Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1915, p. 8

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n^mm« August 19 1916 BUSINESSCARDS m KIQHT, TELFORD cfk MeDONALD •* Barriater, SoUcitoro, Ac. Offlcea, Oiey A Bruca Hlock, UwoD Bound. Btftndard H«nk Block, Flesberton. (8atiir<!»yB). W. H. Wrisht, W. K Telford Jr., J. C. McDonald, U U B. Societies AO U W meet! ol the Uit Honda; m aeh month, in their lodge room ClaytOD'a ball Fleabertoa, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Bellamy ; Kec, O. H. lIUDehaw: FiP., B. J, Bproule. Visiting brethitolnTited PBINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No. !BS,A.F.4 A M. meeta iu the Masonic hall. Arm •troait'B Block, Fleatierton, every Friday on. >r before the foil moon. J. Wright W. M F. H. W. Hlckliog. becretary. CODRTIFLEBBEKTON. MS, I. 0. P. meeti In Clayton* block the last Wedneedav evening each month. Viaiting Foreetere heartily come'C. K., G. Bellamy ; R. B., li, Cairta D Bee, W. Buakin. Pleuwpay dupa to Fin. Sec. before the flrat av of the mouth. CBOBEN FhlENOS-FleshertOD Council Chosen Frienda metita in Clayton 'shall tlrat nd third Wed;-.eaday ol each month 6 p. m Pay aaaeeauienta to the Recorder on or before ttoe flrat )*aynf each month. Chief Conncillor . Blakelev; Rccordor W. B. Bnnt. Medical DR CARTER U C F ft 6 Ont, Physician, Eorgeon etc Oaice and reeidenceâ€" Peter St., Fleaberton DK. W. T. LITTLE. - Graduate of Toronto Vniversity V»dical College. Hesidence and Office at Park Home, FicabcrtOD. Pbon* i4r2. JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Jradoate of Ontario Veterinary Collage teeideooe â€" second door sooth west^on kary street. This street rani outb Presbyterian Cbnrcb. Dentistry Ur. B. C MURRAY L. O. B, denUl surgeon bonoj graduate of Toronto Uoiveraitv and htyal College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario, Gas aduiainistered for teeth extraction Cffiee at residence, Toronto Btraet. FleahertOD. Legal I UCAB. KANEY & hESKY-BsrrisUrs. '^ iJolicitora.eK. â€" 1. B. Lucaa, K. C; W. E, Kaney K. ('. ; W. D. Henry, B. A. Offices, foronto. «)6-9 Tradora Hsok BIdg.. phone I main 1«12: Markdale l.ucaa Block, Phone 2 A. Krancb office at Oundalk oi'vn every Saturday. Business Cards i« CULLOUQH & YOUNQ *' Baukera Markdale oeral banking business . Money loanad reaaonable rater Call on us. DUcPHAIL, Lieensad Auetionaer torlttae • County of Grey. Terms moderate and tia 'action guaranteed. The arrangements 1. J lates of sales can be made at The Advanci sfBce Hesidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telepbooa onnection. WH. KAITTING, Licensed Auctioneer toi the counties of Drey and Bimeoe. Farm and Htock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, aatiaf action guaranteed. Arrange- Uiente for dates may be made at the Advance ofPee. nr Central telephone ott^ce teveraham or by addrsasing me at Feversbam, Ont. Columbia Crafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues TIjc Columbia is tbe perfeet talking I machine. Compare all otliei'8, then I liear tliisand we are not afraid of tlic ' icpult. We can sell iuachine.s on , easy terms to responsible people. i All the best appointed city hoines [ have tlinir parlor niacliines and tbfre I is DO reason why the fainier should I •not have tlu; best mugie of the day in j his home, including band eqiibic, vocal j urti&ts, and performi rs on all liiiids of . iDRtrumcnti'. ^'ou can havu it on a ; Colnmbia Grafonola, as perfect as the ; original, and for much iosi: than you ' woul I pay for u Common Organ, j They laugo Iroiu $20 up. The Perfect Columbia lb a marvel of recording instru- ments and the Columbia lecnids, made in Canada, eiubracc thcn-ands of selections from which to chooie, W. He Thurston Agent FlesKerton Bull for Service Purebred shorthorn bull, 'Aberdeen Fyvieâ€" 8,0(JO- for service un lot 2!), S.S. li., Arteniesia. Terms- 81. 60 for gradus. Pure bred cowd #3.00. Pure br»d T«m«worih htnc for service on the sboye lot. Tertns--tl.60 f ii'all animals. Bervcd muat be paid fur. 5n ar â€" VV. .). Meadrt Bull For Service Thf.roughbrt,d Shonborn Bull. " Hill- rest Oovei nor," No. 8646S, for service con lot 27, con 14, Artemesia. Termsâ€" $l.bO tor gradM, *'^ tor thoroiighbreds. -ALEX. CABRUl'HERS. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^[fS^si^^i^r^'^^Sitii^i^Jlt^i;^^ headquarters:for Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repair* Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon S D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Agent Kjiii'i'y^'js'j;*'':! ??;>'<F^'^rT!3 r^!^ r -Tâ€" T-r-T~^ T'-T-T-^- » •> Ceylon and Priceville When you want Binder Twine, Binder Whips, Machine Oil or Oiler.s, Cradle Fingers, liako.s, Harve.st Gloves, or anything retjuired for taking ofi harvest you will get them here. Boots, heavy or light, to suit anyone. Kresli, clean Grocerie.s always on hand and Fruit in JSea.son. '« HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS PAID FOR PRODUCE ' <^nr Motto â€" "Sm.^i.l Profitt and Qiick Returns JAMES PATTISON & Co. CEYLON AND PRICEVILLE SWP means Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared). This is the best paint for you to use because it is made of pure materials â€" pure lead, pure zinc, pure Linseed Oil, and pure coloring pigments which are thoroughly mixed and ground in scientific proportions by powerful machinery. It is better than the old fashioned hand-mi%ed paint because the materials are put together according to correct chemical formulae which have been tested out in a practical way. • Its fine grinding makes it cover nearly 50% more surface than hand-mixed paint. SWP is an economical paint because it will cover the Neatest amount of surface, wear longest, and look best. â€" Ask us for color cards. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass and Crockery FLESHERTON 1000 ^^Dmninioti Oovernment I'dniiioUB^i f§ (iunrnnteed hy Civil S.-nice QjJ CoinmiHsioii to SIuIohIk Jmt uf the 'i^^^ ()V\EN SOUND, OM'., JWliMA^e «uccet«ful a' their No- (VHiiihei and May Cnil ^iivicej examinatiuos. â- BuHineiiâ€" Shorthand and Protmr-j Htory course! . ' ^Expert Instructors. ^ New tetm opeos Septemher iRt jCATALOOUli ON REyiESTj C. A. FLEHINO, F. C. A., Principal for 3 > yemr . SG D FLEMING Secretary .^^ OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO S Seas'de Excursions via CP.R. Attractive trips to various points in Quebec, New Urunswick, Novh Scut'R, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Isl- and. TicktiiK ((ond going AugiiHl ISth 14lh, loth and Kith, return limit .\uuU9t .'list, l!tl5. To Maine reaortfi, including Konnebunkport, Portland, Od Orchard etc Ticket* good going Auaimt 27ih, 28tli and 2»lli, return liui t .Sept 13th, 1915. ParticuUrs from Canadian I'aciBc Agents or write M. <J. Murphy, D.sttiof Passenger Agent, Toronto. ^ House and Lot for Sale Corner lot opposite the Presbytdlm church, house contain* !> rootni and hath, cement cellars, cement cistern iniide, «( o; well »nd stable. For terms iipply on premises, line. -MRS. B. H. WRIGHT, Flesh ei ton. I Petun Indians Found What is considered one of the most in- teresting and reinarkablediscuveries made in connection with the early Indian races of Ontario h:iK just been announced by the archaeological department of the province and has attriictpd attention all over the country. Briefly, it is that there has been found in tJklahoma, under the protection of the United States government, what is be- lieved to be the last remnant of the fam- ous Petun, or Tobacco nation, which once roamed the whole country and today forms the prosperous counties of western Ontario. The disappearance uf this tribe lias al- ways been one of the great mysteries in connect ion with the early history in the countiy. It is believed the Petuna were real y the oldest tribe of Indians in Can- ada and that from them spirang the Hii- rons, the Algonquios and those othsr great tribes which are famous in the history. By 161G, when Champlain visited them they were settled in the conntry that now forma Grey county and the Bruce peninsula. They had brought their to- bacco with them and raised it despite the comparatively short euaimer in that hiiithern part of the province. When the Iroquois made their great raids in the middle of the seventeenth century, the Petuns knew their doom was sealed, and they then began a wan- dering that lasted for fifty years and that reduced them to a shadow uf their former greatness. Joined by a remnant of Hurons they tirst went to Mackinac. 9ro\\\ there they were driven by the Iroquois to Green Bay, Wis., where the Jesuit missionaries gave them shelter at the mission of St. Michael. Fronri there they went to the litids around Lake Pepin, intruding on the Sioux hunting grounds and beini; again forced to tiod shelter at Chegoimc- gan, Wii. Ill time they returned to Mackinac ai.d a band of them sailed to Manitonlm !>• land, rejoining in a few months the Mackiniic party. Leaving Mackinac they descended to Detroit, being broken into scattered bandi at Sandwich, Niagara and other p'aces. Finally the trilte as a body settled at Sandusky, from which pUce titey were removed by the United States goveromerl to the Kan.sas Heser- vation and finally to ttie Indian Territory now the 8tit« of Oklah'ima. There, with the reinuan's of other tribes, they have apparently found a last re<ting place. It must not be thought 'that all these w n Ipi ings were kno» n as they occurred. T.ic tracing out of the peregrinations of this once piweiful body of Indians has occupied ihi time of many investigatora who, patching their discoveries together, have tinnlly CO npletod il.e chain of the tube's wanderings. In this work prob- ably the leading spirit has been the Rev. Arthur Junes, the archivist of the Jesuits of Montreal, wiioao life has been devotid to delving in the dark past uf Canadian histoi-y and wl.o e c<>ii:ributions to the record of these early limes have been of the most valuable character. What is perhaps on ) of the most in- teresting details which have been brought to light by the Bev. Mr. Jo: e-s in con- nection with the Petun tribe is 'that it is uf South American origin. The worJ Petun is uf Tepi urigin and is found in practically all the d all cts of the native tribes of Braiiil. The woid, nicaiiing to- bacco, was retained thiou^h all the wan- derings of the tribe that tinully trouuht it to the shores of Georgian Bay, thous- »id.s of miles distant. They not only brought the name with them but the plant as well. Among the Petuns, as among the other Huron-Iroquois ti lu-i, tobacc i had a sRcred character aii'l was tued in all thei ceremonial rites and in the opening treat- ies among theinselvies or with other iiHi i iiiF. It was also smoked by them in c curing of various diseases; it, was smoked to propitiatt- the Maiii'.oui and was also used to ward oil bad luck or in \ \\v good luck. The plant when gith re 1 by ihu I'etuiis fur home consumption was cirefully dried, was then brekon in- to siiia'l pieces or pulverized and w«s pie- aervcd in doer skin pouches. ^It is the intention of the Outarici gov- enimeir to send an inviatigator to Oklu- lioiiiH, who will lenrii nil he can from the survivors of the tritie as lo their language their fulls lure and whatever may have been preserved in tradition as to their origin and histoiy. How To Make a Ford There was an old roan wh>i had a wni den log; He had no money, and ho juit couldn't ht'ir; But he hart it p'ece of pipe and a 12 inch board And he raid, 'By ;t'illy, I'll build ine « Ford." So he took a gall <n of gis and a sprinkle of oil And a piece of rusty wire to make him a coil; Four big spools and an old tin can . He hammered thum tojeiher and the blamed thing ran. H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT JAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashlooable Tailoring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALSOâ€" A line of Ready-Made Clothing Which we put alterations in free of charge, if required. Isep Mr. Adam Murr ly, of Gait, has in hi.s possession an interesting relic in the shape of a printed copy of "The Chri-- tian's A. B. C." It was printed at Gla'- yuw ill 1737 and is therefore 178 years old. The paper is still well preserved and the type clearly visible. Many Thousand Men Required For the Harvest In Western Canada) Thousancs of men will be required truiii Ontario to help in the great woik of harvesting the Western crop, and prac- tically the entire task of Crsnsporting thiH great army of Hsrvostei-s to the West will fall to the lot of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Excursions from points in Ontario to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta will be run, and spicUl trains oi>erated, making the flip in about 3; hours ant- avoiding any change of cars or transfers " Going trip west, " |12 to Winnipeg. " Return trip east, " f 18 from Win- nipeg. Cunsult CP.R. Agents r.'gsr.ling par- ticulars in connection w.th traisportation west of Winnipeg. GOIXG DATES AiiguH 19th and 26thâ€" From Kingston, Tichljorne Jet., Sharbot Lake, Ren- frew and east in the Province of On tatiu and Quebec, including interin;- d ate stations and branches .AuiiUft 21st and 2«ithâ€" From Toronto. Sault Sie. Marie, Ont.. and East in the Province of Ontario, including inter- mediate stations and branches, but not East of or iiiclndiiie Kingston, Tich- borne Jet., Sharbot La'je or Renfrew. August 24th anl 28thâ€" From Toronto and .Stations West and North in the Province of Ontario, but not including atatio IS on line no, th of Tort nto to Sudbury and Stu't Sle Marie, Ont. For full part'culars regarding trnns- p<irtalion W.-Rt of Wii nipsg, etc., se- neaiest CP.R. Agent or write M. G. Murphy,Datr:ct PaKsenger Ag't,Toiimto 28 Ki Sept< 13 Canadian National FXHIBITIOIV *^ TORONTO ^^ $150,000 "iiSSSor $130,000 "PATRIOTIC YEAR" Model Military Camp Dcatruction of Battleships Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF TBE ALLIES Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle BEVIEW^F THE FLEET Belgian Art Treasures Creatore's Famous Band Biggest Cat and Dot Show WAR TROPHIES Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures One Thovsand aod One New Tiling (o See .^ REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL ropfrs The Christian Is'and Indians hate sitrned a Rurrenier of bt th Hope and Beck with Islan la to the Dominion gov- ernment. The property together with the timber is to be sold and the minimunn price in tn he $50,000. The ii uney re- ceived is to be used and invested in pay- ing the annuities to the Indians. There - is a large amount of valuable haidwood timl>er on both Islan'' s. Dr. Jaa. W. Robertsm, uf Ottawa, in- concluding an earnest Red Cross Stjciety address recently laid- "Christian civiliza- tion demands that a man muat be at pres- ent in one of four placef : The tirinii line for the young man for the hurov of his country; the s-iving line to help save life as the Red Cross Society is d ling; tho factory line to m.-mufactiire necessities, and th« farming line to provitle food for those who arj struggling and working." • MANY THOUSAND FARM LABORERS WANTED FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA "QOINQ TRIP WKST* "RETURN TRIP KAST" $12.00 TO WINNIPEe | $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG QOINQ DATES Aufutl l*th antf 2ttl»â€" From KInnton. Tlctal>arni> Jrt.. Slurbot Lake. RentrFvand Ean In tk< PruvlDCM uf ODUrlu Htid Quebec. luciudlDfc Int^rmedUte Bt«lloii8 and brancbeJ. Au|U«t 2ttt antf lethâ€"From Turontn, Bauit Rlc. Mmrlf. Ont., and VAa\ In tbe Province of Ontario, tncliidlniilnlerniedlate fttatlonn and branebM, but not East of or Including Klnaston, TIchburne Jet., Hbarbot Lake or Renfrew. Aufutt 24th antf 2Slh â€" t-Yom Toronto ant* otatluns Went and Nortb In the Province uf Ontario, but nut lucludlnic tuttonf ou line Nurth cf Torouta to Hudbury and Sault Ste. Marie. Out. Fur full imrtlculam re«ardinK tranaportallon nreitol Wlunlpex, etc.,»ee nearest CPH. Aiient, or writeâ€" M. G. MURPHV, Dtotrlct Pa»<n|.r A|.nl, Can. Pat. Ry., TOMONTO S. RANDS, AGENT, FLESHERTON The Advance Office, Plesfierten Allprices-$20, $32.50, $45, $65 and up. Easy terms if wanted. Call and see them. *et^u

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