Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Mar 1917, p. 1

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- â-  â-  -t .t "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN.' ^^ 01 :3tJ No. 44 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, Xlarcli 'J~:, 101 i W, H THUBSTON ^,°7phopeib '. U \ -Ceylon Chat ifieathcote Gossip \. Mr. iind Mri. Frank Cairns returned Saiurday froBi visitinjj fricuil.s at Toronto Port Dalhouaie, Duii Alliston. They %vi!l icsideuce on Cairns' i i.^u. ^'^ Miss I. Osborne, Maxwell, James Pattison's. We are sorry to report Mr.<!. Gilchri&t i;i. The Willing Heipir-s have just packed another supply of eoiiifort.s and sent to theboys at the front on Monday evening. Mijs lluby Stoue ieft Saturday for Toront,> after spending s fortniu;ht under the parental roof. Miss Marj;aret Ferguson left Thursday list to spend â-  couple of nionthi in the city. Mefsrs. Kofeolt and <,>ir shipped a car of turnips to Toronto this week. Mrs. Beiinett arid daughter, Ethel, Lave returned from Corbetton. Mrs. Fisher, wh > hi< been visiting her mother, Mrs. D. McLeod, rtturned Friday to her home iu Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Arrowsinith of Durham visited with the latttr's sister Mrs. A. MoMullen, <m Monday. Walkerton j\Vhile coming ftunie from John While- i's farm, west of NValkert'jn,^Satur- d*y night, James Hyslop received a vt-ry bid scurauj^had what he coDsideud a horribly w<se cal'. There was a bail like fire burst about one huMri>d yard? fioni the horse, and the light spre^i 1 from fence to fence and lit up tlie road f.>i a <iii.trtei of a mile ahead of him. A noise rcK-iob- ling thunder was cau:ed from the Lursting o! the ball. The horse squealed ^nd then reared up and fell, and ic was some min- utes before it revived again sutficient to proceed. The beast was rendered »ea- •icit by the ati'air and would scarcely touch fodder next day. A Greenock township merchant, who ordered a barrel of stLs for cattle, h:4d,ir seems, a barrel of ealt-petie shipped to him instea^, and not discovering the mistake tha merchant retailed it to his far- mer patrons for the h«rm!es< salts, with the result that there is cori-iidtrable de- struction among the CJttlc in that section no less than six head being reported kill- ed to date. A qu-mtily of the »t jff has been sent away to be analyzed and an investigation is being made into the nH'.iir. â€" Bruce Herald and Time.s Auction Sale Too Lute For Liut week Mrs. James Rict> &f Michigan, U.S.A., is visititia with ner brother, J. Gardner, this v»eek. Ptes. Charley llcXiulty auu Arthur Maofaey have ci>mraeaojd a rccruitinsr oti'ce IU the village. The Heathcote Women 3 Institute held their monthly meeting at the home ofMrs. (Dr. ) McKee on Thursday Us', March 1. There was a large attendance. Mrs. Ja'nes Uorke aiid ton, Harold, visited wuh their friends m Markdale last ween, ere thcii departure to Braudon. .Mr. John Pratt of Toronl'),acconi|jan- ied by Mr. Ecjies, visited with friends here the end of the week. Recruiting is very slow in ili, villai^tf. The boi .social held in the village hall on Friaay evening under the auspices cf the ReU Cross and liall coniuii:tee was a splendid success. About $10' I was received. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Milue are with • heir S'>Q John of Thornbury, who is ill, Vandeleur Happenings Many of the friends and neigh bi is cf Mr. and Mrs. G-.orge Bowies met a: the h )ine of S. J. BowU") on Wednesday evening hut and presented them with a hiudsomechair as a token of their esteem, Mr.Bowles has .sold his farm in the valley to his brothjr, S. J. Bowles, and with his fimily is moving this week to his other firm on the West B.ick Line. We wi»h them success in their new home Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, of McKellar, aKeudedthe funeral of the formers sister, Mrs. John Holley. Another old re.sideiit .if th.s ueiglibi r- hood has passed away iu tiie person of Mis. John Holley, who died at the home of her son, Jacob, on Thursday night after a brief illness. Deceased spent most of her iife 111 this neighborhood and wi^h her husband helped to form this school section. Sne was of a quiet, innoffen3ive[disposiiion|-»nd did her c'uties faithfully and well. Besides her aged husband she Icives a family of eight sors and one daughtei. '''he sympathy of this neighborhood goes out to the family m their sorrow. The funeral took place to the Meaford Ri aJ ceweterv on ;Sunday and was largely attend<;d. Eugenia Paragraphs Dave and Riiy Oenoe left Thursdiiy for the West. W. G. Graham is still under the d'JC- tor's care but is slo»ly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Sioan uf Flesheitin have been visiting Mrs. AUx. Cameron. Mrs. Wilson ai;d .*i>:', Gordon. •,{ Kiiuberlcy spent last week with her daughter, \Irs. I'red Jauiieson. Sam .Murphy's sale Friiay was well attended. Prices were good. Mr. Murphy and family are loavini; Tuesday f )r th-3 West. Fred Pedlar has purv.hi.s.d â- \ new driving horse. Sir. Clark, of Owen Sound, ^pent a few days with Mr. Fied Pedl"r. Wc congrafjlate Mr. and Mr«. Waller Ru.sscll oil the arrival of a boy. Mr.CardGrihamatlended the iniilnory opening m Toronto. Sandy ILiy h:is enlisted in the l'4.Sth. All our yi ung men are leaving Kugenia. Those who are not enlis'iu;.; .irt going West. Ribeit McMaster of Toront.i tlie week with his wife and f im Iv Mis.j G. Siuitli has returned Featured in This Issue :n [Moturp form. Doings of the Duffs. The Fashions. .V--.vi-.«t :d.-u.-> in \V.>rT-n'.s Wear. Farm Crop Queries. iJuestioHs answsreil by ri-.jf, Henrv Housewife's Corner. Te.Htcd Re^-ipes an.l Heliiful Hints for the Iju.sy Housewife. Seriiil Story. Your Problems. .V '.question and An-iwer Deparsment lor Women. eweiry J. W. Bates, PLSSiJeir l- JL'i ec: B. Maddock, Miii.g,- â-  ^i Kltiijalriie 1 24 Avenue Road,ToroRto Telephone Hillcrest 268 M t .rKmi^r..! r.ir^anJ Lim. •jm,,- 'V-ll.et.;iy at -aMie.jost'-a.s Hoi,,. â- Irnvn vehicles. Pithy Proton Pointers (â- pent ids Tlie fro'in Executors' Credit .Vuclu>;i Sale of Farm Stock, liiipleiuent'. etc. The undersigned lias been instructed to sell by publii- auction ou Tuesday, March 27, liUT, on lot 1, con. 4, Town- *Sil'ii>^)t Euphrasia, at the residonco of the late John J. Martin, the following farm stock, Mnplcments, etc â€" Span marts 10 years old, span mares ti years old, horse 7 years o'd, heavy in&re cotl rising â- '! years old, heavy horso colt rising " years oil, aged m.'jre supposed to be in foal, milch cow 8 years old supposed to be in!calf, cow li years old suppo.sed to be in calf, steer rising '2 years old, heifer lisina 2 years old. bull rising iyeus old, heifer 14 months o'd, 4 head young cattle vising 1 year old, calf six months old, brood sow ttiie to farrow in .April, li P'gs 4 months old, 4 ewes and 3 ewe lamls, all supposed to bo in lamb, sx foot cut Deerin« b'nder, Ma.sscy Harris mjwer, hay rake, new wagon, good wsgoo, new luggy, democrat wagon, stoning machine, two fiiirow plow, single furrow plow, set harness and a lot of smaller articles too uutneroiu to men- tion. Sale to commence at I o'clock p. in. sham. Termsâ€" SIO and under.civsh ; over that i> mon'lis' credit on appioved joint notes, or a discount oil" notes of ."> percent, in lieu thereof.â€" R. J. Sproule and Charles Martin, Executors. - D. McPHAIL. Auctioneer. Holstein Bull For Service /VlthoronghVuvil llol.sti'in Ivill for .lorviceoii lots 1S3 llS4 S.W. T. & S.R., .\itemeaia: clo.s- cly iflated to the world's i.liiniv>ioii I Upwind eow. Tonus: SI oOfor grades, .SC).(HI for puro brcds. IJnlvi:. â€" CKK, M(H>KK>t S.m. Public Notice Take notice that i\.\ persons are here- by forbidden trespassing on, "v dumping any rubbish on, or taking, sind, gravel, earth or other matter otl" I'ark lot known as thrt contai trespassing ipmoving anything therefrom, on any part of the FleshT cstato in and around Flesherton Village, will be pros- ecuted accoiding to la'v. DR. T. S. SPROULK, July "Executor for the Estate Hatherton Tl;e .'led Cross concert, which was held ill Iheschoolhouseon Wednesday the Uth. was a decided success, despite the unfav- orable woatlicr. There was agi>od crowd and a splendid proijrani. The patriotic choiuses by the school children were e.xcellent. Ucv. Ulackwell .uid Mr. ( ). Ni\oii showed .about 7'> ciirlion vi>»s of the war on a lar"e canvass which were both interesting and instructive. Lieut. Price. I returned soldier.who was present, gave a very interesting address on the life of the soldier in the tretches and other interesting features of the war. He 8^)oke for a few minutes on the rccruiciiig (luestiou iu a very gentlem inly way. Pte. George Gilphillan was also present. Twenty- two ilollars and twenty cents were taken in at the door. Miss Prentice, school teacher, uinde it the even #25.00. While hero Rev.Blackwell, Mr.Xi.{on, Lieut. Price and Pto.Gilphillau were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Down. Harold Loughc'd, who has been in Toronto since Christmas, returned home last Friday. He intends going West for the summer. Messrs. Isaiah Winl rs and R. Potts, of CoUiugwood, visited with friends here for a few days last week. Mrs. W. McCutcheoii and two children returiitd to her homo in thj West after a pleasant visit with fiiends here for the past Ihreo months. Ihe Indies (niild held their Ic«t meotiiiii at tho home of Mrs T Browu. The Ladies .\id cf tho Presbyterian church. Maxwell, mot at the hoiiie of Mr.s. J. S. Win ers 'asl Thursday. Miss Lili II irgravo, accompai'iod by her br,'thers, Kvnest and John, visiteii at the home cf II. Down recently. Mrs. L. R.kdj'now, of the 4:h liiie, Avtemes a, spent a few days with her Flasher sand pit, in Floshertou, ! '"V"'; -^''^ Down, aud attended the uiug about two acres, as all persi.us 1 '^--"l t-''^*"' *^ '"<;«'' ^''•'', J'adjorow „ a ssing or committing any waste or very sctive Ued Cro.^s worker. after spending a fortnight with t' Dund..lk and < »weii S uud. Mrs. F. T. Carr of Ton nt.i isspenJioi.' a few days in town. Mis.ses Lillie and Maljol L*wler have returned home after spending the winter in Toronto. Moidiy was .a busy day ui town horse buyers were here. Lou Du-'kett has re'urnod h. me Toronto. y'r. G.imey. mcutioned 111 l.kst week s i'ems as visiting Mrs. Parlianunt was from Xewdale, Man , not Newmarket. Albert Williams ha.s gone to Toronto. He intends to go West. The Kugenia Women's Institute held a very enjoyable social ( 11 Tiiursday, March 15 at the home of Waiter Russell. The foie part if the evrnini; was spent 111 games and tnusi.-, after which the ijuilt, donated by Mrs. Francis Genoe. was drawn by ticket, the lucky man being W. Turner ' 'ne man otl<;red S2i) for the hiiidsi>me '(Uilt, but as the owner was n-t there they could n-it sell what did nit belong to them. Mr. Turner has since handed the W. I an extra sum, making 817 Cil'. Then i cake was donatid by Mrs. Fred (Jrahain, it being also drawn by ticket. 5>andy Hoy w:u! the lucky man and he kindly handed it bick t<> the lidics (:i: auctioi. It was then sold and s Id until it brought f 18.75, ami §2i>.S<) WIS taken for a splendid luncheon served by the ladies, making a total of S.'"i7.00. Ali returned home feeling they had spent a mo.st pleasant evening. The funds are to be spent for Red Cross work. • ^'lOst , R "line, visittll With Jllss Lucy ( '. .|.;;lll is ill g.aiiiip.ireiirs Mr. anii Mrs Mrs. Dan Widein m fii.nds ,.; On.l|.h. The Red (r.-.s i- -nc.rt he'd las) Toiir^day evcninu last wiikjiii the < >iaii^'o h dl wss a decided stioie»3. Tho returned soMior, Lirur. Priie. ijive .1 ^'nipjr.e account of his evi'eiiir.ci-s. Mi-^ K..He a-id Mr. Clark. Dund.ilk. givo v. .oil selecti'lis whicii weie \ eiy a;ipreciil>-<l I y tho audience Bl.ickwel' iiiiiie an ideal chauiiiaii. (Jeiiige W... ds was the winner Red Civ.s> •piilt I'r which ti.-ket th at thj door Were ^2.0. ;!0. Mrs. tiuest, T"ri>ni". with her jMireilts. Mr. an< Mr. Dalt.'U C'rbett i^ the iMiivntal r'i'f. Mr. R. A. Neila..|l ha.s thiit Ins brother Bruce, wli.i ln»s been st tho front f"r -s. .|iie lime, has lieen wounded and it ii<<w back in Engbind aw.ailirg an o|X'r;itii'ii. He h;us not vei heard how seri"Us ate the wi>au<ls. The Mis.ses Biniiie tnd Mr. R. A Neilson represent d the Irish ' elemeni >'i Pr-'toii Staiii>ii the Irish -iiiiiiier in Fleshert"n ..'iiSt. P.atncks eve. -S,i ,<:,: , J,, 3j .J J, ,^^ I Eye, Ear.Nose and Throat ! OFFIOK -l:i.i lOth St, West,- iwon Sound I At the Revere house. Markdale. 2nd Tiiursdiy e.ieh m.inth from » to a 12a. m Duo.Jilk.ls Wednesday uf eachiuomh . A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT 11 Hell .^ 1. Ml. â- f the â-  had lia sold pre\i"ii.sly. Pr"ce<?ds froiu • 'piilt amounted t.. S2> oO. Reeei| !> i.s iMlidayiii^' ; Mr>. K"<>iiie. visiting under received w..ril fc^ o'^i'i j-.,M«. s'V^si^ j"iv<'i .'>/. jv;/ .v 0,-i .!.«. .stt, ..It „<.,, .,,«. ,>„, .„.. ..,j, ^„_ ^,„ j„^ j,,^ , I U I Tiiiiolij, M [!qm, Kanioiotli Oom, ihile. llfalfa, | I OrcM tfass, Baps M. f| Firs: Cla^s S: k. A: Reui-zMi Prices. lfe:r Car of Feeil im hmi Power House and Vicinity Victoria Corners Newtou Baxinon is on the sick list. (.'hailes Mocre attended the grand lodge l..tl.L. at Stratford last week. Mrs Merritt Nishol! is very ill at proienl. Bornâ€" To Mr. and Mrs. Milton Rannon, March 14, a daughterâ€" Doris May. We made a mistake last week. Mr. James (larcy was meant for Mr. James Laicilaw. Mr. Laidlaw is improved and around again. Mrs. J.inies Robinson is visitini; her daughter. Mis. M. Haniion. Docs raiting hogs pay ' Well it depends on quality «ud feeding. On S-»tiirday .'"hii II. Redinin, proprietor of Royal Hill Yorkshire pigs, brought a load of choice Yorkshire p'gs to town for sale at public auction, and realised #fiO><.00.â€" Grand Valley Star. Melissa Clarnean, wife of W. l,. Smith, founder and until It'Oo editor .and ptopri- etov of The Shelburne Kcouomist, died at her home it Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, on Sunday, March H. The funeral took place at Haniilt m. Gut , when' the lather and mother of deceased are living. Mr.F..t'orbctt,Ventry, made a busiuess trip to Haiherton cne day last week, Much syinpithy g lis out to Mr. and Mrs. S. Fioldi and family by tho U(rt'h of Wilton, who w.<s killed in action at tho front. I SELL PETER HA/v\ILTON FARM IMPLEMENTS D. D. McLaughlan CEYLON, ONT. L»st Week s Items. We ettend our .-synniathy to Mrs. Wm, Campbell, who received word of the death ot her brfher. Pte. Smith, whc had been in tlie treu.ho in Frauce for some time. Messrs. r. D. lloiiy and Crick s^ient a couple of days ui ' 'i oigeville. Russel Park visited over the week end at his horn.' iu Fui;eiiia. Mr. and Mrs.(,ieor-e Mitchell, of Flesli- erti'ii, were callers :.t the power hou.se. Mr. and Mrs. '1' Hradbury, of Thorn- bury, and Mr. and Mrs. T. Oeuoe, of V'uaenis, were the guest« of Mr. and Mrs. .Vdim llislop. Miss Millie Haney spent a d»y at her home in Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. K. A. tJrihaiii and chil- dren, of Eugenia. u'Coiiipanied by Mr. George Badger, i f J>ask>toon. spjnt a day wii,h the former's brother, Ojjerator Fred Graham. Mrs. r. D. r«ci ry and children visited for a day with .Mrs. T;.Latinier, Kugenia. Jack llislop is sick with an attack ( f measles. Mrs. VVin. Cioiiibell visited with .Mis. Cecil Meldium, Rock Mills. Also lots of sL-its. Bran. Middlings, Eclipse Flour. Puntv. Five Rose, and Pastry Bring yo'jr WflEi T add exchange it for FLOUR. 1 want IJIIl hshls Oats. W. BUSKIN The Up to-date Flesherton Grocer. * -;-Wet and Snow-;- Mean.-; yoti wiut a Nt'W rair of Knl>!iei's nr lIvtM'- slii)c< rn kec{) vtMir feet Di'v ami Wann, Call at CLAYTON'S an.l -etv 0111' '.vants suppliot.1. ()r if y .111 liavo a Pair of old Leather Tops and want new l]()ttonis on tlieiii Leave them now before tlie IJusli. Kepainnir a> ivsnal. Tho;^. Clayton's ^'^mf**^ ^t^^^^^^l^^ I FLESHERTON This Week's Items. >li. T. R. McKen/.ie has a number of men ami learas liusy drawuii; gravel to make iinprovem.!nt« on the Valley Road, Mr. John WoVer aiids,.ii. Will, visited in Toronto and Oraiigeville. While away | they attended the funeral of Mr. Tillie, j who WIS a ineniUer of the hshing club in ! the Vrtlley. Mrs. Cecil -Mel lium, of R-ck Xlill.s, ! ^ visited hir sister, Mrs. Jack Wickens. Mr. Crick left this wee't ti take a position in Toronto. Miss Millie Uaiiey has returned to her home in Kugeira. Miss Mamie Webor.of Markdale.spent a day at her paioiifal horn W^' i at ' All report a good lim,.. I Little Mabel Hoy. of F.ugei ii, visited ' with little l.oiein tUahiiu. I Mr. Fred Pedlar, of Kugenii*, .woomp. 1 anied by Mr. Clark weie callers at ; power houjc. the ; T ANN OUNCEM ENT llaviiijj; puieli.ised the Fiirniiiue bn.-^incss of Mr. John C'hapiiian at a rate on the tlollar, T am prepared jl to ot!ef Funiiaue at unheard of prices. For the ne.xt i I fifteen days the public will be able to prt>tit by this sale, f, j as 1 must tlispose of nio.st ot it. The J^tock is new and | I up to-datP in every respect. Dressers. iStands. Farlcr I jj Sets and other c'loice goods at priees that will surpri.<e k j you. ^^'ar time docs not afYect these as they were fi ..,., ^,.,, I Riostly purchased bcf'ire the raise and are again cut in <.,>aitc a number f:ou hore .ittended i| oi'dcr to make .|uick Sale. Coifle utt and liok ovcr the StocL & le soci»l given by tlio W. I. of Eugenia |[1 ' â€" â-  -• - K : tht home of Mr. W. Russel, Rock Mills. I [| \^ FI B 1 1 N T^ " I Furniture and Undertaking J FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO. fe l7^?,-r:^'ft=J/=:^ r==J -^z^.f^^^: ^^7?= rll^)V'iif=,.i:la.' ... -1. "vS^fri^i

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