December 2:5 1015 T HE F L E S II E R I O N A D V^ A N C E f I An inileptncUiit ncwKiiainr, |lul>li^lle(l every Thiirn-'ay at ih*- ortice, CMlliiipwiod Street, KIwherton. Siibscriplimi I'lic* SI iwrannuiu when ii.iiiliii»<lvi\nc>i \%\M wlicii nut sn pui'l A. I ver imiR ratM on applii-ation. Circulatmi 1,100 w.'cUly M I*. Th<«r»ton- Editor Weekly Report Klesherton High School Form 2, Aritliiiutie. | U H»rj[ri»ve 85, A Winter* H4, U Mort- on 79, E Adieion 7.S, V Fmley 7t>, A : Oraham 74, .\ Allen 74, \\ r>in|,'wall 71, i M Col^aii 0", M Wright (>5, M Aclieson | *4, J Wright ti4, NV Williainsi n ()4, B McVicar (i:t, T. L^ ver 02. E H.niliam 0.3, j P LeGard 00, W W, S Murniy , «'.0, R Rutledg- on, M Wii.-lit .".H, D I'nt- j .,on 58, E Caswill ."if.. It CiswiU .")4, \\ NViUikmsoD 54, M Hf ard oJ, V Thuriton 4S, K Harslow 40, B Moore 32. C Porter Form ii. Literature. A Allen 86,E Cai'well 81. A Winters 8<). R Dingwall 75, E AclieKui 74, C I'oiler 74, K Hargr»ve 7:', M AchoKon 7:5, V Finley72, M Wright 71. E I'aislowTU, R Caswell O'J, P I.efJard ««, J WriKht04, L Le/er 61, S Murray »», H Mcoro Ot», M Heard 57, R MorUin .57, M Colgan 5«>, W Latimer 49, M Wiiulit 49, E Betlh- Hin 47, F Tliurslon 46, R WilliriniM.n 43, R Rutledjje 4:i, D Pation 42, W William- •â- >n 40, A Graham :«). Form 3, Eauliih Literature. G Davis 9.'>, D McVicar 93. R Hiilch- iason 87, A Acheson 7'J, L Dudgeon 77. | H Mc^lean 77, A Wright 70, L Muir70, ' Q Kaittin? 73, T) WiUon 73. M Legale 72, 1 LaiJUw 08, S t^mart 08, K Spenor 413, Wni. McCloud 07, J Nichol 00, G Whytc CI, A Gauilin .')'.», M Murphy 58, | W UarriNon 55, F A Parliament 55. R Sh'irp 54, E K«rstedt53, W Hcchanao 50. D McMillan 50. C Lever 4'.», W Pat- tison 40. Fonu 3, Briiinh History. D McVicar '.18, I Laidlaw 88. D Wilson ^7, R Hutchinson 87, M Lega'e 87. A Achea(.o 86, g Kaiiing 85. A Wright 85, E Spencer 85, L Muir84.M Mc(^ "uan 8(J, _J_Nichol 79, UWh)le79, EKarsteUt 78, W Paltison 77, F Pailiitnient 74, A ti^iudin 74. R Sharp 7:''. M Murphy 27. Presentation and Address A pleasing event occurted at the homo of Mr. Uoii|,'.ll McPlmil. Six U-iniiS. (Ill Tue«QHy evening of l^ist week. «hfii ahout 25 of the iiet-lihois met iind [ireseiili'd Thumaii Chiisi-, who hiis goiu- to Toronto lo I r.tin for ilie battlefield, with a Imndsnnio wrist wii'cli mid ii pip''. ' 'i'lu'|>''eselUiili' II w.'B iiiado l)y Cliuk McMillan whiK- CKra (iilchiiU icud llie fulKitting address ; Dear Toniuiie, â€" Learning h it h Nincere rfitret of your intended vcmoval froni our I iiiidst, WI-, your friends, have taken the j liderty of usKombling here to apend an Notice Dr. H. F. Englisn, Oaleopatliic Phyaician, of Owen Sound, will be in Kli'slierton on Tuesdiiy and Friday after- noons of each week. Commencing Fri- day, Juiio4tli. For appointment phone i> ring :*. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS ^& Thia famous make of implements is evening Willi you, and by i ur presence j ^gU |j„„^n „ii „ver the country and iniuiifekt i.ur i;i>odnill towards you. We ; their own good work is the best recom- have all bit tho deepest Hdmiration for I mendaiiim they can receive. If yu 1 1 „i 1 , oo^-;*;.... f,,,. reiiuire anythin!» in the line of liindero, you .n your manly and noble sacnhco for ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ jj_.„,_ Cultivu.orH, Pulp- your country. \ou ate giving up volun ^^^^ Plows. Sleighs, WaugonK, Ci\am tarily iho cunifoits and pleasures of this Separators. Jlarrows. Rfdlers. Cutting country to take up, lirst the discunifoits | Boxes, Ensilage Cutters, and tiials of military cunp, and then the awful risks .md hazard* of the battlefield itself. We hope that wherever you go and at all times, you will bear i.t mind that we sie with you irt sympathy and love, and we trust thai after those ardu- ous dulies are completed you will return to us eafe, well and hippy. We ask you lo accept this small token in reineuibr- ance of your pflst friendship with uj. Signed ou behalf of the neigbbois- A. S. Muir, Dougald McPhail. giiies. Sawing oulBls, chanee lo quote prices. Cia.Holine c; etc , give us a John Wright, ' Agent Fiesherton lieenng Implements R R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Only A Few Days Till Christmas DO YOUR SHOPPING NOW Don't'wait until tho last week, wlien t-voiyone is in a hurry, but make youf selections NOW, while joii have the best choice of quick selling ineichandise. Our Christmas assortment is now at the best. A FEW CHRISTMAS HINTS! Walkerton AND Gaso in e Engines Mrs. Robt. (io.anlock. ..ns of ihe All kinds of Imi.lements. Part. ,„ . J . „.„„ always on hand. Agent for Uarrie very tirst se'.t lers of Br.nt, p.aased peace. '^'^^^^^ ^^^^ Wnm^t^, Louden fully away at her homo in Walkerton on j jj^^^^ CarrieiB. Hay Tracks, Pedlar Mond-y afterioju it the advanced age shingles and siding. These Implements of 84 vea-s i require no recominendalicin as they are ^ I standard goods and recognized as the Ethel Jerrome, a Walkerton youngl Wsi on the market, lady who was arnstet by Chief Ferguson; FRCIT TREES-1 lopieient ihe Ston and remanded to ihe Walkerton jail for, & Wellington nursery.and will be pleased a week on ihe eh.rge of vagrancy, appear- , l"" '" 'f '"" ««"'l '"•' " ^"'^â- ed before Mavi-rate Tolion on Friday j afternoin, and after plending bard for| her libeity. wai gianied her freedom by the nugistrale, who took advantage of the occasion t . repriiund her siroiig'y and pais out some good wholesome ad- ,0 ED.RUTHERFORD Proton Station vice, Wi Cavers, aged 88 yiS. of Aiiial e, township, and an old watch an J clock re paiier who travelled up and down Bruce county in pursuit of his calling, visining Walkerton on many occasions, was brought in a dyintr stale to the House of . . Refuge here last week, he having to be 1, D M>tcMillan08. L , carried out of an auo to a bed in the in- Hariisdii 07. S Si mart | stitution, w'.ieie ho is now hovcrinf be- Butter Wanted Hockey States all sizes «1.00 to $4.00 Hockej Boots, all Bizos $1.25 to $3.0o Sweater Coats, all colors 75c to $5.0, Wool Toques and Avi:itiou (.'aps » 25c to . ^ Bilk and V/ool Motor Scarfs 50c to $1.5^ Ladies' Kid Gloves, all lenj-ths .* $1.00 to $2. <? Men's silk Neckwear 25c to $1.5' Men's Kid Gloves and .Mitts 75c to $2.50 Handkcioliiefs, Silk mid Linen 25c to 50c Furiy Lawn and Liutn Ilundkerchiefs 5c to 50c La''i; Collars I! lid Kanc) Neckwear 25c to $1.75 Ladies' Wool Sliawls 50c to $3.50 Men'i* tiiid r..v^>'' ^'a'lcy Suspenders 10c to 50c Fancy Si k ;.im1 Caslun.i.; Hosiery 60c to $1.25 siik,:;>.: M.iriiwii w.iists $1.00 to $5.00 Ladifs' I'ai.L,) Slippers and Pumps $J.50 to $2.75 Fancy Linens. Ti.iy Cloths, Towels, Centres, etc 25o to $1.75 FANCY CHIN \â€" A beautiful assortment of Fancy China, suitable for presents â€" Cups and Saucers, Fancy plates, 11 n Bon Dishes, Spoon Trays, Cream Pitchers, Berry Dishes, Salad Dowls, Biscuit .Jars, etc., etc. Special Prices 10c to $1.50 Our Grocery Dept. is Ready for Christinas EVERYTHING REASONABLY PRICED. Millinery Special for This Week They are all new Wc have laid out two tables of Hals in our Show Room shapes and correct TABLE NUMBER 1 for Special selling, styles . Table number Hats usually .^old $2.50 to $3 50 All at $l.!)5. Hats usually sold Irom $3.75 to $6.50 All at $8.50. Wm. McLeod Dudgeon 07. ^^ «i3, W Uuchanan 58, C Lever 52. Form 2, Aat. A Allen 70, V. I'liflow i 8, A Winters ♦U, E Ciswell 04, II McVicar 0:», S Mur. lay 02, V Fiiiley 02, M Heard 01, M AchesonOO, U Hari.r.v> (lO, .i Wright 5S. FThursion .")8, WLvimerH?, R Caswell .â- >". M Wri.hl 55, M Colgaii iVt, n Hutledge 52, M Wright 52, L Lever .".1, P LifJaid .M. A (Ji-aham f)'l, II Will- iamson rill, 1) Pat t III oO, E liciillia'ii 47, R Morton 40, R Dinuwall 40, C I'oiler 44, E Acheion 42, H Moore 41, W Wil iiiuison .'i.'^. Form .3,Latin 10 t. Mark nereasary for R'jnus. D McVicar i»2, I Luidlaw 80. D Wilsoi. 7'.t, H Shunk Oil. L Muir ♦15, O Uaiis (11. A Wright ."<!», D McMillan 58, K Kar st-dt 51. L Duigeoii .JO, A Acheeon ."><>, W Paliison 4», W MiL-.d :il, W Bu- chanan 211. we Ml 1 fe iind death. Many of the old- timera about hern remember hi"i and 8|>eak I'ighly of his former skill. Reeve John Joy .t of Luckno w, w at the County Coni.iil hero last week, j handed in to Mr. H. M. Lay th e»riO(t) which he has proiiiiMd to doiiale each | yiar to ihc Rtuce county Patriotic Fund { a* long as tho war lasts. Mr. Joyiit is j making a similar yearly donation lo Hur- j on. The only dicr lie over shot was do- , nati'd the other day lo the Lucknow Red Cri 81 Soci.'t y and on being cut up and ; sold it loalized 814 :iO. In allot his ac- lions Mr. Joynt is proving himself a; staunch patriot, and Lucknow has reason ; to ha proud of the loyal aialwi.rt i-lio is j sending I o rcpresenii er at I'.o Uruce . County P.rliament.â€" Uruce Herald and Time!*. I 200 boxes Choice Dairy Butter want- ed. Highest market bile price paid in cash. ! HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS Dr. J. Ralph Smith OSTEOPATH I Office and Re8idence-408 9th St. East Owen Sound, O'tt. Hoursâ€" 9 to 12 a.m., I.:t0 to 4.30 p.m. o 8 p.m. Other hours by appointment. Dr. U.' F. En',li-h will be in Fiesherton on Tuesday and Friday afternoous each week. It is npnrted thai General Profpf i ly ha« ii.vaded Western Csiiada. He will not be rcUfctedâ€" Hnice Herald and Times M. Scully Co. Fiesherton, Ont. Farm for Sale One hundred acres, lot :>7, Coo. ft, Artcincsia, smnll frame house, small or. chard, gond well aiirt property well f..|ir.rl, Ahuui :i4 niilei from Fiutenia, .^| p'y E..I. Pa'rsons, Eugenia P. O. 2 weeks. of f, The Old Adage A Business School Tliat successful (clioul whose giadiiiitoi occupy pr.unincr.t po- sitions from the Ailant.c to Iho Pacilic, re-opeii« for the FALL TERM S pteniber Isl, l'.M4 Send for free oatalog at onco to COLLINGWOOD BUSINESS COLLEGE T. E. Hawkins. - Principal CoUiiigwOMd, Ontario. I THE GIFT MAKERS GREAT OPPORTUNITY = USEFUL PRESENTS- BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS APPROPRIATE PRESENTS = 0»i" "t'w and beautiful litio of holiday goods, full of choicest stlections for the C'hristin.iH trade is now ready tor the inspection and approval of all who knew a good thing when they «ee it. We have new iioveltie.s in nice, but inexpenHivo goods. We have choicer and more costly gilts, but in ALL grades ami at ALL P"'>t'f.« we can .snpbly yon with the nicot and most appropriate articles. DO NOT FAIL TO SEE OIR SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS IN Toys, Books and Novelties Fancy Goods, Notions, Etc. (The above lines of goods ran be changed to suit the i'(><|uirements of your butines.!) Ourstoclc is generous in variety and includes only goods of approved worth and supeiiority. You can not help being pleased with our well selected pojndar and in every way desireable line. Our very reasonable prices will delight yon. Select yonr gifts from our up-to date «took and yon will get the best and most appropriate pjesenta at the fairest figures yon have ever known. For The Right Present For The Right Person At The Right Pfice Come Right To Us W. E. RICHARDSON 81 SON Property For Sale Part lot 151, con 2. N. K. T. A S. \i . containini; 2SJ nc os, sbout 1 mile f; Flcslu'rloii. 'I'here isa gi'od frame houso and stalilo "and the propirty is »ell fenced and watered. App'y lo .bweph A. LoOiiid, Fle.'therton or on the proper- ty- The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is c(|uallv true of the lOOi) (jrravity Washer. Try one ami he convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon Knll line ol McConnick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, I,oader.s, Drills, I iiltivatois, Plows, liiding and Walking, Ilarrows, Brantfoi'd Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, lieattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, iSlings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wire and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. A Representative Wanted at once for FLESHERTON AND DISTRICT FOR The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries F 11 hums! V\'hy remain idln all winter when you can lakuupa puyingai^uncy^ Choice list of varieties for spring planting. Liberal terms. Handsome free outfit. Exclusive Territory. SS'JSISSSISRSSS^iySlSSSmS 'S£rSSi^.S^/SS!^S^SS^S^i^^^^^^^Ml\ Write now for particulars. Stone & Wellington TORONTO . ONTARIO Fiesherton Tin Shop^ Bali For Service For service. â€" Baron Holly â€" No. (i422. Aberdeen Angui, on lot 34, 9th concess- ion, Artemesis. Terms. 11. 00 if paid hefore l«t Jan. lOlo.â€" W. J. Ma^ee. May 16 Stock For Sale Mare and sucking colt f^u- sale- uiaro 8 !i years old â€" also a eilt risiii}; 2, all good stock, and one young cow fii-.i yr<. (dd, asd calf. -Tlioa. FEN WICK, Eugenia. I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. ings. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, inelnding pump* work, installed. Agent Furnaces Furnaces. for Clare Bros. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jgs ONTARIO. m. f