I November IH lOlu THE rLESHERTO.V ADVANCE ^ » THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TOROHTO A General Banking Busineas Conducted. Accounts of Fanners, Merchants and Manu- facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS ihoold be deposited ia our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Hiiheit eurreot r«te» of Interest «re .paid kalf yearly. 21« BRANCH Manager. CST'O 1*73 FLESHERTON GEO. MITCHELL, C. P. R. Time Table. Flesbei'tun StatioD as Trains â- follows : Going South Going North 7:83 a. m. ll.:« a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton as ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning tmia south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINm CHIPS 'I Turunto, "Sir. AnJvew Beatham of (pent last week -in towB. Mrs. W. Moore spent last week with fiiends in Toronto, Mrs. C. mtewdl uF Tor«nto spent the pa.st foilniijht with relatives here. The tJrJtganuiue t»s-e of winter came on Hondiy, Nov. 15 â€" an inch or so of it. Miai LyU .\le«*nder of Fevershaip spent last wtek wi'h lier friend, Slip's Rita Buskin. Mr, liobert Flaoafitin of Huntsville visited his »isier-iu-Uw.Mis. W. Buskin, over-Sunday. Mr. Bijtt Best returned last week from th« West, where he has been for the last four nnuiiths. We understand that Mr. Wesley Clin- ton of Monte Marte, S»sk., has been ill w.lh typhoid levee but is improving. Miases Tillie Hewitt atd Jean Teeter of the Meaford Uoad, Ti»iied the form- â- vi'i tiater whi> i.s sick in Me.-\f.'id. Rev. Waujih of Duudalk spoke before the YouuaPeop'.es'Society of the Method- ist church Monday evening on Missions. A shooting match tor ducks and geese » ill bo held on the old Hemphill farm, 4th line, on Friday, Nov. 19. â€" Wilfied riantt. R. J. Sproule has sold the Wilson res- idence on the western outskirts of the town to Mr Arthur Johnston of the Moaford Road, who will move to town. Mr. Mentnomory motored up from Toronto and spsnt Sunday ( "ih ) with his sifter, Mrs. J. Dudgeon, at the Par- sonage. Mr. L. Patterson, Mr. Ephriim and Frank Loucks motored frimi Meaford.one day last week and visited with Mc. and Mrs. Loucks, and Mis. Wyville. MisJ AKnla Mitchell give a [larty to a number of the hisih school pupils on Fiid-iy eveninai. Miss Aleda makes a charming little hostess and all thorough- ly enjiyed themselves. Another reorult his lieen added to the FleshertoTi bunch maicinj sixteen in all. Walter Carijo, e'dest son of Mrs. J Cargo e.ilist d in the Owen Sound Contingent a couple of weeks ago. Mr. W. P. Cro'sley received word recently that his eldest son. Will, had taken unto hiniselt a wife at Monspjuw, Sa»k , in the person of a Mi.'is Delia Watisboioui-h. The Advance extends its felicitations. As 1 am l<>aving town alinoat immedi- ately I w«>uU like all accounts sti-aight- ened I'p before S:»iurday, Nov. 27. I also have a iju.-inlity of secondhand fur- niiiire to dispo.se of cheip. W. H. Bunt, iinderti«ker. Mr. Jack Fidev of the Orangsville !Sun was a caller on Monday . H'3 was one ff eijjl't or ten prominent citizens of Ornngeville wli-) came up to view tiip works at E'igsi>i«. We were pleased to roakfl hi.4 ftcquiiintance. The younc! P.'ople's S'^ciely of the \1ett>odi8t church h«d an enjoyable time Monday evening of last week, when Xurs© Mse Jamieson cave an interestine and instructive talk on tirst aid to the in- jured. There w»s also a good proifram Mr. (Jen. Johns'on of the Toronto line will become a resident of Floshertnii in the near future, ho having purchased W. W. Trimble's residence oppo.site the Bap- tist church. Mr. .lohiiston is a good sub- stantial citizen and wi'h his g'>od wife will make an acceptable addition to the p pulatioii. Col p. Beit Jamieson went up to Porc- upine recently and received a rousina reception from the citizens of that miniuit tiiwii. It wss at Porcupine thst Bert en- listed shortly after Ihe war started, and his reception there was on a i>ar with that given him at Fle^her! on, but it in- cluded the burning of an etliay of Crazy Bill the Prussian Baby Killer. Mr. W. H. Bunt, furniture dealer ind undertaker, ha<> excbauged busineses with Mr. J. Chapman of Owen Sound. The ] exchange is to take place before Dec. I. Fleshertnn will thereforn lose one of its very best citizens, which is deeply to be regretted, and Owen Sound is the gain- er. At the same time we will welcome Mr. Chapman and wish him suci^esa here. Wd are informed that both Markdale officers have offered for overseas service, but the date of th is offer has not been giv- en. We are glad, however, for the hon- or of the Company, that such is the case. We would also like to see the Markdale company supply three times the number of men that have offered. Wa would al- so like to see more of the prominent citi- zens of our Slater town represented by their sons at tho front. "Your king and Country need you." A doctor and two or three luediocre ac- robats and sleight of hand artists held forth all last week in the town hall, but we haven't noticed any diminution in the circulation of specie in town since they cea.>ted probing fot dimes here. We believe they have turned their attention to the good people of Feversham this week. Laterâ€" Feversham turned them down, refusing to let them open thoir show. By which Feversham stiowed mure sense than did Flrshettoa. Mr. Charley Adams, who recently joined the recruits at Owen Sound, his been returned home by the military doc- tor as unlit for overseas service. Some years ago Charley broke his ankle and since then it has always been weak. He said nothing i>f this to the medical ui»n who esamiued him, and he was p-tssed all right, but when it came to marching ea{le eyes saw thtt something was wrong and he was called out of the ranks and lestioned, with iha result announced above. Charley fecia st^'te t)ecause he w»» caught out before reaching tirst base. The Advance is informed that illegal catching of speckled trout has been going on irt a wholesale mauner in the Beaver river. We are told of one man ( name not given ) who ha* a barrel full salted down. Unfortunately we know these to be something nn-re than rumor. These fish are caught in ([uantitieson the spaw- ning beds every fall, aud it is having 'he effect of utterly destroying summer tiah- ing. Whdt are our game wardens ii'irgf It may be ttw late to do anything this fall, but this matter should certainly be looked after. The official opening of the big hydro works at Eugenia will take place on Thuijday of this wtek,when some hund- red gues's are expected to be pre^ent. Dinner cooked by the electricity will be served at the power house. Hon. .Vdim Beck will himself luru the twitch that auts in motion the poweifut machinery. Things here in Flo»herton arc iu pretty good sh.ipc to receive the current, three gangs of men having been on the job now for siiue time wiling up the houses. It is expected that there will be about one hundred consumers. The street lighting pUnt has been re»dy for weeks. The Karsted oil well is still showii.g some interesting phases. A large (|uant- ily of water ;ame into the well this fall, some eight feet more than normal, at:d no oil flo.ited on the top. Last week Mr. Karstedt thought if he pumped it out he â- night get good w.'iter once more, but as soon as the water was lowered to its summer level oil beg>.u coming in as i'. dii before. Then the water rose again and the floating oil stopped. This would .seem to prove that the pressure at its s-iurcc, wherever that may be, is not ,surt" cient to force it higher than about three feet from tho bottom of tho well. It is pretty sound proof, too, that it can be no leakage from above as tho savants have pronounced. The girl pupils of the high school en- joyed a papier chase one evening last week. The chase led them on a long trail around and through the town and round the avricultural grounds back to the high school from whence it started. The cackle kept up by that bevy of pretty girls reminded one of a ttock of wild geese as th'?y passed along. The " hares " were Shirley Murray, Ina Laidlaw and Vena Findley, who succeeded by false trails and otherwise in laying a very confusing course. Miss .\uiiio Graham wns the only girl that followed the trail to the sweet â€" cottceand cake -â€" end, the rett niak- init cut-otVs and roosting on fences while the workers nosed the trail. Every gin came in with big .\mericaii Beauties shining in her checks and Mercury spark- ing iu her eyes. -AH the hunters bare returned home' with glowing accounts of this bunt. The: weather was the best experienced in- 1 years. Mr. Tom Watson captured the largj est dear cf the season up in .\lgoma, an ; animil weighica 2.j'J pounds. The other , ,^^ groups of hui-teis got some tine deer but |^^ nothing to come up to Tom's capture. â- j^> 1 1 â- ' Why do statesmen read ibe Weekly >^ Sun of Toronto? Because it is a paper ; y^ with a reputationthat is unquestioned. I is the firniers business paper, and i<> ' |J^ watching the lanners interests all the '. tC lime. Aside, even from its market 1 1 (\ reports, which are acknowledged to be the ; j'^ best in the Dominion, it i< a paper of \ ff weight. It has an established personality. ' \}^ You should have it come to your home i every week. .All through the long winter j nights it will furnish a wealth of intereaing ' reading material of a thoroughly! reliable character. This paper has special ' clubbing arrangements with The Sun. j Let us have your renewal and add The! Sun to your list of papers for 1916. A party out in the south-west of E^re- mont baa been in the habit oi getting a '. supply of concentrated dizxlness in 6cti- ' lions names at various stations on this! ry- line of railway. Recently be bad one sent ; ,f^ in bis own aau.e to Proton and called for 1 >)) it, fifteen miles frorn home. It c»aie on 'kV the night train. He broke open the box \S and putting the bottles in a bag p'aced | i.{ all in his buggy, then went into the bo- 1 \{ tel there to nave a cigar with the boys. | ' :â- W hen he canoe out there was no bag orl I'y bottles to be found and he basn't found '^j them yet, but the sr|ueal he put up and, >^ language he used is said to haw frighten- >' ed all the rabbits out of the swaoips of Proton. It was a cold, dry ride over the fifteen miles that night. Mr. It T. Cornfield, Weyburn, Sask. writes ; " It is always a pleasure to see the old Advance ic the P. O. box every Saturday morning, but it is remarkable how many unfamiliar names have crept into the Viciuity Chips items in the past four years. Probably the oil bjom is partly responsible for so many new comers. Threshing is now completed in this district. We have two crupa iu one and business is good. We had a nice little fall of snow last Suuday snd it is still on the ground, three whole days of young winter. By the way, there is a Mr. .Archie McDougall in town here, working on the Weyburn Review, who says he worked with you on The Advance, years ago. He is a pretty gcod fellow, too, snd likes to get a peep at The Ad- vance occasionally for old times' sake. Remembrance to all. " fm 1 .'aVa'^ «^Iifcafa«i k2t^i£2i S^aj2tfS^iA!&:^ F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. - PRICEVILLE m Neiv Fall Furs BLACK FOX SETâ€" Beautifully glossy, one is in crcssed skin effect^,, trimmed with head, tails and paws. Muff is a large pillow muff trimmed with head, tails .md paws. One aet f25.U0 and another for S'JC.OO. BLUE RU.SSIAN WOLFE â€" A very pretty style, trimmed at back with t.-»il :ro»s effects and head, satin lines. The stoll sell for tToU and the muff at fT.otl. PERSIAN LAMB SETâ€" This is a rare valueâ€" the n.utf -uid stoll for f.iO.OO. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* ♦♦♦â- »â- »♦♦♦â- ♦ '» *«'»♦ »»»»••»♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â- »â- »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Men's Fur and Fur Lined Coats < )ne 0"ly coon coat at $90.IJ0. One only coon cn-it at iSoO.iW. i^ue unly curley dog coat at 30.(J1)- Two > nly dog skin costs at $2o.0<J each One ra». lined with beaver collar ffiO.OO One Ruasiac cix lined with lamb collar. One dog lined coat with beiver cr)llar. One curly cloth lined with beaver collar, 818,00. ♦♦♦♦â- »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â- »♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦â- »»^« >» »» »»»»»»»♦»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦ .^^^4..^.^.^^^.^ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^ Ladies' Fur and Fur Lined Coats ?1 One only green cloth No. 1 rat lined with No. 1 mink trimmed, fT5.>)C. Astrican Rat coal 30 inches long, 35 00. Seal coat shore One lock stjuirrel with German mink stole, muffs and collars at all prices. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â- »♦♦♦♦♦>♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦ ♦♦ coat, sable trimmed. Oerman mink collar. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â- ♦-♦â- ♦•♦♦•♦♦â- ♦♦•♦^^ Men's and Ladies' rubbers I • > . » > Men s heavy aum rubbers 7 to 16 inch leather tops. Two buckle enm rubbers une buckle rubbers, boys the same, boys' and mens' leather and doth le^gans. Men's rubbeis. short laced rubbers and ladies' line over â-ºâ™¦â™¦^-^♦♦♦♦* ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦.f â- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦♦♦ Produce Eggs 36c., butter 2*tc. Live fowl «M»(ed at highest market price. %/%^%^m/^s^^^^%/%^%^%^m/%^m^ OddsandEnds>|s^^g^„^yg LOST and FOUND Uaui lamb strayed about «.Wi 25. had p<jke on, last seen near Portlaw Please â- communicate with Ueo. Lawler, ill! iHins. commu Flesherton Furniture ll At the Flesheiton Fiinii- ture Warerooms Heifer Strayed -Two year old. red, short horns. Information thankfully received. Wm Davis. Flesherton. u ARTICLES FOR SALE For Sale -Thoroughbred Berkshire sow 6 months old. for sale. Mark ; Murphy, Eugenia P. O, 8th line, meMa. Arle- Sow for Sale â€" -\ vvell bred Berkshire sow.due to farrow Jan.29--Henry Stone, Ceylon. Stock for Saleâ€" Eight good yearling cattle, and four good leghorn cocke*vl» |. r sale Ueu McKeuiie, Ce>luu. Presentations There was an interestin'/ time at the Presbyt«rian Guild on Tuesday, Nov Snd when two of uur soldier Uysâ€" Jos. Le- _____^ Card and Thos Chard -men.bers of thej ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^.^^ ^^^^^^ ^, Guild, were each presented with a n»n<J-! x.^.â€"Jos. Buchanan, Meaford Road. soma and yalua'^le safety razors accom-| panied by addresses. Following is the' For Saleâ€" I have decide-i to sell my .. .-; M. 1 ..n....! -1.,. f !.,„_ ,.„ outfitâ€" horse and buggyâ€" the hue money. Suck as Spring Beds, Mattres.se», Baby Carriages, Bedro<im Sets, Parlor Piecee, Parlor Sets. etc. Here are three special ;irticles for i^uick Vile: 1 Heavy 0<k Dining Room R.-t. leatherette upholstering:, •'« pieces. only $l6.j(.'. *.>ak Extension Tajle, 914.00. only . 1 V"''rteied Oak Bouffet. mirror, a beautiful thin^ *27.W. 12x40 onlv Our prices will stand the test with 1 1 any hrm. Coma and see what you 1 1 buy before yuu buy, then buy what by addresses. , ^ address given Mr. LeGard «ho threw up outht-horse and t>"f y-;»>« ^^est ou.ht ° . , ,. . , "^ in the community. I need the his situation as forman of the Advance j^^^ James Dudgeon. olhce to join the forces: i â- C.dl For S*le--Ri»ing three years old, id Dear Mr. LeGard: â€" W"e welcome your return to . black in color, weight between eleven our Guild »nd twelve bunded' lis. John Wright, and town, though it be but your twenty- 1 Flesherton. four hour leave of absence. Vou h»Te| - had a slight taste of militaiy lite, and we For S*le or Rent-Store and dwelling .,.,,.. ,. , . . la'elv occumcd by D. ^^ . «ideui;>n, in trust, though the bring line has "^t >'«' ''^^t.'^^./hr.^Wi/sell or rent cheap, and been reached, your conduct has teen ^^^ ^.^^^ j^^,„,_ jf g.^jj Apply to B. J. worthy of the conpanioiiship of the boys Sproule, Flesherton. Out. surviving to enjoy the glory of Yprcs, ^ â€" â€" â€" â- â- I Langeiiiark and Ftstubert A* greit a Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule ; work yet renmiiis to be done. Wo feel keeps constantly on hand and for sale you will worthily do your part. Warfare V.*1^,^P * ^."".?'"*-:'j °' }^'"'^^' '^t''^f«*8**- is no child's play, whether it bo Kingdom of God or for the nation you see. W. H. BUNT PURN TURE DEALER â- PHONE 23 R2 Flesherton - Ontario. Carefully Corrected Each Week ^'^eit 80 to 90 ii»" â- •• 34 to.-tt P"*" *1 25 to 1 25 g»",«T 4oto30 Buckwheat .i.5 to 60 ^'''"'' *2 'JO to 13 25 JJ»y f 15 00 to 13 CO Butter. Eggs, fresh Potatoes per bag. Geese Ducks t J Foal Chick II kens. Till Keys . 26 to 27 :» to Si 60 to 3U 11 to 11 11 to la 8 to 9 10 to 11 J4 to 1.*} i ^^X^'^'^^^^X^SV^ 5S T HE ONLY MAN M WHO SHOULD NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THE MAN WHO HAS ^ ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ ^ FER IN THE WAY (I School Children's Eyes. . . Wills and all other le«»l blanks, tor 'he ^^j^^jjj.jpjj gyj,j^^ ^,11 g,jj jj (jj fi^gif You est to give him a call. .Vuy inter- For sale cheap and on easy tFrms, Lot 13, con. U, Osprey, 110 seres. This is a first cLiss farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good Lank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesbettou, MISCELLANEOUS have a double duty to perform, :ind, hav. ing enlisted under two kings, are in a twofo'.d way expected ''to do your duty ". We will remember you at the Guild. We trust all wdl re'ueiiiber you individ- ually at the throne of Grace. As success crowned your eH'orts m connection with ibe Piess, so, may your acts, fixed in habits of chiiracter and distributed to the world tear news to hunianity that wil|! The Dominion Feather Co. ate located wsrm the heatt and lead men to bless tha: on George street. Markdale. and »e , I making the Soft Roll r either Mattrc<». day that you were Uvrn. 1^,^^ p^^,, Comforters. Your old bed- Be gi>od enough to accept this little j ding put iu sanitary condition at small token of our good wishes and regard. Icost. We also buy old feaiher beds. . . r 11 1.1- J !._ _.:,i, ' Drop a card to Box 10S», Again we say farewell. "God be with >^ - ' you till we meet i-gain. "â€" G. \. McT.iv- ish, F. W. Duncan, Muriel McTavisb, Dona'd McVic.r. Rita Buskin, (Rev.) A. Mc Vicar. OF SERVICE- AND -SUCH A PERSON ^ IS A DEAD ONE- ?< WHETHER HeS KNOWS IT-OR NOT. Elber ubbard In the Fra -<^ ^«tK>v%Klv^XXKKX Markdale, and I our atteut will call. Hunting and trsppiug s'rictly prohik- iied on my propertj â€" Wm. Stewart, Flesherton. Our Clubbing List Many lives have been riiinea ^ue following pnces are for strictly through negleCtea eyeStram paid m advance subscriptions only. We in childhood. The eyes of every child should be exarhined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, andguarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvsnce $ I 00 Y'o'jths Companion 2 0<.i Toronto World, daily :{ 00 Toronto DHily jfews ., 2 *M^ Weekly Globe .. 9ti Mail-Empire..... 73 Family Herald & Star 90 Farmer Sun . . Hi) Farmers Advocats 1 50 Weekly Witness 90 Saturday Niijht 3 0*) Home .Journ:il 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magasine 90 Ofticers who do n>>t propose to go to the frout themselvvf, do more harm than go hI at u)eetin.;s held for the pur" pose of secur ug recruits. The officer who can walk ui> to a hntky younu fel- low and say â€" "Tom, I ini itoiug to the front to tiijht the Huns snd I want you to come with me.' â€" is the chap who will get solid results. â€" Clarksburg Review, F"or Siilo â€" A Kood diiung hor^e, also a good buggy and hirness, will stU cheap. T. Chard, Flesherton. Oxford Down Litnbs for sale, male and female, for breeding purposes, prices reasonable. Telephone VV. J. Meads, R. R. So. o, Priceville. Trespassers of lots "t!,77, 78,79 and 80 T. S. R, either Irapp ng. hunting or fishing, will be proseculed. â€" Jas. Stin- son. Private funds to loan on real estate security at reasonable rate of in'erest. -\pply to R, J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 23 Mrs. TdaEwing, nurse, has pui chased' Dr. J, .\. Smith's houae. Main ntreet west, Shelburuo, and nill turn it into a[ hospital. Dr. S nilh will keep his office in the buildioK, but i.s inoviiig his family 10 i Miss O'Flynn's lesidence. First avenue. I â€" Economist. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Notice is hereby iriven that tne .Agency for the Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Company, fornierly held by the late W. G. Pickell, has been taken over by H. B. McLean, Priceville. R. R. No. 2. Diiver W,intod â€" Will exchanee heavy spring ti' lie, .ind give difference for young Isible men. Address W. T. Rawleigh driving in ire. Apply to J..\. Giuinmett, iCo,, Toronto giving age, occupation and Maxwell. references. The big tine of nine hundred dollars in 1 Walkerton on the trio who conducted', the Hanover bviuse boat his been can-. celled by the department, and the costs only of the action, which aincuiit to about '. 1 120). will be collect.'d from the three, L. Wanted- An industrious man who can i"''" " »eems. were construed by the l*j'* earn $UH) per month snd expen.ses sell- jas running a club house m the Sauge tug our produce to tmiuers. Must have } River. On account of this 1 eing th.. liAt some meaii-s for sU.ting expense, and conviction of its kind the d«[ :ir incu di- furnish contract signed by two resp«in- cided that the (mymcnt of the costs would be suSicietit punisliment if tlis iuiiil offeste. i Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implemea s Wagons, %Rgies, Cutters, Sleighs, and (Jasclios Eui^nes, Jliriftlto Cream Separators, Baker VVind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Realty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Trticks. Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood Repairs always on hand. Fcvtrsbam, - Ontario W j jPJIH IW W f W uW "^^