Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Sep 1916, p. 8

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September 28 191t THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIKS VBIROB ARTBCR tODOB, No. MS9,A.P.« i • A M, mMtt iD tta* Mkiooic kkll. Arm troail'* Block riMbutoD, nny Friday on t>«(or« the full BOOD. T. Hanry, W. M . n. W. Hiekling. 6«cr«UrT. FBIEND6â€" FlHb«rtOD Cooncil of I Choaeo Friandi nie«t« In Clayton '(bkll flnt j •nd third We<Jar*d»y otetchniontb 6 |i. m. , .f ty «â€" «tiii»Dl» to the Kecordtr on or b«fora ' lb* BrM dkyot Mcb mootb. Cbiel CoaDclllor , Rlakaler: Rtoordu W B. Bont. f OUKT FLBNBEKTON, 9«6, I. 0. P. meeUlD ^CUytoD't Hlocktbelait Wedneiday eveDing 1 1 each moDtb. VUitioR ForMter* beartily welcome'U. li., O. Bellauiy ; K. 6., U, CairLB ; >iii. B«c., W. Buekiu. { tif** pay duel to Via. Bcc. before tba lliit | of tbe moQtb. ! New Issue Telephone Book. Dextistry Dr. e. C MURRAY U D. 6., dental eargcoD bOuor Riadotte of Toronto Uoivcraity and ! hcyal College of DentAl Hurceotis of Ontario. , Gat aduiainietered for teetb extraction cSce at reaidcnce, Toronto Street. Fleabertoa Medical JP OTTEWELL 'Veterinary Bargeon iraduate of Ontario Veterinary College refidence â€" iscond door loatb weit^oo k«ry etreet. Tbia atreet rana outb f teabyterian Cbnrob, ^ Copy for the next Telephotie Directory closes on the above datet Q Order your telephone tlOU), so that your name will be in the new issue I Q Report changes required to our Local Manager to-day. The Bell Tekphone Co. of Canada. Legal I I'CAB, KAKEY dt hEKKYâ€" Barri<it«r«. '-' Bolicitora.eicâ€" I. II. Lucat, K. C. ; W. E, Kaoey. K. C. ; W. D. Henry, H. A. Offlcep, roronto, 806-9 Traders Hank Kids., pbone uialu 1412: Uarkdale I.ucaa hlock, Phou« S A, branch otbce at Dundalk open every Uatarday. WRIGHT. TELFORD * MeDONALD ! harrister, Solicitor*, Ac. Ofllcee, 'Irey * «rac. Block, Uwou fkiund. Btaudard Hank Dlock, FlMberton. (Haturdayt). W. U. Wrigbt, , W. P. Telford Jr. J. C. McDonald, L. Ll. B. < Business Cards t* CU1JL.0UGH ft YOUNG 1^ Ilankera Markdale (ieneral banking buaiuesi. Money loaoad at reasonable rate* Call on ua. I DMcPHAIL, LleeniMi Aactlonae tor tbM * County of Qrey. Ternii moderate and , >atiB action Kuarauteed. Tbe arranKetnint* and date* of f>alefe can b« made at TliK ADVAUce office. Heiideoceand P.O.. Ceyleu, Telephone ccoDcctiou. Uec. 0, 07 Wit. KAITTISU, teeoaed Anctionecr foi tbe co\inti«e of Orey and Bimcoe. parm and Stock tale* a apecialty. Termi Oioderate. vatitfactiou guarantied. Arrange- ujcnte for datM luay be made at tbe Advaooe ,3fCce, or Central telerboDv oOlce Keverehaui or by addreatloc uie at Feyertbau, Ont. Mr Andreir Jardine uf rhc 10 con.i NottawRsaga, f usttiined a heavy los.s by tird uii hSiiturd^y aftei-Duon last about five o'clock. All uf his barns and stables were destroyed loqether witli the setison'K cru{>^ and ai|uanlity of farm in){)leine'it>^, ri>;6,etc. Over !H)0 bUNliels of wheat were threshed besides the bains n-ere brimful of uiithreshed product. How the tire started is a mystery. The luun wt'ie out in the lields and no one had been near the point where the hre was litst noticed The liouiie alone remains uf all the splen- did buildings Mr. Jardine had his Faiii. e<|uip|)ed with. T!:e lots will be in the neiifhbiiihood of ttiiOO*!, w,th insurance of about 14,000.â€" Kntarprise. Mr. Chas Petty of Durham, had his lef; badly broken .it .\yton on fair aay. It lecnis he was riding; in a car from which he was thrown out while turniii<<a corner too fast. Hamill'>n did nut have one arro'^t for drunkciiees durini; the whole week, an unprecedented record. Some ten thou.sand troops from ("amp Borden are to winter in Turooio. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. kiint for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implements Wagons, UuKgies, Cut tern, Sleight, and GaFuIine En))ines, Melulte Cream Separators, liaker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pifie Fittings always on hand. Healty Bros', of Fergus, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and stable tittinKH. Cockshutt and FroMt .t Woo.l Ke|mirs always "ii hand FcversNam, Ontario Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Km|>eior â€" 8«6;J7 -for service on lot 2<), S. S. K.. Artemesia. Terms- -tl.iJO for gradei. Pure bred cows f:*.<)0. Pure bred Tainiworth Uoti fur aervico on the a)><>vo lot. Terms â€" f 1.50 fir all aniinsls. Served -nuiit be paid for. BHepHi â€" W. ,1, Meads For Service Fur service on I )t r_', cull. !t, Onincy, one purebnd Short horn Hull. Terms l.'A). Also uni! pure bred Vorkshire Huar, I'ernis |1.IK). All accounts muat be paid to KHKI) TYLKK, Mwniiier. ,... ,_ .. . â€" r^l Sep Farm For Sale I l.<it liw, I'li.l X.K.T. A S.K.. .\n«MieHi», : ciintainini( .'lO uercK, itloan and under k'iuiI I I'liltivatiuii. liiHxl litiiltlings, (;(hmI will, \vt<ll waterwl. .SiiNill ur.-lisril. U.M.I). Three iiiileH fruiii rii-nhertun. -\|i|il.v fur prici- an<l lerinM tu tlir owner. -.loHN ni.Ar'KHWKN. KlKKbprluii I'll. 1 X,,v. •Ill FARMS FOR SALE For Kale or rent for m-Hzinv. lot .'l.'i, con. l.'i, and pait of lots 'M and '.\'t, con. H, Att^'mesJH, IHI acres more or less known « the t'cupcr farm. \\ dl rent fori pasture alhis siMison, or take stock in by the mon Ih. This is a splendid ^rain and grazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timher and cellar andalxm' !I0 acres fit for cultivation. It is well worth the allentiun of stock men. Will sell for reii'or.iblc cssh |iaymenl, balance easy terms. Apply to It. J. Spronle, •'uly i; f Fleaheiton, (»..f. Missionary Murderers • Are Captured Tatnworths For Sale I have tome extra xoo.I yuuni; stock at tiretent both sex, als<i one yutinK sow, )red to farrow in Sept. Write or phone <ieo. W, UniH, Maxwell P. O. Fall Fair Dates 1'hc fidlowing is a list of the dates of Fall Fairs in this vicinity. Cnl this list out and and pnsle it in your hat, if you iire intendiii'' lu visit any of them : Cliatswuilh â-  Sept. 'JH .V 2!l l.'he.sley ..Sept. I'.l .Si '.'O i;iarksburK Sept. 1!> A 20 t'.ilbnuwood Se|.t. 20.2:! fbiiKlilk Oct. 12 A- III S.'pt. 2H kV 2il Oct. :i * 4 Sept. 2K* 2!» ....Sept. 14 A- In Sept. 2i; d 27 I);t. 10 iV II Ihirliain Feveishaiii FI-KSllKUTllN. H movi-r Holit -in Alarkda!.) Meaford Sept. 2." A 20 Or«iii?evillc Sept I'.i A 20 NEW SUITINGS | New Hiiitings just to liiind â€" Homo 'gf vt the nolibicst weaves to 1)0 found any- ^ where. ^ Leave your order now for tliat new suit. Ymi will ntiver regret it. Satisfaction giiaranteetl. Don't forget that wo do cleaning, pressing and re}>niri!ig. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very best. S. J. BOWLER I Sole Agent for theJHobberlin Tailorings ^ j KM/\»^ J/^a,^a/^a^^a^^^."Jl/ »«,<.«/ â- */ ^^M^^^^^U^^^^^ Ottiwft. Sept. 2."»â€" From far up in the .Arctic circle there has co-ne down the story of as strange a man hunt as is to be founU even in tlio.se wonderful records that make up the history of the Mounted Police. .\way in the furthest northwest uf Canada there lies the Gieat Bear Lake. Dease Bay, an nrni of this like, reaches into the arctic circle and connects by tiver with the Disnial'Lakes Northeast of the Dismal Lskes and a few miles south of Coronation Gulf are the Bloody Falls. Two men were murdered there three yeais ago. They were ini8.iion»rieK of the Human Catholic church. Father Leroux and P\ither Rouviere, stationed at Fort Norman. These two men were never fuund and never will Iw found. They were left to be devcured by beasts in a wildernef.s, but first they were partly eaten, one at all events, by the men. The details of this ghastly crime have only now fuund their way to head- â- {uarters of the Mounted police in (Xtawa, but it was known in the North that (he inissi'iuaiies had perished. The Eskimos knew It. line K->kimu had been teen wearing a piiest's cassock. Distributed among others erere the other few belong- ings of the murdered men, a crucifix, a Latin prayer book, a breviary, a surplice, mass aprons conimuiiiun and altar clothes, a gun and .some I'artridges. The long Htm of Ihi Mounttd Police, which has curiied the while man's law into the f«rlliu.<t cornets of the sucalled Barren Land.', r. ached into the E-kimo villages Biid ice covered hunting tii Ids of Corouatiuti Gulf and took the men who did tliiH Ihini;. IiL^poctur ( . 1). L.inauze, fro-n the Great Boar Like patrol, with two white men and a native, set out at the end of M«ich for the Bloody Falls and the mouth of ihe Coppermiiie. There they met Corp. Itruce, of the llciscliell Island (ictachinent, and Kenneth Chipnian, a member 'A the Stefanssun expedition. Biiice had collected from the Eskimos the effec's of the murdered priests, incin ding Iho cassock, called by tbe natives, "llloogaa." The party then pushed on across the gulf and came to a larite Eaki. inu villiige. In a native snow houne or igloo of this village they weie told the i story, riie Fstbers Leroux and llonvieiu h;id been to the coast in November of li)i;t, had slopped a few days at Iho 111 until of the Cuppcrniine and then had sisriedback. Two Eskinioa fulluweil tlirin, Sinnisiak and I'luks^ik. .\ few • lays liter tlieio men returned, bringing' the lielongiiigx of the priests, whom they lold («t having killed at the Bloody Falls. Father Luioiix had been stabbeil in the hick by ^iilni^isk and the murder com" (ileteil by I'luksak. Father Konvlerc hail iiiii to tile dug aledge for his gun ^tik Sinnisiak had shot him. 'Ihe Kski- inos who told these things all exjiressed sorrow for the crime and ileclared lliil I he piiests had shown them nothing but kiudniHi. From this village tl e in'in- liunteis passed on with their dig teams to Vic:iirirt Land, and in ii village (bete they found Sinnisiak sitting in a tent making a bow. Ho expected instaiit death. "If the white men kill me," he said, "I will make medicine and the ship will go down in the ice and all will bo drowned." They toi k h in away, picked up Falher llouviore's uuii at aiiolliev village and made their way back to Bernard llarb or. This was lliu middle of May. The next day they iitarted again through snow and water foi the mouth of the Copper- mine, and they came upon a group of EskiiiioB who made the bign of peace, all except one, I'lukaak. 'I'liey took him to BuruHrd llsrbor. The ott'icial report which reached th* pol CD hoadqunrters here Mondsy, tell* very ainiply of iheRo things. It states (hat both men have confessed, but. they claim to liave been threateeed ai<d ill- liuated by the priests. They have given in their confessions ghastly details of the killing of the two niissiouiries. The body of one they hacked tu piece* and a piece of the liver they ale. In order lu try tbe inurderui* tbe kumtHtioD is mode that a judga go north to Coroiiati'^n Gulf aud winter there. HaJ^DLING FR6IGHT^^>^^1^ACIFIC THE iKirt of Vani-oiiver U making rapid strides towards becoming one of the flu*8t on the Ameri- can continent. Many Itairovenients aie being made in and a'.ung thi- har- L-or to meet the roquireinonts of i;.e ;iemendous and proivinir <oinn:e;;e 'tial Is parried titross tii,e I':i<n:'.c ' 'cean. SMpbiiilding is bpln!: t-iki-n i;p with success and entlnisiasin. Vlers already are helii:< extendej tnd ;â- â‚¬Â»â-  ones built. The Canadian Pa-.l- i;c Ocean and Steamships Couriiiuy is \ne leader In the ranks of proKresa. .lust now they are dolnp niinli to add tc the etiulpraent of t'ar- already weW t'lUlpped harbor at Vam-oiiver fO t.'iat passenger and freight traffic may be conducted with the utmost speed und convenience. Ti;ey have retent- \y let a contract n\ a liuse sum for the deepening by SO f<>et of the water- front brtween their sheds Number 3 i.nd 7. Tills Innirnven^ent will allow the most Brgantlc of ocean going ves- .>'el« to bfrtb In comfort. On Saturday, Anitnst 26th last, t!;e I'tinidian Pacific l.iner "lOinpress of .\3ia" docked at Vancouver, after on« of lier voyages from the Orient, carry- 4tiS paMiengcrs, a heavy conbigumeut uf mails, and 5,40'l tons of freiglit. v-hich Included 'i.O;i," bales of raw eli;< valued at $4.1X10. otii. This kllk was conveyed by syslal train to New )ork. In addition to what has al- reidy been mentioned the ' Kmpress .uf Asia" larrlo'l a large i|iiantlty of rtxste silk, :t. 1(1(1 cajcs of rnblifr. and ^ I'lg qiian'llty of lea. Tlie car,;;o. »' Ich Is stated to have b'"en the rich- est that ever crossed the Pacific. wi]I ( ve lome Idea of the Importance of Canadian PaclSc »hlpp'.ng a; Van- u nver. The derricks and nhrrv?s arc ke"; ti'sy loadiuK and nnoadii^n the I-' : ort and export fiel«l,r. and r-alizln^ 'he great utility of thfs? iiiai hlnes the Canadian ParUc Company has introduced the latest and best Into Its system. Photograph 1 shows a vessel load- ing. The derrick to the left of the picture has a capacity for lifting IT) tons, and that to the right has a capacity for lifting DO tons. Both are operated by el»ctrloally driven wlnchej. The li ton derrick, which has a beam of f-O feet. Is capable of taking fifteen ton lifts from the tec- cad train track alor.4 ti.« irhs:: to the vessel's hold. The 50 ton derrick, with a beam of >U feet, can handle lifts dlre<'t from car* on any of the three tracks direct to the vessel'* bold. This derrick has k>eea recent- ly installed. The second photograph shows a 16 ton derrick (on tbe left) taking a two ton lift out of a (xmUIoIk car on tba second train track. This lift Is being taken over a box car. Th« SO ton derrick (on the rlglit) Is baullnit an eij*'f ton lift In tha ftapa of an underframe for a Russian box t«r. Photograph 3 shows the 50 ton dort rick swlnslng a Russian box car un^ dertrame from car to v«Mel. r*rg^ cases on the dock shown In this pin tur« are made up of cotton llnteiW whiofa In slxe av«ra«« about 33 cubl^ f««t each. From theae pictures It will be that the CAaadlan radflc have vided eT«ry possible facility o( most up-to-date type (or basdl heavy (retghl al Ua PaclQs ts:mt!i4 -^ AT KENORA:â€" • (1) Yachting. (2) Diving and Swimming. (3) A Regatta Day. THE Lake of the Woods, along tho line of the Can- adian Pacific, Is a fascinating link iu the chain ot lakes bniween the boundless waters of Superior and the golden grain of Manitoba prairie. With nature's own loveliness as a recommendation It stands unrivalled in Iho estimation of Ihe many who yearly visit Its Island-crested waters and plunge Into the pure unadulterated delights which It affords. Kenora, a town of Rrowlng Importance In lumber- ing, mining, flour milling and fishing, possessing a IKipulation of 6.01)0, recline.s on tho north shore of the lake and holds the unique position uf gateway to this attractive body of water. Keewatin, whose flour milling Industry has made the name a household word In the Dominion, fringes tue lake three miles diiitant. it is a mecca for the summer-seeker who has built his artistic and attractive home on Us splendid shore line and on the Islands adjacent. For some 80 miles this richly adorned sheet studded with over ten thousand Islands stretches along the border line between the provinces of Ontario an-'9 Manitoba and the state of Minnesota. These water girded bits ot land vary Ijp slie from a few square feet to several square miles and are richly timbered wKh spruce, pine, birch an^ poplar. The northern portion of the lake covers an area of 2.500 square miles. From the middUi of May until the end ot October; the months are panoramas of beau- ty to the camper, the lake voyageur, the sportsmen and hunter who visit this aquatic wonderland, 1.077 feet above sea level. ^ • A few oar strokes from Kenera yoj can rough It !» the woods or U you whth to enjoy life more leisure- ly, an up-to-date cottage can be secured. ^iKv.o'**''"^ '' * ^'"''' '>PP»»'»'" P»»tlme for the men. women, and children each season. In the numerous nibbling preserves are found pike, piakerel, rock t>ass, trout, maakaloage and sturgeon. iJurlng the autumnal months exciting raids are made upon the wild duck, geese, and partridge witii* enthus'lMt*" hunter* "° '*^*'" '"'**'* •»'«tches furnish an attraction of wonderful possiMUtiea for th* Coney island wKh a shore Itie of seTea miles Ilea but a Ua nUautea' glide from Kenora. It la tho summer residence of over three hundred people. It poaMaeea a large natural park, a portten of which haa been fitted up as play grounds tor children. Kenora Fark. a targe weeded tract of tend, has been set m1«« tS'ir-n)J?i""!..'*ill'^^"t . ^•â- .v" '^""' Asaeclatlon Island la a much tr««ueated spot and la open not oalft ».H- V \^! f w'* '"'.V** *"•. ""W*' P>«»l« who oame wlUia her gate. Kenora Rowing Club and Ke* llV.Ir..H i.fc^ K ^* the rendeareua ttt many from tewB aa4 the lslaB4a, Here the aoclal aide ot life 1» «1^ W.J-V '..^.l.!"' *"^>y *•»«'• o' the loeel wntar raeee. KegettM are held at interval, durtag the !? !^:. '^.i "T *• "'•â- ^" ?•*â- Â« •«»t*»0 'ro« «U««r«t Mftteaa ot OuMda kbA United SUtea, a eantml flallr and for a sman tee the TMtor oea make a trl| •< Mveral kwue la u4 Mt amoag the Ia)ui4a •ttte Ke'.era^t'wrj*j-V.?'i?;*ii:'r*s*. 1â€" «•" ««'i«wto«e." ^s;^;.!.^ iSS^oSiXJl! uSX Keaera twlc» gvriag the week for lUiayrlrer ••« Wmk rraMM. T%e Cteemer ''lUthleen." a BOBulnr kirati aaakes a 4ally trjp during the season to Mlnakl. Oat U tag teMghtlul trip ot three hours aown Uie IvS »rw 1^1^ Wm» If me It is » sMgi mmM )M| tl» |^ ot t|« WtMg tewot la Z wR- â€" .-••â- â- ^ • â- ' I . . .--. %JtmuBtm.jrsMnm, .' r.^iim^^ ^ 4>lli|L..J I V V>l V ) t *! n

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