Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Dec 1915, p. 1

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/leskrtjcrti %hvmu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINOIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0l 35 No. 3 Flesticrton, Out., Tliursday, Decen:ih)er 30 IQlo W, H THURSTON \°J??, and PBO Eugenia Paragraphs Mist Hamiiu of Masoey is Ihe guwt of Uiaii Clara Latimer. Remember the Presbyterian tea meet- on Thursday evening of ihis- week, he youoft people of the village gave a Icellaneous shower on M'Dday eveuing itbo home of the bridj iind utoow, Mr. 4 Mrs. W. 0. Graham. A very en- ftb'e eveniDg was spent, fcill Paul and sister, Sirah, are home * the West. Their many friends were t^r^^^aed to see them. »â-  -'^ft Tom Heyborn is home 'from the West, where ha has "spent the pant eight years and prospered ^ hoi so many others out there. * Charles Smith is her« for a fort- 'sight's visit with his parents here. tjuldiers from Owen Sound home for Christmas were Emerson Smith, Ernie ^Mor^an, C. Walker, Alfred Holmes. • Miss E. Latimer of AUiston and Miss ^McMalien, Elk Lake, where they have v^en' teaching, aro home for holidays. - Misses Allie and Hilda Williams as- sisted in the Presbyterian program at Fleshorton on Christmae eTening. Mirjorie Park is aiier.ding her holidays witli Miss Delia Wilsan at Kimberley. Miss Lydia Genoe of Toronto is the >:: Votof her aunt, Mrs. T. Genoe. ' ie<$Aoley Campbell spent Christmss with Oh line friends. What's wrung with Markdate ! One of CUT meu lost a saw and another lost a new hat. Better stay home, gontlemen, and buy in Eugenia. Rev, Madden has gone to his home in Sutt«n to spend the holidays. Mr*. McKinnon and son, Gordon, of Fleaherton, spent Cbriatmss with her daughter here.â€" H. Cairns and T. GilHIud spent Christmas with Mr. Frank Cairns of Ceylon.â€" Mr. and Mrs. R. "^ "iin. -â- '"' family of Fleshertoo spent ChriatiiiM with Mr. and Mr^. E. Paul.â€" Mrs. .\lex. Cameron and children f>p«Ot the week end with her parenU at blesheaton.- Miss Lizcie Williams is visiting friends near Maxwell. The ^V. I. will meet at the home of Mre. Ltrgeon Wednesday, Jan. 5, 2.3<). Quiie a number of our young peoplfe attendtd an entertainment at Kimberley MondiAeveninR. Mr. McMasier and family visited fciendal Ptoton over the holiday. Stoc Judging Competition A iH feature this year at the Provinc- ial \Vi r Fair was â- * judging competi- tion •< 8 teams selected by the District Repre natives of the Western counties e fince. Each team consisted of ng men xho had previously Four Weeks' Course iu Agri. Kimberley Budget Chriatmas diy passed off very quietly in our burg. Mr. J. E. UamiDond, Commercial specialist of the Meaford hiub school, is holidaying at his parental home. Mr. Wiu, Fawceit rsceived a telegram from Ottawa one day last week, appris- ing him of the fact that hia son, who is at the front somewhere in Belgium, had been wounded in the neck .tnd arms. Whether his wounds are of a serious nat- ure ia not known, but we trust they are n it. This brings the war much nearer to us. Wm. Banks (<f Moosejaw, Saak., is visiting at Rufu.s Wickens at present. Harold Proctor, of Colhngwood, accompanied by Gordon Magee, viait'^d friends in our burg recently. Gordon, who has enlisted with the Simcoe Battal- ion was dressed in the khaki uniform, and looked every inch a soldier. Geo Hutchinson occupied the puhpt in the Methodist church oo Sunday even- ing last. Ddlton Ferguson met with quite a set- ious accident on Monday. It aeema Ihat while cutting down a amall tree, the axe caught on a liipli of a tree behind, and when it descended it split the bip toe on his left foot. It will necessitate hia lay- ing off work for a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lewis and family visited over Christmas with fi lends in Rob Roy. Sergeant Ritcbie.'uf Markdale, was a call«r in our burg on Monday. He pro- poses to open a recruiting office in our village. Miss McKean, ^ ubiic school principal, is visiting relatives in Syracuse, N. Y. John Burns of (^uiet Valley visited recently at VV . Harris'. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stuart of Parry Sound are renewing old acquaintance" in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ellis of Branlford are visiting at present with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis. (juite a rumlier attended nomination on Mondiy. The (ouncillois were elected by acclamation; For Deputy Reeve James Murray and J. M. Davis will cross swords ; John T. Mills and W. T. Ellis for Reeve. - » of the three taken A 1 stme silver trophy was offered by th Dn. James Duff to the team scor. ing ll i?hcst number of points, the tropi bo won three yearn Ijoforo be- conii le property of any county. In «t Idilindtvidual cash prizes wore off- er^ the judging of heavy horaes, tie, dairy cattle, sheep and luen counties took part in the ption. Oxford county carried off phy while Middlesex, Weutworth ey stood next in line. The mem- ItbeGiey County Judgini; team j Carl Atkinson, Rook Milla, Otto pJRooklyn and Alex. Flemiug of Kil- sJ This team also won the following i#idaal prises : Carl Atkinson third f^eef cattle, tS.QO, fifth for horses, lb; Otto Foy second for swine, $9.00; Fleming fourth for Dairy cattle, f oasidering that eighteen t^ams consis- ot fifty-four individuals were in com- Eition the boys deserve much credit for IndiDg tottrth iu the eoirpetion and a1- j (or winning • total of #30.00 in the io- ividtuil competitions. fNEWSg FLESHERTON A nvw 'phone to ring, to P .Steinhart Mwk<UI*, W, for poaltiy alive, produce, kidea. skins and wool, ruhhers. mgn, henrsehair, iron, copper, brass, zinc, lead of all sott*. top prtce tntid in cash, or dmp • CMfd t« Box 131, Markdale Will call for it. l>on't mistake the name, P. STEINHART Honor Rolb Report of Senior Division oi Kimber- ley P. S. for the month of December. Cl-ws 5â€" Edna Bunitt 79, U McNiveu 78, H Walter 48, V Lewis 48. Sr4-I Walter 76, D Bishop 73, H Wallace 70, L Stewari til. Jr 4â€" L Hutchinson 76» E Harris 74, M Fawcett 64, R Ellis 49. Sr Sâ€" M Stafford 70, B Csrruthers 67, H McConnell 62, A Burritt 5ti, W Ellis 50, E Ward 49, A Lawrence 46, T Corn- Held 42, O Ward 40. Report of Primary Division of Kim- berley Public scha-,'1 for December. Jr3 -R MyiesSl, R Ellis 80, R Staff' ord 70, Ray. Stafford 77, V Fawcett 72, M McConnell 67, H Cornfield 64, C Car- ruthers 61, C F.iwcett 61, F Ellis 52, M Uutcbiusoo 48, E Lawrence 47. Sr 2â€" J Lewis 88, T Myles 80, N Bur- ritt 79, B Stafford 79, L Abercrombie 77, W Wallace 65, H Wallace 63, T Ferguson 62, P Reid o5. Jr 2â€" T McConnell 86, W Mard 78, D Stuart 76, J Elli'i 75, M Hariis 70, M Stuart 69. Durham The suscriptions to the Patriotic fund have reached the sum of $5,798, with several yet to hear from. The list of contributors may bo expected in next issue. Euphrasia was referred to a few weeks ago as â-  township that didn't do much for the patriotic fund, but we have the municipality of Bentiuck right here charged with doing luithing except what the Governmenti compelled them to do. Some say haid things of the inaction of the Council in not attempting to contri- bute to one or other of the patriotic funds. We don't think the individual members of the council, nor yet the people as a whole are disloyal to Britain or British institutions, and as there is not a prepondereiiCe of the population oompusud of Germans or their descend- ants It seems difficult to expUiu the apathy of the council in advancing to- wards a patriotic more. â€"Chronicle. Ceylon Chat Mr. Arthur Whittaker came home Tuesday evening to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Whittaker, after an absence of six years in Alberta. Miss Ella Whit- taker, who has been visiiiug Toronto friends, accompanied her brother borne. Mr. and Mr». Charles Hodgson and babe of the West, spent a couple of days at Mr. T. Cluslett's last week. Mr. Frank Collinsoi^aid Owen Sound friends a visit last week. A number of the young folks from here, drove down to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Johnston last Wednesday evening and presented them with a kitchen show- er. Mr. U Griffin and Miss Anna White are spending the holidays with Troronto friends. Mrs. Pattison went to Owen Sound for Christmas and J. J. Pattison to Tor- onto. Miss Kate McLeod and friend of Tor. onto, »{)aiit Chiiatmas with the forraei's mother here. Miss Coutt«, of Toronto, is speeding a few weeks with her mother here. Mra. Townley, uf Toronto, was a Christma!) visitor at Mr. J. Gibson's. Mr. and Mrs. 'Young, of Toronto, are visiting thn laltnr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Radley. Mr. Goldwio and Miss Mary McMull- en returned home Christmas Eve., after an abacnce of a year with their aunt at Lyndhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Miynard and Miss Ethel Bennet, of Markdale, spent Christmas at Mr. H. Benuen's. Misses Zella and Witia and Percy Mc- Leod, and Mr. Patterson, of Toronto, !<I>ent Christmas at Mr. D.McLeod's. Mr. Stanley and Mits Vers McMullen, of Toronto, were Christmas visitors at Jas. McHuUen'a. Misses Jean anJ Sible Collinson, of Sa«katoon arrived Christmas Eve., to spend a couple nf months under the par- ental roof. Mr. and Mrs. Major of Toronto were Christmas visitors at Mr. Cummings'. Mrs. W. Hill and child. en spent Christmas with her mother at Berkeley. Mr. and Mrt. I'iper went to Liuriston for Christmas. Miss Zaida Lawlor of Osprey is visit- ing Mrs. W. Hill, Stone's Line. Miss Underwood ia the guest of Miss A. Harrow. Mr. White of Dundalk is visiting his son here. Fred Chislott of Shelburne spent Christmas under the parental roof. Mr- McKay of Toronto very acceptably tilled Rev. Kerr's appointment here on Sabbath. T. Chase, enlisted soldier at Toronto, spent Christmas at Mr. A. Gilcbriat's. A presentation to Will Radley Friday evening is reported elsewhere in The Advance. Maggie Ftrguson of Toronto is visiting her paients here. Mr. and Mrs. George Suell spent Christmas with Markdale friends. On Friday last Master Cecil Cushiiie was presented with a nice neck scarf and knife from his little boy frienda as a token of their good will before departure for his new home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ellia of Bratitford Kesorvo and Mr. and Mrs. Chai;. Stuart of Einbro were visitors at Mr. and Mrs George Stuart's last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. McDonald, Owen Sound, spent Christmas at Mr, Frank Cairo.i'. Mr. and Mrs. George Alton, Markdale, spent Christmas at W. Wilcockb'. Leavell-Clark A pretty December wedding was sol- emnised en Wednesday, Dec. , 22, at the home of Mr. and Mra. Robert Clark, Rock Mills, when their o.;Iy daughter, LeiU Elistbeth, was united in marriage to Mr Frank Marhley Leavell, son of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leavell of Parma. Idaho, the Rev. U. C. Kerr ofltciating. The bride, who was given away by her brother, Richard, worealovoty gown of navy blue silk. The many beautiful pres- ents testified to the high esteem and popularity of the bride. After the oere- inony the guests sat down to breakfast and its toasts. The happy couple will spend their booey-mooD visiting friends. Term Standing of Flesherton High Schoo| Report of Flesherton high schoo' for theyfelu September to December. Names in order of merit. The numbers afttr the namt.s signify the number of subjec's upon which less ttaan 40 per cent, was ('btained. Class 1â€" Over 75 per cent., honors. Class 2â€"60 to 75 per cent., pass. •C!a.ss ;! â€" Under 60 per cent., failure. Form III. Normal Entrance â€" Cla.ss 1 A. Wright 89, I. Laidlaw 87, R. Hutchinson 83, D. Wilson 82, L. Muii- 81. Class 2 â€" .\ Aoheson 77, M Legate 72, y Kaitting72, E Spencer 70, W Hariisou 67, F Parliament 67, L Dudgeon 67, S Smart t>6, W McLeod 66, H McLean t!5, D McMillan (l)t>2, E Karstedt 62, G White 61. CUs« 3â€" J Sichol .â- >9, W Buchanan (1) 56, A G.iudin (2) 5«, W PatLiac n 54, R Sharp (I) 51, M Afurphy (.!) 4:5, C Lever (2^ 42. Jr Matriculation â€" Class 1 â€" D McVicar 93, I Laidlaw 77, A Wright 77. Class 2- D Wilson 73, L Muir 71, A Auheson 67, L Dudgeon HI, W McLeod (1) 61. Class 3â€" D McMillan (2) 54. W Bu chanan (2^ j'i, W Pattison 52. Lower Scbr>ol Class 1-Kuth Hargrave 88, B Jfc- Vicar 88. A Winters 87, V Finley 84, J Wright 84, R Dingwall 84, A Allen 82, E Acheson 80, M Acheson 77. C Porter (1) 75. CUiss 3â€" Uuby Caswell 72. Shirley Murray 70, Elsie Caswell 70, R Morton 69, L Lever «7, R Rutledee 67. P Le- Gard 67. W Latimer 66, A Graham (1) 66, M Heard 6:), E Bentham 63. E Pars- low 63, W Williamson 6;), Maurice Wright 61, M Colgan (1) 60, F Thurston 60. Class 3â€" Ralph Williamson 58.M:ldred Wright 56, D Patton 53, Hugh Moore (1) 48. Form II. â€" General Work Class I- -Ruth Hargrave 85, B Mc- Vioar 84. A Winters 83, R Dingwall 82, V Finley 81, J Wright 79, A Allen 77, E .\cheson 76. Class 2â€" M Acheson 74. E Caswell 70, R Caswell 70, E Porter (2), R Morton 68, S Murray 67, P LeGard 65, L I^evev 64, W Latimer 63. R Rutledge 63, E Parslow 62. Maurice Wright 61, M I Heard 61, E Bentham 61, A Graham (2) 61. Class 3â€" W Williamson (1) 59. M Col- gan (1) 56. R Williamson 54. Mildred Wright (I) 52, D Ration (1) .")1, H Moore (1) 59, F Thurston (1) 48. Form Iâ€" Class 1â€" Marie Madill 84, Mabel Field 81. Pearl Allen 79. Aleda Mitchell 75, Harold Thompson 75. Class 2â€" Clarence Fisher 74. James Stewart 66, Bobs Meads 60. Class 3â€" Bobs Trimble 69, Ernest Thompson 58, Wes Armstroug (3) 5.5. Best-Talbot A quiet but pretty wcddin,; was solem- nized at the hciac of Mr. ani Mis. Ed- win Best, brother of the groom, on December 15lh,when Misj Velraa Talbot was united in miiriage to Mr. Alex. Best of the Tonmto Line. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jas. Dudgeon uf Fleahertcn. The bridil party took thiir places beneath an arch of evergreens nud white bells. They were unattended. Ttie bride wore a dainty gown of blue silk trimmed vith overlace and wore a wrea-h of roies in her hair, .\fter the ceremony a dainty wedding dinner was partaken of. Only the intimate tiiends of the hride and groom were present. Mr. and Mrs. Be.'-t left on the eveuinK train amid showers of confetti and good wishes to visit friends at Tor into, the bride wearing a blue serge suit with black hat. On their return a reception was given by the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson, when about forty invited guests were present. The young c uple were the recipients of many useful end viluable presents, which showed the esteem in which they were held. After a moet elaborate tea was served a very pleasant evening was spent in games and sol'>s. The young couple will reside on the Toronto Line. Bates Burial Co. J. W. Bates, Presidunt. Maddock, Funeral Directors au<i Embaliuers 124 Avenue Road,Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 Motiir Funeral Cars and Linuufines tuCc'iii etery at same cost as H>ir<e- drawn vehicles. laiii? Jewelry DR. BXJJRT Specialist in dlacaaea of iha Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat OFFICE-iaOlOth St, We8t,0wen Sound! At. the R«vere house, Mai-kdale, 2nd , Thursday each month from 8 to a 12a. m ' Dundalk, Is 'Wedosstiay of each month.. : A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se- lection. We car- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT Walter Berwick of Shelbome, prop- rietor of the Dufferin Kennels, shipped t vo Airedale dogs this week, one (o Regina and one Miaaiasippi, For which he received 950 and 940 respeoilvely. - Fwe Press. m m s # m m m m m m A Prosperous NEW YEAR To Our Many Customers , W. BUSKIN, "^ DO IT NOW Leave your old leather tops in and get new rubber bottoms put on. They are the cele- 'brated Maltese Cross Rubber, guaranteed to wear out, â€" but you have to wear them a long time. Also low laced and high laced rubbers and light ones to go over your boots at, Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON Flesherton Furniture Warerooms Our stock of Furniture is what fashion demands. Wt? can tit up every room in your house to suit your taste. To Prospective Brides- We wUl present free to ,the first bride of 1916 who will present this advertisement at our warerooms, a handsome rocking chair for her com- fort. Bring along a copy of this advt. A Happy New Year To AD

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