Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Mar 1915, p. 5

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March 25, lOjo THE FLES IIERTOiV ADVANCE • * < l» â- r>. -A r' •t. • "v ^ \ "7 ^ ^ EsiablisKed over Forty-one Years THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER $48,000,000 The A,B,C of Banking Joint Accounts are a Con- venience. Keep a Savings Account, and Let Your Money A c c u • mulate. n6 We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTUN BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, EBB Branche* also at Durham and HarrUtoo. Manager. ^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE Trains -fellows : Qoing South 7.43 a. m. 4 27 p.m. The nuils are C. p. R. Time Table. leave Fleshertun Station hs The local firm of F. T. Hill t Co. has opened .-» wholesale and retail grocery, produce and provision store in Toronto under the management of Mr .J. A. Longford, who has been â- \ member of the 1). 18p. m. selling staff here for sei-eral years. The osed at Fleslierton a<« : new venture will give the tirm an out let Going North 11. .U a.m. ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.ir.and ' ,or all kinds of small produce and will 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail fonth as „,,^ ;, • „ „„„:,,„„ , „„.. ,i,„ j,;.i,._t 3 5« , , . rp . • ^, put It in a position lo pay the nwnest .40 o clocK For morninj» tivun sout i '^ , . ' , '^ ' .Seed barley for sale, 81 00 per Imahel, iiIko baled bay, Kuaranletd good.--A. Bnaltie. Seeu barley, U. A. C, No. 21. and otttH for sale. - Fred Spoflord, R. R. No. 1, Eugenia. O.A.C. No. •il Barley, f 1.00 per huah; Joseph Buchauan, Meaford Road, ITleah- ertou P.O. Legal Blanks For dale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills And all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to their inter- BHt to give him a call. For Sale die ip and on easy tprms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. Thi« is a first cla,s8 farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and n»w frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Fleslierton. Pure Maple Sprup â€" Thermometer tes- ted to Dominion .standard. Cans boxed free for shipping. J. I.Graham, Mark- dale, R. R. No. 4. mail close at 9 p. ing 'he previous i-v'g. if VICINITY CHIPS Dr. W. T. Little visited over the week eoi with friends in Owen Sound. Misi Muriel McTavish spent the past week with frienus in Markdale. Miss Marg'tret Watjon of Detroit visit- ed her uncle, Mr. ij. Hend-rsoD. Miss MaybelJe Henderson spent the week-end in Dundalk. market prices for poultry, butter and eggs.â€" Banner. 'â-  Artemesia Council met in special ses- sion on Saturday for the purpose of clos- ing certain roads wanted for the hydro- ; electric development at Eugenia. Mr. : Pope, secretary of the commissiDn, and j Mr. McCormick, buyer, were present. An agreement was re'iched, as explained in the following resolution' Moved by A. C»ratron, seconded by W. Aldcorn, "That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a deed of (he rua is to be closed under byliiw 788 to the Hydro Electric Power Coitimission of Uutariu in consideration of the sum of MissLenoiaOaudiu of Ue*lhcote ia i $2600 and the execution by the said â-¼Isiting relative, in tliis vicinity. ! Commission of an aijreement to indemnify Spuuiitl Palm Sunday music will be the municipality for any damages on rendered by the Methodist choir on Sun- day morning and >!venin:i next. Last Sui^day was Communion Sunday In the Pies by terian church. Two new vembers wer.< enrolled. Miss Etta LeGard is spending a couple •f weeks with her sister, Mrs. T. A. Ma- ^e, in Priceville. Miss lillie Buchanan of Vandeleur spent a couple of days of the past week with Miss Fliirence Thurston. Mr. Frank Chard has purcha.sed the oM J. hn Wrigh' homestead just cast of the village acc'iuiit of closing the said roads, the aaid agreement to he subject to. approval of tht) township solicitor and to bo rati- fi>-d hy Act of the Legislature and sign the agreement givicg effect to the above." The Advance man had the great pleas- ure on Saturday of viewing the great military parade in Toronto when nine thousand troops were in lineâ€" the great est military parade that Toronto hae ever seen. This miss of troops, four miles long, will not soon !>; furgo'ten. With pauses it took exactly one hour and twenty mii;utes to puss a given point Bornâ€" At Neville, on Saturday. March j The remarkable thing about it was that IJth, 1915. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. â-  throughout the entire route there was uo MoKet:, twin boys. cheering for the boys in khaki, and the Ye editor was in Toronto over the week end visitins his sun, Arnold, who leaves shortly for the front. Toronto papers marvel at thatâ€" but they need not, for of the 250,000 spectators thaie wore probably very few whose heart strings did not stretch almost for A union service will bo held in the j g .,„« son or relative in the ranks and the BaDtist church on Good Friday at U ( occasion was too serious for such frivoli- a. m.,when He v. A. MoVicar will preach, ties as cheering. Thf.t was left for the Diedâ€" At Regina. on Friday. March | « """n of the troops, "When Johnny laih, 1915, Meryl Reuina, infant dauuht- 1 c'D'-s '"arching home." crowned with" •r of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish.aged ] "U'els of victory. The l;»st imporiiint 1 year and 1 month. j ""'""y I>Rrade ths writer saw in Toronto ., , jw.s when the troops returned from the Mr. R. Best had the misfortune one v,»,k-.. * _ k n- i .ir. .." u i ... . , , ,^, iNorthwest rebellion, and "Gat Howard â- ight last week to lose a valuable young! , _ .,_ _,•,â- â€¢.. » J & jfinja his gathering in the procession. Patched and dirty, that was a hard look- ma lot of troops, but there was mi lack of cheering on that occasion. The air was rent with the hi. wis of the mob. The nflair of Saturday wa.~, of such mag- nitude that that old timo parade was dwarfed into insignificance, »nd we ini- aifine with what air-.splitting shouts their welcome home will be. The sad thought about it. and the thought that bridled the tongues of spectators, was that many very manyâ€" of them will not come hack. mare. When driving to town the animal dropped dead on the road. Mrs. Gordon Kollar, who has beea ill for the psst two months at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. U. C. LeGard, returned to her home in Toronto on Saturday hst. The town of Colbngwood sold $7,000 worth of consolidated debentures last week to Buruess & Co., Toronto, for 96,736.10, or 96 23 with accrued interest from Dec. Ist, last. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist •hurch desire to acknowledge donations from the following towarils the parsonage fund: Mrs. B. Passmors, Emsdalt>; Hugh Osborne, Batieau; Bert Osborne, Bat- ; teau; and Mrs. U. Burk, Emsdalo. Total fltM>.40. I The delegation from Artemesia which Met reprp.spntatives of the government in Toronto last week were courteously reoeivad but no definite pri>inises were made, although the delegation was eti. courased and hope for something sub- stantial after the govcrmnent has ttkcn the question into their "serious cou.sider- 1 ation." The rumainK of Miss Sophia Moore,wlio died in Buffalo, were interred in the ' cemetery here last Thursday. Deceased I was a sister of Mrs. Parker, and an aunt | of Mrs. C. Munshaw, of this place, j She had lived m Buffalo for a good many '. years. One sister, Mrs. Ricbaidsou of | Buffalo, and a brother, .\lbert, of Silver Orcok, N. Y , attended the funeral. ! A friendly hockey match which attract- 1 ed considerable attention wiis pulled off | oa the rinic here Thursday evening of j last week between Proton and Fleshetton ' juniors. The game wn.s rather slow and ' too oue-sided to ore.itu any wild enthusi- u.sm. The Proton lads arc handicapped by not having a proper rink on which to play, but they put up a brave fii{ht never- theless, but played a losm? yaiup lo the bitter end, when the score stood 15 .") in favor of Fleshettou. ( • -Spring 1 915. , I have tuc pleasure to aii- nouace our Mlllinci-y Opciiii-g oa Thur., Apr. 1st and the followiug tlays, where you will see the latest and most up-to-date desigus in iSpriug Milliuery. Hoping you will honor in with your visit and thankiug my many patrons for past favors, I am yours. Miss Osborne. S. M. Osborne Maxwell Ontario. I Cement Work Wanted Thii undorsigned is prepared to do silo building and concrete work. Have hud thirteen years expcrieuoo iincl feel that 1 : can give entire s.iiinfaction. Have steel I forms for silo and all o itBt necosiiary for .all kinds iif cement Work, Can also attend to carpenter work. i THOS. BENTIIAW, I I July Fleshcrlou. MISCELUNEOUS Notice is hereby eiven that the Agency for the Sydenhani'Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by U. B. McLean, Priceville, R. R. No. 2. Clover and Timothy Seeds â€" We will have on our Aoot a complete stock of .seed.s, including mammoth, comm(m red, alsike, alfalfa clovers and timothy seeds at the lowest ruling price. F. G. Kar- stedt. Millinery Openings â€" -Miss McQueen will htve on display at our Millinery Parlors on Friday and Saturday of this week, March l!)th and 20th, her entire stock of 'he most up-io-date head wear ever exhibited. You are kit dly invited to come and see them. F. G. Karstedt. MUSIC STUDIO Mark Everette Wright, organist and choir master of tha Methodist church, Flesherton, teacher of piano, organ and voice. Mr. Wriaht holds credentials from conservatories of music where he has taujht, also from eminent doctors and teachers in New England conserva- tory, Boston Metropolitan Conservatory of Music and Steinw.iy Hall, New York city. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wright are open fur concert engagements. Mortgage Sale Tinder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in two certain mortgages, which will be prixiuced at the tune of .sale, there will be offered for tale by public suction on Saturday, March 27ih, 1915, at the hour of I 30 p. ni., at Mc- Laughlin's liutcl, Cc-yl'jii (I'leslieitun Station) in the County of Grey, by Mi*. Dou<jald McPhsil. auctioneer.the follow- ing property, namely; â€" AH and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situated lying and being in tiie Township of Ar- temesia in the County of Grey, and known and described as follows: â€" Firstly, lots numbers twenty-six, twenty-seven and twenty-eight in the Second Rauze or Concession north of the Durham Uoad in said Township of Artemesia, and sec- ondly, lot number twenty-eight in thu First Range or Concession north of said Durham Road in the said Township of Artemesia. Erected thereon is a good frame dwell- ing house, brick veneered, one and a half .stories high with kitchen and wood shed : II bank barn 52 feet in width by HO feet in length, with 20 feet posts, with vood stone fsundation and stabling un- derneath the barn, and is in good repair. There is a good implement: shed, and ilso a good hog pen. There is also good water at the house. The farm is fairly well fenced and in a good state of culti- vation. TERMS Tea per cent, of the pur- chase money to be paid in cash at the time of sile, and the Imlaiice "f the pur- chjise money to be paid within thirty days from the da'e of .sale, with six per cent, interest. The property will be sold subject to a reserved bid For further particulars and conditions of sale a[>ply to JOHN DOUGLAS, , 1275 (Jucen St. West, Toronto, Solicitor for the Mortyagee. Dated at Toronto this Ninth day of March, l'.)15. The March to the Battlefield OR Canada's Men on The Way The above is the title given a picture that will for many years to come be a highly prized treasure. It is a photo- graphic reproduction .showing the :t2,000 men of Canada's first contingent break- ing camp and on thu march to join the ContiDcnl^l forces. It shows miles and miles of the white ton'..s and the march- ing men. It is a inos>: inspiring sight. The sizo is 20 .\ 4ti inches, all ready for framing. This. picture is sure to bo a popular souvenir of the war aa far as Can- ada is coticcrnod, and will bo in groat demand. Ttisowneil by The Family Her.ild and W'.-ekly Star, of Montreal, and a copy is being presented to all sub- scribers to that groat national weekly nuwspapcr. The Family Herald, Mont- real, whose subscription of one dollar a year is received from this date for a lim- ited period. Millinery Opening Season Before making your final selecfion you will do well to see our display of tlie latest jtyles. Everything new. o old stock of either Hats or Triinming.s. CaU and see them. BOYS' SPRING SUITS A large stock of Spring Suits for l)oys, >«orfolk and .straight styles, .selling at $:].00 to $7.50 per suit. Boy.s' Pants $l.-jr> to $1.50. WALL PAPERS We again draw your attention to the fact that we have one of the finest ranges of Wall Papers to be found in the county. ^o less than six books to choose from. A new additional stock for spring. Ihose who have papering to do will do well to see them before buying. We take pleasure in showing them. LACE CURTAINS 100 pair Lace Curtains selling at 5(ic., 60c., 75c., 85c, $1.00 and $7.00 per pair. W. L. WRIGHT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ^ c* y^ .-^y^yggyg-^^ ^g g^ ' -Ryty^y - ^i ' ir^i^^^^. sg i ^^ Our Clubbing List R j COLQUETTE Tha following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Kleshertun Advance t I 00 | Youths Companion 2 00 1 Toronto World, daily a 00 ; Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe 90 ' Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 ; Farmer Sun 90 i Farmers Advoesta I 50 ! Weekly Witness 00 ! Saturday Night 3 00 j Home Journal 90 ' Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine !>0 School CUldren's Eyes. Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos a .'99 >- arm Impem i t Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline EntMues, Melottu Cream , Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand Beaity Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable IjttinitN. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Wararoom â€" Wellingon Street F<ver$bam, â€" Ontario* MASSEY HARRIS 1 IMPLEMENTS This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendali>m they can receive. If you re<iuire anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers, Pliw.s, Sleighs, Waggon*, Cream Separators, Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline en- gines, Sawing outdls, etc. , give us » chanee to nifote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Many lives have been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhooa. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Debentur.es Issued fbr ' Short Term of NEGOTIABLE Intrrest Coupons Payable Half-Yearly I k ASSETS I $7,480,339 Christmas Gifts There is a movement on foot this year for somo'hin/ substamial for Christmas, now that the German Jtiiinsy ware is debarred (as it should have been years ago). . Just by way of suggestion we would ' . propose that you call in and ex- ' amine our stock of furniture suit- able for presents, which is un- usually full this year. For in- stance we have rockers for moiher, easy chairs for fathrr, beautiful pictures and frames for sister, handsleighs for iillle brother, little rockers, dolls beds and wick- er chairs and other things for little sisterâ€" something for everybody. Come in and see the latest thini; ill dolls beds and rockers. ^ Then we have the usual stock of ( ' all kinds of parlor, bedroom and I' dining room furniture â€"desks, chairs, odd pieces, secretiiriesâ€" Oh! there is too nuicli to cniiineiate. Come in and go over our stock yourself. .\Jways happy to show i>ood.>< and to denionsirate that our prices are as low ;i3 the lowest. Wo are prepared to furnish flowers I ' and tloril designs for funeral", ( ' Columbia Grafonolas wodding.s. designs vv tocial gaiMorings, bavin;: arranged with the P.ile es- tate of Brimplon to handle their business here. W. H. BUNT U.^ NITURE DEALER â- PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton • Ontario. Ihe ureal West Permanent Loan Company ;o.HintfSt.W(st. Toronto W. J. Bellamy laUp! " Fesherton ^genl (i ANADIAN Improved Service TORONTO MONTREAL OTTAWA Via "Lake Ontario Sliore Line" Fast liino !.o Whitby, Oshawa, Bow- manville. Port Hope, Cobourg, Belleville, Trenton, etc. ' Particular from Caiindian Tacilio Ticket | .rent or write M. (J, Miiipby, DimWet ' 1'n.ssengcr .\gont, canioi King iiid Vi)U({e ] !?troet!>, Toron to, I S. RANDS, Agent, Ci-ykn. I Columbia Records And Supplies FOR SALE Columbia records fit any • disc machine The latest patriotic records I in stock. Come in and hear some of them if you are interested. The Advance Office WANTED A RELIABLE MAN To .sell HARDY CANADIAN GROWN i<Tt>CK in Flesherton and Grey County. Start now at the best Selling Time. Send for list of SPRING t>FFKRrNGS, and terms to Agents. Liberal Oommi.ssmns. Handsome free Joutfit. Deering Implements, stona & Wellin AND Gasoline Engines All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always CI hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutlois.Raibor Buggies, Lou- den Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements lonuiro no rocommendat'on as they are standard eoods and recigiiizcd as the best on the market. Fonlhill Nurserie.i, (Established 18.37) IjK^ TORONTO ONTARIO I ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station ^IH[ lilRlilS. Carefully Corrected Each Weelt ' Wheat $1 20 to 1 2.T I Oats ()(( to60 Peas $1 25 to I 25 Barley 7.') to 75 [ Buck wheat 7ri to 70 ! Flour S7 20 to S8 50 jHay f 15 00 to 13 00 Butter 28 to 23 'Eggs, fresh 17 to 1,7 1 Potatoes per bag :!5 to 35 â- Geese 1 1 to H : Ducks 11 to 12 , Foivl S to 9 ("liickons 10 to iQ TiitKeyB 14 to 13

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