Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1915, p. 4

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^'iJKT'jW^lt t Deeembt r 2 1015 r HE F L E S H K K J O N A \} V A N C E XHKai /lcsl)erton !^i)uancc An in<]«p«ud«nli newit>ap<'r, imbliilied every Thuwday at th** oHior, CuiliiipwiKHl Street, Kl:?«hert<in. SubHcriiitii'ii price ST per itniiuiii when paid in advance ;|l.t>.i wlii-ii not »n paid Ailvcr nainfi rates on nppliiatinn. Circulat:uo 1.100 wtt>l(ly Jir M. TliurBtoii- Kdltur Parcel Postage to Soldiers The IVstortioe Dopartmetit is in rccoipl of appUcatiiiiis to have parL-els addressed to t>ur soldiers in Frince Miit free (ir at re luoed ratCH i f i I'slnje, there evidently bein)! an iuipressiuii that tlie Departcuent h\s control of these r-t;es and could do as it wished, bus this is not the case, as the â- lutjstiou of ixistage IS tixed l>y interna- tional agrfon.ent, to that it is not in the jHjwer of the C'anadi:ui Postoftice Peimt- â- ment to undert ike to carry the parcel) jf reo or at a reduced lale i>f posLiije. RTnder iiiteruittionil law pioviiiion is Mmde for the free transmission of pircels lor f risinets of war, but this privilepe â- doe* not extend to parcels for troops en- t(aged in active service, nor is it in llie power 'f the Department to so extend it. The tale of postnge rei|uired on parcels addressed to the Iroi'ps depends up<in the I'Kation of iho addressee. If the addtesbee is iii Kni;land the r:Ue on par- •cels for england applies, wbic is Vic per pound ; whilst if he is in France, the parceU are subJHCl lo the rates applicable to parcels for France, which »re as fol- lows : 1 lb , .•f.'c : '.ilb.. 40o ; :tlb , 4«c ; 41b.. II i High Constable Cook (From tlie Durhain Chron'de) Heciinse ii police court leporler wiis disposed to ttiiy mean things about Con- ktalle Cook «s the result of an alleged in- terview when hewaiin Detioit after Tom Mijjlroii, is no reason why wo should re- produce the aiticle from tlio Uetioil News. Mr. Cook bioiighl Ilia man homo mid deserves i-.o censure in i lie dibchargo of hat par'.icuhtr duty. If he lost liim on the way nn.l came home empty hand- fj, thill vie iiii'.4lii feel justiHed in pok- ing a little fun at llim. When he accom- plished his purpose it seems mean to sliip him in the fucobecnusc some Detroit i;uy wiiiite;l t.i »»y some smart things jtlioul an official from (,"anada. It w »s (i readable skit iind reached us from two sourcun, but we decided its puhlicition w-ould weaken a ijooJ cfticial rnllier than stronglhen llim in the public mind. Weekly Report > Flesherton High School Notice l)r. K. F. En^'ltsli, Utteopatliic I'hysicinii, of Owen Sound, will bo in Healiertoii i>ii Tucsdiiy und I'riday iifter- iiuons of I'.'t.h week. Conimeiiciiig Fri- day, June 4lh. P'or appointment phi iic i' rinx '•''â-  MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This faui"Us make of impleiiieiits is well known all over the cimntry iinil their own woodwork i.s the best recom- mendatiiai they can receive. If ymi re<|uire anythintj in the lino of Hinders, Mowers, Seed Drills, CuUivaiors, Pulp- ers, Plows, Sleighs, WagKoni", Cream Separators, Harrows. Rollers, Cutting Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, Gasoline on gines. Sawing outfits, etc , give us a ch.inec to quote prices. JoKiv Wright, - Agent Flesherton I 2ZZ2ESs« F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. «4c; 5!b., 7 •-'c ; fill)., 80c : 71b , 88c .81b., |l.t2 Ulb , 91-1*); 101b.. SI. 18 lilt , *l.i!« These are exactly the aiate charees which existed for years between Ciui'ida, £a;^land and Fr.in:e before the war, and are the result of an agreement or cuuven- tioD made between iheso cuuntriei and Ojiiftda, :ind lis these countries have not •gread tn lower their lates between Kng- !and and Friiice, Canadb U*s top'iy them I lie same rates hs hrfuie the war and uius) pay them the aaine postage. Ill all casfs parce's for troops must le addressid Airoy Post Dttioe, Lon<h>n, £ngUnd, but this dues not in any way ttffiCt the ruto of (.ii-itagu which depends «Dtirely upon the hjcit.on of the addrese- East Grey Teachers Red Cross Fund N. b. --Would lejcher* who haie not leut ill tlie;r subtcriptions kindly do so %» soon ai pissiblp. ' Previously acknowledged H48.74> H. L. Bruce, Ravenna :t.0«) P. E. Knox. " liM) M. B. Wiison.Flehherton ;i.(M) M. llutcliinson, Kimberley .'t.OO E. P. Irwin, Heatlicole :t 00 H E. Spauldinij " :i 60 Heathcote .Jun.Uooni •'ill H. M. Allen, Duncin :t.00 MiM McCutcheon, ClarkshurK 3.25 L. D mean, Meifoid Il.2."> W. L. Hun'er, Proton :>.2T> L. M. Wiley, Miirkdale .t.OO To'al I . date *1H;!.50 S. H. Petch, Treisurei, Thornhuiy, Ont Form I, KniilLsh Grammar P Allen 8(;, M Madill K4, F Bunt «-2, H Thompson «1, C Fisher 70, B Trimble 71, M Fields ti7. W Aiiiisliong »«>, A Mitchell (>4, E Thomi>soD 01, J Stews't r>l, B Meads 50. Form 2, English Grammar A Winters 8(1, B McVicar 84, K DinR- well 84. J Wright 8:i, K Hargrave 82, E Aclieson 78, A Allen 7i">, M Aclieson 71, P LeUard tiO, E Caswell W, U Ciswoll C9, S Murray CO, V Fiiiley tiS, M C.d^an 64, M Henrd f.J, C Potter <i2.E Beiitham fi2. W Williamson 01, M Wright tiO, W Latimer HO. L I.ever .V.t, E P.irslow iV.»,R Morton 58, H Uutledgo o". D Pat ton ofi, R Willir.mson 4U, M Wiight 47, A Gra- ham 44. Form -, Element iry Science U Dingwall 8'.', A Winters 88, C I'or ter87, A Allen 84, V Kiiiley 84, K Cas well 82, K Hargrave 81, R McVicar 81, M Acheson 80. P L (lard 77. K Beiitham 77, .1 Wright 7<i, S Murray 7">.W Latim- er 7:1, A (irahani 72, It Williaiiisin 71. R Rutledge 70, It Caswell <i5, Maurice Wright 0:{, M Colgan «:!, F Tliuiston 02, R Motion <il, U Patton r.7, M Heard 5(i, H Moore .">. W Williamson 01, I< Lever 50, M Wiii{lil 48. Form â- ). .-Mgebrii H Ilutcliins.m 118, D McVloar !•:». A Wright 81=. W llirrisiin 82, A Acheson 7t!, I LaidlHW 7:1, F Parliament r>7, *) Kailting V>i\, M Legate tir», S Spiart 02. W McL <.d til, (i White 01, 11 McLean 00, U McMillan 54, L Muir 1)2, W Pntii son 48, K Spencer 47, I) Wilmn 40, M Murphy 44, E Karsledt 4;J. J Nichol 40, W Buchanan .Ci. A Oaiidin .12, I! Sharp 14. Deering Implements AND Gasoine Engines .\li kinds of Deering Implements. Parts always on hand. Agent for Barrie and Mt. Forest Cutteis, Barber Buggies, Lou- den Litter Cirrieis. Hay Traiks, Pedlar thiiigles and siding. These Implements rciiuire no recommendation as they sie standard eoods and rec.igiiized ds the best on the market. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station Butter Wanted 200 boxes Choice Dairy Butter want- ed. Highest market price paid in cash. â-º'•â-  y y% Special Reduction in Ladies' Cloth Coats i his waek we place on sale 20 Ladies Cloth Coats, Fall designs, correct styles, made in a variety of fashionable fabrics, in a number ofcolors,checks plaitls and novelty weaves. The sizes run from 34 to 40. The prices are all clearly marked in our usual plain figures. We offer them all at 20 Per Cent. Discount. Make a selection early. PRICES PAID FOR. BUTTER AND EGGS ^ l ' ^ ' ,-• â- ' . ' : ' i ' • : T . -' A'> T >^ ; ^g^:> ' ^y>y^^ *^ ^^'g^;^^ Dr. J. Ralph Smith^' OSTEOPATH OHiu-e and U,-8idence-4Ca 0th St Owen Sound, Out. Hours -n to 12 :\.m , \M0 to 4..10 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. It. K. Kiuli-h aiII he in Fl-sherton on Tuew'.ay mid Friday each week. East afternooun of iCrm/u ^»=»=w-aB * The Old Adage Reasonable Hints "Thermal test of Iho fanner i.'-.peiliaijs, in his ability lo make the most prolilahle use of the Various product h of hix farm and his foresight ir, getting ready in every w*y practicable between luirve.-t and Meed limo foi the pioducllve operations of the next seasoii." Thu« wfateN Mr. .1. H. Grindale, Director, Dominion Kxperi- crtental Farmn, in prcsentin); Seaxonable Hiota, No. :<, fi-r Novcinbor, December, •January nn I Febiuary, to the finning public of (,'aiiinU. A careful perusal of llK sixteen paxes will amply renard the Hiockiiiuii, ihe agriciilluriht. the liorticul- turisi, the poullryniuii, the tobacco -.'loiv- er and Ihohe especially inteiesicd In hees. A feature in this third iKMUe is Iho advice •under (he caption "Shelter tlio Implem- ents", 'iho eiKiiiiiily of the vaal lum of (nooey i.p.;nt annually ou farm iiiathinery i< impoHnihle of realization. To e(|iilp an aver.i;/e farm with niacliineiy coiiIh about .♦1,(100, winch under urdiii'iry eonililioiis -of .treatment will tiol do good work for «uore than live years. To c juniuracl this waate, fi«r unsheltered impleiiientHnieatiH H'ttHle, nliellerH •hoiiM be hiiilt. A work- iiiK [/laii of a ahrd '2ii hy 47 feet oiiisido â- noaHUreniunta in givun, with direcliouH jieovHsaiy for ilx cohatructiun, A caio- ful BlU'ly of this plan, which, as natcd, is capable of ni.iny iiiodilicationH, will he ilielpfiil i'j llioae iiileiidinf( to build. To (hoae, tiiliirefore, who would have ii 'Coni]ioudhiiii of iiiformniion. which out- linuH many neceHsary fall and winli'r dut- ien perlaiiiinx to *i;rlcnltur« in all its pIlitKeH, Scaionable HiiiIh, No. ;1, Ih av iiilabh) on applii'ilj.in lo The !'iihlicHti(iii Itraiich, I)ep*rtiii •III of .A.^ricullnie Ofiiwa, Ontario. Form II, .\iicieiit Hialory D McVicar !»•'), L Muir 02. H Ihilchiii- son W», I liiiidlaw H."), I) WiUon H4, F P,irliMiier.t 8> M LeRiite K2, A WriKlit 81, K .Spencer 7!l, <^ Kaittinj; 70, W Paltison 70, \V Marriaon 77, S Smart 77, A (i.iudin 74, 11 McLcin 7-',fl White 71, Ii Dudgeon 7". J Nichol tiO, \V McLeod (i'.t, K K.irstedl«8. A Acheson t;il. U Mc- Millan f.:!, M Miiriihy 'iti, K .Sharp .");"., W Buchinan •">!. For n •", French I l.rtldlaw 7:!, I) McVicir 72,D Wilx n 72, Ii DudKeim 7'.', (i Diivis (>!'. I, Muir til, W niichaniin fiO, A Wright t)S, 11 Sliuiik 5."i, n McliCan fi.'}, A Acheson ."lO, .1 Niched 40. W I'attison 48, g Kailting 4(1, W Mclii'od i(i, K Karsledt 4(», D .McMdUn :•.•-'. Monthly Report Flesherton Public School nooM 1 4 K McVicar, V, Davis. It C'sry'-, Michell, K Iloyd. C .SImnk. 8 McTa ish, (i Diid^'i'oii, ,1 Held. W ll.nnl. Ili'iidirsoii, .1 Wjl-oo, .1 .Vdaliis. :! II Le(]arJ, h Itusk 11, K Field, f.evir. K Feriis, R Lever, Lever, Itlcliatdiioii. (i nooM 2 .fi :;^\V Tieier.Jf floldhiiwk, (i Itl.k- ely, M MacTuvish, K Otiewill, ,) .Sfifl' •>rd, ll-Truoniair Sr2 It Hoyd, .1 Kars'fdl II (,'arr iij;- toii (.i|Uii') (! .MacTavish. L McMulloii, V Wilson, t » Malhowsop, F Mathewson, .1 Cairin^lon, I) lllach. .IrL' - II Wyvill, M Niihn, 1) Cdnun, A Kield, A Norrii, N •Shunk, I Le.'er. L Car({o, (» Firther, K Kerris. M Dudgeon, E Tiupinan, W Cai'rin);t(in, (iertie Lev- er. IIOOM :i Mr 1 K DiulKfoii, L llhikely, A Tim- ter, W MKck, It Stewart (I Ooldhawk. â- Ir 1â€" K Bowler, (' Loucks.K McMull- en, .1 Colgiin, A Ilor^ott, (i Wyville, M Hellainy, T MncDonald. T Wilson. A Clasfl â€" K ItenlliBm, L Levor, V Thistlclhwiiite, M I'atlon, N Howler, F Ferrii, T Shiiiil, II Kiihaidson, M Tee- ter, WjBrigij.s. M. Scully Co. Flesherton, Ont. Farm for Sale One liuiidri'd acres, lot o7, Ctoi. H, Arlemesi;i. small frame house, small or- chard. i^ood well aiid property well f < 1 ci-d. About ;iA iiuleii from Kuienia. Ai^ply K. •!. Parsons, EuKeoia I'. ". 2 week.". FARM FOR SAtE I'art lot -, con. .'i, Kophrasia, eoiiUiiii- iim oO acie», uood frame hi'iise, ullar full si/.v! of house, isood barn ".4x."i^">, w.ill ,'ill round ; );i'od sKiblinn, Inrije oicl .iril of lirst elu.ss fruit, lien house, pii; pen. etc. ( bif mile from the vlll^^>ll of Run hi'riey. NVill s< 11 elu-.ap lo rii^lit 111:111. For tciiii-. etc , ajiply to (he niidersintied - CIlAKLKS WW'KKNS 1 Nov Kimliorley I'.O. A nlher sad iinfortunnle hut rare case came before S. Tate ,1. I', oa Monday inoriiinL', which on his sug<,'estioii was settled out of court. Mrs.Maniii wife of a recent businens man in town, enteiMl ac ion u(;,iln«t him for n< ii-suppoit. Krnm Iho Udiimn's staleni-nt Mr. 'I'm e ad lined them lo have tt sop.iration li II drawn up, which they did. Mrs Jl/arliii alleirod her hiisbaiul drank ami ^anibh d, Idft her unprovided fi r, and wished to le clear of him. Ciiforunately for lliewoiii- an she speaks hut lit 1 le Kn^liidi. She - t'lids retiiniiiiH to I'.ncMpiiin, New Ont- ario, where lior hroihers are in liusiiuss. â€" (linnd Viiliey Star. .\il ajjn-eniDi'l was cnilipietod Tues'iiy hy which the Wni. Keniieily and Soi s Co., OBeu Sound, takeover Iho plant of the Northern Iron and Steel Co., torniurly thu Cramp Steel Co , of Cidling- wood. The plant _is being laken under lease for a term of year*, and will I o used for maniifacturu of steel blanks toi shells. Arraligeiiieiils ai to its ojeratiiii have niil been completed, but it will probahly he in elmrge ol a KUpcrintend.nt who will tie 'reaponsildo to iheO^en Stoiind ollice. While some of the miieloiiory now is available for use, sion cliui^es and additioi.s willbo neces-iniy. Hut these will be made as rapidly m posMlde ; and it In expected that the plant »ill be renly for opeiatiiui aboiil the luiil l< of .laiui- H'y. â€" Adveifiser. A Business School I Tli.1t ruccfssful fcliool whose fti-aduato. occupy prominer.t po- sitions from thu Ailant.c t" the 1' icitic, re-ojieiis for the FA LI TKRM .S ptemlier lit, 1914 •Seiidfiir free cilalog at once to COLI.INGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal m Cidhngwood. Ontario. Jj|l,| The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is c<iiially true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one aiul he convinced that there is none better. Properly For Sale Tart lot l.")l. con 2. N.F. T. A S. K. coiitiiinini; 2Hi ae-es, ahoiit 1 mile from Flesherton. There is a good frame house! jj and stable and Ihe property is well } fenced and watered. App'y to .losepli rj A. liCtJard. Flesherton or on the proiier- ty^ Bull For Service F-r service. --Itiroii Holly No. ti422. .\bordeen Aiicu*. on 'ot .â- (4. Otii concess- loii. Arieiiu'sia. Terms, $1.00 if paid hefore l»t .Ian. 101.').- W. J. M^vgee. May n> Stock For Sale Maro and sucking colt f.r saleâ€" mate i< '.I years old -also ft colt rising 2, all good stock, anil one young cow tiv.i jrs. (dd, ami calf. TIIOS. FKNWICK, Eugenia. S. HEMPHILL Agent, • Ceylon Kiill line ot AlcCormick Farm Implements. Binders Mowers, Rakes, Loaders, Drills, Cultivators, Plows, IJiding and Walking, Harrows. Krantfonl Winil Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kintls, Boattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, F'rost Wiie antl Fence, Cutters antl Sleiyhs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL I Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. « Farm for Sale 'i i ! I I Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic n.se. Call on me and get your supplies. Kuvet roughing. Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- in i^.s. iJOO ricres of Bood clay Innni. Lots ll-l'J 1.! and 14. t^m. :i, Osprey (hit. Is situated in Ko 'd loculily 1 1 miles from Nchoo', 2 miles from i-luireh, L'i from store ; Kruno bain t>0\(ill feet on s'one fiuiodation, large frame house. !> rooms >J and wood she 1 and stone cell ir; 7."i acres. ^J under cultivation ; III) acres hardwood j 'j^' bush. ."> .lerei of sw-ainp, balance slash and , ||| past me I ind and part of thi« ready to||^| break up ; never lailing spring creek | j!! elo.to to house and barn. Will sell very ! |M cheap for (piick sale. i |k| A Representative Wanted |^ 15? Repairing of all kintls promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including ptimp work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. .1. A. C.ltr MMKTT, Maxwell P.O, at once for FLESHERTON AND niSTUICT KOH The Old Reliable Fy>nthill Nurseries KiiimersI Why renmin idli> all winler when yon can lake up a payiiio aijency? t^hoicp list of varieties for sprint' planliiiK. I.ibirid terms. Handsome free outtit. Kxc'iisive Tiurilory. Write iiovN- for i arliciilars. Stone & Wellington TORONTO - ONTARIO I D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jd^ ONTARIO. !ja«Kf ^£^SS 'SS'^^^'OS WOOD CUTTING Itii/./. Saw WiHid Cutting with neatnesi aiul des|iati'li, .'m to tiO eord.4 per (lay. .\!<o a good »traw cutting outlit. Satisfaction giiaranti'isl. I.t-ave yrur ordiMH with the iin It'isigiu'd. { l.lalU -IJhOim.VCKKNnrKV, I Ktvemham BULL FOR SERVICE The Ulider.<i>;ned has a Puie Itred Shorthorn Ibill for service on Lot 14ti Con. â- -•, S. W. T. A- S. n , Artemesia. Tonus II.IMI .Ml omvs seived must paid for hy I si March, li)ll>. Isep' â€"11. Piper. FlesHepton #~ Tonsorial '^ Parlors We Aim to ("Jive Entire Satisfaction LAl'NDUV-lti.sket closes Moiid»y ni»;ht, dclivorv Fiiday cveni-ig CLKANING and DVKINt^ Bjjonis for Parker's Dye Works \AV ar Clothis ' ^' defined and dyed, feathers rcjuvonat i T FISHER,- PROPRl

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