Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Apr 1915, p. 4

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^r ,\|)iil s 101; 'HE J^' L E S II K K I O N ADVANCE pi'. n An iii<iep«utUnt ne«rRj>a|>«T. jiulilintieil every Ttumdny at th' office, Ci.lling*iii)d Street, M-«liorti)ii. S'lbsoription price $1 iMranmijn vrli'n itaidiDadvHticc ;$1.5>* wlieu ixit eo )iaUI Advertlitiiifr ratestinaiipliration. Circulation 1,100 Wfckly .V H. ThvirHlon- Krtltor "^lesherton-^'-vv/^ Baptist Church U. 0. Korr, i'»»ior. riioiif :;:5 1!. '2 Sunday Sclii'ol !<• a . ui. Service nt U a in. Itible Study at <\>jl«n mi Tlmrtil ly ^^VdliiuK at iliuhuiud of Mr. 8. Heui()liill. Flcshcrton- Methodist Church Kev. James I)uJi{ei>ii, p.i^tor. 11 H. III. and 7 I'. "1. Till' p.-istiir SuiiJay, 10 ». ni. Follow!ilii|> Service. Monday oveiiin}> EpH-Krlli League iit 8 p. in. Mark Everelie Wright tlioir leader and OrgHiiist. t I Eugenia Power Progress | Mr. .1. H. Hoi;;; -f the hydro electric i wjN hi ic on n tuur <.f inspecliini -luriug the p:isi week. He pronounces ihc big cement dam at Eugenia as the bjst I'ieeo )f contract work he ha.s ever !>tt-ii. It cert;iiiily is a inaifiiiticeul blnictuie as Ttie Advaueu faw it on Saturday. It will W reiidy for tilling in a few days, in fact could have the gates »hut now if other things were ready. The he.id aatc-s to tho north are aUo ahout letdy for operation, although 'a small yarg of men is still working on thum, tilling in and flicking thing-- up. The p'nio lii'B IN ct'inplclcd to the blov of the mciuiitain, nliere the huso ^TiJ-fuut •^iT'^e t«nk is now under construction. The steel |ti|)e line is laid In poaitimi from th« tup to the ifiaer houie below, iil< though it is not riveted. Tiro Ktng.s [of men are on tlie riveting work ibis week and this work it being iiished. To give some idea of the inagniliid..- of thin por- tion of the work wo ini;^ht nay that tl.') ioDK of iirelg are being used in thii UtMJ foot length .of steel. This work irill occupy from four to live week.s jet. The pojrer house itielf is yet a lonu wiy from ccinplulion. Lut week the 8- ton dynsino wan brouitlit d<>nii from Mai kdvle ou a sleigh. When going down the inouiitnin it u(>'ut, r.dliirj slei;:!! and tiorseii over, tjniy a couple of bolts were .bri'kon, and the liurses were not injured. The w Ilk of erecting ihe powur line 'Will coinnieiK'o HH Kuonislhe fiiist i> out of the gruui.d, wliicli will he 8> tn: days yet. The statunent that p)W« i- will be I cad y for delivery alioiit .luiie I does not look lo us as cnp>b!u of fuHilniciit. We would rny the iniddlu of July or lirst of August wou!d be nearer the murk. Duncan Tlic road« arc not in very good shapi at prcsf'iit. Mrs. .M. I,. Kill' and cliildrcn accompanied by MisH Elvii Levoi 8|ic-iU (iood Kiiddv at A. rress's u t.Miiet N'nlliy. A. Canicioii McOiaf lias reluriiK to Weston after a visit with frieuds ii this coiuuimiil). M. L. Ken made a business trip ti Fieslieiton on Satiiiday. Mrs. liobt. Laycock lias rctmncd li lior liuine ill ik:t(lisoii, Saslt.. after b monlliii' visit wiili her luotLer, Mis. (jeo. I'loctor. Our tcaclior, Miss Lbver, is spend- ing lier I-".*stcr iioliday.sat her paieiit al l.oiiio at Flcshcrlou. \Vc welcome to our vicinity .Mr. il. Kerr and his bride. They base inov fcd into their lioiise hero and are mul;- ing preparations for the erection of u new barn. Me.=sr8. Leonard Ilindlc and \b Pror.tice of Ited Wing liave lentod tin McCrae farm here. Success boys. MvF. Wjltei McKeown and dangii tcr, Mrs..lolin Smait, visited .Mis Samuel Smart of Kast Mountain, who is very ill. We were pleased to sec so many at Church ou Sunday. There werecinite a luimberof slranyeis. We welcome them. Seasonable Hints There lias been issued by the Depart- (iieiil of .\Kiiculiuie thiouuh lliu brjiiich of the Kxperiinental Kainia, a biicf |i:innphUtciiniuiiiing sd'S.Dable hiiitt fir (he iiiforuintion of »t ick niiserM, giain groweri". bee kci'lieri', poultry raisers and 1,'irdeners. While it cohtains cnly 12 pa-iCs, il is lepleie with eugiiestioiLs mid recoinineiidatioii) made in ihe Impu that some of the'ii at least will be helpful to eiith and every leader who soouios a copy, rraclicilly all of the MiggetlinUii iiiiide and recoinineiidalions given, (end lovurdN the incieiising of prodiiciioii or the lowering of the cuhl of the ailiclos produced. C'opiiS id Ibi-i piiiiipblel are beinu sei.t lo (hose whose n.<ni>'s me on ihe inmliiig li«t of the l>ep*rtn>viit of Agiiculiure, but the piicii(dilet i-; iiNo avail.ilile |.. •itlicih »bo iirvke iippliiiilioii I'l llie I'liblieaiioiu ltr;iii(li if the l)e|iiiit' l <.f .\';n( nil lire, ' )iin»ii. Toronto Line North Muddy load p. Maple syrup making i.^ the older of the day. \V. !â- ;. (;iarke of CrosHiaiid, On'., i I spending the holidays willi ins Bister, Mis. Thos. Lover. MiBH i'.lva Ijever, teacher at Duii- •caii, is at lie r lionie for tlju Easier racalioii. Herlf. Htewarl of Stratford is en- gaged working for R. Bwanton. Wc me sorry to report Mis. J. A. Lever ou the sici; lift. Wo hope for a speedy iccovciy. Mrs. Dan Taylor of Oiveii Koniid is visiting with hri biother, l!od, AtcKenzie IjU giippe is F'**"'^'"' â€" â- *' '* ''^^ war. Harold .1. Lever. Mmkdale, opriit Eaflter holidays witi, his con in. ^ Harold, htio. | C' N. MftcFurlaud, H. A., D. D . of Montreal, loicwed nc'inaintanei â- < Jiero on SinuUy la.of, He intnulHioj go lo wui liiis week, i Dundalk Village Clerk Ridley hn.s recrived from the Hydro Klectric Power Oomniij'sion of Outaiio ihe plain and specification.'' for the piwer station hnildinif in Dun- dalk. Those desirini: to see thcin can do so by catling on I lie Clerk . It is a violation of the by-laws of D.indalk for private individuals lo aetile their disputes l.y force on ihe s reels Tw« farineis developed ihe wsr-bke •piril and had a flsticufl' encounter oii the iinin business corner a week or a- ago. The wife of one of the piilies j .inid in the nicclee til h<lp her bett>r half. Tlie «llie>, it it isid, had ihe upper hsnil in the contest when a neii tral power intervened. Magistrate Tr.«y nor fined the p-<rlies $2 .'i(t and tHi>tf each Tuesday i.igh'. The purlies w.nild be well iihi^ed if they would forg-t tbeii little difl'ereiices and live in pi ace. Uhridley Post Othco, in operation for â- bout lulf a century ard in charge of ihe Into Oeo. Hailey from its inception, wa-i closed last week. The iiit work of rural mail routes now in opeiafion ihiougliotit tlie rouiilry h»s leKseneii the usefnlneH- of many of those old landinarks nhicb gives wjy to niode'ii nielhods. The deaihofMr. ISailey a few weeks sjio, it #u> gi'iiernliy Kup|.oKed, Would bring .•iboul die (losing of the oHice. Those Ketiiii^ I heir inall nisller at J-hrig'ey are now beiii;; served by rouleN No, -I, DiiiidHik, Slid No. I, Melaiicllion. - Ueiald. Heathcote The Heaihcjte Wi'iueti'N liistiiutu met at the home of Mr-i, Walter Iteikie on NNcdnesday hist. We are pleased to see Mis. .1. II. Gardner .lut again. Miss ]•'. Davis our Jr room school titacher is visiting at the pareii'al I oiiie at Olililun this week. Wo me plei.se'l to heiii that Mi. \'irk- ers is ini|>ruviiig. Master Leslio Keigeheu is visiting with hia aunf, Mrs. Korr, at Duncan. Mrs. Ilaper if MeiifonI mid son, Claud, are vmilin^ with Mr. .ii.d Mrt. , lames (Jardnur. Mr. Ilolilen of Toronto visiinl with his aunt, Mrs. I). .Shiigley over Sunday. Percy llovair is xisiling at Duncan. We are pleased to see Mr. ('lilV.id Duviiis in our vilbige Hgaiii. Mr. John Dullon of Markd;ile \isiled will his iinc'e,d. II. (laiilinr, ou Wed- nusdny last. We ate sorry to hear that M ss KUii Arinslroiig is ill. Mr, Miriiollini) of Toionto visile I with Uev. and Mrs. ^ Huiiy last week. On Tuesday of Unt week John ltr<'wn learned I h'll the power null on Irs liim on ill' Lntl o -'jaralrixii lownliiie Irol been upiel and ruined, the piii;i|i ile- itr.iyed, and unite possibly Ihe weil pliigi^id The perpiitralors of Ihe net (III the II dis hnldii g the mill lo llie foiindilion, :illo«ing it to fall over, sinasliini; the In-ad into lifty piices or in lie. Tlui pump head w,is broken, tbe clinderand ruUsllotteil to drop Ibe h illoiiMiuil Ml. Iliokvn fears llpil Ihu casing has bren phiwged with debris. The monetary los« IS considerable, Inn this is Ibe luast ohjeetiunablo Iciluie nl thii atfiiir. To know that ihis seolliui harbors indiviibmU so debased lis to wi'- fully destroy piopoily lo avengu ihoiii selves on a cit' /.en IS huiniliating. Mi. Hrown is a man of exircme views on many ipiesliona it may be intnlerniit iu the eyns of many but that is no e.veuse for such acts us lliis. The provineiil dc- pariiiniiit iiii;hl well Kind a man up to a\\Ve soiiiu en puriet m d follow up .sus- picious traiU that mo indicated. (Jiaiil Valley Slur. Rev. Alex. Gilray Dead Itov. Alex, (iilray, whosa paron't- ived al Epp iig, Eujdiras a township, for iiikiiy years, dud al bis family lu.-idence, Ki7 Prtliiierston Itoulevird, Tor.iiito, at 1) o'clock Wednesday evening of hist veek. Dea'h bad been expected lor onie linii', and ihe nienibers of the fain- ly Were present when the veteran clerpy- nan iiassed away. ! I One of Ihe renouk^ble feituresof the; career of Dr. (Mray was that duiing his lOy'ivrs' .crvice in the minisirj*, he was he pastor of but one chnrch, the College Stio t I'resbyleriiin Cburcb. He look the pastorate of that church on tho 5ih of January, 187o, and romaincd with Ills flock until he was cslled by dealh. Wlien he toed; charge of Iho church it was a small buiMing with a strujg'ing ooiigiegalioii, anJI it »a8;:really tbrou^jh â- h,;clbMts of Iter. Mr. Gilray that it attained its pr. sent poniineiice. Less th III ihrce months ago the 40th snnivir- siry.of Dr. (iilray 's pistorate was ceh-. iialed, and ir whs only a short while iftcrward" that he was seized w tli an dinoss that proved fstal. Rev. Ale.x. Gilray, who was T'i years of aiie, wss born in IVrihshiie, Scotland. He came to I '.«nada win ii ijuite young, and was eduea'ed in Ihe Ctnndian Public Schools a'ld the I'liiversily of Toronto. He studied theology at Knox College, as well as at the I'nioii Seininaiy. New Y.iik, and at Princeton, N. J. He was twice married, first to Miss .Xnnie M. Bain, who died in 187!>, his second wife, who predeceased him by many years, being Miss Annie A. Gibson. He was VIoderator of Toroiito and Kingston Presbytery in 180!l and lOW), Vice Presi- dent of the I'pper Csnada Bible S->ciuiy, and a member of the ExeculiveCoinmittee of Ihe .Associated Charities. He had traveled e\tensi\ely, and was an intei- esting lecturer. He leaves li>e chiMien: H. B. Stu«rt :ind ('ib.>'on Gilray, and Misses Roberta and Kirenze (Jilray. Mr. Wm. Giiray, of Toionto, and .lobn and Arthur, in Colorado, arc bruihers, and Mrs. Mal- colm, of Elmvale; Mrs. Geo. Wright, of Vandeleur, and Mi^s .\lie-) (Jilr^y «ic R-sters. The Istt'-r had lived vilb Dr. (â- dray for a number of years. â-º.. R R W. HICKLING FLESHEHTON ONTARIO. SPRINriPECIALTIES NEW SHIRT '.WAISTSâ€" Two .shipment.'? of New Waists, fresh from iiiiikor.s, no two .ilike, w hitn :A\vev lawns, fancy crepe?, black and while .stripes, sizes 34 to 54, Prices $1.00 and Up. NEW KID GLOVESâ€" Guaranteefl stock, black, white, grey, tan, l)io«vn, chamois, wii.st or lUkjw length, .sizes .'> to 7|. Prices $1.00, $1.25, $2.50. NEW WASH GOODSâ€" Prints, galateas, crepes, beil fords, pitjues, lawns, voiles, ducks, drill.s, delainetLes. Every conceivable color and pattern. Prices 12i to 25c. NEW SHOESâ€" Gnn metal, dongohi, tan and patent leather, button or lace, cloth top.s in ditterent colors, all the new lasts and nil .-^izes. All reasonably priced. NEW SUITS -Men's, Vonths' and Boys' Suits, all .sizes up to 44, navy blue and all the new shades in fancy tweeds, the best range we have ever shown. We specialize on a $5.00 suit for boys and a $10.00 suit for men. See them. Tney're iindonbt(;d bargains. SPRING MILLINERYâ€" We have an elegant display of the season's novelties to show you, a larger and more varied range than ever. Vou will be plea.sed if you entrust Miss Long with your order. Our prices are moderate too. HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS g| Smith'^ ^ ir the authenticily will buy the west h.alf of b.t No. 2 a , . Dart of the North west qu.ilter of No. ' |jre|iared lo ' - â-  . not Walkerton A W.ilkerion stock bu} er purchated a cow recently, sbi|)|ied il lo Tor.into, sold It in the city for >7'i.0(l, and of cuune nude (oiiie money iu the Iransiction. Tills siine liovii.e was re slii|i|ied lo Wa'keiloii and on Ik iiig phieed on auction at the iiitiket .si|Uiiru on fSaturdsy brought $<J2 00. .fust why this cow advanced $o rspid'y III price or whether fomeopp psid a fabulous price for her, those wl. are ready lo vmich I of the iiicidei.t, nic stale. Williiiin Pruder of Owiii Sound «ns broiighi to the Walkerton jiil on Wei'.- msdny to aWiiit Irs iriil before the .lodge on the charge of abducting his own son, who is a raid of the Bruce C'oun'y Children's .Vid .Society. I*ruder"s wife b.-iuu diail, the boy was banded ovirlo the Childieii's Aid .Society, who placed him in a home near WihiIoii. 'I he father Iieard if the lad's whercahou'a and i« Slid to hitve come and taken him aw. y fioni llie f.istoi' boiiie slid [ilaecd hiin m charge of another | arty. A truvelsliiioed, niud-be-spttlereil innn appearnl on the slleels of U'ulkei- lon one iiigbt last week and on btii 4 i|iieslioned by pedusliians, claimed I' have Wiilked from Toronto and was on his wiiy tk (ilainis, where, be sta'ed he had seciiied employment Milh « fanner, lie iiii|uiieJ lis 1.1 who her there »ere any iiioie irnins lint niglil an<l having only li.">e. il. bis pocket, uol eiiouuh for 11 niglu's loilniiio, he siruck over ihu liil'r on the bit bip of li's long and tedious joiiiui-y. 'rhis incident, of a nmu wall- 11 l; loll iiiib't for work will give tome ,ideii of llie aciileness of ibe uueinployeil nob'ein iu 'rurou'o and other cities Dr. J. Ralph OSTEOPATH Office end Residence- 4(58 9th St. East Owen Sound, Out. Hours-9 to 12 a.m.. 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. to » p.m. Other hours by •piwintment. A Business School That Miocessfnl fchool whose graduatei occupy proniincr.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c to the P.tciho, re-open« f'>r the FALL TKRM S p'ember 1st, 1014 Seed for free cililog al once to COLUNGWOOI) BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Colbngwo' ill ^B ^BS g?ig?=^^»=»^-j'^ rtnnn« The Old Adage Principal m'JJJ Ontario. H ffgJC CHEAP FARM FOR SALE The Proof of the Pudding U in the Eating The same is e(iually true of the I'JOO (iiavity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is dodb better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon .>400â€" twenty-four hundred dollars - »iid 1, all on Ihe ('b con. of Kuphrasi;>, eon'iiin- Ing .ibout r.'."> acres. There issupji-sed; lo be ninety acres cloare.l, thebilsncei uood baidwodd bushâ€" maple, beecb sndj elm. 'Ihere is ou the pro|.erly a frsmel house and kitchen, a frame barn, straw' hojse with ftone foundstioii under it, also wood shed, driving shed, piL'penj and hen bouse. Theicaie also iwoor-| ch»ids ou ihe farm urowing difrerei'l ^ kinds of fruit apples, pears, p'lim",! cberiies and israpes. This farm is web | fenced Willi wire nnd \ia'eni f> iicin«. Is, free from frost. It is also well watered | with water in nearly eiery fl.-ld. Tlniv' is a never-faibiiii upriiii; within 4i» y.oiN of the li' use This farm Is wiiliiil one mile of the tbriviun vilbige of Kimbeib.y. Kor fiuiher paitieiilirsnpply toâ€" .IAMi:."^i \i\\ .STl'ARl, Kimberley P. O. ISepi ',:<â- . Full line ot McConuick Farm Tniplements, Binders, Mowers, Kakes, Loadei-s, Drills, tultivatois, Plows, Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Ihantford Wind Mills. Pninps, Piping and Fittings of all kiutls. Beattie Hay Carriers. Hay torks, idlings. Filter Carriers, Folding Hath Tubs, Frost Wire antl Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ceylon, Out. | H. ALEXANDER!!! MERCHANT TAILOR Feversham - Ont. I'l Tvie .,y Rod and Gun "'lb- Sieelhead ihe (ileal tiamy 'rioiil llnit eoines out of tho Ocohu, IB tho aiiK- jecl of all lilt lie by the well kiioMii writer P>'>nii}ca«lbi Dale in the .April isNii ! of Itoil ami (inn ill Ciiiniibi publish- ed ly W. •!. Taylor, Lnnited, Wood sink. Out.. 'The Wise Kisb" by Wil- frid Hiiblmrd, is a humorous ichthyolo- geil diiiloRue iu which Sol. Pike, .leriy M nnow, Itill Teueh, Peti r I'.iih, .loliuny Koaeb, Tim Gudgeon, Jiinmy Orayluio sinl ollirrs of their ilk take part. The Forest Kire Pr>dilem in .\l- gon(|iiin I'sik is dealt with by VV, L, Wise and Ibe rishiug dcpai'iiienl and (iuusaiul .\ iiniuniiiou ibiparimiiii nie of speciil inlete^l ihi.s moiiH. In addition to iliosu uniiied there a'e many other stories and Hi'tictes if iireresl lo the readeis of nu lutiloor magazine. Fashiunablc Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Woriimansliip. -ALSOâ€" A linL' of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of we put alterations in charge, if required. Isep til I t I I 15? Flesherton Tin Shop^ 1 have jiist placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Aj^ateware for domestic u.se. Call on me and <jet your snpplies. ings. Kavetroughiii^% Stovepipes and Stove Fnrnisli- Uepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. WOOD CUTTING i ii I Pjpetitting, indudint,' pump work. Fnrnaces installetl. Agent for Clare Furnace.s;. Hros II oiiint. jjtj y. iir l\n lliii/. S.i« Wi.Dil I 'lilting ivith ' iiestues' and dfspntili, .Vl to I'lO eoriU per' ilay. M.'i'i a (fiiod »tr»»-enttiii>f oiiilit. ^.ili>faeliiiii fritiii'iintecfl. I.wA\e orileiK with the iinilersiKiieil. ' [jSj Idulii -liKO. UR.XCKKMllHV, jjjjj Kiv«r.ihsin{ |k|l rii FOR (SERVICE bred :ird A C.P.U. delortivo is doing '401 d wmk iu Orangeville[in uiovinglhe \- iiiig bums sway lioiu Ihe dipol, Tliej have been ill ihe habit of lakiiii; po.>si»i IU of the slitiou and nmkiui( then.seb.M a genelal luiisiiiice. HERhFOKI) BULL The uiulei«igr.ed have a pure H irefoid bull fi,r service oii lot 171 W.T.S. II., .\rlemesin. Termsâ€" $;> for puie breds, Jl.,"i(( for grade.s. All cows served must bo uaid lor. T. A .1. W.VTSON. I III ir The Itiissiau Mio stei of Kinauee di- clarej thai IIS a result of tho pvohibilion of the -iile of linuor in Itussin, "the amount of work which is put out by the workiucti has gone up between thirty and lifiy per cent. I have," Ihe iniui.ster adds, "lost roieniie over It lip lo sixty- live niilbiins 1 yesr, und we ecrlainly eaiinol sHord it; but if 1 pioposed to put liack thd liipuir liallie thi't'e would lies revidiitiou in IJiis-i't." D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON j» ONTARIO. I i II Stock for Sale A eoiiple of brood sow*.) llerktliiie su.fl Tsnmoiih for ssle. Termt to «'Ot piirchsiw, OBO. W. n098, Uaxwsll P. ii. Pare Bred Hoisteln Bull Chaniielini; Prince Joe Bred by Changeling Ihitter Boy out of Tidy .Vbbckerk I'rincess J<<sephine Tho greatest butter luakirg strain knciwn FlesHex^ton ^ Tonsorial "^ Parlors We .\im to Give Entire Siitisfactimi L.\rNDnV-Il.».sket close.* Jfonday nielli, delivery Fi iday eveni-ig CLKANINO and DVKlXtJ- AW »ie Term ot service- ->1. 50 for grades, $,"> «S«>nt8 for l'»rker"s Pye Works -Clothes for pure bred, â-  ' clesued and dyed, feathers rejuvenated. (! 1:0. MO0RK*S>\, Prop.., JT FISHF.R, - . PROPRIETOR

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