Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1917, p. 2

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• ^M:. U W .:_;j i ti â-  gamtM F , All Pure Tea | Seaicd Packets Only Free from Dust I Never Sold in Bulk li â- SJMGHm&JflHBU Blackâ€"Mixedâ€" Natural Green. E213 "I don't know â€" I don't care. Danc- ing:, I suppose." "Go back to her. I won't have you here. Go back to her at once!" "L won't," says Mr. Norwood. "But I dcT've you," exclaims she, with a little .stamp of her foot. "Of course, if you turn me out, I -shall have to go," says George Nor- wood, without showing the faintest eu»ious, and therefore the swifter to' snatch it. "Now," she says, grayly, putting it I behind her back, what do you .say it la ' â€" a legacy or a hundred-pound note, or mere padding to keep the picture steady?" "Mere paddinK," gijos.ses he. "A fairy gift," declares she. Then they stoop over the lamp, and read two or three line.s of the writing .symptom of an intention to depart, ! it contains, he utters an ejaculation, â- but I certainly sha n t go to Juha â€" • -- â-  - - - I've had enough of Julia, Monica's breath comes a little quick- ly, she lift.s her hand to her soft, rounded throat. and tdrns to Monica with eyes bright with excitement. | "What was the date of our grand- ' father's will?" he ask.s eagerly. "I mean how long lieforo his death was "You ought to be with the woman [jt written and signed?" i you mean to marry," she .-ay.s, s-lowly. | .'Throe year.s," sJiys Monica, gazing "I entirely agree with you,' says : ^t him in wonderment. i Her Gremdmotfjer's Portr^ilt THE STORY OF A LOST WILL Norwood, with the utmost vivacity, i -And this is dated .-ix month.s be- • But that wouldn't drive me back to fo,o hi, Juath," gays he, with some-' the Grange. I shall never marry ^ thing in his tone that resembles awe.; "Tliis is another and a later will. The morrow pas.-cs; the day dies. I^ight Ltines on apace and covers everything. At the Grange the fid- dle.s are sounding, biii^ht forms are moving to and fro; the air i.s heavy with the h.^eath of d.ving flower.-s. It i:i eleven o'clock, and the ball is well begun; the music grows .sweeter, fainter; fans arc waving gentlv. Dowi, at the cottage a Rirl is stand- ing in a while gown at one of the open windows, and is giizing eagerly, and with sad, straining eyes, at certain lights that, two miles away, can be ^ of Julia." " You don't know what you are say- ing'," say.s Monica, .shrinkinj^ still fur- ther from him. "I do. Quite well. I ought to have said it befoic, but to-night I have made up my mind. If you refuse me, I shall never marry any woman â€" never! My d;>rling, don't lihrink from THE roof 1 of your Larn ij the Ltat part to fsel the effccta of wr«r and weather. ' .0 your roof wear- i 'of and >ou add nu.-y ycnn of better •ervica to your whols barn. PcdJar'i "(jeorgo" Shingle* not only cfTer iho aafvst proteotion aguinst weat her, nirid. f:rc ai;d iiphminf;. but the way thi.-y loc'.t tojethftr, tl;Ht an a!l four «uie«, tiuiltm tirm pr«cLir«I!v Ijt- €j<e'r jct.b'o. inii»o»'ihi«for vviutl, r air] vitldarntioaM to get tctviatb •L.x.yl:* aitj • t.uC to rot ftnn ti«« ay vour roof. KrT A t'^^nnanejit barq too/. r'5'J!>-u« now. '.Vraf f,.r "TK- Uiiht RcK,r TIIE l-KuI.AR PEOPLE LIMIIKO (EatublUlud I Ml) Eiscutlv* Office 4k ractofi**! OSKAV> A, ONT. BniiivliMi Alou treat, Ottawa, Toronto, l-ondon. I seen distinctly through the haze I the summer night. I Yes. he is there, of course, and i happy legardlcss of everything but ! the moment. It i.s most natural, is it not? What is there else for him to think of? She herself, how tlearly .he would like to be there, too! She glar4:es at her gown and tells herself that almost she might have gone â€" anti then she shrinks within herself, and refuses to confes.-, even to her own heari, that it would have been agony to her to have appeared badiy dressed brfoie â€" beforeâ€" ohi many people! She sighs impatiently, and the tears gather in her eye.s. and Ijlot out the lights shining gayiy >o far away; they blot out, too, a dark figure that, ad- vancing rapidly through the few shiuljs, enters the sevon<l open win- dow, and, crossing the room, is at her side li(?fore she has had time to re- cognize him. ' It is Cieorge N'orvvood, of course â€" a little flu.^hp'l fiom his run, and with his hair slightly rufVleil, and with the gladdest light possible in his. hand- some eyes. I ' Monica, moving backward, involun- tarily sei/e.s the curtain with one han<i and stares at him almost aftii;;htcdly. Her attitude reminds him of that happy moment when first he saw her. , Before he has time to speak, she re- I covers herself and says, with a poor attempt at coldness: • "What h.as brought you here?" i "Von know," replies he, calmly; an I overpowering desire to see you-^to hear your voice again. Your face was in every corner, smiling at me â€" your Voice was elearer tiian the banil, and called me inec. santly . I have come!" "Where is Julia?" asks she, reproof in her voire, unmistakable gladiie.i.-* in her great gleaming eyes. She has got u heavy spray of scarlet geranium in the bosom of her white gown. It rises and falls nervously, as she stands before him, trying vainly to be .-.lern :ind angi-y. Monica, and it bequeaths all to your father." * * • * It was quite true. I suppose the old man, when feeling sicknes? come on himâ€" that first attack of paralysis that suggested to him the possibility , . ,, . . of death -had rcper.ted him of the he- me ; say you love me, say it-Monica, j trayal of his promise to the wife, dead °"?fx'. ^r . , , „ ai'd gone for seven long years, but .No--no. -iou must be mad," says ' gr^en still in his memory. To leave he Kirl as, white as death, with both ,,], t,, the son of her heart-the first, !?."•'*,', A oof,*^^'' """ ''''^*^' f'T"' ^'''â- - and therefore the dearest babe that It IS i 10,000 a year. ^ ou .shall not had luin on her bosomâ€" was her pray- •lo this thnig.^ In the morning you ^ g,.. And the father, thought estrang- "'.< A r" 1 « â-  L X > <. , ' ed from his son tor many reasons too As I do now, interrupts he. And numerous to mention here, had sue-, as I thought yeiterday morning, and eumbed as a hu.band siKuild to the , every mo.-ruiig during the past week||ove of his youth, and had sworn to -tha I love you bolter than my very her that justice should be done, hfc-^to say nothing of hlthy lucre. yet it was gall to him, the dcmg of Ihe pressure of the hands that re- it. Gladly would he have got out of pulsed him is not .so stn^ng now. the promise given to the dving woman,' Lmboldened by this sign ot coming but oven though the grave closed upon i weaKness, he goes on with renewed her, she had a hold over him, born of I â- '*'^."i','' I , , , > I memories when spring was glad with | We shall be poor, you know; but flowers, and the sun shone, and ail i you said once you thought i.OO a year ,^.^^ ^.o^^th and love. i â- luite cnoinrh (o live on You can't ^nd vet the gall rose to the top;' go b.ick of that now. -iuu said also I and aft^r a bit, so strong was it that! hnt It would be a di.sgracetul and con- 1 1,0 loo!:ed about liim for a way to ful- emptiblo act on the part of any man fiu ^y, promise to the dead and yet to marry one woman when he lovo.s ,vork his own desire. He wonld another. \ <ni can t get out of that n^^j.^, ^ ^,,,^. ,vill-.so far she was obey- either, and I am not going to look ej_ po^,. soul!-kivihg all U. the eld- either disgraceful or cojitemptiblo inject son, whom he .so dccplySetestcd, the only eyes I worship. j^„j ^ should be given into his own Ihe hands have gn.wn .luite reason- ^ands, but in .such wise that he should able now, and. indeed, have .slipped ,,^, ,,,,^^ the better bv it. from his chc-:t to his shouUleis. | uj^ mother's portrait was made the Monica, I am yours, whether you niedium. Behind it, in between the like It or no.. 'iou must try and ,,.„„,!,.„ y,.^^.]. ^,„, ^^e picture, the old make the best of me. he .said, very „.,„ [„ ..ecretiiid the will that ve.xed humbly. My beloved. I can only ^im, and in the first document, that promise to be a good husband to you , ,uiie,, i,is pride, he inserted a codicil, til death us do part! leaving portrait, concealed will, and Do not talk of d.ath. .--he whisp-' „ j,, ^is elde.st son. cr.s, tremulou..ly. „ . I Vet Fate is strong, and Time brings No! Shall we not pray that we 1 „„ things to perfection, may die the .same day, and be buried I j^,y ^.h^ri matters were made in the same grave? But. living or,,.,^,,,, ^^ ^^^.^ took it all very badly. ;i very good income of heri own, and an Implaeable temper, she Bigger NA/ar-Crops Aro an Investment Worth While Put Into your hungry »oll a few dollars' worth ot proper fertlU/er an<J take out many extra dollars In pro-flts from larger crops. Farmers aU over Canada are makln«^xtra profits la these days of splendid market prices by enriching their lands with Har^b . They are fcod for both- the seed and the soil. We want you to let our experts give ycu their aaVjce la the proper seiecUoa ot fertll- izerB for your own particular soils. From our reports of testa and re...uits given by our 25 dlfiercnt kinds ot fertilizers used In -.arioua soils all over Canada, we are able to help you select the right fertilizer that will get bigger crcpa for you. There is a Harab-Davies fertilizer for every klcd of soil. Our fertilizer booklet and buT.erlns give directions that will enable you to got excellent results. W'rito for tham now. Ontario Fertilizers, Limited, West Toronto. Midcing Two Blades Grow Where Only 0.ne Grew Defbi« J>ROGaES,qrVHfnnuer«to-iUy rf^ogiil««th«fcr«t>ir.tlbtyfnaiintcr.;.HriunTtTr»,>t..-lr L.«i. arnwtn(f on thr plont tooAn in 11.-: •oil-wlthont T»-.lliT'T5<-raflh!:.„back-«nd r-' •â-  - tbatlM tciin%-e niUi vation of a sm.ill arm it m.jre j»tufiai!>ie Ih.-fi t!:; unsLilita I'armiiiE ^'l i ' in« â€" - The judiciou* tar of the p.'-optT fcraUier oo jvmr I«ud will Incrmae remr Bioii:* i.-oi as* •3o p«r ccut ^ GUNNS FERTILIZERS ~*Tc partlnilnrly compoimd«J for «»« nn Cntunlinn »^.ll. Prop»r!y «ud cot!jij»t«^tH'y le «r« not *u expenditure, but an iiivestmeat which will yield constintly iactcu^ir UrgercTop*. Forty jreuii' ezpericuc awl Tetuu>tiontu«.k tlMiu up. For bt-okWj and price list wiite 77 !ted tkty lursa <% GUNNS LIMITED, WEST TORONTO '" -"^' -^ *- t,.«'v-. .-«., .•â- â- â€¢â€¢^ ". t clear lo dying, my own darling, every thought Having of my heart will be yours." I ovu mi The hands have slipped a liule high- er up, and now with a faint but heavy sigh that is almost a sob, she twines them round his neck and lays her Koft cheek against his. ( Vou must imagine a good many asterisks here, and then we go on.) "How was .lulia looiiing''" asks she prc-iontly . The Peerless Perf«ctlon Fenea DWi'I'v yaut rtivk an*! ihpr "tay whrn* t.ih pot thtuii. ai*e ttlHt MTiee 70U for all time. Cau't ru«t. lUlf; (Sr hr . t-tnad* aii> wpaiher. t^.-h jiiint ,»ocurejT heM w.fh Uie Peerle** loi'k. all carta hwtiilr Bulvani/e-t. the <trL)tfKei.t. iuo,.t_ aer^'K'uablo tikriu fvnie mi,(k: aud fall) etiarantetsl. SEMO FOR CATALOG 't all Uiu<> ,( tfT,dni f.> turmi. rancli,^ .. hr.. at r-Jr I ' •! il*»t»f, Aj*.iLi hmii-I in . i.*ii urrlt-.i THE BANWEXL-HOXIE WIRE PENCE COMPANY. Ltd. Wiaotpci, Manitoba Hriniilton. Ontario refused to be comforted, and went ^____^_^^^^_ abroad to Egypt, or Tangiers, orj ^ somewhere, and may now be married ; p,., the gravy with to a swarthy prince for all I know, j I'lVtty Monica has married her lov. i 1 er, and when last I saw her, was : i teaching her little son to "Ride a cock- ; ,„. .^. , 1 liBrse to Banbury Cross" on his grand- 1 1 hey are now .sitting close | father's Knee whole meal, add All house plants should bo sprayed ome lemon juice and serve. j with water once a week. If this rule tdiMi OS 0" Ui,.Y6rj TRIAL Jfrtwy'u'can. CUAUNItlO CREAM SEPARATOR AH(iLU) rRoro.sniUN to Hond r.Kw, wril mmltt. licy nii.ri'iif, perfect Hkimrainu nvparalur for only $16 54. CUncfy nKinis wnrm opr.iMmiH: Miikf<it 'avy or liKlit cre»m, llowl u r>a}iit"fif Tn.irrr/, fM>i\y cirun^r). UiftrrMit frmrt ^irturi', whlrh MiuH'n-r'-s Inrp'T rnpin'ity inact.tutri. Hiw our \.,ii^ Monthly Payment Plan Sliipriii-rita iriftiU jr.m|illy frt-ni Winnlpaa. Maa.. Toronto, Ont, â-  n.l (t lahn, N «. WluMior 'liiiry Is Iiiejfn or .tmn'.l. wiit.. f.,r tianiiitunio fr'o cataloK i."'! <asy / pn'/mifi.t plan. AMERICAN SEPARATOR CO. Bai .uoa Baiabiidft. N.y togetherâ€" very close indeedâ€" upon the patri:',rchal sofa th;it certainly has seen l)etter days. I!ut if it were satin and down they could not have been more lontented with it. "\'ery handsome," replies he, with the most satisfactory indilference. "'Icily regular, .'pleiulidly null' sort nC liiisini ss. .N'o soul aad too niuth flesh. My angel, you h;i'.f .^aved me. To think that only for you 1 might h.ave marrieil her; shovild, lo a moral certainly, you know, as I didn't know what love meant I hen." .At this juiutiiie iheii" is no niislak- iiig he knows wdiat love means now. "If you should ever be sorry aliout this," says .Monica, nervously. "NonseiK'e, darlinif; you know you are miles too good for me. 1 hope you will never be sorry, ihal's all;~ (Thc End). 9 r.. '"5 =m^ ABOUT THE HOUSEHOLD ^1 Carrots .\re Health I'rmliicing. l'\'W people reali/e the value of car- rots as a food. Following are a few' recipes for their use: , Saute â€" Pare and cut into dice a cup- ful of carrots; boil in stock till tender,^ but not to pieces. Tablespoon of Coquettes. â€" Boil carrots in two waters until tender, mash smooth, add one beaten egg, one tablespoon melted butter, pepper and salt to taste, and set paste aside until cool. Moid into croquettes with hand, roll in fine crumbs, dip in egg mixed with water, roll again in crumbs, and set aside for one-half hour. Fry good brown in deep fat . â- * Mari'ialadc â€" Wash and boil until ten<!cr live pounds of carrots. Scrape and chop tine. To each pound of pulp adil one pound granulated • ugar and boil. Remove from Pre. .\dd the grated rind of one lemon, the juice of two, and one teaspoon ainioiul extract. Boll fifteen minutes longer and seal. I Browned Carrots â€" Scrape four or: five gooil sized carrots and cut into three-inch lengths. Out each slice; into strips. Drop into boiling water I and simmer until tender. Put a table- ! is followed they will not become in- fested with insects. pepper, brown and when very hot adii the vliained car- \ rots. Dredge lightly with salt and .Monica" wistfully, "are you certain,] l,„iter and when hot u.ld the carrots, i ^P^'^.f"' "^ *'".'*':'' l", !^^ ^''^'"'f^, P"" po.sitivc, that yon really love me?" Uea.son with salt and "I am sure of it as that we arc sit-L;|j„|,ily and serve linprllcre," says .Mi.s„ Norwood, sole- â-  Soup-Pvit into" soup kettle five ' P^PP*'' »"'' ^''^ "'"'' "K^">' ^â- "'°'"^"' '"V'further demonslralion that thev P7"''\"f ^""'"'^^ 'i ^'T'' ","^"'1"" "^' now i-p'ille Uni.u- uh'it lov.. mi.niw' " M'i'ld Water, a head ol celery (or half a; . / v p » i . now iclly know what hn e m.ans. I ,^^^^ ^,^,^^,,, ^^ ,.^,^ ^^,,^; ^^^.^ ^^„j â-  carro (raw), one cup of grated pota I toes (raw), one cuj, of currants, one Pudding â€" Take one cup of sugar e cup of suet, one cup of grated "Do you know I'm awfully hungry, i .savs Ceorge piesciitlv. without Ihe half pounds of chopped carrots, „, .... • ,. r i» smallest .slmnie, or rec'oiu'clion that ' pinch of cayenne pepper, a tablespoon- j "'P ^' ra.sins, one egg. pinch of salt, people in novels never eat anylhing ful of salt. Cover closely, simmer 1 ""** teaspoontul wht'ii filled with the tender passion. I three hours "Ale you'.' IJo you know, so am 1. 1 servo. if soda, two cups of 1 ,. . ,,, _ , ' f our, one teaspoon of cinnamon, a! remove knuckle and ,.,., ' . ' ,. . , .1 j little nutmeg. lie in a cloth and IPIVE HOSES r For Breads-Cakes -Puddings -Pasti-ies Men Wanted for the Navy The Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve, wants men for imme- diate service Overseas, in the Imperial Navy CandJdateii mini be Irom IBlu.^Hyeitriufaije â- iid aoni of nalurul born Uritlali iubjccti. pA Y Sl.iflper day and upwarJi. i'reeKit Kipcricneed men from .''8 tu -IS, niid boy n fruin I.S Id IH • re w«ntcd for llio CANADIAN NA\ Al, P.ATKOl.S. Apply to COMMODORE ;V Minus Ja1)VIS. NtTil Racruiliii Otticar, OnUrio Aru, Mil IIW SIRliKr. roKOMO. or la Iho Dcji irlniiol of Navil .Service, (Vn'A\> A. but I ddii't iiiiite like to say it," con fesses .she, naively. "The servants are ill heil, 1 am afraid; but there is eobl fhicdten in tho panti-y, anil â€" " "Let us go for it ovrselves," says (ieorgo. "As wc are going to set up honsekce|iiiig on a limited scale, the sooner we learn how lo lay a table and heli> ourselves the better." "1 don't believe there is any sheiTy," says Mi^s Norwood, blushing gener- ously; "but there is" â€"with consider- able hesitntion- "beer." "If there is one thing on earth I love, it is beor," says (ieorge Norwood. "There nov\-," murmurs she, re- proachfully. ".And just this mo- ment you lob I nie you loved only mo." ".\nd so 1 do, and you only," de- clares he, fervently. More asterisks! "The key of the beer is always kept behind this picture," says Monica, poiiiling to the oil painting of her grundmotlter he had iidniireil on the tirst day of liis arrival. "That':, a good ihi:i!'' to .know," re- turns !.r, l.iughing, "Weil, lakci it dov, 11 for me now; it 1 will be a lesson. Vou will know ex- actly where to go for it iie.^t time." She laughs, too, as she says this, and ' drawing him up to the ehimney-piece, ! points lo where the key hangs behind^ the picture. I Was it fatnlily. or wa.^ it awkward ' iies.s'.' As he puts up hi.>^ hand, ho' lou(dies the painting, and the .string: that support.-! it snapping suddenly, I the (licture falls heavily to the (rrouiul 1 mi heavily that the back parts from it, niul leaves it rather a dilapidated' (ibjoci oil the hoaitli-rug. j l?iit something else is on the hearth- 1 nig, too! .\ piece of yellowish parch- 1 inent, tightly iolded, has slipped from' between Iho picture and the frame. ; (ieorge and iMonica, both stooping t(r pick up her grandmother, see this p»i:>»'r al the same instant. She, be-' lug: the woinun, is naturally the mora With Milk â€" Scrape, slice, put in iloublii boiler, cover with milk, sea- son with butter, pepper and salt, cook all day, or until milk has thickened. Leiaon Juice â€" Lemon juice and the yolks of eggs are recommended for fried carrots, to add taste and color. Steamed â€" Steam whide and wipe. ' range is a great step saver. It should Slice or mash; butter, pepper and salt be set on casters. to taste. So prgfareil they retain; Throw away all old fruit jar rub- to boil for two to three hours. Helps For The Housew ife. You can almost keep the members of a family well 'by having proper food for them. A wood box beside the kitchen their full flavor. Cold â€" Slice and place in stewpan with one ounce of butter, two onions minced, a little chopped parsley. Sim- mer slowly thirty minutes, then thick- bers; they are apt to cause fruit spoil when used a second time. Sliced pineapple is much more de- licious if sliced and sugared about U! hours before serving. MOTHER SEfGEL'S SYRUP The proof of Mother Sfiud's S>Tup is ill the taking;. Tliat is why former sutYerers, wIio.se vitahty was being sai);vd by Indigestion, say it is Jm/ er- cclknt for stomach, liver and bowel troubles. Thanks to Mother Sciyel's Syrup, they are now strong and well. IS EXCELLENT FOR It" you ;ue afflicted by Indi- gestion or otherdisordcrs U the stomach, liver and bowels t.iko Mother Seigel's Syrup regiilaily for a few days; long cnoiijjh to give it a fair chance (o make its beneficial influence ielt. Then note the iinpr(3\cineiit in your appetite, your sticngth, your general condition. jois HEADACHES, BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION INDIQESTiON. rhe/oobolHc of Syrup coiiluius three times as much <j.< the Soc iuc. 2 aiv:l Slh.Cnrtons-- 10, 20, 50 a.ij 100 ii». {»..-•?, *'Rcdpalh" stands for sugar quality that is the result o! modem equipment and methods, backed by 60 years experience and a determination to produce nothing unwoilhy of Iho name "REDPATH". "Let Redpath Sweeten it" « Made in one gr^de onlyâ€" the liigliest ♦ 1 ./

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