Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 May 1915, p. 8

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ikMay G 191 o THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS WH.WUIGHT, TEI.FOBD & MiDOSAI.D HarrlBter, BolicitorH, 4c. Otth;e«, Oriy 4t Bna-i block, Owon Soiinrt. St»nil»ril bank block. Klesliorton. (Saluriisvn). W. 11. Wnsut, \V. 1". I'elford J'-.,J. C. McDouaH, L. U b. Societies AO W moeit on »ho l»e* MoniJ»jr IQ acb uioutli, In tlielt loagu kh "> <l»»too'»h»ll Kle4tt8itou, »t H i>.ui. M. W., W. 'J. Hellauiy ; Uec, C. H. Muu»ba»: in., K. J, 8i>tpulc. VnitiDK bretUr»o luviti d DBINCE ARTHUR LODGE. No. :)M,A.F.4 r A M. ineetH iu tilt U»«ouio hall. Arm •troHCS block.flodUerton. every Friday ou or bfloie tUe toll u!ocn T. iJlakeley W. W.; Cbad.Muoabaw, Botretary. ' nOUKTTLESFERTON. 995. I. 0. F. tueetaln W Claytons block tbola-.t WcdnenUv evoiiinu eacU uioiilli. Vi»iliiiB Korebtors bt-artily come'C. M., O. hellaiuy ; K. B.. 'i. lairt. D, 8*c., W. BuHkin. Plane pay dues to Flo. See. before the flrit av of tbe mootb. nHOSEN FhlENOS-Flesberton V","",*;'! . ^ CbosoD Frieurta meets in Clayton sball flrat nd tbiril Wedneaday oleacb uioiith H p. m Pay aRscHHiienta to tbe He<-ord«r on or before toe Hr6t day of each oiootb. Chief Councillor . Blakelev; Recorder W. H. Hunt. A fstiner in Kssex recuiiUy xold beans oil' IR (teres lit 9-'< per liusla-l which am- iiunlnlto initio, his liv«) iicros of to- bacco altiii brought him $220 per acre or ii^lUM), Nu$24)iU hviii 2:i Hcres proves t hut fanning pays, und in ihis year of (liiiheHrtenitii; roHulta in busine.s.s it is eo- uujth lu turn iiKiny back to the auil. Medical DB CARTER M C P A 6 Ont.Pbyilclan. Surijecn etc OfHce and renldonce-Peter at., FleahertoD DIt. W. T. LITTI.K. - .. , •. tlraduato of Toronto 1 iilverntv Medical ColleRe. |ieiiid«nce ami Ofllce at Park Haute, Kiobertoii. l'hon«.24ri JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Surgeon iradaata of Ontaiio Veterinary College raaidence â€" ascend door aouth weat.on kary atreet. Tbia atreet rane outh PreabyteriaD Cbnrcb. Dentistry |\r. E. C MURRAY L. 0. fi , dentaliurgeou *' >>iiJi urartuate of Toronio L'niveriity and ^efal Lollfne of Dental SurgconB of Ontario, Gaa aduiiaiui>t«red for teetb extraction Office at reaidence, Toronto Hir«et. Fleaberton. Legal I L'CAS. KANEV A hKNliV-barrl»ter». a-" riolicitora. eK.-I. b. I.ucaa. K. C. : W. E, Kaney. K. C. :W. D. Henry. H. A. OlUcea, forontn. H)0-9 Tiadcrt bank bl<<R.. pbone main UIJ: Markdale l.ucaa block. I'boiie 2 A. Bt^ath ullice at Duudalk open every Haturday. Bl'sine.ss Cards l« CUIXOUOH * YOUSH '* Haukera Markdal la aeral bankinatauaineii. Money iMDed aabia raUACal' II OD UN. DMcPHAICi. McfDtad Anetlonaer for the • Connty of Grey. Terma moderate and tl» action Kuaranteed. The arranf;nnientt .. I latvt of lalea on be uiade at TUK Advancx Qtlice heiideuce and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone ounection. Dec. e.a7. VirU. KAITTING, Lleenaed Anetiooeer foi '* the countiea of (jrey and Kiinooa. Far.u aid Stuck aalea a apecialty. Terma a <Jerate. latinfaction (jiiarantted. Arraufie- jienti for dktea may be iiiatle at tb« Advance >ttlee, or ( 'antral tclerboiie ollice i<everiibaii) or by adJraaaiuK ma at Favanbaiu, Out. Honor RolU Fld'hi-rtim I'ubie School Itcport. Koini 1 4th Class- F Ituiit, (M Field and C Fiiher i^iiml), H Wright, W Annsiron^, (U Cdri;n und 15 Tiiiiiblj ei(Uul), 11 Thoinpsi.i), M KichardHuii. ;!id Clat-.s- K Davi.s, K IJoyd, K Mc- Vicar, (i Mitchell, .S McTavisjh, l' Shunk, Iji Duditeoii, J Keid, A ilendeison, J W llsoll. Room 2 .Jr. ;i â€" H LeCiarl, F liicliHrdMin, G F^aver, R L«ver. Sr 2â€" K Ferris, L Uuskin, J Wrigli*, \V Lever. .J .S-aio-d, M Mi-Tuvish, H Uiildluwk, (J ni;ikely, R TriRniuii, .1 Ul«ck, K Ottewell. .Ir2-C McTavish, .1 Krst.dt, L Mc- Mullen, K Royd, F MailieHSon, <) Mathewson, V WiUoii, J Cartiii(>*iiii. Room 'â- '< Sr 1st â€" L Ferris, .\ Norri-f, (» Fi«her, L Cin-ijo", I Lever, D Col^nn, N Shunk, H Wyviile, A Fields, M Diidjjeoii, M Niihn, K Truein in, W Cirriiiijton. Jr Ut L RUkcly, K Dudxeoii, li Stewart, (j (joldliawk, .\ Teeter. Rep)ri (if S. S. No. 0, .^rteni^sia, for April. . - .") - yi Whitiaker. .•^r 4 A l!ii(lei,M Hu Ki,J Whlttiiker, (j Mdc.\rtiiur, M .S^iii-er. Sr ;! M Whittaker. Jr;{- M Hu/.ird. Sr2-H llazird, I Hincks. Jr 2 R Whittaker, .J Har.ir.l. I -R IrwIn. I'rimer -.\ iiiiiuk«, <J ILiziid, C liiiickH, T Ha&iKl. Primer A I tlill. Present every dsy--.\ Butler, .M Rut- ler, M »<pici-r, O MacArlhur, .J Whit- tiker, M Wlultiiker, R Whiltaker, B 1 1 will. â€"A. H«rr<jw, 1'eaeher. ALL No. 9 FENCE Or "Frto ExcursioDS For The Dealer" Take your clioico! Wiiicli do you yvaut for yoar (ence money? When you buy Page Fence Direct you get all No. 9 Fence of tlio liigliest qualityâ€" at cost plu? our very small margin of profit. What we save by selling direct â€" by cutting out Saltttianagers' and Bloekincn's Salaiies, and Deal ers' Commissions â€" we give you in highest quality at lowest cost, We give you Lifetime Ff neeâ€" at little (if any) more than ordinary Fence. All that we save you by .selling directâ€" the oilier fellows must take out of quality or add on to price. Cw.d fence can't be s<il(l ut le^s than I'iiee priceM. .Viid wlicii yiiu fiKiin- llic I'Ntra "selliiiH fviieime"' â€"you llllder^'tand tliercttwiii f"i' No. 11 Kunts in -N". !( Ki-nir-ut N". '.I prices. Page Felice ih all No. '.tevcn to the I'lckH. When ymi buy I'aKe Feme you fjety >ui luon- ev"h wurtli ill FeiK^e. PRICE LiST n;-:AVY ffnci: No. c« bax> 5 6 7 7 8 B 8 8 9 9 9 9 !• 10 II fUlKbt lnclt.-« apart if h(.ri^ont*!3 37 ;2 8. ,9, 1«. IG „ . 4« 22 6H. 7, H}.j, 9. <» 4'-' 2i l-. y,i, 7. 7, 7<i. 8 *» ii 5, 6>i, ?:{. 0. 10. 10 42 22 6, 6, 6. 6, 6. 0. 6 42 lbj.j 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 6. 6 « 22 4. 5, Hi. 7. 81.;. 9. -. 47 IfcH 4, 5, Hi. 7. bH. 9. 9 48 22 6, 6, 6. 6, 6. 6, 6, fc . . 48 Ibii 6, 6, 6, 6. 6, 6, 6. 6 52 22 4. 4. fi. Hi. 7. 8)^, 9. 9... 52 16H 4, 4. !>. Hi. 7, 8H, 9. 9... 48 ItH 3, 3, 3. 4, Hi. 7. 7, 7]i. 8 52 1*H 3. 3, 3. 4. S^. 7, 8M, 9. 9 55 UH 3. 3, 3, 3, 4, 5H, i, Sli. 9. 9 I'rliw. lit Old OntAri'.. .. $i).2l .24 .26 .24 .2* .31 .to .32 .31 .36 .34 .3b .38 .38 .41 New Ontario Prlcea on Request. ALL FULL No. » GAUGE SPrCIAL FENCE No. Ut nut* l.rtl».jT. r aWnco Kc. 1.1. IS-bar, 4?-inch (0.4« 20-bar. 6% inch .51 3-fl. (jite 2.3S 12-f t. Gate 4.35 13-ft. Gat3 „ 4.60 U-f t. Gate 4.85 Stt tooU 8.00 21 lbs. nraci Wire .75 25 Iba. Staplea .80 FREIGHT PAID O.N ORDER.S 1 OP 1 10.00 OR OVER -Mail your order to the nearest PafteKrancJi. Kn- rlo-e (,-aiib, (.-beck. niuney .>r expre»n order < r bank ili-.i{e. I let im- mediate Khipbieiit â€" Krefght paid on ylO au'l over. He sure to get a free c-ipy of the big I'sge Mer cbiindise catal..j?. Wbolexale jiriceii on higlicat grade farm ami lu'ine neeci'fitie-'. PAGE WIRE FENCE CO.. LTD. """ "" '"«^' * ">*'""'> No.l42^ 87 Church St. WALKERVILLE PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST Something About Eating I "Show me a man uf forty," says Will Irwin, "and you show ui© a victim of ca7-tcss meals. A man called Osier won la knighthood I y calling the man of forty } "too old." It should have been "too ldy»peplic." Fi>)iii dru:;! store he rico- 'chet.s to dix;tor blaming the weather, the ! money market, 'the trusts or Teddy for what is really due lo Little Mary. Yout middle a^ed nitn is at his worst when on his uavil-- his oiiiy exercisa a sad procession to a. id from the diuitig Ciir." .\nother Wiliiani is of the same opin- ion, Mr. \V. A. Cooper, who claims (hat among other things he providts three uiillion meals a year to tfivellers on the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mr. Cooper is not I [jhilos:>pher, but a pricticil m-\u, and in his own way set out to investigate mid .solve this prubltm. He wrote to, or t lconsult^d personally, the leading .stomach Ispeciili.sts in Europe, the United Ktates {.iiid Canada. What he tvanted was ths i Happy Tr.t veller on his dining cai.', who I would reiUy eiij'iy the thrte million J meals ou which bis chcfii spent so much t trouble. W-as the man of forty hope- iles-? &ilr^:^i?^:?^^^^'i^:!i':'j^i^iZds^:h^^^^ Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues The Columbia is the pfrfi-.jt talking jiiachiiio. Compare all others, then hear thi.s and wc arc not afraid of the result. We can hoII inachiiies on ea.sy terms to rccponsiblo people. All the best appointed city homes have their parloi inachiiios and thero ii no rcanoii why the fanner should ii'jt have the best iniifiic of the day in his home, including hand music, vocal artist.s. and peifurmeiM on all liinds of iu'ftriiincnt.''. Von cuii Imvc ii nn a C)lmnbia fir.ifoiiola, ns porfcct as Ihe original, ami for iniicli !(-<> iliiiii \oii , Wjul I piiy for u Coniinon Organ. Tlify laiig" Iroin ^2<» up. The Perfect Columbia Is a marvel of recording instni- ijjtntH and the Columbia rc'iiids, iuaiie 111 Canada, embrace tliiiiisiinils of sclectionn from which to choose. W. H. Thurston Agent Flesherton CAVALRY HORSES. rh« Loads Thoy Hava to Carry In tho Armioa of Europ*. Tbe British cavalry 1.s armed with the short Lee-EnUeld rillc, the maga- zine of which holds ten rounds; the â- word, which Is carried by nil rauki^ except signalers, nad the revolver, car- rled by warrant olliccrs, stall scr- seants, sergeants, trumpeters and driv- ers. Each trooper curries 100 rounds of ammaultiou In a bandolier over the left shoulder. Liincor regiments carry the lance. Each envnlryninn, like the Infantryman, carries un emergency and the "iron"' ration .•iiul a ration for his horse. Then there is the kit Altogeth- er the British troop horse carries about twenty stono (280 iioiinds). The regular Russinu cavalry are arm- ed wKb sword, rillo iind bayonet, and sacb man carries -10 rounds of ammuni- tion. There are I lie two days' oats and hay ration, n cloak and nu In- trenching tool. The eavalrynian's kit, two days' rations, spare horso shoes, horse blanket, cnnviig bucket and a mess tin go to form ilio complete equip, mont and welfli iillogolhcr about 110 pounds. The C'ossiicU [wny tarries about seventeen simio. Tlio average weight carried by ilic Indiiin troop horso when ready for war la about nineteen stone. The Austrian troopers ;arry a weight of between Iwenty-ono jiid twenty-two kIoiic, and the average In Iho French and Cerinan armies is tbuut the same.â€" .Manchester Uuardlan. HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs v Cockshutt Implements, "â- '•â- " Melotte Cream Separators, .'I'',. Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon I. fV • >V» fit:-! D. McTavish - - Agent FLESHERTON, ONT i i I <\ i I I Rod and Gun I ! Rid and Gun fur 51ay, published by W. J. Taylor, I.i'mited, Woodstock,* )dI., is out with an interesting list of contents. Edward T. Martin contributes an aititl-i I "Have the Pigeons R>;turned" dealing with the poisibla recurrence of the pas.s- 'enger pi.;eon, which has been pronounc- ' ed extinct by as !j;ri-at an authority us : Prof. Hornadiy of New York. "A Ram 'of (he Stormyciu" is a We.stern story of i a ran) whom its pursuers regarded a.« a 'creature of the evil one. How its pro- ! penalty for vanishiug into thin air was i finally explained and the ram secured is mtist eiilrrtainingly reUted by Ray lOiddinij*. Other stories and the regular 'departments cunbine to make an ex- ceptionally interesting numlier of this well known sportsman's inajiazine. Executor's Sale BuM for Service Purebred Hhorthorn bull, 'Alierdeen I'yvie -H.OOO- for aetvioo on lot W, 8,8. It., Aiteintwis. Terms- ll.iJO for grades, Puro bred cowa !>.') (M). Pure bred Tannworlli hog for [service on the above lot. Terms- -fl.riO fir'all animals. Hervod must be p«id for. AiiM^r •â€" W. .1. MoadN Mutt Keep the Curtains Up. "In London It Is si riot ly against the law for the driver of any imbllc con- rcyanco to allow (lio curtains of bis vcblclo to bo iHilled down." said a man who has visited llio lOiiglish luetropoll.i. "IJy day or night tin- windows of cabs, lansoius, carriages, or what not, wlieth- .!r drawn by horses or propelled by slectric power, must bo so open to pub- lic inspo<.'tIon as to allow a plain view >t those occupying the Interior. A closed rig wouldn't get a block before I London bobby would nab Its driver tnd bale him to a ninglslralu's oQIce, where he would get no mercy. Tim aw Is based on (hu theory that closoil rehlclea lend themselves easily to the rommlsslon of robbery or murder and that they may also assist a criminal to mnko Ms oscupe." I Ceylon^s Busy Store New Spring Goods Still Coming Now Prints, Itippclctts and (^lope Clotiis. New Oil Clolli^, New Cmtaiiis, Scrimms and Madiasscs, New llaiii Coals and Imbiollas UlacU or White Silk Hose 2oc. per pair. Boots and Shoes 111 ihe Hoot and Shoe Line we have .Men s Pat.nit Leather, Ouii Metal, Vica Kid, Tans, Cushion Sole and llux Kip. For Ladies wc have tiio Moccas, Cloth Tops, Patents and (.juunietal, eiilier biiltnncd or laced. Wo have also smne nice strap slippers and pnin^is iiipateiilj tan or giinnn'tal. Lots of nice shoes bjr the kiddies. New Hals and Caps, New Paints, Oils, niushes. New Wall Paper and Alahaslmc, Now Cloilics P.asliPls, noilers and Tubn. New Garden Seeds and (iardcii Tools. MILLINF.RY OPKNINO was on Saturday, April Itlih, and wo have lots of Now Sprin„' Hats lor Women and Childron. ir slock and get our prices ami bo e.iiiviiK\'d tiioy are right. 1 t On th ' iL'th day of May, 1015, the ex- j ecutor of the FNtale of J:ine Corl)elt, late J of the Village of Flesherton, widow, de- 'icea.sed, will otter for sale by public aucf- ion at Flesherton, Lot No 7,»ii the South [ Wihieily kidc of Toronto Street, in the I VillauH ol Flesherton, formerly ou ncd by the .H.tid .Isne Corbetl, deeea.sed, and j being part of Lot I.">1, in ihe Fitst Con- j''es.sioii. South- West of the Toionto and 'Sydenham Road, in .Vrtemesia. I I On the property is a nvo storey fian.e lious->, .'t t:ood Well and atable, and ihe riMidence is very coiivtniein lo school and church. .At ihe same time and place there will j l>> ortered for sale a i|uantily ot house- hold .hiltel.'. Sile I* 1 p.m. l."i of the pipcbase of th-i R al Fa- ille on diiv I f f-a'e and the I a'ance with- in iliiity (oil) d"ys Dil^d at Flfalurton this :?Nt day of April. l"|.'i. WM. KKYKS, Executor. Tiie sjiecialista pocketed their fees and give .Mr. Cooper not (juite throe million, but still a great many op nions to digest. The V\ iesusden m in said this", the Paris man .vtid ihat, the London man .said soiTiCtbing else, the New York man had another cure, while the Battla Creek man was in a class by hiniiolf. Yet when their opinions came to be analysed they all hid one common point of view, namely, that the foods consumed in any meal most be properly blended. Every- one who has survived the ordeal knows that it i.-i a mistake tu wa.sh down oysters with brandy, tjuite a number feel un- happy after a mixture of lemonade and ice cream. Table l»eor may lie good in itself, but not if followed by a cup of cocoa. In a word, the foods must blend if thn meal is lo serve its |Hirpose, and more particularly so in the cue of train travellers whj h'lve no opportunity' for exercise. . \\"vh the aid, therefore, n expert food cheiuiKts and professcrs, Mr. Cooper has prepared arrangements of courses which can be recommenJed by the faculty as perfect blending of food and bqaiila- The.se will be printed as suggetted menus on the rcgu'sr cards and placed a« sugges- tions for bie.kk fast lunch and supper at the disp;stl of the travellers ou the Cau- sdian Pacific this summer. In soae ways 'he railway may lose revenue, for the RIended Meals do wot encour.ige the rich and sometimes costly ciitrements which goiirinetj ask for, but the average man will be contented, and will be left in a better mo id to enjoy the lieautiful sc Miery through which the raihtay ptss- es. Ill that way he will be a bix-ster for t'auada, and m h.it is lietter still, will Oe A more fre<|u.'iit patron t'f th; dining CHr than of tli<> hospital for dyspeptics. I There is no diuibt but tlrtt a large per I cent, uf degradation and disgrace, spiiugg ' from the h»bit of n'ght prowling, corner loafing and kindred acts by Wi h sexes in ci'y, town and ha.nlet all o\er this I bro-id country. Any peisou who keeps â-  his or her eyes ofien knows this. Hun- Idieds uf boyj and uirls are out at night ' and wo all know that many intluei.ces for evil f iij none, f.'r good suriouud them. I eon iiiUH'ly. Inspect out IIUIIIKST PRICKS ALWAYS PAID FOR P1U)|)CC1 JA/V\ES PATl ISON & Co. Smm 1. I'lioiirr \si> Qi uk Iikuh.ss Bull For Service Thi'roouhbri,J .Shonliorn Hull. " Ui||. crest Oovernor," No. (CilllH, (or servi An li-J :i7, con H, Arl.Hu-.esia. Terms CLfK) tor CiadcH, $!'! for ihoroiighbreds. . ALKX. CARRCTHERS. To Changs Umbrtlla Handles. Sometimes a person would Ilka to MiaiiRe an expensive umbrella humlle to anotbcr umbrella and fasten It on â- olid This can be done by cleanInK out the bole left In the handle from the 3ld rod and filling the hole with povr Jered sulpbur. Place the handle In n Killd upright position and after heating the umbrella rod red hot push the rod lowQ luto the bole containing the sul- pbur. The hot rod fuses th* suli^bur, ind wlien cool it will bold the rod lolid. This method may b« applied to fastening ro<1s into stono, Iron or wood. .-Popnlsr MscbsnJca. W.iigbiiui lias been vi.s.tedhle'ylj an l,„,i, „f robbery -..i.t «<""l'>;« ^".7 ,,',„..,.„,.,„.„ Ihi. otIi.M of the SSn. D.itiost'o. .mKlwunUtreotwasenleiod Mni..bta.id,toonsMe.ableMjmofii.om.y .usiTtken. OnTboiscbiyniKbttb. K'k .1;.. ..1 111.. (! T R.fli'll"" waH.iiteieil ;; . ; uMnlsoveuoVbK'k wlonall ,„:.,npioyo,.s were lit fa. >''-'';;;; ,,„„„i„'i„;ibemon.V««s ''•'<;.'" and when Olierator Kaiser retuimd .tt 01 suiiiior ilie money was gone. «•'"•"' '^ Pvke's f mev goods atoie was entered I ho ir.^iwevioustliiougb "bobaokdo.., Htid a. , .utility of g.'ods stoien. 11. ..„l,l,..,,.om,li«ued .n 'l««" . «;"'^. '' ^ viine lime du.mg Salu.day niUil "• i'tnly Su.Mlay iiiorninff, C.eo. Mason vV: Son's I k.satiorery and fancy goods store andH. F. Utva *<•â- â€¢â- '•â-  'by g<>"ds store was broken into, tb.- .->'>»-^ ''"V'-g gained an entrauoeto both p'«>-es through ,he back tlooia. From the l'«»l More ,|,e.edoi-s not apprar to have been any , htng taken, while t.'"""l'«' >•''*""" """-"i s,n.e«S-M) in cash was taken as well as a few articles The pol.ve have boon at wotk on the various cafes, but as yet h tve not been aide to loeUe the gmlty. J. is to he IioikhI I hat |mHie« who are uuiliy of this kind of wo'k aie f â- m'V"' and given pioprr punishment. W mgham Times. M I oil eaii l>0L:in any day J^ | a I Ihe Jul OWKN SOUND, ON'T., ^ liiilividual Instruction. Jlf Our own three story building ^ ' and ;!<t successful years of ex- perience. Kxperl instructors nroduce the very best reKiilts. Catalogue Free. C. A. FLKMINO, F. C. A., m Prinei|uil. gO' 1). FLKMINO Secretary H 1^ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO M ; WOOD CUTTING I llii// Saw WiMiil CiittinK with ! neatiieiis and des^M^t^â- h, ,">tl to (iO eonis per I (lay. Al«i< a Kood ntinwcuttiuK inittit. ! Satisfaction guaranteed. I^'ave y< ur I ordiU" «ith the luidnraiipwi. ! Miiti? -^(IKO HU.VCKKNmiRY, K« vershaiii SÂ¥^P Don^t experiment when you paint your house. All experimenting has been done for you, and the result of years of experience in making Paint and of innu- merable practical and scien liiic tests is SWP, Sherwin* Williams Paint (Prepared). There is an exactness in the formula, and a thoroughness lai the mixing and grinding of the pure ingredients that insure* perfect painting results. .\ gallon of SWP will cover more surface than you ever thought possible and will wear so long and hold Its color so well that its use is genuine economy. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hurdwarc, Psiints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON m

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