^ •|i> | l»f |!l|) f1 « l'llW|(l > ' » H ! Wil >I H » l ! i;ii. << »i «i»i » i«. I .». .. "r '^ October 7 1015 niE F L E S H E II r N ADVANCE THK« #lcol)crton ^Dimncc Portlaw Ab tWhiMltden* new<|i«p«r, |>ubliih««l every , Mrs. George Hillock, whuae illnes8 ThBrtiUr •« th- office, CollingTviKHl Street. ' ^^ reijorted, died »t tho liouie of her Mdhertaa. Siilwcnptum price »1 per «nnuin i ' 1,,, „„ . , ^>â- heB paklln advance ilLW whfii not «o paid son, CJeorKC McSIisler, on Jhursda; ol Viiveriaatr rates on application. Circulation 1,100 weekly •Jir M, Tliurstou Kdltor Homeseekers Special Train fi ftves I'oi-onto 10.43 Tuetidity. (>. n). each lithl week, after a short illnrsH. Decoised w»» in old remdent of Osprey. Her first huHUiiiid «rig Abnthani MeMaster. The funeral took place Thursday to Maxwell Prrs*y(eri«n huryinj} Kiound, and wa» coi.ducted by Key. Scobie. The furaily • le Mrs. McDoiald and Wm. McMaster <f Bruce Mines, Kobeit and Abrain McManlrr of Kugenia, George McMaster, K Iward Hillock aiil Mr«. D. tiordon oi (l:<prey township. Wornâ€" On (»ct. ;{0, to Mr. and Mrs. Win H akey, a son. At> the reisuli oi' a f^ll lately, J. H. WntKKti i.i Kutfering w.th an injured shoulder, which will force hiiu to take rest for fomo lime. Mrs. Orr of ''"orontc ia vi.siiing with A very distro sio^ Kud serious accident her d»unhler, Mrs. W. A. Morion. brfel Mrs. DoU4lll^ Cauieroii, wife of the TlmiKai Ti») lor bus the contriict for Qtieeiemaker of the Holstnii creamery, bui dinjj ili-^ wall i^f the new cement shed <m Tuesday tfteriio ir. At the hill at at Mount /on chureli itiid ia hustling the Henry Uuffuian'i on the Holstein road w jrk Uhcn driving to Mt. Forest, she met A. i . .. .• i • * . , , I Anion!* olhar artichb in â- LobertMon s niutoi' truck in which were Fleshertoiv Methodist Church Rev. James Dud,{eoii, pa.Htor. Sunday. l<ti.ii'., Fellow.hip Ser.Mce- II a.m. and 7 \> at*, •Monday even njt Kpwirih LeiKue a\ \> 11.. r A S^ious Accident For the itccouirnodation of Hooioieck era' and general tourist trafiic to Woatern Canada, through train carryinx ttiurist sleepera and colonist cai.s will leave T)rotito 10 45 p. 111. e*ch Tuesday until further notice running through to Winni- pen- Attention is directed to the remarkably low Round Titp fares in connection with HoracKeekera' K-xcursions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Riiilway. Tickets are on hale each Tuesday until October 20 h, inclusive, 'ind iire good to ri'turn within two iiionth.s from d>»tp of taulc. Apply to any C. P. R. A^j^nt for full particulars or write M. G. Murphy, District Paat>eiit;er .\vent. Toronto. R H. W HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. h Me.s.sr!). John Tu.-idwell and John Arm- strong. They turned in at Hoflman's Kate and h'oppfd |o alluw the ludy to fiass, Mr; Ariii»tiuiig <ietling out to give «!»i4t>uce if ic'iuirrd. The horse, how- ' wer, Was not much frigh't^iud and trot- 1 ted pa>i, an that his a.ssistance waii not I rec|uired. When getting into the dray again Mr. Armstrong looked uround and | Haw'thal Mr«. Cnierun had fiillen out ot i the buggy. Whether she had faii.t d or fatd been thrown out is not known. Her I dress had caught on the srep of the bug^y i ' wl/d she was being drngijed along. Me.<»ih. Treadwell and Arm.s rong tlaiicd in pur- <4uit on foot not bringing the truck for fear of frightening the horse which went ', hIoD^ i-oiiietimes 'luietly trotting and { f,„ .Septeiiilier aometinics walking Not until they : reached the Owen Sound lluad, a dist- i •nee "tt nearly a mile, was Mr. Armstnmg | Able to run up and stop the horne. It' w(% found th'it Mrs. Cameron was in a | very serious condition. S!ie was taken I .. into Mr. John Roberts' house at the { orner and Mr. KJg<r (NrdiDer hurried to town for a due or, and afterwards the injured woman was taken to the Strath- \ cona Hospital. H.tr injuriui were found , to b.^ very painful and serious though no j Class B â€" L b<JOes were broken except in one h^tiid, ' Laughlan. which was so Imdiy smtuhed that one! Clas'< A II ringer bail to be amputated and poitions of two other). An arm was very badly bruised and lacerated nml iliere weie ytber iniuries so that she wis nI ill in a veiy critical con liiioii though soinewhi.t iiiipruved yei-terilay inorniiiK.â€" Condede.- -tie. I ba'e of good.H I sent s<.ime time ago by the Red Cross I Society of lliis p'ace, «iis a piir of socks j knit by Miss Lilian McK< nzie in which I she pUced her name at d nJdiess. Last j week she WHS dtliihtfully surprised by I leoeiving .i letter of iippriciHtion from an otti -ei- of Iho 4Ktli Hi.:hl tiiders from the Mil inn hue in France, accoinpaniel ''y * I lieautiful silk handkerchief. It is need- ; lets to sxy thn souvenir is duly appieci- I uted by Lilian, and she now feels like knil'ing all the time. Honor Rolls Rep.irl of -S. S. N ». IT, R ck Mils, Sr. 4 L .Xt.in^. n, I Smith. S White. Jr 4 -J Milne, L I'ark, Sr 3 â€" L Fisher, B Portcous. Jr 3â€" L t^miih, K Bett.s, C Partridge. Sr 2â€" H Porteou", M Petts. Jr2- VI White, J Porteous, D Fisher, R SmitH, C Bett'<. Class Câ€" C Bctts, U Tboini bjp, E White. Milne, J Porleous, A Hawkins, L Belts, J I^aughlan. â€" T. Chaki), Teache.-. Honor Rolls Report of Kiiubeiley Pablic School for O.'tolx r. Jr:;â€" R Myl.s, R Siuffou'.C Fawcett, R St.ffor.I. V Fawoett, F Kllis. C Car- rutheri, E L:iw:ciico Sr 2â€" M McCoiinell, J Lewf, L .M.er- cr bie. N Burritt, II WulUce, T Myle?, T Ferguson. P Roid. Jr2â€" W Wallace, D Stuart, T Mc- Coniiell, B Stafford, E R id, R >V ird.W Weber, M Siuart, M Harris, J E li-. Câ€" A Weber. B McC .Di.ell Bâ€" W F ooJ, X Abeicri nibie, E lleiJ. Aâ€" G Wallace, E McConnell,F Stunrt, K Hu'chiosop, It Anderaop, E ReiJ, M Fh od, &I Ander'on, U vVallace. FALL MILLINERY Our Opening Display was very much admired and we are well prepared to take good care of your orders. Novelties are coining in every few days and we shall be pleased to have you see them at any time. Fall Dress Goods and Silks In .spite of the existing war conditions which particularly iittect the Dress Goods trade, we have secured an elegant range for the new .st!a.son at very reasonable prices. All tlitMiew colors are in stock. Come in and look them over. Look through our range of New Fall (,'oats. It will be a plea.siire to show you . Pickling Season Pickling Onions, Pickling Spices, Curry Powder, T Ginger, \'inegar, and Jem Jar.s. season. Everything ti nieric h this Cement Work Wanted The underKigiio-I is prepared to do silo building and Concrete woik. Ha'e had thirteen years experience find feel that I can g'vu entire fii'i«factic>i'. Have steel foims for silo and ail o I'tit neces-aty for all kinds of cement w.irk. Can also attend to carpenter w^rk. THOS. BENTHAM, 1 July Fleiherton. >\ HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AN^'^EGGS M Dr. J. Ralph Smithjf OSTEOPATH Oflioe and Residence- 4(>8 'Jth St. East; Owen Scmnd, Out, Hoursâ€" to 12 i.m , 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other houis by appointment. Dr. R. F. Enuli-h a ill be in FUsherton on Tuesi'uy mid Ftidity tiflernooLs of each neek. The Old Adage The Ideal Vacation Route | j /^ BuSJneSS Schoo! Ii! Impr.soned in .i diiit-iiig lo mi ti a re- mote rorner of tliL- bisement of 'i Toron- to theaite. three members i f i1i« coin p«n)r jilaying ut the housr, lUisy May lair, fimx M.i-k md Kii'h Loekwooi', jurrowly esciprd drotvning one day hot week when ateriitic thunJerHtoini was • t its height. The women were chai a- iiig their attire in the uiessing room V hen the storm l> oke. The sewers •>-â- luld iKil c.-;rry a*iiy the riintiill, which «ljoded the tlienlre ba'eiiiert, and was -lowly lisinu around the aomen. The' tvright of the walor on the hreproof >'<»or of '.he dre'sing-rooin was Mohra'y' ihat their combined i H'orts onlyopei.edl >t « few inches. Their soreams for nasi. • 1 mco brought a m.ile member of the' â- Mmptny, who carried \\\» wonun singly! ••.oni the room when the water w.-is four' f el iu dcp'h. I Report of Ci yon Pullic School for September. Sr 4-M McMullcn. A White, E Mc Mullen, W Stewart, H White, .1 C Mc- LachUn, P Hemphi'l, Jr 4- C Cushnic. N Ridley, F Stew- art, V Keniu'dy, K McDonald, M Mo- I^acblan, I Radley. Sr3 B Rul ledge, It Mc^'ullon. Jr;i I McLachliin, N Stuart, A Mc- Mullen, A Kennelt, F I'rnneti, H Mc- Leod, J W C'oriignn. Sr 2- FTownley, K Stuail,.\ Hadley, J White, I Stewart, (• Cuslniie, I Mc- Donald. Jr L* Vi McLichlan, .1 Oibion, M S ijwurt, M Pivnick. 1 -() Radley, R Ilemphill Sr pr â€" E McLhcIiIhii, V llini's, M McDonald, D White, C Stewart. Class A--M Radley. â€" H. Oitirn.N, Teacher. The Caiiadiui Pacific conveniently reaches Point Au Bsnl. French and Pickerel Rivers, Severn River, Muskoka Lak--s, Kiiwitrtl.a L:kke^, Riduitu Lakis. Like Ontario liosor'i*, etc. If yuu contemplate a trip of any nn'ure consult (stiadian Pwcitic Ticket Agent or wri'e M. O. Murphy. District Pas.senger Agenr, Toionto. :'« Dorenwend's Display Of Artistic Hair-Goods Should ht^ seen by every man and woiiinn who would keep attractive and youthful. LADIES who have not stilllcient haii- to do justice to tluir appearance and (iENTI.KMKN who are bald, tome to THE PARK HOTEL, FLESHERTON, ON TUESDAY, OCTOCER 19th., when you can have a Free Demonstration of the style that will answer your demands. LADIES:â€" Switches, Braid-, Translb-nmtions.Pomi aloiirs Waves and many other haii-.oods cnationsof the Hneat <|aality hair. GENTLEMEN Hygenic toiip(;<!s and wlg.s whicli are iiuletectablo, featherweight and are worn by over a (piarter million men. Sec what a benefit it i.s t > your health, comfort and afipearance . DORENWEND'S Head Office and Showrooms 105 YONGE ST. TORONTO Notice to Creditors In the tnntter of the Estate of I",Ii/a W)i>dl)urn,lato of the Villaj^e of Eugeiii'«, in the County of (• ey, Widow, deceased Notice is hereby g ven, pursuii it to "The Tiusteo Act", and Hinendments thereto, t':at all cred tor.s and others havinj{ cluim.s iijjHinst iheestite (f 'he said Elizt Woodburn, who died mi or about the thirt (Mith day of.ItUy. \ D. l',liri,«rere(|uired on or before the Iw, ii'y- sixth 'liy of .Se|itcmber, A. D. P.M.'). to send by post pivpiid or deliver to Po'er Munshaw, Ku^eiiiii Post Ottice, Oiitmio : OI lodeorge Mitchell, Fle»herton, tint- arid, E.iocutors of the but will mid t s'- amunt of Iho said Elizi WoodSii. ii, deceased, their Christian and surnsiii's, •iddr.sses and descriptions, the full |i:'r- ticuUis of (.lieir clHitii'. the slatuKieiit < f tlioir •icco'inis imd the nature if the secuituH, if liny, lie'a t.y tlieiii. And further 'alio notice that sfter soch lii^t mentioned date 'he said Exocii or." niU proceed lo distribute the »lâ- ^et« of the deceased nm 01114 'he piiriieseiitit'ed tlierrlo, havinit ret{"r<l only to the cUmis of wliirli tliov Hl;all then hive not ice, -ml tlml ihn Slid Kxecntois \mII not be lia'ile for the faid assets or .'iny |nil iliereof to any person or jiersons of whose elmni iiolico shsli iiol Imve been lecoived by lliein at the time of such distributi'ii Diiied the tmciity-third diy of .-Vugiii', l!l|.-). Wriaht Telford A McDonnM. Owen .S.iund, Out., Solicitors for Executori H. ALEXANDER MERCHANT JAILOR Feversham - Ont. Fashioaable lilloring Seasonable Goods, first class Workmanship. â€" ALSOâ€" A tine of ReadyMade Which we put alceratioiiH obatkte, if reiiuired. Clothing I fn e <.f Isep The Business Man On His Western Trip t^antiot alVord to leave out the cities (hat hiiiirfli' the crop, Foit William snd Port Arthur. Take the Canadiiii Pacific route to Winni|iii|(, the w»y the biisincHS tiBvols. Diii'y Hi?rvice, ob-eivition and diiiino c-irf, elrctiio I'ghted ii|uipnieiit. Di utile tracks more thiiii half the dis- tiiice. Comfort, sciiery an I one man aKumeiit all the way. Dieietio blended meals, tlio scientific coniliiiniion of food for traiellen. P;irticul.its from Canad- ian PitciHc ticket agon.'.s That auocessful fchmd whi>«e graduitet occupy prominei.t po- siliuns from the Ailant.c lo the P.tcilic, re-opens for the FALL TERM S pteniber iM, 1914 Send for free catalog at once to COLUNGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawl(ins> - Principal 1 1 Collmiiwood, Ontario. c The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating. The same is etiually true of the 190l> Gravity Washer. Try t>ne antl be convinced that there is none better. Property For Sale j Part lot 151," con. 2. N.E. T. * S. R.j containinu! 2t<i nc es, about 1 mile fiom* Flrsherton. There is a j{ood finnio house I and stable 'and I he property is well; fenced and watered. App'y to .loseph, A. LeUiird, Flesherton or <>n the proper-: I IAN „ CIFIC- S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Full line ot AlcCormick Farm Implements, Binders Moweis, IJakes, Loat'eis, Drills, Cultivatois, Plows' llidinj;; and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay ('arriers. Hay borks, !^lings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wiieand Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ont. fS I Agent, ^^ Thanksgiving Day EXCURSION FARES l^Jl#^5^M*M*^#l^#^^-S^#^^l*l*M#^^M Iter ween all sia'i iia :ii I'anHt!^. F r Willimii a-.il F. I't.iiiid to .Snult Ste Mire, Deimii, Moll.. Kutt'il > mid Niicaia F.dlH. N. Y. SlNtSLE FAKE. « od j[..in« M.nday, Octolier Ulh, le'uiii limit Monda), Octolier 11th, IDI.'i. Mii.imum chaijje iJj cents. FARE AND ONE THIRD, good aoing Oct y. 10 !ii d U, rttuni limit Tue-day. Oct. Vi, lill.'i. MiniMiuiii charge 25;:. Particulars from any t'lnadiaii Pacifc Tckei .â- Vgen', or write M. (1. Murphy, D. P. A., South eart cor. Kiii|»aiKl Von^e Sis., Toronto. S. Rands, Agent, Flesherton 1 i\ l\ IS i Bull ! For Service For service.â€" Baron Hollyâ€" No. (1422. Aberdeen Aut;u», on lot 34, llth' conoesa- ion, Artcmesia. Terni!i. $1.0U if paid before 1st J:iii. l'.)l.'».â€" W. J. M^iiiee. May 15 Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have iu.st placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickel ware and Agateware for domestic use. ('all on me and get your supplies. Eavetronghing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Kepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, incliulin Furnaces installed. Furnaces. pump work. for Clare Agent Bros. Stock For Sale Mare *i\A iiuikinK colt f ir salt- â€" inare ig )• yearx oldâ€" nUo a oolt riiin)( 2, all good stock, ind I ne yourg co* tiv •• yr» old, and calf. â€" TH08. KEN NMCK, Eugenia. Farm for Sale 200 acre.s of good clay loam. Tiota 11-12 l.t and 14, Con. It, Osprey Ont. laaitUHled in j;o.id locality 1| miles from school, 2 milea from church, 2\ from alore ; Frame barn tiO.xtiO feet on stone foundation, large frame house, 9 rooms and wood shed and stone cellar; 75 Kcres uiider cultivation ; HO aoroi! hiirdwood hush, r> .tare* of awanip, Irtlaiice slaah and iMiHture land aud part of thia ready to break up ; never failing spriilg creek dose to !u>u»u and Iwrn. VVi'l sell very cheap for nuick »»le. -J. A. (1IIU.MMETT, Maxwell P.O fi I m D. McKILLOP I FLESHERTON CHRISTOE BLOCK ONTARIO. w •sstssssssp^^ WOOD CUTTING liui/. .Saw Wood Tutting witli iieatnewi and dc^jiatch, Tit) to (iO cowIh per day. .\!^<> a good strnwciittiiiK outfit. Satinfactinn i^ii.truiiteiil. Leave yciir (irder» witli the undemignrd, Ualti -tJKOURACKENBX'RV, F( versliam BULL FOR SERVICE FlesHepton ^1^ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY-Bisket clo.ses Monday ni^ht, delivery Friday eveniig The uiider«>t;ne<l h»s • Pure Bred i Shorlhom Bull for seivice on Lot 146. „^ ,. . »,.»,^ Con. 2, S. W. T. A S. U., Artemesia CLEANING »ud DYEING- \\V ara Termafl.CO All cows mved roust te ' "SO"'* ^or Parker's Dye Work*.â€" Clothea pjiid for by 1.11 March, 1S»1«. ole-ined and dyed, feathers rejuvenated Um -H. Piper. T FISHER, -• PROPRIETOR n I • \ * ^ « r* %