November 18 1915 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE r' V jV - BUSINESSCARDS WEIGHT, TELFORD & McDONALD Harriater. BoUcItorx, &o. Office*, Orey * Brucs Block, Uwou Hound. Btandkrd Hank Block, Flesherton. (Satuniavb). W. H. Wrigbt, W. r. 'i'eKoid J) . ,1. C, McDonald, U U B. Societies AO U W me«ti oii the latt Monday â- D ach montb, in their loaga room C'laytoo'a ball Flesherton, at 8 p.m. M. W., W. J. Ili.llamy ; Bee., C. H. MunBhaw; Kin., K. J, Sproule. ViaitiDg brethr»n invited PBINCB ABTHOB LODOB, No. »83,A.P.« A M, Dieeta in the Uasonictaall. Arm troBK's Block, Kleoherton, every Friday on >r before the fall moon. J, Wright W. M' F. H. W. BiokliDg. Beiretarr. COUBT7LEKREBT0N, W6, I. 0. F. moetain Claytou'B Iilock the last Weduesdav eveniiiR each month. V\»itin|! KoreBtern heartily come>C. K., G. Bellamy ; R. 8., O, ('airt.« B. 8eo., W. Hnakin. , ^ Please pay due* to Fin. Sec. before the flrat ay of the mouth. CBCBBN FBIENDB-FIeeherton Conneil Choien Friendi meets in Clayton 'shall first nd third Wednesday of each month S p. m fay a«se«Binents to the Ho<-order on or before the first rfayof each month. Chief Councillor . BlakeleY;B«cordai W. B. Bnut. Medical f\B OABTEB 1/ II C P & B Ont, PbysieUn, Borijeon etc Office aod residenceâ€" Peter si., Flasbertoo DR. W. T. LITTLE, - . „ . ,. Graduate ol Toronto University Medical Collefje. Hosidence and Offlce at *>ark Home, Flesberlon. I'honeMrS. JP OTTBWELL Veterinary Surgeon 3raduate of Ontario Veterinary College reeidenee â€" aeaond door south weet.oo Utj street. This atreet runs outL Presbyterian Chnreb. Dentistry IV- B. C i«URRAV L. D. S., dental enrgeon 1* hoDoi crailuate ol Toronto Univeraity and Btyal College ol Uental KurRoonB ol Ontario, Gas adiuiainistered for teeth extraction fDee at rsaldeoce, Toronto Street. Fleshertoo . Legal I UCAB, KANEY 4 hENKY-Barrlatere. L* Bolicitora, e}c.-l. B. Lucae, K. C.; W. K, Haney, K. t . : W. 1). Henry, K. A. Offices, roronto. MIC.9 Tiadors Bank Bide., pbone main 1412; Markdale Lucas Block, Phone 2 A. Branch office at Ouudalk oi>eD every Saturday. M\-':-^^:^::-^A^.'f^,Z'j:?^5^s^^^j^:i?k^^ HEjyDQUARTERS FOR lifaMey49aviii8 and Cockthutt Repairs Cockduitt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, ILister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon D. McTaviih - FLESHERTON, ONT Agent ^^'^'^â- s^'^^^^ ^^ i ^^s^^j^^'i i ff^^ ^ Vf BusiNE-ss Cards CULLOUGH * YOUNG Bankera Markdale neral banking basineu . Money loaued reaaooable rate* Call on ns. DHcPBAIL, Lioenaed Aoctloneer forltbe • County of Grey. Term* moderate and tlM'aciion guaranteed. The arrangements nd iatea of ealea can be made at The Advance office Keaidence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone onnection. D*ce,07. WM KAITTISG, Licenaed Anctioneer foi the counties of Grey and Bimcoe. J- arm and Stock Taalea a epecialty. Terms mo<ler»te. patiffaction (juarantted. Arrange- went* for date* may be made at the Advance office, or Central teleilioue ollice revorsham or by addreaeing me at Keversbam, Ont. Bull for Service rurebrcJ sliortli.nii liull, Alicidueii Fyvie -8,0tiO- for gervice on lot 21), S.S. U'.. AileiiieHia. , r. , j Terms- 81. i'O <<>r grnduB. Pura bred covvH ?3.0(». . . , Pure bred Tniiiiworth hoK for service on the above lot, TeriiiBâ€" fl"** f Hjill animalB. bervod must be itaid for. â€" \V. ,1. MCBtls Bull For Service Hill ice ThoroojilibrcJ Shonborn Bull. " Hi rest Got4nor," N... «r.4i;H. for servic con lot 27, con 14. VV<?-r,?m«. U-r,n.s »l..,o ^^j^gx. CARRUTHER8. [ JAS. PATTISON & CO. CEYLON'S STORE Special for 1 week Commencing Thurs. Nov. 18. CARPETS and LINOLEUMS Carpet leg. 45c. per yd ,....30c. Carpet reg. '25c. per yd 20c. Linoleum 2 yd. wide reg. 95c 80c. Floor oil cloth 2 yd. wide reg. TOc COc. Floor oil cloili H yd. wide reg. 45c 40c. Floor oil cloth 1 yd. wide reg, .30c 25c. Nice lot of Ladies' New Coats just in. Men's and boys' suits, latest styles, Bought before the advance. Highest market prices always paid for butter, eggs, poultry, tallow and hides. Uee our sign board at store, something special each day. JAMES PATTISON & Co. CEYLON AND PRICEVILLE 1 Ji 1^ ^i^iit^^i^^ ^ Don't Blame the Innocent :^. 'Tisii't always the Cook â€" Toor Tiling! Sometimes it's tiie Stove. Considerate men vvunt con- siderate siuves in the home, 'J'li(y know â€" Bad Stoves make Bad Dinners. llinners make Bad Tempers. The "MolVat" Stoves between Kitchen and Dining Boom is a good Stove. Come and see our line of Sood cookers. They save time, tucl, enoi'Ry and tem- per, ,»,§ IF. W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant FLESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT. Columbia GrafoiYolas Records, Needles, Catalogues The Columbia is the perftvl tulkiiii,' machine. Ooinpure all others, tlirn hear this ajid we uie not afraid of the repult. We can sell machiiie.s on easy terms to responsible people. All the best appointed city homes have their parlor niachiiio.s and there is no reason why the farmer Rhoiild not have the heist music of the day in his home, incliidiiij.! band miiaic, vocal urlibts, and performers on all kinds of instruments. Vou can have it on a Columbia Grafoiiola, as perfect as the original, and for much lesfc than yon would pay for u Common <)rgan. They lango Ironi $20 np. he Perfect Columbia Is a marvel of recording instru- ments and tlie Columbia records, made in Canada, embrace tlioiisanda of selections from which to choose, W. H. Thurston Agent Flesherton ^'I'iu' vi>ry I'ost jili CO to tiiitc u^* Office Positions Guaranteed vi>ry 1)11111)1 l\\n\ to riiiiiiiiiu is OWKN SOUND, OST., ?j!g Tlie Dominion Uovtriiiiieiit giiin'snteos positinns to Norlhorii I3u9iue8s CoHogo, (hveii Siiiiiul, niiiduntos wlm pans the Civil Servicf ExmniiintioiiH in Mhv anil November Sulnrios 8500 to S12i)0. .Ambitious young men mid women, Iniv- No other C«m.dian Scliool o(r.-'i-BS^ '"« '>tt«n'l"l Hinh Suho(,l for a year or' iidviiniMge.'i:- ' ^a "i""'' ouijbt easily to pass these exiimin- 'R^Ci.iirKi's uiitKr pei.'annal Mipiu-^ ntioni>, after takint; our Commercial and S^vlfioii of a Cliaitpreil .\icoiiniant .=?S Slenoarapliit! fcr six or eiKhl WOomplole l'ni.;iical Department .J^ „„.nlliH. Write for purticulaiH to North- Zln .",,) sued, ssfiil yeaiH. w^ t, • /^ u n , 1.^1 â- Sr ., , , , 5?S ''in Business CoUeRe, C. .\. Metmni', ^' '"'â- "*'.'..':".''â- '.'".«' ."."•l;':.?'^ «'"''''SI I', or G. D. Fleming, Secrotarr' Wjiliinil Civil Sorvico g^Knter any day. CatiilogUij flee, "n^- «? rci|uosl. oSl r- c . IJS c. A. FLEMiNO, F. c. A., Sjlg ! For bervice teg IViiicipal.jj* ! KO. D. PLKMINO "- ^ g; OWRN SOLND - uate iu a position. ^ I'nncMml, or U. U. lileming, u,>Me.H. Shorthand. l're,.«r»torySSg , f^"'! ""•'« «!'"'*"« '^«P''- '«'â- _ Do|)avtinon'.s.J|tf j " ~ ONTARIO S For Horvice on lot 12, con. !l, I one purebred Shorthorn Bull. ;41.."i(). Also one pure bred Y < >a|)rey, Terms )rk8hire myimwwmyimm. ; ir^a.^ rrnk^^Â¥vL^:ll.^M":::i:.ror ;0. H. nUltKE, Proprietor. - 1 Sep. STRAYED ! 1 loiter striyeU, mostly re<l with little, white, about Au(i. -'t», from lot 30, eon. ! i;i, Artpmesi*. ] LKMLIK CMAUD, Flesherton P.O. 1 House and Lot for Sale Stock for 5a le T*niwoill'« fti'il noikjIilrtiK yomig atocli fc Corner lot opposite the Krosbyterian « i church, homo conttius rooms and hath, cement oallars, cement cistern insiite, 'goodwell and stable. For terms apply Osprey Council Osprey Council met at Feversham on Saturday, Nov. ft, all the members pres- eut. Communications, accounts, etc., were received|froin : Rev. Albert]Mill>>, asking to be furnished with a marriage register ; Hydro-Electric Uailway Asso- ciation, asking for the appointment of delegates to attend meetini; to consider report of engineers and commissioners as to plans, estimates and routes of propos- ed lines ; Municipal World, account $1.89, supplies ; John Trudgeon, account for gravel, ; W. J. Adair, giving notice of damage to lots 48 and 4!l, con. 1 N. D. It., by the construction of drain No. 'i ; F. Marr, acct. $12.50, repairing grader ; C. G. Cole, Collingwood hospital regarding Fred Leach ; John C. Milne, uUim cf t6, sheep killed by dogs. Orden were issued on the treasurer to piy F. Marr fl2.50, repairing; grader ; John C. Milne $4, sheep killed by dogs; J. A. Kernahsn $1,65, work and mater- ial repairing 15th sideroad, con. S ; Ir- win Morrison $4, John Thomson $4, Thos. .Scott $4, selecting jurors ; Muni- cipal World $1.89, marriage register »nd p«at«ge. Irwin Morrison and Thomas Scott were appointed delegates to attend the Hydro. Electric Association of PiUgineers and CommiasioD. Bylaw No. 010, instructing the treas- urer to pay school levies, school deben- ture.s, telephone and drainage delien- tures for 1U15 was passed. Council adjourned to meet at Maxwell on Dec. 15 next. â€" THOS. SCO"n', Clerk. T*niworli>« »•"• noiK"i'>".» yum. k "•u, »â- •••. __ uromisftB -Ices right. I'liona or writs, I lino. â€" MKb. K. U. VVIUUH 1 ; OKO. W. ROSS Maxwell r.o. * ilosheiton, I D Heathcote Mr. 11. Bath, accompanied by his sister Gertie, uf Red Wini;, mot )red over and spent Sundiy with Mr. and Mrs. Jamet Gardner. • We are sorry to report that Miss R. Isaac is ill. We hope for hei spetdy recovery. Mr. Shaw, accompanied by Mrs. U. Green and Mrs. LeGard, motored to Flesherton Sunday. We are sorry to report that little Miss Jessie Lsidlaw is ill with whooping cough Uev. Mr. Young stieuded the oyster supper held in Goring on Friday evening- Mrs. James McKnight of the west formerly uf Heathcote, is visiting with Mrs. Samuel Goodfellow. Mr. James, and John, Gardener, spent Sr.turday renewing old acijuaintances in Collmgwood. Mr. Richard Gardener of Rocklyn visited with h'.s brother .Tames, on Sundny Messri. Clarence Cruicksh ink, Gtorge Swannell, Robert Murray and Ed. Saul C'tmmenced working in Collingwood ship- y:ird t)n Monday Dundalk Mr. McLean, formerly of Pricevillr, no-.v residing in Monliiim, is visiting with his d mghler, Mrs. D. T. Wright. , .\ hater to the Herald from West Af rica tt I's of the K*fo arrival there of E. J. McCrackcr., formerly of Uivoivicw, lie has entered upon duties under the Im- perial Gdvernuiont for the duration of tlu> war. PattonSharpâ€" In Calgary on Oct. 18, .Mi,ss Rena Lillitn Sharp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (ieo'ge Sharp, of Langley I'rairio, H, C., loruierly of Dundalk, to Mr. lliiiJy O. I'atton also a former resi- dent heie. The local C. P. ft. employees, includ- ing the station staff and sectionmon, con- tiilni'e fi im tlu'ir wages 80 per month ((â- r the duration of the war to tha Patri- otic Fund. This voluntary contribution ii in operation over the whole C. P. K. sy.stcin. â€" llerald. Honor Rolls Itepovl of S. S. No. J, Proton, for October. 4 â€" E'U'nie Stinson, Susanna Ijudlow, Gertrido Stinsor., Alex Irwin. Jr 3- Edith Stinson, Stella .\cheaon, Marjoiie Nichnlls, Allie Little. Sr 2- -Ethel Nichols, Ro.selia Stevens, Vera Moore, Burrows Heard. Jr 2â€" Pearl Hadgerow, Jim Badgerow. Sr 1 -Miiia Scott, F,liz»hoth Nixon. Jr 1 â€" Marion Aoheson, Ivan Lockhart. Pr B- Emerson Gallaugher, Elvin Moo.-e, Mary Ann NiXon. Pr 0â€" Mwrs^avet S in.soi'.Sylva Acheson Kingslcy Gallaugher, Margsret Moore. - Claha G. BiNNiK, Teacher. Report of Prioeville Sjhool for October. ,T -R Carson, L Saokett, Alex McLean, K McDonald. 2 -R MoDougall, D Niohol.D McLean, E Watson, F McDougall. 1 J Ferris, M Carson, H Sickett, K Mttthoson, Neil Moljean, N MoDoogall. Sr Pr- V McDougall, M Watson, I) McLean, J McMeekin. Jr Vrâ€" G McLean, L MoAvthur, L Mc- jnald, T Oarson, The News VICTORI.4 IN WAK TIME. The Day It Happens The Toronto Daily News is rauid'y forging to the front as the leading Tor- onto newspaper. Its news columns con- tain more special and exclusive cables than any other newspaper. Its special articles are by experts sel- ected because of their fitness and abiliiy to write authoritatively. Editoiials by Sir John Willison make that pa^e the best in the country. Its farm page and market quotations are reliable. The Woman's pages are from the best thought in the country. It is not only the best illustrated news- piper in the province, but the majority uf its pictures are exclusive and the very latest obtainable throughout the world. The Advance and the Toronto Daily News can be secured for one year for $2.8(1. Send your subscription to this office. Weekly Report Flesherton High School FORM 1, Spelling j M Madill 9<i, F Funt 92, C Fisher 70, M Fields 7e, P Alien 72, E Thompson (58. A Mitchell 64, B Trimble 64, H Thomp- 1 son 64, J Stewart 48, B Meads 44, W j Arms' rong 36. Form 1, .\rt A Mitchell 71, P Allen 69, M Madill 65, M Field 65, C Fisher 65, J Stewart, 58. W Armstrong 58, H Thompson 5?|i F Bunt 51, B Tiiinble 47, B Meads 41. ! Form I, Canadian History | M Field 81, P Allen 77, M Madill 75, | F Bunt 74, H Thompson 71, C Fisher 67 A Mitchell 61, J Stewart 59, B Meads 57, B Trimble 45, W Armstrong Xi. i i Form 2, Compositiou | R Hartrave 78, V Finley 75, R Ding- 1 well 75, R Caswell 75, B Patton 70, Dl McVicar 6i>, A \Vinler!« (>H, C Porter 68, ! E Bentham 6<i, E Acheson 65, M Ache- snn 65, \ Allen 64,E Caswell 63, L Lover 63, W Latimer 62, J Wright 60, E Par- slow 5!>. M Wright .58, Mildred VVrisjbt 58, M Heard of, W Willianiison 52, R Wilhiinson 52, K Rutledge 51, S Murray 51, H Moo-^e 50, P LeGard 4n, F Thur- ston 49. A Graham 49, F L3ver 4S, H Morton 45. Form 2, Algebra R Morton %, S Murray 90, R Har- grave 80, R Dingwall 88, A Winters 77, B McVicar 74, V Finley 74, M Acheson 70, E Acheson 69, W Williamson 68, J Wrifht 67, R Caswell 67, A GiahainCo, E Itouihain ()2, W Latimer 61, E Cus- woll 61, P LeGar.l 60, R Rutledse 611, M i Heard ."â-º4, E ParsP.w 52. L Lever 51, FJ Lever 5), M Colgai .50, H Mooio 4H, iij Williamson 45, F Thurston 42, A Allen i 40, C Porter 3.'!, D Patton 31. M Wright I 19. Form 3, Geometry j D 99, A Wright 95, R Hutch- I inson 89, W McL»od 84, W Buchanan ! 8.3, L Muir 82, I Ltidlaw 81, (,) Knitting j 77. .V .Vcheson 73, S Smait 72, W Hirri- sou 71, D Wilson 71, J Nichol 61, M Legate .")H, E Spencer 55, F Purliament 54, O White 53, L Dudgeon 53; R Sharp ."ill, H McLoiii 46, E Ksrstcdt 42, W , Patlison42,l) McMillan 3H,A Gaudin 26, I M Mnrphy 26, C Lever. British Coluiubla City Feels Spirit Even More Keenly Than East. War time in Victoria, B.C., is, In many ways, like war time in the in«- land cities; in one or two important respects, however, it is different. For one thing, although the east- ern cities as a whole realize the ser- iousness of the situation, and are re- sponding splendidly to the call, yet their citizens, iadivldually and col- lectively, can baldly view the contest In quite the Irtlmate way the people do on the Pacific coast. Ontario, al- though she is aending her sons to Europe, is not in any danger herself, British Columbia, on the other hand, is an exposed coast province, and has been in actual danger of attacks from the Germans. For several months last year, hoir- ever, at the beginning of liostilities, there was a genuine chance that Vic- toria might be attacked. This proximity to actual fighting threw Victoria citizens into a particularly serious and determined mood from the very start and this feeling has remained constantly with them, and haa been transmitted into zealous- and efficient work, botb in actual en- listment, and in all activities con- nected with the war. Toronto has its aeroplanes, but . Victoria has its cruisers, and more in- teresting still, its submarines. If you want to feel quite a, new sensa- tion, and to have it driven home to - you graphically that Canada is de- veloping war-time scen«ry of her own. take a peep throwgii the perls- cope of one of the submarines in: Es» quimalt Harbor, a few miles from Victoria, says a writer in Toronto Star Weekly. Not only will the act- ual experience of being in a subma- rine and looking through one of the periscopes, which, owing to the abuse of submarines by Germany, have come to stand in the world for soms- thing sinister and alarming, be of in- terest in itself, but through the lens you are as likely as not to see thei Rainbow or the Kent floating at an- chor In the harbor. The Rainbow is a cruiser of the Canadian Navy, now used as a training ship. The Kent Is a cruiser of the British Pacific fleet, which, after doing its share in the work of expelling the Germans from the Pacific, and being rudely batter- ed in the task, came to Esquimau for recuperation. To view this war- scarred and battle-wounded ship even from an ordinary point on the shore is to feel one's blood course faster with excitement and with pride. To see the veteran through the periscope of a submarine adds to the effect. l>oth dramatically and picturesquely. Both good sense and censorship prevent any detailed description of' Canada's submarines, but, as may be imagined, anyone privileged to in«- spect one of these craft, finds the visit a fascinating experience. The submarines in Victoria are now ofllcered and partially manned by memtiers of the staff and crew of the Kent, which, as mentioned above is now in Esquimau Harbor. They., are under direct control of the Britf ish Admiralty. ~ Cause for .-Vlartn. One of the best known newspaper' men in Canada is Victor Ross, Finan- cial Editor of The Globe, who for some weeks back has been lying ill la Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, Mr. Boss has a multitude of friends in all walks of life who visit him from time to time. These Include His Grace Archbishop McNeil, who, though of different faith, cherishes tor him a kindly regard. His Grace resides near Wellesley Hospital, and frequently drops in to have a chat with such patients as he knows. One day. while he was sitting with Mr. Boss, Mr. John Thompson, ex-Chlef of the Toronto Fire Brigade, called to see the newspaper man, and, as the nurse did not deem it advisable that her patient should see two visitors at once, was asked to wait a few min- utes. A little later, Murdoch Mc- Donald, the well known City Editor of The Mail and Empire, arrived on a sioiilar mission and asked if he could see Mr. Ross. "I don't know," said the lady at the ofBce. 'Arch- bishop McNeil is with him now, and Chief Thompson is waiting." "The Archbishop and the Fire Chief here!" exclaimed McDonald, "My God! Is he worse?" MIT K SttK IT IS A CaLUmilt, WITH THE HCIVSIK COLUm* fEATttRI-THE TONE CMTtOL lUm. ON SALE AT The Advance Office, Flesherton All pi'ices~$20, $32.50, $45, $65 and up. Easy terms if wanted. Call and sqc them. ll| * J«> j «W , «lll|ip»M|MlWl>W>MHIW