Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Aug 1915, p. 5

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.August 5, 1915 THE rLESHERTOiV ADVANCE *f. EsiablislteJ over Foriy-one Yeears THE STANDARD BANK C^ CANADA ASSETS OVER 948,000,000 The A, By C of Banking qney Saved ined. is Money 177 \Mont Jljever Defer Saving, but Open a Savings Account to* day. We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLE5>HERTUN BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. Brucha EBB L ako At Dnrluun aiul Hwrutoo. Mvnager. C. P. R. Time Table. „ n r , oa.u « ^ ^ Born--On July 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Trains leave Flesherton Station as | Wilbert J. Chaid, of Grimsby, a a)n. "•lollowa : , Voat auto loads of vilUcers went to Going South Going North Qwen Sound for civic holiday. 7.:i.3a. ID. 11..3H a.m.' ' 4.27 p.m. D.lSp. in. I Horn â€" On July Slih, to Mr. »nd Mrs. The mails are osed at Flesherton a.< j Fred A. Chard, of Toronto, a daughter, ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.nn.and (Evelyn Onota). 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail sonth as) ~. , â-  c. r : 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south ! ^ ^"^^ *'""'»' """"l""* P"'' ''=^' '"' mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. | Ewart s lake on Saturday, where they - â-  will ipend two weeks in the delights of ^ that sylvan resort. Thoii who went ^^^"'""^^'â„¢" ^^""^"^^"^^k j from Flesherton, were C. N. Richar-lson, xl VICINITY CHIPS ^ ?'„ *'"7\,'''" fw'^f ^^^ ^^^ ,^^^! Sullivan, W. Moore and Wes. Armstrong. ^^ I Mr. Ken. Michell of Chicago and Dr. Fred Murray of Ti)ronto are also attach- ed to the party. Mrs. Jamiesnn received on Saturda} a letter from her son, T. A. Jamiesun, who la an invalid in England from gas poison- j iiig. " Bert " siys his recovery is veiy I sIjw and he has not much enerey. He Mr. J. Bunt of Tormto is. visiting his d^o* not expect to be home bffore the brother, VV. H. Bunt. lend «( the war. ai.d hopes to get bick to Miss Wilda Crossley returned to Tor- \ the fronf. He says if he is not fit to go onto on Friday. I to the front they can give him work at Mr. Jack Duncan of Toronto is holl-^ 'l^e base. That is gooil Dri'ish pluck. dayiug at Mr. Ed. Best's. j Mr. Joseph Armstrong of Toroiito, Miss Christeni McLeod of Toronto is j *'>'^ "'•'s visiting here th s week, thowed visiting friends here. The Advance a rare old cuii»i<ity or relic Mr. Fred Armstrong of Toronto j, j >n the form of a c.py of the London holidaying here for a couple of weeks. | '•'""*" "^ '^*'« October ;i, 1798. one hun- ' dred and seventeen years old. It is* a small four- page paper, each page made up of four columns i>f reading; matter. The paper contains Nelson's own story Mr. Joe Armstrong ind fami'y of T r- ^^j j,,„ ^.j^io^y of the Nile, when he de onto spent a few days of the past week i gj^oy^j ^^^^ F,g„g,^ f^^^^ .it,,^^^ ^^^ ,^,3 "* '"*"• !of one Biiiish vessel. This rare old Miss Carrie Sullivan, who has spent sheet makes very interestir.^ reading at the past thiee weeks visiting her mother the present juno'.ure. here, returned to Montreal on Saturday. ! ^Odds and Ends > ARTICLES FOR SALE J Shingles tor Sala â€" Car pura white New J Brunswick Shingles juat receividâ€" VV. A. .-Vrmstroiig, Fltsherton. ' Fur Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwellin!^ lately occupied by D. \V. Wideman, in Feveisham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terma, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesheiton, Ont. Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will lind it to their inter- est to give him a call. For sale > heip and on easy tFrms, Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first cla.ss farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, MISCELUNEOIS Purse Loat -Silver mesh purse with small sum of money on June 20, between Flesherton and Maxwell . Finder leave at this ofiice and receive reward. Sheldon Heron of Maxwell has enlist- ed with the Grey contingent. Miss Eva Spencer of Fevursh-'im is -visiting friends here. Mits Hatt'e Cole r.f Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Cole. Notice is hereny iiiven that tne Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. P.ckell, has been taken over by H. B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No 2. Rev. McVicar and family returned home on Kriday after a three weeks' hol- iday at their summer cottage near Orillia. In connection with the disappearance Mrs. \V. Buskin and daughter. Miss ^f jy], Rita, spent the week end in Toronto and Niagara. Irs. Wmters in t!ie < )sprey marsh, it I is intere^tlng to note that some forty I years ago a man was found dead in the Mr. R. T. McGirr of Mcosejtw visited j marsh by a party of huckleberry pickers. during the past week with his sister,Mrs. The remains were bidly decomposed and Geo. Mitchell. the man h:id worn a good blue serge suit Misses Agnes and Marion Petty and i>nd ctnied a valine containing unaer- Lillian Crawford ot Durham were guests ' clothing, but there was nothing by which of Mrs. W. Moore during the past the remai-is could be identified. As to week. ( Detective Heburn's theory that Mrs. The storms of the pa«t week have laid ' Winters sink to her death iu the maish. much of the graiu low, and it is thought ' ^^^ ni.jori.y of people scout the idea. binder twine smiles will not bo heavy tha '''^''^y ^"^ ^''ero is no place in the mat.h season. capable of swallowing up a person in that Mr. and Mrs. C, C, Pedlar and Mr. j'"""*"^'"- Kingsmill of Toronto motored up and | Mrs. R. W. Shaw of Lions-Head, who spent the holiday with the former's par- • has been visiting friaud, here, received a ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pedlar. telephone mcss<t;{e on Wtduesday even- Painters and decorators are at work on \ '"« "^ '»*' "««'' informing her that her the interior of the Methodist church, husband had fallen and injured himself Services next Sunday will be held in thp ""^^ ^"^ P'-*«'euco was rt.iuired at home, bifement Later word instructed her to go to Owen ., , Sound as her husband was being brought The Ladies Aid of Maxwell Metho- ' " â-  A Defiant Boniface Not content with the privilpga of sell- ing from 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. the hotel keeper at Desburo has been charged with Selling during prohibited hours. He was brought before the police magistrate in Owen Sound last Friday and found guilty of selling after hours on July 14. There are four other chargfs to come up agHinsl him. This should be a ctse for inquiry by the provincial ctunm-'ssion which is trying to make the booze busi- ness respectable' The O.S. Sun refer- ring to Fitzpatrick says : " Be wanted an adj'>uriiment for a week but the mag- istrate told him he could only grant him an adjournment for one d«y -ind Fitz- patrick would have to p^y the cost};. Fit zpat rick grew very wrathy and his language l.)ec!ime so violent that tho magistrate threatened to send him to jail fiT " ciiiitempt of couit. " Tho mag- istrate finally settled the caae aa follows : O.i the hrst three chaf<;es Fitzpatrick was fintd SoO and cosis, and on the last was lined ?.'W and costs, amounting to $222. A fifth charge of selling iu bottles wa? wiilidrawn. .At first Mr. Fitzy.;itritk declared he would pay nothing and would go tt jail. " You can't hold a gun at my ftce in this man's country," he said, but when the niagstratc I egan to make a warrant for his coinniilal he wilted and decided to fi<ot the bill. Fitzpat-iick was caught by two detectives of ihe Proviucif ' Licensn Department to whom ho 3. Id t!u: Iq ic r :\i d it wrs on their evidence ho was convicted. â€" Ches- ley Enterprise. F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. ^ FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE ANNOUNCEMENT Thru these coluains will run a series of advei-tisetnenta which will be of interest to all. We all know that cue can buy at better prices when the quantity can be handled. Thru purchasing the business in Priceville, it gives us an excellent outlet, enabling us to buy in larger quantities, and iu turn give our customers better prices. Tliese especially low prices apply to either stores, and due bills given in one store are good in either .stores. These prices are good until further notice. S pecial in Groceries Canned Goods â€" Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, Pumpkins. 3 cans for 25c. Granulated Sugar, per cwt 17. 15 Granulated Sugar, U lbs. for «1 .*tO Golden Yellow Sugar, 16 lbs. f..r 11.00 Royal Household Flour, per bbl $7.56 Glenora Patent Flour, per bbl 17.00 Just Arrived Coil spring wire, Barb wire. Black wire, Screen doors and windows. Oils Heavy Machine Oil, Boiled and Raw Oil, and Turpentine. SPECIAL Lndics' Tweed rain coat, silk lined, Reg. SIO.OO, for $3.00. Geailemen's Tweed rain coat, silk lined, Reg. $10.00, for $5.00. Boys' clothing, 30 to 35, long and short pants, striped tweed, reg. 7.50 to $8.00, for $6.00. HARDWARE Hayfork rope, British manilla and pure manilla, hay- fork pulley. 1 double harpoon hay fork. '^ tine hay fork, straight and plain. Hay rakes, scythes and snsiths, paris green, washing machines, New Ideal Washer, The Ea«y Wwher- f } CAR LOAD OF CEMENT dUST ARRIVED HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE A Representative Wanted -FOR- TheOld Reliable Fonthill Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. ; X chance of a lifetime to do a big trade ; among the farmers as well good ornamen- tal buiiucss in the town. j Exclusive territory. Handsome free outfit. Uighe.st couimissioi.s. W'-i'e for terms. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1837) TORONTO - ONTARIO III Seasonable Furniture At the Flesherton Furni- ture Warerooni:? Such as Spring Beds, Mattresses, Baby Carriitges, Bedro.im Sets, Parlor Pieces, Parlor Sots, etc Here «re three special art'cles for ((U'ck sale: I Heavy O^ik Dining Room firt, leatherette upholKterini;, •> pieces, only $lti.,')l,'. dist c'lurch will hold a garden p»rty on | tie parsonage lawn,Thursdsy,August 12. | Mr. \V. Bdilley and other talent will | assist. S.'e bills for full particulars. In- . , .. , , I Uis-bodv first struck a gianary and from I have a lot of good corsets n-ade with â-  t^.t he fell to the fioor, striking on some Spire'laboneing; will not break or rust. I ^.^i,g_ jjj^ ^^^ ^„^j two ribs were to the hospital. Mr. Shaw was putting up a hay fork track in a bam and • scaff- olding uave ttay and precipitated him to the door below, a dittmce of 37 feet. Will sell cheap to make room for new style*. AI.SO some children's waints, e>c. â€" MissV. A. Nicholson, dressmaker. John Ritchie, an enip'oyoe of tho hy- dro, gave his foot a terrible gash one diy list week while trimming a tree. D''. Little put in eleven stiches to close the wound. b'oken and he wash idly I ruised and shaken up o'herwiie. Ho was brought to Owen Sound hospital by boat and the injuries attended to. Owing to a strong constitution he will doubtless recover, but it was indeed a dose call from death. A man living on a hoaiestead in Call- Mrs. John Breen and Mrs. Th mi is fornia has just heard that Gem any ani Brady, who have been spending two Eng'and are at wsr. There are plenty weeks with friends in Orillia and Pmry jof yo mg men in Gueloh in apparently Sound, returned home on Monda;, » wo^*'' state of ignorance. If you don't accompanied by Mr. T. Brady. think so make a round of the movies, the A garden party will be held under the auspices of the Springhill Red Cross Workers at the home of Mr. Guy Orr, on Tuesday, August lOtb. b.lle fur further particulars. In the Lower School examinations Markdale passed fojr pupils, one had to write off one subject. The number who wrote is not given. Dundalk passed fourteen out of twenty-one wh'j wrote, pool rooms and tho next circus that hits town. â€" Mercury. Tho keepinar of more than five gallons See hand ' of coal oil is forbidden by the Ontario Sl^atutory Conditions in Fire Insurance Policies. Farmers and others should ob- serve not to store barrels of coal oil in houses or oulbuildiiiais, as in doing so they void their insurance policies anJ re- lease the companies from all liability in one to write off one subject. Flesherton P*ying losses. p»s8ed eighteen out of twenty-two who By tho huge majority ot 2O,0C0 the wrote, with five to write off one subject | p,ovinoe of Alberta voted itself dry on Wednesday of last week. The Act comes into force on July 1st, 1916, when no in- toxicHting liquors may be sold thereafter «ach, A frame houss on the Meaford Road, owned by Mr, Arthur Johnston, and occupied by a gentleman named Thomas ' in the entire Province except for medical Skinner, was burned to tho arround j purposes. The carrying of the Act will Skturday morning. The tire was dis- j abolish 320 hotel, club and whi'lcale c tveied about 2 a. m., and had secured , liquor licenses iu Alberta. .\' the Pro- great headway. Mis. Skinner was at , vince of Sask,ttchew»n hts also abolished home alone with three little children and I liquor, and both political p.'irties »re en hkd much dilhculty in Skviug them. She.dorsing prohibition platforms in the was awakened by one of tho children i coming elections in Maiiitibii, it looks as crying and fouud the house in fliines. if the entirn Wtst will S'lnn be in the The cause of the fire is a niyf-teiy. i dry column. Lady Nearly Killed A most distressing accident happened at Wasaga Beach on Sunday afternoon which came very near costing Mrs. John Tiinmons her life. Mr. and Mrs. Timniuus and Mr. and Mis. VV. Rowe were enjoying a walk along the beach when Wes Gallagher's car, driven by a young lady, came up behind at a high rate of speed. Tlic driver sounded the aUrm and the pedestrians stepped aside, but fur some reiison we have not yet he.trd explained, Mrs. Timiuons was struck by the car, knocked down and run over before the car wa< stopped. She w.is terribly ii'jurcd.and the wonder is she was not killed outright. Both legs were broken, one in two places below the kuee and badly splintered, and she was a'so seriously cut on other parts of her head and body. Dr. Mitchell, M. P. P., Weyburn, Sask., who is summering at the beach with his family, rendered tiist aid before Mrs. Tiiumons was re- moved to her hime in Sunnidale â€" Crec- nvire S'ar. Portlaw Died- On Tuesday, July •27th, Lluyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard McMulleii, aged two months. M:84 Vio'a Coinfir?la of Toronto is spet!ding her two week's holidays at her home. Master Murrill Porritt of Bolton i« visiting at Mr. Lewis Sheardown's. Miss Reta McNally of Toronto is visit- ing wiih her cousin, iHifrs Ivs McNally. A very successful garden party was held at the home of Mr. John Win-'i rs on Wednesday evening of last week unJtfttho auspices of St. Marys church. Maxwell. The pastor. Rev. Mr. Abbot, occupied the chair during the program. Gool music was provided by the Dun- dalk band, the "blizzard " baud, Mr. D, Glakey, Miss Ethel VVinteis and Miss Scilley, and Mr. Bailey, a reading ly Miss HargravB and m address by Rev. ! Mr. Seobie, A baseball match between Pioton and Rock Mills teams, reauUed in a victory for the former team. The j proceeds amounted to about $130. | Mis Kenny of Bolton is the guest o her sister, Mrs, John McNeven. Deering Implements AND '' Gaso ine Engines All kinds of Deering Implements. Part* always on hand Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutleis, Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Carriets, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements require no recommendation as they ate standard eoeds and recognized as the best on the market. E, RUTHERFOR Proton Station 1 Oak Extension Taole. imly SU.liO. I t^iuarteied Oak Boutfet, 12x40 mirror, a beautiful thing, only S27.t'0. Our pi ices will stand tlie test with any tirra. Come and see what you buy befote you buy, then buy what you see. I«[ «I!I1I[IS. Carefully Corrected Each Week ! ^^hea' $1 15 to 1 15 < ^»fs • • • 60 to (iO .jP'^^f $1 25tol 25 Barl«y 70 to 70 Buckwheat 70 to 70 if,'"""" $7 00tof8 00 !'»»y $15 00 to 15 00 Butter 23 to "3 1 1 Eggs, fresh oq ,„ oC I Potatoes per bag ;i5 to 35 i^^^l* Utoll â- Ducks lltcli ^'•*' 8to 9 !i'"'-''«*"s 10 to 11 [Turueys 14 to 15 I â€" â-  i W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER 'PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. School Children's EyesJ^ MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS THE ONLY MAN ^ WHO SHOULD ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ NOTHING TO OF- g FER IN THE WAY S OF SERVICE AND M SUCH A PERSON S IS A DEAD ONE- H WHETHER HeS KNOWS IT-OR ^ ^ NOT. S ^ Elbert Hubbard ^ ^ in the Fra ^ This faniiius make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- meiiditii'ii they can receive. If you require anythiu'^ in the lino of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers, Plows, Sleighs, Waagons, Cream Separators. H.vrrows, Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline eu gines. Sawing outfits, etc., give us a chanee to quote prices. John Wright, - Flesherton gent Debentures Issued for "llli 'arHll Short Term of Ifea -XGOTIABLE Interest Coupons Payable Half-Yearly L ASSETS : $7,480,339 A ]\\c drm Vi'est Permanent I oan Company W|||| eO.HiinJSt.Wf.t, Toronto III II W.J.Bellamy, A gen; \&u^ Flesherton Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Particular attention is directed to the remarkihly low Round Trip Fares in connection with homeneekera' Excur- sions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Ticket,8 are on snie each Tuesday until October 2l>th, inclusive, and are uood to return within two months from date of sale. The C. P. R. "ifi'ers Ihe finest possible enuipnient and fastest train service via one of the most seenic routes in the world. It is tho only line operating through standard ar.d tourist sleeping cars, also dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. All C'l'iipmeiit is owned imd operated by the C. P. R., affording the highest form i>f etticiency. If such a trip is under consideration I ipply to any 0. P. R. Agent for ful â- artiouhrs or write M. 0. Murphy 1 DP. \ , Toron'o. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Ad^•snce t I 00 Youths Companion 2 00 Toronto World, daily ;j OO Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe ... . . ". .. 90 Mail-Empire 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 Fanner Sun 90 Farmers .\dvo0at3 1 50 Weekly Wit.iees 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Homo Journal 90 Poultry Keview 40 Rod and tJuii magazine 90 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Lin* of Farm Implamenta Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Engines, Melotto Cream Separators. Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand Beatly Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost »& Wood Repairs always on hand. F«v<r$bam» â€" Ontaiio* ^•^^".(•^iwi^^WC'

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