Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Mar 1917, p. 8

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'J March 1 1917 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCK BUSINESSCARDS AUCTION SALE Societies BBIBOa ABTHUR LODGE. No. SSi.A.V.A K A M. DiMti in tb* MasODie hkll. Arm tnwc'B Hlo«k KlMbertOQ, averr Kridaj on Ixrior* tb* fall mooD. T. Uonry, W. tf. H.W. Hiokliog, Bacntair. <'HOHKN KllIE hDt-Kl.il«tl(U Coutio CbOMD Krieodi :ut mtett in Cl<>trii'a| Hal tnt and tblid W'edncrdaT o' etch inoiitb a ttp.m. Fay aUBcimeDti to Kicordtr on o before tbe flret day of each luoutb. Cbie <v>uDcinor, W. II. BuDt; Itecorder. Mrf.'L. A. Kiiber. Dentistry l\r B. C MURRAY L. D. 8 , dental aorgeoD V bcnoi'KTaduate of Toronto Uoiveraity and Kvyal College of Dental 8urKeona of Ontario, Oaa adailiiniatered for teeth extraction fflce at roaidence, Toronto Btieet. Fleabertou. Medical JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Burgeon Jradoate of Ontario Veterinary Collage raaidence â€" lecond door aoatb weatioo kary atreet. Tbit atreet rant oatb Preabyteriao Cbareb. R. D. Lane, M. B. Physician and Surf^eon. and Chas. E McLean, M D. C M, Specialty â€" Surgery, Midwifery <S: Women's Diaeascs Okfu Ksâ€" Kleaherton, Lal« I)r Cartfr's I'riccYille, Saue &b Hefore Hovnaâ€" 10 au toI2 ani, -2 to 4 SO & 7 to 8 p m at each office r.r McLean vill be at KlPfihertou ofTioe Moa- daya and Tburajlaya ; otfer da}a and nichta Dr. Labe. ( hargps luado from nearest rSlcc. Telcpboui} in each cfSce for night and day. Vp-todate dru^g Btote in conrectiuii nitli Priceville office. Legal I CCAB. KANEY & hENKY-Barrliitora. '-' SoUeitora.etcâ€" I. K. LucaH, K. C: W. K, Kaney, K. C. ; W. I). Henry, H. A. Offices, forooto, H06-9 Tiadora Baulc Uldg., phone main 141S; Markdale Lacaa block. Pbone 2 A. Braneb office at Oundalk oi>8D every Saturday. or RIGHT. TELFORD ft UeDONALD " Barriiter, Bolicltora, 4c. Officea, Orey * Krnca Block, Owoo Hound. Standard Bank Block, Fleabarton. (Salurdaya). W. H. Wright, W. K Tallord Jr. J. C. McDonald. L. L,. B. Bi'SiN&s,s Cards V OtJLLOUOH * TOUNO ' Backeia Markdale Geaaral banking bualceea . Mouay loaued at retkaoDable rata* Call ou aa. DMePHAIL, LIcenaad Auotionee for the * OoQDty of Orey. Terms moderate and *alia action guaranteed. 'I he arraiigemeiita and dates of lalss cau be made at Thi Aptaucc office. Besidauceasd P.O., (eyluu. Telephone couDactloti. Dec. 0, 07 ryM. EAITTINU, icenaad Auctlooaer foi ^' tba ooODtiea of Urey and bimcoe. tarto aad Htuck aalea a specialty. Tsrwa moderate, aatisfaction guarautted. Arrauf^e- ujenta for dalea may be made at the Adrsuce office, or Central telerfaone olllce heTershaui or by adtlraaaini me at PaTsrabam. Ont Boar For Service Pure tjre<i \ orkwhirr \ynLj fur t**r\ icr at llie lIvRae farm, near Oylon. Tcrnisâ€" ♦! .» f mala aeivol. INov. -J K. CULM.NSON STOCK FOR SALE Tamworlb Swipe, Dairod Plymouili iiocks, Ruueu Duckd. I liate fur quitU »alf wiiue liii r vnuiK .Siiwii rracljr f'>i loerdlnK, a few good B H.CvvkfJcU and Buuie gu<><1 (tuucn l>ucka ainl Prakea. I'ric-a riRhl Phone nt wright â€" GKO. W. RO.SS, (Jctl»l«i Oaprey TU .Hyst^ui. Maswfll, PO Farm For Sate T..JI !»>«, Aid N.RT. « S.R.. Arleiufaia â-  IP utainin* f>0 acrea, clean ami under g'lod cultivation, flix'd buililingK, good well, wril watered. Small utchard. It M.I». Thrf* iiiiira from Kle»hBrl4iii. .\|>|ily fm P'if'' »n I terniK to the owner, -JOHNbL.ACKIU'KN. Kleahfrton P.O. 1 No» " (;1IU,S W.ANTKU Kor <)lli-Jii work ti> till tlio |il«ce(« of int'li who hnw kiphh or .»ii! ^oiii.< lo ihe Kiiml. V.niiin women can 1 1 i.dtr ilie I'ounliy ie»l aiTvii'i . I re|<(iiiii({ to i»Li! liDcitionf i.i 1 II.', uiil <.llicK«, Speciiil coumes Miininu in Uwokkoepin'/, .SIio.il,.i d ami al olliei Oiiinincici.il » ject.s m.w ill ficurcna. Si .idnntH ndiiiiileil H> Any liini*. Illii-tialcd •"il.t- lojjue free. / X â-  "^ I,iMrri:i>. OWKN SOlM), ONT. C. A. FLEMING, Principal Of Farm Stock, linpleiiient», etc. The ut)d*r»<gncd auetinneer haa reeaived inRtruclioHH from Wni. McArthur to sell liy public auction at lots lU and 11, oon. 4, Arieniecia, nn KlUDAY, M \UCH 2nd the following chattels, Tiz : 1 mare, ri^inif 4 yrs .heary ; tc^m hrary geldin){s rising 4 yrn., Kvn?r4l purpoHe colt rising '.\ yrs., 10 good ewea, ;j sor"* nupposed to bi in pig, 7 pi(?8, 'A monthii old ; Regii- tured Durham cow, supposed to bu in calf; pure bred Durham heifer, rising 1 yeiir ; 2 new milch cowii, rising 6, twins ; cow rising D yearn old, calf si foot ; 11 steers, rising 2 ye»rs old ; 6 heifers, risinic 2 yrs old ; 4 heifers, rltiiiiK 1 year old ; i calf, 4 months old ; Maastty- Harris binder, nearly new ; Peter Uainilton mower, nearly n^w ; MoCorinick cultivator ; I'eter Hmiiilton harrow, 15 bull ; I'eter Hamilton cutting box, n<ivt ; soed drill, new bu);ey, scuffler, turnip sower.puloer, wagon, double plow, (iiiglo plow, sleigh, hny rack, wagon box, Standard creaiii separator, household furniture, forks, chains nnd other anicl cs loo numerous to mention Everything must be sold as the proprietor h.is enlisted. Sale at 1 o'clocd sharp. Tkiois- All sums of to and under, caah ; over that amount, ten months' credit will be i,'i»en ou approved joint notes, or »i 'l per annum off for cash in lieu of Hoes. WM. McAfU'IRR, D. McPHAlL. Proprietor. Auctioneer. Victoria Corners R. J, COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Aftent for llie Cockshiitt flow Cos Full Line of Farm Implementi Wagons, Buggies, Oulloi.'^, Kleiglia, and (JHHoliiie Kn:>iiie!<, MeloUe (.'ream •Sepiirutois, linker Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping and Pipe Fittiiias iilwsys on hand. D«slty liruH'. of Kiirpus, Bnrii Tracks, Litter (^krriers and sittblo flltinKS. Ciickshuit and Frost iV Wond Repsiis alway.s on Innd Fw^rt^am, - Ontario Credit Auction Sale Of farm stock and implementi. The underaigaed haa been instructed by Fred Stuart to sell by public auction ou Lot 2, . Cod. 4, Euphrasia, one mile south of Kimherley, on ! FRIDAY, MAUCH 9, 1017 the f.illowing valuable articles, namely : I Marri, 8 yetre old, driver ; Colt, rising 4 ' years old ; Cow, due February 2S ; Cow, due March 10 ; Cow,due August 15;Cow, I due April 8; Cow,due March 25; n cows, due March and April ; Heifer, 2 yrs. old, supposed to be in calf ; 2 heifers, rising 2 ' years old ; 7 tteers, rising 'J years old ; j 2 steers, rising 3 years old ; 4 steer<<, I rising 1 year eld ; Heifer,riRing 1 yr.obl; ' Polled Angus Bull, 1 yr.old, 1 Jan. 1917; I 40goodewe8,allsupposcJ to he with larob; I Massey-Hairis mower, nearly new ; I Massey Harris seed drill, wagon, deroocra*, ! faunini; mill, disc harrow, Wilkinson ; plow No. 7, set harrows, set of platform I scales, stock rack, good hay rack, set of heavy harness, set of plow harness, forks shovels, cant hooks, chains, and other I articles too numerous to mention. Sale I to ccmnience at 1 o'clock. KverythinK mu.st bo sold as the owner has no further use for them. Tk.rm.'*- All sums of >5 and under, cash ; over that amount, nine months' credit will be given on approred joint notes, or 5 ' per annual ofl' for cash in lieu of notes. FREDSTIAUT, WM-KAllTING, Proprietor. .Auctioneer. Intended for Last Week Mrs. Jaiiiss Stinsun is visiting her sister at Buffalo and ft leads at Toroiilo. Sir. .)ohn Abbot from the West vitsilccl ..t Milton hannon's. Mis Dixon visited at Mr. Laidlaw's. Mrs. George Nesbitt aud two children frjiii the West visited at W. (jallaghar'l. Mr. Woods of Corbetfon is to take charpe af Inistioge circuit until Mr. Madden it alle to be around again. Mr, Lvi Haw of Shtlburne viiiited bis brother, .liiiios Ltidlaw, and Mr Uraocy of .Shelturns visited his sister, Mrs. LiidUw, Uit week. Increased Food Production A Snoeesafal OrgaiiiJMr. Mr. S. A. Armstrong, fho for many years haa been Aaeiatant PrS- TlncUl Secretary in ctiarge of tbe llOBpitals Vid prisons of Ontario, baa been transferred to Ottawa to be- come Director of ttie Military Hoipl- tals Commisaion of Canada. Utider Hon. W. J. Hanna Mr. Armstrong has had in band the impoi-tanl work of prison reform la Ontario alone with tbe reorcanisatiOQ of the hospi- tals (or the insane, and was instru- mental in the development of the large Industries connected with the reformatory at Guelpb, which with the adjoinlnc farm has ftoabfed tbe Province to carry on a work of prison reform that has made Ontario a name to be conjured witli tlie world orer. In becoming Director of Mili- tary Hospitals Mr. Armotroag will bring to bear upon this Important branch of Canada's war organization tbe pxperienre that baa been so suc- ceasful In Ontario. Not only will the eincieacy of hospital manacemoni be increased, but the benefits of the most approved methods of treatment will b« arailaMe for the 8oldt«ri who i«i«ra to Canada. <^ i A sn iwbaiik was used by a iliirtty cilixea of .Stra'ford a^ a dapoaiioiy for a bottle of whiikey. It wide a complete re'r'geialor but whea lis pleaded to briiif under the iufluenct of liipior ind told the court that he had secured a "lie«r of a bottle of li'juor fioin a friend «tli.i was golii:( tlirou;{h the city, later hidiu(; it In the snow, ho le^t liimirif open for another charge, that of havi>-g liipior in o'li>!i than liis pi!v>i>t> dwelling hou<-o On llie first chariji) lio wits lined 910 -ixd cosIn. On llie second he also |>teA lu I kuilty and wa« lined 9'illO and cos's, or I hive months ill jail. H« is serviuir the t'liio. In order lo assist in meeting the shor- tage of foods: ulfs, due to war conditions and the unfavourable season .if 1*J16, those teachers who are now tiiving instructions in agriculture and horticul- ture in the Provincial schools should arrange as fir as practicable to grow plants of food v.tliie in school gtrdeiis and to reduci) correspondingly the space hitherto devoted to (towers and dcioratire shrubs. With the s*me object in view, the home garden projects should be en- larged and modified and extensive use made of vacant lots and other unoccupied areas. In this way advantage might bo taken of the potential labour of boys and girl* from right tc hfteeu or sixteen, much of w hich in the ordinary course of events ia not utilized. Iiifpeelors might also take advantage of present conditions to enlarge the scope of agricultural education in Ontario and lo drinonslr^te more fully the impor- tant beating wbioh agriculture has upon the welfare of the jieople, by using their influence to induce School Boards which have Dot yet established classes in agri- cull uio to undertake this work anu to utilize tbe school garden or home gaidrn as recommended above. If, iiidrcd, the urUan municipalities in Ontario baring it population of from ICOO to 1)<H)0 would double the piescnt produc lion of their g'irecns and poultry yards, and u<e, aa rec immended aliove, the vacant lots and o'her unoccupied areas, it wi uld incr ase the load prnduels of Ontario by $10.000,iJt)0 at a very conier- va'. iv.? CilcuUtion. Uoys and girls cannot be expected to figut, tui by assisiing ill increasing the supply of foj-Jslutt's, thsy also can be of great service. -K. A. PVNK, Miiiistri of Kducatiun "* Useful Briwhes. Brushes have been invented for yollahlng either stoves or shoes that have a reservoir, controlled by a valre, to feed polish to tbe biistles. Vlsllkes the Whites. An Indian tribe in Bolivia shuns the whites and lives as In tbe stone age, making tools and weapons of stone, bone, and wood. C.P.R. Solicitor Killed in Action THE Canndlno Pacific Hall way has low another of 1 1 .'• valued servanl.^ at the front Limit., .las. Mc Naught, a Soolcli man hy lilrtb, was tino of Ihe com- jiany's Rollcllora, with f!i r o In Montreal, and liliS death was recent- ly reported In the casualty list. Lieut. MrN'aiiKtit vag ono of lh« most popular nlli- rials of tho C. V. IX. lie wasj born a t Walkorlnirn, Scotland, tblily ♦ VirtM) years H(;o, aiid came to Can- uda In l!iOr>, aftd tluallfylnK as a po lloltor In I'.diii burgh. Shorllv after his arrival he Joined tbe law de|iartmeiit of tho railway company. Ill.s ablllllea were l.teiiT. Jas. M(N.ai-oiit. * quickly aiipreclatcd by those In hlRher authority, and bis elforts were rewarded bv a riroinotlon as Analstant Solicitor on .Ian. 1st, 1912. It was iinnrly tliree years aft< rwsrds that I. lent. MtNaiiKbt was made one of the Bolleltors of the C. P. R., but when the war broke out, like many other Scotchmen, he bad Ihe ligbtlng fever. He comnic.noed his training with ♦ he Metilll Haltallon In tbe Buinnier of IStlfi. On Nov 17th, the same year, fifl went bark to Senlland and enllatod for active ncrvlee In the Roval R(''Ot« as a iirlvalp. He trained all through the winter until June. liUfi, â- when he was selected to take nn offlcor's training course. Mont. Mo- Nanght bad no difficulty In qii.illfyinK. and In October last he was ap. pointed to the 2n(l Halt Royal Soots, and went to tbe froAt about the lie- (Innlni; of Decembur. iU viau ua the Soiume trout and was killed oa January 7th. - - -» â€" •>â€" â€" If Your Boy Thinks of Enlisting Don't Stand In His Way It's a big sacrifice for you to give him up ; but make that sacrifice that he may face the future with all the ad- vantage ot a clear conscience before all men. Don't weigh him with the handicap of not having gone to help his comrades when they called for his assistance. Help him to play his part. He'll be a credit to you and a credit to himself The 248th Greys is your own Battalion. There' s a recruiting office near you. 248TH GREYS OFFICER COMMANDING : Lt.-Col. J. Hilliard Rorke. Mottoes Made la GeniMBjr. The Laifiii; Moaeum is comptWiac a collection of metteea of the leadins 0«rinaa eoMmanders, which 1* to Ni paMtatie<l shortly. Oeaersl von St«la« tbe new Prussian Minister of War, (iTW aa bis rautto: "It is more ia- portent than all else to bear qnletlr. to aet in silence, and to help unself- tihlj." Admiral Scbeer, commander ot tbe High Seas Fleet, says: "The war aim of the Gerokaa fleet Is tb* freedom of the seas." Prince Henrr of Prusala wrote: "For the rifbt people at the right time the rifbt man la the right tiaarrel." General Ton Woyraeh says: "Germaay in- rtaclble â€" that is my lalth, firm as a rock." Von Bissing, Mackensen, vott Beseler, and many other quote Scrlp- ttire to the effect that they trust U Ood. ^ Necklace Worth Fortime. As the reault of five minutes' bid- ding, which started at £10,000, tho sum of £25,600 was paid for a pearl necklace at the groat pearl sale con- ducted by Debenham, Storr and Son. says London Chronicle. The pur- chaaer was a dealer â€" Mr. S. H. Har- ria â€" and he secured what was d<»- acrtbed in the catalogue as "a match- less necklace of 45 superb pearls or remarkable size, perfect shape, eou» and match, and ot beautiftil •ym- metry of graduation, weighing 917.- J6 grs." Tbe collection and maten- ing of the pearls are said to haTe «- cupied a period of upwards ot 21 years. For other ropes of pearU; £9,800, £4,050, £4,600, £5,000, and" £3,150 w ere paid. . , Green rniforms Used. British hospital surgeons haTO adopted green uniforms in place of the long-used suits of white. Tho hospitals also are being fitted m green. The color is said to be lees trying to the tyes of both patient aad doctor. Fa rm to Rent Lit.:!, con. 11, Artenies'm. lOU acres, Kood (rsme barn and liuu*e and uO'd uich.ird, kno«n at the Andrew Graliim fnr.n. Ap,j|y fui pitrticulars to tbe underji«nrd. \V. J. TALBm*. 1 April J 7. Fleiherton, WANTED NOW Reliable Saiesmaa to act as \gent in Grey Ceunty Pay weekly, outtit free, exclusive terri- tory and iiioiiuy niakini( si>eci«lties. Our ag4iicies are the beat iii the businrsi foe «o sell he hiubest gra 'e of ituck 5t most reasonable prices and g Mr^iiteo * deliveries in tii'81 dasi condition. Nui-« ery stock is selling well this year and good money on be made in this dirtrict. Cor particulars write Saiks Ma.vvi^rk. Pelham Nursery Co. Toronto FARMS FOR SALE "^ For sale ur rent for |{i-azing, lot X>, t'liii. i:i, and part of lots 'M and 85, con. 14, A!t<>iuesia, 181 acres nitire or leas known sthe'Cocper farm. Will lerit for pasture albia season, or take slock iu by the mon th. This is a .splendid grain and: grazing farm, well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber and cedar aad bIm>iid 90 acres ht for uultivatmn. It is well worth the atlentinn of stock luen. Willi sell for revson%ble raith |>aynient, balauoo easy term.H. Apply to R. J. Sproule, JulyOtf fleaheitoD, t>..t. Public Notice Take notice that %'A persons are li.'re- by forbidden Ire8|ias8ing un, jr dumping any rubtiish nn, or taking, s«nd, gravti, earth or oiher mailer oti Park lot known as Ih* Kleshtr sand pit, iu Flesbf rton, cuntainiux about two acres, as all persona tr.'spasaiiig i>r cmniuittiiig any wai'e or removing anything therefrom, on .iiiy psrt of the Klesher estate in and srnuud Kleslierton Village, will be pros- ecuted Booiilim; to law. DR. T. .S. >PKm-LE. July U Kxeculor for the Estate School Children's Eyes. <. t Many lives have been mineo through neglected eyestrain in childliood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special stud} of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. % Consultaticn free. . W. A. Armstrong:, Boar (or Service rh.> inulorsisiiiid hns a tlioiuiiylD^ed Y'lrkshiio Itoar for service on lot U.oon. 8, 0,Hprey. Terms 11.00. I KUKUSPOFFAUD. Farm for Sale I.i.tLT, (. ...i S. O-Hpri'v. i.l„.ut t..itv »ii«H^ eU'jired, the Wtancv nui-ilv bi.id.i od lush ' vW watered Thin farm unist bii sold to wind 11(1 ail chtat* .AjipJy -\VM W THOMVyON. A<tmiiii8trat,.r, , l'*'!!! Siugbaii.ptou, RK' "

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