Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Dec 1915, p. 1

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'v^ /, /leslj^rt^n %\fvmct. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' m 35 No. 33 Flesh.erton, Out., Thursday, December IG IQlo W. H THURSTON \°!??« tud FUO r Feversham. Items Fine winter weather with enough enow for good alt igliiug. Fred Barber, Haroll Smith and R. J. Colqaette haYe retiuued home from the West aud all report a big crop and tine weatlier lo harvept and thresh it. No snow north of Swift Current on llie Empress line yet. A goodly nnmber of people turned out on Thursday night last to hear Dr. Dodda' lecam- illustrated by lantern slides m ilie Presbyterian church here. The lecture was along Missionary lines and was ve<-y in- teresting . Mr. John Ilale of Vancouver, B. C, 13 still visiting with friends here. The Feversham old boys and girls all like to come back once and a while on a visit. Good sleighing has come and our stage line to Flesherton station is now run by a pair of fine horses Mr. Kerton purchased last week. No more use for the auto till next spring now Walter. Our Continuation school which so nearly snuffed out at holidays last June, we art glad to report has re cruited up in good style as there are now 11 pupils attending and good prospects of a number more after New Years, The school board iiave certainly done their best lo make it a success, and with Miss Clark of Toronto as teacher, we predict a bright future for this school. Miss Sadie Julian is recovenug nicely from a bad attack of typhoid fever. Sorry to report that Mr. ilathew Conrou is very sick at his home here with typhoid fever, but with Dr. Roszell of Maxwell in attendance we hope for his speedy recovery. Nearly every day we hear of diff- erent ones of our old neighbors who are coming east on a visit this winter, and no doubt many happy family re- unions will take place and the turkeys and geese will catch grief at Xmas time all right. Mr. James Henderson of Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting with his father, Joseph Hendersoi', of Rob Roy. Hurray for the annual school con cert in onr public school on Tuesday, Dec. 21, in aid of the Patriotic fund. Cone one aud all aud listen to an 0. K. program. You sure will get your money's worth. Birch- Wiley A happy event took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wiley: sr., Wodehouse, on Wednes- day evening, when their daughter, Nancy, was united iu marriage to Mr. Aaron Birch ot this place. At six o'clock to the strains ot Loheu- gr'u's bridal chorus, played by the bride's sister, .\lma, the bridal party took their places beneath a white bell. They were unattended. The bride wore a dainty gown of white shadow lace, and wore a wrcatih of lily of the valley in her hair aud carried a beautiful bouijuet of bridal roses, lily of the valley, and maiden hair fern. The nuptial knot was tied by the bride's pastor, I he Rev. Marshall, in the presence of some one hundred invited guests. After the usual con- gratulations, all sat down to a sump- tuous wedding supper, the lemaiudor of the evening being spent iu music, games and various amusements. The happy couple left the followins day by the tour train to spend their honey- moon with ftieuds at Toronto, Buff- alo, Niagara aud other points, the bride travelling iu a battleship gre} suit of military style with white fur trimmings and hat to match. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm near Wodehouse. The guests from a distance were Mr. aud Mrs. R.J. McAfee, Meaford, Mita Ida Thempaou, Meaford. Mi. aud Mrs. John Morrison, Mrs. John Wiley, Miss Vary Wiley, iJrs. Well- er and son, Raymond, and Mr. Will Morrison, Maxwell, Mr. aud Mi?. Jnlian, U»iuo. NEWSg FLESHERTON A IMW 'phone tu rinu, to P. ,Steinhart Markdale, 87, for poultry alive, produce, bidM, skins and wou), rubbers, rigs, horsehair, iro», copper, brR8«, aino, leikd of *ll sorts, top price paid in cash, or drop a card to Box lai, Markdale Will call for it. Don't mistike the uame, P. 5TEINHART Wodehouse Doings Tuu late fur !aat week. Mr. George Crabtree of R'lcklyu was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Eilgar Donn- elly recently. Mi.s. Wea. LyuiiB of Markdale ia visit- ing the parental huiue, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wiley. Miiis Emily Lawsuii ia spending a luoulli with her sister, Mrs. Korke at Shallow Lake. We are pleased to report Mrs, Picker- iuj4 slightly improved. Miss Maude Hawkins of £ppti:g visited friends here the past week, the guest uf her sister, Mrs. Erneat Morwood. Miss Martha Smith of Markdale is en- gaged as housekeeper for \fi: Will Woods. Invitations are out tor me marriiige uf Miss Nancy Wiley, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Wiley, to Mr. Aaron Birch, both of this place, on Wedne.sJay. Dec. 8. at the home of the bride's pu- eiit.o. Mrs. Henry Wyville, towuhne A. and E., was the guest uf her daughter, Mrs. Robert Brown, a few days the past week. Threahing is wound up in this iuuiie- diate neighborhood fur thi.s vear. Tom Gilr&y of Rocklyn is in with his outdt and with Will Woods of our burg the merry hum of both maciiines is baard riorth of ua yet. Johnston-Gilchrist A quiet but pretty wedding was solem nized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist on Dec. S, when their eldest daurihier, Ella MildreJ, was united iu marriaue to Mr. W'lii. Johnston of the Toronto Line. The ceremony was perforuiedby Rev. A. Mc'Vicar of Flesh, erton. Tlie bride, who was given away by her father, loukdd charming iu a dainty gown of cream silk and shadow Uce. She was attended by her sister, Clara, who wore a dress uf old rose velvet. The sruom was assisted by his cousin, Mr. 'John Sharp. They entered the parlor while the wedding march whs being played by Mrs. Ted Lyons, oister of the groom, .\fter the ceremony about tifty guests partook uf a dainty wedding dinuor. Only the iiitimule friends of the bride and groum were (.resent. .Short eulogistic addrfs-ses referring to the atandini;of the two families were given by Uflv. Mr. Mc-Vicar aud Mr, Joseph Hlakuluy at the close of dinner. The yciing couple were the recipients of many useful and bc'iutiful presents.which showed the esteem in which they are hfld. Mr. and Mi-s .lohnslon left on the evening train amid showers of con- fetti and good wi.-shes to visit friends nt Mono Uuad, the bride wearing a grey plush oust, blue plu^h dre-s.--: and hat lo match. On their return they will reside on the uld homestead south of the village Eugenia Hydro Inspection The hydro inspector for the district of Falmerston made a visit to Eugenia hist week and inspected the wiring in some uf the buildings and fuund the same de- fective in some respects. He therefore retiuires that all installations in Eugenia be brought up to the reiiuii-enients of the Hydiu Electric rules. The above mentioned rules ai-e law in the province of Ontario, so it is useless to attempt to evade placing; wiring in a safe condition. There are a number of competent wire- uien in Flesherton and it looks reason- able that the residents of Eugenia should look to these wiremen to have their wiring put in good condition. It is only fair to here advise that it is unlawful to do wiring in this province without llrst taking out a permit, and the procedure is well known tu all competent wiiomen. The inspector at present is making wnekly visits to Fleehtrton. Therefore it would be well for the residents of Eugenia to hikvo their repairs made while the inspector ia making bis visits lo near Uy towns. Trusting the good people of Eugenia will see the wisdom of acting at ouoe in this matter since, by so doing, they will save thcmselvet inconveniences and aggrayatious. I tbeiefore thank you iu anticipation of your acceding to my represfentations. â€" R. X. MacBETU, Inspector. Ceylon Chat Mr. S. Hands and daughter, spent ihe week end with Toronto friends. Mr. J. W. Cushnie, of Toronto, spent the past, week end with R. Cook s. Mr. and Mrs. M. Ferguson attended the funeral of the latter'a brother, at Cullingwood, last week. Miss Watson, who has been a ^^ueat of the Misses Maud and Myrile Hemphill the pjist fortnight, returned to her home at Alaask on Friday. Mr. Pattison, uf Mclntyre, spent a few days with his biulher here last week, while on his way to Owen Sound. Mr. Will Radley and Snowden 31cLe- od lelt Monday eveniui; for Owen Sound where they have enlisted. The social evening given in the Hill oil Thursday evening to the fi lends and parents of the school, was (juite a success despite the stormy evening. (,)uite a lengthy prugramme was given by the .scholar.i, at the close of which Rev. Mr. Kerr was invited to the platform and presented with an address and purse ag a recognition ot his services in the Sab- bath school. Mr. Kerr, though greatly taken by surprise thanked the donors for their gift. Lunch was then perved and .ifter singing "God be with you till we meet again," all dispersed t) their humes. Portiaw I>v the death of Mrs. Geo. Thompson, »r. which occured at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Uargrave, ColhnKWood road, on Monday, Doc. U, at the age of eighty-three years, is removed une of the first settlers of this neighborhood. Up to a few hours bafore her death she ap. pearsd in her usurl health. Shortly af ter niHtn of that day she was taken with a sick spell, and alihough medical aid was soon called she sank rapidly and passed peacefully away the saiiio evenin';. The funeral took place on Thursday last tu Maxwell English church burying ground, her pastor. Rev. Mr. .\bl)jt otflciatiug. Over half a century ago dec-ased came with her hu.sbitnd who predreea.sed hir live years ago, from the township of ChingHCuuchy, and with stout hearts set to work to hew out for themselves a home in the unbroken forest, and by industry, cikreful habits and integrity of character, had the satisfaction of gain- ing a cumpeteuce and well-earned com- forts for later years. All the experi- ences of pioneer life were familiar to I hem. Mrs. Tlu>ni|iaoii posses.sed qualities of head and heart that lU'ide her a good and useful neighbor aud friend through all these years, aud when opportunity uffer- ed to do yooc?, she was ever ready, there being few homes in tho noighborho.id in which, especially in sickness, the touch of her sympathetic hand was not often fult. All the surviving mombers of the family were present at the fuiierHl, namely: Mrs. Wm. BlacLburn of Staynor, Mis. B. Hargrave, Collingwood roid. Mis. E. Montirouiery, Toronto, Wm. J. of K.l iiiontoii, George F. H. and J. .\.lbert of Portlaw. Mr. W. J. Thompson of the Experiment farm, Edmonton, hap|>eiied to he in Toronto in connection with the purchasing of a oar lotd of dairy .stock for the farm, when he got word of bis mnlhers sudden death. Mr. J. Thompson and his »i.-,tar, Mrs. Green, uf Owen Sound, attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thompson. Mrs. J. L. Wood of Toronto, is visit- ing with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Flesherton Electric Rates Following are the rates to users of electricity in Flesherton ; Domestic Lighting Rateâ€" 3c. per 100 av|iMire feet H.:>or space. 'M\c per k . w. h. meter charge, with the second domestic charge. I4C per k.w.h. t'rompt pay- ni.iit discount 10 per cent. Comaercial Lighting- 7c per k.w.h. fir the lirst thirty hours' use of the load, 3^3 per k.w.h. for tl e next 70 hours. 0.7c per k.w.h. fur all additional con- sumption. Pr.impt payment discount 10 per cent. Power Rateâ€" $1 per hoiiepower per month service charje, p'ui 2.6c jior k. ! w.h. for the first fifty hours' use of the load, plus 1,80 per k.w.h. for lecond fifty hours, aud 0.2c per V.w.h. for all additional consumption. Pruinpt pay- ment discount 10 per cent. Other dis- counts according to class in which cus- tciner uses liis power. Kimberley Budget Mr. and Mrs. Chiiles Graham of Saakaclhuwau are renewing old aC'iuain- tances in our burg. Charles says the wheat crop was a bumper one iu the West this year. Mr. Aiiiseley McCounell had another bad spell one day last week, but in holding his own at i.iesent. Miss Myrtle Carter of Markdale is visiting at Geo. Hutchinson's. .\ilhur Anderson, icconipanied by Mitises Violet Gilbert and Eva Harris, visitHd Vuudeleur friends recently. John Johnston uf Beaverda'.e made a business trip to uur burg Monday. We wunder why the Motlmdist Sunday school IS not going to hold a Christmas llee this year .' This will no doubt prove a great disappointment to the little tots. Has the European war anything to do will) this, or are some people afraid lo dip their hand down into their pocket for fear of havinv to part with a little loose change '. Sijuire Stuait and W. Ellis visited friends in Fleshennn one day last week. Miss Hazel Allen, the popular school luistreas of the East Mountain Academy, visited one day last week with her aunt, Mrs. M. Ferguson. The municipal put is beginning to boil in the good old Hglitiog townsliip of Euphrasia. We hear that Jasper ^>tu>rl, our euterprifcinu butcher, is in the field for councillor, also George Hutchinson, who has had two or three years' eiperi- ieuce at the board. Mr. Hedley Gvudin is thinking about trying anuther step higher up and try for deputy reeve, also J. M. Davis. These are both l'oih), energetic men. and will give Murray a run for his life. I| is ruinured that W. T. Ellis, ex-Reevp, will contest the Reeveahip with J. T. Miller, the present Reeve. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stuart of Thorubury visited recently with friends here. Toronto Line North Everyone is bu'sy pte|>Hriug for Christ- mas. Miss E. M. Lever, of Kngenia. has been home since Friday, and is layed up with a very painful attack of orysii.elas in the chin, we hope to hear of her spetdy recovery so that she may resume her duties sj^'tin. Mrs. Fred Ma'hcwsoii has gone ui Brussels tu attend the bedside of her sis- ter, Kathleen Manning, who is very ill. Mr. W. J. Lever of the West Back Line ia yet very ill. Mr. -Vex. Siuiili. of Tliornbury, visi- ted a few days first of the week, with councillor Brown. Eugenia Mr. S. Haney of Paisley visited his brother, here, recently. Don't forgtrt the achi/ol concert a*. Eugenia on Monday, Dec. 30, U.' bo hehl ill the .school house. There will be a Chrisliiias tree for the children. Conceit will begin at S o clock. .Vdnission â€" silver collection. I'rooeeda to gc toward improving the school. It w^ks stated in l«st week'.s paper that Mr. C. Taylor left for unknown points. This was a mistake, as Cliflfurd left for his home at Deseroulo and is now grenlly mis.sed by his Engenia friends. A Bad Fall While assisting at Uobt. Rubinson's threshing near Bethel on Wednesday of last week, Herbert Wraggett, a ncielibor met with a distressing accident which will probably maim him fur lite. In stepping over an open mow the board. which was covered wiih chali", was not o' strength to carry the weight and Mr. Wraggett broke thiMUgh, falling a die-, tanne of fifteen feet tu the thresh tluor. He foil un his back the tones of which were crushed together between the shoul- ders. tVhon picked up the unfortunate inao was seen tu be very critically hurt, and he remained unconscious for an hour. Dr. McWilliams W88 hastily summoned •iiid the sufferer was moved to his own lioD'.e. At first his life was despaired of and for some days his whole body was paralyzed. He is however showing some improvement and there are now hoj^sof saving his lite. A professional nurse from Owen Sound is on duly. The unfrotun a'e aeoidont is deplored by all who know Mr. Wtaggett and his family. - Dundalk Herald. Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. I>I?. BURT .Specialist in dlacaaea of ilie \17' \ k â€"-*««♦«,.*%.»• *i» Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat ^- ^ Armstrong, Of FiCE-i;io iothst,West,Owon Sound j Jeweler Xt the R«vere house, Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a m ; .,. „„..^_,-.-^., r\Krr DunJalk.ls Wednesday of each month.. IB LESHERTON, • ONT •ai?'/i?' #^^#^^#0#|^#|^^#0^##t##*t^ CHRISTMAS GOODS | Deconition.s. Garlaiui.s, Hells, Silver Tincell. I'aiulles, Sparklers, Stockings. Candies ot all kinils from !0c. i pound up. Hon- Ron lio.\e.^. lOc. to $2.00. V Nuts, .\I1 Kintls. Oraimcs. :JOc. ro HOc a dozen. Grapes, grape- fruir. oysters, tranibern'es. mince- 'If meat, Heinz pickles in bulk W i„ m -Vnytliing you want for Christinas cheer at ^ W. B U S K I N i DO IT now! Leave your old leather tops in and get new rubber bottoms put on. They are the cele- brated Maltese Cross Kubbv^r, guaranteed to wear out. â€" but you have to wear them a long time. Also low laced and high laced rubbers an<l light ones to go over your boots at Thos. Clayton's FLESHERTON I NEW SUITINGS ^ New Suitings just to hand â€" some of ^ the nobbiest weaves to be found any- X where. ^ Leave your order now for that new suit. You will never regret it. Satisfaction guaranteed. Don't forget that we do cleaning, pressing aud repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for the Hobberlin Tailoring. SK

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