Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Feb 1917, p. 5

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WH' February 22 lOi; THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ♦ «j :f; THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrriCE - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- est at current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, .it.n«ger. tST D 1873 C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : doing Scath Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesheiton as oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and tho afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocic. For morning train south aail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS The hi^h school shipped t â-  Toronto CTer two tons of scrap piper which the pupils had collected. A Red Cross tei given l-y Mr?. D. McTsvish on Tuesday of last week â- which netted the society $H :>'>â-  Miss .Xra.iuda McTavisb, who h»9 -spent a fortnisht with friends iuOwin â- Sound, returned home Saturday. The ice harvest is now in full swing and the harvest is of the best, 18 to 20 inches thick .if pure transparent ic«. The Methodist Ladies' .^id will give- their annual Irish supper on Friday, "March 16. Fuller patticularj liter. Mi»s Clara Duncan left Ia-.t week to spend a few days m Toronto before the millinery openings take place. Anniversary services will be held at Rock Mills on Sunday, March 4, morn inu and evening. Lecture in the church on Monday evenins;, 5'b. Mrs. Butler and family morei to town last week and took up their residence iu the home owned by Mrs. Wilcock and recently vacated by Mr. Henry. Miss Plewis has resigned as organist ot the Methodnt church and Mr. F. Lawndes princijial of Markdale public school, has boon engaged iu her place. Tuesday night of last week Duiidalk hockey tesui came up and pUyed a Fleiherton team on the rink here. Tho scoie wai 12-7 in favor of Fleshertott. Wilinmton Bros., Toronto, will he in Maxwull Wednesday Feb. 2S. Duiidalk Thursday Mar:h 1 an J Klesheiton March 2,to buy horses from 120«) llw.up and four "to nine years <'ld. The train Tuesday morning ran into It msn this side of <.)wen Sound. He was piokeJ up and the train leturncd to •ilwen Souna with him. It wiis thought no bones were broken. Tho lusu whisc name we could not learn, is siid tj In- dumb. The high school hockey onthusiiists are beginning to get iho measure of the Murkdale school bunch and are c miing â- cl'^se to the victory- mark. A little more practice may do the trick. On Kiiday night on the aiarkUle link tho Flesher- ton bi-ys pUyed a tie, the score bciiiL- :<-'!. Spring Hill Red Cro.ss will hold >heir weekly gathering on Friday evening if this week at tho home of Mr. Guy l»rr, Toronto gravel. 0( March 2 a social will be hold in th-J Red School. A s-hoit progiammo and play, "The Iron Hand," will lie given also rofieshinents served. Come and help a goo.l cause. Watch for further particulars next week. Mewrs. Uivid and Noi! Bell, of Ballinghair, Algou a, are among tl e litest to join the -USlh Battili'm. Th s â- iskes three brothers fi'oni this family who have enlisted iu the Grey Battalion, John having enlisted a few weeks ago. Thene boys are .sons of Mr. Neil Hi'll lud Hre all stiapping tine specimens of young manhood. Private Bob Cook, tho Wellington County "outlaw, ' who wa;* lot out of the "coop" to j'liu the forces, then deserted and joined another legiment and weut overseas, appears t> have been doing stood work f ir his country, and has been recommended for the D.C.M. Bob was a tighter from tho word go, but he will fight no more. In a recent battle his right hand was destroyed. The services in tho Methodist church on Sunday were of an unusually inlerekt ing nature. Mr. Wiokwaro, a letuineJ ui asiona y fiom ilie Belgianl'on«o,whMe he lived nearly sixteen years, oceupiid the pulpit morning and evoniug and gave '-very entertainini; and instiuotivo addresses. His desctiiiti'i'ii of conditious and nativa (.uionis in that part of Africa was listened to with deei> interest by largo conuregatioiis. l> wi>s missionaiy Sunday ui the oluiich and g od collections were taken. Mr. Wiokware also spoke Kfoie ilie Youi'a Tctfle's Society Monday evening. Mr. Chapman has sold his furniture bminess 1 a.-e to W. H. Bunt, from whom he purchased i: about tiftetn months ago. Mr,- Chapman left for Toronto on Saturday, where he will reside. Mrs. M. A. Armstrong received a telegram from N'ew Yi.rk, apprising her that her daughter, Mrs. H. M. UyUud, and li'.cle babe, were ill. Mrs. .Armstrong left by the following train and reached N'ew York last Frid»y mornai.!. H«:ses Wantedâ€" S. JacksoD and I. R. Schell will ba in Priceville an Ftiday, Feb. 23, Markdale Saturday 2-1, Flesh- erton Monday 2H and Hollsud Centre Tuesday the 27th to buy blocky horses fiom 5 to 10 years old. Kin.ber'ey skating rink, uuder the managemement of Mr. Hartley Lawrence will bold a carnival ou Friday evening of thi-* week, when a large list of good cash *nd other prizes will be givan. Doors open 7.;>0, c mpetition at 8 sharp. Admission 23 and 15 cents Mr. Roy Best has been unwell all winter with bronohitis but is able to be oat of bed ouce more. He was recently remembered by the Methodist church here and he desires us to th-iiik the orticials through The .\dvauce for a beautiful bou(|uet of Uowers vbich he appreciates very much Mendizabal â€" Dafoe â€" On Saturday, Feb. 17, at the home of the bride's parents, Madoc, t>nt., by the Kev. W. Tucker, Mary Wilheloiiua, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Dafoe, to Corp. A. R. Mendizabal, D C.N. Mis« Dafoe «im teacher in the Flesherton lii^b school and left a couple of weeks ago to nieet her attianced, â-  returned soldier. l).R.McKiun<m of Ceylon wis reported in the list of wounded last Friday. He U a son of Mr. Far[uhar McKinnon, R.R.I, Ceyl»u. , In a letter received I st week by hit parents he sotted that he had just c.inie out for a rest after tiftcen d.iys in the trenches. Evidently the casualty occurred shortly at'er his return 1 1 duy It is not known how seriously hd is wou ndod. I'olice Mngistiate Creas«r and Inspect- or Beck*! t of OwenSouid came down Friday morning last and ou a fi^rmtl l;?c..l inviiat on held a par'ey »ith two t>.-!prey citizens over a little matter of 'elling and drinking into.xicaiinu liquor. As a result of the interview .John English of Singh.auipton was lined ?2tX> and cos's for selling', and .Vle.xander Johnson §1" for imbit'ng. Then the l.>wen Sound minions of the Uw hied away home by the uoou trainâ€" a pleasant little outing of five or six h urs which netted the publ'c e.xchei^uer f'2\0 and expenses. I.i»t vicek a coup'e of the O.veii Sound p.'.pers gravely anniuiictd that the Eugenia hydro power h.ad frozen up â- ind tho power had been oti' f .t a couple iif days ! Tho faets are Ih.at one of the poles on the Uwen Sound line, 1| miles this side of Maikdalo. broke ott' and smaifhod the wires. Liuein.'Ui 1!. Welton had a ditticult piece of work cut cut for himself in mending thelreak. .\ new |iolo lisd to be taken up frc>in Flesherton and the sitale of the roads was such that this iu itself was a dithoult matter. Then it had to be euct.d in zero weitlicr and the wires connecteil up. The break occurnd at 4 a.m. Sunday mc)iiiing and it was U'^t until the following Tuesday evening that the juice was running once more. It was onl/ the Owen SoimJ line that was all'ectod. Somebody was jollying the Owen Sound papers, evidentlv. latttlion has to he a rare judge of men and their worth. It has been proven that the nicst successful gunner is chosen either from men of a mechanical rum of mind or men »ho have had ihe handling of men ftcd adairs. He is a mecbau'c liecause his ^UD >& a machine and needs the care ana attention of a machine which oftentimes will go wrong and will have to be fixed under trying circumslanceji. generally in the dead of night when the tease of couch guides him rather than his cyesigh'. He is a man with executive abilities because he has to see the need, grasp the oppor- tunity and cany on without orders or higher authority than hia own judgment. Each situation has its own problem and to solve it, no hard and fast lules exist. Lieut. Col. Rorke O. C. of the 24^J'h Greys believes that in Grey County he will be able to find en<u.;h mechanics and young business men to make the 248th Gun section the most exclu.-^ive and proficient gun section which ever left Ctnada. Battali in he^ulquarteis u very much ntereated in the case ot Cecil Barber. This young man offered himself as a r.-cruit to tho 24<jth but was turned down on account of a physical defect which could be put right by an operation. Dr. Jaoiieaon, j-., of Durham stepped forward and ctfered ais services free of charge The operitu.n was performed and the young man, anxious to do his hit, will so 'u be wearing the uniform of the Greys. Much time and thought have been put OD tho mattrr of a suitable band for *ha 24Sth Batt. At last we arc in a posiiion to amiounce that practices ars about to comnii'nce Lieat. Y'ule, who has the matter iu charge, has gotten together a number of first cUas bandsmen. Tne full es abliihmenc of tbe bacd numbers twenty and .is Mr. Y'ule has sixteen p'ayets at preseut tlure ia room for fcur more men, preferably those who play the reed instruments. The 9cldier's club for the out of town men of the 248th was -ipened last Friday nijjht by a smoker given by membeis of the Town Council. .\ gccllo number of 1 citizens were present with the soldiers I aud a real enjoyable evening was sptnt I iu music and sport. The canteen is open I now and all the wants '.>f a soldier can he ' supplied at prices next 1 1 cost. When the out of town boys com.: to Owen Sound they will tind in the club a "Home from dome." Are there any men in this district who have a feeling for the boxiuz ring ' The 24S'h are a.'raoging a series c. boxing bouts to he pulled vll" througliout the county. Eich recruiting centre will k;, asked tosupplj it Uo.xing representatives. They numiier nmongst their numbers a go.idly bunch of "wrappeti. " .Some gocd sp-irt is p- nii«rd. TO INVESTORS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT MAY PURCHASE AT PAR DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable 1st Ottober, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st .\pril and 1st October by cheque (free of'excliiiige at any chartered Bank in Canada at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchaee. HoIdfiTS of thiB stock will have the privilege of stirrendering at psjT and accrued intoresr, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotmeni made undar any future war loan issue m Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bilk or other like short date security. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commiasion of one-quarter of one prr fent will be allowed to recognized bond and stork brokers on allotments made in respect of appUcatioiu for thia stock which bear their stamp. For appUcation forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPASTMSMT OF FIN.\NCK. OTTAW.^ OCTOBER rth, 1916. HARDWARE Axes, Altiminuni Puiut, Dolts, Brushes, Brooms , Churns, Cutlery. Crockevyware, Door Locks aud Hinges. EDaa2elwarL\ Forks aud Shovels, Guns and Cartridges, Hockey Sticks. Pucks, IrOLS for whirfietrees Ku'vesâ€" all kinds. Lauterns and Lamps. Sails â€" all bizes. Oils and Colors, Paintsâ€"' SborwiD-William.j Piope â€" Plymouth goods. Sawff, Stoves and Skates, Toolsâ€" best makes. Washing Machines and Wire, Zeuoleam-Liquid and Insect Powder F. W. DUNCAN^ The FliishertOn Hardware. I pnone jQ ri. MJIKE YOUR DOLLARS FIGHT AX XHE FRONT, BUY DOIWINION OF CANADA TNRIEYMR War >jivinos CEirnricATES S 20.00 roR $.ai.OQ eo.oo •* -4-3. OO ioo.oo " se.oo INDIVIDUAL PURCHASES LIMITED TO JtSOO. FOR FULL PARTICUU^ARS APPLY AT ANY BANK OR ANY MONEY ORDER POST OFFICE JAN. 9, 1917 FltViAFsjOK DBP>ARTMCM-r Otxavx/ A 248th Battalion Notes Ihe annouucemext by Lieu'.- Hilliard Korke tint the Machine Gun Section I'f the 24Sth Batt. will soon be formed, opens up a new and intero.stiiiK field for recruits. 1. is necessary tor the impor- tant p:irt which a gun section holds in a b.ittalion, chat only men of I'erling edible be elected asi ^u â- <""â- Â»â€¢ tJeniral Turner V. C. once stated after a battle ou the Western ftont ''It surelj takes a atout tad to handle a Lewu gun." Never wa> a truer statement wnde for in all blanches of thij auny no better oi'portmiity is niven for th.< solJier to show his initiative and put iiUo practice tho^e traits which d stinguish him as a iiiiiii aiii"ni{ men. The Machino i(unij-.-r has to be col ui.dcr tiri>, he li:\s U< thiiiK coiivitly in a short .ipitce o; tiiiuv Nc set' nd chance IS ijiveii him. His b.>ll;i lion relics ui)ou him, and in the choosim . of Machii'.t Gun men the t». C. of t:,< J^ Odds and Ends ARTICLES FOR SALE ^^ ^ i-nHE ONLY MAN 4 -#^ A T For •s.ile cheaji and on ea.sy ti'rins. L^it 1;!. coll. 11, (.'sproy, 110 acres. This i.'- ;» tirst cla.sa farm and in a good suite of ciiltivatiiin. Good b:ink b.irii &ud n';w frame dwelling:. Apply to R. J. Sproule Flesherton WHO SHOULD ^ 'ii NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ ^ THEMANWHOSHAS ^ iC NOTHING TO OF- ^ ^ FER IN THE WAY ^ ii OF SERVICE AND 4 r^vib-^crilM Advance Legal Blanks For Sale â€" R. .J. Sproule keeps constantly on hand and for sule cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, Wills aud all other K'ual blanks. Any requiring such wdl tind it to their inter- est to give him a call. Kor Sale â€" Two-burner coajoil slovt with oven En(|uire at tlii.s tithce. Kor Sale - Two Shorthoru \^Ms, one 11 iiiunth.'* ai'd the other ti months. Also thite heifers from :J to II mouths ; and t> A t.". Oate, Nj. T'i, for soivl. All tbe i-attle are elitjible for roti*trition. â€" Jos. F lul'ev, Markdde. Phi-ue in connection. .M..rch 15. â€"SUCH A PERSON *| IS A DEAD ONE - ii WHETHER HE*| KNOWS IT-OR *J NOT. â-  i Eib rt Hubbard ^ in the Fra Forty Thousand Investors Hold Canadian Pacific Stock Cdiiiidiun Flolders .V..!c T'jtul "..'<>!. â- : iin',,i •</ 161 /'• r Cint. in Five Wars â€" r»iif<-..' S'-f>^ A lair-'i Mori Shares La<it Y'lir â€" .S'lWrm. »ir FurnisJiid bj D'tru II Sih; 'I i;Ji II • .ss •!. •-'.."00 MISCELLANEOUS Havins takoM over from H. B. McLean the W. G. I'lckcU Insurance lmsiii<"es, I am prepared '" lo.k after the interests of the public. Huah K. HHinmond, R. It. N.'.l Ceylon. .\i;ent. Phone 2 r 2. I Aug. Tiy Ft'versli.un Pastry Flour, the best for your coi^k. All tiiitkrio wheat. If you want a i(ood piano or any other musical iiietrumen', c»ll or wiito .). C, Kciitner, .luisic dealer aud photo arti.sf, .M HI k dale. MASSEY * HARRIS ' IMPLEMENTS Younx loan to learn bnlierinsf, or impiuver, w.in»ed at once. -T. Fisher, Flesherton. Private funds tu loan ou ri>al e>tate j security at re-asonablo ratH of in'erest. .Vpply to K, J. Sproule, Flesherton. st'pt 23 Hiiihest price for butter and eef(s at (iriiham Uroa. Euxenia. Juno 20 Tlie litest j;rsfonola record.i for sale. iSot^dles 25c per IW. Tbo Advanco. This fanu'Us make of iiui'louients i> well known nil over the ci'Uiitry am' their own nood work is the best recom- mendation they cin receive. If yoo require anythinu iu the lino of l?indei'>. Mowers, Seed Drills", Cultiv.iiors, Pulp ers, Pl.uvN, Sleiyhs, Waimons, Cream i Separators, Harrows. Hollers, Cutting i Bo.tes, Ensilage Cutter", (.iasoline c". | sjiiies, Sawini; outtils, etc, give us s' chance to qnutc prictv.. Cansdiau Paciiir Kailnay. .lattiiiirY. Total niiuiber r.f tommou srjcA- ll»ll. holders â€" In all counuies La L'ana.la Per«»ntagf> ot couimoii stoo'iihoUors inâ€" Great Britain Canada Culled States Germany France Otber countries t. How ihf lomnion stoek of tbeiara illan Paelflc Railway is hold has ;•.! wavt! been au Interesting; study. Dur- 'Ag the yast few years there has been ♦^siderable rhange In the grouping of th« holdings. Baron Shaughuessy, president of the railroad .onipany. has on various oocasious furnished Th'- Vonrtarij Tmii's with fl^tui-es .^howir;; In what c-o'iiiiries tho stock is held and to what extent, and also an analysis of the shareholders' list as it stood on Ootaber 1st, llMtj. This 13 oomi>ared with previous analyses in the above table. J I! no, Viriust, Octoher, l!»i:l. lai.i. I'Jlti. ::."i.) 40.ii;s tO.JST «.531 6y r 6i1"'r ij.'.S.S' f 49. ia"* !>.tr: i.'.">~r i:;..;i.""o io,;3"* i» •"â- '.''â- ;• i'i.4.'"c io.3:r"i aiis** lo •-• l,Vj 5..i.!'"<, •â- >.,t4'^» '>'"'' '•>'' .â- "j.liS'i .i.8J'«i » John Wright, - Agent Flesherton i House For Sale or Rent I'riek Hoisefor8«!e or rent in the viil^e i.f F'csl.erton. For parliculars apply lo I). T. WHUJHT. Jaiiltt lino Punilalk. For Service I For service on 1 )t 1'2, con. 9, tSiupy. i one purebred ^hon hern Hull. Terms l.oO. Also one pure bred Wirkshire, IJnar, Terun 8l.(^'. .All accunt-i iiiu^t j be paid to FUED TYLKR, Manauer. | â€" I Sepi For Service ( 1 Cue pure bred Shorlhon Pmll on K.t .>>, con. 5*. .\rleaiosia. Tonus SI Clt for| j urade*. Must le piiJ within !l inot'.tl.s from date I'f servitSe. , i llJin. 17 - U. V. TlUNKll. ! It must be borne In mind. In an iilyzlni; the figures that the capital stock of the Canadian Paciflo Rail- way has been increased several times during the i>erlod under review as I'ollows: In November. 1909. when $3i).0O0.iX» of additional stot-k was allotted at 12,'i, the amount of stock outstandiiw was $180.i>Oi),Oi>t>. That would be the amount of stock held by the 24.(i(X) shareholders in .Tanuarv. ; 11^11. A further block of $l8,t)00,0()0 ! wad allotted In .lanuary, 1913. at l.iO; > $2,tX)O.O0i) was sold during 1912 at a premiutn of $2,S6t).831.80: and $60,- 00(>,Oi)0 was allotted at 175 In Janu ary. 1913. In June. 1913, Augujgt. 1915, aud at the present time, there-, fore, the full $2tiO,t><)0,000 of stock has been Issued. ^ In a little moro than four ye>ars the nuTub^r of shareholders had inorcas- i Cii "24.41)8. or over ,M per cent. Last ;ear tbore was a small decrease in, the number. In the past few years a remarkable changje has ocourred In tho number of holders. \Vherc.\s lhre<* years ago there were 27,ooo, "â- 'J-:; of !â- 'â- Â» cinunon slock, there «..-•» i'l !.'!."> t 1.4 !<. an increase of K!.4o8. or 4:) per cent. Last year, tha number dropped to 40.2S7. but still â-  pood record. Tht>se fljtures seem to Indioata thai the so .ailed small In- vestor has been in the market during the past thr>?e ye,-jrs getting Canadian Pa<Mf1o Railway stock, the large liold- li:g.s having b.-^n sold to some extent and pl.Hed i:p by small investors. Th*" Increase In the niimbtr of !iol<l« ers was probably made to a large de- gree during thp latter part of 1915, bj those who had faith In the strength of the coiniiany and the maintenanc* of the 10 per o«>nt. dividend Thl» faith was rewarded. The cumber of t'anadlan holders has Increased ovep ".til i>er cent. In the last four years, and now stands at '),.>31. This is an excellent showloig; for a ooiintry which lias done more borrowing than in- vesting. Tho number of holders in Great Britain In 1915 was larser than two years previously, but smaller than In 1911. Great Britain probably sold t* th« Cnlted States last year. Tli« French and Gernvan holdings h«T« dropped considerably. The volume of shapes held by Cnlted States inv«9<; tors Is not very large, only lt).3d p«q cent. In 1915. a record which waa beater by Canada, which then heM I3.t54 per cent, of the total. Th« CtUtod States total has been incr«M-, fd moat likely by purchases laat yeUL from Great Britain. The figures In rf>gard to G«rmanA fire of unusual interest. In .ianuary, 1911, and .Itiae. 1913, German hold- ings were 10 per cent. This flgur«i tas beea reduced 90W to 5.34 per ceaV \

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