Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Oct 1915, p. 8

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October US 1<»15 THE F L E S H E R T N A D V AN € E 4 ;"'«;' BUSINESSCARDS w UIGHT, TELFOKD * MoBONALD Hkrriater. Solicltorn, Ac. OUJcen. Orey * Hructi lllock, OwoD Souiiil. StauiUrd Hank Block, Klesbertoii. (SaHir<i«vsl. W. H. Wright, W. V. 'relforilJi.,>>. C. UoDonal'l, !<. U. o. SOCIETIfiS AO U W uieet« ou »b« 1»«» Monday in acb inonlh, In tb«ir loage room Oaytou'i hall Pl«»herton, rt-S p.m. M. W., W. J. Bellaoiy; Hoc, C. H. MuD«haw: Pip., n. J, Hproul*. VtaRiDghrathiMSloTltod PKINOK ARTHUK LODQE, No. tOB.A.P.A A U. iiieute ID Iht ttasonie ball. Arm •trOBK • Hlock.Kla«hert<jn, e»«r« PriiJay on >r before tbo full Bxwa. .Jl. *Viglit W. M- *â- . H. W. HickllLU. t>ecre:iwy. COUBTTLBSHERTOK, fM 1. 0. E. mae'.iin Clayton • block the laiit Wtdnesdav evoulnR ««cb uionlb. ViiltiDR Forerter* heartily cooioC. K., G. Hellamy ,'ft. B., U. {ia.rn n. Bee, W. BuBkin. r)e«M pay du»a to Wo. B«c.-b«lore the «Hr«l av of the laonth. CHOSEN FBIENOB-Fleriierton Couii»H Cboun Friend* uieetn in Clayton 'BhalMlrit nd tblrd WadKMday oloaobuiontb Op. Ui fay a«*««uu»nU to tne IttK-order on or bttore ttr «r*t *ay ol each asontti. Chief CouucHloi . Bla)keIev:H«eM<aK W. H. baut. Medicai. DR CABTBR , . , M C P A B Out. Pbyilolao, Bariiecn etr Ofllee and retldence- Peter it., Floeherton DK. w. T. i.rmj-:. - _ ,. , ,. Gr»dBate of Toronto V niver«lty Medical Collete. Be»i<leD*e*uil'OIISce at «>ark Houre, FiMl»«t«ii. ll>tni«r«»«. JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Borgeon Jraduate ot Ont*tio Veterinary Collega rerldeoce â€" locoml door aotttu weatlOD k*ry ttreet. Tki« (treet roci outb Frciibyterlan Cbareii. HEADQUAl^TERS FOR Massey-Harris and Coekshutt Repairs Cockshutt Impllenients, Melotte C<«ani Separators, Lister GasoHne Engines, iSailed Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Agent â-  » , y â€" T^ T ? t - *? " t-^V^y- ? ? T' <5^â€" -y T-r-^-- Dentistrv T. E. C MURBAY U 3. S., dental aurgeoo _ honor graduate ol Toronto Univereitv and fttyal Co11«(;b ot Dental Surgeons of Onttrio, Gaa adiuitlnlitered lor t«c>ii extraction Itiee at reildeoee, Toronto Btraei. Fli>at;erton. I) Legal I LTA8. lt.\NEY A hKSBV-Barrljttr;. Lt iiallc!tor«,eic.-I. K. Lueao, fc. C: W. t, Keney, K. C. ; W. V. Henry. B. A. Oflloe*. foroiiio. M»9 Tiadcrt bank BidK., pboae icain n\i\ Markilale Local block, fhoue 2 A. BraucboUlce at Dundalko|i«a«*«ry Baturdajt. r BusiNE-ss Cards l« CULLOUGH * VOUNG <â- ' Hanktre MarkdaU ceral banking builneai . Mooay loaaad rcatonabla ratei Call on uh. DUcPH.Uf.. T.lceoiad Aaetloneer forltbe • County ol Grey. Terme lao'li-rite and ti> actlun giiaraDtred. The ariaiiKeueoti i;] latMof lalea can lie made a*. TbkAdtam-b Office Kcaideace and P.O., Ceylon, Telepboo* oonactioD. O*c.S,0T. WM. KAITTISG, Licennad Aaetloneer foi tbe oouciie* of (irey and Kluicoe. Fariu and Block lalea a iipecialty. Tarma aioderaie. tatistcctiuu guaranttcl. Arraogi- aienta lor data* luav he made at tbe Advance offlcA, nr Central telerhone office i-evershauj Ot bykdiruaelug ws Jkt Feverabaui, Ont. Bull for Service I'uri: breil sliorlh'irii ImiU, Alierdccn fyvieâ€" 8,000â€" for swivioe on lot 20, S..S. U., Arteiiieitiu. Terms- 81. cO for grddoi. Pure Incid C0W8 ?:i oo. Pur<' liifil Trtiniwor'.li Iidl' for "tcrvicfl on the a1)uve lot, Teriiii -$1 .W f )rjill snimals. Serv« d niuat be paid for. oS«>p â€" NV, J. McndH Bull For Service Thf.roOBlibi«,1 Shorihoin Hull. " Hill rout (iixi'iiii'i," N'>. '<"'J'''^t fi" .seivicc COD lot 27, con 14, Arlcir.csia. TcrniH- • 1 I'lO lor t-iftl'". •"."•for iliipiiiii .'lil>ri-cl». â€"ALEX, CAURI THEIIS. Ceylon and Pricevile Kew Fall Good.s Hirivijiig. Hats and Caps, >Sweater Coat.s for men, »\vomcn and children. Fall and Winter l'u<J«'j\WL'r. Tweeds and Seuges for nu'n'.s and J»oy«' *uiU.and trousers, also tor ladicfi' AAtear. Specials this week in air«mvmier wear at big reditetione. Millmsry Opening, Friday &nd :Saturday, Sept. 17th and ISth.atCeyion. HIGHEfiiT PRICES ALWAYS PaID iSm PRODUCE ' Our Idotto â€" "Small Piiokitt avw <|iicic Ckturns JAMES PATTISON & Co. CEYLON AND PRICEVILIX « << \ D on't Blame the Innocent ^ 'Tiiiii't always tlic Cook â€" I'oor Jliiiig! Sometimes it"? I lie Sieve. Cousidoratc men want con- siilerato AiovcB in tlieliomo. Till y knowâ€" Bad Stoves inako Dad Diuncif. Dad ninncTB make Bad Tompcrs. Tlio ".Moft'iU" Stoves between Jutclicii and Dining Room is a good Stove. Como and see onr lino of Rood cookrrs. Tliey save liino, fuel, energy and tem- per. %?Fj»*j«.*ja?'M**mff.»*^^-S*«S?-«J^4»* %^m& IF. W. DUNCAN I ^ Hardware Merchant Phone 30 r 2 j^ J FLESMERTON, - - ONT. ^ Colun\bia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues Tlio Colnnibin i.i llic poifoct talking' inacliiiic. Compare all otlicis, then liear tliisaiul wc are not afraid of tlio rcpiilt. Wo can sell niacliincfl on easy terms to rcspoiisildo people. All the best appointed city litmics liavc tlH.ir pai lot inacliiiii'S and there is no reason wiiy the fanner should not have tlif! best music of the day in liis lionio, includiuK band music, vocal urtists, and peifDrmirs on all kinds of instrumonts. You can liave it on a Columbia Grafonola, as perfect as tlic original, and for much losh limn you would pay for u Common 'Ugun. They laugo Irom 820 up. he Perfect Columbia Is a marvel of recording instrn- mcuts and the Columbia records, rnado in Canada, rmbraco tlionsands of Mlcctiona from wliicli to choose. W. H. Thurston Agent Flcshcrton <^i'iic v,ty I I'st ]il CO ill l.iUf 'i^ Jj^ (.'iiiuimii iiil I'liiiiin'it' i^ Wii' ^ y^ OWKN SorND, ONT., ^ W Nil OlhlM- IJllUUlli.llI SullOlil oiriMHStf (tlu'.so ndvnlitiig.'H; W^ ^'^('(MirHuH under poisoinil "Upei'-^J JsviMDii of w Clmili'ii'd .XcuiiMiiiiiiit .«!s[ WCiiiiiiilwtii l'racii''nl Di'iuirtineiit.JI^ f|| .'t.'i Hii(.'i;( s->fiil yeius. \^ J^Oiii- own liuildiLij,', unci evoiy ,i,'r'id-^ f^ iiHti) iu a positino. ^ MBu'Iiiohs, Slimllmiiil, I'lfpinntoryojj^ i^itnd t'ivil .SniA ioo l><<p.iiliiieii*H. J|i| jlKiiter riiiy <liiy. ("ntiiIiij<uo fiee. onij rti|iii'Ht. ^ C. A. FLKMIN(;, F. C. A., ^jg |# Prii.c.ipHl.«j| fin. I). FI/KMINO Secro.uiy.S S OWKN SOUND â-  ONTARIO ^ StRAYED lloilor striyod, inii^-ily roil witli lilllo while, about Au^. iiO, from lot .'10, onn. l.'t, Arlenieniii. -Lli^HLIKdlAUD, Flculiorion P.O, Office Positions Guaranteed ! ' The DiiMiiiiioii (ioveiiuneut i;ui»riintoefi pcisitiniis to XiirlluMii liusiue.ss (.'olleizc, Ovu'U .Smniil, !;iiiihmt«s who pii^s tlio , Civil Sei vice KxitiuiiintioiiN in May and NoveinbiT. H*larie8 8500 to Sl'.'OO. .'\iiibitiouH youn^ uumi and wouo'ii, hitv- iii|; iilli'ndi'd lli^ih School for a yenr (U' more, oimht eiisily to puss these exninin- Htiiiiif, nfler tiikiii;; oui' Conniii'icial and Hioiiom'aphic Course fi>r aix or ei)?ht iiiniitliH. Writo for pnrticutaiN to North- cm IJuHinesH Oollone, 0. A. Fleming, I'lineipiil, or (J. P. F'lomiug, Si'iuctar,)' F.1II tmiu opening Sopl. 1st. Stock for Sale A ooiiiili" of brood ROW". 1 lli'r!i»lilro nml 1 TttUlwortM lor atln. Tornis to anil |>iira)ian(ii OKO, W. ROSa Maxwell I>. U. For Service For .sorvioe on 1)1 12, cmi. '.', OMprny, ituii! pureluiil Shorlhorn Hull. Torms SI.oO. Al.si) (iiiu piini lucd VorkHhlro llimr, 'IViins 81 00. All acrounta niuat hii pHid to FHKO TVI,KR, Manimer. or ;(J. U. m RKK. I'roprielor. I Sep. House and Lot for Sale i Corner lot oppomlo the PreHbytoriiin ! church, houao couUins roontn imd Imlh, loumeiil I't'llnr.t. oouiont eiHierii inside, i(<oodwell anil (stable. For terms apply I on premisoH. Imo. -MRS. U. H. WRICUIT I Flosherton , Woman's Missionary Convention The anutiAl convention of the Metho dist VV<>n>en'ti Missionary Society of the i^vfw S<»und District was held in Dun- dalk oil Friday (irhen delegates nuraberina about 25 were present, repreaenling various Auiiiiaries of tho disliict, includ- itig CiTclofl and IVIi<Miion Bands, Tho mwniiim setwiou opened witli de<»'otdo»>al oxeroiBeB led by Mrs. Bonnell of Owen Sound. Tho minutes of Ksl meeting were read anlcontii'med. After an address of welcome by Mrs. (Rev.) Waugh the reports of Auxiliaries were read. Miss Roche of Markdale Circle gave an interesting paper on " Tbe Kin!4's Highway," a book used by many of the Auxiliaries and found to be of great help and inspiration. Further reports were given of work accomplished by First Church Owen Sound, Markdale, Wesiside, Harkaway, Dundalk, Flesber- ton, including the Mi«sion Band c.f the latter place repieseuted by Masters Wesley Armstron; and Frank Thurston. Dund-klk reported the loss of an esteemed member through the baud of death . Throuf;h her zeal for missions this mem- ber rtjijuested near her ulo«ing hours that 410 tliiirers be placed upon her casket but that the money which might be^pent in this way be gi>»en to the mi«.sionary cause. â- " Doing our bit " was the aubjeot of a paper read by Mrs. (ile.v.) Waugh. In response to «a appeal for assistance to Mr. Niddrie in connection with his work •t Island Lake, each AuxiUary was ur;{ed to forward p.U'celH of clothing to Mark' dale f'ir bhi{*uieut from thai point. The following r^Htolutton eouiaiiltoe was ap pointed : Mrs. Uuiiuell, Owen KoiuiJ ' Mrs. Armifron^, Flesliert<u) .; Mrs. Clarke, Harkaway ; Mrs. Irtriu, Mark' diile. The afternuou session opened at two o'clock with prayer by Uev. W, Wallace of Markdale. Kimberley, Rocklyn and Markdale Mission Bands reported pro- 'rc\»^ during tho ye-ir. The junior choir of Dundalk Church rendered a aelectiuu. An instruulive paper was i<iven by .Mrs. Cook, of Markdale, the Di.strict organiz- er "How <o Win and Keep MemberB", was the subject of a helpful paper ijiven by Miss Lynelt'i Han bury, of Dundalk Circle. In connection with impressing upon the people the imimrtaiicc of the wiirk nf missioncry organi/^ktions and eniistiiig further help it was deemed ad- visable to have the set vices of one Sun- day in the year devoted tn ihi.s particular purpoac with the co-operation of the pastor of etch Circuit. Min. (ftev.) Dud;;eon, of Fleshorton, gave a paper entitled "Tho Intluence of the Ili.ly Spirit on the .Auxiliaries". This was foil >wed liy a patriotic vocal solo by Miss Nelliu Uardiner aud a chorus by the junior chuir. Mr.'. Cook was re- sppoiiitfd organ >.er and Mrij. J. H. Rulhtrford, of 0«en Sound, Sec.-Treas. No place was decided ou for next con- vention. ResuluMona of .symjiathy were expre.s.sed to Mrs. Wilmot, Presidiiit, iu the losH of liKr husband, Dr. Wihnutt. to Mrs. Kuiheifiird, of Otvdi Sound, in her lUiiesH, to Westside and Dundalk Auxiliaries iu tho loss each of a ineinbvr by di'alh in the year. Tho thanks of the cnnvenlion were tendered to the local organi/'itions who entertained the visiting delegatts. itoth dinner and tea were served iu tho chuicli hiseinent. Tho :iddres8 of Rev. Ja«. Dudgeon, of Fiosheiton, in tho evenhii; frou^ the text : "ttut tho annoiiilinx which ye have loctived of him abideih in you" (1 John 2: 27), rolutod to Ihu inspiration gained in tho convention and the ipint- iial uplift which would he carried home to the au>iliaries by tho delenate*. li WHS n lilting word in i-hning n succw-sfnl iniHtioiiory convention.- Herald. What Salt Will Do Salt will revive a dyin^ lire. Salt will rcinovo stains on marble. Salt â€" Coarseâ€"is a nood chanser of irons. Salt in water or other fluid retards the boiling. Salt mixed with soda sstemedy IvU- bee MtiuHs, Salt and water innkca an oxcflUni I'lroat «arg'G. Silt and hot water will Ihaw a friK.'u drain-pipe. Salt will reniove tea stains from deli- calo china cups. Salt sjiroad on blaokhoetio haunts will kill tho pests. Salt added to snow makes the mixture much ciilJer. Salt ar.d water, warm, will stop chil- blains from ilehin{f. Salt thrown on a fire will extinguish a burnim; chiumoy. Salt and lukewarm wuler is an. excell- ent lutitm fur styes. 'Salt and waim water is anoinoliuin cases of poisoning. Salt mixed in cold water will remove bloodslaina from linen. Another Analyst Puzzled Some time ago Dr. T. S. Sproule sub- mitted a sumplo of the Kari-tedt oil ti ilie Dominion Analyst, Dr. Eugene llaanu', of Ottawa, for analysis, and after a test by hini tho nature of tlr^ nil remains as big a mystery as ever. Fidlowing is a copy of the letter which accompanied the report : Ottawa, Oc'o>er20th, 1915. Dear Sir, â€" I enclose a report of a test made on the sample of oil from Flesher- ton. Grey Co., Ont. A meetiug of sepresentatives f rt m* different stctions of the Township '-£ Oaprev, was held .\\. M<Iutyre, on Satur- d.iyni«ht. Tlie majority of the raem- bera of tlie towm.lnp council were present »nd it was docideJ to levy three mills on the dollar, which wi'.l produce something over $;{,000, and endeavor to raise by p.'r.sonal subscrip-'isn a further sum sufficient to n>aUe the total four thousand dollars. This will b- divided, J1,OCO to the British Red Cross, ?1,00<J to the Canadian Red Cross, and *2,C0; tj the Patriotic Fund.- Enterprise. Koif. E Storm, returned missioniry It appears impossible to determim fr„,„ Turkey, is likely to become pastci of the Congregational church ia Shel- buroe. whether this is a crude or a refined oil tho absence of low boilini: constituents and ot unpleasant odours indicates a ro- tined product, but relineJ oilh ordinarily do not leave such a lar(;e residue on dis- tillation. If the sample ia suspected of bein^ leakage from neighbouring oil reservoirs, it might be helpful to h'tve a simple of this oil sent fur analysis and comparison. I am. Yours very truly,Eugene Haanol, Director. CATTADiTS KlTLIXa. How Service Paflsed From tile Kole of Tramp to That of Poet. London Tit-Bits has the following article on Robert Service, the Cana- dian poet: The name of Robert W. Service is to Canada what Ihat^of Kipling is to the rest of the world. He is the In writing Mr. Karstedt Dr. Sproule poet whose "Songs ot a Sourdough" present a picture of life "out West" !-ays in part ; "1 herewith enclose for your perus-1 letter and report received from Dr. Eu- gene H.a.iinel, reoarding tbe samples 0| jil I got from yuu and submitted it 1 1 hiin direct. From the conversatiim I had with him about it I concluded it would be an ea-y matter for them to an- alyse it, and tell without doubt whether it was crude oil or refined oil mixed with other products, so be gave me to uuder- stand,at least,but in this I was luit^taken. mere vivid, definite, and truthful than anything which lias yet been written, and his career provides an equally strilting story. "At twenty-one, to the horror ot my parents, I kicked over the traces and precipitated myself violently into the wild West." That Is how Mr. Service himself r»»lates his mi- gration to Canada, which occurred after he had spent some years aa clerk in a bank in Glasgow. "Hav- ing reached years of indiscretion," he says, "the routine of the oflBce be- gan to pall upon me. I seemed to as his letter shows. When di.scu.ssing it geo my life an endless vista of drab he seemed to think it was refined oil mixed with otlier iu&redieuts, and most pribaidy wan from the Foakage from the days, and myself growing bald and paunchy in a halo of respectability. 1 rebelled. 1 wanted color, action, change, excitement, with the thrill place where other >iila had been kept,- of not knowing what was round the but in hii letter he makes little reference to tbat. From bis report it would appe tr that they applied the same te«t, as was u«ed by the Toronto chemist, that of evaporation at different degrees of heat." corner." And Mr. Service got It; for, after traveling steerage as an emigrant. he landed in Vancouver with exactly five dollars in hie pocket, and had to start work by picking stones off tbe surface of a field destined for tur- 1 nips. Tree-chopping, farming, Oeo. Leppard has *old his 400 acre school-teaching, newspaper report- farm 0.1 the 17th con.. Proton, to Deveri "»8' I°<l\a° fadiOR. and various oth- „ ,. T 1 . , , . I er miscellaneous occupations foHow- Bros. Mr. Leppard has purchased lotsj ^^ before the Kipling of Canada IC and 17, con. 3, Ospr.'y, (ItW acres),] came to the conclusion that his par- ents were right and that the work of a bank clerk was his forte. "I was tired," he says, "of being kicked about from pillar to post, aniT once more I sought a situation in a bank. I was tamed down, and then I had a stroke of luck that changed my whole destiny. For at the height of the gold rush 1 was sent to th© Yukon by the bank which employed me, and remained there for eight years. The extraordinary virility and color of the life made a great impression on me, and it was during from EJ. Mills, f.jr the sum of 84,5.>0. Auction Sale OF FARM PRCiPERTY IN THE T(.>WNSHIP OF ARTEMESI.\ I'nder and by virtue nf the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgagr, which will lie producv-d at the time ut sale, there will bo ottered for .sjile by „ _ _ publio auction at the Miinshaw House iu j the' solitary walks I used to take as the Villai-o of Flehherton nu Saturd.iyla cure for dyspepsia that 1 first be- tho Thirtieth day of Oct.^ber I'Jl."), at i gan to write. the hour of two o cluck in the afternoon, ; "I had read so many stories of the following property, n*mely : i the North, and 1 had read so much FIRSTLY- Lot numbrr Twenty-one K'P""E that 1 began, out of sheer in Iho Eiyhth C»)Mces.sion of the Town- 1 boredom, to versify. Kipling fash- ship of Artemesia in the County of Grey, | '""• containing fifty-four acres, more or less. SECONDLY - Part of Lot number One hundri'd and fnrty in tho Third RaUfjeNrth Eist .if the Turont 1 .tnd Sydenliaiii Itoail in llu^ siid Township of .AitjMU'sia, being the E.istern corner (•f K.iid Lot, adjciiniiig I.nt numbirl Mr. Service, however, thought so little of his work at that time that the verses which emanated from his pen were thrown into the bottom of trunk, and lay there for some time. One lucky day, however, he came across them and read them to a friend. This friend thought "they Twenty our in the Eighth Coiieesainn ; weren't so bad for an amateur." and and I> mnded on the West by the Meaf- sujigested that Mr. Service should ord Koad, and containin.; live acre.s,inoro have some of them printed and hand or less. them round to his friends as a This property is sit tinted about three , Christmas card, milei fn.mthe vil'a..o of Fit-shcrtou. j "This, however, struck rponll.oin-einises are said lobe a I04 rather foolish," he says, ' me as and hap- pening to receive a bonus of one hundred dollars, 1 took the plunge, sent my verses to a publisher, and told him to go ahead and print them at my expense." The rest, according to Mr. Service. P' holl•^.^ a tramo birii, also an i^pple or- chard. The fa-ni ii wrll wnljreil, and ii ill cloaiol e.vc-pt .i';out six .teres. Terms : --Ten per cent, of ihe pur- chase ni'in' y t" be paid at tbe time of sile. and ihi> bilvnce thirty diys there- 'jgads like 'afa'''y story, for tho pub after, nithuut interest. ; ijgher was so impressed with tho For further pat licul.trs and conditions merit of the verses that he insisted of sale, apply to on publishing them on a royalty _\\ Hir.VIT .t- TFI vnnn basis, and before Mr. Service realiz- c , V. "' '^J,!'l** '^*^; ed what a genius he was his verses Owen S..unJ, Out. S.dicit.irs for jj^^ reached the seventh edition, and Mottgigee. jjj^jy ji^ye j,epQ selling ever since. DitcdSi-iit. 2illh I'.M.'i The Advance Office, Flesherton All pricesâ€" $20, i?:V2,:)0, $4a, $0.") iintl up. Ka.sy terms if wanted. Call aiul sot> \\\kw\

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