Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1915, p. 4

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^J^:^ , <0"«l »» ' ' "imnpawp ^^mtl^^^^mjtm^^ 3r.iich IS, lOlo niE J)' 1. E S H E R 1 N ADVANCE \n iii'lepetivltMit iu«-.|'.ii»T, jiiiWiflitil evfi ' iiiii->.il»y At ill'' olHci', (VilhngwiMKl Sti-eri ' l^iiherton. S'lU^criplion iirii-* ?1 pel iiiiinii •»Iien ii»idinBt|\ uice ;$l.5.1 wlii'ii not no |^i V'lvertisiiiK rati-* r,naiiiillcati»n. Circulatio 1.100 weekly â- AT H. Tliiiraton- EdItoJ "•"lesherton-^vvx/^ Bapt ist Church li C. Kerr. l'«»tor. Plioiic X', IX. 2 â- Sunday Scliool 10 a . tii. Service at 11 .i m. Mililij S'auly Ht IV'/loii on Tliui'»cl»y veninK at iliu honu of Mre. Bennolt. Osprey Council Cardinal Facts Flesherton Methodist Church lluv. Janius Dudi^i-oii, pistur. 11 11. in. iinl 7 p.m. â€" The pH8tor SiindAy, 10 a. ni. Fellow.ship Service. Monday cveninf; Epworlli League at 8 p. ni. Mark Kverette Wright chuir le>d<-rai.d Orgiuist. Will Appeal to The Government Then- may l)e adv<iuUi(ei) accruing to the townsliip i>f Aitemesia by the tlevel- opment of liyUro-eledric at Eiigcniw, but there are iluise who tbiuk that the dis. «dvitnl;i<{rs will mure than uutn'ei^li the idvitntageH, at leait to siiuie poitiuDd near the work'., and iiii tffort will I'm m»de to induce the i;o\ernnuTit to conii' to the assistance of certiiin school i-ec- tiuni and to the municipality Ut damaj;e to roads, etc. A dile^ation from tliR AitemeiiH t'uuneil wmo to \v«il on the KOVcrnmuDt this Ufek to liy tlie matters of ciniplaint befure th<'m. It isftit that the Koveruuicnt bhuuld dn siomelhing 'owards reimburiiiiii; (he (ch(ol hcctionh and t >n-ii(hip for the very leal injury dune them by ui'hdrawii'g rii much land from asicsftment :iiid lowetin^ li.e value of iittedble priiperly in the township. The c incretu facta will lu better under- etocd fruui the fullowin^ tiguiei :• The rissfMSTient uccoidini< to ihe last Abse^sinent UolU of Artemcsiu in houiu f:>(J.fHMI.OO. Tills includf.i the Unds formerly owned by tl.o (Jeoryian Bay Power Oouipan) which have been tnkm over by the Hydro fclbuiiiuUonimifsiun, and it is cstMiituI tli-tt the Iosk of rev enuc to the Ti>wii>liip(e.\c!u9ive of school ratet>) ib as follows, based on (lie ratuM of i'.U4 • - County ralo, 8151. '.'(J ; Towutbip rate, 'JKO 00 ; litmir*! >chool rale, '>:ib.2», Hiith School fiW, ICff.Wt; Total, H2;5.'-'ri. BeHidex thi». the lands taken over are bituated in three dillerent bchoul Nuctiuns of the muuioipili'y, and tlio rednuiiun of asseasnient in the.io will be Nfverly fe t by the i-upporteih of Huch schools. In achool secli'in N<>. 0, there will be a hmt in asaeHsnu-nt of fl 1,100, aud the MHsefwment as it ataudN now ik only $45,700. it will be oaiiily unders'ood that the«e people will be heveioiy hundi- ca|)ped in huppnrtiiig (luir 8choi>l. uud bUo there are ?!•/!. W to be cullected in thia eectioa for the next Hiii years to pay off building debeiilure», au that unit as these people receive Hume aid from homo source, iheii school ta\es nill he an e\- «eedinjjly heavy burden. In school section No. l:i the [iii-ntnt asicsament i.-> 8!*!i,(>oO, uud (here will be a deduction of homiu 1*44,700, loiviiiy a very amall atae.s.smeiit to iiiiiiiilaiii Ihix • ;hoid The o'lief school seciioii I'llVclvd ij I'. ^. 8. No. l,Al'leiiie.'-i4 and Kuphiasi:;. The prcHciit as.'ic.i-ineiit ('f llii^ .Vrtoniesii |>irt of this section ia only fj:V-'00, and theio. will be a deduction vf at least 9700, which Mill be a aeiiuiiH uiatter to ilicMe people in the in:iinlain>ini.''e of their acliool. Are You Going West This Spring ? If HO, lake advantage r.f tin; low one- w.iy Heeond clas.s aettlorK, latcs to certain pointH in SaHkatchewan und Alberta ; or if round trip ticket is desired, the low rate Homeheekcis' lvKCur»i<iiin in effect each TueKday until (tclober Stilli should appeal to you, lletr in uiliid tlihl tin l^nadian Pacillc intUvay olfera the finest TtiUwilMtf ci|uipiiient ami faslcNt Ir.iiii .ser- vice '1')H; loule is one of the most -V acriiic in thv^oild. It is ilie only lino operatiiiK (hroii((li standaid and t( utJHt Nlecperx, nlsn dinini; cara to \\ innipe)^ and VHiiciuivcr. Ily travelling CPU. yciu avoid ilie necessity of chaiiKing do- (Mtta. Alt ci|iiipiiient is owned and oper- ated by the C.r.U , ult'orJinx llio highest form of etliciency. If siicli a trip ia under conHidei.dii'ii, apply to any C.I', K. amnt for full particulars or Write M. i}. Murphy, Hislriit l'u(-<ieng»r Ai{ont, Toloi,lo. 'Ilie Couniil of 'Nprey met iil Siuj;- litiiiipliai on Sill., Murch (i, list, acucid o;; 111 adjouimil lit fri'in Feb. (>, last. li'Miheis were all prcsciit . Minutes uf asl iiHOtin;{ and iiiiiiules of spttial ineet- veierea-l ind idopt.il. Coiiiiiiunications â-  cciiunis, etc., wiio recfivcd frniii J. It. •Icliityro, ai'ciunt StLTiO, priininu ; T. }iveney, Cl^-rk of Albemarle, asking Os- prey Council to co-o|ieiate in asking; the G ivernuicut to increase the grant on rnadi ; Henry Down, applying to make tile for HUT); Isaac Traynor. ccrtiticate regnrdiiiij work on drain Ne. 2, by Wni Itich ; H:kdjeriis Public Library, .-iskinz oi a ;<rant ; Auditor's Reimit for I'.tU. thder-5 were issued on the Treasurer o pay Biidjeios Public Library, grant l?l't.CO : Irwin Morrison and Thos. Scott, ^7. iiO each, expenses le liyi'ro electric ConvcntidC ; niember.s of the Council and the Clerk le'2.50 rncli, for special mfctiii},' ; Will. Rich, $l"<.(Kt, work on driin No. 2; J. R. Mclntyie ^.50 for piiiitiu-;. Henry Down was ;i warded the contract of making tile at the SAme price as last year. The Auditor!:' Reports were read and aiopted, and the Clerk instructed to get 300 copies printed. The Clerk was instructed In ask tiie County Treasurer to charge arreais of taxes in error at;ainbt Lot 4o,is. U. U., to Lot 42, S. D. R . . The Council then app liiited the stir.d- iai{ Conruiittces for tbe year as follows;-- Rijids -jiid brii|;i's- Messrs. Thoinsoa, MntrisoD and Muirhead. Pri. ting- Messrs. Thomson, Aruutt and Guy. Assessmentâ€" The Council as a whole bylaw No. (104 was p:i«sid, appoint iiu Road Commissioners fur tliu several Uisisioiis for 1!H5 as follows : â€" Oiv. N ). 1, Altjcit Ariioit : Div. No.2, W.H.Guy ; D,v. No. ;l, Jdlin Thomson ; Div. No. 4, Iinin Moriisjn ; Div. No. 5, J.U.Muir- hcnJ. By-law Nn. 005 was passed appoint- inu Pathmaiiti-is, Found keepers <ind Kencij viewei.ii, as fullo«s : Pathmaslersâ€" Sam TalLot, K I Mills, •lolin Trudyeoii, KJ Parr, Alex lirown, R J Tall.i', I'l.ilip Wood, John EjiIc, David Armour, Robt Gibson, W H Little, NS W AuderiiOr, Joseph Ksse.x, Loreii/.o Adair, li Patteison, John H Piiddle, Al- beit I'iirsoiiH, Rdit llill, DawHon Gor- don, H Down, S T Wilton, Wui Hiiidlo, Albert Priddle, Robt Fachnie, Win Jor- dun, Jacob Lougheoil, A N BmwnriJge, David Winters, Uobt Rin;;, Hector Moore, jr, Luchlaii C.iineiun, J F Riiiii, C T Phillipi, Ki.bt Morrison, liobt Priestly, Wm Hall. Alex Morrison. J II Hually, Rubl Young, I'eter Sonierc, W G Moil'tt, Goo Julian, James Loiio, Win Conn, Win Spencer, I) 11 Louxheed, (..' Crosby, Wui Smiili, M Siiyers, S Hnw- toii, Janu'b Hudson, Chria Thomson, D Wood, Alen Johnson, Jas ijowitl, Geo C'lioper, J.I) Douglat, Wm ibd^sun. Will Davidson, Jus Freulhy,T .1 Frcethy, Josiah Craufnid, John Dobson, Ji.liii ^''. 8lg.^^'^.^3^r7b::^7^T<i^i^g!^fei^^ Win. Campbell, operator at the llydio electric t'ominisiion's transfonmr atalioii at Kails View, received n 12,0CO-volt shock, lint tofvcreil before » pnlinolor arrived . 'I'ysoii, Geo A vjillar. W McKeuhnie, Ed iSykes, John Uillies, James Gibies, James Luugheed, (.' .\ E'iward«, Arcliiu Buie, Neil McQueen, Alux Camtton. F\in-B Viewi-rs lleclnr Mclnlyie, Robt Morrison, John Hannon, T S Freely, Tims. .Sti vens, jr., Jns. Menzie, Robt. tiibson, Hu^h Thomson, John Ross, Archie Buie, Jas. Klliotl. Goo. McDonald, Geo Il.iwioii, \Viii |Io()i;,son, Hugh Hardy, Robt Taylor. p., und Keepers â€" Richard Davul.son, John McKiniiiiii, .loim Hannmr. Jas DoiighiH, l'!'l llarbotlle. Uobt T.iylor iiiul W H (Juy. Council Adjourned to meet as hnkcsr iiieiit C^oiiinnttee lit Fovei.shaiii on May '.'2, and as a Court of Itevisiiui in Mai- ivell on May 2!t. -TllOS. .SCI »Tr. Clerk. This is Ciin^da's war. What will tho harveit be / InciCiiso of knowledge menus incifase of production. The first essential for tliu lii.:lio»l yield is uood seed. Not only iirain i-rowcrF. but breeders and all producers are making kistoiy at ihia juuclure. Value of the crop is increased if tivat- ed for smut prevention. Failure to secure suitable viirieties is a rre<|nent cause of poor ensilage. All (jiain intended for .>-ced should be cleaned anc' graded, in order to retain only the strong; kernels. farmers who Iiavo separat-j houses f.ir their laborers have no ditticully in secur- init help. If labor is scarce now it will not be more plentiful in .-mother year, bo it is wise to er.courage present ho')). Austria has decreed that every acre must be utili/.eu for production. Wast- ing land is the worst form of extrava- gance. Live slock is the fuundalioii of perma- nently successful farming tudiy. m it has always been . The fanner who conserves his best stock for breeding will profit greatly in tho future. When tnanuie is piled and albvrcd to heat the vitality of most of the seeds is destroyed ; but whendrhvii to the tielJ from the .stable, or not left long enough in the pile to become well rotted, manure isonecfthe inost important means of seed dispersal. Canaili is many times l.-irger in area than Belxiuiii, \ ut in population there is I not a yre-it deal of difference, that is, considering Belgium before tho war. Britain is iho protector of small slates. The grealir the area iind variety of area, the ii'Oiu prolction is needed when einet- gency arii-es. Address and Presentation The neighbors and fritiids of Mr. and Mis. Robert Waler, west back line, met Mt their home on Tuesday f\enii>g,Maich '.)lli, und presented them each with n mission chair, prior to tlieir departure for their new liomein Fleshtrdn. Fol- lowlni; is the 'iddrcss : Dear Mr. and Mrs. Waller, -The oc- ciision of our visitation to ynur hospitable homo tnirighl is one nf botli pleasure and regiei- pleasure in that unitedly He are periiiitled to give expicssion to the unity and hatiuony that have prevailed between us these many years of our sojourn a» iiciuhbors ; regret, in that you are ahi to bidding farewell to tho old lino to ((..ss the remainder of your helpful livis in another locality. Wo wish you a lung and happy r.'iirenicnl in yuur now home, and trust the iclalions there eslabhshed will prove as helpful and eBJi>)Hble to the citi/.ons of Klislierton na yi ur miny friends and neighbias here havuhitheilu enjoyed. We wish jou a loving father's rieht'sl lles.sing â€" temporal and tpiiitual - -and trust that the future may ( HVt oeuasioiial oppoiliinititH to renew lu- ipiaintmices and reca'l happy amciatioiiH uf tho old west back line. As a slight ti ken of our frienJ(lii|) atid es'coin lo pleased to tccept this little gift, which, while of little value, may serve as a me - iiiunto of the loviuL' iippreciatiuii if obi home friends and neighbors, whose goo. I wishes and sincere prayeio follow you to your new abode. Siirncd on behalf of yoiir old neigliboia .lohn Stewait, Harry R H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. NEW SILKS We have just opened up a arge .shipment of New Siks, which were bought in time to avoid the advanced prices now in effect. They incude Palettes, Duchesse, J ai(s. Mabutai.s and Shantungs and are in a the popuarcooiP. I here is a ; t a .^ w i range of Fancy Trimming Si ks to suit a the new shades of dress materials. Silk Specials â€"30 inches wide Faille 8ilks (weave resembling Poplin) in the new shades, Belgian Blue, Sand, Putty, Kussian Green and Battleship Grey, special $1.35 per yard. Black Paillette â€" 36 inches wide, rich soft tinish, deep lustrous black, every yard stamped with our name and qual- ity "Britannia.' Special import price $1.00 per yard Black Duchesse â€" ;56 inches wide, extra soft glossy finish, beautiful rich black, Heavy weight, fully guaranteed, every yard stamped with our name and quality "Duchesse Connaught." Special import price per yard $1.25. NEW WALL PAPERSâ€" Our 1915 selections are ready for inspection and you will find a larger choice and better value than ever. We specialize on medium priced patterns. Prices per double roll range from 10c. to 50c. GROCERY SPECIAL â€" Large sized Marmalade Oranges per dozen 2Sc. Agency for Buiterick's Publications and Patterns. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS ^l^^^^r^^^rv^^^^^.i^^!^jj^^'rs ^^^^^ ^^^ Dr. J. Ralph Smith j OSTEOPATH i Office and Residence- 4(iS itlh St. East Uwen Sound, Ont. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., l.SO to 4.;!0 p.m. to H p.m. Other hours by appointment. innnn ^^^^.iSi s s s^SmSm' . A Business That successful »chool whose graduates occupy proniincr.t po- sitions from the Atlant.c to the P:icitic, re-opens for tho FALL TERM •S-ptember 1st, litl4 .Send for free calaloij at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. -* Principal jj 1 1 Collingwood, Ontario. H PI To the I'anama l*ncific r.xposition Via tiic Canadian Rncliics .Vt the pn. Tilt limiia >,'M at many me p'.iniiiiiij their aiiuuHl lour. l'iiii.>'i'li r- able nunihcis vi.sit the popohir Oilifovnia resorts, while many prefer the unsur- passed resorts, pulnliiil lintels and iiiii;:;- nitlceiit sconeiy uf the t'iinadiaii Rncliiei'. This yearivliy not combine tbe two by a visit to tho Panama Pacilic Kxpcsitiun f Numerous people in conifortablo ciicum- stances, W'.ll able to allonl a liip, liavu ihu iiiislaken ideii that a jouiiiey of Una nature i-> iikihI expensive. This \>' not HO ; thanks to modern iiilun^' ficiliiies, an enteiisivc trip, both interesting and educktional, cm be made with speed and comfort III ccniparatii'cly small cost. Why iiol investigate .' Those conleinplatinK !i trip of any ua- liiie ivill rL>eolve full inforniatii-n from any C P.R. a({eiit, or writa M. O. Mur- |iliy, DiHlrlcl Pauaenger AKont, Turonto Auction Sales Miss Aniiio Heecroft, Kugenia, will hold an auction Mile of (arm Ntocli and inipleni.^n'.s on lot ^-'i, con, S, Artomesi,!, oil Tliui'sdiiy, March 'Jo. MInh Iteocroft hiiK s )!d her farm and linj no further iisu for the pioperty. See adverliseiiunt and bills. \V. Kitiitiuji, nuolloneer. Credit AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock & Implements The uiuliTjioiiLMl has Ijeeii in.striieliil I > hull b> pi. bill' iiiii'lioii ,il lot i,"), Cull. H, ArteuK'sia, mi 'riiursiluy, ,M iioii '.'.">. lillu. tho fdlloniii!; v.iIunHe articK.", namely: Ilciihe •> yoar.s olil, lioihe '.i ytais old, .'( cow^ H yearn old 8U|>uo.stil to be in calf, CDiv 7 .VeaiK olil (iiipposed to be in calf, 2 tuw.i ."> yens old .suppose.l to be in ealf, 2 ciiwH .â- '• yens old .siippo-iid to be ;n eili, cow IC yoHfs old supposed to bn in calf, steers rising '- years dill, ;ilieifei.s riwinij •.' years (lid, :i calvi-a 1 yoars oM, tirade lull '! ye.irs I 111, 'Jj nond yoiiiiv; ewes, O.Nliird down ram, (i hoijs aliiiit IL'o pound.", OI) ,'mid hens, Massoy Harris iiiower, Mas.Hoy IlnrriH binder !• tool cut, Massey Harris cultivator l.'i tooth, hay rake, Iti^iell land roller, 'JOOU lb. slock Hciile, sell iron liiinniVK, sprluK tuoth harroiVH, muid w«i;iiii and liux coiiipb'le, old Wiifjon, liitiiiii seed drill, sonlller, sett bobsleiLjh.", rout piilpor, root slssher, fatiniiiK mill, top biif;ny, .«itt team har- lieas iieiiily lu-w, selt olrl harnoas, sett Hinj,'lo lianie^H, about 21.1 grjin hags and other avi idea ton nuiiierom tu mention. Owner has Bold liur farm and is up farming. Hale to comineiKH^ ,il I o'clock. Terms -.Ml .sums of ffi (III and iii der, cash; over that ainoiml !'_' inon'lis' credit will be yiven on spproved joint notes, ;"> per cent, off fur cash in liuu of iiotea. Mian A. Reecroft, VVm. Kaittiny, Proprietiew - .Vuclioneer. The .\dvance is n«ent f"r all tlie city papers. See i ur clubbini! list on anntlier pa^e. Renew nl once. Our terms lue cn.>4h in ndvanco n we huie no accounts with nlliei nauor.'-. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE f240()â€" twenty-four hundred dollars â€" will buy the west half of lot No. 2 and part of the North west (|uarter of No. 1, all on tbe 4rh con. of KuphraMia, contain- ing about 125 acres. There is supposed tu bo ninety acres cleared, the balance nood hardwood hushâ€" maple, beech and elm. 1 here is on the property a frame house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw liojso with stono foundation under it, also wood shed, driving shed, pia pen and hen house. There are also .woor- chsrds on the farm urowmg ditVerert kinds of fruitâ€" apples, pears, pUim«, oheriiea and ttrapes. This farm is web fonotd with wire and paten' fenciny. K free from frost. It is also well watered with water in nearly every tii Id. There is a nuver-failiii2 sprini; within 40 yods of tho h' use. This farm is wiihin .mo milu of the thriving village of Kimb." '«y. For further paiticulns apply to- .1 A AIMS STl ART, Kimberley P. O. ISept H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fastiionabic Tailorinf* Seasonable Goods, firsit class Worltmanship. - ALSO^- A lini: of Ready-Made Clotliing Which wo put alterations in free of The Old Adage The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is etjually ^ true of the ItlOO ' ' Gravity Wa.sher. Try one and be convinced that there -is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Full line of McCormiek Farm Implements, Binders, Mowers, Uakes, Loaders, Drills, i ultivatois, Plows, liiding and Walking, Harrows, Brant ford Wind Mill.«, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay borks, iSlings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL ^ Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. we put alterations char;;e, if required. laep ilivmg M n Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelwarc and Agateware for domestic use. Call on nic and gtU your supplies. Kavet roughing, Stovepipes and 8t«ve Furnish- ings. We are placing in Btook a fresh ehip- mcntof I'lour niiil Feed, Oatmoal.l Coi'i'. .Moul; also (liacked Corn aiiJj otlier feed for fowl. Express for Lire; Hon't loiget to order tliat new piano before iiou.secleaiiiiig time. We hoIIj tho licintziuau or Karu Pianos. S. R. Henderson JPLOUR and FEED WOOD CUTTING Iju/./. .Saw Wmnl CiiltiiiK with neatness ami ilespatiih, oil tu l!(l eords per (lay. AIho a B'""' Btravv ciiltinK oultit. Satisfaction (.'"'"aiitei'il. Luavo y< nr nrdi'is with the iniderniKned. l.IuKi -liKO. IIKACKKNHUHY, K( ver.shaiii ive{)aiilng ofall kiiuls jiioiuptly attended to. Pipefitting, including |niinp w^ik. Furnaces installtNl. Agi'ut for Clare Bros. Furnaces. Bull For Service Thoroughbivd Shorihorn Rull. " Hill crest (loveriiiu," No, 854(18, fftr soivice on lot 27, con 14, Arteinesia. Terms â€" Sl.oO lor ijvftdis, ?<;â-  fur ihoioughhreda. - ALEX. CARIU rHERS. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jm ONTARIO. •ssr<s^a^ Ms?:^'^'5'^'S'5"S'S'SS'2.'S^^'^'^'5SS*^*^ 1^1 I it ! m n u i\ if n H i\ n M \i § stock for 5ale .\ coui'lc of bK ml HOWS. 1 V.I I GKO. W. H(KS8, Maxwell P.O. iplc 01 liK ml HOWS. 1 lU'ilisliiio ami ] Taiiiworlli for aile. Toms to suit inueliaeev. Pure Bred llolsteiii Bull Chan^elin}< Prince Jce Bred by Channeling Ruttcr Roy out of Tidy Alihekerk I'riiicesN Josephine The yreati-sl hutter makins; sUuin kno«ii I Farm For Sale 100 acre.s, 1 1 mile.s trom Fle.sherton Good building, easy terras. •lOHN WRIGHT, Flesherton. HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE I'he undei>iRRcd have a pure bred llerefnid bull for service ou lot 171, 3rd W.T.S. U., .\rteinosia. Term ofs.rvieo |l.r.() f.it grade.s, ?r,| Jr"'** -^V": P"""" 'r'^' »V'^ ^-a for pure bred. ifol' ITTj-TiTSON! "^^ • « } f OKO. MOORK & SON, Prop.., r.i if

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