Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Dec 1915, p. 8

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mmm December 2 1915 THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE \ iBls^s^,^h^^^7J^iZf»^^^7^£^iSis^m^^^ \^> HEADQUARTERS FOR Massey-Harris and Cockshutt Repairs Cockshutt Implements, Melotte Cream Separators, 'Lister Gasoline Engines, Baled Hay and Straw The Adam Wagon Agent D. McTavish FLESHERTON, ONT Fa^rnv Gbl l^e orvWKeeis ^v^~^- JAS. PATTISON 81 CO. CEYLONS STORE Special for 1 week Commencing Thurs. Nov. 25. CARPETS and LINOLEUMS " Meii'3 low slipper oveishocs 81.15 j)cr pair Ladies' low .slipper overshoes 90c. per pair' Ladies' leggius ti.'ic. per pair' I 'v Fiesb, cleau groceries at prices that cau't be beat. Try our 10c. salmon. Nice lot oi Ladies' New Coats just in. f Meu's and boy.s Kiiits, latest slylei^. Uonglil lul'ore the advance. Highest market pr'ces always paid for batter, eggs poultry, tallow and liidcB. bee our signboard at store, something special each day. JAMES PATTISON & Co. CEYLON AND -^ â€" if- -^ - â- -- -^ - - "â-  PRICEVILLE A Don't Blame the Innocent Tisn't always the Cook â€" I'oor 'riling! Sometimes it's the Stove. Considerate mcu want con- siderate stoves in the home. They knowâ€" Bad Stoves make Bad Dinners. Bad dinners make Bad Tempers, Till' "Moll'ul" Stoves between Kitchen and Joining Room is a good Stove. Come and see our lino of g.iad cooIji rs. They sivo time, liicl, energy and tem- per.' THE Ontario Department ot Agrl culture has l>ceu operating a couple o( dcmonstratlun cnrs over the C. V. 11. Hues In Ontario. The results following the Instruction of two years ago, and the appreciation Eliown by the farmcr.=i, inspired Ihj Department to hold evening meefincs at most places, with moving pictures aa a leading feature. The work l)egan on October 4tL nnd continued until November loth Thirty-seven places were visited whole day being spent at each point for the inspection of the cars. Not only the farmers, but the women and children found much of interest in the exhibits and literature distributed. The train Included a live stock coach contafning animals exhibiting desir able charactPrlhtics, of heavy horses. be«f and dairy cattle, poultry, swine and sheep. To add Interest arrange ti ents were made to have some stoc : belonging to the farmers in variou? localities brought to the train to be compared with that furnished by the Department. Another coach was de voted to exhibits illustrating seed Belectlon and improvement, identift ration of weeds, testing of seed, drain aK«, soil moisture, growing alfalfa corn. Insect pests, protection from lightning, dairying, poultry raising etc. Capable and experienced men acconi panled the trai.i for explaining and lecturing piiri>osP3 and to deuionstrato the judging of live stock. Since (he InauKuraiion of the "[let- ter Karniing Special" thn-e years ago. the scheme has had extensive develop ments. .Not only the people of Oiit.nrlo. but the rural districts throughout the whole Dominion, have bcnciUod. The Provincial Governments, wllb the as- sistance of the Agricultural Colleges, have used the "Farm College on ^'beels" as a means to educate the farmer, his wife and children to higher] standards of farming, and have met v'lth considerable success. The "better farming" tnothods demonstrated by the professors who were on the train were, listened to with great Interest, and the questions asked by the farmer were further evidence that the visit of the "special" was doing Incalculable good. Interior of Grain Coach. The experts on the train were drawn from the Aericultural College at Guelph, one of the most up-to-date In the country. An interesting Incident occurred during the tour. A thorough bred Shropshire twe gave birth to a lamb on board the train, and the question arose as to who it belonged to, whethei the C. P. R., the Guelph Agricultural Col lege or the Departm^ftt'of kfrieix should have the ownersmip. iJRilt much discussion it was decMet tcTtldb the little animal and der«t« th« ft^ ceeds to the Red Crofis Fowl. ^^. IF. W. DUNCAN HardAvare Merchant Phone 30 r 2 FLESMERTON, - - ONT. I The .">2 heal of cattle which wore soil by MesHrs. Kuniz & Zettler nf Walkci I tiin lit their iiuetion .••.â- ilc in FonuKsn dm I Silt md«y last, pissed ihruimh town onliii.mp'y «ei j Flilay ufter liiivinj,' trumped nil llio wajiciHl iliilic-. "Duke," tlie popular U»gnidisciit "i ilic 31.st l{e;;i iieiit ()v>.iM'.is i|u ita h-t- Ik-c • >i|iiipp,-.l wiih a 11 ii.kil which he will ill the piiisii.iuoii of hi-< â-  H- 1' is if t'le re. uliliiiii Columbia Grafonolas Records, Needles, Catalogues j from Lion's Ilend, u dislanco uf 72 ii.ile!. [khaki sli uh', rdged wil'i ruJ iiml I'eim I Thi' trip, whiili started on Moiuluy, wiisjon one siil-< iko sttiking ntmounc iiiatit I uiadf over rocks aud hills and nhnost im "I am ready lo li^ht any liiim" hi d on I pajsftblo roul.o, and the ciutlo reicluvl'tlie otii- r " Ihiw hIjoiiI ymi;" TI.Kwmk ' Fiiiuos.i ill sDcli oxcellenl ciiiulitioii us to, was done l.y .^h•. (' lailes Millor nnd [nt - coimnaiul ;4oii,l prices and look like fill .scntud to llie solili, r« free of ohHii{'. Ill buying at the Hale. liiuce Herald and Sun'a infonn«i-i in ),t iting llrit "Duki." I Times. WIS puriiliiBfd fr- 'Ml II fanner »as wi-oii; ! (>,(in Sound hold its lirst reception on lie wn f.iriiniily the ppiporty of I>r Ito^lsterlng .-Ml nu!s;ar:an<!. Orders have been sent out from Ottawa to all registrars of alien cntMuies, the police who are acting as such, and Iho l!oy;il North-West Mounted I'olien in Western t'au;u!:i to treat the Itulgarians now as alien enemies.' They will t)o registered like the (icrnians and Austriaus, and ' those who arc reservists or are likely t.5 bo tr-ubleioiut' vi!l be interned. Tlioro aro about 25,uuO Uuli;aria-n» (in Canada. It is thought they are ! largely loeatot' in the cities, few hav- â- ing taken homesteads. 1 The necessary onleis in Council I Office Positions Guaranteed f? Wy' ^ ^ '^^ ^ ~^'S»'l?i^ Jr ^ -oi »V Cunadn'ii headirg .Sclhiiil ot Itiisjii °X #V u*i4 ru opens fur eninllinent fur tlie°S% Jiv Winter Term on Mnnday, .Fun. M, 5^ y> uMhi, ^ ^ OWKN SOUND, ONT. ^ t^ I'nexcflli'd coiiriexof study, l!u«in- ^ jl^ esii, iSliortl.and ami 'rypewritiii|{. !x W# Civil Service and I'roparntory. I»-M J^'l'^'dual iiittfucMoii. A lur-^o con- J^ nection with thii host liUniiicHN^ huUKOs who pinploy our Ki-iidiiateH. M| VaW term opening Hept. Is (Jradimtos nioHt luecesHful. '' j^ ' . will piiy you to inventigatc. Full "sS • information free. ^ j For Service Ij? C. A, FLKMING, F. C. A., SjjJ ,' WW I'rincipRl. ySm ffPn n If fviivn Secretary. 2 Tlio Dofuiniim (iovertiiiient KiiaianteoK poaitinnalo Noriliern lin-iiiess Colleuie, Ovvoii Siiund, ;;iailuaUi8 who pass llie <';vi| Service KxainiiiatioiiN in May ami November. Silaries JI500 to 81200. .Vinliitiinm young men and women, hav- iiiK attended Hixli .School for a year or more, nuijlit easily to pass iIicko oxHinin- ation?, after taking our Coininercial and .Siciio((i»|)liic Course for aix or eight months. Write fur particulars to North- ern IhmiiiesR Colleup, C. A. Fleming, Principal, or G. D. Fleming, Kecrolarr t. lO. I>, FLKMINO OWENSOLND - ONTARIO mmPhy^^ynf^yvyy^ FoiHorvice on 1 )t 12, con, !», Oaiuey, one purehrod Shorthorn Hull. Terms • l..'>0. Also one pure bred Vrnkshirc Hour, Terms tl.<K). All accounts miiat Ijh paid to FUKI) TVLKK, Manaeer, or O. H. nrUKE, Proprietor, I Sop. I House and Lot for Sale Bull For Service Thoronghbrd Shordiorn Hull. " Rill rett ^Jovcrnor," No. 1)54)18, for service con lot 27, con 14; Artemeaia. Termsâ€" 91. uU lor i(rftclen, t-'l for Ihoroiighhrrda. | Imo -ALEX. CAIIRITHEUS Corner lot opiioNite the Proahyterian church, house containa !) rooms and liath, cunient cellars, cement cistern intirlo, goodwell and stable. For terms apply on preniison. â€"MRS. H. H. WIUGHT FIcsbeitun . The Cohiiiibia i-i the perfect talking j niacliine. Compare all otliois, then i hear this and we are not afraid of the rc?ult. \Vc can sell machines on! easy ternis to responsible people. I All tlio hoHt appointed city homos have their jiarlot inachuics and tlnne is no reason why tlio fanner should not have llio host music of tlio day in ' his home, including band music, vocal j artists, and performers on all kinds of instruments. Yon can have it on a Columbia Orafonola, as perfect as tlio original, and for much less than youl would pay for u (Common Organ, They lango 1 rem $'20 up. vvi â- . f 1 1 , I , â- â€¢ • ideclaring war with Bulgaria and plac- Tiie.sday nielli of last week for .sohli.-i.-j" '"("f'-r ', ihd fa nou. Inli.n uiaduino jj^g ,,,g uuljiarians under the various mm, ano it wi. fiiiiii ih • Iniliin tho li i><|orders In Council which apply to boui^litbiu. The doi ii aci-.>-s bet»een;other aliens will be passed at once. *Hu8kin«ndaGre.tD.in-. and as the ?" '^f .ucantime also oiders are be- , . • ., , ,â- ,.<,.. i">8; siven to stop any Uulgartans boys say, be is "some daws-. - O. S. Sun | from leaving the country. It is not lanticipated thore will be any trouble ^^V^^'*^/*^^ The Perfect Columbia Is a marvel of recording instrn- \ ments ond the Columbia rccr.rds.i made in Oauada, embrace thousands i ofBelections from which to choose.: W. H. Thurston Agent Plesherton stock for Sale Ttiiinartlia anil lleiliahirua yonnR atouk lor raeiliiiR iiurpoaoa tor aalo ; alto Uonnn duoka pi^aevlgiit. I'hnne or writs, QKO. W. HOS8 Uaxwall r. U. who returno'.l woundo 1 from the tlrinj line. T, mce-Corporal Sam Pearce re'ich- oi his homo on Tuesday night on tht lO.IlO train and was heartily receive-l. Ho Was tlio victim of tieneh warfare, boiiii^ liurieil by a shell which exidodod on the parapet hesicle him. lie w is escort- ed to thn Boyd Street RinK, where a crowd of (i,(H)0 people aalhored. Mayor McQuakor aUlressed the crowd, and speeches were also tjivcn by Warden Cal- dor, and ox War Jen Wm Hroese.of Grey. The welcome was to include Pte. Ooornr Willln<»», a reservist, who returnoil a week n^o, as well as Corp. Poareo. Three huiiOrod men, who have been re- cruited for a special Grey Ciuiity battil- ion, were on the pliitorni. .Iiihn VVosloy Sheers of Mono townrhip was arrested late Friday uijjht by lliuli Const ible Marshall of Orannevillo at hi.'- homo on a warrant chariiintj nini with theft i>f twenty bays of old wheat and four Blake ii Disap|M>ininicnt. Sir Joseph Pope in bis new book on Sir .lohn A. Maedonald, devotes a consif'.erable space to an appraise- ment of Sir John's eonteniporaries. Edward lUuke he declares "one of the rarest minds that have adorned the Har of Canada, or of any other country." Viewed us intellectual per- formances, says the author, his speeches in the Canadian House of Commons have never been surpassed. Ill spite of these accomplishments, the author says; "1 never recall his memory without a tinge of sadness that so gifted a man should not have accomplished more in the way of eon- Btruetivo statesmanship." During 1888, when Sir John's health was on the down grade, he conQded to his secretary regarding a jwith the Hulgarians, as it is believ- icd most of them in Canada are ia 'sympathy with the allies. The ex- perience of the ctlieials after a year's ; dealing with the Austiians is that jthcy have little sympathy with their homeland, ami are anxious to ot)ey Canadian laws and behave like Can- adian citizens. The only alien enemies who have caused trouble are the (jermans. bags of oat.s from John Oeo. McKenna,' proposal to resign. "Cieorge Stephen Proud ami Jealous. A member of The Toronto Tele- fiiam" Starr, who is in the llybling line in France, writes as follows to his paper: A pretty good story is going the rounds arising out of the rivalry existing between the tlrsf and second contingents. An ollicer of the second remarked to an oillcer of the hrst, in London on sick leave â€" We've had a h-11 of a time living alsi ft Mono fanner. The alleijcd thefi took place about 4 a.m. Thursday. The oonalable traced the wa>{on tracks to Slieovs' place, Saturday inornins; the ao cused appeared before Joseph J, Kelly, J. P,, and was remanded le jail. At the Spring; Assizes a urain nhief in this county w»» souter.ced to three years in KinRSion Ptnitontiary. Ton piRs, farrowed on iho ."ith of June, woiKheJ 2030 lbs. when delivered at the atoek yard.s, Thornbnry, on Nov it.h. They were raised by Mr. Jmcs Knott, 8th line, Towuthip of OoP.lnBwojd. This ta surely a remaikablo record, but if any one thinks he can beat It we would like to hear from him, O'aiksburg Ucvitw keeps pressing me to retire," he said, down your reputation in Kngland. and I think 1 shall. My only difn culty Is about my suceessor." "Whom do you think of as such?" I asked. "Ob," replied he, "Langovin; there ia no one elie." Taking a Tip. Uouacmnnâ€" If I'd known .von were going to drop in on us so nnexpeetedly we would have had a belter illiiner. Hortonâ€" Don't mention It, old man. But next time I'll lie sure nnd let yon know,â€" London Answers. I Ah, urn,' said the sick man, as Iho slowly surveyed the spick and ispan ofjcer of the second contingent, I Is that so? L«t me tell you, you'll I have one h-II of a time living up to jour reputation in France." i "So you see we are already becom- ing Jealous, as well as proutl, of our ! lighting fame." -^ Rapariei. Mr, Dnddsâ€" Why do you nlwtyil stand before the mirror while dresstosT I Mrs. Duddsâ€" To see what Is going on, of course.â€" I'uck. Moor a man finds ont too Into thit he cannot hide anything frota his own eonadence.â€" runy. Tour duty la what the day demsnd4 ^GoetbA, .7

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