w»^ !ytL_j ^ /leshcrtxrn !2l^t>(ina. t : I , "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?CI 3.-> No. ♦i Fles^erton, Ont., Tliursday, July 15 l91o W. H THDRSTON ^°"°« and PhO 11 * If • 1 1 \i • * . hi • Flcshcrton Boy's Invcntioiv Tested By British Admiralty submitted. They replied -it o.ire, asking him to fi rward it and if considered wor thy thoy wou'J try it out thtmselves, and at the siame time* protect liis interests. Will hoBir and ricb»8Ci.'n>e to a Flesh- erton boy ! Some three weeks gj/.; m ittm appe:ued in the daily press amnuncmpf that "a young Canadian " had invented a scheme to locate submersed ou' marines from aj jhe plans were forwarded, and a movirg vessel. Those who r-.-ad the I couple of weeks a;?o the young man re- iiem did not give it ranch thought and ] ceived word that the Admiralty was test dismissed it from their minds as » prob- . i„g tia invention, and he wouW hear able newspaper yarn. List week another j f^ouj them Wter if fo'ind practical, despatch appearel giv in more dei ail and announcin-; that the invontihn would make under water wMr posi<i!>lc. The Advance ha.s got right at the root --, •h. â- .. J u t , I, ,!a double inaiiBelic indicator of some kind, of _the ntatter and can vouch for I he " ' I one instrumeHt beins; placeil below the Uf course no detailel iriforuia'ion of the invention can be given, but from what the youD<r man says it is evidently !ie ntatter and can ciedibility of the above statement. Clarence Uud/eon, the IS-year old son ot Rev. .James Dudgeon, pastor of thf Flesherton Methodist church, is the young man referred to. He is a deep thinker and readi-r, and last January lay awake nights tryina to devite a scheme 10 (c:umplish the puruoce above referred to. He U a pupil of Flesherton high schui I ard had read the tlectrioal works sv.i'l'tble in the library and scientitic publications, until he was well up on what had a'ready been accoinplished in under water isigiialiiTig. A method bad water hue and the other on the bridge of the equipped vessel, with a linger that will point towards any other vessel with- in a radius of tifteen to twenty miles. This would mean tha' a subiuurine could l)e located before it could itself see the cijuipped vessel, which would be«r aw^y frum the danger /me. It would make it posstbitt for destroyers to locate and tlow up submerged vessels. It would make the German submarine ttiitilla :i'« helpless ^«.s its skulking navy. It seems hard toWieve that such an »'^.«]y been devised by which h. vessel invention is within the piMvibilitiet and could detect, by under water signal, th^ still h.itder to believe that a young high prmimiiy of .mother ves.sci, but there sohool boy of IS yeart should hit upon WdS 1.0 way of lellinir in what dii-ection such a i;iarvelou.s and tremendously Im- the other cr-tft was located, which reo- [Mrtant invention as india^ied. Tlie fact dered the invent iim of little u«e. The tliai the Brit sh Admtrally is giving his yuuDg man's endeavor was to discover iuventiun a thorough test, und the des- souie manner of poioting <iUt the exact patches hint:nt{ at the discovery, ai-e direction to look for the submerged crait. proof p isitive that the plan has nothing To make a long story short, Clarence hit of the chimerical about ir, and we await on what he con.sidered the solution. In the full development with the hope that March last he wrote to the British Ad the <)ueition .it the head of this 'trtiele miralty advising them of his idea and will be answered with an ntiirmatve in asking them if thuy would tiy it out if in lull measure. Fever 8 ham Items Artemesia CouncU Alargeco*d of people attended] A rtemem Council met on Monday, the celebration of the Glorious | July •">. "itn the meuibera all present, the Twelfth in .Maxwell on Monday last. | lieeve in the chair. Minutes of 1st tiix stand of colors woie inline and nnetiiiip were read and conti<iiie<l. Coui- n good turnout of the diffeient lodges mun oalH)ns were pre.snited aiii read »s in the procession. jfoVows: Sibi.s Hill, account for r. piir- Miss May Wliiteoak of Toionto is ing ctusLer, $.5 ; J. A. Heai-d. account vieiting htr parents here. for repairs to r.xjter plow, *l(i ; John Mr. Thomson u» Michigan is Niait-l ^'''"""' <=''"" ^'" ''""»' '""«'^' *'' ' 'â- '""'â- ing his daughter, .Mis. E, C. Uam-I '"'"«« '« ^'^'''-y >â- "«•' deviation, report {Qg] ', recommending no action at the present Mrs. Geo. -Miivphy of Flesherton) 8f ent a few days with her son, Sara,' Cameronâ€" Brownâ€" That the Hydro- here last week. | Klectrie Power t'oinmission be requested Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Stepheus of ^"'"'^•"'"" 'his C.uiicd their plaus for Bingharapton visited with .Mr. and bridges on 8th con. ai lot XJ, and on the Mrs. Colipette last r.eek. valley nnxl near thoir power house- Carried. Mr. Riciiaid Heron of Toronto is visitin;,' witli liis daughter, Mrs. .'os. i tJrahiniâ€" Cameronâ€" Ihit the rep )ri HenJerson. of Ilob Roy. ' of the Reeve a-id Mr. Cameron, that a Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Douglas of t ev hildxe is nect.s»aiy at lot «0. o.n. 1 llaiieybiuy are visiting friends iu N D.R., they are a .ttion/.-d to lulld the this vicinilyT" same -Carried. Miss H Hogg of Collingwood and Aldcorn- (Jiahamâ€" That the Ueeve iMr. Long of Uniiuoon (>i)eut Sunday '„„i Mr. Cameron I u a vominiltee Mi ix- iit R. J. Coliiuells. amine bridge at lot 27, (.on. T, also ci.N Died â€" At her home on the lIHli line, mi July !2tli, Mrs-. Gcr. .Alesau (Ui-.ayed H'* yeur«. Wo de house Doings Last Week's Items Showery we.ither and e.xceedingly high winds. Miss Ellie Wilcox of Toronto is renew- ing old acquaintances here, the guest of her brother, Ed,, and family. Miss Hannah Birch has returned heme from Toronto, where she h.«i spent the past few months. Turn Riiliiie, who accompanied .Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Louaheed to Fi(.iida, has re- turned. He says the climate there Ls too hot fur him. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wiley and Misses Kva and Ella Buskin spent Friduy in .VIeafoid. 51r. and Mis. John Morrison and little Sim, Ivan, of .Mixwell, visited the form- er's o'd friends and relatives here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. .1. W. Wiley visited over â- Sunday with friends near Owen Sound. A number fr'iii here attended the J. <). F. pcuie a! Vaiideleur on .July 1st. Our orchestra cunt ribuud music at the evening enterlainineiit. .Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Donnelly visited I he laiter's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw, ovtr Sunday. Fred Birch was called to Brampton laal week to attend the funeral of hia biulher- in-law, Wm. Landsdale. The annual S. S. picnic *as \ fair success. Although the crowd was not as large as iu t'urmer years yet all eujuyeJ a giMid time, especially the children. The proceeds .iiuoiinted lo about $4 ). The bitseball match l>etweeii Markdale and Blantyre was won by the latter, tlie score tieing 11 li, and was an interesting game tbriMwhout. We are sorry to learn of the serious illne.ss of John Pickering of Sunnidale, who, with Mrs. Pickering, moved from lieie last fall. The old gentleuun has been contined lo his bed for some time now and is so very weak, together with old a{e, little hope is now he'd cut for him. Mcs. Donnelly and Miss Eva Rukkin were at Uuncaii one day latt week and wei'eacCi»MipauieJ lionie by ibe former's sUllKl. MiM:) .\nnie Oilray. Harry (lierty is hoi dayiiig willi his little b.<y friends, at T. I.. Mercer's, Markdale. School oUxHtd on Tuesday for summer vat'atiou. M ss Wdey is re-engaged fur next teiiii. MiM (>!ga Uawson is holidaying with triendsat Maxwell. Mrs. .Itw. Cherry and daughter, Kdna, visited receirtly with the fiuiner's sister at Meaford. Mrs. Will Hut JiDison and two children of Maikdale vi»tl«d old friends here hist week and fp«:nt a day w.|h .Mr. and Mrs. Siiii Wiley. Heathcote Kimberley Budget The recent rains have delayed haying ojjeiations somewhat. Kimberley Orangemen celebrated at Kugeaia on Monday last. Our basebill team played a nine-inniogs ganie with Eugenia, re.sulling iu a win for our hoys, the score being l"J-7. "ur t wirier, (xor- don Leslie, hid the game well in hand at all stages and held Eugenia down to a few scattered hits. Weber at back slop is a star, and the way he scooped up the pellet w-jsn'l slow. Batteries : Brelt Graham and McLennan, W eber and Leslie. Harris umpired and gave good s.itisfactioii . Mr. Chas. .Stuart has .secured ihe principaUhip of Pany Sormd public sihool at a salary of H 100. There are 17 teachers under his ch.-irge. Well dune, ('harlie. Brains count >very liuiu. The fur-bearing animals are not quite extinct in this part as yet. lia«il Mc- Connel, one day recently, siw a fox and .six half-growu y mngsters. D^ltcn Fer- guson, while working about 200 yirds from the mill creek saw ten young mink come out from a stone pile. The usual luiiik fa'iiily is six. and quite often ten, according to Ernest Setou Thompson, the naturalist. Miss .Alma Camack or Toroiro is visit- ing her parental home here. .Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ellis of Brant- ford are \ isitiiig friends in this vicinity. Master E'mer Cojc of Collingwood is holidaying with his grandaiother, Mrs. Flewes. .las. K. Fa»oett is visi'ing this week with friends in Diindalk, Maxwell ami Colling woM»l. DR. BURT .Specialigt in dlicaft't of the Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat, <)FFICE-l:») lOih St, West, Owen Sound i At the Revere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m Dundalk.ls Wednesday of each mouth.. Jew eiry H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT .TAILOR Feversham - Ont Fashionable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. --AL.SI)- A iln£ of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alteratiims in free of charire, if required. Isep A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, - Jeweler^ FLESHERTON, - ONT Strawberries volt at hit 'M, con. .'>, and lake such tioii to rebuild or lepair as I hey deem necefssry Carried. nc- inny .Mr and Mr?, .\iljatant I'oolo of bitucofi will condiic" the S. A. meet- iiiys at Feversha n aud Lady Fank, ou Sunday, Jul.- 18thâ€" Lady Pauk !i t â- { p. tu . , aud F.versham at 7,30 .X).,.,njj,^ -. t^auier iii~.Al- corn -151 at i he report of comtn'ttee le vtley road be leceived â- nil tileJ - 'allied. Irving-Dingwall Cameron Aid ;iun That he account of J. A. Heard, $li(>, for heiid for rooter plow, and "epairs, he paid - Carried. i'ameron â€" A'doorn â€" That the account of llobert Flantt for work on F^ugenia sidewalns, §{Mi 'iJ, le received, and lo The horaaof'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew >>^ paid »tM, boiiii; amount of commuted DiDHWftU was the scene of a very pretty -"''""â- ' '**'"'' "l"* Ku^'enia. the balance t- wedding on Wednesday, June 2:<. when .''" P"d out of .tppropriatioa to Div. No. their youngest daughter, Annie Jjouiso, ♦^Caitied. wa? united in holy wedlock to James' Cameron - AliK-ornâ€" That t be claim of Lawrence Irving. The ceremony was E. J. Parson ot *C fiu sheep kilM by performed by Mr. J. A. Leece, Price- dcgs as certified ^y S. Pedlar, inspector, ville, under an arch of maple leaves be leceived and he be paid §,5 for same banked with ferns and flowers. The Carried. bride, who was given away by her father, ^;„ham Browc- Th .i the following was charmingly attired in white silk ^^^^^^j ,^^,„^„^^ ^^ ^^^j^ , ^. s^^„,„^ ci-epe, and carried a bouquet of bridal ,^20, Geo. Clark 17.50. J. Hargrave roses aud ferns. After the ceremony « |t, iq, and John Teeter f:?.;W very dainty tea was served . The bride Carr'el. account of ring rock , .. - • I f . .„„ Brown-Aldcoinâ€" That lb and gro<ini were the recipients of many ' . . 1 -f. t i.1. • Silaa Hill, 4o, for work rep pretty and useful gifts from their nunier- ' ' /â- I u- u L .-f .. ,1 1 crusher, be paidâ€" Carried, ons fi tends, which testify to the ecteeiu "^ in which the young couple are held , »nd Aldcorn-Camoron-Tliftt commiilccs many are the wi.shes being showered upon b«P»'^ fw ser»icej as fo'lows : The them for a happy and prosperous life l^'-'cve $<>, Mr. Iti own |fi, Mr. Graham voyage. Mr. and Mi». Irving left for a •*> f"''' "ispeciinst bridges and cuherts- shoittrip to Owen Sound. On their <^»">*^- leturn they will live near Markdale. Council adjourned.' Iiaril. II {lartirs and lasu' all -ire the order of ilie day lU our v.'.lage. Ilarvie Ctuickahank is engaged with Leslie H.ews<Mi for the summer. The .Vnolican Church intend holding their amiual garden party at Wm. Bread- iier'p, on Thursday, July 2i). Miss Mabel McL'onnell of Fairmoiin', wl'o has been visiliim with lier cousin, Mi.ss Madse Keekie for the [ ast week, returned home or Sunday. Bev. Hosturd, Hector of Christ Church, Markdale, visited-Kev. and Mrs. Young recently. J. W. Leach of .>'ca£ord spent the past week with fcienis here. Leslie Feigel'.ei is v'siting with his aunt, Mrs. Herb. Kerr, of tuncan, •.,»uite a number from here attended the I'nion Harden pirty and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Harper Breadner and i family of Goring visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Breadner over Sundey. Walkerton U'.berl Hariisuo, implement agent who resides in the eaH ward, had the init- foitune to have a lume in the wrist of his rittlit hand broken while craikine a Ford car on Dominion D^y. Mr. Ilarrisnn has since l>een going about with his hand in a slin^ and will be unable to use the injured hand for stiine time. Henry Krnesi, Brant, .Andivw H.iu- more, CargiU, and J;l<. Cassidy, Brant, ap|)eaitid in police court hero on !<aiur- day last to answer to the charge of travel- ling stallions which weie not onrollud which is contiary lo the statutes of On- tario, Haniiioie and Ca.s>idy pleadt d guilty and were asstr^sed $-0 -tud cos's amiiunting to f«'S 7-"> each, while Eriiis plead-;d not guilty and his ca.se went lo trial. There was not suHicient evidence toci-nvic", however, and an adjournment was iiiitde .So tl.at additional utiden^e will lie secured^ Mr. F.il. 11 ilanJ, a farmer livinu near Hanover, was struck by lightniiiK while sitting ill his house during the henvy lliundersrorin which pa.ssed over that section < n Wednesday afternoon 'if last week. The bolt came down the chimmy and appareully split un striking the Him r one p'irt itoing through the summer kitchen and ileniolishing the stove ihere and ihe oihor p'ussing through t!.e wiiiier kichiii in which Mr. Kolind «>s sif.ing. lie «iis knocked uncon.siiiu. and for a time it wa.s feared that he wouM not sui Vive but ia.st reports state tlul altliou!»li sKVercly burned he is re- coverlnii. Fortuiiitc'y the house did not cilch lire. Hart Mr. linlaiid receiv- ed the full bolt there is little doubt but that he would have oeen instantly kiil- ed. .\ii apparently brw'n attempt at fmud on the part of a farmer hailing from a locsl op; ion locality was queer<.d b) t^liief Ferguson, when on !?alurday he discovered in a load of hay which he was weighing at the town weigh scales, three beer ke s, one case of bottles and two boxes of butter. These were in the hiy wlieii weighed, hut. were not in the empty wagon when it returnad to t he weigh scales. Chief Fei-guson ssid uoth- •»iv -Are ;if. rheir l)e.st now. n.< youf crate oriJer. (Jive A goo<l .supply of Flonv Feetl Jilwiivs on hand. ami 10,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted W. -BUSKIN ^ f OJlt, jiU. ^t. -i**- .*«fe .^««• -''"' â- >"-' ai!'s •»!«• a"5i â- if'rt â- »!fe:Jfe^Ht^«:S?fe2y&ii*i^''s^!'i:Sfe :3& sfe ^ ^ w'/i^ ''iy*^"'!? "''^ w '"^ 'I*" *"*' '"*" '"^^iP w -w? â- >(»• -w^HF '/!{• -w ^>iP %F "W 0n' i Nice Summer Shoes The Flesherton Shoe Store is well slocketl with many varietie;? ot'iSuin- iner ."Shoes for ladies ami }j;ent.s, at right prices. Also TrurUvS ami Suit Ca.ses. IJepairini: as usual. Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON ^ NEW SUITINGS I ;No\v Snitiiii^s iust to handâ€" some of the iiolibiesi weaves to lie found any- where. ing as to his knowledge of the additional Misses Martha and Mary Mulholland J ^^j^jh,, i„ t^e hay, and proceeded to take of Toronto visited Rev. and Mrs. Young j ^^^j^^ ^^i,^^^ ^^^^ f„„,r, charging him laat week. ^.^^^ fraud. The fanner, however, leaiii- I ed thit the authorities were after him, NEWS! FLESHERTON I «"<^ - >'<'°«'«^ -- "- ^fr- jjettUd with the p.ircba.sor of the hiy, .\ new phone to r!li-, to P Ssteinhait. ' and stated to Mr. Fer^mon that ho h .<}. Markdale, »7, f 'T pou try ali,e, produce, ' „^,^ nMendt>.\ to defraud, having hidden hides skins anl w.h.I rubl ers, rag- j , „,.,..^ij ^^,^^^ horsehair, iroti, ci p,je', l><a.s«. j-nc, lead '"* **** '" ^ " a complaint might be m.ide against bun for havini; so much Iwiozo in a leal op- tion teiritory. As he mad* thinas ri.h', tl.erhi. f withdrew iho -hartf". b Hiug him ".a with a w irniiitf Telesirp!. of all sort*, top price raid in ca.'<h, or drop a cani t > Box 121, Maikdale Will call for it. Don't mistake the iisme, P. STEINHART I t I I Leave your order now for thiit new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. I>urt forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are i-ight an<l our workmanship is the very V»est. S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. 1|4^*4^***4^ *^*r^^^*^4^^i«^'5 '%: