Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Jul 1915, p. 8

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July 1 lill.") THE F L E S H E K T O N A D V AN C E If- BUSINESSCARDS m WRIGHT, TELVOHU A McDONALD H«rrii>ter, fiollcltom, .Vc. Offices. Grey * bnic< lilock.Uwou Sound. Stauii»rd Hank JJlvK-k.Klekliertou.iSaturrtnt.. W. H. Wriglit, W. R fellord J^ .1. C. MclJonaH.t.. U. B. Societies AO W meets ou Ibe l»«t Monday in aoh month. In tbelr lodge rooui <,laytouiiball t'le«neftoii, at S l>â„¢- M W., W. J. Ilellaiuy : Kec., C. H. Monnbaw: in., U. J, Sprout*. ViiiUog brstbtu lavlted PKISCE ABTHUK LODGE, No. S33,A.F* A JJ, uie«ta in tht Maaouic hall. Arm â- -troaR 8 Hlock.Kleahertoo. every Friday op >r beforr the full looca T. hlalteley W. M.; Cbat.Muu»baw, Becretary. COOBTTLESPER'iON, 995, L 0. F. meeta in ftaytOD» Block the last Wednesday eTeuing tacb uioiitb. Visiting Forester! beartily rome'C. »i.. <;. Hellamy ; ft. B., O. Calrr.s n h«-c., W. KuBkio. _ ... • . Pleue pay dues to Flo. Sec. before the Brat av ot ibe woutb. CR06BN FhlENDBâ€" Fleeherton Council rtuiken Friends meets in Clayton aball first ud third Wednesday of eacli month Up. m Pay a»iie«»uients to tue Ilooorder ou or before tbe first dayot each montli. Chief Councillor . . Blakelev: Recorder W. H. Bunt. Medical DB CARTER M CP A SOot.Pbyiiclan, finriiecn etc OfBee kod reaidenceâ€" Peter St., Fleehertoo DR. W. T. LITTLK. - ..... Graduate of Toronto Lniveraity Medical r'olleKe. Itesidence anil OMoe at Park House, Kiesberton. I'bon* 34r2. JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon 3radnate ot Ontario Veterinary Collet* reeideoce â€" second door south waat.oo k«rT atreet. Tbis atraet ruDl ouUi Praaorterian Cbnreb. Dentistry Ur. B. C MURitAV L. D. S , dental surcaon honor eraduate ot Toronto UoiTersity and liayal Uollace ot Dent&l Bunieona ot Ontario, Claa •dnlainlatered for teeth extraction Oflkee at residence, Toronto Street. Fleaterton. > â- f k k*.m^- ..ml^-mJ. amX 1 HEADQUARTERS OR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon D. McTavish Agent FLESHERTON. ONT [kjj " • -•• "•''.•• t â-  '1 1 » w w w â-  .« » ^ " i ). » <^ » w * » ' - â-  ^ ! . â-  V ' • i.vvyci cycjc ? • Sâ€" ^ "' T^-^ ^^T^^^=^r=^T^"^-?-^T'='T'^T^-'T^-»=^ Legal 1 UCAB, MASBY A hESBV-Banrlatere. L< riollcitera.eic.-l. B. Lucas, K. C; W. K, lUney, K. l". ; W. D. Henry, B. A. Offloee, roroDIO H6-9 Traders Bank Bide., phone nain IMS ; Markdale Luras Block. Phone 8 A. BraDciioOee at Duodalk open every Hatnrday. Business Cards iff UULLOUOH A YOUNG V Baukera Markdale oeral benkinc bBaineaa . Honey loaned xeaeeaable rates Call on ua. DMePHAIL. Llcenaed Aoetioaaer for tbe • Ooanty of Grey. Terms moderate and ita action Kuaraoteed. Tbe arraiiiieuient* 1. 1 latee ot sales ran be made a*. Taa A DT^kCS oOiea. hesidenee and P.O.. Ceylon. Teleptaooe oUDection. Dec. 6.07. WM. KAITTING, Licensed Auctioneer foi tbe couuties of Grey and Kimcoe. Farm aid Htock aales a apecialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction cuaraotced. ArraiiKe- menta for dates way be made at the Adrsnee aflee, or C^entral telepbone oO'.ce yerersbaui t r by addraMini ma at ravanbaB, Oat, r Ceylon's Busy Store Just arrived a Jull line of Giaiiit€ware at very reasonable price.". Also Hoes, Rakes, ShovcU, HoreePoke?, Wateiiiig Cans. PsiisGrceii, Screen Doors and Windows, and IJoots and Shoes. Attractive Prices on .Millinery. Frnit always in season. VV<)<>L WANTEDâ€" Bring along your wool and get ben prices, citiier cash or trade. 1 HIGHKST PRICES ALWAYS PaID FOR PRODUCE I JAMES PATTISON & COe Our Motto â€" "Smai.i, Proutt and Qiick Rf.tirns ;& rtfc- , ^- ji t- i& ^- ^ a - . ^-A- - i t- & ; Special Prizes at Gueiph for Grey County Farmers For the past two year.i the tiiey County Board of .Auiriculture have, by the gener- osity of the County Council, been able to oflVr piize.s itt the Winter Fiiir for live (toi:k raised and owned by a resident of this county. In 1013 the prizas totalled SlUO Hud of this amount $40 were clajjn- ed Hs pri/. H. L.i«t winter the Board was able to supplement the grant of the County Council and made the tottl priz- es ofTered amount to ?l.jO. More than half of this Hinount wa.s claimed and the Mciiird feci that in juaticj to those who would like to exhibit this year, that the prizes be the same as they were last year. It will be noticed that thess prizes are only for amateurs, therefore thone who have won money in open competition at any of jur Urge fairs will be barred from winning these prizes. This should en- courage as nrtny as possible of our younger men to show at this year's Winter Fair.- The prizes offered are as follows : For the best stallion, rai.sed in Grey County, shown by an amateur exhibitor, resident of the County of Grey. Prizes 1st f25 ; 2iid fI3. For the best geldini; or mare, any draught breed, raised io Grey County shown by an amateur exhibitor, resident of the Cou«ty of Grey. Prizes, 1st $25 ; dnd 910. For the best steer or heifer, any beef breed, 2 year«) of age or under, prizet, lKl$2;i;tind «15. Those prizes are open only to exhibits raised in tbe Coun- ty of Grey and shown by amateur exhib- itors, i«sid«Ht of the County of Grey. Fur the beat sheep of a long wo<iled breed, raised io the County of Grey and ahowD by an aiiisteur exhibitor, resident of the County of Grey. Prizes, Isf , $10; Slid tu.OO. Fur the best sheep of a medium wool- ad breed, raised in the County of Gray and shown by an amateur exhibitor, real. dent of the County of (irey. Prizen, Ist tlO ; 2nd 95.06. As many as possible should mtks an eSbrt to secure one or more of these priz°K and thus advertise the stock of the County and for themselves as well. For further information write T. H. BINNIE, Priceville, or H. C. DUFF, Markdale COME TO Columbia Graf onolas SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). Records, Needle i, Catalogues This is the best paint for you to use because it is made of pure materialsâ€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful machinery. The Culninbia i^ the perfect talking I uiacliinr. Compare all others, llieii ! iiear tliisurd wc; arc nut afraid of tlin I rcpiilt. Wc can sell iiiacliiiicH on ,' easy teiins to rcspoiisiblo people. t All tlic bent appointed city lioincH I have tlieirpailoi inucliineH and there i fi no reason why the fuiiner slmtild | not have the best iiiiieic of the day in liis home, including band iniiKic. vocal j artists, and pcrfornurH on all biidti of iiistrnracntv. "i on can huve it on u Colnmbia (i^-afuiiulu, as perfect as llio ( oriKinal, and for |nt)i.'|) i^'.^:: than von I winld pay fur .* (.'oininoil "lunii. j 'f\tp}f lango (rom f:i(i u[>, i The Perfect Columbia! Is a marvel of iccordinn iiisliii- ] rnciits and the ('oliiinbia reciird^, made in Canada, einliruee th<ipaiids| of sclectiouH from which to (hoosc. ! MAIL CONTRACT Sf.ai.kd tkndeks addressed Io ihe Post ipastcr (General, will \te received at Ottawa am il noon, on Friday, the.'l)l:h .July, lid."), for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails on a proposed Contract for four years six time,s |>er woek each way over Sinithnnip'on (via Uuiitroon) and Rural Mail Route from the Postmastbr Gen- eral's Plensuio. Printed notices containing further inforir.aiion as to oiiditiona of prnpoard Coniraoi' may Ih' seen and blank forms of Tt-nder may bo obtained at the P.wf Otiicea of .Sinv'hampto.i, Dunirooti, and at I ho Oltice of the Post Uftice Ins,K!cior at Toronto. Post OHice lus|)oc'ur's Otiice, Toronto, Jui.e Mlh. 1!)I5. A. .SI THKRI.AND Pint (irtl-e Iiiapector Hound Lost It is better than the old fashioned hand-mixed paint because the materials are put together according to correct chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. • Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more surface than hand-mixed paint. SWP is an economical paint because it will cover the greatest aniount of surface, wear longest, and look best.â€" Ask US for color cardsT FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crocltcry FLESHERTON I Ten DolIaiH Reuard will be psil for ief r. nation that will load to the rocov- I ciy of a liouiid that stiayeJ from I'lice- • villt" about May 7lli. Photegraplis and I a thoruuvh description of ihodog furnished j by the owner on app'icatioii and all cor- I re.'putidiiK'O tieiitcd contidoti'.ially. i fi. L. WRIGHT, Piiei-ville. Cement Work Wanted I , Tho inuliirsiKiiol Is prepared to do silo buildinn and coiierete woik. Iln'c had lliirteeu y>;ari expurience ami feel iliat I call give enliro !.i'isf.tctioii, lime .steel •forms for silo and a'l o I'lit ncoes iiry for all kinds of cement w rk. Can aUo attend to caip.'iilir WMik. TllO.S. BKNTIIAM, I Jiity Flonhertdn. IIMDI W. H. Thurston Agent Flesherton Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorit bull, ^Aberdeen Fyvie- «,(K)0- for sei vice on lot 29, 8.8. II,, Artetiipsia. Terms -fLTjO for i^rados, Puro bred cown f:t.0O. i'lire l>re<l Tain^wor'h hoi( for servioa on the above lot. Terms SI.M fir'nll animals. Knrvod niU't be paid for. finisr â€" W..I. Meads Bull For Service Th'ii'oughbrt.;! Khorihorn Hull. " Hill cre«t«o»ernor," No. «64t!H, for sorvire on lot 27, con 14. irtetnesia. Torois- il.50 (or ttvados, •:: for t!ioioiii{hbred«. -ALEX, UARRITHEKS. iS .NKW 'IKIIM tiPKNS ^ ijJS K I' T K M BlOit 1^1, 111] 5l^ 3$ AT TIIK ^ *^ ^ OWKN .SOI'ND, OST., POATALOOJJK ON RK',>ri:sTj C. A. FLKMIN(3. F. O. a.. Principal. ^!C SlJo- D Kl.KMlNO S.-crelary-Mfi 2 OWKN SOUND - ONTARIO Si Resumption Can. Pacific Great Lakes Service Pahsunniir seivico via tliu liieat Lakes Canadian Pacilic route from Port Mc- Nicoll will be roHuined eoniniuiicinj( 8at- nrdty. May -'Jnd. The aervice this season will liu maintained by ,tliH Ste.iiii- er« '*Koc«aliii' sailinit Tuesd:iys, tho "Manilo)ia" Wednendiys, ".Mberta" Thurxdays and ".\Hsinaboi»" on HaUir- days from Port MuNiuoll at 4 p.m. Tho "Manitoba" Nailing VVfdnos.hiys wil al.Ho eill St Owen .Sound eac^h Kailin;< dulu at 10. nil p. in. Special tram will leavn I'liiun Station. Toronto, at l'J.45 p.m., utrivinit Port MeNieoll 4 Clip, lu. l")ally except Fridsy. For reseriations or other Information re|{nidini{ Miis nerviee, consult any Oaoadian Pa(!itic .^xeDt, or write M. (• Murphy, Distrio: Passenger .\geiit, Tdrnnlo. Notice Ur. U. K. Knuhsli, Osteopathic Physician, of Owen .S; um', will be in KU'sherton on Tuesday and Friday after- U'lons of ta.'h woek. C'oinnicnring Fii- day, .Innu 4th. For a|i|)ointineiit phi ne 11 riuK :l. .^ Iravrllini; agent who visited Ripley last Thiirtdiy, got very mn:h slarmrd when ho visited a cert.ain house and dis- covuiod annnibor of persons talkinx in a forotkii languace. She itniiutlialely re- piirtu-l at the nriuhoiiriiig house that Hhe enispetud that Dernun spies were in our inids', rpon ill veal ij>at ion it was liiarn cd that thoro was no reason for suspici n- It was u (.iavlic prayei meeting that nai being conilueted and all ihosa present were irue lliili^h citi/. ns, who nil spoke the Uaelio, Nuighbirs h.d a husily liut;li when they learned that lho«o who w<re ailendini! the ineetipg were mis aken for tJannan spies. FLESHERTON ON THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1915 MONSTER CELEBRATION AND Dominion Day Sports FOR ETToCMPr 10 a. m Grand Calithumpian Procession for the foUow» ing prizes: Rest Fancy Automobile id parade, $5,00. Best Comic Vehicle iu parade, $5.00. Best Comic Outfit on foot or borseback. $5.00. Best Patriotic Outfit. $5.0(). The parade will start at the High School and finish at tbe Market Square, where competent Judges will give their decision. Catching the Greasy Pig. Prize, the Pig. Winner must catch and hold the pig while he sings the chorus cf "It's a Long Way to Tipperary." (Only those in parade eligible to compete in tbis event.) AFTERNOON 1 .00 p. m Baseball ^Tournament with following teams: Markdale vs. Dundalk. Flesherton vs. Kinabcrley. Winners id pl&y oft' for first prize. Each team competing to receive $10, winner $15 extra. A good umpirn baa been secured. LADIES' BASEBALL MATOH-Mclntyre %s. Flesherton, FLESHEBTON CITIZENS' BAND WILL FURNISH MUSIC. ""^'"'Gl^XprD^CO^ ' To beheld m the Asaembly Hall of the High School Building, when a three act Connedy, entitled "Captain Kackeit", will be presented by Dundalk Talent. This play is pronounced by those who have seen it to be unsur- passed by anything ever given here. Musical numbers between acts. General Admission 25c., Reserved Seats 35c. Plan of concert at W. A. Armsti-ong's Jewelry Store. Doors open at 7.30, concert at 8.00 p. m. Admission to grounds. Adults 25c.. Children 15c. Vehicles and antos 25c. extra. Notice to Creditors i"o'"««««'««'^»'Sp«ciai Train III the iiiHlter of Ihe Estate of .John D<iuglaM, late of the Township of 0,prey, in the County of (Siey, Fann- er, dweased. Notice is hereby given, purHuant to •'The TiuHtee .*ct", and ainendmeuis fhereliv, that all creditors and others having' elainiH against the CNttte of ihe â-º aid John Douglas, who died on [or uliout the twenty-fourth day of April, .\.D. l!ll.">, aro re<|iiired on or lieforc the tirst diy of July, A. I). l!»i:>, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Mevrs i Wri«ht, Telford &, McDonald, Owen I Sound, Solicitors for the Kxecutors .if . the l.i«l will and teaiainent of the s»\A i John Douglas, dreensed, their Chri.<iliaii I •wild smiiHiiiea, addr s,sct and deserip- 1 tious, tlie full partieiilars oftheir claims • and the nature of the securties, if any, he'd hy tluiii. .Vod fun her lake notice that after .•*ueli lust mentioned date the .-aid E.vccu'ors will iiioceed to distijlinte the asset.s of the di'oeased aiiioiii; the jiariie^eiititled thereto, liavinsi rcjjiird only to ilu' ilnini.s , of whicli tliev shall then have iiiilice,Hnd j that the s«id Kxociitors «ill not bej liii'i'e f'l- iho ?aid afs>t.s or any part (hrriiif to any person or persons of whose | claim lUiiic! .shall iml havo bien received | liy tluoii at the tiiiu' of such distribution. ; n.i'ed llio lii.st diy of June, 1!»15. ! Wriiiht Telford .V McDomiM, ' Owen Soiinil, (Int., Solieitors for Exrouton I.etresTuronlo etch Tuesday couinieno- ing June 1st, 1915. For the accuoiniodation of Uuinesoek- ers and general tourist traftic to Western Ofliiads, through trains carrying Tourist Sleepers and Colonist Cars will com- mence June 1st, will leave Toronto 10.45 p.m. each Tuesday uniil further notice, running through to Wiiini|M^f;. .Viteniion i.s diiected to the remark- ably low trip lares in connection with the Homeseekers' e.xcursion.s to western Canada \ ia Canadian Pacific railway Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until Oct. '.'tith, inclusiv(t*<and are good to re- turn within two tnonlhs from date of sale. Apply to any C. P. U. Aj(ent for full paiticuUrs or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. House and Lot for Sale In Feversham Itou^hoist hoo.so, stiilile, pig pen and poultry house, good large lot, for sale in tlievillagt- of Feversham. Auply to K. C.|Haniniell, Fuversham, Out. Phone. 7 July .Ml Iht! outcry about the Niagara peach ori'p being ruined by the fi j«t w.is n-i'h \ out foui.d il'oii, aird wc<ire now t.dd thati the eiop from present indieation.s is lik- ely to be Olio of tho largest evtr halves ted. This is good news for it means with pi' iper inethodi of dialrilmtion chei.p penches for all of us, and iKXl to the Caniidian apples Canadian ponehe.s, most of wliivh eoniu fron. tho Niagara district, thoui{h Kisrx and Lambtou now furnish a goodly share, should b) the m -t prized of onr Cansdian frnits. War liiiio is no harvest for Toronto bote's. It has been stated that an enormous diop in the revenue of the bars has taken place. Tn some cssrs tho dilVoronee ha.s been as groat as over 70 per cent, for a single day. The hotel business is no longer the "good thing" it was in timea 'of peace and plenty. Five hotels have roceutly gotten into tinaiuial djtltcullica since the war st.irted, j Tbe last to ltd vupurteci is the Daly | House. Others which prroeded .It wore the Pabner Houae, which obwed eiilirely; Dunniiig'!<, ihs Woodbine and the .Vr- lington. It is alsi> leporied that two other liconted places bi (he congested district are lindinK the going exoeptiun- ally hard. $10.00 Reward .\ ivwaid tf ten dollars will be paid to any one giving information which will lead to the conviction of the indivi.luals who have been l)ri>.iliing glass in the windows of the Piosbytoriaii t^huroh, Fle>horton. - -J. I,. MoMullen, CliHirnian of the linard. ANADIAN Pacific DOMINION DAY SINGLE FAEE Good going Thurs^ day, July lat, return limit, Thursday, July 1st. 191f.. FAKK AND ONE THIRD- Good goinjt Wednesday and Thursday, .June :U)tli and July III, return limit Fri.lay, July-'ml, 11>1,\ (Minimum choigo 2.h;.) PACIFIC COAST TOURS AT LOW FA RES INCU'DING » •'CALIFORNIA EX POSITli IXS " Particulars fioni any «'snsdi»n Paoide IVkei Agent, or write M. G. Murphy, D. P. A., south eait cor. King and Yonae .•<ls, IVronto. 1 mwt m ii ' ''.;:£Uate«*_:'.iiJi...:.'^TiJJ'.

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