Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1917, p. 7

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Who's to Blame for the High Cost of Food? It may be the farmer, it may be the middleman, it may be the weather â€" but never mind â€" you have Shredded Wheat at the same old price, the same high quality, the one per- fect, complete food, sup- plying more real nutriment than meat, or eggs, or veg- etables, costing much less and more easily digested. Cut out the high-price foods. Eat Shredded Wheat for breakfast with milk or cream. Eat it for dinner with stewed fruits and green vegetables. A deliciously noxirishing meal for only a few cents. Made in Canada. with Georgette. Beadwork, too, has invaded underwear, and it has been seen on the new pajamas and night- gowns of Georgette crepe. There are, however, some exceedingly dainty pieces of lingerie which are quite practical after all. Among these are the silk and wash satin undergarments which are very practical as long as thty are carefully laundered. The delicate shades must be washed with care to preserve their colors, and there ij no denying that it is well worth the trouble for the satisfaction that one f^els from possessing dainty lingerie. These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall Dealer or from the McCall ComiNiny, 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Ontario, Dept "W." mission being granted, went unattend- ed into the next room. .\fter a short while the corporal smelt a rat. Of course, it was too late. He found no mother â€" only an open window! The dress of broadcloth in the sketch shows one of the new overdress styles worn with a guimpe. A full box- pleated skirt is attacked to a straight- , hanging jumper a little below the nor- 1 mal waistline and the whole hangs , from th» shoulders. The worsted em- broidery on the front of the jumper and on the pockets is worked in black, , red and .teilow. Rich embroideries | continue to figure very prominently ^ in all dresses. One of the lates ^ models in oyster-white tussor had a « ide embroidered panel front and back ; PRINTED IN ENGLISH. New Russian Paper to Have Weekly Edition in English. Another daily newspaper shortly makes its bow to the Russian public. It will be called Lutch, and published at Konovaloff by a Moscow merchant j recently vice-president of the Duma | and a Petrograd banker named Grube. Maxim Gorky will be literary (alitor and Prof. Vinogradeff foreign editor, i It is proposed to issue a weekly bul- let in in English. There is a growing , demand among Russian readers for an ] up-to-date presentation and discussion ^ of the issues raised by the war. Noth- . ing is more characteristic of develop- ments in Russia to-day. Vinogradoff , is a distinguished Oxford professor ; in jurisprudence. | 7603 Overdress with Box Pleated .>Jkirt worked in thin silk in u close design and giving a strong Oriental effect. Tht panel was finished at the ends with a fruige of the colored silks used \ in the embroidery- dark red, dai-k '" A^e and gold. ^> old-gold Georgette was a won- .jOffuIly attractive dress decorated ^witb blue and gold beads; another in 'lijrht gray trimmed with old-rose beads carried out two very delightful color schemes. Speaking of Georgette â€" this sheer fi.bric i.s put to all sorts of uses, and does not stop at dresses but appears to be quite a favorite for underwear, i Tlur mo.st appealing shades of pale blue, lavender and flesh color, fashion undergarments of every description, j Though they are hardly practical.! there are many who find it impossible : to resist these dainty undergarments. -, Underwear seems to be getting more; and more ehiborate, and the very latest ' fad is the cooil'ination uf silver lace ( Before startinj;: the youngsters, to school give them a piping hot cup of I Instant Postum School teachers, doctors and food experts agree on two points â€" that the child needs a hot drink, and that the drink shouldn't he tea or coflPee. Postum tilki the ne«d admir- ably and its very extensive use among thoughtful parents, coupled with the child's fond- ness for this flavory, nourishing food-drink, show how completely ,it meets the requirement. *•* There's a Reason" Ho chtnje In price, qutlity, or fUe of picka^t. HOW TO CURE STOMACH TROUBLE! '~~ i The Common Cause is Lack of i Blood â€" Therefore You Must Build L p the Blood. ! There is the most intimate relation between the condition of the blood ' and the activity of the stomach. The blood depends upon the stomach for Si large part of it.^ nourishment; while; every act of digestion, from the time , the food enters the stomach and is as- similated by the blood needs plenty of • pure well-oxidized blood. The mus- 1 cles, glands and nerves of the stomach work only according to the (juality of the blood. ' The most common cause of indiges- tion is lack of rich, red blood. Not only docs impure blood weaken the muscles of the stomach but it lessens . the product of the glands of the in- ' testines and stomach, which furnish the digestive fluids. Nothing will more promptly cure indigestion than plenty af pure blood. Dr. Williams' , Pink Pills are the safest and most cer- tain blood-builiier. A thorough trial of these pills give.< a hearty appetite, perfect digestion, strength and health. Here is proof of the value of these pills in cases of indigestion. Mr. Dan- iel Dexter, Liverpool, N.S., says: â€" "For several years I was a great suf- ferer from imiigestion. I was great- ly troubled with gas on the stomach which caused disagreeable sensations. I was also frequently troubled with nausea and vomiting, which were very distressing. .\s a result of my trouble my appetite almost completely failed, and what I did eat caused me constant pain. I was continually doctoring but did not get any benefit, and had about made up my mind that I would luTer for life. One day a friend aske! me why I (lid not try Dr. Williams' i'i.-k Pills, and while 1 had not much hope of a cure I decided to do so. I had only taken a few bo.\.es. however, when I found they were helping me. Very gladly then I continued the use of the pills, and in less than three months I was as well as ever I had been, able to cat a hearty meal, and to feel that life was again worth living. I had also been trembled from time to time with attacks of rheumatism, and the use of the pills cured this as well as the in- digestion. It is now over a year since I took the pills, and in that lime I have had no return of the trouble." Dr. VVillianms' Pink Pills are sold by all dealei's in medicine or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six bjxes for $2.60 from The Dr. Wil- liams .Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. How It Looked To Tommy. A teacher was trying to impress her pupils with the note of interroga- tion in reading. She wrote this sen- tence, ''Where are you going?" on the board, and asked Tommy to read it. Tommy read "Where are you going" â€"no query mark. She had him do it again. There was no change. "Now, Tommy," she said, "look carefully at, that sentence and see if you don't i notice some difference between it and I the others we've had. Be sharp now, and read it again." Tommy vtHgrgled back and forth in an effort to be "sharp" and then the light of knowl- edge shone forth from his eyes and he read: "Where are you going, lit-; tie button hook?" « I GIARD THE BABY i AGAINST COLDS To guard the baby again.«t colds nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the Httle one's stom- ach anti bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stomach and bowels are in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of the little one will be good and that he will thrive and be happy and good-natured. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at '25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. i â-  / I 1 ' STORY ABOUT LORD ( REW E. His Ahsent-Mindedness Coot Him premier honor of the world gone to four "bad boys," but thirty such boys have earned the Distinguished Conduct Medal, and many more have been men- tioned in despatches for their heroic conduct. Almost mvariably these lads come from the lower ranks of society, yet gome dozen reformatory boys are in the ranks of commissioned officers, their (luality and fitness having been shown in the day of battle. But a great number have gained a higher honor still â€" not fewer tlian a thousand of them. They have had the deathless honor of dying for their country. So here's to Britain's "bad boys"! May many of them survive to be a credit to their country, and to prove that a bit of waywardness often goes with pluck, and that a bit of sympathy and understanding would save many a lad from the x-eformatory, and, later, the prison cell. •> NO ALUM To Every Woman i Who Is In Pain A bsen t - M i ndedness His Dinner. Abisent-minded persons â€" usually professors â€" have become common figures in the world of humor, but their adventures are usually so amus- ing that fresh ones may be welcomed. In "Forty Years of 'Spy,' " Mr. Leslie Ward, the well-known London artist, tells a good story about Lord Crewe. Lord Crewe's extraordinary absent- j mindedness was proverbial, and, since, he was not aware of his weakness, i other people often took advantage of jjhe .Suffered for Two Years, but Three it. He used to dine at the Athenaeum , ., ^.,, „ , Club, usually at the same table. An-! J^"*''* "^ ""^"^ ^ ^'^""^ P'"** ^â- ^*' other member came rushing in one | Her a New Woman. day to obtain a place for dinner fur ; himself. Ml being engaged, the' l!»ltWI(rruT.I Baking POWDEP MADE IN CANADA .V Definition. "Pa, what is diplomacy?" "Diplomacy, my boy, is the art of being disagrfeaMe pleasantly." SZWBFAPBKI FOB BAIiB Mrs. Williams Says Use Dodd's Kidne^ Pills. I>ROFIT M.VKl.NlJ NEWS A.ND JOB Oiact-s for «al« In »ooil <Jiitarlo lowna. TliH most useful and Interesting of aJl buplr.oSKen. F\ill Inforniatlnn on appUcBtlnn to Wll'xin Piibllshine Com- pany. "3 Wftit AdelHJjp Stro.M T-.rDnto- aascEiii^znBous S'' Sjdiiey. N it-.i \V:ii K.jrbes. FA.NiV \V RK. irse buntn. ^iSo 13 'Jritl'iii ave.. Nearly Correct. Johnny came running home one day with a book under his arm. His moth- er said â€" "What's that, Johnny?" Johnny â€" "A prize mother." "A prize. Johnny. Whit fur?" "For natural history, mother. The teacher asked me how many legs an ostrich had, and I said three." "But, Johnny, an ost- rich has only two legs." "I ken that noo, mither; but the rest 0' the class said fower, and I was the nearest." waiter was obliged to refuse the late comer, when the flurried member pointed to an extra seat. "Oh, sir," said the waiter with apologetic deference, "that's Lord Crewe's." "Never mind," said the urgent would-be diner. "Tell him when he comes â€" that he's dined! .â- Vdamsville, Kent Co., N.B., Jan. 2yth (Special. I â€" "I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to every woman who suffers." So says Mrs. Williams, a well-known and highly respected lady residing here. Mrs. Williams was a sufferer for two years till she used Dodd's Kidney Pills. She found in them quick relief and complete cure. That is why she is so enthuaias- Klsard's XitnlmiBt Csru DUtnnpcr. It is to be supposed that the mam tic in her praise of them, found a way to make the deception! "My troubles started with a cold," worth while, for when Lord Crewe ar-, -Mrs, Williams states. "I never seem- rived the waiter met him with surprise ed 10 get over the effects of it. I had and quiet e.xp<)stu]ation. i cramps in ray muscles and my joints "Have you forgotten ? You dined were stiff. There were dark circles an hour ago, my lord," he said. | under my eyes which were puffeil and "So I did," murmured the poor swollen. 1 had a bitter taste in my victim, as he turned away and left the 'mouth and I suffered from severe CANCER. TLilOKS. LtTill'S. rTC. Internal and e.xternal. cured wlth- )Ui pain by our home ireatxnent. Wrlia ua before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical Co.. Limited. CotUiigwood. Ont. AMrkts PiNm Oai RiMdiR BUDK ON DOG DISEASES And How to Feed Vlnded fre^ *o ID/ addreM l>)' :Ue Aotiiur H.CUyGLOV:.vvO..Inc. IIS We.1 31st Street, T.ew York Discouraging. Hobbs â€" 1 don't know how to thank you for this loan, old man. It seems as if I could never properly repay youâ€" Dobbs â€" Say, if you'd talked that way before you made the touch you'd never have got it. dining room. ,When Your Eyes Need Care t'leUurtoe EvoUedifin^. NoSnmrtinirâ€" F«:» *â- '»•â€" Ai.-t» OuicUI.i-. Try It (or Red. Weak, , Sore E.ve«»ndi;runiilated liyelide. Murine l» I oompoundrd b; our OciilieU â€" nut a "Patent Medicine"â€" but mediisuoce»»ftilPhTsieian»' Practice for man.v j'enrs. Now dedicated to the Publl.- and sold by DrugKints at 6O0 per 1 Bottle. Murine E.re Salre In Aseptic Tuliee i »o and 50c. Write for book of tlie Svu Frel Munne Ey« Remedy Ca-npany.Chicaso, AJt. OUR "BAD BOYS." | Many Reformatory Lads Have Proved Heroes on the Battlefields. I The so-called "bad boy ' is if'*r> onlyi ba*i because he has no aim in life and no incentive to be anything good. This ^^^^ war has made heroes of hundreds of them â€" cr, more likely, perhaps, reveal- 1 ed the stuff of which they were made! â€" good stuff, after uU! I Upwards of twenty thousand re-; formatory boys have served with the headaches. "1 felt heavy and sleepy after mcuis ami had attack.s of neuralgia. Heart flutterings and rheumatism were soon 1 added to my troubles. I tiwk just ' three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills, j I cannot be too glad that 1 did so. " J Every one of Mrs. Williams' -iymp- I loms was a symptom of kidney ui.s- | That is why Dodd's Kidiu-y The Soul of a Piano Is the .\ct!on. Insist on the "OTTO HiQzLI' PIANO ACTION Pills cured her. Did the Stonecutter » arvi-? "Did you stay :ui'.|{ m Venice'.' questioned. "Only u coupl lI oays, si-eiiiK," "Wait and See" in French. The phrase "wait and see" has bothered the French newspaper cor respondtmts in London lately, say^ the Manchester Guardian. No accoun: of the crisis, of course, would have been complete without it, yet only one correspondent, M. C'oudurier of The Journal do Geneve, has attempted to translate it. His version is ".\ttendc7.. et vous verrez ce qui arrivera." Thir- teen syllables against three! It is a curious fact, always brought out, for instance, by the polyglot versions of the resolutions of international so- cieties, that English i.'* the tersest language in Europe. The English version on such occasions is always much shorter tha, the French or Ital- ian. .\t the beginning of the war, when all cables had to be in English or French, the Italian and Russian correspondents in London chose Eng- lish, and found their cabling ex- penses much reduced. colors during this great war, and four everything worth have won the V. C. There's a record joitiiv. to be proud of I But not only has the : â- â€¢Rea'lv? Then v.i sh.' ========================== of St. Marii's, I suppose .'" "Ratherl Saw him ivA." but I s.T- rcp.icd he •.he l.ie; â€"•â-  lunard'a Iilniment Curea Oarirst in Cawe. .V'oout the only man who can afford to believe al! be liears is the man who â- an affcrd to bviiove all he hears is ' •he man who is stone Hcaf. A fraternal aad Cotecta il9 a:el ntartd tj«vamreaat fnjvraaca eociery t^tal Siuiuitad. Sick ID' aUetaii!* a:emb«r« la eccoidaoce <ri;h *a _ niuio C«»erain«Qt Stuiuitad. 5ii.it end Authortad l« oJ.-'lajT membcre mnd charter Jo4fic3in c. «./ Province in Canci^a. Pur eiy Canadian, taie. sound auJ euwo- inic-\l. It>Sereianol«ealIaii<« of Chosen Fne<id* In yot/T'Miattief. «pi>'.y direct to any ol tha <o!lowu:g o£5cttn; Dt..'.\V,E<iwaid».V..r'. Ciand CouacilkM. W. F. Campbell. Cxa:id Onaolzef. ha.m1l: cs W. F. Montagufl. Ciand Rcca; J. H. BeU. M.D G^ond !klcd^cal Exi - ONT.^RIO CREAM SEPARATOR THE WILY .VBISENTEE. Instances of Men Seeking (0 Evade ' Their Military Obligations. .•V little while ago a man who was "wanted" for the .â- Vrmy was found hid- \ ing up a chimney. | This was but one instance in which , men have sought to evade their mili- tary responsibilities by concealing ; themselves. In another case an ab- ; sentee was discovered in a garden tool-shed, while recently, in Yorkshire, there was a many days' chase after a conscript, says London Answers. When spotted the man made for a river, shedding his coat as he ran, and Anally escaped among gorse-bushes and thistles. He vanished utterly, though the police found traces which showed that he spent nights under haystacks and lived on turnips, Dartmoor is said to bo harboring many eligible men. In that wild tract you may wander for days ami only meet half-wild ponies and cattle. Wa- ter is plentiful, but beyond its cattle and ground berries Dartmoor is a barren larder in which to search for food. Occasionally an absentee iS" clever enough to outwit his escort even after he has been captured. .\ Scottish cor- poral lost his stripes through being duped. The ab.sentee asked if he could say good-bye to his mother,, and per- Unly One Obstaacle. .\ beautiful young lady interviewed a fortune-teller on the usual subjects, "Lady," said the clairvoyant, "you will visit foreign lands and the Courts of Kings and Queens. Y'ou will conquer all rival.s and marry the man of your choice. He will be tall and dark and aristocratic looking.'' "And young?" interrupted the lady. "Yes, and very rich." The beautiful lady grasped the fortune-teller's hands and pressed them hard. "Thank you!" she said. "Now tell me one thing more. "How shall I get rid of my present husband ? '' Sore shoulders, lame back* stiff neck, all pains and aches yield to Sloan's Liniment. Do not rub it. Simply apply to the sore spot, it quickly penetrates and relit^ves. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin. Keep bottle hnndy for rbeumalitm, ep'-ains, bruiset, toothache, oeurulgia, joul, lumbago and lore •ItlTmueclci. At all drugfiitts, 25c. 50c. and $1.00. Slparts^ Linilneiit GUARAimiO 'I. 1* , u,. ,1 ri,ji.t», c-^j r>i oiily l-b .^. (''omIv •». ., s ail. Howl A funtfar-y ftLinr. T 10- >* »rTu ->>«i.t Diff-v-r.t Kc*. Sctf our eaiy Monthly Paymant Plan .•^ripn.r-r.rs T'laiii.! pr>>iiip' v {rota. WlHnl|M»g Man.. Toronto. Ont. •lU St Joh;., N a. Atii-iher _.»irT ia ;;irrt.- *jr s-tTnil. .. r lc ti,r l;«>ni«.rt pis.'), AME?ir*N SEPARATOR CO. Bet i-M% BaiBlirl^a.N.T. There's Money In Your Stump Land MJoard'a Xiioiment Oviea Oolila, Bte. Heard in an Office. "Aren't women greetly in some ways? My wife monopolizes all the closet room for her clothes. Does yours?" "Oh, she allows me a sort of park- ing privilege for a suit or two." The publisher of the best Farmer's paper in the Maritime Provinces in writing to us states: "I would say that I do not know of a medicine that has stood the test of time like M1N.\RD'S LINIMENT. It has been an unfailing remedy in our household ever since 1 can remember, and has outlived dozens of would-be competitors and imitators." It's hard wo.k getting to the top of the ladder, but it's often harder work to stay there. Miiiard'* XtiBliaaat Cnnt OlybtbatU. TO FARMERS All Over the Country Remember the Car Shortage ITYon Walt UQtil tlis Lut Mtnuk To Order Out lour Feptiliasi You Might Get Left! ED. 7. ISSIE 5â€" '17. FIRST pull ont the stamps, than pall out the profits. Change your barren stump lauja into culiivatad fields. Stop pay- irg taxes on worthier land. Claar it; do it the qokkeat, oasiest and cheapest way. Qet the laaneyftromuiuler your stumps with a ** ****** I ShnapPuUer No stua:;!* ia big a S«« tilt picturaa <A suiD«p« it ba* ptiiia4t tMd (ha let- ters from tbe {t.-mar* who hav« bao^t KlrMiiML Laarn how tha Krtriti i-'Vea te^ltM ^.a all iba ^ Infbnaaiion 70U naaJ «» o «l liMd da«hl(k Don't .•* â-ºuf a pullar tjnti! yeaiKS'tfris deak / Nana*.. ^ A. J. KXKBTIN, CAHAjaiAW CO. ./ 8336 OvBOla Bt. .' ' Sanlt Bte. Maria, Oat. J^ .♦ â€" â-  , I *SJ3. or P.O. Bax XlratlB CaawUaa Co. SSae DaiuOa St Saolt at*. Kiuia. Ont. n*ar^ aand ois yeaf Fraa Book ao Lan4 . ClMrtuc X^

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