April 12 19i: THE r L E S II E n T N ADVANCE \^fy.:f THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrriCE • TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- i»T'D itTa est at current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manager. C. p. R. Time Table. jr.., m k .k i r,r.. It looks now as though the oil prop- Tiains leave Flesherton Station as pects here are to be proven up this follows : i spring. A quantity of piping has ar- Ooing South Going North! rived here beloiigiui{ to the Sfaada.-d ^â- °^*-â„¢- ISOJ. ij.uj.IqiICo., who purpose drilling near the 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m, > v v e The mails arc os^ at Flesherton as 0II0W8 : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at . , â„¢, , , u • .;i.„ a An „'«! ,-1, p .. • ..u showed The Advance * rare old curiosity 3.40 o cloctc. ror mornin'; train south . ' village. Mr. Hu?h Wattejs of the O. D. R. mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. on Monday, which he plowed up in his g.irden some time ago. At the time he ^^^111 /M til TV/ miinc^ ^^ discovered it he did not know what it . t^ VIvlNMY vnird ^ was but subseiiuently discovered it to be an ox shoe, which in early days was used ' as we use horseshoes to-oay, to keep the The first automobile of the season animals from slipping. An oi shoe was went through town last week -on a wugou, . made in two parts, onp for each half of ' the hoof, and each half shoe was held in Mro. Mark Wilson, ar.. held a Red ; ^j^^^ j,y ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^,,^ ^ j^,^„gj..,p ^^^ Cross tea last weelc and netted «8 <>d. | ^^ ^^^ ^^^^ p^^ ^^^^^^ nowadays had Mr. H. LeGird, who spent a fe* ever heard of such a thing. Mr. Waiters weeks with his family here, returned last presumes that ii was used by his father week to Toronto. j about 55 years ago. It certainly is a Miss Millie Wright left Monday to "" o'd relic, take a position in the Victoria hospital ; \ Dobbington man is said to have shot atShelbuiue. 33 uuskrats in four days. As our wise- Mr. and Mrs. R. G. HuUind are acres have made a law this year that (pending E;ister holidays with friends muskrats cinnot be shut, this man is up in Toronto. against it if any person cared to push the Born On Saturday. March 30, to Dr. ' '^e case Our game protectors do not wane these little animals killed too suddenly. They may be caught in Irap^ only, whera their death agony may be Mrs. W. ... Ar.ustrcng returned last pfo,„ng«d for a day or two in order that week after a two month's visit with her ^^^^^^ deaUrs may have hides without daughter, Mrs. U. M. Uyland, Ne* .^^y h^i^, i„ them. It will hereafter be York, who has been ill. dangerous to market hides with ho'.es in Mr. W". T. Hodijson of Thornton spent them. Our law makers arc evidently Easter in town, tiis wife, (oee Ethel unconsciously ado;'ting German Kulture Trimble) who h'ls been visiting her and ai. plying it to the game laws. and Mrs. (>uy, Maxwell, Marjory Lcreen. dau:ihter- pareots here, returned with him. Stewart Thihaudeau, son of Mr. John Thibaudeau, west b»ck lice, Arteuiexin, has been liKled as wuundcd in Frauce- He was a signaller in the artillery. Mr. W. Orr sold 21 cattle of his own feeding in Toronto on Monday which brought the huge sura of ?285?i 55. This was one of the tines* bunc'iei uf cattle that ever left this put. The expense of Marriedâ€" At Winnipeg on Saturday, .selling the cattle in Torcnto amounted April 7, KJn» Lulu Gertrude Pedlar, [,, 305.3;i, leaving a net oroceeds of eldest daughter of the late Uichird J27'Jl.2'J. A seller cannot dLspo^e of hi.s Pedlar,to Mr. Gilbert Johnston Manning, o^^ aiiini-.ils on the Tironto market but of Portage Li Prairie. is obliged to employ a commission mer- Visitors outof town for Kasterhclioays:' chant, Which to our mind i-i a huluup. ilisses Maud Boyd. Hazel Shunk and If the city w-uifs to lulp cheipi-n the Deli Thurston to Toronto ; Mi,.s Holmes Pfice of meat it can ui^ke it po.ssible for to her paieii'alhume. Winchester ; Miss cattle men to sell their own shipments Hul.se to OrangeviUe a-id Miss Lowndes '"houl emptying a middleman to eit J,, Briijhr. I "P ^ a^'-'J *''" "f Ihe proceeds. Among tho Ei.ster visitors to town. In last work's issue c.f The Advanco were : Mr. U. Wiijhtof L.-aniin^ton ; one of our cn-respjnJeuts told ab uir the Mi« Mau I McUonild ami Mus Grace uieanest man in the wurlJ being discov. Tbo'iipsoii, Toronto; Miss Aleda M-'chell efgj ; one ,.ho wouldn't pay the regular of Whitby Ladies' College. I price for a setting of eggs, but went to * Tuiner-Benson-At the Methodist "'""keeper and asked him to save a parsonage. Flesherton. on Wednesday, setting of .so and s.-'.s egi^s. We heard of April 4. by Uev. Jii.nes Dudge.u, Mr. a cr»se that happtned l«st summer where Charles Turner to Miss Mina Benson, » we»lihy t.irmer who li.d a large farm, diusthter of Mr. John Benson, all of *-'J » t'""^ f^''"^'^ *'"^ ""'X ''•"^ " «™»" K t>m>sia 1 i\ym and a hard tima to make both ends nieoi. The latter asked the former it he The ladies did not enjoy Easter Sunday ^^,^,j ^^^^ j,,^ ^ay, and haul it in for hiu.- to any great extent -for the matter of s,if^ th.it are-v profuse'y along the road that nobody waxed enthusisstio over the weather, which was very did and disa- in front of the former's farm. He got permission, cut the hay. and had it neatly greeable. The churches were decorated coiud up for a considerable distance along with flowers and special sermons and j^^ ^uad. The next day or so, while the hay was drying, the former cnmo along and took all tlie h^iy in for himself, after music were providfd Samuel I'alme •.postmaster at Uosboro. ^ wrote a letter for a Gorman ordering a case of whiskey from Hull. The inspec- tor got wise to fit transaction and as ii result Palmer was Kneu $50. The trans- gressor did not know he w.is Iransgessiug »Dd may have the tine refunded. { Mr. ann Mrs. W. II. Miller of Or.inge- 1 ville, have moved to Floahortoii, where \ the former has taken a po,sitiou in i Hickllng's ttorc. Mr. Miller is an ex- perienced business man. aUnble bikI fieniel in his manner and unde a nunibo'" of warm personal friem'.s dating the few months ho was with Hill & Co. Those uuite in wishing him a successful bu'tiness career in Flesherton. â€" Banner. the latter had done all the hard N3w which was the uieinesl act ? vurk. ' the but striking Allie on the back. His In order to futthor the plans if the bro.her, Ed., found him lying with the lower half of his body paralyzed. He hurried for assistance, and secured Dis. Lana and McLean, who found the vertebrie broken, and six ribs detached. The sufferer was tenderly carried to his home and Saturday taken by the morning train to Toronto hospital, where experta pronounced him hoplessly injured. Tl • Proviecial Department and Labor, the OrKanizalioD of Resources Cuinmittee have announced that it will pay three cash prizjs of 95, %\\ and %'l respectively for the best three compositions. The first prize essay will be forwarded to Toronto and there judged again. The prize.s will be $25, tl5 anl $10. We underat8»d the writing of the.se essays gpinnl chord had been severed. »re compulsory. j ^^^ ^^^^ youngest son of Mr. Robert The following I'tticers for the Mission Best, was a popular young man and the Band of the Methodist church have been terrible atf.iii' has brought forth many elected for the ensuimj year : I'residen', expressions if deep .sympathy with the Shirley Murray ; Vico.-Pres., Rene fiinily, .\ year sgo he was married to Cargo ; Sec.Klijih Bontham ; Cor. -See , Miss Volma Talbot of the east back line. We« Armstrong: Trms. Frank Thurston, who accompaiiied I er injured husband to For the past few months the Bind has the city. Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Best and had a contest, the boys agains; the girls. Dr. Lane also acconipanicfl him. At The jtirls won by a largo n aigiii. The time of writing the doctors hold ou: ii' losing side ix to act as iio>t and on hopei for hi.s recovery. The ovoLt is a Friday cvtning iliis wetk an entirtain- bird b!ow ,ind has cast a gloom uvir ment will be held at the home uf Mrs. the coiniu.unity, W. A .Xrmstrung. Tuesday â€" Tlitre is some improvnixeuf. )ne Of the Heroes Writing from Paris, a L'nited Press ] |]^ f, corresipondent tells about the heroic exploit of a young French soldier. Marcel Marco, who, now lying in a Paris hospital, wounded in many places and severely t. m. burned, has been the recipient of the ffy French VVar Medal onlv conferred for '^^ some signal act of bravery. When the war broke out Marcel was a striplin<!, slender as a girl, with beardless face, eye.s large and black, and hands white a.s a woman's. At Verdun one day he gladly faced almost certain death. He emerged with a body like a sieve, a leg broken above the knee and a shattered hand. A few hours before the French evacu- ated one of the hills in front of VerduB, the commandant of a battalion picked the young man for a dangerous mission. The French planned to steal away from the hill silently during the night. Marcel was to stay behind, conceal himself and i |^)i take sp, cial note of 'ne emplacement of i"* artillery when the Germans arrived. L' The.i when night came he was to fire off J a colored light so that the French could , I get the range of the German battery and 'j destroy it. . iK ''V Marcel hid in a hollow tree Through \\ a knot hole he watched the arrival of the | j ^ Germans and the placiag of the artilleiy. *i At nightfall he crept out. set a yellow light and dodged back into the tree. | Soon he heard shouts all about him as the Germans searched the woods. Ihen he heard a crackling. They had set the woods on tire to burn him out. us one does a rabbit. He gave himself up fcr lost. ^. breasted, a -^. ,rti,.'.f2r.f:i^.r:s^^:.r. H^jvV-"^7r~!^I^ -â- ^.T-'^-^^.T-T^-^'^-'r;-'^ ^^^^m\ 'Oi/^ri-uALy^iSL You are Cordially Invited to Visit tne Millinery Department and View the Latest Spring Sty res in NEW SPRING MILLINERY FOR 1917 We have beeu planning lor some month ; gathering togetLer what we consider tLe finest display of New Hats that it has been onr pleasure to offer from thia Department. MisH Johnson will be pleased to show jou what New Spring Hats will look like. Big Stoeh of nem Curtains, eurtain Scrims $ eurtain muslins The new spring lines are now in stock. We are .showing a tremendous range and variety of 3t}le^ When looking at the curtains spend a few minutes viewing our big -1 i._. .1 1 ^jj popularly priced. to help make your selections easy. stock of Wall Paper. Our styles and selections are in a class by themselves. newly Brrived Stock of men's Raincoats Men s Fawn Paramatta ruincoais, 50 in. long Tuese coats are easy littiug, good lookiu'», sinoJe t.'i close fitting collars. Prices right Something new»»€ondoleum Squares We have Congoleum Squares. It is taking the place of carget squares. It, is waterproof and rot proof. Something suitable for sitting rooms and dinmg rooms. Their rich pattern add greatly to the beauty of the home. Sizes in stock â€" 2x3 â€" 3 x 1â€" 3 x S-Vâ€" 3 x 4A, Prices ri^ht. nutomobile Cires flow in Stocli Uomiuion Tires. Plain. 30 s 3A. Nobby Tires, aud Inner Tube.'? in stock. Seeds ! Seeds ! Seeds ! Mammoth Clover, Red clover, Timo:hy, Ailalfa, Alsike, and Garden Seeds of all kitds. Prices right. R G. KARSTEDT FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. 5^^^-!^;;g5fla=g!^^^ji=^^ ^^^ .\aother sound crashed in his ear. The French were blazing away in re- sponse to his eigual. The smoke was hurting his eyts. Ue hoped a shell would ead his existence before the dames reached the tree. Then there came an ear-epUiting bang and the tree fell into a thousand pieces. SVhen be regaiued consciousness he was in a farmhouse. His lighc had enabled the French to destroy the Scbool Children's Eyes, r- â- ^ Many lives have been ruinea German b»ttery ind to recapture the , thfOUgh neglected eveStrSlH in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made 1 special stud> of this branch of optics, and'guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. po.sitiun. Ihey told Marcel that th^y had found him unconscious in the burn- ing wood wiih th.? Haines licking his legs. â€" Youth'.s Companion. , It is repotted that Holland is sinking lower every. Soon the people of the dyke coun'iy will hive to uet busy and secure a bit of territory tint the Allies are goini: to divide up, if t hoy wish to keep Ihiir heads above w«ter. W. A. Armstrong. MELOTTE CREA.M SEP.4RAT0RS .\re ."^till Leading First in 18?S TheMellotteisstiii Foremost ill 19i? I iver \ Million In Lse Turns Easiest Skiis Cleanest Wears Longest Has To-Day The Largesi; Sale III The British Empire Fatal Accident In the Bush Ou Friday Insf Mr. Ed. Beet and his brother, Allie, were cutting wood on the Chard lot one and a (juaiter miles fiom the ^ilUg'i. The httter was chopping down a tall stub, which did not fall as it was supposed to, but in some manner struck another tree and slewed around. *** To City, Town and Village Durllcrs in Ontario. Keep hens this year EGG anii poultry prices, the like of wliich have seldom or never been experienced, certainly make it worlli V-- anyone's while to start koepina; hc;is. By doing so you have fresh eggs at the most trifling cost. At the same time yi'u have the splendid s;itisfaclion of knowing that you arc doing something towards helping Britain, C-unada and the Allies achieve victory this year. Increased production of f.md hcl;K i-.ot only to lower the hi^h cost of living, but it hcl[)s to increase the urgently needed suri'ly of Canada's food for export. It saves money otherwi:iC spent for egss and poultry at high price-:, and siives the Uibor of others whose effort is needed for more vital war work. The Ontario Department of .\griciiUurc will give every possible assistance by afTording information .^lxnlt poultry keeping. Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (adtlress below"). "A vegetable garden for every home" Nothing should be overlooked in this vital year of the war. The Department earnestly invites everyone to help increase production by growing vegetables. Kveii the smallest plot of ground, when properly cultivated, pro- duces a surprising amoimt of vegetables. E.xperience is not essential. 0« request the Department of Agriculture will send valuable literature, free of charge, giving complete direc- tions for preparing soil, planting, cidtivatiou, etc. A. plan of a vegetable garden, indicating suitable crop to grow, best varieties and their arrangement in the garden, will be sent free to any address. Address letters to "Vegetable Campaign." Department of Agriculture, Parliament Ikiildings, Toronto Ontario Department of Agriculture W. H. Hearat, Minittar of Agricultur* Parliament Buildings Toronto 11 IL I Just A Few Words, Mr. Farmer \cu Lave been iliiukiug of buy iiiu' a .MKL.'irK Separator for the past two or three year?,â€" or perliapsyoa did think about it once but was pursuaded into taking some other mako guaranteed "j'.ist as good and not half the price. " Every month the •â- Mt;L..TTi-:' is replacing scores of these ".lujt As Good ''machines which rind their last resting place on the junkpik. If you have never used a Cream Separator, don': be a --back nnmr ber" any longer. If y-:iu are using some harJiiiruing. troublesome, top heavy bowl separator which li causing as much waste of valuable buuer-lat as the old setting pan or gravity system,â€" Throw It, Out .•Vud Install lu Us I'laco A Money .Mak°râ€"tiie ••Mkmittk . '!4'>e liiivi' a "Mklotte'' here (or you. and would be glad ts have your nanis aJJcd to the long list of .-aii.sfic J â- MKi.MTrE" Users. Just let tis know that you are ihinkuig of a Separator and we will be glad to taik ti:e matter over with \.z\\. D. McTAVISH. - FLESHERTON. U^ ^ ^ ^^_^^^^^^^^^^^^^- '*-.5l I FLESHERTON BAKERY WW \^ iri Dili I i i I i\ IIJl MR. FARMER WHEN IN TOWN GIVE US A CALL WE HAVE THE BKST OF BREAD CAKES PIES BUNS COOKIES CONFECTIONERY & TOBACCO Full line of groceries at popular prices i^j} f^ruits in Season. m w Codingwood Street opposite McTavish's 1)} II MAIL CONTRACT SE.VLED TK.NI)F,R.S addri's.sLMi tn tuo I'ostpjaster Cencnil will he r«ceivei at Ottaw.1 until iiuiiniin Friday, the 27th .\pril I'll?, fi>r the conveyance of Hi» ' Majesty's M»ilH, on a prDpooed Contract f»r four years, six tinit'S per week on ther<mte FLESllERTON'KfRAL M.VIL I ROLTE NO. 3 from the IHth .<pril, t'.ll". nest. I Ptinted notices ciintaiiiinK flutter inf'Tiiia- tiona.'< t<> cnHitionn of propi ned contract may beieen axiA blank orint of Tonier mayb- ol,taiiie<l at the I'lwt Ottices of Klpobeitim Toronto .ind <\\. the office of the Post Office In^iicctor, T irout.i A. Sl'THKRT.AMV Post Office \x\»\H r. tor Pout Office lii»pector'» Olfice. Miirh IHth, l!i'i7. Public Notice Taka notice that all parsons are here- by forbidden Iresfinssing on, or dumping :VHy rubtji-sh mi, or taking, sand, gravel, earth or oihor matter off Park lot known as thf Flcjher sand pit, in Flesberton, containiiu about two acres, as all persons trespassiug or committinst any waste or removing ,«riything therefrom, ou iny part of tlid Flesher estate in tntf •iround Flcuherton Village, will b« pros- ecuted accoidiDij to lav. DR. T. S. SPROULE. July (>. Executor for the Estato FOR SERVICE L<-t 24, con. 14, Attemesia, purebred Shi'itiinrn hull. Valley King. (Jrada cows $1.25, 1 urebred J4.00. 1 July 17 -W. A. WEBER.