Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Mar 1915, p. 1

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^kBhcxton %hmnu TRUTH BEFORE FAVOB." â€" " PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. ?0l 31 No 30 Flcsh.erton.Ont., Tliursday, Xlarcti 11 lOlo W. H THOfiSTON •iS'JS^, Md PkO Eugenia Paragraphs The Women's Institute had » very KUccessful ineetinj; at the home of Mn. llenry Williams on Wednesday. They decided to me the funds of the social to get Qiaterial to mike up fuv the Ued <'rt.s». One Tuesdmy they made one Huilt for the RediCroas »nd two fur the relief of tho Belgians. A number of young people visited the hume of Mins Allie Willmms and aurpriii- ed he.- on her birthday, making merry • ith her in games, music and song. .M! enjoyed the evening. Mrs. Hubert Hawkiua ii very poorly Mt present. Mrs. Murray and daughter uf Niagara Fallj, Mrs. aicTikvish and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, of Flesherton, were the Kueats of Mr)<. Jake Willia.ns the past week. Mrs. Walker of Flesherton is the gueit of Miss Beecruft. Mr. Hillock cif Maxwell was the guest of J. K. Jainieeon. Mrs. R. Park and .-.ons, Charles and Jack, Tiaited her father iu Fricevilte on Saturday. Myrtle Winters vifited with Mrs. J. Williams the (Mst week. . Jonathan I.ttimer spent the ;M8t week in Toronto. Robert WiUianis lias !>oDe tu Hauiiltuu, acir^upanied by his nephew, John Williams, jr., to uniiergo an operation for goitre. We hope for his safe re- tuin. Tl»» youiia people were very sorry ti< learn of Gordon MeGee's departure from Hill's atoro. John Cairns has taken a poaitiun in Meaford. He is grea'ly missed by the people of Eugenia. The young people arc havir.;; « jolly time skating on tlia dam. They don't have to leave home tor skating sport. Everyone issurry toh'se Mr. and Mrs. James .\rmstrons and fHniily from our midst as they were good neighbtirs, but hopejthey will enjoy life in their new home near Kimberley. Carnea Williumv spent the [Mft week with her cousin, Berth t Smith, of Mark- dilf. Feversham Items Mri. John Buckingham is visitiof; friends in (.'ollin<;wuod. Mr. ai.d Mrs. Rubt. Colquette spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart of Flesherton. Mrs. Uariy Hcrton and chddren have returned to their home in Toronto after a two month's visit with Mrs. Horton's parents here. Mr. John R. Lush is nio>ing his fam- ily to Siayner thit week. Mr. R.jbt. Alexander has moved into this village into the hcu-se he purchased freui Mr. James Clark. We are sorry to repwrt the death of Mrs. John Speer8,(nee Miss Kalie Gamey of Clarksburg. .Mr. and Mrs. Speers lived in this village for some years. Much lympathy is expressed for the sirrowin2 husband. Durham A serious accident befel Mr. The*. Banks last Monday while cutting wood at Mr. Dan Mc.Xrthur's. The tree lod- ged and then fell on his foot cutting it badly. IS stitches wore put in by the doctor and he is now doing as well as can V)c oxi)ecfe..'. Mr. and Mrs, Herb Allen, Olenelg, were in town on S«turday last and were hoiTibly surprised when they wire told hy a telephone message fnmi a iieitdibor that the hou.so they had left thnl uiorn- in.< w;is destroyed by tire . A passer-by had LV)ticcd Hanies (â- omiii>; through the roof and made a ru.sh to the scene only to find that inside was n roaring furiiacJ 'Hid he was too late to save anything. Providentially Mrs. Thod. Banks waa spaiod from a fatal accident. Uccently while on her way to Mtrkdale with her 1 r.jther, Mr. Colin Mc.Vithur and sonic of Ills family, shu was sitting with two o'hers in the back scat of the sleigh ob the outaide and hearing some noise be- hind she turned round and called to her biother that a iiinaway leaiu was coming. He whipped up the ttam to set out of their way and the jerk made her fall backward with her body hanging over. Her niece grabbed her by the clothes ar.d held her till tho lunaway team dashed piMt, being afr lid lh*t they miiihi tun over her if they stoppel, hor head rubb- ing on the hard t<uow iu the meantime. Happily, %l\'» wull that ends well, as, though .stnnned for a time, she Ih now ii.ine the were. â€" Review. Dundalk Mr. Brvt Mi'ddaugh, Proton Station, wjs the purchaser of the Fiper firm i.c»r Dundalk. The Anglic«n congregation at Vioion Sfatiou has had pUns prepared for their new chuioli building which they wilt rrecl in the spring. Ihey have ibout 5700 on hand to conmience the work. Tho burs'. ing of a water pip» by frixt .11 Friday at the p'Wer hoose wai the 1 luse of ihere being no ilcctric lights that night. .Vnd this was al.so the cause i-f the Kpwiirth Leaijin.- skavini; p«nly advertised fo' Fridny lo'ug wiili.Irawn. - Herald, Duncan The roads are very i«y. Sugar makiug will soon be iu pro- gress . Mr. Comford Tliompsou visited in tliis vieinity. Mr. and Mrs. Irvine McKeowri and family spent Siinclav with Mrs. .Mc - Keown's parents at Feversham. A meeting of liie ratepayers of I'. S. S. No. 0, Eiifhrasid and CoUing- wood, took place on Tuesday last for the purpose of electing a new trustee. Mr. Clifford Johnston of Clar'KS burg is visiting at M. L. Kerr's. Clifford is » jolly boy and we are â- pleased to have him iu our burg. .Ml. Wm. Pringle, who is home from the vfest, visited with liaac Mc- Keowu and other friends in this part. We are glad to spo -Mr. Priujjte look ing so well. Ml. and Mr?. Thos. iSmith gave a party to their many fdcnds and acquaiutauces ou Monday night of last week. Everyone enjoyed them- selves. Music was furnished by Mr. Milton Neil aud Mr. Wm. Lewis. The .Misses IMilh aud Ida Proctor attended the weikliug of their friend. Miss Evelyn Wagg of Redwing, ou Wednesday of last week. Mr. Wes. Sheridan had the sad misfortune of breaking his leg one day las', week. Dr. Oltewell of Flesherton was a caller in this bmg ou Friday last. Mrs. Fred McKeown and little sou, Earle, of Sank Ste Marie, are visiting itlatives in this part. -Mrs. W. i), McKeowii is improving after her long aud serious illness. .\ number from this part extend their deepest sympathy to ^Irs. W. Loucks of Clarksburg, in the loss of her husband, who answered the roll call on March 1. Miss E. Lever, teacher iu '•Sun beam .Academy" visited in Flesherton a few days. Mr. Andrew Fawcett of Kimberley visited with his cousin, -Mr. Ashley McCallniu. one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lougheed had a very successful .<ale ou Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Shaw have r.<oved away from our bnrg. A number of frieudi aud aciinaiut- ances of Mr. aud ^[rs. James, met at their linme on Thursday evening of Ust week aud presented them with a pair of anil chairs. Mr. and .\Irs. .lame? aid family are moving to Ili^athcote. We extend our deepest regret to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White in the loss of thrir Iwoeliildien. Cecil and tlraco, who were called away to their eternal home, by that dreaded disease diphtheria. hh\ and Mrs. Milton Neil visited at Mr. Thos. Smith's before returning to their home iu the west. Mr. .\rcli. Mclntyre visited at Win. Badgerow's lately. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goodfellow and family have nvned to a farm near Heathcote. We regret their depart- m-e. Mr. Lather Rear and sister. Miss Lydia, of Clarksburg, visited in this part recently. Mr. Geo. Glenn, of Redwing u iiewed acqnaintiuiccs litre on Sunday last. The sum of J?(i*<5 in gold was imid into the Standard Bank at Durhamon Moi\- ilay m irning as ixwrt paym'-nt for a farm, by Mr, H. Kl>i«." Kimberley Budget Jasper Stuart bad fourteen teams drawing brick from Flesheron Station on Monday last . Those were the press- ed brick from Milton. Will Plewes of Collin^wood visited friends iu our burg a few diys rccititly. t^uite a Dumber from here attended the pitriotic concert at Wodehouse on Tburs- dty evening last and were more than pleased with the program, which they say waa of a very high order. Among chose who took part in the program were Gordon Leshe, our public school principal and R. D. and Ben Cartuthcrs. Bomâ€" .\t Kimberley, on Fi iday, 'tth March, to Mr. and &Ir>.. Taylor .\ber- crumbie, a daughter. ' Jas. R. Fawcelt is visiting this week with friends in Clarkstiiirg and CoUing- wocd. Geo. Proctor took the topic in the Epworih League on Sunday evening last. Mr. Proetor is a very logical speaker and his address was h.stened to with interest by a large congregation. Saul Faweett hid a wooa lee on Tuesday last and in the evening gave I he young people a party at the Travell- er's Home. Inspector Huti'of Meafuru waa a caller in our burg on Monday la.sr. Miss Pelch visited at her parental home in Feversham one day h,st week. S. Fawcett spent a very pleasiiut visit with U.trry Thompxou, Kut Mountain, one day l«i:t week. Kimberley Farmer s Club met at the Traveller'a flouie on Wedoe.-^ay cveniug l.-ist »hen u.uch important business was transacted. Kiniberlry has a very azgressivi* club with the following otticers: I'rea., .loseph Ferris; Vice free., Robert Lawrence; Secretary, Saul b'bwcett : Directors, Jas. Magee and Kutled;e Stafford. The Grey County Breed- er's Club is holding a sale of pure bred Shorthorn and Hereford bulls and heifers at Markdale on Wed., March 17th. Write Department of Agriculture, Markdale, for catalogues. Ceylon Clippings W T. White spent Sunday with his wife and little son, E.*il. who is in the sick children'.s hospital, Toronto. Mrs. Georste Stuart left Monday for Thornbury to see her brother, who is very ill. .\lex. McD< nald and wife have return- ed from a week's visit with Clarksburg friends Master L'oyd RanJs had the misfor- tune whle riding on his speeder to upset throwing hmi wtth such lorce as 'o frac- luie his collar bouu. George .Sniai't i-s busy this week put- ting in iotf for summer consumption. S. Heiiiph 11 attended the funeral of his cousin at Stayner. Mrs. Blackburn of Proton .npent Mon- day at S. Hemphill's. R. Cook pnid .1 business trip to Egie- mont and Kuphrasia townships the pisl week. Will ( irr made business r*iher lively in the slock line last 'luosday. Prices rin as hi^h as 57. 7 J tor hogs. Mr. aud Mrs. A. P.dlis-.er of M.xweSl spent a day at James Ridley's the imsi weak. We understand Levi Co.itts has piii- chasoJ K. Purdy s house in towu. A. Whiltaker, who fell on the sidewalk soiuc time .ago and claims .seme ribs were broken, settle 1 with the Council for .^r)!). Victoria Corners Miss Min» Heir.l, who bus been out of school for the past week on iicctjunl of .grippe, is improving. Jimuiie Rinuou, son of Mr. Milton ; Uannon, haa been very il' with pneu- ' inonia, but is improving. Mrs. J. R)biiiso;> has bceu visiting l her daughter, Mrs. Biunon. Miss Niersart, Miss «>rr and 'ITionuu? { t)rr visited the week end at Eugenia. Tho InisMogo Lc.iirue ."ipeni Mjudiy I evening at U. Coroetl'.s. I Mss Ethel Blair of Toronto is visittui; her un>>l â- , Wm. Heard. Wodehouse Doings The cold, ra« winds from the north and east continue to blow, and though the aays are bright and long, it surely is not healthy weather, tor la grippe is still uking a tiim stand. Those who were '' in ' last week are improvini; but slowly, while others this week are laying in right and left. Vuur cor. and home ' stall' have been among the many, and though at times our heads leemed to be running away, we rainaged to keep above wafer. The school is closed for a few days owing to ihe illness of the teacher. Mi;s Wiley. The patriotic concert ou Thursday ev- eniiiij wa" ijuite a success. The night was iJeal but the crowd not as large as would have been h-id not so many far and iieir l>.;en sick. The program w.is a goixl one, mostly patriotic. Kiiv. Mr. Phalen of Mirkdale very acceptably took the chair and gave a neat addre?s, which was followed by two vocul sulos by Mrs. (Dr.) Brown if Markdale, also one by Mr. Leslie ot Kimberley, who aUo gave two e.\cel!ent violin »oh s. Mr. Peikins of Markdale gave two cornel sulos, ac- companied by Jack Dundas. Miss Has- kett gave a patriotic recitatiou which was well received. These, with a few num- bers bo uur home talent, mvde a good, leni>thy proaram. Lunch and caudy was 8«TveJ and ail enjoyed a real sociable hour. The proceeds jinouuteu to f-j.''. ^iaa Sophia McConucll of Kimberley has l«en the gue»t of Mrs. Ji s. Cherry the lact few da)s. Ernest Morwoud made a business trii to Thornbury ou Tuesday. l^. D. Carruihert of Kimberley was i calleffib our burg on Saturday list. Uobert Hutchinson leaves this Tuesday for his home in the West, after a lengthy visit with friends here. I>R. BXJRX 5pecialUt in diseaaei of I be Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office- 1 30 lOthat, West, Owen Sound At the Rovere house, Markd:ile, 2nH Thursday each month from 8 to a 12;i.ra Dundalk, Ist W ednesday of each month.. . FleshcrtonJP[anjng j And Chopping MilFs I am now prepared to do chopping every day iu the week except Sundaya and every week in the year. Bring along your grists. <-)ur sash and door factory is always at our disposal for anything you want in our line â€" planing, matching, e'c. Floor ing, sash and doors, and all house fur- nishings supplied promptly and at leas- ouable rales. Get estimates. Blakely and Henry Proprietors FeblJ 13 ly Jew eiry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT ^4^^k^:ii'£.<^ â- ^â- ' -^ â- ^"' -*'«• •f"-' .slfe-Wt- -M. -i't -"«â-  .si«. -i't, -M- -!!*• .>K- •>"' -*''' -i"' â- Â»"' ^^ t^.' Singhamptoo.. , . „. _ Mrs. Wilc'.ix of Stayner, with her two little Ixys, returned home on Saturday after sjiendiiig two weeks with her sitter, Mrs. Joseph Taylor. Mrs. Hcury Zeii;gell spent a week with her daughter, Mn. A. Buie. i^hiite a number attended the pivpaiM- tory service at the Presbyterian Churcli on Friday evening, the 26th ult , when Hev. Mr. Drinnin gave an inlercstin? exv^nation ut the meaning of the Lord s Supper, tho sacrament of which was ad- ministered on Sabbath. Nine new names were aJded to the church membership roll. The Lunday school will be opened in the future at •.'.â- "10 o'clock and the church ser.-ice at 3.W o'clock. Tca.-hers and others are a«ktd to accept this in- timation The LaJioh' Aid of the Presbyterian Chureh met at the home of Mrs. McLean on TuesJay, the '2iiil, each member taking patches au I •|uilt lileks and heliied in mn!iing .|Uilts to add to the b<'\ to be sent to tho Belglan.s. A uiea'i"g of the Public Libraiy was held on Monday, 21st ult , and a com- mUtee was apjKiiired to take down the names of the books, etc. .\nyone wis) - ing to join may do so for the small fee < f ."»c. per 111 11- b or .iiie a year. With llie selection of bix'ks on hand, history, bioi;- raphy, travel and !iction, the wants of all may be supplie I Wc are sorry t-i rep irl that Mr, C. Tny'or's l.ttio girl, Ijwendolino, is suffer- ing with K*rljt fever. All h"pe for a speedy recovery. Litile Sarah McDomld is improvi- g from the severe scalding which she sulf. r- ed some lime ago. Mister John Hawk in-, who his betn sutl'eiiiig with thioat trouble is recover- 111;^. Rod and Gun ••Ihiuii Ui>iKS and Huskies" by .1. R. Frs.ser iu March U h1 and Gun i> no lap dog Story but. an aecounl of a despei-ate encounter which two adventurers in the far north had with a b.ind of ferociouH huskies from which they narrowly esciip id with their lives. "That Cub of Pat rick's'" is a soincwli*' amusing t»'e~ thoujh Pat himself found the cxpeiieuoc very jirovokiug- of a c.ipturcd bear cub th.^t proved oue too much for his cuplor. "A visit to tho Nakiuiu Cave^ of Glacier Park, B. C, " "Wiudobin's Cabin." "The Passing of di; Biiflalo" aud o-her stories and articles, ^'uni* with the reg- ular dep.•>rtIneut^^ go to make up H fine March number, riiis sputsni-in's pub- lication is issued at Woodstock, Cut., by W J. TajliT, LiinUid. We Can t Be Beat For Quality, Price and Choice Ri^nnie.-;' .\XX Clovfis. .Steel P>rif:<:.s, Lion Bruml. Ki,Mth's and White ? Mammoth, Corn, Reil. .\lsik<^ and Timothy Seeti. Also Ontario grown Alfalfa. l)rop in an<I see our goo.l.'^. Orcbard Gras.<. Flax Seed, Kape. Hungarian, Millet, Mangle, Beet. Turnip. Carrot and a full Hue of Garden Seetl^. A full line of Flour. Barley Chop, Feed F Molasses Meal, w: Tinin, Sliort.^. Corn CIi<:p> our. Linseed Meal, Oil Cake, Grain and Stock Food. sk: I N '/iv~ s m 0S5 :^^\k^^ ^lii^ •it- i*'«- vM«. .Mi. -M- M, Jto .»</> .jis, ^, ^<', <<(, .if., ,»".. .^".. :}'«ii"i V i RUBBERS! RUBBERS! S Tho<'e in need of liubliers, cither High Lace Leather Tops or Low Lace Tops or Rubbers with- out Tops or if you have old Leather Tops bring them in and get new bottoms on them. â- \VlIEIiE' WIIV AT Thos* Clayton^s FLESHERTON I NEW SUITINGS | New Suitings just to hand â€" some of ^ the nobbiest weaves to be found any- ^ where. 3^ Leave your ortler now for that new W suit, Vou will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't foi"get that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices arp right and our ^voi-kmanship is the verv best. ^ I S. J. BOWLER I J^ Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. ^

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