottawa, came to Walket- ton laai week niul in conjunction with <Joiintnble Ezra Hiigga, aet out for vtri- oua parts of Braiil, ('arrick an>l Nornian- 'liy to warn certain alleged German sym- ipsthizers who aie said to have been air- 'iiig iheii vieWH altogether ti o freely al>«ut the wt', to hereafter keep a aileiil tongue on this Niil'ject and coise bousl- iiig for CJermaiiy while making tlieir tiresd and butter in Canada, whitli is .now at wur with ihe Kaisor. Ks|M>cially •in Normanty wore the glih-tniigues lun- ninK fieoly. and Ihe iflicial handed out Rome hot fhots to somi of the Mpiiilers in that diairiel. TlH><ie who disregai:! I lie warning are threateiiod with ruipht and inteiinent in the Oomiiiion delci.liini camp. Hritsn is even disciifsjiig ihe colitisealioii of all pri | eity in the (l<. min- ions held by thoae aclinit in a lios'ile milliner luwwds b r Hmee Herild ami Times p'icit liiigUHge, th'it nil "ho run nmy 1 , J . J • _ : . 1 , ,i.„ I eounty rale and «i|i t.e p-iid over to l' e lead and undeiatani, is pointed out the ! ' ' ,1, .„ I treasurer of the prcviiieo if Onimio IllOhC I * 1 ',. , 1 .Mthough w« will lint receive tins .noncy ' i.nlil next fall, 1 intend to take power in legislation lo burrow .-igainst it to the extent .if $--',n'.ll»,()OI), I am sure my lion, friends Will heartily jiiin with us in needs of tin iiei lis cii; li situation and how tin t. Ab pve all, tin- be uli ized. N â- tiling need be thrown away as va!ueb>»s. Tlie ocoiomy of pri.diic'i'iii is ill atviiig. The wisest learn soiiuthin;.; by reuling.aiul in the Knlletiiis and Krpoits pre;)aru.l and written ly exjjerts and men of practical sciencp, farmeis will riun liiids, suggestions mid inform it ion of ihe greatest pcssible table at this season, and hucli ».h will iidvanlai^e both their bind and thpinxelves lot a 1 t'l.ic. They will aUo aid them in that duty to thn Ki'iipiie which is such passiiii,' and in- stant iiii;M>rt:itiee that to shirk it is in le erimiii d. ('ii|iies of the publie.itions of the L).'p4iiment can be hid up'Ui address- ing Piililieations liranch, I>e|jarlnicnt of .^Cricultiiro, Ottawa. No postage is re- i| lie il on the n|ijdicktion. A Business That iucc.'ssful fchool whose graduate* occupy pr-niinei.t po- sitions from the AiUnt.c to the Pacilic, re-. 'pent for the FALL TKIIM S plember 1st, 1014 Send for free crtdog «l once t « COLLINGWOOO BUSINESS COLLI.GE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal r,-, Coll nt;«o .1, •iiil-irio %5% The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same i.s ei|uallv true of the 190U (Jravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. Weighed and Wanting Sometime aifo a mill went into a store ill lirantf.ird to buy a saw. He saw the kind he wanted and asked ihe pi ice. Ir will $1 Ci."), the dealer slid. "(lood );i.uious, ' Niii:l the mai', "I can let the .same thing from the mail ord^r house fur $l.:iri." "That's leaf than it cost me,' s:iid ihn dealer, "but I II -,ell il on the same terms as the tiiit'lorder, just the siine. â- '.Ml li^lit," said ihofiisii.tiK'r. '•Voii cm tend it aloll^ and eliarue it I i my H'connt." "Not on your life, " tin' dealer leplied. "Xo charge accounts. Vou can't do business with the mail-(>rder house tliiit w,iy. Folk over the ciidi. " (The ciis tuiiior complied. ) "Now, two cents pnitaue and livj cents for a imiiiey ordpr,|o the imiil-nrder house, you know." The cut'omer, iiiwnrdly raving, kept to his agveemeot and paid the seien cents. "Now tweii'y-live cents expi-esisigc. "Well, I'll be ,"he said, bnl. be paid i', saying "Now, hiiiul nic that •sw and I'll lake ir lioinu myself and Is rid of this fuoleiy." '•Hand it to yon' W here do ji'" IhliiK y..u are? Vnu arc in Itrantlord mid I'm in Toronto, and you'll liavu to wait a week fill that saw. " Whereupon tho dealer hiii;.,' ihe saw on a peg and put tin money in his c.isli drawer. "That makes ff\ (57, 'lie said. "It Im ciist you two cents more ind taken yon a witek longer to g.'l it than if y<jii h:|,| jnid my price in the (ii^t p'aco," (hi;! meisure to m.'et this liiiio of stress." Their Home Burned I'reeniore .Star, The farm home of W'ra. Seilley mi tl.o (ecoiid line wi.» destroyed by Hre on Sat- urday ninlit with nearly all its contents. Mr. Scilley had amie to hcd a -.d calhd to (onio of the children that it was lim - for I hem to go tu bed also. They Wriil upstairs to retire and on opening their liedioiim diior found their room full of smoke. They gi»e Ihe alarm in llie'i father downstairs, who ijuickly ie<pi>nL- ed. The lire broken out areund tl:e chiiiiney under the roof, and if n fen pails of w.iter could have been applieri then and there the flames might hni been eiliimiiishcd. Mr. Scilloy yot on the lo'if but there was no one lo Inini'i any water tu him, and by the time help arrived Iroin the neighbois tho lire was beyond control. Nearly (;vptylhin.i in the house «as burned, including what was loft of the winter's supp'y of jircvis- ion-i. Mr. .Scilley s los* will he unite heavy as there Was but n light insurRiice. \ French cartoon repu'sents a lepoit* er fur the (ieiman l")lhciiil News .\j;uiCj aSHsiiing the Kaiser linw he shunid account for the lo<s of the Bleucher in llm roeent North Sea battle. Tl e Kui'ir responds; ' Say Ihiil for important naval reasons our nrmnuied eruisi r Jlluecher has just been trursfurmed ini<> i a subu'.urino." AUCTION SALE Of Live Stocic, Seed Grain, Etc. The nmlersiuiiod has been iiiairmfi d lo sell liy Public Auction at Lot i.', Cmi !•, on Fi iday, Mmch 12, llHu, lli* d 1- lowing valuable ail.ides, namely : 1 cnw iisii:g ,â- ) years old, ."syippnsed I • be in calf -, t cow lising I'l yeavs old, fr- I row ; I mi!cli cow rising !> years old ; 1 I r.KW 10 ycft's old, aupp'Sed to be in ealf; I I cow 4 yeais old, suptiised I . be in e^lf; j 1 heifer rising ^iyeais old ; oalecis lisiiii! I '2 ye.irs idd ; â- '! steers risini; 1 year nld : I 'M owes, '-n|ipnaed to be in lainti ; li pigs J - months old ; I Noxoii No. 4 niriwer ; I '_' McCorniick hay l"adf r ; Princess If.iynl I seed oats for cash ; ."• tons of Iny for ! cash ; MO «ap biuktts and spilus ; 1 irsl- I vaiiii'.d iron pan ; 1 D.iisy ilinrn, ;i lu-ifer.i rising I. tS'ile at 1 o'clock p m. Terms .\ll (mms of .*<.'i and nii.ler. cash ; over ihit amnunt 1 1 inonths' cred 1 will be i;iien on .ippioved joint notes, or <i per cent, per iinniim otl'ui li n of notes. W.n.LAWLKM, \\M. KAl'nTNti Prnpiijlor. Aiic ioneer. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE i ^â- ^400â€" twenty-fimi bundled dollars will liny the west half of lot No. U iiiid | part of tho Noilh west ipmiter of No. l,i all on the 4'h con. of Kuphiasia, conniiii- , iiig aliout r_'.") acres. There is supposed 10 lie ninety acres clcurel, tha balance uood bush â€" innple, beech and i elm. 1 here is on the property aframel house and kitchen, a fratiie barn, straw. hiijse with i-tonu foundation under it, also wood shed, driving shod, pii! pen and hen house. There a:e also two or- 1 cliHids on ihe farm urowing diffeiert. kinds of frui'- .ipidcs, iiears, p i.oi-, I eheriii's and ijrapes. This farm i.s » el. ' fencid with wire and pa'eii' fencing. l> free from frost. It is also well wateit-l with water ill nearly en'iy lirld. Tin r i^ a never-f^ilina spring within 40 yaiil. of the h' use This farm is wiihiii «• •• mile of the Ihnvini; village of Kimbei'. > Foi further pailicuhrs apply to- .1 AM l.» STl'ARl, Kimberley P. <). ISepi S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line of McCorniick Farm Iniplenientis, Binder.^, Mowers, liakes, Loader.'^, Drill.-^, I nltivatoi.s, Plows, Hiding and VValkin<', Harrows. IJiantford Wintl Mills, Pumps, Piping and F'ittings of all I kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay torks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Hath Tubs, Frosi Wiio and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited, Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | I Lrsi^^ESa juuuu H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fasliionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Worl(mansliip. - ;\L80 A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free we put alterations in '.â- hatKC, if rem»ired. Isep I ii FleShertOn Tin Shop- -:^:rz~:s::::=:. I have jiist placed on the shelves a fidl line t)f Tinware, Nickehvare and Agateware for domestic iisf. Call on nie and get your supplies. Fiavetroughjng, .Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing olall kinds promptly atteiuled to. i PipeHtting, includin Furnaces installed. Furnaces. pump work. f(ir Clare Agent liros. We arc (ilucino in stodv a fresh eliip- mrnud Flour and Feed, Oatmeal, Con. .Men I; CiiiL-ked Corn and nllior li'ud fur tjwi. i'^xpfos? for hire Lion't loiget to order tliat now piano before liouHCcloai;iiit,' lime. We sell the llc'ii)t/iuuu oi Kaiii Pianos. S. R. Henderson FLOUR and FEED WOOD CUTTING Wu/j. Sim" W'aod Cutthii.' willi iieatiKWK ami iles|Kitili, ."•0 lo IW coril.i per day. .\lsii a tf""'! strnvvcuttinj; outtit. Siitinfinlion K'laianteed. lifjivii ymi i.idcis »ith t|je iniderilKneil. llulli -liKti. r.It.M-KKNIllHV, Ki 1 er.<hain n Vi n i D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK i i i w I i % FLESHERTON ifl^ ONTARsO. L Tamworths for Sale Piicei Hoth Hex nearly ready (or Incertiiip. rlptit for quick »s\e. QKt). W. ROSS Maxwell P O Farm For Sale ' liK) acres, II iniloa troni Fleshertoii Good buildings, easy tcriu!'. j â€"KHiN WIUGHT, Flesherton. Bull For Service iiHl.ibu,.! Shoriliorn Ibill, " Hill- vernoi, " No. fri'HiH, for seivico on lot iI7, con 14, \vl in'sia. Ter-.ns- SL.'iO lor '.<rftiles. $'•'• for ihoiouijhbred'i. -.\LKX. (..VltlU'TllEUS. Pure Bred Holstein Bull Channeling Prince Jne ThM j eleU (i HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned hiive a pure lued hred by Chmistelina liiilter Uoy cm Hereford bull for service ou lot 171, 3rd of Tidy .-Vliliekeik I'linccss .losrphine ^V.T.S. II., .Vrtoinesia. The sioitesl butter inakint; (itraiu kuo Terms §:{ for pure breds 81 5t) for lenn of s.!rvice J.1..-10 for grades, ' i-rades. All cows served ninsl be raid '"'"' '"â- "''â- ' lor. -T. A J. WATSON. GKt). MOORK & SON, Props., 1