ktober 7 1915 THE F L E S H E R T N A 1^ V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS m7lZ^..Zri7rj:>A\^r,^^^^-,Z-jfj!^ZS^^^^^^ WRIGBT. TELFORD & UoDONALD Banltter, Bolioitorx, &e. Ufilce*. Grey • Brae* BIcck, Uw«d Bound. SUodard Hank Block. Klntaerton. (8»tar(!aYi). W. H. Wright, W. P. Xellord Jr. J. 0. MoftoniH, L. li. .B. Societies AO U W Djeeti Ob tba Ult Mondk} ID acb moctta, In ttaeir loage room ClkvtOD't hall FlMhartoa, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. .1. Brllauiy : Rec., C. H. Munahaw: Vir., a. J, Bproule. ViiltiDg brsthiMi luTiUd East Grey Fall Fair PBINOB ABTRUR LODGE, Ko. VSa.A.V.A A M. m**t> in th« Uaaoniohall. Arm troBt'l Block, KleabertOD, every Friday oo. ur batore the tall moon. J. Wright W. U r. BLW. Hieklicg. Hecntarr. COOBTTLBBBBRTON, MS, I. 0. P. meetaln Clayton'a block ttielaet \^edDesdav evening each moDtb. Viaitinn Foreatera heartily coma'C. K.. G. llellamy ; ft. B.. U, CairLa ^ B. See., W. Kuekin. Fle>«epay dura to Vio. Sec. before the Drat ay ol the iaontb. CBOSEN FHIGNDB-FleahertOD Conncil Cboaeo Prienda meeta in Clayton 'aballflrat cd third We<Ire*dav of each month fi p. m ray aaaeaHtnenta to trie Ite^order on or before it" »iri>t ifayol each month. Chief Councillor . Blakeley; Recorder W, H. Boot. Medical DK CARTKR M C P * B Ont.Phyalclan, Bnriiecn etc UtSce and reaidenceâ€" Peter at., PiMberton DR. W. T. LITTLK. - Graduate of Toronto University Uedieal Collfse. Ileaidence ami Uflke at Park Houie, Fit ihcrtoD. Phone £4rS. HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockfthutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon Ci\ Agent D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT â- n -' K - T- T T^T-- JP OTTEWBLL Veterinary BargeoD Jradoate of Ontario Veterinary Collece reiudeuce â€" a?cond door aoutta weetloo kary atreet. Thia atreet rani outh Freetyterian Chnreh. Dexti.stry f\r. e. C MURRAY L. O. R, dental aunjCoQ a honoreraduatt- of Toronto L'oiveralty and Iik.yal lollege ol Uf utal Surgeona of Ontario, Om adiuieiuutered for teeth extraction Co* at reaidence, Toronto Street. PIeal:erton . Legal LUCAB. KASEY & hKNKY-Barrlatera. DOlic;tor»,eic.-I. U. I.neaa, K. C; W. E, Raney, K. I". : W. I). Henry, B. A. Ufficea, forontn, KI6-9 Tiadora Hank Bide, phone tL-ain 1412: Markdale l.ncaa block. Phone 2 A. branch office at Ouodalk opeo every Saturday. BUSINE.S.S Cards 1« CULLOUGH & YOUSB *' Hankera Markdale oeral banking bueineae. Money loaned rraaouahle ratca Call ou us. DUcPHAIL, LiicenaeJ Aaotioneer foiltb* • County of Grey. Terma moderate and lit action guaranteed. The arrangementa u ) Ittea ol aalea can be made a*, Thb ADT1^CK sfBce heeidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone ennectiou. Dec 6.07. WM. KAITTINC, Licenaed Auctioneer fci the couutiea of (trey and 8iu)Coe. Farm auil Stuck aalea a Hpecialty. Terms ajoderate. aatiHfaction [guaranteed. Arrange- tneotF for datea may be made at the Advance ^S!>cf., r.r Central te'erlioue ofiice I'evoreham or byaddrentin^ cce at Feveraham, Ont. Bull for Service Pui'u bred Mhorthorii l>ull, Alierdeen Fyvi«!~H,000â€" for netvioe on lot 2», 8.S. U.. Ailenie»ia. TfriDii â€" tl.oO for j^riidja. Pure bred cows f:}.oo. Pure breJ Tamiwurth hou' for 'service oil the ;il>ove lul. TmiiNâ€" f l-oO fjr'iill nnimnlH. Served T.ust be pud for. t^j.jj â€" W. .1. JIcttdH Ceylon and Pricevile New Fall Goods arriving. Hats and Caps, .Sweater Coat.s for men, women and children. Fall and Winter Underwer. Tweed.s and Serges for men's and boys' suits and trousers, also for ladie.s' wear. Specials this week in air summer wear reductions. at big Millinery Opening, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 17th and 18th, at Ceylon. HIGHEST PRICES ALWAYS PaID FOR PRODUCE Our Motto â€" "Small Pp.ofitt and Quick Returns JAMES CEYLON PATTISON & Co. AND PRICEVILLE Don't Blame the Innocent # Bull For Service Th-ioayhlii,.! Sliorihoin liiill, " Hill ],»t Oo'iTin r," No. li'iJiiS, for service- con lot 27, con 14 Arteir.tKii*. Term.'!-- ft ,')0 lor Bi»l'». *•.'! for lbnr.)ii!>lil)ri'(lfl. â€"ALEX. CAURCTUERS. TLin't always the Cook â€" 1 oor 'riiiii(>l SometiinbR it's I lip Hiovp. Considerate men want coii- sideiate stoves in tlielionic. 'i'lu'y know â€" Had Stoves make Bad Dinners. IJad Dinners iiittlvo Had Tcmpeis. Tiio ".MolVui" Stoves between Kitciicn and Dining lionni is a good Stove. Come and see our line of f;.">od cookers. They save lime, luel, energy and tem- per. I f=L I Hardware Merchant ESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 J ONT. ^ Columbia Grafotvolas Records, Needles, Catalogues Tbc Colnmbia is the perfect talking mocliiiie. Ooinparo all others, then licar this and wo are not afraid of the result. Wc can sell niachincR on easy terms to responsible people. All the best apiioiiited city homos have their parlor inachiiics and there is no reason why the farmer should not have the best music of the day in liiB home, including band music, vocal artiRts, and pci formers on all kinds of instrnmonts. Yon can have it on a Colnrabia Grafonola, as perfect as tlio origifial, and for much less than yon would pay for u Common Organ. They lango Irom 820 up. The Perfect Columbia Is » marvel of recording iiistrn- mentfl and the Columbia rccLrds, made in Canada, embrace thousands of aoleotions from whioh to oboosc. W. H. Thurston :^||gent Flcsherton ^^^3^!^9^i^Hg9^!^^MB€ Office Positions Guaranteed •VTlii- very lent pi co lo \t\r.i 9@ CoMiini'i. iai 'riHiiiitii' ix iliL' ^{^ 'JjJ OWKN sm'NU, ONT.. !^ OWKN SOl'NU, ONT.. ^ No other CHiindiHii School oftVis; ^iliehe iidviintHgCN: â- ^ Kt'outBim undir iietHonid ouiicr-^ cmtHim undir petHoniu «ii|i»'. vixioii of a Cliiirtered Accouiiiuiil ." Ouiiiplele I'raclieiil UepuitouMi' .XJ \\X> lucceHsful ycnis. ^^ Our own buiUliiiK, »nd every Ki'^'-Q unle Ml Ik poaition. ^ •inesM, Khortliitnd, Prv^rHtoryll^ " land Civil Service DcpartinenlH. Knter Aiiy day. ('aUIo^ui> free, on reijuetit. C. A. FLKMINO, F Tilt' Dominion (Jovernmcnt jju.iinutoes pii»itiiiin lo Noriliern (iiisiueHs Oolloje, Orton Siiunil, nrjiihmtea who pu^H the Civil Service KxnniiiuitionH in Mity Hud Nnvenilier StJurit'S J!,'>(tO to S12(M) .\uilii(iou.s young men mul wumen, hav- ing itltendeil IIii;li .School for » yrtr or nioie, ouijlit eiiBily to piiHs tlu>se exuniii - Rtioiii', afler tnkiiiK out t^oiiunorciivl mid SiunoRiftphio C'ourHO for aix or i-ij;hl ninntliH. Write for particukislo North- ern lluHineHN College, C, .-V. Fleniin}.', I'riiiuipal, or 0. D. Fleming. Secretary Fall term opening Sl^ept, Ini. D. FLKM1N(J c. A., ac I'rincipitl.ktf SnorelHiy.«|0 OWEN SOUND - ONTARIO ^ For Service For horvico on lit \'l, con. H, (.isprny, one purehnd t^hoi thorn Hull, T«rnns ♦ 1. .">(). AIho one puni bred Yorkshiro Hour, 'I'ennN It.lH). All nccounta muti STRAYED !~ "" ~ Heifer Kf.r*yed, monly red «ilh little; "OUSe and Lot for Sale while, ftbcmt .\ug, 'iO, from lot .'JO, oin. i i:<, Artemetii. j Corner lot o|ipo»il» fho Preslij torinn LKSLIK OHAltD, FlMherlon P.O. lohurch, house containa » room* and Iwth, â€" â- _ â€" cement uelUra, cement cistern insirte, Stock tor 5alt Iguodwell andRtalle. Fur terms apply A ooiiiile ol brood »nw«. 1 Bwliililre anil 1 ?" premises Tafnworte for aale. To-iok to huK iMiraliaDei- nK(l, W. nOSH, MAKwell K u. , lino. ~ME8. R. H. WRIGHT Fleshei ton . Considering all things the fall fair or Wudne^dty of l*st wetk may be con- sideied a 8UCce»H. On account of dropp ing the fair last year there were croakers who aaid W£ would never have anothej;. This was a slight mistake on their part The fair was light in some respects hui fully up to the standard in othera. The worst failure was in attendance, mai; peop!e in the vioinify failing to pati'onize the fair, notwithstanding the beautiful day. This was paittally due the latf harvest and thresbiDg. The gate re ceipts only amounted to a little ovei •120. The concert at night, which, by the way, was one of the best ever given here and pleated everybody, netted a like amount. The ladies came forward nobly and tilled up their portion of the fair with fancy work, cookery, and flowers. Special exhibitors were auto displays by D. McTavish and a Collingaood agent, waah'iig machines and cream separator by S. Hemphill, gasoline engine, separa tors, etc., by D. McTavish, aud in the hall the coaloil display by F. G. Karstedt and a grafonu'.a demonstration by W. U. Thurston attracted considerable atten- tion. Tlie Kilties Band of Owen Sound supplied music (Ulside, and a number of proniii.ent (Jwen Sound citizens gave pHtiiotic addresses and made tppeals for recruit'. Among those who >[Joke were .VIr. C. S. Cimeron, M. V. P., Lieut. Pollock, Capt. Brovinley, and Kx- Mayor Limm of 0*eu Sound, and W. Breese Chusworlh. In additian U. H. Miller of Hanover and Dr. T. S. Sproule of Markdalt: aidres.sed the crowd. The prizi 1 st is as folliws : HORSES -nraught. team, H Milliner; 2 year old, S McQuarrie; 1 year old, H Milliner. .4gric.iltur.ll -Team Hoisc, S Mc- (juariie; 2 yearulJ. F Malheason; 1 year old, F Mtlhewson. General Pu'pcseâ€" Brood mare, M Stewari ; 2 yr old, K ThiKtIelhwaite; 1 yr old, F Mnthewson, \V Stewart; spring fo!«l, M Stewait, K ThihtUlhwaiie. O.ifriiijeâ€" 1 yr old, C .-Mkin.son; single driver, J Finley, O Siuiih. Uoadmerâ€" Sinijlo di iver, R ,Cullit«n, D .McTavish; Udy driver. Miss Holmex, C Smith; farmers ppcjediug, U .MttTa«i»h, TCha;d, F MHiheWbon. 11 Sinip<u)n Special â€" Be8t driving out- lit, R Cullitoii. Massey Haiiis Special â€" Best team on grounds, H Milliner. tWTl'LE Shcrthorn Bull aged, C .\kinsoii; bull 1 yr, J I Graham; bull calf, â- ) I Oraharu 1st and 2iid; cow, .1 1 Gr:thani 1st and 2iid; 1 yr heifer, ,) I Oi-dhatn, .-^'liinson; heifer calf, J I Giaham; best herd, .) I Giahaui; l)Csf bull, C .^tkiuKuu. Polled Angusâ€" Bull cjlf, U Allen; cow. It .^lloii; 2 jr heifer, U .\IIen; be^l bull, It Allen. .Icrsey â€" Cow, S .shun'-. Hereford - Cow, •\ .Adiims. Hol.slein â€" Hull 1 yr, C Mooie 1st and 2nd; bull calf, C Moore l<t and 2nd;c.iw, .\ Harriiou Ist imd 2iul; 2 yr heifer, .\ Harrison, J^oorc; 1 yr heifer, C Moore; hciler calf, A Harrison 1st aud 2iid; best bull, C .Moore. ORADl'^S FOR BEKF-2 yr steer, C Atkinson, W Stewart; 1 yi steer, C Atkinsuu, \V Stewart; steer calf, C At- kinson, \V Stewart; 2 yr heifer, F Brown, C Atiiinson; 1 yr heifer, F Brown, C Atkinsjn; heifor calf, C Atkinson. F Brown; cow, S Hempbil', F Brown. GRADES FOR DAIRY PURPOSES â€"Cow. J P Oltowell, A Thistlcthwaito; 2yr heifor. C Moore Isl mid 2nd; 1 yr heifor, NY Stew.ut; calf, A Thisilothwaite, \V Stewart. SllKKP Cotswoldâ€" A S .Vluir, all privies. J.oicestei'Hâ€" A S Muir, all prizes. Oxford Downâ€" VVm Patoi', all | rizes. SVVINK -Berkshireâ€" Boar pig.G Ross 1st and 2nJ ; sow aged, (J Ross ; sow pig, G Ross, 1st and 2nd. Yorkshireâ€" Boar aged, G Ross. T»uiW(Uthâ€" Boar aged, G Ross- Best Biieon Pig-S Shunk ht and 2nd. POI'LTIIY-Barrod Plymouth Rock- Male â€" F Mathewsou, Ist and 2nd; fe- male - F Mathowaon Ist an 1 2iul ; cock- erel FMatliew»(Ui, W T Ellis ; puUet- F MaUiesson, W. T Ellis. Pariritlgo I'lyniouth Rook â€" Male M Wilson ; female -r M Wilson; o 'CK- e.el--M Wilson. Wh'te Wjan On â€" \la'e--l Meici-r .1 P <) lewoll ; female -J Mercer, W A Unwken ; cookerolâ€" d Mtroer lat aud 2ud; pullet J C Meroot 1st and 2iii. RIodMaiHl Re's. Fein de--VV \\ Thurston; pulletâ€" W H Th iiKton; oook- eiel- W H Thuiston. Rhode U'a-.d Rwl K C -femaUâ€" W H Tbuisloii,- pullet \V H Thurston; cockerel - W' H Thursiou. Brahma«, I ghl- feimlf M Wilstm. Brown l.-'ghorn S O - Fumde, R Allen 1st and 2ud; cockere', R Allen; pullet, iR Allen 1st aud3nd. White Leghorn S Câ€" Female, J P : J It Fawcett, C Stewart; any other kind Ottewell; cockerel, J RFawcetl. pumpkin, JR F^'Ceit, C Aikiuaon; Black LeiibornSC- Male, M Wilson, ! "l«»''h. d R Fa. celt, J p Ottewell; female, M Wilsoo. . c.trons, J R Fawcett. S Shunk; cucum- Black Leghorn RC -Cockerel, J ' »>«'• P'<=''"''S. W A H.w_ken, L A Fi.her; Mercer. Black Minoica S Câ€" Male, J C Mercer; female, J Mercer; cockerel, J C Mer- cer 1st and 2Dd; pullet, J C Mercer 1st uud 2nd. Black OrpiDgtonâ€" Male, it Allen; female, R Allen 1st and 2nd. White Orpingtonâ€" Female, R Allen Itt and 2Dd; pullet, R Allen lat and 2Dd. ripe cucumbers, W H Thurston, C At- kinson; corn any kinJ," J R Fawce'.t, J 1' Graham; corn for talda use, C Stewart, A Fisher; Rennie's .'.pecial, L A Fither. LADIES' WORK-Quilt patch woik silk, W Buskin; cotton quilt, W Buskin, D McTavish; wjolen luilt, J C Adams, W P Crossley; h-a cabin .luilt, W Buskin; crochet <iuilt, W P Cros-sley, J C Adnma; knitted quilt, W P Croeslej, F G Kar- Black Breafited Red Gameâ€" Male, M s-.edt; crazy ijuilt, Mi^ Wilson, W P Wilson; female, M Wilsen; cockerel, M Crossley; shadow embroidery with mono- Wilson; pullet, M Wilson 1st and 2nd. gram, J E Bumstead, F G Karstedt; Pair Ornaoien'al BanUmsâ€" W H I pair pdlow slips, etnbroidared, with Thureton. ui mogram, O W PhilHps, F Karstedt; Special by F H W Hickling-Best ex- !>»'' ""•«>*• embroidered, with mono- hibii of poultry-M Wilson. «^»'"' ^ ^ """'i*""^' ^ v^„^'"'f*' ^ ' ' pillow shsiu.s, W Buskiu, W P Crossley; laundry bag, F G Karstedt; fancy pin ! cushion, H S White, F G Karstedt; Ducksâ€" Pekin male, D^ McTavish; j ^.^i,j.g j^^^,^ ^ Buskin; baby's bonnet, W P Crossley, Mis Wilscn; corset cover, L A Fisher; Rouen female, L A Fisher; j embroidered, F G Karstedt, W Moore; any other kind male, W Stewait Ist »»'! j embroidered shirt waist, F C Kaistedt, 2nd; any etlier kind female; W Stewait, j j g Bumstead; ladies' nijht gown, F G D McTavish. Kaistedt, W P Crot^lev; fancy apron, F Geeseâ€" Toulouse male, Mark Wilson ; -G Karstedt G Mitchell; ^9m^ Toulouse fema'e, M Wilson Isl and 2od; i apron, W Moore; mounted soi any other kind, male, L A Fi-sher ; a:.y | o Phiilip.s, F ({ Karstedt; col other kind, female, L A Fisher. (pilows, O Phillips, WP PairRabbitsâ€"W H Thurston. L A' Fisher. | Pekin female, D McTavish; Rouen male, i DAlRYâ€"Honey in comb, L A Fishei ; !cloth and six napkins V honey extracted, S Shunk, L A Fishei; I Kaistedi; ewbroi lered 5 IHs butter, C Atkinson, L A Fisher, S Kiisledl, W ,\. Hawker Shunk; 50 lbs butter, LA Fisher, C kind, J K Bums'.ead, F lyd, FG cosy, F G tray cloth any G Karstedt; Akinson, M Stewart; 15 lbs butter, C t^vble centre piece, eSbioidered in silk Atkinson, L A Fisher, W A Hawken; on white linei , *'/^^' Phillips; table cheese home mude, L A Fisher; fiui: centre piece, embifneied m eyelet, F d ilk", W Mo.ie, L .\ Fi-her; jelly cake, K«rstedr, W Busiiin; sftcr cloth em- D McTavish, L A Fisher; brea<l home | bioidered in si^, W J Bvyd. Jean Bum- m>ide, L A lM«her; buns, L A Fisher, A; stead; table duylics, FG Karstedt, Jo» Ihstletliwaite; t-4rti>, D McTavi-.h, Jeati ' B'ackburn; set table matts, D McTavish, Bjiiutuid; puiiipkiu pie, D McTavish, L I W K Hawken; live o'clock tea cloth, em- A Fibber; lemon pie, F G K irstedt, A i t^roidered solid, F G Karitedt, W Mo<.>re; This Itthfai e; custrrd pe, L K Fisher, darned nett, W PCroa-^ley, J Blackburn; K Thietleibwaite; apple pie, L A Fisher, D McTavish; raspberry wine, D Mc- coronation braid work, W Bu>kin, W Moore; braiding any other kind, W Bus- Tavish ; grape wine, D McTavish ; rhubarb! kin; hatlenbur,' lace, W J Boyd, W P wine, D McTavish; canned fruit, C ' Crossley; dutches lace, Phillips, Jo* Stewart, D McTavish; mixed pickles, D j Blackburn; tatt.ng, J Bumstead. WP McT*vish, L A Fisher; maple syrup, C ^ Crossley; darned netting, W P Crossley, Stewart, C Atkinson. Specialâ€" Five ' J Blackburn; Irish crochet, J P Otle Rose Flour, A Tnistlethwaite, L A Fish-j well, FG Kaistedt; crochet woik in er; R.iyal Household Flour, W Bu»kin. cott*>n, W P Crossley, O Phillijis; crochet be.st working man's dinner. work iu wool, W P Crossley, O Phillips; emb in beading, J Blackburn; cmb in u.ouiitmellick work, W Moore, O Phillips emb iu Bulgarian, J Blackburn; emb in silk, Roman, U S White, J Blackburn; emb in cotton, Roman, F G Karstedt, U S White; emb in shadow, J Bumstead, W Buskin; emb in WalUcbian, W Muorr, Jean Bumstead; hardanger, H S White; emb in punched, O P.idhps, U S White; L A Fisher; L A Fiihtr. GRAIN -Winter wheat white, C Atkinson; winter wheat red, C .\tkinson;| s|.rioj: » heat led, .\ S .Muii ; barley (it ro«ed, k S Muir, C .A'kinson; whi'e oafs, .\ S Muir, C .Atkinson; black oats, C .AtkiiiKou, A S Muii; larsepeas, C| .Atkii.soii ASMiiii; small |ieas, K oi .Muii; coliec'i.m l>eaiis, L A Fisher;!' timntbyse..d, A S .Mu..; Ilax aeed, c ' emb iu ramble rose, F G Karstedt, J P Atki,..s..n;buckwhe«', ASMuir, C .\t. i *^>^'«"«"; Mexican drawn work, H 8 .- . { White, Jean Bumsteadipair knit slippers, \ W P Crossley, J C Adaias; fancy wool KIKLDROOTS-Potatoes 4valUtie»,;g^,ck8, C Atkinson, J C Adams; plain A S Muir; White Eei bant, A S .Muir; ^^\ ^^^^^^ q Atkinson; fancy wool Kirly Ohi,,, A S Mu r: Aineiicai W„n- ^ ,„iitg^ ^V Buskiu; plain wool mitts, L A der, W .\ Ilawken, A S Muii; Swedish Fisher, C Atkinson: ladie-,' house dress, tunip, LAFi-her; whie carrots. tV best idea, J ;an Bumstead, W P Crossley J Alkinsoi., A S Muir; glolw mangold, A hooked mat, lag, C Atkiusen, O Phillipe; S Muir, C Atkinson; long mangold, A S hooke.l mat, yarn, C Atkinson, J BUck- Muii; inlermediale mangold, .C Stewart, ^ ^uru; be.i darninj, L A Fisher, V/ Boa- A S Muir; field beets, A S Muir: ensilige |,:„; wood c.irving," J Bumstead; pierced Ellis; assort- 1 brass, H S White; pyrography on wood, W J B >yd, L A Fisher: collection faucy FALL AFPLES-Cayug), W T Klli ; work, W P Crosslsy, H S White. corn, J R Fawcett, W ,J inent field roots, A S Muir. Dutches OWenburs;, JC Adams, J I FINE ARTS-^Paintins! siiX Grahan.; Blenheims, J I Graham; St.- ] satin, W .\ Hawken, W Buskin; painting Lawrence, J I Graham; uny other kind, | on china, G Mitchell; oil-painting, F G J 1 Graham, J C Adauis; collection, .1 I J Karstedt, G Mitchell: water color paint- Graham, ing, F G Kirstedt, G Mitchell; crayon WINTER .APPLES-Nurth.-rnSpies,|J"»"'"g. J''*" ^uwstead; pencil drawing, W T Ellis. .) I Graham; (hitario, W T. ^^ «"»'''"' ^^' -^ Hawken. collection E lis Baldwin, W T Ellis, J I Graham; ! l'''"'"'- ^^ '^ Hawaen; pen and mk Spitzburg, J I Grahim; Golden Rus.set, } »'"'"-•••' ^^' l^"**""' ^ ^ Karstedt; colleo- WTKIIi.s, J I Graham; Roxb<uough •'''"» P'""""'''' ^ ^^''^hell. O PhUliiui; Ru.s.sef, J 1 Graham; Snow, J I Graham, |ff«« l'«"d drawing. FG Karstedt, W H L A Fisher; Kii.g Tompkin, J I Graham, j »"«*< J^*" B»'i>«'ead; be»t penmanship, W T Ellis: Mann, W T KIlis; Rhode' ^^ " ''""•> *" *" Karstedt. Island lireening, W T Ellis, J I Graham;! Special by Owen Sound Uusiness any other kind, J 1 Graham, W H Thur- C.illcue- Best writing in public schools, ston; collection, J I Graham; Ben Davis, (Utlu-iino .McVicir; best writing in hi,b J I (iraham, L A Fisher; Cranbourg .sj|,o,.l, tiara Lever Pippins, W T Ellis, J 1 ({raham. PEARS Raillelts. Je.ui Bjms'ead; any other kind, Jean lUiuist4.>ad; collec- tion, Jean Bumstead. PHMS-L>mbard-Jean Bumstead; '»'•'»'"" » PLANTS Collection cut tlowers, J P I Old woll, J.is Itlackbuiii; tabic bo.^uet, J P tlltowell, Mrs Wilson; band bo'iuet, [ W H 'lhui>ton, J P O.tcwell; double J P Ottewell, Mrs WiUou; Rene Claud, Joan Bumsletid; any other »">»!'« «^''«uium, J P Ottr<vell, Mrs kind, J 1 Graham; collection. J I Gra- ' Wilson; ilonl, t- fuschia, W J U. yd, J P ham; white grapes, J I Graham; black • ^"t"*''"; ''"s'^' f»-ih a. JP Ottewell; g'aiHs, J I Graham 2nd; collection «ui»rillis, Mrs Wi son; r, x Uguiiia, J P J I Graham, ' "'ie*ed; "uy other kind begonia, J C \ .AdaiUK, J POt'ewell; collection foliage, grapes, YKGETABLES Red cabhape, C At- â- ,, . , », .,,-i i c x _ « , , , 1 J C Adams, RIrs Wilson; hotse fein, J kiiisoii, J R Fawcett; flat dutch cabbage, ,, ,,.. ,, ., .vi „ u i i. . * " ' . , . , , , , • Ottewell, Mrs Wilson; hanging I a.Hkot, W II 'ri,urston,M Wilson; drum he*^' j i> Ottewell, J C .\d..ms; hydrangea, J cabbage, .1 R Fawcett M ^ ''""". I p o„e«.e»,. Mrs W.Uon; single plant, .vinuingstead cabbage. W A Hawken, J ;_,^.^;^^j_j^,,^ ^y,,,,,,^ j ,. y^^^^^„. R Fawcetl; ..nr other kind cKbbage, W , ,.^,„^^. . __^ ^^^,^,^ ^,,^ ^,j,^^^_. „ g ^^hite; .A Hawken, L .\ Fisher, caulitbiwer, M Wilson, M Stewsr : sliort red carrots, A Thislh thTRite, L A Fisher; long red earrolR, A S Mui< ; p'*rsiiip«, .AS Muir, .\lkinsi'n; self bleached celery, WA Hawken. L A Fisher; I irge libbed eel- ly, L .A Fi-her; any other kin.l ceUry, L .A Fishor; ie<l iomat(ie«, L K Fi»ho', SV H ' Thuraiiui: long blood bee's, A S Mu r, l.j coiiec lui ast-iis, collection caii><t ion-, J POttewell, P Crv>.s«tey: tolUtl.uu begoutas, J O tewo I, J C Adtms. The s oretary will Niiveiuber Isl, W P pay pi lac money CAHLE STRAYED „. . . > . r . c.- I , I Strayed fiimi the premises of the un- A Fwhcr; lurinp ro-l beet*. L A Fi»l.e»r. | ae,.,i^,,wd. !.« 25, con. 8, Opwy, «is K 8 Muir; turnips. L A Fidier, dutch | head of oaltle as fol'own .~A yearling*â€" sett onions, L A Fisher; j«.tat > onion.«, | 2 red with white faje, 1 briudle and one C Atkinson. J R Fawcett; black radish, ' »P"tt*'' i «l^J" '"" 2 year-olds- 1 briudle . . ^ . ,, ..1 â- ». I- J land 1 spotted, both dehorned. Send L A Fisher. C Atkinaon: any other kind ; i„.„,„^,,. „ ,„' i-adiah, li A Fiiher; garden hevlns, J C Adant", .V S Mu'r; om yellow puirpkin, WM. THOMPSON, R. R, 8, Singbampton. VSI««»)irM»»*»*»««'|lh»V;nMB«»*#l**'^