September 9, 1915 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE s, EstablisKed over Poriy-one\^a]W THE STANDARD RANK OF CANADA ASSETS OVER 448,000,000 TheA,B,CofBaiildiig /Absolute Security 0est of Service (Courteous Treatment m We solicit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTON BRANCH 'GEO. MITCHELL, B B H Manager. BrancKes aba >t Durluun anil Harristoa. C. p. R. Time Table. i ., „ , ,, . , „^ I Mr. Basil Carrutuers, son or Mr. Trains lea?e Fleaherton Station as j Alex Carruthers, of Eugenia, had his leg -follows : : broken on Saturday last by falling from Going Sooth Going North » beam in the barn and alii>hting on the 7.33 a. m. I1.3« a.m. • b„n floor. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p.m. I The mails are osed at Flesheiton a.! There are nine .oldiers from Grey oUows : For the north at 10.40 a. m.andi County in prison camps in Germany. .7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail st>nth as) Most of these were taken at the great 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train sout'"* , Ypres and St. Julien bittlea when the -mail close at 9 p.m. the Previous evg. ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ,^^j^ ^^ ^^^i^ â- names arp as follows : Ptes. A. Kaper, Meaford; J. G. E. Crane, Owen Sound; ' A. Coventry, Thornbury, G. Foster^ Holland Centre; T. Gallamore, Mark- idale; Fred Smith, Eugenia; Sydney ; Smith, Thornbury; and Corp. E. W. 4)dds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE young pigs for sale â€" Un lot 35, Con. 10, Artemesia. â€" O. Turner. Shingles for Sala â€" Car pui'8 white New Brunswick Shini^les just receivedâ€" W. A. Armstrorig, Flesherton. r/^.'SfS^.^^iz^^'iSi'^;!?!^?^^^^ •^jZ^.^j:^^.^ Seed Wheatâ€" Free from weeds, rust and smut. Good sample of undamaged seed. J. E. IMcKee, phone 20-5, Mark- dale. For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. V VICINITY CHIPS >S Labor Day was not observed in Flesh- ' erton. Messrs. C. and H. Thomas of CoUing- wood were visitors at H. C, LeOard's on Sunday. Miss McLean of Alton has taken charge of F. G. Karstedt's millinery for the season. Mias May Dinaude.who has b«en visit- ing friends here fur the past fire or six weeks, left for Toronto on Frtd»y. Mr. I. Dirtlamm of Toronto is now "•busy wiring the houses in town for the new electric service. Father Grannotier, the aged and le- spected priest stationed at Owen Sound for many years, lost his eyesight com- pUiely while visiting in Toronto. IU». P. K. D»yfoot, M. A., of Toron- Drane, cf Owen Sound. The'annual ten days' camp meeting of the Holiness Workers' church will bo held at Clarksbarg,commencing Tuesday, Sept. 14cfa. The services of the Rar. Manley C. Pritcbard, of Atbelscaa, Quebec, and the Rev. J. Melvin Smith, President of the Canadian National Holi- ness Association hare been secured. A naaib«r of the ministers of the naighbor- ing church will also assist. Bell tele- phone tn connection with the camp ground. F. D. Goff, Chairman of Com- mittee. Prize lists for the Osprey fall fair, to be held at Feversham on Tuesday and Wednesday, October 5 and t>, are now in the bands of the secretary, J. A. Kama' ban, Maxwtll P. O. Extensive chanses have been made in the list this year, to, will preach in the Baptist church on . ,,,0^^ p:irticularly in Udies' work. This Sundaf next, Sept. 12, at 11 a. m. Sub- |j^ i,^q ^^^y materially added to and ject, *'Sanday Schools and their work." i ought to bring out a big exhibit. Twen- Mrs. Richardson of Buffalo and Misses j ty entries is the limit allowed for ladies' Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will lind it to thcir^ inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy ti=rms. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn &nd new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, Shingles for Saleâ€" A quantity of first class cedar shingles, on lot 24, Con. 21, Egremont, about 4 miles south west of Priceville. Thou. Harrison, Varuey P. 0., R. R. No. 1. MISCELUNEOUS Notice is hereby eiven that tne Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, formerly held by the late W. G. Pickell, baa been taken over by U. B. McLean, PricevUle. R. R. No. 2. Wanted â€" An industrious man who can earn $100 per month and expenses sell- ing our produce to tarniers. Must have some means for starting expenses and furnish contract signed by two respon- sible men. Address W. T. Rawleigh Co., Toronto givine age, occupation and references. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON i^^:^:^iM_ KARSTEDT BROS. Ii PRICEVILLE Henrietta and Wilda Moore of Silver | Creek, N. Y , are guests of Mrs. C ' Munahaw and other friends. Mr. J. J. Thompson and daughter, Mrs. Edgar Betts, attended the funeral their cousin, Mrs. Joseph Lee, of Owen Sound, the past week. Misses Lulu and Iva Mitchell of Flesh- erton and Miss Queenis Ksilting of Fev- ersham were visitors at Geo. Lawler's last week. Flesherton baseball team weve defeat- ed in Dundalk on Laber Day by the score of 41. The game was fast through- out, and some excellent plays were pull- ed off by Irath teams. Urangeville passed the hydro-electric bylaws on Saturday last. The supply will be secured from Eugenia, which mains that the line will be extended south from Shelburne. While the attendance lias been good at J the Toronto exhibition the usual number I has not gone from this district. This is ^wing to the late harvest, nearly every- I one having bee.n too busy garnering the | grain. Mr. Will Stewart of Fort W'illiam, who attended the funeral of his father .here last week, told The Advance that up j there, unlike eastern Ontario, they have i had a beautiful warm summer with very j little rain. ) The high school opened with a large attendance, number in attendance will not be known for a few days, but ik will be considerably in excess of last term. Extra seating has had to be installed. Mrs. John Chard of Maxkdale and Mrs. Fred A. Uhard of Toronto called on the former's mother bete the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs Chard are leaving this week to visit ac Toronto, and Hamilton. Last week was an ideal harvest week, just such weather as we would naturally expect for all of August, and it allowed farm crops to be harvested in good condi- tion after all. The crop has now been pretty well all saved and threshing has started. If you want an object lesson on Ihe benefits of local option, and the baneful results of the open bar, subscribe lor a Walkerlon paper. From 2 to B cases of a sensakiohal nature resulting from too long a lingering at the beer pump, ore recorded in the Walkertou papers every week. It makes gcod news from ai. editorial standpoint, but from a mora! view point it is not au honor that our | sister town should be ptoud of, and it is | safe to say the victims do not feel elated j at the publicity inapiretl by their actions. Local option h\s proven times sver that if it does not introduce total prohibition it throttles the traflic to such hu extent that the newspapers suffer a great dewth of news concerning drunks and disorder- lies. work at this fair. G«t a prize list from the secretary. Mr. McNeil, of the Department of Mines, who was here investigating the oil last week, confirms the newspaper stories of the fabulously rich gold mine recently discovered at Mathea on on the T. & N. R. He says the cLtim w>s originally owned by R. R. Gamey, mem- ber for Manitoulin, who sold it for t2,500. The second owner sold it fur $100,000 to some American Jews who undertook development and in develop- ing have taken out over two million dollars worth of gold. Mr. McNeil has in his charge at the Department of Mines exhibit at the exhibition a small piece of rock from the mine, which is down only lOO feet, that he values at $7C0C. The big lighting plant at Eugenia is now very near completion, the installa- tion of the water wheels, under the supervision of a Swiss mechanic, having been completed last week. The wheels are now ready to have the water turntd on, and the test will be made in a few days now, so soon as a few details of finishing are completed. Our street lighting system is now all ready for the current to be turned on, and it is hoped that this will be done on the night of tl e second day of our fall fair. A request has been made to the Commission lo j have this done. If the request is con- on Tuesday i ceded to Flesherton will be the firit The exact I place to get service from the big works at Eugeni:i. Mias Kate O'Donahue, whose real name is Mrs. Gardner, and who was arrested, as an accomplice of] Norman Ryan and William Turner, the burgUis who defied and fought the police in ^try- ing to escape and whose capture lat t Giimsby I June was ons of the most dramatic in- cidents which bare taken place in recent years, was pardoned last week by the Minister of Justice. Miss O'Donahue came to town with Ryan and boarded at the same house. When the two desper- adoes were caught shealso was apprehend- ed. The M<tgistrate sentenced her to one year in the Mercer. She has been waiting In the county jail for two months while her friends in Toronto made representations to the Minister of Justice with the result that she was fully pardon- ed and liberated. Many people were I communicated with, including Magistrate ^Creasor. Her husband, who is in Winnipeg refused to come down for her and her mother eime up from Toronto t» take her back.â€" Sun. Came Astray Came to the premises of the under- signed 0" August 27, 1915. l-t 15l>, Etst Back Line, oi>o aged, part Jersey cow. Owner is requested to prove property, Day expenses, and take the same away. -JOSEPH FEKWICK, Flesherton Out., R. R. No. 3. For Service For service on lot 12, con. 9, Osprey, one purebred Shorthorn Bull- Terms • 1.60. Also one pure bred Yorkshire Boar, Terms $1.00. All accounts must be paid to FRED TYLER, Manaaer, or G. H. BURKE, Proprietor. â€"1 Sep. Eighth Line, Osjpry Intended for Last Weak. H. Fenwick and James Burns hat e each purchased an automobile, which shows that the eighth liners are prosper- ous and progressive. Miss Stella Moison returned to Col- ling wood on Friday after spending two or three weeks with her grHud.nother, Mrs. J. C. Madden, and family. G. H.Burkof Toronto spent a few days on the farm last week, accompsnied by city friends, and returned Friday by auto as they came. Mr. and Mrs. Edghr Betts spent Sun- day at the latter's home near Flesherton. Mr. John and Hiss Leil:t Modat visited at the home of Angus Morrison Sunday. John Hales is home from Vancouver. Au^. 28 Sept. 13 Canadian National FXHIBITIOJV *^ TORONTO ^^ $130,000 "i^Kf^oi^S" $130,000 PATRIOTIC YE.4R' Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air MAMMOTH Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Farm under Cultivatioa Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits THRILLING Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET Belgiao Art Treasures Creator*'* Famous Band Bluest Cat and Dot Show WAR TitOPHIES Field Grain Competition Greattr Poultry ^Show Acres of Manufacture* One Tkqasand and One New Thinis to See REDUCED RAILWAY R.4TES FROM ALL POINTS Fall Silks and Dress Materials We beg to announce the arrival of our latest fall stock of fall silks and drcs3 materials in all tbe latest shades. A stunning value of silks for $1.00 and 81.25. Dre^s materials â€" a great value in blue serge $1.00 and $150 per yard. All the dark greens ami browns are very popular, We have them iu diflferent qualities and prices. Reaada green silk poplins at $1,00 per yardâ€" a rare value. We have a full line of dress goods. Call and we will gladly show you our range. Silk Crepe in white and pink for blouses, also striped silks. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Sweater Coats Sweater Coata for men ranging from 81.00 to 86.00 in all the good shades. Sweater Coats for boys and girls. Rubbers in for Fall Just arrived i full line of rubbers for fall wear . Men's heavy long and short and light ones. Also ladies' and children's light rubbeis. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ MILLINERY We are doing away with the formal opening â€" the bats will be on exhibit from now on. Misa McLean, deai^er and trimmer, will gladly show yon the latest styles in millinery from New York. Come and get your hat for the Fall Fairs. Come and see the hats before yon buy. t^ CASH PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. ^4<=g;^ ^ ' g^=^6 S gg!=^'^^gg^^^^^^^^ ' ^ ' ig^ ^ ^ Seasonable A Representative Wanted ^ â€" FORâ€" The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade , ^ among the farmers as well good omamen- [ , ,,^^^ ^ g tal business in the town. / t _ . _ r » Exclusive territory. Handsome free outfit. Highest commissions. N^rite for terms. Stonn & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (Established 1^37) TORONTO *- ONTARIO 1 ^%^%%mA%«^k^k%%«^%«^%%% I iHf minis. Deering Implements AND Gaso tne Furniture I'w'^'r."^.^"""''.^.^^ >y''' ('jOats ......'. At the Flesherton Furni- ture Warerooms Beds, Mattresses, Baby Carriages, Bedroom Sets, Parlor Pieces, Parlor Sets, etc. Here are three special articles for quick sale: I Hejkvy Oak Dining Room Set, lesthtrette ophobiterinii, *i pieces, only 116.50. 1 Oak Extension Taile, only »U.OO. 1 (Quartered Oak Bouffet, 12x40 mirror, a beautiful thing, only $27.00. lo 90 35 to 37 P«»f II 25tol 25 g^loy 56to80 Buckwheat .55 to 60 < i f '»" $6 50 to r 50 (',Hay (IjButtfr ( I Eggs, fresh Potatoes per bag. Geese Ducks Fowl Chickens , TurKsya .115 00 to 15 00 23 to 23 2U to20 50 to 50 11 to II 11 to 12 8 to 9 10 to 11 14 to 15 Engines||i \ All kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always on hand . Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutlei8,B»rber Buggits, Lou- den Litter Carriets, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements re<^uira no recommendation as they ate standard Boi»ds and reoo«inized as the best on the market. ER.RUTHERFORD Proton Station MASSEY HARRIS IMLEMENTS Our prices will stand the test with any drra. Coma and see what you buy before you buy, then buy what you see. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER 'PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. »^^ %%% V%^%^%'%% School CMWren's Eyes. This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendatiun they can receive. If you require anything in the line of Binders. Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sleighs, Waggons, Cream Separators. Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters. Gasoline eo gines, Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chanee to quote prices. i^ np HE ONLY MAN 1^ 1 WHO SHOULD ^ |g NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ THE MAN WHO HAS NOTHING TO OF- ^ FER IN THE WAY S ^ OF SERVICE- AND ^ |[ -SUCH A PERSON |[ ^ IS A DEAD ONE- ^ ^WHETHER HeS ^ KNOWS IT-OR « 5 NOT. - S ^ Elbert Hubbard ^ ^ intheFr. *J Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong:. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton hueduioj ueo i iu.)UBiiiJ.),| isj^ mi^m w â- ' S13SSV .\)jwVii8|l »|qe<BJ sHodnoo ism))U| TiaVllO03N wjPOAJOlHJSiyOJJS liiiiiiHiiijer?..^: W. J. Bellamy; lau.4 Flesherton ^g«nt Homeseekers' Excursions To Western Canada Particular attention is directed to the ( reniark-ibly low Round Trip Fares in 1 connection with blonie«eekers' E.xcur- sions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets are on sale each Tuesday until October 26th, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of( sale. The C. P. R. offers the finest possible equipment and fastest train .service via [one of the most scenic routes in the I woii.i. I It i.s the only line opuniting through Lstandiird Hi-.d tiiurist sleeping curs, .ilso dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver. 1 All eq'iipment is owned and operated by itheC. P. R., affording the highest form iif etficiency . If such a trip is under consideration apply to any C. P. U. .\^eiu f«u' ful oarticulirs or write M. G. Murphy DP. A , Toronto. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance S 1 00 Youths Companion , . 2 00 Toronto World, daily ,3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe 9t) Mail-Empire ....... 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advooata 1 50 Weekly Witness 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm ImpUoients Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline EnsMues, Melotto C-ream Separators, Baker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus. Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and sUible fittings. Cockshutt ,ind Frost A Wot'd Ropiiirs iilways «n hand. Fftversbam, - Ontarto ^â- ^ »».M«w»»iiiii i ii ir iiiii»»i|<)ljMMIi|HiM '' i ^ ' WWP