I ^piii i;i 1915 T II E F I. E S II E K T t) N A L> V AN C E Rupture Ixpert Here a chairitabie o S«eley, Who liitled Cxirof Russia, Oalkil tO'Cweu Sound. F. H. }!>>jt^l>.>y of Chicago and PlaUdtl- ]iliia, llie noted trus.H expert, will be at the PAttet'tion HoUl iiud will runmin in Often Sound Thursday only, April 22iul. Mr. Su'fk-y tinys: "Tlie S|>erni;ktic Shield - now used »nd approved by the I'liittd Siiite* Government will not only retain •my Ciii-o of rupture perfectly, atlording i.iiniediHfc and coinpli'le relief, but closes the op^-ninu in !'• days on the average cnse. Thin inslnniient received ilie only award in Kniihud and in Spain, piodueiiig results witliout surgery, harm- tul injections, intdical treatments or 1 rescriptions. Mr. Seeley his docunient.s from the I'mted S'jites Cioveriiment, Washington, D. C. , for inspection. .\ll charity citses '.vithout charsje, or if any intercted c<ll he »il be ylad lo show Kame ttiihuul charue, or fit lliem if de- sired. Anyone ruptured ahould renieni- bt-r the dale and lake :idv:ii4lii«e of this ojipoiluniiy . BUSINESSCARDS w TH. WBIOHT. TRLFOBD Jt MeDONALD Barriater, SollcitorH, .Src. OlUces, Grey & Kmo Block, liwuu Sound. Stsuilard Kanit i Wock.KleaUerto.i.iSaturcavB). W.H. WrisHt W. 1'. 'i<slfordJ".,<J. O. McUonalJ.lj. O. U. ccasion .^lr. .laiues Ashd«*n,^for twenty yearti | a resident at thia stalinn and employee of the C. 1'. U., was honoured' by bin fellow einpioyoe^ at Owen Sound on the occasion of hiH retirement from active service at Owen Souiid. Tho Sun says : The wailing romn of the (". I*. R. si-»tion «*s the .scene of a .somewhat un- usual galherinji on Wednpsday, March olst, wh«n the luiployies inaiked the last day/ of Mr. Jas. Aslidown's fotty- t wo yotru of service by pve.sontiti<; him with itn <iali Morris chair ami a rockinjj chair f<ir Mrs. Ashdown. Nearly nil the ompl -yeis were piesoiit and Mr. Porte, locomotive fi»rB«iHn, who was elected chairman, was only the lirst of sever-il to e.xpiesH ihu appreciation and esteem felt by his fellow tinoloyees Innards Mr. .Vshdown, wlio lias been section foreman for eleven yrnrs. He has been connect- ed with the Owen â- B<mnd branch of the C. P. U. ortirfV and Jbiico, as it was then, eontiiiuuustj siuoe 18T3 and prob- ably no man in t<ie service is better known or mire (leripccted. He was seven years at Shelburne, four yearti at Roekfoid, twenty iu Fleihtrion as fure- m.m and eleven in' <J«en Sound. His wife, fiirmeily Mi.ss Flora Mitchell i f MelancM^un, it xtill hi^t partner in liis j'lys and sorrows and ih eijually jinpultr with her husband, amon<! his associates. Societies AO U W meetE ou iba last Mouday ID acb moiitb, iu tliuir lodue roum liaytou's ball Fleiuerton, at D p.m. M. \V., VV. J. H«ll«:ay : Uec., C. H. Munaliaw: ill., U. J, hproule. Visiting bratbrto invited PPiSCE AKfHL'K LODHE, No. :«S,A.F.4 1 A U n< •"••.> in tbt Uasooic liall. Ann | «tro«. .. oioeK.t'losbertoo, every Friday on : or bafore tba full uioca T, klakeley \V. M.; L'liac.Muusbaw, Kacra^Ki-y. COURT:FLESH1;RTON. 995. L «. F. ireetsln Claytou'a Klork tiielaiit Weduueday evuulntj eai'b mnntb. ViBitiuR Forrntera heartily como'C. U., li. Hellauiy ; It. B., <i. K'airLs n. bee , W. llu»kin. Pleasa pay dues to Fin. Sec. tHi(or« tb« first ay of tbe luoutb. CHOSEN FhlKNORâ€" Fleaherton Coanell Cliosan Fri«nil« uieats in Clayton alialltral nd tbird Wednesday ul cacli nioutb H p. u Pay asaeaanients to the lle''order on or l>e(ore tee ttrst day n( each moxtli. (Uiiet Councillor . lllakelev:Kecord«r W. H. Buut. Medical DB CARTF.R M C F A fl Oct. Fbyslclan, Borijacn ate OBlee aud resideuceâ€" Pater St., Fleaberton lUt \V. T. IJTTI.i;. - I' (irartuatn of Toronto L'olvcrsltv Madicnl t'ollcKo. Itesidxnce and Oftlco at I'ark Hou>«, K.iubfrlou. IMiona 'J4 I'J. JP OTTKWELIi Veterinary Burgeon Jraduate ol Ontario Veterinary rolleiia rasldauce â€" asoond door soutb west^oo hary atraet. This atreet runs outb Praabytarlan Cbnrob, JJentistry |\r. B. C MURRAY U O. fi, dental anrgooD U bocoi Kraduata of Toronto UnivarBlty and Bsyal i.:oll<i«« ol Dental KurKeons of Ontario. Oas aduiiainistaied tor teotb extraction Ofllee at reaidauce, Toronto Htrest. Fles.'^erlon Leg I UC'.tS. ll.\.SF.Y ic GAL hlONltV-Itarrlsterf. iJolicitori'.eK.â€" 1. I'. I-ncas, K. C. : W. K, Itauey, K. ('. :\V. I). Ileniy, II. A. omces, roronin, Kiev Tiadois liaiik HMr., jihono main Uli; klarkdale I.ucae Hlock, I'bone 2 A. Branch otUca at Duudalk open e«*ry Saturday. Business Cards I* CUL1X)UGH Ic YOt;N(J " liankera Markdale neral bankiuKbuainesa. Money loanan reaaonable rates Call on uh. DUcPHAtlJ, Mcvnsed Aiic'.loneer for ths * County of Oiav. Teriiis moderate and tlk 'action Riiarantued. Tbe hi raiiKninents 1.1 Ittas of sales can be oiade a^ TiiK ApVASCK sIHca. Keaideucaaud P.O. , Cvylou, Talepbont onnectlun. Dec. 6,07. firil. RAITTINO, Mcented Anetldnerr foi '' the counties of tirey and Klincoe. Farm and 8iock sales a specialty. Terms aiodarate aatistactioii eoarantted. Arraugr' Oienta for dates may be made at tbe Advance jfnce, or (^antral teleriiuiii* oll.ce I'eTarsbaiii or byaddroaainii lue at Feverabam. Out. Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues Tlic Coliiinhi.i i-i llio pcrhvl talking niBcliiiir. Cotiiparft ull otlicin, then iicai' lliiij ami wc at c not afraid of the result. We can sell niacliiiies on easy teiii»>? to I'CRpniisiblfi peopjp. .Ml tlio bcKt appointed city liomoR have tlif:ir purloi iiinclinics and tlicre is 110 itaHon wiiy tho faiinui- sliotiiii II )t liav>> {.hn best iniii^ic of llic day in lii« li)tnc, including band iuihiu, vocal nrlists, and i>rnfi)i'tnoi» on all kunl.s of inslrnmenti'. Voit pbd have it on a (.'olniiibia (iiafoiiola. ii.s pcificl an tlio 'iri!,'ii.ul, and lor iiiiicli IcgK ilmii .von woiil-i pity for u ('iiininon fJrgnu. Thvy lanijo Item 820 up. The Perfect Columbia Is H marvel of iccoidint,' niHtni- ment!! and the (.'oluinbia icfOutilH, loodc iu Canada, cuibiaco IboiisauilH ofH-l<^lion8 fiom whicli to cliooMr. W. H. Thuraton Agent Flesherton Hoaor Roils Keport uf Uock Mills School for .March. Sr 4-1 Hinitlu Ij Paitridge, L At- kinson, F Belts, S U'hite. .Ir 4- I' l'orieou«. ^ .;i- Sr ;l .1 Milne. L i'arl<, Ij Fisher. H Porlejus. .Ir.J-K Belt-, L Simj'h, C Parlridg-j. •J H I'orteous, M Betts (equal) 1- M White, .J l'..rleou% i{ Smith, i) Fiifher, C Betts. Class C (' belth, S IJinckbiirr. Class B (i Thompno:!, J l'mteou», \ Lauuhlaii. Claaa A â€" L .Milne, B Hawkins. â- -T. Chud, Teaehei. TJie followin<; is the |H.>i'centai>e of the pupils of S. S. No. 14, Osprey, for term tif January 1 to April I. 4th class D I'edler CI, H I'edler 'oK, M Cameron ."i". iJrd clas«cs>» L' Sornhe-ycr 40, C Mc- Innis 4«, W I'edler 4."i, S Findlay ."(i, A \ Mclnlyie ;>.'(, K Morrison .!:t. â- Jn I class- (i I'edler â- >'!, W Cameron as, H Mcguarrie .17, D Mcliilyre L'«. 1st cUfs J D Met^tiiar^e 4L'. Primary cla«8 N I'edler 4:.', K Find- lay .".I, C '"anioioii 21. - K. \Vri|(lit, readier. Report, (if S.S. .No. ."f, Osjirey, ftr .March. Sr 4 - A Campbell, S Wnitor, S Me; - zie. Sr :> X Winttr*. •Ir .'! - It (luitmaii, <« Sr J J' Winlcia, «i Ciimpli.ll, A .See- ley. ^ Sr 1 M Campell, :' • " ,• Primer A .1 Winlerf, K Cainpbell, .\ Ilayei, B King. Piiiner B .1 .M.ire. r " ••*''. M. II. Cuiiipliell, Teacher. Kepiiit .it S. s;. N',1. 7, Iviphrasit, for March. .â- ,..- •' .1 . â- / .-•*; Sr I li Uo<or«. .Ir 4 I r.eckell. li Knotl. Sr :; llWhyte. Jr ;j A Kiiolt, !â- : li li.ie, H Mc- Connell. Sr '_' Mlilriy, II lii-k, S • Huston, M Burns. I .Ir L'-It Ui«|.', H .M.:Co;i:ie!', W Cluy- atoii, S Berkell, C Uisli, .N Kii. |i, S llaini's. Pre.'^enl every dm 1! Bisk, 11 Me- Connell, E (iilray, I (Jilray. M H HumberNtfiiiP, 'IVaclier, WOOD CUTTING Hii/.z .Saw Wiiiiil CiitthiK wIlli iii'iitiii'Sii mill ili'Kpateh, all to liO eorils per diiy. .\lsi> a (food straw iiittinn miiHt. S«ti>fnitliiii |;iiai.oite>'il. I.cnv" yc iir iirilHi). with till- iiMilerki^iii'i). I. lain -CKO. lllt.MKKXIHItV, Kt vifrnlinin 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCK tRADC MaUKS Dcsiona .... - Coi»vRiaHTa Ac. A nrnne sail ding k akateb and descrlnllon ma? )aicl<ly Msoanala our otIhI^jo free wlicilirr ai iiiTanilna IS proltably luiuntatilJL roniaiunlea- llfltufinoity mnadantfal. HMIDWWI onPatanu •ant f rt^a, Oitlaat mtnaavf ftar seoilrui« IMleuia. I*aiauta taken Ikrnneb lluna Jk Tu. lacalva tttcft natut, without oharae, Intlia Scientific ntmm. A Haudaoinaly Ulaa<imt«d weekly. Li^iveet oir- tulallna of atiy aniiMillla )naruBl. Terais lor (^•iiada, tUti a year imetairt^ wr«|i«ld. i>e|d hf all If >Jt>«i«ii i Your Pocket or the Middlemen's? Between what you pay the detler and what you j.;et in fi noe, there's at liia.'t M/ "sellin^jexpense." Which cm't add olio cent to value â€" but diajs rdd sevurnl cents per rod to cost . Y 'U put that ^evelâ- dl cents per rud in the 'middle- iiiaii'.s" pocket, >vlieii you !/uy fence throuj;h the dialer. You )iiil that saviiij in your oaii pockft whei; you buy PAGE FENCE^-DIRECT-.-Freight Paid Because you buy direct from factory to firm. Vou pay us only a iii)|,'lo small profit over and above the actual cost. Vou s*vu the T>\h] "â- selling; expjiisi'," in tlio shape of highest ijimlity fence. When you're offV.red "other" fence at P«};e prices bear this fact in mmd. You must [ray the selliiig-expsnac. " So that ft nee, mdd llomiyh the dealer at Paye puces or le.9», ~ mu't bo of lower ipiality, to m ike_up the 'selling expense.' P.i<;e Feiiiu i«e!ls at the lowest PRICE LIST HEAVY FENCE No. of batii S 6 7 7 8 R 8 8 9 9 9 9 M U 11 lleKht lociicB mpt 37 li 40 11 40 22 48 22 41 22 ii ib'i 47 22 47 16H 48 22 48 16 li 52 22 -â- SJ I6i.i 48 164 52 16 4 55 \*>'A Ppacini; it, 9, 18. 10 6'-j. '/, «H. 9, 9 ^. *S. 7, 7, 7>!;. 8 â- '. 6.' j. 7>4, 9, 10. 10 <â- . *, 6, ♦. <,. 6. 6 6, 6, 6. 6, (>. 6, 6 4, .s, 515, 7. 81.;, 9, 9 4. ."i. 5,1.^. 7. S'i. 9, 9 6. 6, 6, 0, 6. 6, 6, 6 6, 6, 6, b, fa, 6, 6. 6 4, 4, 5, 5><;. 7, 8K, 9, 9 4. 4. 5, 5J^. 7. SJi, 9. 9 3, 3. 3. 4. 51^. 7, 7, 7,4. 3, 3. 3, 4, 5!|, 7. 8H. 9. 3, 3. 3, 3,4. 5I». 7. 84. 9, 9 I'Tlco in Ola Ontnrto ... 10.21 .24 .26 .26 .2') .. • .32 .34 • .36 .34 .36 8 ..38 .J» .41 New Ontario Prices on Request. ALL FULL No. » 'GAUGK SPECIAL FENCE No. top and bottom. Dttlaac« No. 1:^ I priijht? H inches apart. 18-bar. 48-liich tOM 20-bar,'6Q-lncb 51 3-f t. Gate 2M 12-ft. Gate 4.3S I3-ft. Gat^. : .„„'. 4.M 14-ft. Gate 4.85 .Set tool*' 8.00 25 lbs. Brace Wire i75 25 Iba. Staplea 80 FREIGHT PAID ON ORDERS OF 110.00 OR OVER price for which high grade fence '.an be sold. It represen'a'the l>iL';^esl aotiial dollar-for-dollar â- aluo lo be |,«,d in fence. When yuu buy ihr ugh tho dealer you do one oj tAo thing*. Ether you ^.ve iiinie or gut less. If you must make money for Homeotie- iiisko it for yiiursell! tlai! your next fence orcer to he iieirest Pa<{e Branch. Re- iiit ill ca.'-h.clicck money or e.\- (iress iirJir or bink diaft. Get oniiiKliite slitpment of Life- iiiie Kciice. Freiijht paid on JlO or over. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO.. LTD. Dept. ' No.l-12^ M:i7 King St. 87 Church St. W. - TORONTO WALKERVILLE PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST Betts â€" Thompson A prettjf-weiMing was solemn'zed at the home of llie bride's parent.', Mr. and Mrs. J. J. TIiKiiipsoD, on Wednesday, April 7ih, when their eldtst daughter, Mary Atineita, ivas united in marriflge to Williiin Kdi;;ar Belts. The ceremony was p«i'forined under an arch oi ever- greens, wit*i white bell and roses, by Rev. A. Mc Vicar, in tho presence, of about fort-y invited gu=.sts, lelalives of the bride and i;room',who were u:iattaiid- ed. The Wtd('iiig march was played by .Miiu Lbai^e Lee, of Oivdn Sountl, ctiusiu of tho bride. During (he siy.nirf( of the regij'er .Mrs. Newel and M s^ .\. 13ett?, sisters >>f the groom, fans * J^'^t The biidi', who »'8.^ niven away ly her father, was daintily gowned in white voile and shadow lace, with seed pearl trimming. Her veil wi? .irrah^jed in .Iu itt Capo ellect, with nrealh of orange blo.'.soms and carried a bouijuet of white roses ;iud ma'deii hair fern. The grcom'a ;{ift to the organist was a .signet ring. Af^r tho ceremony the guests adjourned to the dining rimn, where all paituok of a dainty widding dinner. The presents Were costly and numerous, showing the esteem in wh'ch the young couijle ai'e held. .A mid showers of confetti and good wishes thi^happy couple left on their honeyni.ioii trip to -Toroutii and other points, the bride travelling in a navy blue bcrg-j suit with hat to match. What clothing is to man, paint is to property. Unprotected houses and bams, wagons and machinery cannot resist exposure to sun, wind, frost and rain. Rust and decay cost more than paint and varnishâ€" that's why the use of Good Paint is wise economy. Sherwin-Williams Paints &Varni5hes Around the Farm .'-^herwin-Williams Paint fPrcpiired) SW'Pfor thefarnihouse. Covers most, looks best, wears longest. Ask for a color cardâ€" 18 attractive shades. S-W Rarn Rodâ€" a rich durable red that .spreads easily and covers well over rough luniljer. S-\V Wagon anil Implement Paint â€" protects the wood and mt^tulofwagons, farm inachimiy and implements and tools from rust and decay. For Bug- gies use .S-\V Huggy Paint. S-W Metalaslieforwiiulmills, metal roofs, and all metul surfac<;s. J'revcnta costly rtisl. S-W RiiBgy Paintâ€" Nino beatitiftil colors, for ponh furniture, boats, llowtT-pots, swings, garden imple- ments, etc. Inside the Home S-W Rrighten-I'p Finishes include a paint, varnish, stain or enunicl for tvory household use. S-W Floorlac, st'ains and varnishes wocwlwork, furniture and lloors in one oiH'ration. Imitates expensive haril- woods. P-W Family Paint, 25 attractive colors. For cupboards, tables, chairs, etc. S-W In.side Floor Paint quick-dryiug and durable. 10 colors. S-W Flat-tone â€" a durable oil paint for the artistic and sanitary decora- tion of interior vails and ceilings. It is made in 24 beautiful shades that dry with a soft velvety effect. Can be washed without injury. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON A Key 265 Years Old I A very curious implement dug from jthe ruiiH of St. Marie II, Christian Is- ! land, has just been presented to the j Petietanguishene Historical Society by H. tj. Told, formerly Indian Ageut ; there. This curiou.s iikstrument apj)etrs I to be nothing less than the veritable key i which locked and unlocked the gates of the old Jesuit Fortress 266 years ago. It is cvidenily hand wnught fiom » strap of malleable iron om; and a ipiarter inches wide, si.\ inches huig and three eighths of an inch thick, ending in » circle two and one half inches in diametee forming the ring of the key beii g ham- luereJ ilowii to one eighth inch thick, the width cut away one half, leaving a shoulder at the ling. The portions curi" jously cut, to tit tho wmds of the lock, (which aio live in number are we'.l de- I fined, turning on a central pinion in [)Uce of ihc ordinary barret and mty be an emergency key uiadu to lupply the place of one lost. In fact it is u ciud« limitation and may have bem the fore- runner of lho.se modern expert fancy : keys pnivided for letter boxes in pojt ,oHie<s. However its history and make- up is of i;rcat interest. It is ill a Kood »ta:e of preservation I hough somewhat rust eaten . Vou can begin at the OWEN SOUND, ONT.', Individual Instruction. Our own three story huildfng 1^1 r â-º % HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon h: Agent m D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT and .".4 successful years of ex- perience. "Sli Kx)iert instructors produce =8% tl'.e very lioit remits. M Catalogue Free. ^^^ C. A. FLKMINtJ, F. C. A., ^ ^ Principal. ^% ^0- 1). FLKMING Secretary.^ ^ OWENiSOlND - ONTARIO S Ceylon's New Spring Goods Still Coming New I'liiits. Uippeletts and Ciopc Clollis. New Oil Clotli?. Now (.'iirtiiiii.s, Scrimiiis luul MadrttRses, New I'.aiii ("oats and Inibroiliis lilucU or Wliile Silk Hose 2oc. per pair. Boots and Shoes III tlio r>oot iind Shoe Line we have Men's PatPiit Leather, Gun Melul, Vica Kid, Thus, Cnsliton Sole and Iio\ Kip. For Ladies W(i have tlio iMocca."?. Cloth Tops, Paionts and Ouimietal, either Iniltoiied or liif.ecl. We have also s^me nice strap slippers and poiiris ill patentj tan or gnnuietal. Lola of iiicti shoes for the kiddie.". New Mats and Caps, Now Paints, Oils. Inrushes, New Wall I'ul or and Alahasttne, Now Clothes UasUets, Boilers and Tttbe, Ne% Garden Seeds aud Garden Tools. MlLLlNF.llY OPKNING was on Saturday, April Ifltli, and we have lots of New SpviUa' Hats for Woujcn and Children. Inspect our stock and sjcl ouv prices and be c.mvinced tliey arc ri^ht. HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS PAID FOR PRODUl^E Bull for Service I'lire brad ahorthont bull, "Abe.-deen Bull For Service Th rouvjhhr^.: .Shordiom Hull. Pure bind ahorthon. bull, .Abe.deen Th rouvjhhr^.: .Shordiom Hull. "Hill- f Fjvieâ€" S.OtW- for sBiviue on lot L*!), S.S. 'cie I (i »;rn»r,' No rt.'')t(18. for sciviee t^ ^ K.. Arl.t-meitia. | jon lot iJ7, con H. Xrleir.ihiH. Terms â€" 'I'.ruis ll.r.O forgailn, Piiro bred | $l."»0 lor mades, 8.'! for ihorouahbn il-. cows 83 0(t. ' - ALE.X. OAlJHrTHEKS. tec, JAMES PAT ri SON & Co. Our Motto â€" "SMAt.l. PllOKITT .iXI) QllCK JIv.ll'RSS iiws S3 0(t. I Pure brod T.iUMBor'h ho){ for tervica I >>ii I hit ubivu lot. Term-' tJ.frtl f ir all an iiiial»i. Served ,„ , , . .,., . , , ,. , . , f , Try a waul «d. in I he Ad\ ii ee. t ou mil -l br p.td lor. , .r ^ dmur - \V, .1 . Meaits jn»'« i'lw'V'* »«'e to get lo.xI ten t«. J Uailey nf Uiis.'mnnl »li(.>p»d atul I llnny l>oui<au of Ka.nt Lullutr, o'liu- fell on a SUV wh lo euliiiij; wiKid la<t | plctely severed the Ur<(e toe from hi"* w««k, r«c«>ivint.' a g*(h in the arm, which i f<)ot while ch<>ppiiij( i<i tho bu^h on Fri- unlotided from tbe ellaiw lo the wrist. | day. Th« lad walked across a eoui>le of It reqtiired Ihirleeii «'itcSps to cU>ie tlio fiel'Julo tie house, losiijiij coD°,lderabla V uuu.l. b!o"<l.