Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1915, p. 8

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December 23 19lo THE FLESIIEKTON ADVANCE Gift Suggestions From Chapman's Furniture Store GIFTS ARE HERE--»So good and so many that every member of the family can be provided for; and the beauty of getting a gift at Chapman's is that it is practical and useful. :♦» We Wish to Impress upon the public tbe usclessness of buying Furnitiire of extraordinary io-w prkf. Tlicrc'c nothing in jt. Dolow a certain auiouiit it's im- pessible to manufacture GOOD FURNITURE and below tliat amount we never attempt to buy. What we offer can be purchased with a feehng of cer- tamty that it will stand the wear, etc. Kitchen chairs 46c. to 75c Dining chairs 75c. to $3.00 bidcboards «15.00 to $.10.00 Extension tables $7.50 to $15.00 Pictures complete to hang 26c. to $2.50 Be Comfortable Christmas and make your friends comfortable by preGcntiiig them with some article of FURNITURE that will be an everlasting comfort. Our assortment of fancy chairs, rock- ers, couches, "etc., was never so great. And we are selling them for less than we ever expected to. For instance : Parlor suites $25.00 to $46.00 Parlor tables $1.00 to $3.50 Jardinjer stands $1.76 up Music cabinets 89.00 to $15.00 Fancy chairs $5.00 to $12.00 Good Furniture Cheap! It doesn't follow that a thing is cheap because you happen to pay a smal! price for it. ()ther tilings must be taken into consideration . There isn't a dealer between Atlautic and Pacific who sells furniture an) cheaper than we do, and they're doing pretty well when they can match our figures. But we never lose sight of the fact that a bad article injures both buyer and seller. Nothing can come much nearer to' suiting you, both as to quality and price, than our, Bed room suites $14.00 to $35 00 Iron beds $3.75 to $10.00 Mattress. , $3.00 to $6.00 Springs , $;J.50 to 815.00 Couches $5.00 to $12.00 Think it Over by all means, before yon decide where to buy your HOLIDAY PRESENTS Before looking elsewhere we beg yon to look at our stock of FURNITURE We will give you handsome bargains as well as handsome Furniture. We are making some special pieces of the sort that are dear to the heart of every housekeeper. Of course you expect the prices will be low. Well, they are, and what is more they are lower that we ever expected to see them go. For instance, we are sell- ing Doll carriages 50c. to $1.00 Child's rocking chairs. ...50c. to $2.00 Sleight... 25c. to $2.00 Rocking horses $1.00 a pair High chairs 90c. to $2.00 Easy Chairs The line of easy chairs that wt- are showing ontsbine thera all. Winter is the season of ease, and the Rocker i«i the Chair for winter. Take one of our Boston Rockers and yon will take comfort. You can take one of these Chairs for $1.60. There could not be a cheaper way of taking comfort. Wg have Mother's Rocker $1.00 to $1.60 Plain oak $2.25 to $5.00 Oak Rocker-Cobbler seat $2.75 to 4.50 Rattan rockers $2.75 to $8.00 Leather rockers and arm chair $15 pr. . PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIALITY UNDERTAKING-COMPLETE LINE-CASKETS AND ROBES CARRIeD-EMBALMING-ALL WORK GUARANTEED Calls Answered Night or Day-Phone No. 23 r 2 JOHN CHAPMAN, successor to w. h. bunt 1^ (I '3 s ; '( n SLEIGHS â€" SLEIGHS > Be sure that you get your next sleigh at MCTAVISH'S There are none better and few will give the same service. D. McTavish - - Flesherton. ^; V ' .y^ * yj ! gy>vsg ! yyj^^ ^!' I Columbia Grafoaolas Records, Needles, Catalogues The Coliiinbia is the perfect talking machine. Compare all others, then \y\ '• hear this and we are not afraid of the fVi'reeult. We can sell machines on S easy terms to responsible people. •il' All the best appointed city homes have their parlor machines and there is no reason why the farmer should not have the best music of the day in his home, including band music, vocal artists, and performers on all kinds of instruments. You can have it on a Oolumbia Orafonola, as perfect as the o igihttl, and for much lest than you 'would pay for u Common Organ.,' They lango horn $20 up. ] Do Some of YourXmas buy- ^ ing With me. Here is a Concise List of Gift Suggestions. .\utoinobilo Skates Cold Meat Forks Bhaviug Brushes Hockey .Sticks Poaket Knives Razor Strops Berry Spoons Haby Spoons Silverware Razors Pucka Rodgcrs Knives and Forks, (sets) Cut Glass Cream and Sugar sets Teaspo'ins in sets Butter Knives Dessertspoons Table Spoons Carvii.g sets Pickle Forks Toilet seta Berry sotts Teaspoons , r*\f*'^\f^'*\f^*\j' An Assortment of Japanese and English China and many other useful and acceptable Christmas Gifts, i F. Would be very pleased to have you call. W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant PKone'SO r 2 PLESMERTON, - - ONT. msms. FARM FOR SAEE The ondertignad hsH Pert lilt 2, con. 6, Euphritsin, contain 'iUff, 60 aerM, 0oud frame house, celUr full size of houae, KOixl barn 34x.55, wall •i'.*!!S'"!' ««?°'l/**»'""«' '•'«« .'"'=»"»''' Shorthorn Buirfor service of Bnt gUms fruU, hon house, pij/ pen. eto. (>B« mile from tha filUgo of Kim i*^*"i - berkiy. WW For t«»rin«, etc, 1 Not -OhH^LKS WIOK£Nt} V to the undersigned "» WI0KJEN8 KiKb«ri«r P.O. BULL FOR SERVICE a Pure Bred on Lot 14tt, S. \V. T. AS. R.. Arteraesia. 11 che«p to right nmn. [Terms fi.OO. All cows served must be paid for by 1st Mftrch, 1016. Ifept â€" H. PiF«r The Perfect Columbia Is a marvel of recording instru- ments and the Columbia reciads, made in Canada, embrace thousands 'jf selections from which to choose . W.H.Thurston Agent Flesherton Flesl&epton. vl^ Tonsorial I V- Parlors ' We Aim to Qive Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" Basket closes Monday night, delivery Friday eveniTig CLEANING and DYEING- VVe ar sgents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Olotluja cleaned and dyed, feathers rejuvena* d T JISHER,-- PROPRIETOR For Service Fur service on lot 12, con. !(, Oi^proy, one purebred Bhorlhorn Bull. TerniR tl.i>0. Also one pure bred Yorkshire Boar, Terms II. (X). All accnuut.-t must be paid to FRKD TYLER, Manauer, or U. ». BURKE, Prop rietor. - 1 Sa p. Boar for Service The underaignal his a thoruuthbred Yorliihire Boar for servica on lot 37, oon. (i. Artanuasis. Tsrnu-H.OO >â€" - â€"J. Hirsrav*. Honor Roll* Flesherton public school rrport for the year endini; at Christmas, 1916. Room 1. 4â€" K McVicar, Ernest Divis, Reoa Cargo, Geo Mitchell, K. Boyd, U Shuok, Jim Adams, Gladys Dudxeon, Jean Reid, S McTavisli, Vada HenOerson, Willie Ueird, J Wilson. ;{â€" Vera Lever, Harry LoGard, Lilly Buikin, Gladys Lever, Edna Ferris, Ethel Field, Flossie Richardson, Ruby Lover. ROOM 2 Jr 3 -Wilfrid Lever, Hilda Goldhawk, Mamie MvTavisli, J SlnD'ord, Gordon blakeley, Russel Trucman, Ed 0>tewell. Sr 2â€" Rog Boyd, Harry Carringt,)n, Cecil MuTax i»h, Lillian McMullen, Yad.i Wilion, Olive Mathewson, F Mathewson, John Carrin^ton, David Black. Jr 2â€" Mamie Nuhn, .\nie Norris, Gertie Lever, Alf Field, Jjouie Caigo, Or*l Fishor, Hazel Wyville, Willie Citrrington and David Culgan equal, Errol Truonian and Nelson Shunk e<|ual, Ida Lever, ROOM ;j I Sr 1 â€" Ethel Dudgeon, L Blakeley' Ueiwle Stuait, Annie Teeter, Gordon . Goldhawk, Willie Black. Ji. l~Ceoil Lnucks, Karl Bowler, I Madeline Bellamy, Eila MoMulleu, Jessie , Colgan, Teddy McDouald, Gord Wyville Tliclma Wilson, Arnold Hergott. Aâ€" Elizabeth Bonlham, TedJy Shuck* LutrlJA Lever, Mvrle Patton, Yiola Thistlethwaite, t'Jvelyn Ferris, Norrie Bnwier, Harold Richardson, Milton Teeter, Willie Briggs. Both Win, Both Lose According to a decision given by Mr. Justice Clute, the township of St. Vincent is reiponiible for half the upkeep of a deviation ro»d on the boundary lin" between St. Vincent and Euphrasiai whioh has been a hone of contention between the two townships for some time, Euphrasia claimed that St. Tinoent was equally r«sponsi3le for the upkeep of the road, and St. Vincent claimed it was not. The case wa« taken to the courts, Euphrasia entering an action to recover t721.74, bein;r one half the amount expended by that towokhip in maintaining and repairing th) road in ipinstion from 1801 to lt)14, inclusive, and for an order declaring the road to be a deviation of the boundary rnnd and that St, Vincent is e<]u»)ly responsible with Euphraiia for the upkeep. The ''laim for aiTeari was diaraissed. The decision as given by the judge is as follows : Townahip of Buphraaia va. Township St. Viment.â€" Dwlar* that read in qnwtloD ia a deviation road within th« Lr meaning of the sUtute, and that defend- ant is liable with plalntiti for duepropor. tion of its maintenance, such proportion to be ascertained by arbitration if Coun- cils cannot agree. The claim for arrears of maintenance prior to demand dismiss, ed without costs of action on higher scale. â€"Sun. Winter Tours to California, Florida, Etc. At this season of the ye'ir many are planning their winter tours. Consider- able nunibere annually visit the ever popular California resorts, while many choose the flower.s and sunshine of Florida together with the very even climate. Numerous people in comfortable cir- cuinstaiice.s, well able to atfurd a winter t >ur, hiive the mistaken idea that e trip of tlii..i nature is most expensive. Tlii.s is not «o. Thanks to modern railway fsciliiies, an extended trip, both inter- esting and oducationil, may be made with spied and comfort at a compara- tively sinall cost. Why not investigate ? The Canaui.'tn Pacific railway offers particularly good service to Delroir, where direct connection is made for Florida, via Cincinnati, Ohio and Atlanta, Ga. Jacksonville, Florida, is reached second uiorning after leaving Detroit. Exoellen' connections for Florida c\u also be made via Buffalo. The Canadian Paci6c-Miohigan Central route ^via Michigan Centcal twin lubes between Wliidsj'r and Detroit) will be found the ideal line to Ohicaao, where direct connection is made fnr the south- ern States. New Oi leans is reached second morniiii? after leaviiig Toronto. Direct connection is also made at Chicago for points in California, Texas, Atizoni, etc. The dining, parlor and sleeping oar service between Toronto, Detroit aud Chicago is up to date in every particular. Connecting lines also operate through sleeping and dining cars. Thoiu contemplating a trip of any nature will receive full information from any C. P. R. agent; or write M.G. Murphy, Uislrict Passenger Agent, Toronto. Singhampton i We are pleased to see little Miss Olive Heppenstall out again after her recent attack of chickenpox, Mr. David Winters of Maxwell (pent Sunday with reUtives here. We are aorty to report that Mr. WiUi- am Elliott, who baa been oonSoed to the house the greater pait of the summer, haa bean in a serious condition lately. His datighter, Mrs 0. Neff, i« expected home froo) the Weet thia veek. On Sunday we were tortoMto in h»T> ing with us Dr. Dodda, a missionary from â-  Mexico, who spoke on his wyrk. On Tuesday he favored us with af\ illu^trited lecture on the life of the late Dr. Guidey, the first Canadian missicnary to tha foreign tield. Our town is once more fortunite ia possessing the terticer of a (skillful phys- ician in the person of Dr. Guy. We are glad to hear that at the time cf writing Mr. Chas. Richmond who has been ill is imprvving. Mrs. Edwards, sr , who has been suff- ering with a severe cold, is no', so well as usual. We sympathize with the friends of the late Mr. Allan Bell. Born â€" Co December lith, to Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Sharp, a daughter. â€" Bulletic. Nomination,- 191S Village of Flesherton .\ meeting of the electors of the village of flesherton will be held in the Town Hall at seven o'clock p.m. on Monday, D«o. 27th, lillo, for the purpose of nominating candidates fur the offices of Reeve, CouuciUors and Public School Trustees. If more than the necessary number of candidates are nominated for any partic> ular ottice and a poll shall be required, the same will be open from nine o'clock a.m. to Kve o'clock p.m. for such elec- tion at the Clerk's otfice in said vllisj^'e. Dated the l.'^tb day cf Dec, 1915 -W. J. BELLAMY, Returning Officer ^Canada's Leading School of Busin-' J^eta re opens for enrollment for the^ Winter Term on Monday, Jan. 3,* at the OWEN SOUND, ONT. r Unexcelled courses of study, Busin-' ^ess. Shorthand and Typearritiiig.l, iCivil Service and Preparatory. In-1 ^dividual instruction. A large con-, Pnection with the best. husiDeae (houses who employ our graduatea.! â- Graduates most successful. Iti rwill pay you to investigate. Full information free. A. FLEMING, F. C. A. Prinoipal.1 iG. D. FLEMING Secretary., OWEN SOUND • ONTARIO stock for Sale Tauiworthi and Berkehlres yoiinR atoefc tor reeillba |>urpo««« lor sals ; also Koaeo dvdn pricas igbt. Phone or writ*, ORO. W. ROS8 Uaxvall P. O. Bull For Service Thoioughbrvd Shorthorn Ball, " Bill- crest Oovernor," No. 864418, for aerrie* on lot S7, oon 14. Artemeaia. Terwe •l.dOior gndesifitfor khor

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