Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1915, p. 4

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rprii 1 rjir> w 'IJE F 1. E S II 1 1{ 1 N ADVANCE . iiiilependenP neivapaptr, |>ii)>li8lie<l every 1 1, u-wlay ac ih' nflice, t;>ilhiig\voiid Street, y -aherton. 8nbscri|>ti<>ii luiiv $1 piTamiiiin when paid in «iU- mice ;$l.fi) ttlicii nut w> paiil I A IvertUinit nitriinii;t)i|>lie&tii>n. C'iitmlatiun 1.100 v.wlvly I .V M.'Tluiratoii- Kdltor •^1 esher ton ~vv\/^ Baptist Church R. C. Keir, I'fiiti.-. I'lioui- n3 R. 2 Sunday Sclicol 10 a . in. Service at It :i in. Bilile Study at (.Vylon on Tliutadity >'t-tiniii|i ai ihti huina of Mr, I*4lii8on. g>l 1 4. .^ Methodist Church Easter Program MIJIIMNI! Picjlude â€" Ulciiain ExcfNij Mo/,nl Anlheni - Our Mi«lity Ij ud is Risen Mit'k I'ltton and (.'hoii Ladies (^tuirtut- C'lir ki Ik UiiiLMi Mix. M E Wi-.ght. Miss P. Hendorsi.u Mrs H. Wnuht. Misi K TliurM..n. .Sj!.i Willi Kailli Tiiuni|jh»nt Mr*. M. E. Wiijtht •'.•ffertoiy .\ndniitino Sernt-chorux â€" Oil this IIa|i]iy Kilter D.iy Pisluie Koj-cne'i. kvkmm; Prcliidf E\ en^iittii Anthem - Our Sav iour Mis< I'aton and Choir M:ile <jn:irtetâ€" How Calm ,ind Ituitutiful. Mi'tisrs. Wdcox. Littlf, Murray an-l Il«ll»iid Semi-chorus -On Kisler D»y Ltdiea' Viiie«8 So'.o â€" Christ 18 Uivoii T<i-Day Mra. M. K. Wiixht Ladies' Quartet- I>»hi>ld the Ltmb Mesdauics M. K. and R. Wriieht, MiMsetO Henderson, F. Thurston « â-ºffcrtoryâ€" luiproiniJtuâ€" PaftornI Male (^tuartet There in .i Oreen Hill Meu>r«. Wilc"\, Little, Murray Hi.d Uuiand Aiilbeniâ€" The Risen Lord Mrs. R. Wiight, Mr. Hulland uiul Choir IVrtlude- Boy Wantonly Murdered At Owen Sound Address and Presentation i^^^^^^^f^^-^^ ^MsS:^S^sSsSSrr*:i^^^ War Tax Postage â- "i" one cent w«r tax on letters .ind iM*t card» mailed in Canada for delivery in Catiadi, United States or Mexico, and on trltt>ta iii«iled in Canada fur dvlivcry in the Cnited Kingdom and Itril rh fxiHseaaiunb georrally, and wherever the two c<;o' rtte a|>;>lie«. A war tax of OII9 cent liis l)ee'i ini Itnsed on each letter and |>ciHtcard nmi'eJ 111 Ciinn la for dvlivcry in CauHdn, lliu t-'uitttd StaieN or Slexico, and un each ti'tter mailed in Cuuida for di-lirrry in (he I'nited Kiu;;'loin and UritiNli I'okmc^- fciops tjanirally, and wherever the iwu cent rate apiilios, to hecoino eflective on iiud from the ITith April, 1!>15. This War T^x is lu he pre|«iJ by the senders hy mean.s of a War StBinp for tale hy I'ustinaatern and ether poht >t{e it'anip vendors. Wherever |>o«(ible, 6tanip4 on which ^he word "Wax Fax" have been printed hliould l>« used for prepnynient f I he Wax lax, but hhould ordinary po^tajio Htanips be uaed for Ihii purpo.sp, they A ill be accepted. This W(>f Sanlp or additional S:anip (i r wi>; puipoxea shouM be attixeJ tu the iip|K<r right hand [XJrtiuu of the addres.s aide of the envel<>[M) or post caid, close to the regular |K>Nis|{e no that it may 4>o readily c^incelled al llie aaniu lime as the postage. In the event uf failure on the (art of (he sender through over wight cr ntgli- i^ence to prepay the var tix vu each letter or pijstc-ird tlxite xpecilied, 8ucli a letter or poHtcard will Ijc iH-nt immediate- 1y tu the nearest Riaucii Dead Litter (;ttice. It ix eK.>cnliKl that |.(>s'a;;e on all ct 8 t'H of .nail uinll<;r fli'Xild l)e prepaid I'ynio'tnsof ordinary puita^c t<t»m|;.s. The War Tax fctsniji will not le nccepled III any cnse for the ,jiupayment of post- »<e. Little iBCiVu yiar old Kddie Nieho'- sun, )K3<) :trd avenue east, Owi n Soiiiid, was fouiiil at llic top of the rieamery bill on Tiu'.sj;iy cveninn biu'ally mur- dered- IteijiiMlii Gai'dhoUiie and 'Jeoiii'' Jackson, who were driving in to town, noticed MMnethini; at the eide uf the road and Mr. (iu»! Jllou^e and hiH party went liaek to sou what it was. It tumid out to be the b dy of Kddie Nicludsun. The police were iiiniiediately notified. Al tiral the boy was not thought to be dead, but on investiitHliou it was found that l.c had been slabbed three tinie.s with some sharp in->tiuiiieiit, retuiting in deaih. Ii IS said ihu boy had appaienily walked about seven or eight paces before hu fe:l. He was louiid lyin^ on the kilIc of the road with face downward. About iht. same tiuiu it was noticed that ihe lion | ens of Win. Kinj.', « ho lives near Uiown's limekiln, uu^l hi!', were seen tu be on tire. As Herbert T. Kini{, brother of the Williacii KiiiK, had, it is understuud, made certain threats as to wh:it he wuulu do lu hi.H brot'ier's property, he was at once tuspected. A few in nute.i after the police had been notiiiod the accustd was ariested un Ki.'-t Secuiicl aviHtue by P. C. Caitiim. Yesttiday muruing King appeared in pulice court c.laiged «:th the murder uf Kddiu NIchoUuu, and also with setiini; tire to Ilia brothei's hog |>cus. Ue pleaded guilty to tiring the pens, but de- nied the murder charge. After warning hiui as to what he said, his worship re- manded the prisoner until Saturc'ay. Later the ac::use«i made a full ooufes;iuu of the crime. Ill ellicl the [iri-ioiiei's stateir.cnt ii ai fuUuws : He had '.ried to aecure a pos:- liun at tlie.N<T;h Ameiican bene ciiair laeti'iy, as n.glitwatchuian, l.ut as he did not htvd the neceisaiy i|ualiticatioiis, he could not )>u git en Ihu p'>8it:uii. Souiu cad, lie .Slid, was ths meaii.s 'A prevent- III)! h'lii. He decided to hire a horse and buj<)fy and S.U out to the brother'* faiiii. Oh seeing the boys he thuuglil be would litko ore to hold his horse. On gettin;: cut uf the buggy he d d nut know what pi'Ksesaed him to kill the boy. After t-t.ibbiiig him he said to himself, " Goud (iiid, what have I done < Why did! kill the piur li tie boy?" Hu ihen Jiove back to town t-o the livery, and while tliH horse was being unhitched he decidid that his brjther was the cause uf all Ills trouble, and he decided to " tire ' hiiii. Accoidii.gly ho had the h»rsr hitched up auaiii and went out and sei tire to the pig pens. On cuniiog back he met the party who lud found the boy, and asked them wlial was the msti'er, and if be could help them. Liter he itaited for town, when he met the Coio- ner, who a^^ked biiii it he bad leeii a ir.aii furl her up. He replied that he hsd, but ihal it was tuii lute for doctor's service. After coming to town he w<a arrested. On Monday ovcnini; of thi.s iv i k Mi>s Ktta 'I'liompson's Sibbath scho.il t hpk drove out to lur honu- iiiid piesenled hei with a piece of silverw.iro an:l the follow- ini; addiosR : Dear Mi.ss Thompson, â€" We, ihonuMi - bciK of your Sabbaili school cla-n, wish I o express to you our apprecia'ioii of your faithful services as our teacher and triviid. As a texeher your active effoita have been ioi^pirlnit and your self-denial and '/.<a! worthy of onr emulation. The «ay til a bii;lier knowlidiio you \i*vv ^trewn with idials of i he iiobler I fe.and, in a ui^odly measure, we have made pio- gress in coiiccplii'ns of the Great Teacher who biilH us make lliar coiiipltl<! surren- der bV which He is enab'ed to possoi-s anJ gu de our lives. As a fiiend, wo hue h'und you kind and obliging. We will long remember your every Sabbath welcome, your week diy rccicnition and unforiii tfulness, liesides little tokens by which yi u sought to encourage 'iiid bind us moie btronuly to the Muster's cau.se. We regret your early departure from us ft'id pray that God may prosper your eflbris and leid to even gr-jaier success than in connection with your Sabbath school ela-'H in Chalmer.' church. Kiidiy accepi this smali token I'f our love mid ap|)reciatioii. While of little value, may t lie a nwmento to occ i^ionally recall uur pleasant relations and our regret at sep aratiou from a friend warm in our esteem . R H. W. HICKLING FLESH ERTON ONTARIO. Farmer Ended His Life Owen Sound, 11 ueh •28th. â€" William Newman, a ^proiniurnt and prosperrais firmer living ot\ ihe county line two les east of Allci.furd, eommiited ide ycfcterday morning. Ho .irose t daybrea'K wi:li other niemljers of family, hiid wont lui to the bain, r which he bhol himself wiili a r<hot- death boiag instantaneous. New- ': botti in poor health fur five or Ills, and had melancholy liiirR. )'. 0. Dow, c'>rone4, uf (Jwen Sound notiGed, «ud Ht once wont out, bi.t It wftR Ko p'aiuly 1 CISC of suicide that he <ili'l not consider an inijuest ncces.->.<iy. j McKeniiu Iir>'<i, and W. A. 1>. nald> «on felled n large bee tree while cutting wood on llie foiiiirr's faim, lot 10, 7th line, east. Mono, one day locently. They secured 125 j.'ounds of excellent honey from the tree a Koid sized pine-whiiii WM liollow for ijuiiu (I distnnru fro.ii tl e ground. The hole, through which (<« bees entcied ;in(l departed from tin ir hive, Was â- iway up the tiiink near the lov . est brunches of I lie tree. " I wish lh<j Cannt'ian public, espec- ially the people uf Owen Sound, to judge me justly. 1 wish them tu bear in mind that b.'foru Coining to this country 1 was over twenty-six yc.irs ill the nsyluiii. 1 wa.s discharged fruni there last May, and reacind this country nine weeks ago. Afier being in the country eight weck.s I was turned uut by my brother, hunielos?. I think Ihix must have turned my licid, becau.S'; I :im fond of children and had no enmity lowaid iht? boy. I ask f< r- givcnoss if the boy's friends and fsir play from the C.niadian public, i trust 1 shall get f<irgivcneb.s from the great Ai- thitect of the riiivci.''e, Alnii^li'y (id." I'Voin the pri.sciiicr's .slilement it como.s out thit it was on Ins second trip oui that he set tire ti i.lie ho;; pens. He and the boy got out of their i ii.' where Ilia boy was found, near the lop of the rreumeiy hill, about I wo a.id a half miles from town, and it was I hen that he slibbed the young lad. There ire three cut! of some Uo|)tli on the boy's body one on top uf the shoulder, one in the breast and one in llie abdonioii. The prisoner gave II > rensoii why he killed the boy, and said he did ii a know what p' sse^sed liini tu do the deed. Mr. Nichol.Hoii, the dead l.oy'.s f.ulier, who is a teamster fur llie Noilh Aniori- cin lleiit Chair (/'o., mid llial his sou had been playing with â-ºome conipKnimix named Mej.do«sand hotter, when King cimo along and nskod them if thiy wanted to go for a drive. He would give one of llieiii a ipiaiter if ihey would ho'd his horse. Troltei was lir^t asked, ! but as he would not go, Kii'g finally per- War Nomenclature Fighting seems tu htvc hspiiencd in a country chiefly reinarkiible for the ex- cessive sir.zleability of its nomencla'nre. "Snp|iosing ihal tiiey entrenched at Szczeb zeszyii," spluttered Percy, "»hat would happen then?" "I do not know," 1 said. "Where is thatC "Szczjbizetzyn,'' f^aid Percy, impat- i n'ly, "is a conditional s opping place near /i/./.li /. inniiabriK'k on the liuzzafurh' gavink-Spiizijobinhkagin lailway lire." Things rcichfd a c!iimx liter on Ihii eieniii'.', when r)(),(KJ<.>.0<M) RussiaiiE, with 77.1HK) machine guns and tape nicasures (I am trying to give you the exact de- tails as Percy gave 'liem to ine) crossed the o.seillaiing rivei bed of SozzyZniiioS- lopoO .'iiid cut oil iho Gerniin retie^it i n the<|uic!iKand>of Hhbwhooi-hbeerdeviloff. "Ves." 1 '.aid will 11 ho hid finished, "but why^' "Why :" shouted Percy "Why, you fooll Don't â€" la ;'t you see the stiato- genonietric importmice of leaching Z'g- /â- ignzonski, when /iuzagaznnski is tbe fust Klop I owarils obtaining the inagnili cent view cf the entire UerniBii toriif cat ioi s to be had from the bills aroui.ii Strykowzgicry-Scholektricspringstr." "Where?" I said. ".>lrykoitzgiery-Scholek" repeat* d I'o cy, but could not uet any furlh> v. He had rcnched Ihe lingual terminus. He has never spoken to me since n fact, he hasn't siinken to anylndy .sine-. "LocKj'iw, " Slid the surgeon. Syi'- ney Bulletin. EASTER SPECIALTIES NEW SHIRT WAISTSâ€" Twf) .shipments of New Waists, fresh from luakeiv, no two alike, white .sheer hiwiis, fancy crepes, black and white stripes, sizes 34 to 54, Prices $1.00 and Up. NEW KID GLOVESâ€" Guaranteed stock, black, white, grey, tan, brown, ciiamois, wrist or elbow length, sizes 5 to 7^. Prices $1.00, $1.25, $2.50. NEW WASH GOODSâ€" Prints, galateas, crepes, bedfords, pi<|ues, lawns, voiles, thicks, drills, delaincttes. Every conceivable color and pattern. Prices 12^ to 25c. NEW SHOESâ€" (Inn metal, dongola, tan and patent leather, button or lace, cloth tops in different colors, all the new lasts and all sizes. All reasonably priced. NEW SUITS -Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits, all sizes up to 44, navy blue and all the new shades in fancy tweeds, the best range we have ever shown. We specialize on a $5.00 suit for boys and a $10.00 suit for men. See them. Tney're undoubttul bargains, SPRING MILLINERYâ€" We have an elegant display of the season's novelties to sliow you, a larger and more varied range than ever. You will be pleased if you entrust Miss Long with your order. Our prices are moderate too. n HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS â- % v ; ^ t ^^! i ^.}f^^-'ivyjti:^ ^ Dr. J. Ralph Smith; jp OSTEOPATH M ihe Ulcl Adage OflSce and Residence- 468 tUh St. East Owen Sound, Ont. Hoursâ€" to 12 a.m , 1.30 to 4.3f) p.m. I to 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. | A Business School That successful fcliool whose graduatoj occupy prominer.t po. Bi'ions from the AiUnt.c ui the INcitic, re-op<!n» for the FALL TERM September Isf, H»U Send for free cilalog at once to COLLINGWOOI) BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal CoUingwoiid, (hitaiio. ^Jll| t: I undid young Nicholson to go with him. Herleit T. King bus only buen i.ut from the old country about a couple t.f monlh.s, Irs pi^sa^u having been paid by his bri Iher, whose hog pens with sonic M pig«, wore dost royt'il by liic .started by the iirisoiier. He was up in police court a week or so ago, charged with va- grancy, and Ihe Mngistialo iillowcd him to i<o on conditi(<n that lie would onliht with Ihe third ("inliiigent. Adoi a few days drilling he was discliaitjeil as nn anleKlrable.' .Xdvertisei. Singhampton Mrs. Henry Zecill is spending a fi w weeks with her daughter, Min. Holurr Md'hcrson, in town. We are glail to ropirt that Mr. Hobeil l:)divards is able to bd around again after a siege of la grippe. Mr Tlioniai Coniland is improving after a severe att'itU of pleurisy. Mrs. M, Curvear and little son, Elliott, are s|ieiidillK a couple of weeks wiili ul- ative^i in Toronto. Our young people took advantage of the good skating reconily. Much interest is being shown in the excellent illustiaud lectures given by the U V. K. A, Hleiiiin in tlia Anglican church under the auspices of the V 1'. C. .\. each Tuesday evening ot S o'clock. It has been siignesled that the ." ciety purchase a lantern and a set of slides. This is surely a commendablo move nu,: khould meet with hearty support- At time of writing Wm. Kllio'l w'l s iinproving nicely. .Ml hope for a speedy recovery. Owing to the illness of Hev. Mr. Drinnin there was no service in tliu I'le.sbytorian cliurcli on Sabbiilh.week. Mrs. McKoeof Nottawa is visiting at the homo of Mrs. J. Taylor. .\ndrew Nell' is able lo he out .ignin after his rec/nt illr.e.>s. Miss Klossie Ewing, who has been on the sick list, is convalescent. CHEAP FARM FOR SALE f240Oâ€" Iweniy-four hundred dollars- will buy the west half of lot No. 2 and part of the Norlh west ijuaiter of No. 1, all on the 4'h con. of Euphrasia, con'iiiii- ing about 12."> acres. Ther* issupp'Sed lo be ninety acres cleared, the balance uood hardwood bush â€" maple, beech and elm. There is on the property a fr.inie house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw hojse with (.tone foundation under it, als" wood shed, driving shed, pii! pen \ and hen house. Tlieio are also lwoor-| chiids on the farm Hrowing dilTerei't | kinds (if fruit -apples, pears, p'lini-;, cheriies and grapes. This farm is we' feiictd wiih wire and paun' fencing. Isj free from frost. It is also well wateieil I with water in iiea'ly every held. Thei.- is a uever-failinii spring within 4I> y.iids of the h. use. TliLs farm is wiihin one mile of the thriving village of Kiiiibe>'i> . li'or further pailicuWrs apply loâ€" .1 AM K STUAia, Kimberley P. (). ISej.t The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equally true of the 1900 (Iravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Full line ot McCorniick Farm Implements, Binders, Mowers, Kakes, Loadei-s, Drills, Lultivatois, Plows, Riding and Walking, Harrows, lirantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, licattie Hay Carriers, Hay torks. Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wiie and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL ,;i| Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. H ii H. ALEXANDER Ii! MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fasitionabic Taiioriti}; Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â-  ALSO A lin£ of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of we put alterations in â- .•haiu'i\ if rc<viire<i. Isep ^^^^ j ^ ^^ ^:^^^^^^^^^ ^^ ^s^^js!:^s Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Niekelwarc and Agateware for domestic u.se. Call on me and get your supplies. ings Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bros. i s \i i\ i WOOD CUTTING liii/.z .Saw Wood Cutting with iieiitnes." aud >U's|iat(b, .'H) to 00 cords per^ ilay. Also a (fninl .straw cutting outfit.! Sali.ifnetion gunranteed. Leuvo vriiri nrdeiH ivitli the uiiilersigned, Mali; -liKO. r.KACKKNni'ItV, Fivcr.sham FlesHepton #- Tonsorial "V- Parlors W'u Aim to CJno Entire Snlisfaclioii LAVNDRV-l(.isket closes Monday night, delivery Friday evcni-ig CLKANINfl and DYEINO-- Wv are •gents for Paiker's Dye W'oils- -Clothes cleinoil and dyed, feathers n-juvcnateJ. T riSHER, - - PROPRIETOR The death occurred 1 ist week of one of the best known lesiUentp of C'hcsley in III* person of Dr. W. A. Crow. His demise was sudden, following an attack of grippe. Dr. (-'row was born in .Vrran towiihhip, near Tara, and had for years ( uiiducted a dental practice in Cbesley ar.d Tara. He was ouc of the speakerj at 'i baiKpiet V(ccntly hold in Tari in honor of the Hon, W. H. Hearst, I'remier <f Out iiio l)i-. Ciow was reeve of ELiers lie and t'hesloy for a nu;iibcr of yeas and al oi.e time Warden of the count;-. He was an oHicor in the locil Masonic Lodge and .Seirelary of the L, 0. L, at Cliesluy. Ho WIS a past |ircsideiit of the F.iii^ .\v.iiciation of Ontario, ] president of thy (!.'hisley .\griciiltiiral Society «nd noiiiiiiee of the ('ons-'rvatiie imity for the Legis'alure at one lime. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. stock for Sale .\ aoii|>le ot brood sri»<. 1 Iti i l><liiie ninl 1 vwortn for B»le. Te> iiis to .suit imreliBScr. GLO. W. KO.W, JJaxwelt P. O. Pure Bred Holstein RuJI Changeling! Prince Joe lired by Chnngeling butter Boy out "InfTidy Abbektirk Trincoss Josephine _ , The greatest butter making ftrain known Term of s.^rvice |l.i)0 fot grades, $.-> for pure bred. i!R ». .VIOaRK* SOX, I'lopi, HEREFORD BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned have a pure bred llerefoid bull for service on lot 171, 3td W.T.S. U., Arteincsia. Terms-$:! for pure breds, $l.,"iO for grades. All cows served must be paid bn. â€" T. A J. VVAT80N. 1 m 11 : Shanties for Sale All the .\iiil.ur.sen Co. shatlis iit iftgenia are for s.ilo, suitable for many puiiioscB. A Kood time to remove them before roadu break 11)). Unrgrtlnn. .Viiply to P. Miin.-.)iaw, Kiiffeiila.

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