Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1915, p. 5

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I December 23 1915 THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE f THB STAHDARD BANK OF CANADA [HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO EVERY good Bank has a RBSBRVB FUND a* • pro- vision for l^an years and the inevitable rainy day. This Fund has been accumulated from Surplus Earnings and is • source of strength and stability. Everyone should have a RESERVE FUND. Without it no one is in â-  safe financial condition. Our Savings Department o£fers an ideal opportunity for establisbing YOUR RESERVE FUND. 2lM FLESHERTON BRANCH Osprey Council ^7^^-:^JS^^>:vT»:^jg?jStt;^;^^ ^jg^S^gj^SggfeS^ BST'D 1873 GEO. MITCHELL, Manager. C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as 'follows : Going South Going North 7.33 a. m 11..% a.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p.m. The mails are osed at Fleaheiton as oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at â-  3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. V VICINITY CHIPS A Merry Christmas to you. Between iifty and sixty Durh:im young; men enlisted for the war last week. Gat Bibles for Christmas presents at the Depository, Advance office. Don't forget Chapman's big Picture gile during Xmas week. Shooting Matchâ€" Flesheron, Monday afternoon, Dec. 27- Geese and ducks. Rifle and shotgun.â€" T. Fisher. Misses Ada Wright, Maud Buyd, Hazel Shunk and Dell Thurston are home from Normal for Christmas holidays. Buy a GrafoDola as a Chrislmar pres- ent for your familyâ€" $20 upâ€" at this - oflice. Born â€" lu Flesherton, on Thursday, Dec. IC, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowler, a MIL All accounts must ha settl«d by Jan. 16, 1916, by uoie or cash.â€" F. G. Kars- t«dt, Flesherton. It is said the contest for Flesherton Reeveship will again be between Mr. Fisher and Mr. McTavish. Mr. Will Paul and sister, Sarah, of Cadilac, Siisk., arrived here this week to fis'.t relatives. Miss Sarah will rnmain here. Durham had a Sunday evening recruit- ing meeting in the town hall afttT church service.when about thirty recruits signed up. Hear Christmas Caroh on the grafoii- olaatThe Advance ottic. Grafunola needles, 30O for 20 cents. Recoids ex- changed f^'r small fou if in good ordi r. The sentence of death passed upon H. T' Kin^, the Owen Sound n.urderer, has been commuted to imprisonmenl for I fe He will be sent to an asylum. Arteniesia Council met on the 15tli inst. Owing to the largo amount of busiues trousacted we are holding the minutes over until next week. John Eaton, a Hudson Bay employee, travelled 5tX)0 miles to enlist. We know Mite young men who woulu travel oOOO miles to get awny from the recruiting oflicers. Mr. Robt. Campbell of the valley wmt to Markdale one day recently to buy a saw. After purchasing the saw, ho put it iu hia cutrer, and when lio returned Mr. Saw was gone. Moral : Buy your saws in Flesherton. The Flesherton Citizen's Bund w;n en- •^â- ^^. to play at a banquet in Markdalg on We Inesday evening, tendered to L'eut -Col. G. F. McFsrland. commiiud- iug ofticei of the 147th Groy County Battalion. About fifty members of the Presbyter- ian Guild visited the Guild at Proton Station on Friday evening last and en- joyed the ouMng exceedingly. The even- ing was delightfully mild and pleasant for the drive. The visitors supplied the program and the home Ouild furnished luncheon. Ths Pietou Guild have been tnvited to return the ctll. Merry Christmas: The 40th annual entertainment of the Presbyterian Sab- bath sehool will be held in Clialn.er's «hurch on Saturday eveving, Dec. 25 Tea lerved fr jm 7 to 8 o'clock. Come and enjoy a spicy program. Kev. A.Mc- Vioar, the pastor, will conduct; annirer- saty services on Dec. 26. Collection on behalf of the Sunday school fund. Mr. W. J. Lever of the East back Line, Arteniesia, passed away on Wednesday of last week after an illnes extwndmg over a yoar rr more. The funernl took place to Flesherton c 'metery on Satur- day. Mr. Lev* r was born on the farm where he died, 59 years ago. He leaves to mourn his loss a wife and five child- ren, namely; Fred (who is at the front fighliiitf for his country,) Eib, Ett'i, R 'y and Ruby, all at home. The funeral wa.s a larae one. Much 8ymp:itliy is exprcs- sol fo!-ihe bereaved family. An interesting debate occured in the League Monday evening, the subjoct be â-  ing : " Resolved, that international ar- bitration is a substitute for war." The affirmative was taken by Glenn Davis, Will Buchanan and Artie Wright, while the negative was sustained by Barvey Shunk, Harold McL<;an and Ina Laidlaw. The negative won out in a hotly contest- ed battle. The four recruiting officers working here during the past week have succeeded in enlisting the following young men from Artemesia : George Patton, Geo. Richardson, Gordon McKinnon and W. Davis, Flesherton ; T. MoArthur, Ceylon ; E. Hopper, A. Genoe, J. ^rmstrone, R. Parks, F. Osborne, R. Leppard end G. Benson. Eugenia ; D. Graham and G. Buchanan, Vandeleur ; E. Partridge, Rock Mills ; A. Wyville. Markdale. Does poultry raising pty on the farm / Well, we know one man who would vote in the affirmacive and he lives over at Duncan. Became to town on Thursday last with the handsomest bunch of fowl it has been our pleasure to see for some time, and disposed of them to Mr. F. G. Karstedt, merchant, for the tidy sum of 159.87. It was this gentleman's first business experience in Flesherton, but we trust it will not be his last, ss our merchants treat people right and are grateful for their trade. Mr. Chspman, successor here in the furniture busines, to W. B. Bunt, places a Christnsss advertisement in this issue. Look for it on our last pa^e. The store has been rttuodellud and a largo ({Uintity of new stock added â€" just the place to choose your Cliristnias presents. Read the advertisement for suggestions. Mr. Chapman also lias a handsome hearse for use at funerals and is prepared to do sat- isfactorily work iu the undertaking line. Call in and look jver hia big stock. A wedding which will interest Wode- house people took place at the MethodLst parsonage on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when Mr. Gordon Wiley was united in marriage to Miss Eva BuHkiu, daui^htev of Mr. John Buskin, both of Wodehouse. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. Mr. Dudgeon. The young people are inuch rospocted in their neighborhood, the bride having been an enthusiastic worker in church and .Sun- day .school and a member of the Now England choir. Tlio happy couplo have the well wishes of a host of w,irm friends, among whom The Advance is proud to bo included. Mrs. Wiley is a niece of Richard Bcntham and W. Buskin of Flesherton. The young men who have been re- cruiting hero during thn past week have had some interesting experiences and some peculiar arguments tirud 'it theni. Thoy have been invited several limes to goto a place that is hotter than any temperature the Germans can gener- ate with their big guns. They have been told that it would be time to tight the Germans when ih^y came to Canada '. Of all the fool arguments pur forth by warped logic, that beats anything that can bo produced. It was time for Belgium to fight Germany when the latter forced the border and ravished, pillaged, murdered and destroyed, but what good did resistance do the Belgians? It was time likewise for Serbia to fight, but Serbia is crushed and her king an exile. About the only argument that would appeal to such people would be to ship them to Belgium or make a free gift of them to tt-.e kaiser, when they would learn what the mailed fist means. Probably if the same people had their barns on Ore â€" not to say anythmg of having their homes bombed aud babies killed as England has â€" they would squeal out good and loud for help from their neighbors, and the neighbors would be craven if they did not grant aid. With- out apparently realizing it, the philoso- pher of this calibre is unintentionally showing himself for what he really isâ€" selfish, cowardly slacker. Election Cards Maxwell, Deo 15, I'Jlo. The memhevs of the Municipal Council of Osproy mot at Muxwtll, on above date according to adj.juriiment from Nov. (iih last- The menibera were nil present. The niinules of the last meeting were road and adopted. Conmiunicatioiis and accts., etc., were received from CoUintf- wood hospital acct-s $21,110, mainitenance of Chas. Ilanibly; National Sanitarium Association, appeal for aid; Canada Suff- rage Absociution asking for extension of franohisa to married women; (Jolliugwood Hardware CO,, acct., 84.53 fur blasting supplies; Flesherton Advanc8,acct.,^(i.25' printing; Isaac Traynor, engineer, re- ports and certificates rejiarding drain No. 3 contracts; Hy. Heitman, acct., iO 00 postage for clerk; Jas. Thompson, acct., $10, sheep killed by dogs; Earnest Bawt- on, acct., $10, sheop killed by dogs; Jas. Douglas, acct., $2.40, sheep valuator; Robt. Taylor, acct., $6.00, sheep valu- ator; Win. Jameson, ovorcharge ia stat- ute labor; Hugh Hardy, error in dog tax; Kobt. Bill, overcharge in taxes; Jos. Essex, acct., 975. 13 service assisting en- gineer survey drain no. 4; Louis Moore, asking for part payment on drain No. 3 contract; Jos. Bowler, asking for a furth- er payment on contract for Grummet ditch; Enterprise ottice, acct., $8.20; Bulletin office, acct., 110.75 for Printing Patriotic auoolies. Orders were issued on the treasurer to pay Collingwood hospital $21, keep of Charles Hambly ; M. Kertou $8, R. J. Colquette $C, B. BammiU $6, rent ot balls fnr council meetings ; Hy. Heitman $<>, clerk's postage account ; J. Thomp- son $6.66, and E, Hawtou $6.66, sheep killed nby dogs ; Flesherton Advance office $6.25, printing ; Hugh Hardy $1, refund error in dog tax ; Robert Hill $1, refund overcharge in taxes ; .Tos. Essex work on drain No. 3, Jos. Essex $5.50, cutting out and surveying 3Uth sideroad ; Osprey Agricultural Society $40, grant ; Robert Taylor $7, sheep valuator ; Jas. Douglass $2.4U, sheep valuator ; Joseph Ferguson $2, collector's postage and expenses ; W. S. Inksier $2. postage and expenses ; Enterprise office |8.20, Bulletin office $10.15, printing ; Thomas Scott $10, service re debenture8|for drain No. 2 improvement. Bylaws were passed appointing deputy returning officers and poll clerks, also | i To the Electors of Artemesia: Ladies and Gentlemen,â€" I have-decid- ed to become a candidate for the office of Councillor for the Township of Artem- osi.i. for the year 1916, and would re- spectfully request your vote and influ- ence. â€"JAMES STINSUN The Ontario Government has ad pointed Mr E P. Hoiton, a Tor. ntn insnranco expert, file marshal of the Piovinco. F. G. KARSTEDT, FLESHERTON KARSTEDT BROS. . PRICEVILLE XMAS! XMAS! XMAS! N6\v is the time to do your Xmas buying. We have a full range of everything in slock, will gladly show you our goods. Store open every evening. Call ill and see us. W( ^.^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â- â™¦â€¢â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦â™¦^ Dishes Dishes Something pretty in chinaâ€" some- ihinu suitable for mother or sister for Xmas. Prices from 25c. up. Paperettes Boxed writing paper in Holly Box- es and other fancy boxes. Just what you are looking for from 15c. to $1.25. Suspenders and Armlets All boxed ready to send to father or brother. A good assortment. 25c. to 50c. Millinery Millinery We are selling our hats at half price. Come in and get a new hat Little Nic Nacs Boidoir caps in pink and blue, silk with chiffon over, a beauty for 55c. Somo in white overlace for 50c. Pink silk hair receiver for 75c. Talcum powder holder for 511c., and a lot of little things too numerous to mention. Gloves Men's Mocha gloves in gray and tan, also men's mocha mitts. La- dies mocha mitt«, suitable for mother. Military Brushes Comb and brush setts â€" just lako a look and see what great values we have and the prices are right. Toys Toys Toys Santa Clans has arrived with his toys. Everything fur children. Bring the children in i i see them. Mufflers Men's silk ribbed mufflerc, fraud shades, boxed 81 alt. Mufflers, different shades from 500. to ?1.00. Ties Ties Men'fj silk tics â€" beautiesâ€" in grand sliadeeâ€" silk knitted ties in all shades. Handkerchiefs A full range of pretty handker- chiefs, some with colored borders. 3 in a holly box for $1.00. Fancy linen handkerchiefs, linen lace aid hand work. 3 in box tor $1.00. Wo have a full range of white fancy handkerchiefsâ€" lOo.tD 75c. Men's exceldu), in colored borders and white with iui'ial. Linens Linens Iiinen towels and tray c'oths. Side- board .scarfs. for Xmas. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Produce We are buying dressed fowlâ€" will pay you the highest prices for turkeys, ducks, geese, ehiokx, butter and eggs- ^ BUSINESSCARDS nj BIGHT, TELFORD & •» Barrister, SolioitorR, Ao. ONIONS jfc Bruca lilock, Uwou Bound. Block. Fleiberton.tSaturdav"). W P I'elford Jr. .J. C. MoUonal'J, 1j. Li. .», Onions of excellent i|uality for sale. Price, 2c. per pound for 75 pounds or [ Carefully more. Telephone Jos. Buchanan, ' Wheat. . . i Oats . . . . IHf IIHK[[S. McDonald omces, Grey Standard Usnk ' â- â€ž, . ^ r^ ^ • w.H. Wright, ' Flesherton Octariu. Corrected Week Societies AO U W meets ou «be last Honda; in »ab moutli. in their longo room CIavtou'« hall PloBherton, at 8 p.m. M.W., W. J. Bullamy ; Koc, C. H. Munshaw; Fin , li. J, Sproule. ViBiting brethrtn invited Property For Sale For safe in the village of Kugonia, a ] Butter store and dwelling combined â€" good .' Eggs, fresh .i'abic, never falling null, a i.nmber of Potatoes per bag fruit trees, half acre lot, well fenced. Geese £ach 'JO (o 90 34 to 35 Pew $1 40 to 1 75 B«rley 50 to 60 Buckwheat 45 to 65 *''""' $2 90 to IS 40 Hay J15 00 to 15 00 26 to 28 bylaw to pay township ofhcers. The taxes ot Charle." R iss on and 2(i, con. 2 S. D. R., amounting to $27.47, be exempted on account ot the owner being absent as a soldier on over- seas service. The Clerk was instructed to give Wm. Jainieson credit for one day statute labor on the list of lOKi, being an overcharge on lots 44 and 45, oe n. I N . D. R. L 'uisMi'or.-'s cla'in for pait piyiiient of drain No. 3 was laid over to allow him o produce the enj;ineor's certihcate. Council adjourned. â€" THOS. SCOTT, Clerk. P*'^^ M.t*eeu"n tb?°S5.onlcban.' *Arm I For terms and particulars apply to John | Ducks". .,,,„ .,.,1 troag's lliook.Flesherton, every Friday on lots JJ jy before the full mooo. .1. Wntjlit W. .M F. H. W. HiuklinK, Hecretary. OOUBTTLE8HEBTOJI, 9B8, L 0. F. meets In Clayton s Block the last Wednesday eveuinB each month. VtBiting Forostera heartily oomo-C. «.. G. Bellamy ; H. 8., U. CairtB II, Sue, W. Buskin. ...... Ple*B<: pay iluoa to FlD. SCO. before the first ay of the mouth. Boland, Vandeleur, or P. Munshaw, Fowl. Euuenia, executors of the late Richard Chickens. Smith estate. CHOSEN FUIENDSâ€" FloBherton Council OhoBon FrinudB moeta in Clayton shall first ud third WodHeaday of each month 8 p. m Pay aBBoaamontB to the Hei-order on or before .^ ,.i„., ,i»v"r nn'-'i m^"tli. cliinf Councillor . Blakelttv;UeDuider W. 11. Uuut. CANADIAN TutKeys .35 to:%, 75 tafft 13 to 13 14 to 14 11 to 11 13 to Ki 10 to 20 3 i^?^":^^^^^^^^?^^^ Medical . _ SOnt.Phyaio UtBoe and reaidouoeâ€" Peter St., Flesherton DH CAKTEB M C P dt 8 Out, Phyaioian, Ruiijeon etc Christmas and New Year ^ ^^^. EXCURSION FARES ^ ^ Odds and Ends ^\ d« N^_>_ii^BBK-â€" â- ^^â- â- M^^ I Modi ARTICLES FOR SALE Cow and hoiter for .sale, oow supposed to bo in calf. â€" F. U. Karstedt, Flesher- ton. W. T. LITTLE, - Gradiiato of Toronto I niveraity out CoUnKo. UeBidonco mill Ofllcc at t>aik Uoueo. Fietbcrton. Phone 24 r2. JP CTTUWELL Veterinary Surgeon For Sale â€" Good heavy farm horse, coming four years, well broke to drive anyway. Applyto R. B.-ntham, FJesh- ! ; erton. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ColleRe resideuoe â€" second door south weat.ou kary street. This street runs outb Presbyterian Chnroh. llloe at reBidenoe, Toronto Street. Flosiierton. The Durham Furniture Co. wish to an- DkNTISTRY nounce to the public that tliey are pre- I IJr. B. C Ml{RR*Y,'^„,?,- ,^;' ;]«?'»!.X''aull , , ' t tu „:ii ' honorgmdnate of Toronto univoisity auii pared to do custom s»wmg at their mill ^ j^^y^, ijollogo of Dental Surgoona of Ontario. «t ceylon. Sawing to bo done early in Jta aduiiainiataied for teeth extraction the Spring. -The D. F. Co. Ltg I """"" " "*-'" """' For Sale â€" Single cutter, also pleasure' sleigh, good as now.- -Preston Beattie, i Cockerels f<>r Saleâ€" Several very lino Rhodo Island Red cockerels, rose or single com 1>, for sale â€" W. H. Thurston, Flesherton. Sleighs For Sale-Good farm sleighs. Will sell cheap. -R. J. McKee, lot 37. 4th coll., Artemesia. For Sale â€" A few well bred cows and calves for sale on iot 12, con. 9, O.sprey. â€" O. H. Burk prop., F. Tyler Manager. For Sale or Rentâ€" Store and dwelling lately occupied by D. W. Wideman, in Feversham. Will sell or rent cheap, and on easy terms, if sold. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton, Ont. Legal I UCAS, KANEY & hENKV-liarrlBtorn. L' [SolioitorB,eio.-I. H. Lucas, K. C. : W K, Rsney, K. C. ; W. D. Henry, H. A. OIHcos, Coionto, H06-9 Traders Hank Uldg pliouo ruain 141'2; Markdale Lneaa Block, Phone 2 A. | tJrauoh olUoe at Ouudalk oiien every Saturday, HE ONLY MAN ^ ^ _ WHO SHOULD ^ Between all stations. n t'nniul i, Kort \\ illiain j^J ^5% and Ea«t, iiinl 111 Soiilt .'ite. .Miuiu, IMroit, ^ NOT ADVFRTISF IS 5S Single Fares ! SJg THE MAN WHO HAS ^ tJood itoing Dec. 24th :uul 2.'ith, I'.il.'i. Ki'tiini limit Dec. artli. I'.ll."). .\lso Ddc. :U.st, I'llo. •Ian. 1st. I'.tlii. Return limit .bin. Unl, lllHi. Miniinuin ('hari,''' â- _'."> Cents. pare and One- Third ( looil I I.iiiiK Dec. 22, 2.'t. 24 and 25, lill.V He turn limit Dec. 2«, l!ll."). Also Use. 2!t, .'lO, al, llU.j, .Ian. 1st, liUii. Return limit .Ian, 4, lilKi. Miuinmni Charge 25 Ccntx. Particular from Cainidiau I'acitiu Ticket Agent or write -M. (!. MMrphv, IJistrict I'atiseiiKer Agent, corner King and YouKe Streets, Toronto. S. RAlSDS, .Vgent, Ceylon. ^ NOTHING TO OF- ^ PER IN THE WAY 'i^ OF SERVICE- AND -SUCH A PERSON IS A DEAD ONEâ€" WHETHER HE KNOWS NOT. School Children's Eyes. 5€ Elb I T-OR ^ ubbard ^ in the Fra ^ Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills and all other legal blanks. Any requiring such will find it to thoir inter- est to give him a call. Business Cards ' OULLOUQH A YOUNO Bankers Markdale aeral banking buaineas . Kf oney loaned reasonable rates Uall on us. Many lives have been ruined through neglected eyestraiii ', in childhood. The eyes of ; DMoFHAIL, Licensed Auotionosr forltho , , ., j , . j u • County of Grey. Terms moderate and i pVerV Chlld ShOUlQ DC -Rm.ion miarautaed. The arrauRouiBnts , «- »<-â-  J- ^,1 ii.'^ ..71 v tlaraciiori guaranteed. The arraugoui ad iatea of aalos can bo made at Tur Advancb jlfioe Itsaidenoe and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone onneotion. Doo.-^.OT. For sale cheap and on easy terms. Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton. MISCELLANEOUS Xmas Photosâ€" Your portrait a gift that money can't buy, but for you to give, the very thinit. To friends and relatives your portrait at Xmas will carry a message of thankfulness Uiat is next to a personal visit.- W. A, Ejankeu Photo Artist, FloBhorton. WM. KAITTINO, Uoensed the counties of Auctioneer foi the counties of Urey and Simcoe. ?arm sad Stock fsaies a speoialty. Terms noderate. satisf action guarantied. Arrauge- jaents for dates may be made at the AdTsnoe offloe, or Central telephone ofUoe Feverabam or by addressing me at Fevarsbain, Ont. examined. We have made t special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrongs' Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .\dvance S I 00 Youths Companion. ........ 2 00 Toronto World, daily 3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 00 Weekly Globe 90 Mail-Bmpiro 75 Family Herald & Star '90 Farmer Sun 90 Farmers Advocate 1 50 Weekly Wit.iese 90 Saturday Night 3 00 Homo Joiirn:U 90 Poultry Review 40 Rod and Gun magazine 90 Lostâ€" B<-tween Flesherton and Alex. I MoMulhus on Thursday, Dec. Kith, ai mulf. Finder will please leave at The , Advance oflice, | Wanted â€" .Vn industrioup man who can eirn $100 per month and i-xpensei sell- ing our Products to farmers. Must have some means for starting expenses and furnish contract signnd by tworesponsible meu. Address W. T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd. Toronto, Out., giving ago, occupation and references. WOOD CUTTING Hu/./. Saw Wood Cutting with neatness and deapftteti, M to DO cordn per Private funds to loan on real e»tato '< <>'VV. -V^o »â-  B"(>d Htraw-cutting outfit. â-  . . II .. c : i » ' Satiafaotion Kuaiiinteeil. Leave ytnr security at reasonable r«t« of nUerest. | _,^,j^^^ ^^.^^^ the uuderaigned. Apply to R, J. Sproulp, Flesherton. 1 i.TaKi -UliO HR.VCKKNHURY, snpt 2',i I Ftver^ih.ini STRAYED Heifer strayed, aiostly red with little white, about .\ug. 20, from lot 30, en. 13, Artemesia. - LESLIE CHARD, Flesherton P.O. Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Ab'sdeen Pyvieâ€" 8,000â€" for service on lot 29, S.S. U., Artemesia. Terms-Sl.SO for giadus, Pure bred cows Â¥3.00. Pure l>red Tauuwor'.h hoii for service on the above lot. ToriiH â€" $1.50 fir all aiiiinals. Served •iiiHl hi? p lid for. oSop â€" W. .1. Mcad.s R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implaraen a Wagons, Buggies, Cutters, Sleighs, and Gasoline Bnoiues, Melotlo Cream Separators, Bakor VVind Mill.s, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittings always oh hand. Beatty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable fittings. Cockshutt and Frost & Wood I Repairs always on hand. I Fftver$bam> - Ontario

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