Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1915, p. 5

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October 7, 1915 THE r L E S H E K T ON ADVANCE Yteara Established mnar Torty-i THE STANEARD BANK CT CANADA Assrrs OVER »4s,ooo^ooo The A, B, C of BanUnf 'oner Saved is Money Jl([ever Defer Saving, but irt Open • Savings Account to- day. We solicit your account in our .SAVINGS DEPARTMENT FLESHERTON BRANCH CEO. MITCHELL, B B H Mrnager. Bnutcbcs ala» at Dorhun and Hatrntoa. Odds and Ends-^ KARSTEDT BROS. Trains follows : Going South 7.. 13 a. in. 4.27 p.m. The Diail.s arc C. p. R. Tine Table. leave Flesbercon Station as Going North 11. % a.m. 9.18p. m. osed at Flesherton &j T ollowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and thu afternoon mail sonth m 3.40 o'cloclc. Fui' morning train south "Nb^ clc^ Tit'? p. m. the previous ev'g. a. t VlCMilTY CHIPS l»y. 0:t.^^l, is Tlitnkssjtvinij ; I livi with ! Moud Diy Mr:-. Pedlar left ^ond»y to her dauah'er for the wjoter. Mr Will Sonicrs cf th'' Standard Bank at Calgikry. is visiting old scenes here. Mrs. H. V. Gaudin. of Heathcute, visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. *;. C. Wstt.s are visiting â- the Utteix brother, Mr. Price Teeter. Mrs. John W'hitten, Toronto, .iuest of fricudii here. Botnâ€" On September 30, at KhediTe, t>i«ik., to Mi. and 3/r». J. E. Paul, a -daughter. Mr. ai.d Mrs. Will Teeter, of Sh»l- hurne, sp^nt the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Prica Teeter. Mts A. H. Scott and little son f f Tor- onto are vi iting lb« former's ,<ister Mrs. \V. Buskin. Mrs. <:;. .)«ck«<.n, of Winnipeg, spei.t the sununer with her nioth-er, Mrs J. Badgerow, Saugeen Junction. Mr. Harmon Radley. wife and two daughters, of Toronto, motored up for the Flesherton fair. The Power Coiuiiilssioa failed to pro- duce the light as pnnniseJ ou the 2i)th, and may not Jo so fur a month yet. Bornâ€" In Artemesia, ou Wednesday, Sept. 2y, to Mr. and Mrs.Cl.iude Akinf, a diiUghtcr. Mrj. Cecil Meldrum returned to Tor- t>wing to Foversham Fair the Woroens Institute will meet Thursday, October 7ih, at 2.30 p. ni. Every member is rerjuested to be prpsent as this ia the closing of the contest. Mrs. W^. A. H'vwken, Sec.-Treas. The Harveat Home Services of the j Eauenia Meihodidt Church will be held on Sunday, October Ujth. Ilev. W. W. W'allace, B. D», of Markdale, will preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p m. Special singing and thank otferinp! at buth eervicea. A Fowl Supper « ill Iw held on Monday evening, October IMi. Admission ;>0 ai d llic. Mr. J. R. Fawcett 'exhibited nil inter- eu'ing selection of home grown seeJs at the fair, »hich attr:kcled cunsiderab'e .ittemion. The^â- e included cabbage, cau'irtower, beet, carrot, radish seed, etc. The diectoiate are grateful to Mr. Fawcett fur the intarest 1 a took in the ARTICLES FOR SALE VH^g pigs fur saleâ€" On lot 35, Con. 10, Arteniesia. â€" O. Turner. Young Dii2S for sale, four weeks old. W. P»ioo, Priceville, P. O. » â€" Shingles for Salaâ€" Car pure whitn New Brunswick ShinKtes just received â€" W. A. Armttrofig, Flesherton. Seed Wheatâ€" Free from weeds, rust and smut. Good sample of undamaged eeed. J. E. McKee, phone 2t-6, Mark- dale. » For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on e!i*y teim», if soW. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleshertoo, Ont. Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiang such will find it to thcir_ inter- est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tt^rms. Lot 13. cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling, .-^pply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton, Shinglea for Saleâ€" A quantity of first class c^ar shingles, on lot 24, Con. 21, Egremoii', ab"Ut 4 miles south west of Priceville. Tho.s. Harrison, Vaniey P. <)., R. R. No. 1. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON PRICEVILLE Ladies' New Fall Coats LADIESâ€" We have our new Fall Coal3 ia the very latest styles aud colors, and the price? are right. Call and see onr coats before you buy. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^44444^.«.4.^>4^^^^^4^^^^4^4.f ^^^ Men's New Fall Overcoats We just opened up this week a new line of Men's and Boys' Ovarcoats in cLiuchilla aiul tweed, witli shawl colars, (rices from ilO to $20. borne rare bargains Comb and see them. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Hardware Blankets Stoves NISCELUNEOUS Domestic help wanted imniediattly. Apply to Miss M. Richardson, Flesher- ton Onrario. Have you bought your Hor'e Blankets yet? If not call at Karstedt's aiid see his stock. Heaters Weha\ea full range of Heaters in. Just the thing you want for the winter. What are you looking for ia a Cookin:? Stove? We have different kinds. Call and give us a trial. We have everything you want in Hardware. Also a nice rau^e of Dishes. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Produce VVe are paying this week for produce â€" Eggs 26c. per dozen, your produce to Karstedt's and get the highest for your produce. Butter 21c. per pound. Bring When in town give us a call. On Tu-sday, Oct. 19tb, The Dorei- wend Co. (L mited) of Toronto. Canada's foremost hair goods dssiimais and manu- tl e ' facturers, will display and deiiion4trata % . samp!e stock of ladies' <iuality hair goods and gentlenien's toupees and and wi,;a at I the Par'i hotel. Flesherton. .\ free I demonstration la olfrred to auyoni inter* : ested. Remember the date, Tuesday, Ocober lOth. Flesherton has n<w 13 kt twelve of her be^t young men to the figLtin.; line, I wh'ch we claim is a much bettoi j er- j centag*! than most pUces of .-» similar size can boast. The roll of honor is as follows ; Bert Jaoiieaon (now on bis way home an invalid from giis poiaon'n)!), Thos. Davis. Fred Lever, Emerson | Bellamy, Fred Bellamy, Joe LeGard, | Charley Adams, W. Wilcock, Elwyn j Jamieson, T. Chard, Austin McMulten { and .\rno'd Thurston. May they all returu safely home with Victoria Crossed and commissions. The 21gt Annual Convention of the East Grey Sunday School Association met in the Methodist Church, Htathcote, on Sept. 27 and 28. On Monday even- onto laat week after upending some lime ipg , devotional session was held. Ad- with her psiients, Mr. and Mis. W. Pod- ! jf^jj^gg „gj.e delivered by Rev. Mr. lar here. : Spencer of Meaford, aud Rev. Mr. Laid- Tlie Advance h-xl a pleasant call o" ; law of Heathcote. Ou Tuesday morn- Thurbday from our cheery coufrtre if iug after the reading of leports and min- The Dundalk Herald, Mr. J. R. Me- " utes a profitable discussion arose on j„tyfe. ' problems of teaching. In i he afternoon Mr D. R. Wightman and Mr. A. Mi- , Mr- W. L.Clark of the J/oral and <}U^ham l.ave returned to Toronto, after j Social Reforn^ League, gave a forceful ho'idaying with Mr. and Mrs. J, Bad- g^row, Saugeen Junction Mr. and Mrs. NVm. Sharp ^pent :i L*v days the past week with their dauahter ; .i , j ' '. . .. , , J .. J J on child conversion was promptly closed Mrs. Sine air, iii Meaford, and attended , , ^, , . m. - • i i ».n:». vj , I by the chairman. The session closed on the fair there. 1,1 -.i u i Tuesday evening with addresses on Mr. Lou Teeter, of Terra Cotta. .snd ..p^.^.o^tion of Bible Study' and "The Mr. D. Ramsay, of Erin, spent the pist | ^.^^.^^^ ^j ^^^ (.(^jy.. j^^ p^ j,^^^, „f . Clarksburg, and Rev. Dr. Cook of Mca- ! ford. Private funds to loan on real ectate security at re'usonable rate of ii-'ereat. .Api)ly 10 R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 Notice is hereby iriven that tne Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Ciimpmy. formerly held by the late W. G. P.ckell, h.as been taken over hy H. B. McLB.«n, Priceville. R. R. No 2. Wantedâ€" .\n industrious man who can earn 1100 pit month and expenses fell- ing our produce to tarir.ers. Must have some m«aa!4 for staiting expenses and furniah c mttaet signed by two respon- sible men. .Address W. T. R«wleigh Co.. Toront J uivinu ag", occupation and references. The Dundalk Produce Co. of Dun- dalk and 9 Central Market, Hamilton, is payina this week for butter in tubs 25c. and your own box back. If it is too far for you to come, take turns with your neighbors. We don't sell to any wliolesah' honse. "Come to Dun dalk Fair, it will be worth your while, r.eraember the date, Friday October 8". ONIONS 2Kr|j ; w ;4. » â-  â-  ' â-  'â-  -â-  â- â€¢ â-  < vViy^T^ ' W!5C>V^flSS " ^^^^ ^ wiiw ' v w^» m ^ m m m•^m A Representative Wanted â€"FORâ€" i The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries To sell in Flesherton and district. , A chance of a lifetime to do a big trade ; among the farmers as weii good ornamen- tal buainess in the town. Exclusive territory. Hindsome free outfit. Highest ciiaimiasions. fur terms. Seasonable F urniture W.iie Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries ! (Established l'J37) TORONTO - ONTARIO At the flesherton Furni- ture Warerooui:* Such US Spring Beds, Mattressts, Baby Carriagea, Bedroom Sets, Pallor Pieces, Parlor Sets, etc Here are three special articles for (|U'ck aale: 1 Heavy t)ik Dining Room St-t, leatherette uplo'''terin<;, '» pieces, only f Irt. DO. Oak Extension Taole. eu.tx). only Deering Implements 1 yuarteiod Oak BouH'et, 12x40 mirror, a beautiful chin:;, only *27.<.'0. m Mum. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat 'Ml to tK) ^«f s 35 to :c Pea« fl 20tol 25.- B*r'ey 33to6<) Buckwheat ij.! to 00 Flour $6 50 to $7 50 H«y 915 00 t<i 15 00 Butter 24 to 2* E-is?-, frcsii a.-> to 2o Potatoes per bag tO to 50 Geese 11 to Ik trucks lllo li E"»l 8 to • Chickens 10 to 11 Timteys 14 to 15 Ouions uf exoelleni P ce, 2.:. per pound more. Teloph me F fsh-'iloii Octal i.i. quality for rale, fur 7"» pounds or J»n. Bu:hanan, ' address on "The Youth tf Our Land." Mr. Miller of Thornbuty handled ex- haustively the subject "Sunday School ' Missions." A discussion which arose Price , week with the f<>riner's brother, T^-eter East, Pack Line. The Prioeville fall fair wa» rot up to former years either in po nt < f ater.d- •I CO or exhibits. The day wa.s unfavo- able. Miss H»nn» W»l'ace waa sommnned to Toront > >n Fiidiy last to hi with her | children's Aid •sister, Mr.-<. McCleonan, whose husband : regiment of A jroup of enthusiastic young girls, cap'niped by Mrs. Thurston, Hagged Che peop'eon fair day.thereby stopping them in their mad career long enough to hand over a few pennies on behalf of the for this county. The canvassers succeeded in Wis drowned in Lake Erie oa Thursday Will the p<rty who sent the Advance a [ P'latal note from Maxwell on .\ugust 14, { l4st kinlly cctninun cate with us, as the I note was not filled out aud cannot be ' earthed. ) Mrs. jamieaort has received a telegram I ftom Quebec .stating that her son, Bert, ' •ecur^ng over forty dollars for this benevolent cause. Little Evada Wilson, a small bit of a girl but a live wire, c >llected $0.85 herself, and Ina Laidlaw and Lilian Dud);eon secured $15 between them. This sum was a delight to the canvassers and an honor to tlw people who gave their inito. The corpj were. Colquette - Dougherty One of Guelph's i>ri:tly auiumii wedd- i us took pUce yesterday.^ when Al:c' E hel, daughter of the late .\lexnnder .ind of Mis. Dougherty, was uiairied to Riih.rd Dsni-l Colquette, B. S. A. of Peterboro'. son of Mr. and Mrs, R J. Colquette of Feverahaui, by the Rev. Wilfrid Gaetz of the Norfolk Street Methodist Church. It w.is a house wedding, and there were no attendants, hcrbroth-r, Mr. Wi'li-m G. D-'ugheity, giving away the girlish luiJe, who wore ivory silk crepe de chine, jearl-trimme.!, and a bridal veil cauaht with orange blossoms. Mr. John Uockin, the bride's cousin, played t!ie wedding much, and Piof. Charles Kelly sana. There was a recepiou after the certmioy, when about seventy five guests pvid hoin.ige to the new-made motion. Later Mr. and Mrs. Co'que te left for Peterboto', the bride wearing a tailortd suit if brown cloth, and a brown h»l trimmed with os triih tiiis.â€" G'obj of Thuisd^y. however, surprised to find ^^o^ne prtniin- had landed there Sunday evening and 1^^ ^j^i^^^, ^j,^ ^^.f^,^,^ j„ j^„^t^ ^^^^ had (o lepott at Porcupine where he en- ^^^ p^„^, ^.^ ^y^-^^ ^^^^^ ^hey did not liated, before ooming home. | pj,,^ poverty or ex»enuati«g circumstan- Th» recruiting committee .sucoseded In j ces but gave a decided nt> or refused to securing six names here as a result of the say anything. May their children never fair day campaign. Only three were come to want. The executive of the accepted by the exara'ng physician, how- j Children's Aid Society wish us to thank ever, unniely Fred Bellamy, Charley Adams atid Thomas Chard. Ia addition three have been secured from Kuf;eDiia, all of whom passe I the examining physic- iat â€" Johnston snd â€" Holmes. all who assisted iu uj.ikvng Flag Day to Flesherton such a grand success ; thrt coll-ctors who gave up their own pleasure to help the unfoituiiate chdiiten ; aud Butter Wanted Howard, Em. Morgan | all whocontribu'ej money. The Methodist church wtis crowde<l ko rapacity at morning and evening cervices •Sui day, when Rev. I. R. Dean of Tor- onto preached. Both c^ngreaations mit» favored also with several quartette by Messrs. Norris and s'»n, Galbiai'h and R. Henderson of Toronto. The sinking of the*e gentlemen was very highly apprecia'«d. Mr. Dean i< >n- ductir,' .services in \U» church every •itiglit this week- Ore'it Britain, with an eye to economy. Would have the nation rise at dawn and go to bed with the birds, thus saving millions now apent for li$;ht and fuel in the hours between evening and midnight It would simply revive an ancient cus- tom. Ill Ch.trles II's time plays were performed by daylight ; and Samuel Pepys records, as a matter of course, that at five o'clock in the morning he made a purchase ac a bookshop. 200 boxes Choice Dainy Butter want- ed. Highest market price paid in cash. M. Scully Co. Flesherton, Ont. AND Gasoine Engines, All kinds of Deering Implements, Parts always hand Ast'Ut f'Jf Barrle ani Mt. Forest Cutlets, Barber Buggits, LoU den Litter C»rrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and sidina. These Implements require no recommendation as they are standard B0f)d8 and recognized as the best on the market. ed.rutherford! Proton Station MASSEY HARRIS IMLEMENTS Our prices will stand the test with any firm. Coma and see what you buy before you buy,, then buy what you see. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER 'PHONE 23 R3 Flesherton - Ontario. -T School Children's Eyes. I HE ONLY MAN ^ ^ M. WHO SHOULD || ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS S ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ PER IN THE WAY S OF SERVICE- AND § SUCH A PERSON || IS A DEAD ONE- ^ WHETHER HeS KNOWS IT-OK g NOT. H Elb«rt Hubbard ^ in the Fra 90 ^^xx^x^^xx x^ This famous make of implements is well known all over the country and their own good work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you j require anything in the line of Binders, , Mowers, Seed Drills, Cultivators, Pulp- j ers, Plows, Sleighs. Waggons, Cream j Separators. Harrows, Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline e<J gines. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a ^ chanee to quote prices. j Many lives have been ruined I through neglected eyestraiii â-  in childhood. The eyes of 1 every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch ' of optics, and guarantee : satisfaction. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. I Homeseekers' Excursions I To Western Canada Came Astray Came to the premises of the under- signed on August 27, IHLV It I5t», Eist Back Line, ooe aged, pmt Jeisey cow. Owner is requested to prove property, UBV expenses, and tak-? the same away. - .lOSEPH FENWICK, Flesherton Ont., R. R. No. 3. Notice Dr. R. F. EnglislJ, t.»«leopathic Physician, of (,»wen Sound, will be in Flesherton on Tuesday and Friday after- noons of each week. Commencing Fri- day, June 4th. For appointment phone 9 ring 'A. Particular attention is directed to the- leniarkibly low Round Tnu Faros in connection with bomeseekera' Excur- sions to Western Canada via Canadian Pacific Railway. Tickets are on sule each Tuesday until October 2Cth, inclusive, and are good to return within two months from date of sale. [ The C. P. R. ' ffors the finest possible ) equipment and fastest train service via one of the most scenic routes in the I worH. It is the only line operating through i standard and tourist sleeping cars, also ' dining cars to Winnipeg and Vancouver, i All equipment is owned and operated by ! the C. P. R., affording the highest form of efficiency . If mch a trip is under consideration qiply to a' y C. P. R. Agent tor ful .firriulars or write M. O. Murphy D P. A , " oronto. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We ave no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .Advance $ I 00 Youths Conipanioo 2 O) Toronto World, daily S 00 Toronto Daily News ,, 8 Ot) Weekly Globe .. 90 Mail-Empire , 75 Family Herald & Star 90 Toronto Star 2 00 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advoosts 1 5() Weekly Wit.ies*. 90 Saturday Night 3 00- Honie .Joui'nal 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Oun magazine 90 R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, pnt. Agent for the Cockstiutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implamenta Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and G.asoline En^nes, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Beatty Bros*, of Fergus. Biiru Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Feversham* - Ontario

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