iriMNMi August H> 1015 niE K L E S II E JON ADVANCE T H Km /lcQl)crton -ADuanccjLetters From The Boys In Khaki An mdopendent newsj.aiwr, published every Thnniday at tW office, CoUiiigwood Street, Khshei ton. Subscription price tl iierannunj When i.«iA in advance ;$1.50 when not no paid Ad»er *iiB<t rates on application. C>i-cul»tion 1,100 weekly M M.. TlmrBton- Editor Flcshcrton Methodist Church Rev. James Dudsjeon, pastor. Services Sunday AuhubI 22, 1315. II a. m. ' V- '"• *"• ^« ''«''^ '" the Presbyteiiau Church. Sabbulh School in 'he Townshii) Hall ftt2.:J0. Suuday, August !:9lh, reopening of cliuruh. Artemesia Council France, July 21, 1915. Dear Editor, â€" Will you kindly allow me spiicc in j'lur paper to thank the citi- {zeuH of Flesheitoii for eeudiu.; me the parcel. It ciiiilained witii other vnluable thin>;s a wii«t watch, which Is just what I needed, and is keeping petfect lime. 1 call assure you it often reminds nie if miiiiy happy boyhood days spent iu the old Immu town. Kindly accopt my heartfelt thanks for your thimghtfulnesH and kindness. T reonain yourn sincerely, - SEKGT. T. E. DAVIS Tor.into ReK>»>ent, Mrs. J. Janiieson received a letter last week fri'Mi her son, Bert, who i.s an in- valid from n:ii poiKoniiiji in I'lnglimd. It reid as f(jUows : Shiirpeton. Silcoinbe, Knt;. July 27. 11)15. Dear mother, â€" A line to let you know how I am makinfr out. I am still at the uonvaleNcent home but expect to leave Office Positions Guaranteed The Dominion Government guarantees positions to Nun hern Busiuess Colleiic, (.Iwen Sound, jtraduatei who puss the Civil Service Examinations in May and November. Saliines $u(lO to 81200. .\mbtlious young men and women, hav- ing attended High School for a year or more, oui(ht easily to {mss these examin- ations, after taking our Commercial and StenoRiaphic Course fi'r six or eight months. Write for partlculsin to North- ern Business College, C. A Fleming, Principal, or G. D. Fleming, Secretary. Full term opening Sept. 1st. The Business Man On His Western Trip Aitemesia Council met on Monday, August 9, with .ill members present, the Ileeve in the clmir. Minutes of last nieeiini! were ivad and approved. Com- \ any day, going back to the depot and «.t inunicationsweieieiJtrofliGrey County j a Canadian dotl-.r. These old doctors Ohildren'.s Aid Society asking for giiint. | here dont know much. They have .ilways Clark & Jones HKd contract for biiJue been used to doctoring .Id people and at Proton iStKtim. Bylaws No. Iti, to don't know any h-ng about gas cases, appoint collectors, ar.d 17, to ^luthorizu a My lungs are in bad shape and ih.) loan for current e.xptnses, were inne- ' broiichitii is tliU going. So 1 am going duced. The Utter was put through Us i to try one of our onrn and see if lean several readings and the former was held get into a Canadian h. spital. The Can- over for further consideration. I"J' "' bospilale have a ure^it name over „ /I u Tu . .1 t n .^;.,„lhere and the fellows .jro all doing their I Brownâ€" Graham â€" That the following * , , , 1 . .._ ,„,„ 1 best to yet into one. accounts for gravel used by overseers, s duly certified, le paid : C McMillai., I I received a parcel the oilier day with 48.5XJ : T Henry, ?:<.a('; K Akitt, ?4 4i);,the pipes and latl'y, but almost all were Jis Magee, $; Mrs W Fisher, $7 :W; spoiled on account .f the apples going W.H Palter«oi',*10 <»();JasOliver.»7.10; l>atl- I b»ve not r.ceiv^d any papeis J Gibson. JlO.oO; F Cairns, *7.00; J l>ie y, 1 ut «ot the Porcupine pa^er to- Divis. «7.;!t); J Carson, »10.00; C Mc- ! day fi. m Elwin. Cutcheon, t4 20; (< Moor,'. {:t.50; Thos ] I don't know what ihey are going to Atkinson, f5..'tt'; W Pedlar, ^o.tW; L do with us. 1 heaid they were sending Cannot afford to leave out the citiei tha' handle the crop, Fott William and P.'rt Arthur. Take the Canadi;»n Pacilic route to Winnipeg, the way the business travels. Dai y service, ob;etv*tion and dining cnrs, elcctiic Ighted r<)uipmeiit. Dc'uble tracks more than half the dis- t.ince. Comfort, scnery and one man- agement all the way. Dietetic blended mealf, the scientific ronibination of food for iraveller*. P.irticuhrs from Canad- ian Pacific ticket agenss. rJr^f'i^^L^rJ'rj-!S'^k^k^?;^^f;i^^ Duckett, $2.70; J Magee, 81.40; F I'ed- Ur, *1.;{0; Jas Oliver, V2.40; S Shier. #3.00; G Moore, $4.80; D McDonald 17.60; H Kenny, f2.00; Â¥ Sargean', |3.:$1); T McAithur, 89 40; Jas Oliver, |« 90; G >Vhite, i."».90; A Thompson, t5.40; S, fr).40; J Carson, ?1.<X); T Atkinson, f4.:iO; J Alilne, S4.5t).r- Carried. . . â- > . â- - :'^' Brown -Aldconiâ€" That the account of W Ceaf^or of $11.15 for lepairs to crusher anl time movin.; the same be p«id.â€" C*rried. Cameronâ€" Aldcornâ€" That the account "' Ceylon of W H Thurston ot J8J.57 for printing Uutledge. voters' lists, collect<jrs' rolls and supiibes, , !ie paid. -Carried. I Cameronâ€" Aldcorn- Tlial the account of Donald McL.'od of SI. 75 for double trees for grader be paid.- Carried. Brownâ€" Graham That the report of ihe Reeve on rebuilding bridge on N'alley lloaa Oe received and he bo paid ^22 00 iur his services for same. Carried. The Council adjourned. all the wounded home, that is of the brsL contingent. I am not paiticular what turns up. Best rcKards to all and tell the people who sent ihc | arcel that I wss very glad to get it, and thanks a thousaiid times for it, â€" T. A. JAMIKSON. 4K h Highlanders, Isi Contingent. Bill Routledge's Experience ' Ariio'd riiurston, writing to his par- ents III Flesherton from England, says : I mot a woundeil .Artemesia boy the 'other day in the parson of Bill Uutledge otherwise known as " Moon' Bill enlisted at Lethbridge the morning war w ts declared, -Mid was driitled to the lOtli Irittalion. Ho was ill tho tienchis for u couple of months, but did not gut hurt until near the last 'of Apiil, at St . Julien. This is how it happened : His company was going out to the 'trenches one night >|uite late. It was very dark, but the Germans continually I sent u;j star shells and they wore ulso shilling the jidvancing Canadians inter- .initteDtly. Finally a piece of shrapnel 'struck Bill on the ankle and he plunKod forward into a pit mado by a "Jack 'Johnson." He rolled over and over down the steep sides of the {>it, and lauded ill a pool of muddy water at tho bottom, in which he lost hii title. Af'er crawling out of the water he went back agnin to get the ritl-, then crawled back once more to the side of the pit. II:s ankle was badly lorn and wiench- jud, so he was unable to walk, and i|uiie I unable to climb out of the pii-, which he said was about twenty feet deep. Nor could he make anyone hear him, so ihire was only one thing to doâ€" wait. Form â- lately his pack contained a tin of bully beef and a coufrle of pounds of hard bis- cuits, and there was plenty of water In the bottom of the pit. On this nieagro file he subsisted for five days and nights when the field ambulance finally located him, and he was taken back to hospital. Bill was not in any bayonet charges but says he I. as accounted for at least one German, which is more than thoy have done for him. This wis a sniper who was up a tree saveral hundred yards from the Canadian trench. The (ier- iiians continu'illy turned searchlights on the tienches, and this sniper was gelling r:it'ier loo many Canadians for comfort ; go the Captain ordered Bill out to get hiin. Tho latter left the trench, made a wide detour around the sniper to a wood Fall Fairs. Till) followiiio ate the dates of the fall fairs this year in 'he vicinity of Flesherton. FLESHERTON Sept. 28 29 Chatsworth Sept. 1(>-17 Chesley Sept. lt> 17 Collingwood Sept. 22-25 Deshoro Sept . 2:{-24 Dutham Sept. 2:5-24 Hannver Sept. lH 17 Maikdale Oct. 12-i:} Walkerton . Sept. 14 l.'i Dundalk (Jet. 7-« Meafoid Sept. :W),Oct. 1 Owen Sound Oct. 5, 6, 7 Priceville Sept. :«>,Oct. 1 Rocklyn • Oct. 8 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. CLEARING PRICES ^c:ON:^ Women's and Childrens' Summer Footwear See Our Window Display This Week HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. J. Ralph Smith jp^ OSTEOPATH East Cement Work Wanted The undersigned is prepared to do â-ºilo building and Concrete woik. Ha' e had thirteen years experience and feel that I can give entire SH'isfaction, Have steel forms for silo and all on fit necessary for all kinds of cement work. C^an also attend to carpenter work. THOS. BKNTHAM, 1 July Flesherton. Office and Residenceâ€" 468 !)th St. Owen Sound, Out. Hour9-9 to 12 a.m., l.aO to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. R. F. KnuU-h *ill be in Flesheiton on Tuesday and Friday each week. The Old Adage afternoons of whose po- ihe Teacher Wanted Protestant teacher wanted for S. S. No. ".I, Artemesi.^, (Jrcy County. Dul.o to coinmeiice Septointer 1. Apply '" Jacob Parliament, Sec -Treas., Eog. u â- .\ P O. A Business School I That successful school graduates occupy prominer.t Hitions from tho Ailant.c to Pacific, re-opens for the FALL TKRM September 1st, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Collingwood, Ontario rinctpal u â€"J' 8PKCTAL SF.SSION The Council of the Township of .\ilo- nie«ia met in special session on Tuesday, the 10th day of August, I'.tio, to meet a <l«putation froui the KiKhtli Concession. The members were all luesent, the Heove in the chair. Messrs, Pope and .\keis of the Commission were present, also II. McDowell, Kvj., Township engineer. Tbe<|ueHtion of the till and the bridge «v88 discussed from all stant'p lints. Cameron - (>'ra'iiini That the follow- ing be the conditions re the Klighth (Jc n- cesaion line fill and bridge: (a) Tie Commission to provide a fill j 18 fee' wide with two turnouts 22 feet Hvide and 100 feet long, including the approaches. | (b) The Commission to contribute | ^00.00 in CHsh towards the construction of a permanont concrete bridge on tho | Kighih Concession line to be constructed | by tho Township, in lieu of the timber i bridge proposed to bi} built by the' Cuminission. (c) Tha Commission to provide a 4 foot railing on each side nf filled road where the fill is nioe than three ftrt high, said railing to have a top rail, aj 4niddlo rail and a shear hoard at mad ' surface. (d) The Township to look after in- eidental maintenance of railing, but the Co nniission to renew samj 1 1 tan year on the opposite aide, and in the darkness intervals if leiiuited to do so by the c. imbed quite close to the German's tree Township Engineer. I without being molested. One shot <e) The Commission to provide forma , l*^""?}*' the man down, atid Bill smashed <up above water line for abutments and wing walls gf bridge and to have privilege iif carrying their till up against these iorwi. (f) Township to use all due deligence to commence the bridge St the esrlicsl jtosbible date and complete tho same not Hater than October 15. 1916, and all the work to be done in connection herewith liy the Commission to be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. "Five pupils of the Creemore publ c â- fchool wrote on their Lower school ex- amination, but only one, Arthur May, WAS successful. his rifle oi the tree, took his amunitioii, and returned to his own trench. It was very simple, but the company was not both rei any more from that tree. Farm for Sale 200 .'teres of aood clay loam. Liils ll-12-J;i and 14, ,Con. .'t, Osprey (hit. Is situated in good locality \\ miles from schi 1)1, 2 niiles from church, 2A from store ; Frame barn tiOxGO feet on stuiie f lundation, large frniiie house, 9 ronms I nd wo(.d shod and stoue cellar; 75 acres under cultivation ; 'M acres hardwood bush, 5 .teres of swamp, bilance slnsh anil pasture land and pnrt iM tliia ready to break up ; never btiling spring creak close to house and barn. Will sell very cheap for ipiick sale. - J. A. OUU-VIMKTT, Maxwell I'.t). The Ideal Vacation Route The Canadian I'acitic coiivenieiiily reaches I'cjiiit .\i\ Uaril. French i.nd I'ickmi'l Uivers, Severn Kiver, Muskoka Lak.'s, Kawnrtba L;ikes, Uidt-au I.ik^s, Lai e Ontario llesorls, etc. If you contemplate a trip of any nature consult I Htiadiaii Pi'citio Ticket Agent or wire M. O. Murphy, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. Tenders for Bridge Tenders will b« received by the Coiir.- cil of Arlemesia up to six o'clock p. iii. of the 21st day of .\ugust, 1915, for (lie erection of a reinforced concrete »i':h bridiio over tho Heaver river at lot "i.'f. Con. 8. Plans and specifications may be jecii at the Clerk's otlice, Flesherton, or it the otiicrt of the Township Enaineer, K. McDowell, Owen Sound. A markid check to the extent of five per cent, li contract to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessii- ily accepted. -W. J. BKLLAMV, Clerk. Aug. 10, 1915. Voters' List, 1915 Township of Artemesia Notce is hereby given tbnt I hiive trunsinilted or delivered lo tho persons nil iiiioned in section 9, of the Ont»rio Voters' Lists Act, the copies required ly said section to be so transmitted or lie- livered. of the list, made in pursuance if the sa'd Act, of all persons appeariig by the list revisid Assessment Koll of the said Municipality to be entitled to \ote in the said Munioipaliiy i.t KI«)ctions Members of the Legislative Aasemlily and Municipal Elections ; i;nd that the said L'sl was tirst posted up in my otlice on the r)lh day ot August, 1915, and re- ranins there for inspection. And 1 hereby c.tU upon all Votnrs to lake iinincdiftte proceedinas to have any errors or omissions onrrectid according to law. W. J. HELLAMV, Township Clerk. Dated this lOih August, 1915. Property For Sale Part lot 151, con. 2, N. E. T. iV; S. U. ' containing 28i acres, about 1 mile from Fle.sherton. There is a good frame house and stable ;and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y to .losepli A. LetJard,- Flesherton or on tho proper-: »y- ; The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equally ..true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Full line ot McCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loadei-s, Drills, Cultivators, Plows' Hiding and Walking, Harrows, Brant foiil Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of' all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter (Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Wite ami Fence, Cutters and Sleigiis. ANADIAN ^ PAOIFIC SEASIDE A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. iuvruu: excursions! Notice Dr. R. F. Eiiglisii, I »gioopathic Physician, of Owen Srund, will be in Flesherton on Tuesdny and Friday after- noons of la^li week. CouMiu-noing Fri- day, June 4th. For appoiotrncnt phtne 9 ring ;l To Variout Points in Quebec, New Brunswick Nova Scotia, Newfoundland Prince Edward Island Good Goiog August 13, 14, 15 and 16 CReturn limit August 31, 1915 To Maine Resorts including KENNEBUNKPOUT Portland, Old t)rchar.l. Etc. 1) i Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Good Going August 27,29 and 29 j Return Limit September 13,1915 j Canadian Paci6ci fi Particulars from any Canadian FacitiCj j8 Ticl(el Agen', or write M. G. Murphy, ll^J D. P. A, "south ea»t cor. King and Yongej f\ Sts.,Tf.roni;o. i ||S f( Bull For Service g||j For service.â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No. ti422. Aberdeen Angus, on lot 34, 0th coucess ion, Artemesia. Terms, #1.00 if paid bi^fore 1st Jan. Iit15.- W. J. Magee. May 15 Stock for Sale anil I (or 8«te. T e< tub to suit purotiasur QEO. W. ROSS, Maxwell P. O. A couple ot brood aiows. 1 BerkBliIre Tamworth " The Ideal Vacation Route The O.inadiin Pucitic convonienily reaches Point au Bjiril, Lake Massanoga, Bon Echo, French and Pickerel Uivers, Severn River, Muskoka I.ikke.s.Kawartha Lakes, Uilenu Lakes, Like Ontario re- sorts, etc. If you contempLi e a trip of any nature consult Caiiidinn Pacitio Ticket Auents or write M. C. Murphy, Disirie) Passenger A^enl, Toronto. ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare P»ros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP I FLESHERTON CHRI5TQE BLOCK ONTARIO. WOOD CUTTING \ FlesKei^ton #- Tonsorial 15u/.7, .Saw Wood Cutting with neatness and despatch, 50 to (iU cords peri day. AI^o a good straw-cutting outfit, j ^_ Satisfaction guaranteed. Leave ycurj ^H^" |3ai*|rkt*C orders with the niidersigned. ^''' T «»llUl2S l.IaPJ -UKO UR.JtCKKNBUKY, Ftvershani We Aim to Give Entire S;iti.sf.iction I LAUNDRY-Basket closes Monday BlLLFOR_SERVICE |-«ht. delivery Fiiday cvem.g Tho undersigned has a F'uie Bredj Shorthorn Bull fur aervico on Lot 146, ) puBuvivn i nvi^iM^ «^ Con. 2, S. W. T. &S. U., Artemesia. CLEANING and DYEINO- We are Terms f 1.00 All cows served must bo "gen** /"' fsfker s Dye Woiks-Clothes P'lU for by Isl March, lillO. ^cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvenated I'n" -H. Piper T FISHER, • • PROPRIETOR â- I' •t* •I' •â-º' •!• r •)- •i» -t- â- r ••' • i« •t* •I' •I' •»' •â-ºâ€¢ •>' 'V> â- 4 â- .♦? •I* .1 • J