Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1915, p. 3

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V iLL nOTHERS lED CONSTANT mMm Their Strength is Taxed and They are Victims of Weak- ness and Suffering. When there is a growing family to care for and the mother falls ill it is It serious matter. Many mothers who are on the go from morning to night, whose work, apparently, is never done, try to disguise their suffering and keep up an appearance of cheer- fulness before their family. Only themselves know how they are dis- tressed by backaches and headaches, dragging down pains and nervous weakness; how their nights are often sleepless, and they arise to a new day's work tired, 'depressed and quite unrefreshed. Such women should know that their sufferings are usually due to lack of good nourishing blood. They should know that the one thing they need above all others to give them new health and strength is rich, red blood, and that among all medi- cines there is none can equal Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for their blood-mak- ing, health-restoring qualities. Every suffering woman, every woman with a home and family to care for should give these pills a fair trial, for they will keep her in health and strength and make her work easy. Mrs. G. Strasser, Acton West, Ont., says: "I am the mother of three children, and after each birth I became terribly run down; I had weak, thin blood, always felt tired, and unable to do my house- hold work. After the birth of my third child I seemed to be worse, and was very badly run down. I was ad- vised to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I found the greatest benefit from the Pills and soon gained my old-time MONK'S COLLARS POPULAR. In the fashion world it is just as futile to ask "what will not the de- sigrners think of next?" as it is to ask what they will think of next. The two queries are synonymous, in- asmneh as a designer's field is limit- less and his imagination infinite. One of the latest popular creations is the No. 9141. Lainbago's Misery Ceases, Every Aching 3Insele Cured JUST RUB ON OLD-TIME "NERVILINE." Not necessary to drug inside! That awful stiffness that makes you yelp worse than a kicked dog will be cured â€" cured for a certainty, and quickly, too, if you just rub on Nerviline, OLDEST FRENCH SOLDIER. At 72 FighU for France the Second Time. According to the Paris Figaro the oldest volunteer in the French army is Alcide Verd, born in April, 1843, at Rompont (Ardeche). He already has celebrated his seventy-second birth- day when he became attached to the recruiting bureau at Troyes. A de- tachment recently was sent from there to fill gaps in the ranks of the Rub Nerviline right into the sore i Forty-seventh Territodal regiment, spot, rub lots of it over those tortured ' and Verd was so insistent on going to muscles, do this and the pain will go. ' the front with the younger men that You see Nerviline is thin, not oily. ' the commanding officer finally con- Therefore it sinks in, it penetrates ggnted to enlist him for active ser- through the tissues, it gets right to | ^j^.^ those stiff, sore muscles and irritated nerves that make you dance with pain. You'll get almost instant relief from muscle soreness, stiffness, aching joints, lameness or rheumatics by rubbing with Nerviline. It's a sooth- ing liniment, and doesn't blister, doesn't burn or even stain the skin. It's the most harmless cure in the world for Lumbago, Back Strain or Sciatica. It takes away the ache at once and ends your misery quickly. Now quit eomplainingâ€" -don't suffer another day â€" Nerviline, that good, soothing old-time liniment will limber you up mighty quick. Get busy to- day, the large 50c. family size bottle is the most economical, of course, the trial size costs but 25c. Any dealer anywhere can supply Nerviline. * . TAUGHT BY THE HICKORY. How Dr. Wyeth Learned to Use His Left Hand. It is peculiarly fortunate for a swordsman, or a surgeon to be ambi- dextrous. Dr. John Allan Wyeth was not born to that good fortune, but he achieved it. How he did so, with Monk's collar, shown here in the illus- tration on attractive Ladies' Home Journal coat pattern No. 9141. This PUIS and soon gained my oia-time ^'er wea'hJr f orlt'can °be t'm^ I the assistance of a long, lithe, extra strength. Indeed, after taking them | â„¢JW^" J-ther. [- '^^^^^^J^/'^^'^,^ tough hickory,-not applied in the The lower edge may be either straight j manner that has rendered that useful or shaped as desired. The sleeves are , tree so unpopu' full length with turn-back cuffs, and I related in his interesting the pockets are novelly and attrac- tively made from the same piece that forms the belt. The coat cuts in 7 sizes â€" 34 to 46 â€" size 38 requiring 5% I felt as well as in my girlhood, and could take pleasure in my work. I also used Baby's Own Tablets for my little ones and have found them a splendid medicine for childhood ail- ments." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The i ya'^s of 86-inch material, Dr. Williams' ville, Ont. Medicine Co., Brock- CHEERY WORDS AND WISE. are can Mr. Patterns, 15 cents each, can be pur- chased at your local Ladies' Home Journal dealer or from the Home Pat- tern Company, 183 George Street, Toronto, Ontario. ._* If After Eating Yon Have Pain, Stomach Needs Aid With the will to conquer, we certain of victory. â€" M. Poincare. The women of this country help us through to victory.- Lloyd George. Do not let doubt creep into your mind . . . the essential condition of victory is patience. â€" M. Paul Cam- bo n. The world will not stand being bullied, especially by a g:raceless Ger- man bully. â€" Mr. Desmond McCarthy. All the easy talk of peace is but froth upon the water when such a storm as this is raging. â€" Mr. Austen Chamberlain. | toms. If so your best course is to Men and women must do all things : tone up the bowels with a reliable in proportion. They must be natural ! ^eRetab^le remedy Uke^Dr.JHamiltons as well as national. â€" Bishop of Birm- ! P*!!* ingham. The sleeves are j tree so unpopular with boys, â€" ^he has ..11 1 • • i ^'~~i autobio- graphy, recently published When he was a boy of twelve, he attended school in a country school- house built on the backbone of a high, wooded ridge that overlooked the village. At recess one slope of the ridge was the grirls' playground, and the other the boys'; and boys and girls George Street, ' â„¢*t and played together on the sum- mit. A favorite sport was for the boys to bend the tough young hickory saplings down to the ground and seat themselves and their sweethearts upon them for "ridey-horses." "I had a sweetheart," the doctor acknowledges, "and her name was Mugg. Can you imagine in all the j category of names one more sug- gestive of ugliness â€" I am almost , . . i J ^v • tempted to say of 'rauggliness?' But Specialists who have devoted their ^^ , ^ nickname. It was lives to the treatment of stomach ail- , "^f . .i .. i u „-. t\,a ments, now tell us that many people «hort for Margaret and she was the who complain about their stomachs prettiest girl in schoolâ€" to me. have no stomach ailment at all. You "There stood in our grove a slen- may suffer from bloating, gas, sour- ' der, graceful, tight-bark hickory sap- ness and other unpleasant symp- , ling, toughest of all tough timber, which bends but never breaks. It towered fully thirty feet to its top The aged volunteer now is a sol- dier in the Seventh company of the regiment, which is stationed some- wher« in the trenches of the first line of defence. He is doing his duty as efficiently as any of his comrades in arms, whose unbounded admiration the spry septuagenarian has won through his vivacity and never failing good humor. Alcide Verd has seeir war before. He fought the fathers of his present adversaries during the Franco-Prus- sian conflict, in which he took part up to the ominous battle of Sedan, when he was made a prisoner and with thousantis of others sent into captiv- ity in Silesia. MAGIC BAKING POWDER ISlTHf WHITEST. Ueif THIS BAKING i>OWDER>, ISOOMPOOB OFTNE^ F01U)WIN6 IN6lttDI- ENTSANDNONCOmCRj PHOSPHATE Bt-CARt-/ \pNAIEOFS0Mil STABtW ^ masEnstsS^ CONTAINS NO ALUM We unliesitatingly recommend Magic Baking Powder as being the best, purest and most healthful boKing powder that it is possible to produce All ingredients are plainly printed on the label MADE IN CANADA E.W.6llLEn COMPANY LIMITED, TORONTO, ONT. WINNIPEG, MONrSEAL CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION Baby's Own Tablets will promptly cure constipation of childhood. They act as a gentle la.xative, regulate the bowels and stomach and are absolute- ly safe. Concerning them Mrs. A. Crowell, Sandy Cove, N.S., writes: "I can strongly recommend Baby's Own Tablets to all mothers whose little ones are suffering from constipation." The tablets are sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. FRANCE IS DOOMED? Kaiser Said He Had Overestimated Gallic Chrivalry. Herr Anton Fendrich, well known among German Socialists, describes in an article published in the Frank- furter Zeitung a conversation which he had with the Kaiser in the field. The main point revealed by Herr Fen- drich is the declaration that the Kai- ser is certain that France is doomed. The writer in this connection says: "Nobody will suppose that the opin- ions of the Kaiser agree in all points with those of a man of the Left, but in two cases there was perfect accord between us. The first was when the I conversation turned upon the French, j Here the Kaiser's sorrow was my; sorrow. The Kaiser speaks quite pure j French and had hoped, like all of us, [ and especially us people from Baden, '' that with France first of all an agree- THIS THEFT WON A MEDAL. British Officer Stole Over a Ton of Germans! Explosives. News reached Blackburn, England, recently, that Lieut. W. Cooper, an old Flackburn amateur footballer, has beer decorated at the front with the Mill ary Cross for an act of remark- able ciolness and resource. Ht was living a mine 192 yards long uuuer the German position, and had got within a few yards of his ob- jective, when he broke into a German mine crammed with high explosives. For a moment he thought his party were doomed, but he quickly cut the wires leading to the German trenches, and sending back for help proceeded to carry away the enemy's explosives piecemeal. As the tunnel was very low, he and his men lay head to feet and passed the stuff back from hand to hand. The task occupied twelve hours, there being one ton and a half of explo- sives. No mishap occurred, but five of Lieut. Cooper's men were rendered unconscious by fumes, and four of them received the D.C.M. for their share in this remarkable feat. Hia Specialty. "I've got the best memory of any- body in the community!" triumph- antly cackled old Uncle Totterly. "Why, I can remember things on 'most everybody 'round here that they wish I'd forgotten!" Mlnard'B tinlmmat Cores aar^et In Cowa The Prophet. "Yes," said the colonel pompously. "I am quite confident that the war will be over by October." "What year?" asked Bildad. "Ah," said the colonel, "that is an- other question." Sore Corns Absolutely Painless No cutting, no plas- ters or pads to press the aore spot _ Putnam's Extractor ^^g\ I makes the corn go \«w â-  without pain. Takes out the sting over-nlgbt Never (alls â€"leaves no scar. Get a 25c. bottle of Putnam's Corn Extractor to-day. WOMEN REPLACE MEN. A druggist can obtain an imitation of MINARD'S LINIMENT from a : Toronto House at a very low price, ' and have it labeled his own product. This greasy imitation is the poor- j est one we have yet seen of the many I that every Tom, Dick and Harry has tried to introduce. Ask for MINARD'S and you will get it. The Relationship. Mrs. Swiftley and hi»r former hus- band were still friends. Noting the similarity of names and their familiar manner towards each other a lady who was a guest with them at a week-end party, thought they must be cousins. "Is Mr. Swiftley a connection of yours?" she asked. "No," laughed Mrs. Swiftley. "A disconnection." This old time family medicine is a wonderful corrective of all digestive and stomach disorders. most bifurcation. There was no other ; ment would be possible. We had like it, as there was no other girl like Mugg. I made up my mind that The secret of Germany's strength, jj^g^g jg „,, mystery about the quick I would bend it to the ground, and " "' ' ' rou get from Dr. Hamilton's ' that she should have Pills. They simply supply the addi-!top I climbed, twisted the terminal I tional aid required by the system to | twigs round my hands and wrists, and swung boldly out into space to- I had struck the grievously overestimated the Gallic | nation as well as all other nations. ! The French are a people passing wealth, and efficiency may be sum- i ^j^gct you'^get'^'^rom^Dl-TVamii^n's she should have it^and to the | through their decadence^ ^eir con- med up in a single word: discipline, "" â€"Mr. J. Ellis Barker. , The moment has come when, so ; enable it to do its work correctly far as personal expenditure is con- | You'll enjoy your meals, digest every ure IS con- i ou u enjoy y^^â„¢""''' "'I"; ^ ''='•'- ward the ground cemed. it has become a virtue to be JJ-^J--* ' S.Xl'cln^tS^^n â-  w-g hickory. Btingy.-Mr. Herbert Samuel. I ^^ indige8tion,-all these benefits \ "Instead of swooping to the earth A wholesome, good comic song ^^^^ ^^ ^^jj tj,^t „ge d^. Hamilton's as I had anticipated, in a long, grace- very often helps a great deal in the piiig_ Every man or woman with a ful curve, amid the plaudits of an ad- cure of our wounded soldiers â€" quite stomach ill is advised to spend 26c. miring throng, with a glance at Mugg as much as a hymn.â€" The Bishop of on a box of this wonderful vegetable j g^j jjgp approving smile, I bent that London For us, high or low, to whatever profession we belong, there must be no holidays till the great task is fln- »lly accomplishedâ€" Mr. Walter Long. The true victory will not lie so much in the tactical gains on the battlefield to-day as in the quality of the men who have to carry on the work of the nation after the war is over. â€" Gen- eral Sir Robert Baden-Powell. ♦ remedy. I obstinate sapling not more than three | f '^*"*^f I feet from the top, in fishhook shape; i and there I dangled, helpless and , , _ ^ „ »:„ s *u.. I hopeless, almost as much so as if I Appeal for Greater Precautions in the , ^^^ ^J ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^„j TO THE MOTHERS OF CANADA. FEED CHILDREN It Pays On Properly Selected Food Big Dividends. If parents will give just a little In telligent thought to the feeding of their children the difference health of the little folks will pay, many times over, for the small trou- ble. A mother writes: "Our children are all so much better and stronger than they ever were before we made a change in the character of the food. We have quit using potatoes three times a day with coffee and so much meat. "Now we give the little folks some fruit, either fresh, stewed, or canned, some Grape-Nuts with cream, occa- sionally some soft-boiled eggs, and some Postum for breakfast and sup- per* Then for dinner they have some meat and vegetables. "It would be hard to fully describe the change in the children, they have grown so sturdy and strong, and we attribute this change to the food ele- ments that, I understand, exist in Grape-Nuts and Postum. "A short time ago my baby was teething and had a great deal of sto- mach and bowel trouble. Nothing seemed to agree with him until I tried Grape-Nuts softenetl and mixed with rich milk and he improved rapidly and got sturdy and well." "There's a Reason." Name given by Canadian Postum Co., Windsor, Ont. Bver rtad 1h* aliovo letter 7 A new one appears from time to tl-iue. They :«• irentilue, true, Interest. Use of Matches. â-  jj^j ^^^^^ hanging from a gibbet. I No fewer than C83 fires, one million ! could not clamber back, for the arc and a half dollars damage to property of the circle described by the bending and the loss of thirty-eight lives oc- tree top had a diameter beyond the curred during the year 1914 as the swing of ray wildly gyrating feet." j direct result of children playing with His suggestion that half a dozen ! matches. | boys climb up and add sufficient \ Matches should, therefore, receive weight to bend the tree low enough ; attention as a danger of primary im- for safety was disregarded in the portance. Keep the matches away laughter at his absurd predicament. A from the children. Place them on a rival called up to him to stay where ' high shelf far out of their reach, for he wasâ€" he looked better at a dis- ! they love to play with fire, and tance; another amid a chorus of gig- j jn the ' matches form an ideal toy from their 1 jfies suggested that if he would only i are "permitted by God to succeed, point of view. ! drop, the ground would catch him. T^ege were the main ideas about the If it were only possible to convey Before they realized that his plight meaning of the war. An inner fire in its horrid detail the account of the was anything more than funny, his jUuminated the conversation and it fires in Canada where thirty-eight hold broke, and he did drop â€" slashing ^ ^^^ ^g jf outside the gar'len fr-'sh children lost their lives, the excite- through the limbs and against them ' children's voices were singing, 'Oh, ment and nervous tension, the loss of in such a way that when he reached Germany, high in honor, thou sacred duct of war is full of the most griev- ous horrors, full of such terrible ; things that only a private book of the war will ever be able to record them. ; "For half an hour the Kaiser â€" with reluctance, but carried away by the , horror of it all â€" narrated to me \ sworn facts about the behavior of French doctors, not only toward the enemy, but toward their own purpose, j is a doomed country. The tears which more than once came into , the Kaiser's eyes as he told the tale were often tears of shame at such I degradation in a people that had been thought to be still chivalrous and no- 1 ble. I "The second happy point of agree- ment between the Kaiser and me showed itself when we talked about the meaning of the war. The mean- 1 ing and purpose is the unification and purification of Germany, so that she ' may fulfil her world historic task of being the heart of Europe and of pre- ' paring the way for the spiritualiza- ! tion of European humanity. We are not all good, but we have the will to be good, and those who are sincere 200 Women Clerks in the Bank of j England. The very sanctum of British con- servatism, the Bank of England, has been invaded by women clerks. More than 200 of them are now employed in the bank in various forms of cleri- cal work. While it is the war that gave women the opportunity of re- placing men of military age, it is also war that created additional work at the bank through the war loan busi- ness. Women have been employed in the bank of England in the humble note- sorting capacity since 1895, but they had never before done clerical work. They often put in as much as 12 hours a day. Other English banks, it is stated, now contemplate following the lead of the Bank of England, which, despite its former prejudice against women, has been historically known as the "Old Lady of Threadneedle Street." ->- Flaxseed Now a Wonderful Hu- man Food. as deodorized and used in Dr. Jack- son's Roman Meal. It's the most nourishing seed grown. It has al- ways been known as a wonderful food for stock, but since Dr. Jackson's discovery of a method of deodorizing it, it has become available as a deli- cious human food, 25% of it being used in Roman Meal. This food is i guaranteed to relieve constipation or "money back." It also nourishes bet- ter than meat and prevents indiges- tion. Ask your doctor. At all gro- cers, 10 cents and 26 cents. You will find relief in Zam-Buk ! It eases the burning, stinging pain, stops bleeding and brings ease. Perseverance, with Zam- Buk, means cure. Why not prove arrrBuK xAMma FOB BJkua. IP LOOKING FOR \ FARM. CON- sult me. I have over two hundred on my list, located In tho best sections of Ontario. All sUes. H. W. Uawson. Rranipt«">n. VEWSPAPEBS rOB BAIiB. PROFIT-MAKI.NG NEV^S A-ND JOB Offices for sale In good Ontario towns. Tho most useful and Interestlnc of all businesses. Full information on application to Wilson Publlshlnit Com- pany. 73 West Adi'Iiiliio .St.. Toronto. MISCELLANBOUS. CANCER. TUMORS. tUMPS, ETC. Internal and external, cured wlth- oiTt pain by our home treatment Writ* us before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. ColHnitwood. Ont. Fosltlooa at 91100 and S1400 Beoently Filled I yJOTT property, the anguish of parents, the the ground it was no longer feet fore- pain of the little child, some measure mogt. His outstretched right hand saved his neck, but his right wrist was broken. The fracture was mistaken for a sprain and was not set, and during the prolonged pain and weakness that ensued the boy took to using his left hand and arm. He became fairly of reform might soon be effected. Mothers should ever after guard their children against matches, as they would protect them against a terrible and menacing enemy. <> land of loyalty!'" Forest Protection Methods. One of the most important features : ambidextrous; and in after years, ap- in connection with the control of for- preciating the value of complete am- est fires is their prompt discovery, bidexterity in his profession, he work- thus rendering it possible in most ' ed almost wholly with his left hand eases to extinguish the fire in an in- while teaching and studying anatomy, cipient stage, at small expense and \ He was finally able, in performing Spinach was introduced into Eng- i land in the reign of Queen Eliza- beth, as also was the cucumber, whilst celery was introduced to Eng- lish tables by a French prisoner in I 1704. with slight damage. One of the re- cent developments in this work is the use of a hydro-aeroplane for the dis- covery of fires in the forest reserves of Northern Wisconsin. This is a lake region, and excellent results have been secured, one fire being accurate- ly located at a distance of thirty milej. tliue. and fttU at knman Girl (reading letter from her bro- ther at the front) â€" "John says a bul- let went through his hat without touching him." Old Ladyâ€" "What a blessing he had his hat ou, dearl" an operation however delicate, to u.se whichever Hand was more convenient or useful, without thinking whether it were right or left. Undeniably True. Among a squad of policemen who were being examined on their knowl- edge of ambulance work was a cer- tain Irishman with whom the doctor had the following colloquy: j Doctor â€" What would you do to a man who had a cut on the forearm 7 I Policeman â€" Sure, sorr, I'd bathe it with warm, soft water. Doctor â€" What do you mean by soft water ? Policeman â€" Och! Just soft water, sorr; wet water. Doctor â€" And what is hard water? Policeman â€" lee, sorr. Tonirs and Charles Sts., Toronto, Is tho Hest plaon in Ontario for Superior Business or Shnrthand Kduuation. Knter now. (^alcri'itir frt-o. £?SS^I!:^^^i^ Persian carpets were formerly dyed with indigo, madder, or vine-leaves, and from these materials shades were evolved th^t were impervious to the action of sunlight. Aniline dyes, which have been much used in recent years, g[ive colors which fade more rapidly. Hliiard'a Uslmsat Ctirss Dlatsmpsr. ^3 THB?^ SUnard's Xiinlmant Cores Colds, &o. The Difference. Little Molly had been very trying all day. That evening, when her grown-up sister was putting her to bed, she said she hoped the child would be a better girl to-morrow, and not make everybody unhappy with her naughty temper. Molly listened in silence, thought hard for a few moments, and then said, wisely: "Yes, when it's me it's temper; when it's you it's nerves." Mlnard'B Iilnlment Cnrss Diphtheria. ED. 6. ISSUE 44â€" '15. In Japan tea-leaves are often ground into powder before uce. B i q D F p p 1 ri P r i c es ot Ko iBfttU* whar* yon llT* or ^b*t you Of y'""*!? fBuaJlT â- wtjiI In KoT* OT i'^T ri«»rm«nt«. r^u MU1 liuj' nb*«p«r atiJ botter Liy dcAllnri tiLr«ot with us. Whon you M*llf9 tb«t w« ftr* THE tfcBOEWT CASH HVY- RUB OP HAW niR* IM CA- NADA alr«ot f!-om tho 1r«pi>«C 7<m will ftpyr»ofat« oar iinrlT- ^led oypoittuiity to wwliKt th« An««rtuitin*, m^mififccturi* ;\i''m lDiod*«irftblft Ktir 8«ta(vn<l Kur aurmcntB then l;y»«lUa<(ilir.M;t to 70U b7 nwll, savo thn middls mm • proftt )>7 '>ut rtmoiu ot From Trapper to Wearor ULA-CK WOLP PET. This (â-  ono of th* manr b«rKklD« il1n»- ttAtcd m oj» FUn BTYL« BOOK nnd )• ft t>«aiit4ful Mk ratAn trom lontf li»lr«l good §ua!it7â€" wftoleflklna.Tho tolots cut OKtra deep and â- â- KM ^. ^2^ wt(l« oTor sh'iuldtr r-urt Wk~ WBflt u^m givini sooa protection ajniinat inl ca lui ooWâ€" i9trimm»rt«lthh«ttaand Hg| ,.,**'^«i toU ovrr fthoaId«r« and (ml ftt %^ ^o- 221 ttooh nnd~1flie4 with gcKxl quaj- vS Stttit Ity satin andiiurmlrUitoriUiPd. ^ Jl.Ztt Tho Mu/f Is mndo In th© large clnftfly pillow Btylfi, triinmM with hMul, tftll anj v^-wn nii<l mouafc«d on gnotl down bf^l (iWIng sr«*t warmth ftud comto«V-~ lined with i|oo<t u.tinâ€" wluk wtIaI oov4. No 23f4,Stol9 No.225,M\iflf Rtm-t nrtlcla !â-  aoM nad«r Om POftlTIVS ur^IUH. TEB to 'SATiant YOU on nitKUND YOUU MONEY.'. Bend frr our Ptu' Btjrle Book; IPir.-lfl edition, sr.NT PRKC ftx rsqaeab which conteltia .-^i p«iIp« of <Uu«tr*> lions ct oemutltul Tu* Hataand Fur UKriu«nta. We Pay All Delivery Chargfie no NOT WATT BUT SEND TODAY TO Room 227 Hallam Bid)?., TOKONTO, CANADA.

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