Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1915, p. 5

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191.-) THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE rf«^'' THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OPriCE - TORONTO Efficient and Prompt Service in every Department ^ Odds and Ends 2U SAVINGS BANK at all Branches. C»T'D ta73 FLESHERTON GEO. M1TCHEU-, BRANCH Manager. CL P. R. Time Table. leiive Fl-fshercon Stati"n as Trains f oUowj : Going Scuth 7.^ a. lu. 4.27 p.m. The niHils are o!low8 : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the <tfterDoou mail south ac 2.40 o'clock. For morning train s.'Uth mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. A descatch from Ottawa says: â€" Major G. F McFurlaue, chit-f mu-sketry officer tor the Toronto military area, his been recommended as the coinmandin!;; officer Going North 9 I8u ID I "^ '^^ HTth Ort>y County Oveiseaa Bat osed at Flesherton as VICINITY CHIPS'X hilion, the foundation of which wasauth- ri/.ed at the week-end. LOST and FOLND Hound came istray, about Nov. 8.- Marli WiUoii, Fle^herton. ARTICLES FOR SALE For Siile â€" Single cutter. aUo pleasure eleigh, ijciod a.s new.--Preston Beattir. Ccckerel.s for Saleâ€" Several very fine Rhode Island Red cockerels, rose or single comb, for saleâ€" \V. H. Thurston, Flesherton. Geese for sale -Gray .\friean Geese, ; Muscovy and Buff Orpington Ducks fur , saleâ€" Wm. Reid, Piiceville P. O. i For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling i lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in I Feveisham. Will sell or rent cheap, and; j^'J One only coon coat S;;XSjrVon.'ont''^^'^' " ^- '• l^ ^wo only do, s.in Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly ou hand and for sale .After remaining with bis mother here cheap a full atock of Deeds, Mortgages, f.r some time Corporal Bert J»mies<jn â-  ^''"s and all other legal blanks. Any went back to Porcupine, where he enlist- ! reqairing such will find it to their inter ed, and, as previously mentioned, receiv- Mr. Bert Little of Owea Sound s vis- iting his brother, Dr. Little. Mr. Bunt and family le^t ou Wednes- day for their new home in Owen Sound. Mr. and M; s. Bowes of St. Vincent spent Sunay with their daughter, Mra. J. e. Heard. Something very like Indian suui:ner prevailed aii of last week, removing all the snow .ind making it possible fur farni- eis to du Considerable more plowing. Shotting matchâ€" Friday, Dec. ;<, on lot -ol, con . 4, .\rtemesia. shot gun and riHe range. Ducks, geese and turkeys. Ac- commodation fur men and horacs. â€" Archie Fisher. The Maxwell Methodist Ladies Aid are having a Meat supper on Dec. 14. A good pi'ugraiu will be jiven consisting ofditlogues, solus, duets and milicary diills. .Vdiuiasion 25 and 15c. »V« have a full stock of Yictrulas and Yi.tor Records wh ch are adveiti<ed eUe- • here in this pajter. Coiue iu and Ut us 'ell you all about them. You'll be interested and entertained. â€" VV'. E. Rich- ard.Hon. The Durham Review objects to other papers using original matter ftoui its col- umns without duo credit, but it copiis the .\rtemf8ia cuuixil luinates every month from us without credit. \\ hil * this about diamonds ind consiitoucy, o^ jewels, or something! NVill Uro. R*!u-«g! quote the wise uian's words correctly for us? Mr. C. B. Periao of D'Arcy. Sisk , sen Is The .Advance photographs of two suiall piles of wheat just as it was piled up from the thresher. One pile belong- ing to J. H. Elder contained 17, 'XW bushc's ; anotiier belonging to F.B.Elder C'jiitaiiieU 14,000 bushels. The pictures are very interesting souveniis of whit the West can do and we appreciate Mr. Perigoe's thoughtfulness iu forwarding them. At a conoert held iu Markdale one evening last week Lieut. Cid. Chisholiu of Owen Sound toM the people' that they were not doing their duty in the recruit- ing lino. Perhaps now that a forniei resident of Markdale h.is been appointed t'> the command of the Giey regiment ii will make a diD'erence with the back- slideiSgthe undecided and the inditferent. They ought to make recruiting hum DOW. The Eugenia Braach of the Women's In-'titute held a very successful .At Home at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams on Friday evening of last week. After the guests assembled they spent a very pleasant time indulging in games, conlesis, etc. Music was supplied by the Misses .AUie and Neth Williams, and Miss Queonie Kailting, also Mr. C. Ramey who is an excellent violinis'. The tables were highly decorated and draped to suit the occasion. Everyone enjoyed thems^flves and departed for their homes about one o'clock, wishing that the»e social evenings would come more frequently. All interesting incident occurred at the o'ose of the morning service in the Meth- odist cliuixh on Sui.day last, when the pastor called uu Mr. M. K. Kich-irdson t J coir e forward. Mr. Richardson then referred to the pending renunal of Mt. W. H. Bunt. Mr. Bunt had fyr seven- teen years been a faithful member of the church, ar.rt for most of tliat time sup- erintendent of the Sabbath school. This faithful service called for so'ne recognition at the hands of the congregation, and up- on re<iuest Mr. T. Clayton presented Mr. Built with a har.dsome gold natch, and Miss Lilian Buut,org-\nist of theSablwth «chool, with a wrist watch. The gifts were iope.«cntiliva of the whole church and Sall>aih school. Boih organizations logret exceedingly the necessity of pait in^ wi'h itfr. Bunt and children, who h'^ve a warm place in the heaits of all. We tru>t their new home in Oa-en Sound ml be found congenial. ed a rousing reception. By the Porcu- pine Herald me notice however, that something much more tangille also resulted from his return there- The Heialdsays : "During his incapac- ity ffcm work. Corporal T. A. Jamieson has been granted forty dollars a <iionth by Council of Tisdale to date from No vetnber 1st. Jamieson was gassed and invalided home to South Porcupine and is the firtt local soldier b<wk from the fruut. It is worthy of note as far as can be g'eined that thia is the first time in the Dominion that such a tangible grant has been made by an incorporated body of men, .AFTER the eoldieri* return and U worthy of iml'»tion. CoUectively the grant wou'd only raeau about one cent per person in the township a month, and therefore is not noticed. " A youi'g man out Eugenia way feels a gocd deal better, now that he has " got even,' ana it happened this way : S«t- eral young men decided to have a fowl supp7r and, without knowing it, a near by fatmer contributed four ducks to the fea>t. The party made one graud mis- take, however, by failing to invite the yuuiig man referred to at the beginnin({ of this gruesome tale, sad after brooding over the insult the aggrieved one pro- ceeded to write a letter to every member of that bacchanalian group in the name of the f'limer who owned the ducks, demanding that they show up at once and pay tor the ducks they bad " pinched." II was only a matter of a few hours until a proces.sion of young men was leeu wending its way to the farm i)remi3es where an adju»tni«iit was made. It was only on the appearance of the young men that the laruiei learned of Ilia loss, and the boys found out how they had b-en hoaxed into pursuing an honest course. est to give him a call. For sale cheap and on easy tf rms. Lot • 13, cou. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is' a first clasa farm and in a good state of j cultivation. Good bank barn and new! frame dwelling. .Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS Hunting and trapping strictly prohib- ited on my property â€" Wm. Stewart, Flesherton. Xmas Photos â€" Your portrait a gift that money can't buy, but for you to give, the very thing. To friends and relitives your portnit at Xmaa will carry a message of thankfulness that is next to a personal visit. â€" W. A, Hawkeu Photo Artist. Flesherton. >A 'â- â-  â-  i^WV.irf1iV^V.vr> '-•^>rvi':^./^w>:w- ¥»; F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. '' FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE New Fall Furs Muff BLACK FOX SETâ€" Beautifully g!os.sy, one is in creased skin effects, tiimmed with head, tails and paws, is a large pillow muff trimmed with head, tail.s and paws. One set $25.00 and another for $2C.0<». BLUE RrsSI.AN WOLFEâ€" .A very pretty style, trimmed at back with tail ?ro6S effects and head, satin lines. The stoU sell for ^7..>J and the muff at $7.50. PERSI.AN LAMB ."^ET- This is a rare valueâ€" the muff and sto!! for $.50 <)0. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦â- â€¢â™¦â- â™¦â- *♦•♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â- â™¦â- â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â€¢^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ Men's Fur and Fur Lined Coats at t90.iX). One only coon est at 850.IW. One only curley dog coat at 30.00 eoiits at §25.00 each One rat lined with beaver collar i6().00 <Jn« Russian <.x lined with Iamb collar. One dog lined coat with beaver collar. One curly cloth lined with beaver ct,llar, $18.00. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ♦♦♦♦44.4^ Ladies' Fur and Fur Lined Coats One only green cloth Xo. 1 rat lined with No. 1 mink trimmed, $75 00. .Astrcan coat, sable trimmed Rat coat 50 inchea long, 35 00. Seal coat abort One lock squirrel with German mink collar! German mink stole, muffa »nd collars at all prices. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4.^.^.^.^ .^^^^,^^^^^^^.^_^_^ Men's and Ladies' rubbers Men s heavy sum robbers 7 to 16 inch leather tops. Twi buckle gum rubbers one buckle rubbers, boys the same, boys' and mens' leath r U>1 cloth le?gans. Men's rubb»i5. y ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ f ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^.^ 4.444444^ Produce Eggs 3«c.. butter 26c. Live fowl wanted at highest market price. short laeed rubbers and ladies' fine over Private funds to loan on real estate security at rea.souabIe race of interest. .Apply 10 R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. sept 2o Wanted â€" An industrious' man who can earn $100 tier month and expenset sell- ing our Products to farmers. Must have some means for starting expenses and furnish contract signed by two responsible nieu. Address W. T. Ftiwleigh Co. Ltd. Toronto. Ont., giving age, occupation and references. .^i v w « w ^ ' * '' : ' 2 ' ^^ â-  'f^Si^^^:?^'^\'f - '^ ! ^ ^ '!!i ^ !!^^^^ * â- â- â-  ^ ^JL^^iyw/ BUSINESSCARDS ONIONS lUr JHHUKfT? Onions of excellen: quality for sale. ' " •• ''• 'I il 11 L I U. W BIGHT. TELFORD ± Barrister. Solicitors, *c. Address and Presentation Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson. Toron- to line, were given a pleasant surprise on Friday evening last, when about fifty of their neiylibors and friends assembled at (heir home and spent an enjoyable even- ing with the e.steemsd couple, who are about to move to this village. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were presenteil with an address and appreciated gifts, the former beitg read by Mr. Alfred Harrison and the latter presented by Mrs. Harrison and Mr. W.J. tasewell. Mr. Johnson fittingly thanked the donors for their token of good-will, after which re- freshments were served and music and games were indulged in till a late hear. The following was the address: â€" Mr. and Mrs. George Jjhasoii, That Illegal Fishing Eugenia, November 20, 1915. Mr. Editor : Dear Sir â€" Your item last week regard- ing fishing at Eugenia on the Beaver I iver has attracted considerable attention. You would like to know what I am going! to do about it .' Well. Mr. Editor, I got ! the names of two men that have been I caichin;;; li>'i witli net.-; a: ;!;o 5po beds. I understand that FUsherton has a Game Warden, I wculd like to know what he thinks about it ' He can have the names any lime he wants them by calling at ray residence. Yours, â€"Robert Plantt, Eugenia. McDOSALD OlBcea. Grer i Bruce Block. Owao Sound. Standard Bank Blocit Fleahertoa. Saturiavsi. \\ .H. Wrignt, W P x'eltord J-. J. C. UcDonal 1, L. u. B. Onions of excellen: quality for sale. Price. 20. per pound for 75 pounds or Carefully more. Telephone Jos. Buchanan, Wheat... Flesherton Octario. Corrected Property For Sale Societies * U W meets ou Uie laa» Mondaj j Clayto'o"-. h'alf FTeX^io'i"! 'a'tl' 1'7' m'^ST. : For saie in the vjlkge of Eugenia, a w J Bellamv; Bee., C. H. Manahaw; store and dwelling Combinedâ€" good Fin..iL J, Sproule. Visiting brathrtn invitaU ,;ui,ie. never failing well, a Lumber of ' fruit trees, half acrs lot, well fenced. AKTHCB LODGE. So. OS. A.F * | f i-T terms and particulars apply to John ^"'=»» moats ia tht Maeonic kail. Arm ; Boland. Yandeleur, or P Munshaw, '''•l- trosg'3 Block.FlMhertoQ. •J«\J.^j|Jf5'''\^/5. ; Eugenia, executors of the late Richard , Smith estate. Oats Read Barley Buckwheat Flour Hay .' Butter Eggs, fresh Potatoes per bag. Geese Ducks belore the full mooa. , H. \V. Hieklms. Secretary. Chickens. Tut keys . £Mh Week .. !<> to 90 34 to So ..$1 25 tol 25 4oto5<' W to 60 . $2 W to |C 25 $15 00 to 15 00 86 to:? '.io to Xi cO to 50 11 to II 11 to is S to 9 10 toll 14 to 15 COCBTyLKSHERTO.V, 9BS, L 0. F. ireots In Clayton's Block the last WedDaadav eveniDg each month. Visiting Foresters heartily come'C. K.. G. Ballauiy ; A. S., G, (.airts D. Sec , W. Buskin. Ptstse pay dnee to Fin. 3»c. Iwfora tlis Ont av ol the month. ninu pnObEN" FhIEXi>S-F'.»«berton Conccil . ~j« Chosen Friends meets in ClaytonshallSrat ad third Wadaeadav of each month 8 p. m Pay assessment* to the Kecorder on orlwfor* tc« iSrst <iavof ea«:h month. Chief Councillor . Blakeler:B«cocder W. B. Baut. CANADIAN Fast Daily Service To Winnipeg; and Vancouver Via The Trans-Canada ?« "< X X X X HE ONLY Main ^ Kerton-Priestly Medical r\R CARTER if^ U C F ^k S Ont. Physician jThrougU trains â€" N'o Cliauge. ! . that yoar ticket reads bee 1 WHO SHOULD ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS X !^ THE MAN WHO HAS |j ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ Offle* and raaidancaâ€" Pttat St., SarKScn etc Platbartoa CANADIAN PACIFIC _^„ ... _ TixTLE - Particular from Canadian Pacific Tickut , D"' â-  Gradua'teof Toronto University I Ag<;ut or WTite M. G. .Murphy, District .A quiet but pretty wedding wassolem-, Medical College. Kesidence an.l Offlce at | Fassfuirer -Agent, corner Kinjj and YoB(te uized at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Priestly Nov. 17th when their eldest daughter Lillian, was united iu marriage Mr. Louis Kerton of Maxwell. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a dress of blue silk and was attend- ed by her cousin, Miss Ell* Morrison, while the groom was as.-sisted by Mr. ' John Piiestly, brother of the bride. The ceremony waj perforued by the Rev. -Abbot of Dundalk after which tho guests sat down to a d.tinty wedding supp- er. The youne couple were the recipients of many l>eautitul presents and the good wishes of a host of friends go w'th them in their journey through life. Park House, Fitsberton. Fhon«i4ii I Streets. Toronto. fP OTTEWELL Veterinary Sargeon I S. RANDS, Ageit, Ceylon. iraduate of Ontario Veterinary Colle(t« reaideuce â€" ssoond door Bouth westlon k.arT street. This street runs outh Presbyterian Cbnroh. Dentistry UT. B. C MURRAY L. D. S.. dental surgeon honoinraduate of Toronto Luiversitv and E\.>yal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, -tas adiuisiuistered for te«tb extraction fflce at residence, Toronto Straet. Fleaberton. School Children's Eyes. FER IN THE WAY OF SERVICE -SUCH A PERSON AND X IS A DEAD ONEâ€" WHETHER HE^ KNOWS IT-OR^ Dear Friends: â€" Learning with sincere regret of your intendeJ removj.1 from! N.irmtn D.iy, 2ud line, Nottawa.siga, our midst we, your old neighbois and j niet with a very serious loss by the des friends, have taken this liberty of ascui- bling in your homo to spend an evening with you and by our presencd nunifeat our good-will towards you both. During the many years you have lived ainongit us -.all of your wedded life and more â€" we have had reason to esteem you highly as we do now. -As neighbors we have ever found you obliging and kind, ready alw.^ys to lend a hand to any project for the boiiefit of the community. Your friendship, warm and true, we have appreciated and trust though you go from our midst it may remain un- broken. >Ye are pleased that your new home will not be far distant, so that occasion- ally we may meet and enjoy the inter- course so pleasant in the ^vtst. As a tjken of our friendship and good- will we ask yoo, Mr. Johnson, to accept this easy chair, Mrs. Johnson this table, with the earnest wish th,»t you may liv« many yo.irs to use thein «nl enjoy the well earned rest due you after your years of toil. Our coniludi.ii.' wi»h is th»t you may b# long spared for tho comfoit of each atd for I ha unbroken kappiness of your esteemed family. Legal ccAs. K.vNEY *'" hENRY-Barristers. i Maiiy llves Hsve bccn fuinea Our Cluhhino- I i«t m#""rriV'o''hrn^V.''H.^Colce^a: I through neglectcd evestraiii \ wiuuumj^ lim Ranev. _ . _ Toronto. «)6-9 Tra»lors bank Bids., phone :_ /-hil,-)hnnr1 Th^i PVP"? nf a:aiuHU: Markdale Lucas block. Phone 9 A. Ill CnilanOOU. I RC Cy Cb Ul drancholfice at Dundalk open every Saturday. BusiNE-ss Cards CULLOUGH * YOUSO Hankers Markdale neral banking business . Money loauad reasonable rates Call on as. OlIcPH.VIL. T.icenseJ Auctioneer for Ithc * County of Orev. Terms moderate and tit action guaranteed. Tbs arrangements u 1 Istos of sales can bo made a", Tna Advunck , lUce Kesideuce and P.O. , Ceylon, Telepbooe ounection. 1 Dec. 8.07. ! '' the counties tructioii of his barn by tire on B'riday ev- ening. Shi'rtly after tea Mr. Day went to do the work at the barn for the evening and on opening the door of the house was met by the tiro in his t)aru. Neighbors i;athe:eJ a.s (juickly as possible and work- ' ed Ike heroes to save what they could but the tire in the main building was soon beyond c>ntrol. The hoises and cow, were gotten out, and soni3 implements, grain, etc., but a calf and about ib heu' perished with a great luaiitity of other articles, grain and feetl. Forunately the wind w:is favorable and the strenuous exertions of willing workers were success- ful in savinu a second barn a few yards distant. Hi>w the tire started is a myst- ; v- ery. â€" Stayner Sun. [ Mr. Henry Willi »ms, one of Brant's L»st Thursday evening the barn belong- sta'wiirt p:one<Ts, who now makes his ing to Mr. Robert Hayes, who lives home iu Wj-lkcrton, recently made a' about li miles frimi Dorni>ck, was burned, curious discovery. He found that the| The tire was caused by the explosion of a oil stake luarking the boundaries of lotjUnterc. .All Mr. Hives' gn»in and hay 20, cun. C, Brant, placed there sixty ] was I urneU and tho barn is .t total loss years ago by his father, i» still as good as J The stock and implements were all saveo. ever, the R.iman letters cut into the! The news luis been iuforino I tlnt$SOt) iu- wood giving the number of the lot and ^ surance was carried on the l>Hrn and $500 ci'nccisii.n are .'till »s plain as ever. I' ; on the contents. The bxss will he a seri. is doubtful whether ot'oeis of the orieinal ou.i one as the barn wms a valuable one survey stakes of the township at? still in I and the season's coj) was a heavy one. â€" ixis'.cace.â€" Walkerton Telescope. I Chatswoith News. every child should be examined. We have made ' a special study of this branch i of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. • â-  . • Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. Licensed Auctioneer foi i of Cirey and Simcow. I arm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms I uoderate. satisfaction guarautteil. Arrange- { Dents for dates mav be nia^W at the AdvsDce ] >fflce, or t^entral telephone ottlce (eversham 1 ar by addissaiug me at PaTarstaam, Ont, STRAYED Heifer striyed, mostly red with little white, alxiut Aug. 20, from lot 30, con, l;!, -Artemesia. - LESLIK CHARD, Flesherion P.O. The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .Advance t t 00 Youths CompAiiion 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News , 2 00 Weekly Globe JW Mail-Empire , 75 Family Herald & Scar 90 Farmer Sun 'JO Farmers -Ad vocstd 150 Weekly Wit.ies* 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Home Journal 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 Bull for Service R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Pure bred shorthorn bull, AWrdeen ' Fyvieâ€" 8,000â€" for service on lot 29, S.S. i . . R, Artemesia. , Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implemen s Terms â€" $l.ii) for g'ades. Pure bred cows $3.00. Pure bred Tamjworth hog for service 'in the above lot. Terms â€" $1.50 f rr .all animals. Served muit be paid for. â- 'Sep - \\ . .1. Moads Boar for Service The undersignetl has* thoriughbred Yorkshire Boar fur service on lot 37, con. ij, .Artcmcjii. Tv rms- $1.00 â€" J. Hai-giMvc Wagons. Buggies. Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline En^aes, Melotto Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mills. Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always on hand. Realty Bros", of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & ^^Vocd Repairs always on hand. Fev«r$lram, - Ontario -^^', ^-jy'iriHtijiiii ll^l,jg,g^„^g^

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