Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Nov 1915, p. 4

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Kovember 25 1015 THE FLESIlEKrON ADVANCE rn E- tflcslKrton ^Duoncc An !ni1iH'<'"'i''n' ni?w8i>ai»r, |iuUli.''lie(l every Tlinrsday a« th'' oUice, CoUingwudd Street, Kl-sliertiin. Siilweriptior. price $1 iwi «nnum whi-ii \'a\d in a<lv:»nce ;$1.5J wiirn not «o |>ai<l Adver liainK ratf* on apiilication. Circulation 1,100 weekly. M W. TlnirBton- Kdltor Portlaw Inleixled fur I.a^i W tk Tlie home of Mr. aiul Mrs. L. Hill ha.s licen brlKhleneil by tlio arrival of a liu!u buy. A very successful h lial was lie'd < n Tuesday eveninR of In^t wi ek at Mr. Irish's h mil', Cenlre Line, under the auspices of the UedCioss sociily. There via a liix crowd, a \tiji tim'-> .uid .t good round sum realized. The ' )faiigenien of the Fourlli Line ^od^e celebuited the Fifth i>f November by a scrub huiil. Me.ssm. Harry Fisher •nd Wilfred I'Untt wen- tlie captaius. Fortune tavored the first na iied. In the eveninK ;i numptuous fowl 8upp.-r and a tjo'd time were enjoytjl at the hume of Mr. ac.d Mrs. .S. I'cdUr. Mi«»cs ARiies and Mabel llenJer»on <(f FIcbherton wire the quests of friand* on the Centre Line lately. Mr, Thoni IS Taylor complcteJ, some time ago, the concreto work of Mt. Zion church bhcd and is eu^aged on the con- tr»cl for the jiiperhtructurc. It is in- tended to have M\ tt.Hsenibly hull in th «ip|>er Ktorey, »nd when cimiplslcd to hive a building lli»t will be a credit to «ll interested in it. It appears to have been decided that nothing it too good for Moiitii >^ on. Thiii Week's Items The deithof Mrs. David \V. .laniicson which look place on Wednesday, Nov. 17 •t the houic of her d.iu^htcr, Mrc. K. McMaster, EugeulH, although not an en- lire surprise, ha« br.<u<;hl sadness to her many friends of this locality wljere she had Kpent iiia-.y years of her life, and by lier kindly iuotlensive nature hid won the esteeio of all who were fortunate in aii>kint{ her iu'.|uaintancc. In early yeu'a she had yielded to the call to a higher lifg «Dd had hiuce been a faithful member of the MethoJisl church. At the funeral «n Friday latt Kev. Mr. Madden preach- ed from Matliuw 11 chapter and the l.i.st three versis. Kev. Mr. Uucltjeoii assis- ted in the service. The text had b;en aclected by deceaied as wii* also the iiyuins, and the service was carried out ill accordance wi'li her wishes. The •urviviuu MieiiiLers of tlie f iiiiily are Mis. K. McMasler Kuxeui.t, .Johu H., David J , Kdw.ird and Wesley of Toronto and William <i. of rottlnw. They were all lit her bedside for some diiys prior to her decease t.) pay their last tribute "f alfec tioii to a worthy mother. It is only a tnoiitti since Mr. .lamieson died so that tha family Ins had their full share of trouble. This tribute to Mis. Jaiiiieson is from one who knew her well, knew her as a Kiiod neighbour, a faithful fricml and a coneislaut christian woman. .Miss Pearl Watson lefi (or Tormiiu last week. .S'le will be missed very much by* t'le young people of the neighborhood and Mouiit Zmn choir. The Ued Cross Society purpose holding H candy social on Frid «y eveninn of this week at the Flanit brnthus home.fourli line. Miss McKay tisi'.ed at *)ivcn 8ound over Sunday. her home In The Rev. Irl R. Hicks' 1916 Almanac The Rev. Irl U. Hicki-' llUti Alminac 14 by far the finest, lari/est and best ever Ij. fore printed. The Hicks elm in and weather forecasts for VM'i have again )>roven their truth and value, ni.d this «plendid almanac for 1910 should tiiid its w»y straitiht into every home imd ottice in America '1 he Rev. Irl H. Hicks' Magazine, Word and Works, and his uni<|ue Almanac should always go to- gether, both for only one dollar a year. The .'Mniaimc alone is 35c, postpaid. Send to Word and Works I'ublishii'g C'orn[>aiiy, :i4()l, Friinkliii Ave., .Sr. I..,JUI8, Mo, Canada's Live Stock Industry In competing for the markets of the world there is no branch of industry that exceeds in importaneo that of live »tock breeding and raising. Paraphrasing the ' old .lingo cry, we have the land, we have the ifill and wo have the climate. What is nedded is the means, and ever more means, and simultaneously the ways of niarketiog. However divergent in views and theories people may be, it cannot be denied that they are all united in a cum- moil effort lo improve both agricultural and industrial conditions. In helping the one the other is being aided. The interests are inextricably involved. If either ij especially prosperous both ulti- mately must be, although one may feel the beiielits of ixtra demand and high pricet before the other. Ill the past fo* years especiaily, all the provincial governments is well as the federal government, have bent all their energies towards the improvement and extension of agriculture. While a deal of scientific etl'orc has been devoted to the cultivation ;of the land and im- provement of productions of the soil, sijht has not been lost of the needs and nece.ssities of that other branch of ines- timable worth â€" livestock â€" meaning lieitby horsen, cattle, sheep ani swine. In the litter direction pure bred animals have recently been placed in various dis- tricts where their services were previously ditKculi to obtain, the leyistraiiou of pedigrees has been nationalized, system- atized and lubsidtzed, grants towards greatly liberaliz ng the ptemiumt at ex- hibitions have been luitde, a special branch bus been established in conuec- lion with the Experimentsl Farm syttem at Ottawa 1 1 investigate the cause of disease, lo give couiNel to brieders and to control outbreaks of infectious or con- tagious ailments, judge* ai.d lecturers navs been appointed, free of cost, coid sioiage facilities hive been arranged and nfiigeialor cars eiiuipped and paid for, giants have been made under (he tre- niendotirly beneficial Agiicultuiiil In struc'iou Act with its ten iiiillion dollar aliaclimeDt. for the encuuragenient of veterinary education and research, anil iverytbiiig possible has been done for the denlopnieut and increasj if to- operi ti'iii. Important nud valuable iic are and have leen the ellorls abme uiumirated ill the interesls ol live stock breeding, the devotion of the fedeial depaifmei.t and the provincial depaitineiils has been by no means limited lo them. In fact, as far as human ken can l,ravel littie Ims been It-It uudoiio. Kut i.ne of the jsreal- est lines of endeavor Ims ytt lo be iiicii- lioiied, namely the improvement of mar- keuiig and transpor.ation facilities. While this object has never been lo»t siglir of, coiijlaiit lUleiition having been lies owed upon It ill vaiiou.s *ays, it re- niiiiiu'd for the presinl lloiiiiniou Minis- ter of Agricultuie to take the mat'.er buUlly into his own hands and, wilh the a-sisl«nce of a capat le sinlf, to devise a policy calculated to lead lo definite, dis- tinct and ptrmunent advancement. Without iiii|Uiry and iDves.igatiun no. thing cim be methodically and satisl'ae. toiiiy acciiiii|plishid. With I his piinciplu ill view a niaikeuiig coinniissioii was ap- pointed, the duties of vihich were to â-  sceitain advantageous points of sale and to ilfect aiul filing abou: if.c most con- veiiienl and ecoiuniiicsl ariangement lor disposal, shipment and carriage to dc^ti- uation. It nas in following this policy negoliatloi.s weie carried on for the pur chaFe liy the Hritish government of six and a half million pounds of meat cnni ed in Canada. Notice Dr. K. F. Knglisli, Osteopathic Physician, of Owen Sound, will be in l* loshorton on Tuei-day and Friday after- noons of each week. Commencing Fri- day, June 4th. For appointment phone it ring 3. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This famous itiake of implonien's is well known oil over the country and their own i;ood work is the best recom- mendation they can receive. If you reiiuire anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, (Seed Drilli', Cultivators, Pulp- ers. Plows, Sleigh", Waegon>, Cream Separators. Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Ga.soline en gines, Sawing outfits, etc , give us a chnnee to quote prices. John Wright, ' Agent Flesherton Deering Implements AND Gasoine Engines .\ll kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always on hand. Agent for Rarrie and Mt. Forest Cutlets, Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Cirrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implements rc<|uire no recommendation as they are .standard eouds and rec.'igiii/.ed as the best on the market. ED.RUTHERFORD Proton Station Butter Wanted R H. W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Special Reduction in Ladies' Cloth Coats ibis week we place on sale 20 Ladies Cloth Coats, Fall designs, correct styles, made in a variety of fashionable labrics, in a number of colors,checks plaiils and novelty weave?. The sizes run from 34 to 40. The prices are all clearly marked in our usuid plain figures. We offer them all at 20 Per Cent. Discount. Make a selection early. PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH Kast 200 boxes Choice Dairy Butter want- ed. Highest market price paid in cash. Office and Residence- 468 ".Hh St. Owen Sound, Ont. 1 Hours -!) to 12 .^.m , 1.30 lo 4..'}0 p.m. 'â-  8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. , i Dr. U. F. Kosli-h *ill he in Flesherton ' on Tuest'.ay and Friday afternoons of each week. M. Scully Co. Flesherton, Ont. Singhampton OnTuceday eveiiing a meeliui was iield here to ot^»u ze a company of Home Guards. •Some thirty-five men were present and joined the Company. The oflicers are as follows : President, Kev. F. .1. Bunt ; Vice-President, Robert EdwM-t's ; Treasurer, A. C. lirancli ; Cor4x>ral, E. Neff : Lieutenants, Hev. F. J. Bunt and VV. L. Taylor; Honorsry Captain, Kev. E. A. Slemin ; Executive, â- Xormaii Nell, Walter Shoard, Clitlord <Jibron, Wm. McKinimn. For the pros- «ntat least the mon will drill in the rink. Mr. and Mrs. Edirar .Jamieson were culled ic Vcllore in V»iighaii township this week lo attend the funeral of the latter's sister, Mrs Ale». Cameron. The decessed was a d u ^hter of William Crisp of Honoywood and was in her r>2nd yesr. Besides her husband nhe is survive 1 ly «eveii' chik'ren.â€" Buiieliii. (»*iiii< l" liijh freight rales, disUirb- .'tnce in i<hipp ii.{ and sinruity of b.)»tp, unwonted diHiculiies have recently betn experienced in expoitntion and even in haiidlinx across the continent. It is tcnvanli riMiiedyiog tlitse and placing mattei.s in a much better liijht and on u greatly improved footing that ihe com- inissiuu has been created. In miiiiy ways there is evidence that this is beiim accomplished, although uodoubtidly there are ubstaules to overcmiie iliut hIII continually be cropfinx up. A c..miii.8 sioii (if intluential, widely known and experienced business men has also been appointed to go into Ihe whole sulijeut nud to report upon the most odvisable measures lo be taken for ilie advance- ment of farming, breeding; i nd raising, •hipping and selling and liimncin^ and for the aggregate prosperity of the country. Mrs, Dsniel Knechtel, wife of the pres- ident ol tie Knechtel Furniture C i. and of the Hanover Portland Cement Co._ died at her home in Hanover on Thurs day night of heart faihire preceded by a paralytic stroke. She w is li!) years of age. \ lost 2 year-'ild steer owned by Archie C-aaer, Markdale, was found in a biu iu the snamp, having become fast among logs. The animal, though two weeks wi'hont fond, was able lo get imt when ox'ricHtcd and walk to the barn, whuli was half a mile, mid is doing well. Three hundred liquor licenses probab- ly will be wiped out by the Ontario I/'o ence Hoaid after il e new yiar. Farm for Sale One himdri'd acres, lot li", Con. S, .\rlciiirsia, smsll frame house, small or- chiid,;,'iiiiii well aiid property well fi-lioed. Abnut ;1A miles from Kuteiiia. A| ply E. .1. Pa'rsons, Eiii^enia P. O. 2 weeks. FARM FOR SAEK Part lot L\ con. 5, Euphrasia, oontoii- iiii! 50 acre!!. Hood frame h"usc, eel ir full size (if hou.se, aond barn "4.\o,"), \v ill all round ; (jcoii stabling, largo oichiird of lirst ol;i.sH fruit, hen house, pijr piii. etc. One mill! fririii the vlllii^i! of Kim bi'riey. Will sell chvap to ritslit |n:iii. For term!', etc , apjily to I lie undersigned - OHARLKS W ICKENS 1 Nov Kiiiiberley P.O. ONIONS ( luions of exccllenr ((ualitj' for f-alr. Price, "Jo. per pound for To pounds or more. Tideplnnio Jos. Buchanan, Flesherton Or.tario. A Business School l| That successful school whose graduates occupy pr.miincr.t po- st* ions from the Ailant.c to the P.icific, re-opens for the FALI TERM .Si-ptember Itt, 1^14 Send f.ir free I'atalog at once to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal Colliiiu"'0"d, Ontario. ^t^^^^nJ g»s^s».;iB^-g-=»SB g= The Old Adage Property For Sale Part lot 151. con 2, N.E. T. * S. R. containintr '-'rti seres, shout 1 mile from FIcHliertoii. There is a good frame liuuso and stable 'and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y to .loseph A. LeGard, Flesherton or on the proper- ly- Properly For Sale For saie in ihe villr.ge of Eugenia, ^i sturo snd dwelliii!^ coiiibiiied â€" gooil sable, never falling well, a i.nmber cf fruit trees, h ilf aci -j hit, well fenced. F.ir terms and particulai'i apply to Jnhn liohuul, Vaiideleur, or P Miinshaw, Kuiioiiia, executors of the lato Kichaid â- Smith estate. CANADIAN Piowoiric Fast Daily Service Tt") Wimiipep; and Vancouver Via The Trans-Canada Through Iraint;- tliat youi- -No Chaiigo. tioltet reads See CANADIAN PACIFIC Partunlar from C'aiiadia i Pacific Ticket Aneiit or write .\l. O. Murphy, Dintrict I'li.Hsenfrer Atfent. cornet Kiiin niul YouKe Htieeli', Toiiiiito. S. RANDS, Agent, C.)hin. Bull For Service F'-r service.â€" r>,»ron Hollyâ€" No. 0422. Aberdeen Aii'^u*, on !ot .'54, !>ih ccmcess- ion, Artemesin. Terms. §1.00 if paid Iffore 1st .Ian. 1!>15.- W. J. Majee. May 15 The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The saiMP is c«jnallv true of the 1900 Gnivity Washer. Try one and be eonvinced that the»-e is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Fidl lineot McC'onuick Farm Implements, Binders Mower-s, Kakes, Loaders. Drills, Cultivators, Plows, llidinjij and Walking, Harrows, Brantford Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wiie and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. | tSlJVtXJ&aSKSK :J 4 J ^B m^S^m^i^^^i^Sj^m â- â- â- â- < â€"^ I -Ml I 1 i^^-j» â€" â-  â€" ^Mii 1^^-.â€" ^S^mS^ ^f Stock For Sale Mare .ind suckini< colt fur svlc- iiisre is it years old -»l«ii a colt rising 2, all good stock, and one young cow liv,-> jr?. old, and calf. -THOS. FKNWICK, Kunenia. m III Flesherton Tin Shop. Farm for Sale 200 acres of Bood clay loam. 1jiiI.>< U 12 l;t and U. Con. :5, O.-iprey Out. Is situated in so id locality 1] miles from school, 2 miles from church, 211 from store ; Frame bain (idxIiO feet on stone foundation, large frame house, !• rooms and wood shed and s^one cellar; To acres niider cultivation : ,"10 acres hardwood [ bush, 5 acre* of swamp, balance slash and ' pasture land and part of thi.s ready to j break up ; never failing spring creek ] dose to house ami barn. Will sell very I cheap for ipiick sale. I • ,1. A. OIUMMKTT, Maxwell P.0| 11 II 111 I i nil 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. ('all on me anil get your supplies. Kavet roughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Ilepairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Fiu-naces installeil. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. A Representative Wanted ^ St once for FLESHERTON AND DlSTRICr FOR The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries Farmers! Why remain idle all winter when you can take up a paying agency? Choice list of varieties for sprin? planting. Liberal terms. Handsome free oulht. Exclusive Territory. Write now for parl'culnra. Stone & Wellington m D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. WOOD CUTTING lln?,/. Maw Wcind Cutting with neatneii and dcHpatch, iH) to (JO cords per day. .\!so a Kood utraw-cutting outfit. Satinfaction guaranteed. Leave ycur iirders with the iiii lereigued. blulO -OKO r.R.VO KEN BURY, . Ftvemhain BULL FOR SERVICE The undersigned has a Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull for spi vice on liot 14(1, i (;oii. 2. S. W. T. it .S. R., Artemesia. ! Terms $1.00. All cows served must be Tf\Dr\KiTf\ r»MX A Df<^; l''"'' ^'" ''^ ^"^ March, 1916. TORONTO - ONTARIO Isepi _H. Piper, FlesKex*toi& ^f^ Tonsorlal "^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction ' LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday nij^ht, delivery Friday evenijg CLKANING and DYEINGâ€" W>o ar i agents for I'arker's Dye Worlis â€" Clothes cle.ined snd dyed, feathers rejuvenat d T FISHER,.- PROPRIETOR

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