m April :> l'J17 T II K 1' L E S H E R r O N A D V AN C E BUSINESSCARDS Tenders Wanted Societies iKlNCR AKTHUH LODGE, No. a.sS.A.KA ionic Krids A U, luastK in ttit M&eonickall. Arm troiR's Klock KlealiortoD, every Kridsy on before the full niooo. T. Homy, W. M. H. W. HickliiiK. KecretAry. rndBEN KlMKN138--Kleil.»rtoii coumcH Chowu Kriendu :il4 uicele in Claytni s| Hal ftret and Uiiul WolniFdav o< lerli niontli h fi p.m. r»y iBsmntnls to liiicirlfi 'ii o before til e flret ilnv "t tRfh mouth. < hie Councillor, W. 11. Hunt; Kecorder. MiF. L. A. Uextistrv Dr B. C MDRHAY I.. 0. K , dentel pnrseon btDOrgradunle nf Toronto University »ud hoyel I'olleKB of Duutal SurKeonB ol Ontario. Ga* aduieinistnred for teeth extraction ffloe at residence, Toronto Street. Kleauerton. Temleis will be reeoived by tlip under- Kii;ned up till 12 u'dIdcIi noon, Tuesday Apiil XOili.foi tho soviiriil trades n'i|uii-cd ill the ereclion mid couiplt^tinii of 'ti scbdul housii at Ku;{eilli, H. !^. No. l.'S, .Viti'iiiesiii. I'Ihii.s may bo sHeii <it tliu residence uf thu uiideiiigned, al.so h- Korster A' Clark, .Xrchiti-ciM, uHice SK" 2iid Avf. Kiiat, 0*fn . 'Sound The lovvi'st oi miy leiidei' Hut iijct'siunly accepted. .JONAT»AM..ATIMRU Sec. •TieiiH. Kii'^t^iiin. Medical JP OTTEWEM. Veterluaiy Surgeon Graduate of Oiitaiio Veterinary t ollece tenidence â€" eecond door south weat.on laary atreet. Thia itreet rjoi outb Preabyterian Cbnreb. R. D.Lane, M B. I'hyician ,ind SurKemi. and Cha«. E McLean. M D. C M, Specialty â€" Suiijery, Midwili'iy & Women s Diaeases Oni<>>â€" l-'leklu-tloB, Late Dr C«it»r '« F'ricoille, Same as Before HofMâ€" It' .'tit to 12 a in, 2 to 4 :W & 7 to S p ni at each office Tr Mcl^ean w.ll l>e at Kieaherton odioe Mon- ilaya aiid Tliui»':a>»; otjior da>B and iiiclits i)r. Laiie. i liaiKes made from nearest riticc. Telfpbone in lac li otDce lor niKht and dav. L'lito date dinK s'oie in <ou" erti'jii witli I'lueville office. Women War Workers V.iuni; wiinipii ciiiii- Ml I â- -.• ill! C .iiniiy real servicH by prsDuinf! to iftke pu.-'iiions in Business Ottices aud lUnks and relieve younij men for war aei vi.v. Fifty Ijious.ind men will be u»lled up very soon under the Militia Act for lioine defpnco. -- Who will take th».ir places in the Businpss Ottices and Banks ( Young women slnald pre- p ire now a* the â€" <J>VKN S'plNK, t).M' Monthly Report Flesherton Public School PUK .MAKCU. Cla8s4~- Kdna Feiris, Lily Buskin, U LeOard, V Lever, li McLecd, U Lever. Si.;5â€" M McTaviali, NV Lever, G Blakely, J Stafford. .h. :t--E P'eriis.lleg Hoyd.J Karstedt, M Nuhn, N Sliiiiik, O Mdlhewson, Cecil McTavihli, D Colgiui, V WiUon, L Mc- ' Mullen, 1 Lever, l-' iMathews'jii, H Car rin);tun, A Nurris, J Currington. . 1 Sr. 2-H Wyvill. L Cargoe, M Bowes, 1[0 Fisher. E Dudgeon, L Blakoly, Alf •Field, VV Cairiiigton, C Liucka, A Teet- er, B Stewart, M Guy. Sr. 1â€" E Benthmn.K Bowler.E Ferris, J Colgan, G Pimkr, T Wilson, K McMiil- len, Tel McDonald, F. Thonip»on, CJ \ Wyvill. i Jr. 1- M Fatten, V Thistlethwaite, T Shunk. L Lever. A CI.â€" L B.)yd, H Uichardsou, N Bowler, M Teeter. Lec.al I UCA8. KASKY 4 hKNHYâ€" Ilarrlsters. nolicitors.Bjcâ€" I. H. Lucaa, K. C.; W. K, Kaoey, K. ('. : W. I). Hanry. H. A. Ollicea, roronto, H06'j Tiadora Hank Hldg.. phone icain Ml'2: Markdale I.ucaa Itlock. Plione S A. braoob otbca at Uuudalk open every baturday. Spriiij; Term opens APRIL lOlh C. (.'iicular Free. A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal A party "f British rtficers a; Salonika fell into a disi ute. The iiuestion was which Bnielt the worst a Turk or a s;oat. One of the otKceri was duly t instituted judsje. A foit w»« led in, and the officer fainted. Ttieu the Turk was brought lu, and the goHt fainted. WRIGHT, Harriater. holicitors, TKLKORD k MeDONAI.D Ac. UlBcea, <irey Jt Brue* l<loek,<lwun bound. Standard Itank Kloek.Klealirrtnii. (Saturdays). \V. li. Wrifbt, W. P. Telford J'. J. C. McDonald. U i.. K. ' What constitutes a days work.' We ' tiiiure it out that il depends altogether On yiiiir occiipution. If y m lay brick, I eight hours; if you keep house, sixteen hours ; if you prcaih the gospel, two hours ; if you aie a porter in a sleeping :y.. con. !.. Arleinesia. Terms «l OO for j'*'- "«"'V '"^'"'' ^ '^ y" '^'*'' '»'« mades. Must be p»iJ within Oj'inonths governmei.t, one hour ; and if you are a from date of service. { newspsper man, twenty four hours. For Service Cue I ure br«d ishorlhori. Hull on lo | I 1 Jau. 17 -U. O. TCRXKR. BusiNE.ss Cards L5 CULLOUGH & YOUNO ' liankeiB Markdale General bankinit busineaa. Honey loaned j at reaaooable rates Call ou ua. DllcPHAIL., Licensed Aactionee for the i * County of Giev. Terms moderate and ' satia actiun ijuaiti teed. 1h« arranfjeuients and uateb of salef can t>* itiaile at Tha Auvaiice oltkce. hesideuceauil l-.o.. I â- •)lou. Telipbone cuoDecliun. l><c. <•, tr; WU. KAITTINd, Icauaed Aoitioueer toi the counties of (Jrey aud Kiuicoe. Faria aad Stock aalea a epeeialty. Terms luodarate. satisfaction ituarautted. Airana*- tuents for date* may be made at the Advance ofDoe, or ( entral trivi Uuua oOice heversliaui or by addroaainii lue at Feverabaw. Out. Boar For Service 1*1,1,, lircd ^ iirki-liire Ixiai f-ir«-r»ir" nt the ill',. faiiii. iifsr fVvIiin. Tellll^ â€" *1 -'i*! I Rae IN. Illiil< ••â- ! v.h|. .1 K roi.i.iNSiiv Farm For Sale l^.l lii^. iii.l N.RT. iV S.I!.. Aiiiiii.-itt •iiiitaiiiiiit! '"O i<<it». ilcaii :iiii! nndt-i >." "d .'iiltiMi:ion. li I liiildini.". |.'."..l w. II, uili waterKJ. .Siiinll .inhaiil. It.MD. ilin • 1,1 il.-s (K.ir l'l.'li"rt..ii. A|.|.lv for |.n. •â- iiii I \jr rill" t'l the i.uiiiT. -.IdllN I'.I.A'M'.I l!N. Klosliertciii I'll. I '^"^â- 'â- ' This is ihe Economical Paint to Use Certain inherent qualities are essential in paint to ensure your permanent satisfaction with its application. Of these, the more important, are Endurance and CoverinK Capacity. The extent to wliich these qualities are present, accurately determines the real value of your paint. B-H ^'English ** PAINT 70 %Pureiyhlte Lead J0% PureWhluZinc 100% Pure Paint Dccring Implements AND Gasoline E i\ g i n c> Allkilidrtof D.ciiTiK Iiiipleliieiils. I'lrls always on hand Auent foi Biine «,'utter«. llii'.er Biiggits, I.Miid.'ii Litter Ci.iru'1", May Tiaiks. IVdl.ir shingles and s clin^. TIum' lin|ili ihimiIs leiUiro no n'r'.'iiiiifiidatnni as they an- Standard fn.iiH nod rt-c i«iiuv.'d as the best on the inarkei. FIlt'lT TRKK.S- I leprM.Mi ih-Si,,i, fi Wolliiii;ldi iiiiisery.aiid will be plfisi'd lo ci'l It you siend iii" a cmhI. ED. RUTHi^RFORD Proton Station MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS made in over fifty artistic shades, combines these virtues in such a manner as to pnxluce a result no other paint can excel, and few can equal. It is economical because il will cover more surface and wear jpger than other paints. A cheap paint does not permit of the of the bc-t ingredients, and always is expensive in the long Jn. B-H "Kn^lish" Paintâ€" costing but little more than a cheap mixture â€" produces a better job that lasts three to four limes as long. F. H. W. HICKLINQ = TEGSRGRCOn are our authorized agents. They will gladly give you color cartN and iiricej. Or jou may write our Service Department direct for advice on your iiainting problems. .1 This faiuoiis make of ini|deiiieir.s is , well known all over the cmiilry and their uwii C"'»' >vork is (he best lecoin- niendatioii Ihey cm receive. If you require anylhini in I lie line of l!iMi!ei>, Mow.-rs, SeiMJ DrilN, Ciiltivaiois, I'ulp IMS, Flows, Sleigh'-, V^aiiljolis, Cream , Mcparators. Hirrows. Kollers. ('iittini; ! Boxes, Ensilage CuttHrs, (iisoline ci ; Kiiies, Sawing outhts, etc, give us ii chaneo to ipiole pncii;. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton i WANTED NOW j Reliable Salesman to act as ^gcnt in ! Grey County { Pay weekly, ontrit fiee, exclusive Lerii- j tiry and money making siwiiidiies. Di.r i ttgancies aro the ba.tt in the business for | wosell tho highrs' arado' of atoek nl ' moat ruksouablo prioea uihI guarsut4>e doliverins in ti'st cla."* condition. Nurs «ry alook ID selling well this yen and uood moDcy o*t) be nnulo in \\\\u diattict. For p»rttculai8 wiita Sai.f.s MAN.tniiii P«|htm riuriaery Co. Toronto IHHRHI New Issue of tho iiiiitHfin Telephone Book. fl Copy for the next Telephone Directory closes on the above date! <| Order your telephone IIOID, so that your name will be in the new luuel fl Report changes required to our Local Manager tO'day. The Bell. Telephone Co.^ of Canada. Walkerton Mitw A(;nes Keinpel, who went violen- tly insane here last week, was examined by two local phys'cians on Thursday befrre Magistrate Tolt.n, and on being found mentally deranged, was ordered by the court to be committed to ihe asylum. She is now in the Walkerton jail, pending her removal to London. The incoiiiiiig C. P. H. pasgenser train while crossiiij; over tho bridge this side of Durhuii> on Tuesday noon last began lo I rock Ubtil the hair of many of the pas-sen- gers wont up straight with excitement. After strikiu)? land again in safety the train was slopped and an inveslitration made when it was discovered that one of Honor Rolls ^ '' ' S. S. No. Li, Artemesiaâ€" March Report- Sr. 4â€"11 Haney, G Large. Jr. 4â€" P Latimer, K Largo, P McMas- ler. iSr. â€" M McKee. Jr. 3 â€" I Haney, M Duckett. Sr. 2 -A Pedlar, M FVnwick, B Hawk- ins. Sr 1 â€" M Pedlar, C Fenw'.ck, F Large, I McKee. Jr. 1â€" B Fawcett. Pr. A- RLirge, M Hoy. Pr. B-N Williams, II Giaham. I'r. C- -J Park, J Large, J Kelcher. â€"ETTA LATIMER, Teacher. We Must Still Recruit the piles suppoitiuu the bridge had Funk fourteen inches it being undermined by^g >.; _>^„ ,- ^rtemesia- March Report the Huod which almost reached the top of j j^ 4. -Bert I'orteous. tho bridge. Amongst the pastengers was Chief Justice Mulock, of Toronto, who was coming here to priside over the .Assizes, and who during a long life hasn't Sr. :5- JJB2;. probably had many closer calls. The bridge was put in repair again yesterday, and traftic over the structure has been resumed. Given by Judge Gr*g ten days to ^et out of town. Mis. Emma Ilelwig is about to depart, if she hasn't already left, fcr other fields, and the fact that few ejes will be wet over her farewell shows the unenviable reputation that she 9C«|uired daring neaily a year's sojourn heie Coming from Hanovfr as Tony Zuber's house-keepershosprungintothe lime light as a con.spirator. Her 8i)eci.»lty waa to 'Phillips. E Befs, L .Smith, C Partridge. .Ir. .'> â€" M VVnite and J Porteous eijual, R Smith, D Fisher, M Hetts. Jr. 2â€" C Betts, E White. Jr. 1â€" J Porieous, B Hawkins, AUx Laughlin, L .Vlilne. Pr. â€" M Betts, L Smith. â€" DELLTIIIRSTUN, Teacher. |S. S. No. H, \rt.emesia.â€" March Report, ' Sr. 4 - Lula Pedlar.L Pedlar.L Thomp , sou, V McNally. I Jr. 4â€" J Wilkin.sou. Jr. 3â€" J Jai<ie.son, It Lyons. 2ndâ€" Badjerow, O Wilkinson, \ Taylor, P Browne, (J Lyons. Jr. 2â€" -J Wilkinson. 8r. 1 -S Blackburn. B Blikey, We ought no', to deceive oarstilves by the iuea tliao .be war is already won. While there are many hopeful signs, thers is .still a vast amount of heavy work lo do lieforw the needful end is reached. Th» following .serious «urJ:< are from arecfnt communication from England ; "Some of our commanders incline towards the belief that Germany's coiuini; repulse, however quickly followed up, may still nece.isitate a further Autumn and Spring campaign in 1918 for the (inal blows. There must in their opinion be no weak- ening of recruiting enthusiasm in Caniida. Many men will be wanted, they say. They must train now or they will never be of use. General Lipselt, speaking when distributing prizes at a divisional boxing competition, warned the soldiers that while (jermany approaches the final round of the light showing sifns of ex- haustion, boxers seemingly exhausted often have a big punch in reserve. Don't cease preparations, rather redouble Iheni, j8 the army's message." >\hen the end is within reach it means usually, that even greater efforts than before must be put forth in order to finish the task %t once. There is still much to do betore Canada raises the 500,000 promised by SirRobt. Borden, and each county must do its .share. M accuse prominent local men of having wrongful lelations with her and then try to wring real money out of them by threatening them with pro.secution unless I hey came an '• settled The i/aimj was too transparent, and none of tiie "ea.sy money'' came. Instead, however, she was landed lotu court on the charge of conspiiiiig against two local citize.is and aud sending them menacing letters demanding ir.oney. .She pleaded guilty before Juige Greig on Friday to the entire program and was let <'tf on suspen- ded sentence on condition that she leaves town within ten days, â€" Bruce Herald and Times. B. -K McKee, H Philliiis. C. â€"I McMullen, P McMulIen. â€" Ha;CKL SHL NK. Te»«1iei, In Loving Memory S. .*-!. No ;t, .\rteiiiesii. â€" March Report, 4th â€" G Stinson, M Caswell, F Irwin. Sr. ;'.â€" I Itreen, U .Akins, A Breen, G Simmons. Jr. .t- M Moore, A Hog.vth. Jr. 2 M Breen, »V Wlilte, H Akin«, M McMulleB. 1st- LSharp,M Hogarth, H Blackburn. Primary- Ellwood Moore. â€" MARY WILSON, Feaeher . Of Lucy McDonsId, who died in March litlti. We loved her, yes we loved ber, But ,iesus loved her more : .\nd he has sweetly called her. To yonder .shining shore. â€" D. McDonald and family. The Brick Company are taking steps to bore for oil and gas at Cardwell Junction. It is claimed thit the same strat* exists as at Milton and Collingwood. The granite strata lies it a depth of 500 feet at (Collingwood but gradunUy deepens as th« vein pi o^e»d^ south to nearly 2000 ft. eg I i i i i .IN ITS Price Class K~5.B OSHA.'W.^ TKc quality of iKc Chevrolet appeats l« p««pW vf wraiiK lh« priic prrnuls vwncrahtp lor tho«c of moocf tie nie^its. Selective Slidirtg Gear Transmission with Three Speeds forward and reverse. Auto- Lite Two Unit Eleclric Starting and Lighting System; Valve-in-head Motor; Centre Control ; Speedometer ; Cantilever Springs ; Non- skid Tires on rear wheels. CANADA A\ITED CHEVROLET M.01DR.C0.?^ OSHAWA. ' ONTAR.IO. A. JACKSON, Agent Markdale. i i l^j^i.mWiWyW>.T.KWKWKWiitiWimwriiriWi W.w.iWLmw,^^^ Boar for Service Tliii nndersii;iied has a thorounli.ired Yorkshiri? Jl ar foi seivice on lot II, con. S, O.'ipiey. Terms 81.011. KUED SPtJKFAUD. p-v^^.^^v^v.^v'^^ â€" ^ Representative ^ NOT ICE ^A R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. A);ent for Ihe Cockshutt (Mow Cos Full Line of Farm Implementc Wagons, lluggius, Cutters, Sloiglii>, and Gasoline Eni>ines, MeloUo Cre:ini Separators, Baker Wind Mill.'*, Pumps, Piping and Pi^ie Fittings always o^ hand BeaUy Bros", of Fergus, Itnrii TYnckB, Litter Carriers and stable Bitings. Coikslinlt and Frost t^- Woid R«yairs always no hand PtvtfftlNim, Otitafiei My aim for season of 1917 is to give Fariiicrsof Township of Osprey and suirounding Townships the privilege if buying from me at right prices and terms to .'suit (lurcliHSer. The uooJsinaiiufaclnred ly Renfrew Machineiy Co. The Stan.latd Cieiiii Separator, wliich, il I'liU'tlled 111 Auuriea.has uM been suijiassed. The Renfrew Handy Truck Scale (2tK>0 lbs.) The Ren- frew Standard and Sta Rita Gaso- line Engine, etc. Also Singer Sewin*; Machines. .Ml goods guir- aiitued, i? optrated according to instructions, tu give satisfaction, or no sale. xVlways on h&ud -a Horso for sile. FRANK G. DUNNING Feversham ' ^ Phone R. a short a long. \ WANTED I at once for i FLESHERTON inj Diatiict for Canada's Greatest Nurseries Spring P117 p'anting list now ready Splendid list ot hardy t'anadisn grown ; fruit and ornamental stock, including, Mcintosh Red Apple, St. Regis Ever- bearing Utspberry .iiid many other oadcix. New lUusU'.ited application. Stait now lit best selling time. Liber- al pM))ositiou. catalouge sent on StonA & Wellington The Ponthill Nurseries. (Established 1837.) TORONTO . ONTARIO A